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May 2, 2007, 1:56 AM

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Registered: Feb 2, 2003
Posts: 434

Re: [the_leech] Why Men Stalk Women Climbers
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What is it about men that attracts them to climbing girls? Historically, climbing has been a male-dominated activity, suggesting that it is a poor way to meet women.

If a woman goes to nursing school, don’t you normally assume she's not looking for ass? That’s just a stereotype, but in my experience, it’s often a valid one. (There’s something ingenious about a male who joins a profession that is 95 percent female...)

However, I propose that some men who get into climbing for other than just a love of climbing--that is, to pursue a woman with certain characteristics.

I have a few theories as to what kinds of men expect to meet women while climbing. I haven’t conducted any formal research on the subject – I just have years of anecdotal observations. To simplify matters, I’ve broken the perceived expectations into certain categories.

It is worth noting that I am a happily non-single male. This allows me to make objective observations without getting distracted by the sexual tension that often exists between single climbers of the opposite sex.

Anyway, here are the categories.

The Girlfriend Stealer: These men are looking for women who don’t have much interest in climbing, but whose boyfriends happen to be climbers. These women spend a lot of time belaying and not much time climbing, making them easy to chat up while their boyfriends are showing off. Since they don’t do any climbing either, these guys can focus on making girls resentful of their boyfriend's single-minded pursuit of redpoints. Their motivation is to spend as much time as possible around other people's women, no matter who she is supposed to be belaying.

The Histrionic (aka The Attention Seeker): These men are most predominant in the gym environment and crowded, accessible sport crags. This is because these are the only places to be sure that women will be around to notice them climbing. They are often good climbers who tend to climb shirtless. They crave the attention of females, but generally find women aloof and unapproachable in any other situation. They can be identified by their clothing selection (or lack thereof). They don't realize that the only people checking them out are other guys.

The Serial Poser: These men don’t try to flaunt their sexuality like the Histrionic because they are too insecure. Climbing is another pathetic attempt at dating for them. They are often n00bs who get the attention of women by asking for help. They quickly latch on to a helpful female, but for reasons yet unknown to him, she's already decided that the relationship will be short-lived. They are easily identified in the gym environment because they have a new female “victim” every couple of weeks. Their motivation is simply to fail at trying to initiate relationship, after relationship, after relationship…

The Hippie-Humper: These men are drawn to climbing girls because they think that they are “counterculture.” They look for dreads, hemp shoes, nose rings, and beat-up old cars to identify easy prey. They will often spend more time slacklining and hitting the bong than actually climbing, because these are surefire ways to get laid. Their motivation to go after climber girls is that they heard a rumor that they are easy.

The Climber: These are men who climb simply because they have a passion for climbing. There are no ulterior motivations involved here--they realize that if they wanted to meet women, they wouldn't go climbing. This is the majority of men climbers... or is it?

(This post was edited by valeberga on May 2, 2007, 2:22 AM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by valeberga () on May 2, 2007, 1:59 AM
Post edited by valeberga () on May 2, 2007, 2:22 AM

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