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Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee
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Partner epoch

Sep 4, 2007, 12:54 PM
Post #1 of 26 (828 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee
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Well, since I'm not the only one slacking I'll kick this one off..

Gooooooood weekend. We couldn't have asked for better weather up in New England. I believe that this weekend was the first Labor Day weekend that it didn't rain in the Northeast in 6 years. Had tons of fun. No c****** for me this weekend. Went hiking with the kid on Saturday short hike and she seemed to enjoy it. Sunday we hung out and went to the beach around sunset. I took my large cameras out, which haven't seen much use in the past year, and took 5 rolls of the kid playing in the sand at sunset. I cannot wait to get them back from the lab, there are sure to be some wonderful shots.

Handed off the kid to mom on Sunday evening and finished off my plans for Monday.

Ahhhh, yes. Monday. Yesterday, akin to my sporadic randomness, I headed up to Grafton Notch State Park here in Maine to do a bit of hiking. I decided to check out the area for a possible raid in a few weeks. Plans are to hike Mohoosic Notch, then, and I was curious as to how the trails were in the area. Instead, I hiked North on the AT for 6 miles. Inline with my suspicions the trailblazers of old were mean, evil, cruel bastards cutting trial in the shortest possible path as possible. Straight. The hike in wasn't all that bad, but when descending granite stairs for 3 miles your knees will hate you. All told, I had a 12.4 mile day. Oh, and this was all before noon.

Took a drive from there to Conway and was almost suckered into buying a pair of skis. Visited Rob's favorite place, The Consignment Basement of Death, and mosied home.

Coffee and pain killers are in order. I have a large bottle of "Vitamin 'M'" sitting on my desk and will be hovering around the coffee makers today as well. I'm sharing.


Sep 4, 2007, 1:07 PM
Post #2 of 26 (815 views)

Registered: Aug 2, 2006
Posts: 1321

Re: [epoch] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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My Labor Day weekend was great. I hate that I am back in this stuffy office with no windows. Oh and the 95 degree Texas heat isn't fun either. The weather up in Arkansas was super and the climbing blissful. I have only been climbing just over a year and have yet to enjoy a crag as much as I did Horseshoe Canyon.

Here are a few pics from the trip. The route is Harry Butthole Potter (5.8+)

This one is me. The only climbing photo I have of myself so far. I'm always the one behind the lens.


My roommate Phillip.


Sep 4, 2007, 1:17 PM
Post #3 of 26 (805 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2003
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Re: [bigfatrock] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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Morning all,

Spent the weekend doing off jobs around the house: Staining the playset, measuring the yard for sprinklers, making a plank for the kids to play with.

Why is it every contractor thinks they have to get one last thing done before a holiday. Friday was hell for me, I billed to 9 different jobs. Cripes people it can wait one day. Well, as a result this week is busy. So back at it.


Sep 4, 2007, 1:31 PM
Post #4 of 26 (794 views)

Registered: Jul 19, 2001
Posts: 4769

Re: [imnotclever] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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Morning all,

Great weekend with the family up at the cottage. Took a couple boat rides with the family since we had to take it out for the year anyway, campfires with hotdogs, canoe rides, ATV rides...the kid had a blast. My parents had a great time with him too. I think my favorite part was when my wife and I went out in the canoe around 11:00, the water was so still, the moon was HUGE, then back to the dock for a midnight swim. As warm as the water felt from the was still pretty cold once you got in.Shocked

Yesterday, worked on the deck railings a bit, too many setbacks for one little job Crazy...sigh...then played guitar with some friends at night.

All in all a pretty good time.

XXL me

(This post was edited by krillen on Sep 4, 2007, 1:31 PM)


Sep 4, 2007, 1:33 PM
Post #5 of 26 (791 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2002
Posts: 8522

Re: [bigfatrock] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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Morning yinz.
Had a great weekend.
Went to Coopers Rock in WV with charley and got to meet betaben and katydid. All I can say is it was great to get back on rock, and I didn't suck as bad as I thought I would. Actually, I managed to get up a couple 9's and 10's. Thanks again Bill, Ben, Kate and Scott.

Full trip report with pictures coming soon.

Partner macherry

Sep 4, 2007, 2:30 PM
Post #6 of 26 (775 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
Posts: 15848

Re: [arrettinator] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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WTF, climbing pics in the coffee thread...........a fuschia tarpit all around. Seriously, i haven't climbed since june...........crap!!!

sending my daughter off to school today. the boy is settled in at university. Talked to him last night. He did orientation yesterday. Seems they hand out coupons for discounts at the student pub and free 10 dollar gift cards at another hot spot. The drinking age is 18 in Alberta!!!!!! Hopefully, he will do SOME work there!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah, fuck alberta, got my first speeding ticket ever in calgary!!!!


Sep 4, 2007, 2:49 PM
Post #7 of 26 (720 views)

Registered: Jan 22, 2006
Posts: 273

Re: [macherry] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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speeding ticket that sucks i'm sorry, some how i've managed to avoid that so far(knock on wood) had a pretty lazy weekend just relaxed and went camping.
try to enjoy tuesday, look on the brightside its only a 4 day week...

coffee please


Sep 4, 2007, 3:07 PM
Post #8 of 26 (704 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
Posts: 5692

Re: [rc86] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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sigh... back at work... I wanna go back to Europe...


Sep 4, 2007, 3:13 PM
Post #9 of 26 (698 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [jumpingrock] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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Shit David, you're back!!! What a horrible change to go from travelling Europe to getting back to a daily grind. That's gotta suck.

Me, we drove to Quebec for climbing. Not bad rock, but a long way to go for it. Climbing in Quebec was actually really nice, the quebec climbers were actually a lot more considerate than the climbers in Ontario. Crazy

Partner epoch

Sep 4, 2007, 3:18 PM
Post #10 of 26 (697 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

Re: [jumpingrock] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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I can play pic games too...

This is the trail??? Straight up, and rocky... My knees hate me. More coffee please. I had to return this way. Something close to 3 miles of this crap.

The obligatory Rob-esque feet over the edge shot. It felt soooo good to rest them legs. However, I was still 2 trail-miles from the car.

Oh, and I think a new profile shot?

Attachments: Feet.jpg (49.6 KB)
  Self.jpg (44.2 KB)
  Trail.jpg (56.2 KB)


Sep 4, 2007, 3:20 PM
Post #11 of 26 (693 views)

Registered: Jul 19, 2001
Posts: 4769

Re: [granite_grrl] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:

Me, we drove to Quebec for climbing. Not bad rock, but a long way to go for it. Climbing in Quebec was actually really nice, the quebec climbers were actually a lot more considerate than the climbers in Ontario. Crazy

Where did you go in Que again?

Epoch, sharpen that pic dude....


Sep 4, 2007, 3:37 PM
Post #12 of 26 (685 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [krillen] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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krillen wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:

Me, we drove to Quebec for climbing. Not bad rock, but a long way to go for it. Climbing in Quebec was actually really nice, the quebec climbers were actually a lot more considerate than the climbers in Ontario. Crazy

Where did you go in Que again?

Epoch, sharpen that pic dude....

Montagne d'Argent for the first three days, yesterday we spent some time at a freshly developped sport crag in the area (whose name and location I don't remember).


Sep 4, 2007, 3:48 PM
Post #13 of 26 (681 views)

Registered: Jul 19, 2001
Posts: 4769

Re: [granite_grrl] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:

Montagne d'Argent for the first three days, yesterday we spent some time at a freshly developped sport crag in the area (whose name and location I don't remember).

Don't remember eh?....convinient...Tongue

Where is Montagne d'Argent? North of Montreal? Eastern Townships?

Partner epoch

Sep 4, 2007, 4:09 PM
Post #14 of 26 (674 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

Re: [krillen] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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Pic's a bit blurry due to the fact that I took it on the go. The only way to sharpen it fully would be to go back, which I'm not doing for a bit, and re-take the shot...

HAHA went home, made stir-fry, and am now sitting at my desk eating said stir-fry. Torture it is for everyone else, because I didn't make enough to share. Oh and sweet it is! Chicken, pinapple, asparagus, cashews, bok-choi, and my special spice mix. Rockin'. Blam!!!!


Sep 4, 2007, 4:14 PM
Post #15 of 26 (673 views)

Registered: Apr 13, 2002
Posts: 6627

Re: [arrettinator] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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arrettinator wrote:
Morning yinz.
Had a great weekend.
Went to Coopers Rock in WV with charley and got to meet betaben and katydid. All I can say is it was great to get back on rock, and I didn't suck as bad as I thought I would. Actually, I managed to get up a couple 9's and 10's. Thanks again Bill, Ben, Kate and Scott.

Full trip report with pictures coming soon.

I also had a great time. We climbed, grilled dead animals, and drank beer around the campfire. My climbing is getting back to where it had been. two weeks from friday I am done working. So if any one needs a belay, I'm available.


Sep 4, 2007, 4:20 PM
Post #16 of 26 (673 views)

Registered: Oct 9, 2003
Posts: 6142

Re: [krillen] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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Well I spent half the weekend cleaning the house in prep for the *cough* Sister in-laws *cough* coming... it's actually not that bad, but still I like the relative peace and quiet of the house with only me Laurie and the 4 dogs.

spent another 1/4 of the weekend drinking around the backyard bonfire, and the last quarter c-wording, and damn was I c-wording good. The Bugaboo trip was the best thing I could have done for both my ankle and my confidence! Everything I climbed felt at least 2 grades below what it was rated, and yes the grades are well established where I was with my partners agreeing with the guidebook grades.

Well, back to *ugh* workUnsure


Sep 4, 2007, 4:22 PM
Post #17 of 26 (670 views)

Registered: Oct 9, 2003
Posts: 6142

Re: [macherry] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
oh yeah, fuck alberta, got my first speeding ticket ever in calgary!!!!

So , how much were you speeding?

I may have a habit of, um, getting around Calgary faster than many but rearly ever have a problem with speeding tickets. Mind you I think the Calgary cops look fo rthe out of province plates...

Partner macherry

Sep 4, 2007, 4:42 PM
Post #18 of 26 (661 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
Posts: 15848

Re: [the_climber] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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the_climber wrote:
macherry wrote:
oh yeah, fuck alberta, got my first speeding ticket ever in calgary!!!!

So , how much were you speeding?

I may have a habit of, um, getting around Calgary faster than many but rearly ever have a problem with speeding tickets. Mind you I think the Calgary cops look fo rthe out of province plates...

i was turning right off deerfoot on to 16th ave, on my way to MEC. I was accelerating up a hill.............. my volkwagen has no guts and i wanted to avoid the the traffic behind me. The cop was standing at the top of the hill with a radar gun. I was doing 80km in a 60 km zone. Who knew my feckin car could actually accelerate!!!! This after i was gong to speed limit while all the other drivers on deerfoot were speeding by me!!!!

so, there went my spending spree at MEC. Just bought some bike tubes, a pair of ski poles for the hubby and a pair of down booties for me.

how was the bugs?


Sep 4, 2007, 4:42 PM
Post #19 of 26 (661 views)

Registered: Jul 19, 2001
Posts: 4769

Re: [epoch] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
and my special spice

Isn't use of "special spice" grounds for dismissal at most offices?


Sep 4, 2007, 4:53 PM
Post #20 of 26 (652 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
Posts: 12610

Re: [krillen] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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be-yoo-tiful day here today. feeling most industrious - going to get my readings done, clean my rooms, make some candles, and get groovy uv back to #1 - fucking princeton reveiw. MEH!


Sep 4, 2007, 4:59 PM
Post #21 of 26 (648 views)

Registered: May 12, 2004
Posts: 5920

Re: [macherry] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
the_climber wrote:
macherry wrote:
oh yeah, fuck alberta, got my first speeding ticket ever in calgary!!!!

So , how much were you speeding?

I may have a habit of, um, getting around Calgary faster than many but rearly ever have a problem with speeding tickets. Mind you I think the Calgary cops look fo rthe out of province plates...

i was turning right off deerfoot on to 16th ave, on my way to MEC. I was accelerating up a hill.............. my volkwagen has no guts and i wanted to avoid the the traffic behind me. The cop was standing at the top of the hill with a radar gun. I was doing 80km in a 60 km zone. Who knew my feckin car could actually accelerate!!!! This after i was gong to speed limit while all the other drivers on deerfoot were speeding by me!!!!

so, there went my spending spree at MEC. Just bought some bike tubes, a pair of ski poles for the hubby and a pair of down booties for me.

how was the bugs?

Do speeding tickets transfer internationally? Could I go flying around the canadian countryside racking up the tickets with no fear?

PS in case you didn't see my sad coffee thread yesterday. I only had a 2 day weekend, but I have been taking yesterday and today easy. So, I shouldn't complain.


Sep 4, 2007, 5:03 PM
Post #22 of 26 (642 views)

Registered: Aug 2, 2006
Posts: 1321

Re: [macherry] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
WTF, climbing pics in the coffee thread...........a fuschia tarpit all around. Seriously, i haven't climbed since june...........crap!!!

sending my daughter off to school today. the boy is settled in at university. Talked to him last night. He did orientation yesterday. Seems they hand out coupons for discounts at the student pub and free 10 dollar gift cards at another hot spot. The drinking age is 18 in Alberta!!!!!! Hopefully, he will do SOME work there!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah, fuck alberta, got my first speeding ticket ever in calgary!!!!

Pics? Sure, why not. I'm not asking for a critique, just reflecting on the weekend and sharing with others.

Sorry about the ticket. I had two recently (within a three week span) heading out on climbing trips. I'm thankful I didn't get another one yesterday on the way back, OK State Troopers where out in masses.

Partner betaben

Sep 4, 2007, 5:04 PM
Post #23 of 26 (642 views)

Registered: Sep 3, 2002
Posts: 726

Re: [arrettinator] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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arrettinator wrote:
Morning yinz.
Had a great weekend.
Went to Coopers Rock in WV with charley and got to meet betaben and katydid. All I can say is it was great to get back on rock, and I didn't suck as bad as I thought I would. Actually, I managed to get up a couple 9's and 10's. Thanks again Bill, Ben, Kate and Scott.

Full trip report with pictures coming soon.

It's true, Ryan does actually Climb!! Glad we got to meet you and climb wirh you, we had a great time. It's always fun to climb with Bill.

Let us know the next time you'll be around, well be here.



Sep 4, 2007, 5:27 PM
Post #24 of 26 (626 views)

Registered: Oct 9, 2003
Posts: 6142

Re: [macherry] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
i was turning right off deerfoot on to 16th ave, on my way to MEC. I was accelerating up a hill.............. my volkwagen has no guts and i wanted to avoid the the traffic behind me. The cop was standing at the top of the hill with a radar gun. I was doing 80km in a 60 km zone. Who knew my feckin car could actually accelerate!!!! This after i was gong to speed limit while all the other drivers on deerfoot were speeding by me!!!!

so, there went my spending spree at MEC. Just bought some bike tubes, a pair of ski poles for the hubby and a pair of down booties for me.

how was the bugs?

I got a speeding ticket in the exact same spot a few years ago. Too funny.

The Bugs were great... except for the 2 day storm and decendign Bugaboo spire in a, well, blizard. I never though I would put my hads on the rock to warm them up.


Sep 4, 2007, 5:45 PM
Post #25 of 26 (617 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2004
Posts: 1359

Re: [the_climber] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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the_climber wrote:
macherry wrote:
i was turning right off deerfoot on to 16th ave, on my way to MEC. I was accelerating up a hill.............. my volkwagen has no guts and i wanted to avoid the the traffic behind me. The cop was standing at the top of the hill with a radar gun. I was doing 80km in a 60 km zone. Who knew my feckin car could actually accelerate!!!! This after i was gong to speed limit while all the other drivers on deerfoot were speeding by me!!!!

so, there went my spending spree at MEC. Just bought some bike tubes, a pair of ski poles for the hubby and a pair of down booties for me.

how was the bugs?

I got a speeding ticket in the exact same spot a few years ago. Too funny.

The Bugs were great... except for the 2 day storm and decendign Bugaboo spire in a, well, blizard. I never though I would put my hads on the rock to warm them up.

Ah, bugaboos storms. I got hammered coming down South Howser a few weeks back. Loads of static, every hair was crawling and I swear my ice axe was picking up radio stations.


Sep 4, 2007, 6:23 PM
Post #26 of 26 (76 views)

Registered: Oct 9, 2003
Posts: 6142

Re: [rockguide] Tuesday, It's Monday, Coffee [In reply to]
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rockguide wrote:
Ah, bugaboos storms. I got hammered coming down South Howser a few weeks back. Loads of static, every hair was crawling and I swear my ice axe was picking up radio stations.


I think we'va all been there a few times at some point. I remember heading up Mt.Rae for a solo scramble in cloudless blue skys, only to get caught in a freek storm... Damn Ice axe was shocking me THROUGH my gloves... well I tossed that thing as far as I could and headed for lower ground only to end up huddled sitting on my pack getting pelted by hail wishing I had kept the axe long enough to pry the metal eyelets off my boots.Unimpressed Took me an hour to find my axe, then another hour after that for the ringing to stop in my ears. Wouldn't you know, after all that I get back to tthe parking lot and BAM! Blue Sky for the rest of the day.Mad

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