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Jul 9, 2009, 6:45 PM

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Registered: Mar 27, 2007
Posts: 923

Re: [dynosore] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore
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dynosore wrote:
el_layclimber wrote:
josephgdawson wrote:
agdavis wrote:
I'm pretty sure that nobody at Greenpeace thought that the banner would stay up for more than an hour or so -- they knew that the impact would be made. The banner stayed up for about an hour before they finally removed it.

The banner made ZERO impact. The majority of the American people know that the idea of man made global warming is a crock of shit and it is nothing more than a marketing scheme for the government to raise taxes and centralize power via regulation.

Those of you who believe global warming is man made are just contemporary counterparts to the ancient dupes who believed that Aztec rulers had to sacrifice a disgusting amount of people so the sun would rise. There was a consensus that this had to be done.

History is rife with governments creating religions and manipulating the hordes so they can hold onto their power. However, most of you GW zealots are too uneducated to have the slightest grasp of history. Then again, zealots are never deterred by facts, so it would not matter anyway.

Hell, I'll bet 99% of the dopes who believe that global warming is man made cannot describe the difference between a model and empirical science based on the scientific method.

Why do I get the feeling that you don't think terrorism is a crock of shit, and you are fine with having your freedoms taken away to monitor that?

This from "85% — say global warming is probably happening, according to a new TIME magazine/ABC News/Stanford University poll. An even larger percentage (88%) think global warming threatens future generations."

Most Americans can't do basic algebra. I've done years of modeling complex systems, and I know more than 99.9% of Americans do about the relability of said models. The GW models are a crock, give me a number you want and I'll come up with a legitimate looking model that justifies that number.

All that man-made GW hysteria proves is that if you tell non-thinking people something often enough they'll believe it.

There are great reasons to reduce fossil fuel dependency, GW isn't one of them. The gov. has found a new way to tax us, period.

from what i've read (i cant provide sources blah blah) the earth's temperature goes in cycles w/ on top of a slight upward slope. so its basically a upward trending line + a sinusoid. during the upturn of the sinusoid (which happened in the 90's or so) the change in earth temperature is rising at an increasing rate. This is what they used to "predict" the temperature of the earth in X years. so how did they extend it? well what else is increasing at an increasing rate? an exponential function. this means that each (year/decade/centure) it is (depending on the exact numbers they used and such) an order of magnitude hotter.

for example lets look at the stock market. if you go way back to when the stock market started you will see that there are peaks and troughs. so we could use all these years of back data to help predict what the economy is generally going to do (not exact number but the flow of things). you would come up with a sinusoid (look it up if you dont know its shape) so omg i dunno if you guys noticed the economy has tanked recently. lets look at the past 12 months and make our model from that. if we did it would be just a line that goes down and down faster and faster (an exponential).


thats bascially what you global warming guys are doing.

now im not for super inefficient cars (im an engineer, how could i be?) or spewing gross shit all over our planet, but i dont honestly believe humans are making it get hotter and hotter every year. if thats what it takes to get a 50 mpg car then i guess thats cool, but im not going to sweat over GW (haha, see what i did there?)

dynosore: feel free to correct me. i dont do too much modeling

(This post was edited by Carnage on Jul 9, 2009, 6:46 PM)

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Post edited by Carnage () on Jul 9, 2009, 6:46 PM

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