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Feb 15, 2013, 5:06 PM
Post #97426 of 105309 (5875 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

Speaking of Basterds. It's AB's bday. Poors out CI's BLL

RIP AB. I think I'll name my next route a tribute to AB. Either AB Quits, AB Memorial Route, or Premature Engagulation.

Yeah, it's a good one. I'm tempted to sheldon the creditz onto myself, but I think AB came up with it when he proposed to Mrs. Bastard.


Feb 15, 2013, 5:06 PM
Post #97427 of 105309 (5873 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Feb 15, 2013, 5:07 PM
Post #97428 of 105309 (5871 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Feb 15, 2013, 5:15 PM
Post #97429 of 105309 (5869 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [climbs4fun] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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climbs4fun wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
climbingtrash wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
climbingtrash wrote:
macherry wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
I haz to somehow average 15 posts a day for the next month or so. So you bitches need to entahtainz me to make it easier. that is awl

i think i'll be in vegas first week in june

drinks are on me

Ewe should check out Fire Fly. Teh Cucumber Martoonies are grate!

Yummmmmmm Tapas and Sangria

So we were there in December for NFR and my Mom and Grandma were in town fore a couple of days. They want to meet us fore diner, we already have plans to go to Fire Fly with some friends. On teh phone my Mom asks wut kind of restaurant it is, I say Tapas. She replies, Topless? I don't think yore Grandmother and I want to go to a Topless restaurant...*phace palm*

Teh bacon-wrapped dates were suprizingly gud.

Most people have that response. The curse of being in Vegas.

Why is it a surprise? Dates are shit, but everything is good wrapped in Bacon. Well, most things. No need for comment from the peanut gallery (cough cough doc)
I don't know what you are talking about. Dates are delicious.

yes, this is kerect.

Nope. Your wrong

yeah, no. that shit is mad tasty.

Nope. You're still wrong

Why do you hatez teh datez?

They don't taste good

yeah, see, you keep pushing the limits of the rong-o-meter


Feb 15, 2013, 5:17 PM
Post #97430 of 105309 (5867 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
macherry wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So apparently I can't eat avocado without puking.


Sorry to hear that.

While on the subject, I think that the avocado might be the most tawked about food in the BET.

And also (for those who don't puke it when they the whole thing) one of the most unexpected benefits about moving to CO. Three for a dollar avocados - so nice.


Why would CO have cheap avocados? I could understand if you were talking about CA...

I think because we're a short haul from Texas and Mexico.

Hey, I've been wanting to try making a dessert out of avocados. Anyone have recipes you love that use them?


other than green smoothie, I can't think of anything dessert-y with avocado. I've seen recipes for stuff like avocado-lime pie, but all thew recipes that use avocado for dessert seem to be the raw vegan recipes, with people desperately trying to re-create the creaminess without using whipped cream. I see no reason why coconut milk and avocado whip wouldn't taste delicious, but....

nope, had it. very rich, didn't like it at all

Good to know. I love all kids of foods, but things that are made to taste/look like something else don't do it for me.

When I want whipped cream, I want whipped cream, and not silken tofu, coconut and avocado concoction. Love tofu, love coconut, love avocado, but this combination just turns my insides out.

I am also talking yogurt that is made out of cultured coconut or soy milk. YUCK!!!!! I was expecting not to like the soy yogurt, bc I don't like soymilk, rice milk, and any of those other "milks", and I was correct there. But I love everything coconut, so I figured that coconut yogurt would taste yummy to me, even if it doesn't taste anything like real yogurt. Boy, was I wrong there!

And the same goes for soy cheese. And vegan tofu cheesecake (OMG, that was the offense to the senses, if I have ever seen one!) And gluten-free raw vegan "pizza". And on, and on.

No problem eating gluten-free. Don't need to, but I've done that. And never once did I feel like I wanted the bread that is made out or xantam gum, rice flour, potato and tapioka starch. YUCK!

Is kerrect (with the notable exception that tofutti cuties are yummy).

With that said, it seems that in most Portuguese speaking countries, avocado is typically treated as a fruit, and made into smoothies and desserts. So I made a Brazilian avocado cream last night. It's quite unique, and it's delish!

Is not diet food, though (unless like g_grrl it makes you lose yer lunch) so production will be limited, despite 3 for a dollar avocados.


Don't even know what toffutti cuties are, and empirical evidence suggests that i have survived so far without them. (Unless I am dead, and dreaming?) So I think I'll be O.K. not knowing, but if I ever come across them, I will keep this in mind.

But I'll be willing to try the Brazilian avocado cream recipe. You can put it in PM, if you are too worried about incurring the wrath of the BET.

Avacados in Brasil aren't the same as regular avocados. They're much bigger and much sweeter. Here, they mix it with milk or cream. They wouldn't do that with a regular avocado, which are incredibly difficult to find down here.

Just wanted to give a heads up from someone who lives here.

OK - I'll GTFO. Carry on

sorry, but lena, kamhed ... you see what happens when you start talking to the fucking riffraff? everybody thinks it's just fucking fine to come in here and post, and then you have gumburnsy offering useless information about brazilian fucking avocados. I'm sure one or both of you will come in here and thank him for his contribution, and in a week or two we'll have his buddy jeremy advertising his shitty guiding services in the thread.
I'm talking about a LINE IN THE SAND!!!

Sorry, sorry, sorry! I can offer you a stick to re-draw the line. You can even pee on the sand and make the line darker. Deal?
Look, if you want to talk to Gumbyburns or anyone else, you are welcome to. Just not in here.

there's a very inclusive thred just next door.


Feb 15, 2013, 5:18 PM
Post #97431 of 105309 (5864 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)
Yes, NEVER go to the dealership for maintenance. Ever.

heh, the mechanic I go to actually is russian. no mafia ties that I am aware of.


Feb 15, 2013, 5:22 PM
Post #97432 of 105309 (5857 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

Speaking of Basterds. It's AB's bday. Poors out CI's BLL

RIP AB. I think I'll name my next route a tribute to AB. Either AB Quits, AB Memorial Route, or Premature Engagulation.



Feb 15, 2013, 5:23 PM
Post #97433 of 105309 (5852 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

Speaking of Basterds. It's AB's bday. Poors out CI's BLL

RIP AB. I think I'll name my next route a tribute to AB. Either AB Quits, AB Memorial Route, or Premature Engagulation.

Yeah, it's a good one. I'm tempted to sheldon the creditz onto myself, but I think AB came up with it when he proposed to Mrs. Bastard.

yeah, but he's dead, so those creditz are just floating around for the taking.


Feb 15, 2013, 5:31 PM
Post #97434 of 105309 (5848 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
macherry wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So apparently I can't eat avocado without puking.


Sorry to hear that.

While on the subject, I think that the avocado might be the most tawked about food in the BET.

And also (for those who don't puke it when they the whole thing) one of the most unexpected benefits about moving to CO. Three for a dollar avocados - so nice.


Why would CO have cheap avocados? I could understand if you were talking about CA...

I think because we're a short haul from Texas and Mexico.

Hey, I've been wanting to try making a dessert out of avocados. Anyone have recipes you love that use them?


other than green smoothie, I can't think of anything dessert-y with avocado. I've seen recipes for stuff like avocado-lime pie, but all thew recipes that use avocado for dessert seem to be the raw vegan recipes, with people desperately trying to re-create the creaminess without using whipped cream. I see no reason why coconut milk and avocado whip wouldn't taste delicious, but....

nope, had it. very rich, didn't like it at all

Good to know. I love all kids of foods, but things that are made to taste/look like something else don't do it for me.

When I want whipped cream, I want whipped cream, and not silken tofu, coconut and avocado concoction. Love tofu, love coconut, love avocado, but this combination just turns my insides out.

I am also talking yogurt that is made out of cultured coconut or soy milk. YUCK!!!!! I was expecting not to like the soy yogurt, bc I don't like soymilk, rice milk, and any of those other "milks", and I was correct there. But I love everything coconut, so I figured that coconut yogurt would taste yummy to me, even if it doesn't taste anything like real yogurt. Boy, was I wrong there!

And the same goes for soy cheese. And vegan tofu cheesecake (OMG, that was the offense to the senses, if I have ever seen one!) And gluten-free raw vegan "pizza". And on, and on.

No problem eating gluten-free. Don't need to, but I've done that. And never once did I feel like I wanted the bread that is made out or xantam gum, rice flour, potato and tapioka starch. YUCK!

Is kerrect (with the notable exception that tofutti cuties are yummy).

With that said, it seems that in most Portuguese speaking countries, avocado is typically treated as a fruit, and made into smoothies and desserts. So I made a Brazilian avocado cream last night. It's quite unique, and it's delish!

Is not diet food, though (unless like g_grrl it makes you lose yer lunch) so production will be limited, despite 3 for a dollar avocados.


Don't even know what toffutti cuties are, and empirical evidence suggests that i have survived so far without them. (Unless I am dead, and dreaming?) So I think I'll be O.K. not knowing, but if I ever come across them, I will keep this in mind.

But I'll be willing to try the Brazilian avocado cream recipe. You can put it in PM, if you are too worried about incurring the wrath of the BET.

Avacados in Brasil aren't the same as regular avocados. They're much bigger and much sweeter. Here, they mix it with milk or cream. They wouldn't do that with a regular avocado, which are incredibly difficult to find down here.

Just wanted to give a heads up from someone who lives here.

OK - I'll GTFO. Carry on

sorry, but lena, kamhed ... you see what happens when you start talking to the fucking riffraff? everybody thinks it's just fucking fine to come in here and post, and then you have gumburnsy offering useless information about brazilian fucking avocados. I'm sure one or both of you will come in here and thank him for his contribution, and in a week or two we'll have his buddy jeremy advertising his shitty guiding services in the thread.
I'm talking about a LINE IN THE SAND!!!

Sorry, sorry, sorry! I can offer you a stick to re-draw the line. You can even pee on the sand and make the line darker. Deal?
Look, if you want to talk to Gumbyburns or anyone else, you are welcome to. Just not in here.

This is kerrect. I personally draw the line in the sand somewhere between GO and GMB.

I always admired the drawing skills of kamhat's grandfather. I think I like how cammy draws the lines, too.


Feb 15, 2013, 5:39 PM
Post #97435 of 105309 (5842 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)

Speaking of crooked russians...

I went and saw the new Die Hard last night. Loyerette is out of town so I found myself free. I've always had a weakness for the Die Hard movies, and this one lived up to my expectations of corny one liners and flat out unbelievable action. It is set in Russa and there is a nuclear threat involved. It was like going back in time...


Nathan found all the Die Hard movies in some soft of box set a while ago. Awesome!


Feb 15, 2013, 5:40 PM
Post #97436 of 105309 (5839 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)

Speaking of crooked russians...

I went and saw the new Die Hard last night. Loyerette is out of town so I found myself free. I've always had a weakness for the Die Hard movies, and this one lived up to my expectations of corny one liners and flat out unbelievable action. It is set in Russa and there is a nuclear threat involved. It was like going back in time...

Oh yes, those are hilarious! Haven't seen the new one though.

Wasn't there one of the Bourne movies set in Russia for some segment of it? I remember laughing at things "Russians" said in the move, and the translations in the subtitles. It is hilarious on two fronts, both becuase the American actors who are pretending to be Russan are saying things in the most retarded way, but also because the local Russians hired for the "background filler" are saying the funniest things. I vaguely remember a spot where some American guy is trying to catch a taxi, and the Russian cab driver says in russian, something along the lines of "go sit on a d#ck" (which would be quite an authentic Russian way to tell the passenger to go elsewhere), while the subtitles in English say "I am not available, sir".


Feb 15, 2013, 5:47 PM
Post #97437 of 105309 (5834 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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So my Mom's email just got hacked (on account I just got an email from her about making all sorts of money working from home).

Anyway, it sent it to her entire adress book....which consists of 7 email addresses, 1 of which is a kniting newsletter. I love my mom and her email skillz.

Partner camhead

Feb 15, 2013, 5:53 PM
Post #97438 of 105309 (5833 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)

Speaking of crooked russians...

I went and saw the new Die Hard last night. Loyerette is out of town so I found myself free. I've always had a weakness for the Die Hard movies, and this one lived up to my expectations of corny one liners and flat out unbelievable action. It is set in Russa and there is a nuclear threat involved. It was like going back in time...

Hmm, clamhats may have to make a date to go see that. I was pretty psyched to see it, with the tag line, "Yippy Ki Ye, Mother Russia."

Partner camhead

Feb 15, 2013, 5:54 PM
Post #97439 of 105309 (5832 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

Speaking of Basterds. It's AB's bday. Poors out CI's BLL

RIP AB. I think I'll name my next route a tribute to AB. Either AB Quits, AB Memorial Route, or Premature Engagulation.

Yeah, it's a good one. I'm tempted to sheldon the creditz onto myself, but I think AB came up with it when he proposed to Mrs. Bastard.

What about Valentine's Day Cooking Class?

Partner camhead

Feb 15, 2013, 5:56 PM
Post #97440 of 105309 (5832 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)
Yes, NEVER go to the dealership for maintenance. Ever.

heh, the mechanic I go to actually is russian. no mafia ties that I am aware of.

whatevah. I'll bet yore mechanic is no more than 2 degrees separated from the goons who keep hacking Jack's laptop.

Partner camhead

Feb 15, 2013, 5:57 PM
Post #97441 of 105309 (5832 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
macherry wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So apparently I can't eat avocado without puking.


Sorry to hear that.

While on the subject, I think that the avocado might be the most tawked about food in the BET.

And also (for those who don't puke it when they the whole thing) one of the most unexpected benefits about moving to CO. Three for a dollar avocados - so nice.


Why would CO have cheap avocados? I could understand if you were talking about CA...

I think because we're a short haul from Texas and Mexico.

Hey, I've been wanting to try making a dessert out of avocados. Anyone have recipes you love that use them?


other than green smoothie, I can't think of anything dessert-y with avocado. I've seen recipes for stuff like avocado-lime pie, but all thew recipes that use avocado for dessert seem to be the raw vegan recipes, with people desperately trying to re-create the creaminess without using whipped cream. I see no reason why coconut milk and avocado whip wouldn't taste delicious, but....

nope, had it. very rich, didn't like it at all

Good to know. I love all kids of foods, but things that are made to taste/look like something else don't do it for me.

When I want whipped cream, I want whipped cream, and not silken tofu, coconut and avocado concoction. Love tofu, love coconut, love avocado, but this combination just turns my insides out.

I am also talking yogurt that is made out of cultured coconut or soy milk. YUCK!!!!! I was expecting not to like the soy yogurt, bc I don't like soymilk, rice milk, and any of those other "milks", and I was correct there. But I love everything coconut, so I figured that coconut yogurt would taste yummy to me, even if it doesn't taste anything like real yogurt. Boy, was I wrong there!

And the same goes for soy cheese. And vegan tofu cheesecake (OMG, that was the offense to the senses, if I have ever seen one!) And gluten-free raw vegan "pizza". And on, and on.

No problem eating gluten-free. Don't need to, but I've done that. And never once did I feel like I wanted the bread that is made out or xantam gum, rice flour, potato and tapioka starch. YUCK!

Is kerrect (with the notable exception that tofutti cuties are yummy).

With that said, it seems that in most Portuguese speaking countries, avocado is typically treated as a fruit, and made into smoothies and desserts. So I made a Brazilian avocado cream last night. It's quite unique, and it's delish!

Is not diet food, though (unless like g_grrl it makes you lose yer lunch) so production will be limited, despite 3 for a dollar avocados.


Don't even know what toffutti cuties are, and empirical evidence suggests that i have survived so far without them. (Unless I am dead, and dreaming?) So I think I'll be O.K. not knowing, but if I ever come across them, I will keep this in mind.

But I'll be willing to try the Brazilian avocado cream recipe. You can put it in PM, if you are too worried about incurring the wrath of the BET.

Avacados in Brasil aren't the same as regular avocados. They're much bigger and much sweeter. Here, they mix it with milk or cream. They wouldn't do that with a regular avocado, which are incredibly difficult to find down here.

Just wanted to give a heads up from someone who lives here.

OK - I'll GTFO. Carry on

sorry, but lena, kamhed ... you see what happens when you start talking to the fucking riffraff? everybody thinks it's just fucking fine to come in here and post, and then you have gumburnsy offering useless information about brazilian fucking avocados. I'm sure one or both of you will come in here and thank him for his contribution, and in a week or two we'll have his buddy jeremy advertising his shitty guiding services in the thread.
I'm talking about a LINE IN THE SAND!!!

Sorry, sorry, sorry! I can offer you a stick to re-draw the line. You can even pee on the sand and make the line darker. Deal?
Look, if you want to talk to Gumbyburns or anyone else, you are welcome to. Just not in here.

This is kerrect. I personally draw the line in the sand somewhere between GO and GMB.

I always admired the drawing skills of kamhat's grandfather. I think I like how cammy draws the lines, too.



Feb 15, 2013, 5:59 PM
Post #97442 of 105309 (5832 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
Posts: 12610

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)
Yes, NEVER go to the dealership for maintenance. Ever.

heh, the mechanic I go to actually is russian. no mafia ties that I am aware of.
We just went to a regular mechanic, not the dealer. We tried to find a used rim but my car is so new they didn't have any in the junk yard. Could have got a full set of used, but it would have taken a few days and my family gets here tomorrow.

Brian's very cheap when he can be, he made all sorts of phone calls to see if we could get out of it. His momma raised him hebrew right!

Rascist? Tuphar?


Feb 15, 2013, 6:02 PM
Post #97443 of 105309 (5828 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [carabiner96] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)
Yes, NEVER go to the dealership for maintenance. Ever.

heh, the mechanic I go to actually is russian. no mafia ties that I am aware of.
We just went to a regular mechanic, not the dealer. We tried to find a used rim but my car is so new they didn't have any in the junk yard. Could have got a full set of used, but it would have taken a few days and my family gets here tomorrow.

Brian's very cheap when he can be, he made all sorts of phone calls to see if we could get out of it. His momma raised him hebrew right!

Rascist? Tuphar?

You do live in a major metropolitan area with a reasonable affluent population(and probably more subarus per capita than bozeman). Don't you have a tire iron and a cinderblock?
Mah momma raised me right too...


Feb 15, 2013, 6:05 PM
Post #97444 of 105309 (5826 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
Posts: 12610

Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)

Speaking of crooked russians...

I went and saw the new Die Hard last night. Loyerette is out of town so I found myself free. I've always had a weakness for the Die Hard movies, and this one lived up to my expectations of corny one liners and flat out unbelievable action. It is set in Russa and there is a nuclear threat involved. It was like going back in time...


Nathan found all the Die Hard movies in some soft of box set a while ago. Awesome!
NPR reviewed the new die hard this morning and he said it was meh but with good action. I've decided if I'm paying $12 a ticket, I want to see shit blown up.

-sent from my iYup 5, which seemed like a reasonable purchase before the car ding.


Feb 15, 2013, 6:10 PM
Post #97445 of 105309 (5822 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
Posts: 12610

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)
Yes, NEVER go to the dealership for maintenance. Ever.

heh, the mechanic I go to actually is russian. no mafia ties that I am aware of.
We just went to a regular mechanic, not the dealer. We tried to find a used rim but my car is so new they didn't have any in the junk yard. Could have got a full set of used, but it would have taken a few days and my family gets here tomorrow.

Brian's very cheap when he can be, he made all sorts of phone calls to see if we could get out of it. His momma raised him hebrew right!

Rascist? Tuphar?

You do live in a major metropolitan area with a reasonable affluent population(and probably more subarus per capita than bozeman). Don't you have a tire iron and a cinderblock?
Mah momma raised me right too...
no kidding, Subaru theft (whole car or parts) is a big problem around here. I've started parking inside the gate.

Partner cracklover

Feb 15, 2013, 6:50 PM
Post #97446 of 105309 (5812 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
Posts: 10162

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
macherry wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So apparently I can't eat avocado without puking.


Sorry to hear that.

While on the subject, I think that the avocado might be the most tawked about food in the BET.

And also (for those who don't puke it when they the whole thing) one of the most unexpected benefits about moving to CO. Three for a dollar avocados - so nice.


Why would CO have cheap avocados? I could understand if you were talking about CA...

I think because we're a short haul from Texas and Mexico.

Hey, I've been wanting to try making a dessert out of avocados. Anyone have recipes you love that use them?


other than green smoothie, I can't think of anything dessert-y with avocado. I've seen recipes for stuff like avocado-lime pie, but all thew recipes that use avocado for dessert seem to be the raw vegan recipes, with people desperately trying to re-create the creaminess without using whipped cream. I see no reason why coconut milk and avocado whip wouldn't taste delicious, but....

nope, had it. very rich, didn't like it at all

Good to know. I love all kids of foods, but things that are made to taste/look like something else don't do it for me.

When I want whipped cream, I want whipped cream, and not silken tofu, coconut and avocado concoction. Love tofu, love coconut, love avocado, but this combination just turns my insides out.

I am also talking yogurt that is made out of cultured coconut or soy milk. YUCK!!!!! I was expecting not to like the soy yogurt, bc I don't like soymilk, rice milk, and any of those other "milks", and I was correct there. But I love everything coconut, so I figured that coconut yogurt would taste yummy to me, even if it doesn't taste anything like real yogurt. Boy, was I wrong there!

And the same goes for soy cheese. And vegan tofu cheesecake (OMG, that was the offense to the senses, if I have ever seen one!) And gluten-free raw vegan "pizza". And on, and on.

No problem eating gluten-free. Don't need to, but I've done that. And never once did I feel like I wanted the bread that is made out or xantam gum, rice flour, potato and tapioka starch. YUCK!

Is kerrect (with the notable exception that tofutti cuties are yummy).

With that said, it seems that in most Portuguese speaking countries, avocado is typically treated as a fruit, and made into smoothies and desserts. So I made a Brazilian avocado cream last night. It's quite unique, and it's delish!

Is not diet food, though (unless like g_grrl it makes you lose yer lunch) so production will be limited, despite 3 for a dollar avocados.


Don't even know what toffutti cuties are, and empirical evidence suggests that i have survived so far without them. (Unless I am dead, and dreaming?) So I think I'll be O.K. not knowing, but if I ever come across them, I will keep this in mind.

But I'll be willing to try the Brazilian avocado cream recipe. You can put it in PM, if you are too worried about incurring the wrath of the BET.

Avacados in Brasil aren't the same as regular avocados. They're much bigger and much sweeter. Here, they mix it with milk or cream. They wouldn't do that with a regular avocado, which are incredibly difficult to find down here.

Just wanted to give a heads up from someone who lives here.

OK - I'll GTFO. Carry on

sorry, but lena, kamhed ... you see what happens when you start talking to the fucking riffraff? everybody thinks it's just fucking fine to come in here and post, and then you have gumburnsy offering useless information about brazilian fucking avocados. I'm sure one or both of you will come in here and thank him for his contribution, and in a week or two we'll have his buddy jeremy advertising his shitty guiding services in the thread.
I'm talking about a LINE IN THE SAND!!!

Yeah, so I've been thinkin about this a bit. Being of the same persuasion as Groucho, I've always liked his line: "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." So I think I'll stick around for a bit.

Now I'm the last one who should be saying this, but... Lena and Cammy, sheesh, enough with the ewwy gooey lovey dovey, GET A ROOM! Pretty sure all that sweetness goes against the rules guidelines. And is fattening.

Hey Doc or Snupe (or Dip if yer around), call me an annoying fuck, or something equivalent. Just this once. Have something I wanna try out.



Feb 15, 2013, 7:03 PM
Post #97447 of 105309 (5804 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
macherry wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So apparently I can't eat avocado without puking.


Sorry to hear that.

While on the subject, I think that the avocado might be the most tawked about food in the BET.

And also (for those who don't puke it when they the whole thing) one of the most unexpected benefits about moving to CO. Three for a dollar avocados - so nice.


Why would CO have cheap avocados? I could understand if you were talking about CA...

I think because we're a short haul from Texas and Mexico.

Hey, I've been wanting to try making a dessert out of avocados. Anyone have recipes you love that use them?


other than green smoothie, I can't think of anything dessert-y with avocado. I've seen recipes for stuff like avocado-lime pie, but all thew recipes that use avocado for dessert seem to be the raw vegan recipes, with people desperately trying to re-create the creaminess without using whipped cream. I see no reason why coconut milk and avocado whip wouldn't taste delicious, but....

nope, had it. very rich, didn't like it at all

Good to know. I love all kids of foods, but things that are made to taste/look like something else don't do it for me.

When I want whipped cream, I want whipped cream, and not silken tofu, coconut and avocado concoction. Love tofu, love coconut, love avocado, but this combination just turns my insides out.

I am also talking yogurt that is made out of cultured coconut or soy milk. YUCK!!!!! I was expecting not to like the soy yogurt, bc I don't like soymilk, rice milk, and any of those other "milks", and I was correct there. But I love everything coconut, so I figured that coconut yogurt would taste yummy to me, even if it doesn't taste anything like real yogurt. Boy, was I wrong there!

And the same goes for soy cheese. And vegan tofu cheesecake (OMG, that was the offense to the senses, if I have ever seen one!) And gluten-free raw vegan "pizza". And on, and on.

No problem eating gluten-free. Don't need to, but I've done that. And never once did I feel like I wanted the bread that is made out or xantam gum, rice flour, potato and tapioka starch. YUCK!

Is kerrect (with the notable exception that tofutti cuties are yummy).

With that said, it seems that in most Portuguese speaking countries, avocado is typically treated as a fruit, and made into smoothies and desserts. So I made a Brazilian avocado cream last night. It's quite unique, and it's delish!

Is not diet food, though (unless like g_grrl it makes you lose yer lunch) so production will be limited, despite 3 for a dollar avocados.


Don't even know what toffutti cuties are, and empirical evidence suggests that i have survived so far without them. (Unless I am dead, and dreaming?) So I think I'll be O.K. not knowing, but if I ever come across them, I will keep this in mind.

But I'll be willing to try the Brazilian avocado cream recipe. You can put it in PM, if you are too worried about incurring the wrath of the BET.

Avacados in Brasil aren't the same as regular avocados. They're much bigger and much sweeter. Here, they mix it with milk or cream. They wouldn't do that with a regular avocado, which are incredibly difficult to find down here.

Just wanted to give a heads up from someone who lives here.

OK - I'll GTFO. Carry on

sorry, but lena, kamhed ... you see what happens when you start talking to the fucking riffraff? everybody thinks it's just fucking fine to come in here and post, and then you have gumburnsy offering useless information about brazilian fucking avocados. I'm sure one or both of you will come in here and thank him for his contribution, and in a week or two we'll have his buddy jeremy advertising his shitty guiding services in the thread.
I'm talking about a LINE IN THE SAND!!!

Yeah, so I've been thinkin about this a bit. Being of the same persuasion as Groucho, I've always liked his line: "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." So I think I'll stick around for a bit.

Now I'm the last one who should be saying this, but... Lena and Cammy, sheesh, enough with the ewwy gooey lovey dovey, GET A ROOM! Pretty sure all that sweetness goes against the rules guidelines. And is fattening.

Hey Doc or Snupe (or Dip if yer around), call me an annoying fuck, or something equivalent. Just this once. Have something I wanna try out.

Look, if you want to keep riding on our coattails, you're going to have to start at page one. Until then, you will just be a bottomfeeder, unappreciative of the long tradition within this thread. While you may consider yourself to be a fan of Groucho Marx, you are still just desperately craving attention and validation. Sure, it annoys me, and outside of verbally abusing you, there is little I can do about it that would actually get you to stop posting.

Partner camhead

Feb 15, 2013, 7:08 PM
Post #97448 of 105309 (5801 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
macherry wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So apparently I can't eat avocado without puking.


Sorry to hear that.

While on the subject, I think that the avocado might be the most tawked about food in the BET.

And also (for those who don't puke it when they the whole thing) one of the most unexpected benefits about moving to CO. Three for a dollar avocados - so nice.


Why would CO have cheap avocados? I could understand if you were talking about CA...

I think because we're a short haul from Texas and Mexico.

Hey, I've been wanting to try making a dessert out of avocados. Anyone have recipes you love that use them?


other than green smoothie, I can't think of anything dessert-y with avocado. I've seen recipes for stuff like avocado-lime pie, but all thew recipes that use avocado for dessert seem to be the raw vegan recipes, with people desperately trying to re-create the creaminess without using whipped cream. I see no reason why coconut milk and avocado whip wouldn't taste delicious, but....

nope, had it. very rich, didn't like it at all

Good to know. I love all kids of foods, but things that are made to taste/look like something else don't do it for me.

When I want whipped cream, I want whipped cream, and not silken tofu, coconut and avocado concoction. Love tofu, love coconut, love avocado, but this combination just turns my insides out.

I am also talking yogurt that is made out of cultured coconut or soy milk. YUCK!!!!! I was expecting not to like the soy yogurt, bc I don't like soymilk, rice milk, and any of those other "milks", and I was correct there. But I love everything coconut, so I figured that coconut yogurt would taste yummy to me, even if it doesn't taste anything like real yogurt. Boy, was I wrong there!

And the same goes for soy cheese. And vegan tofu cheesecake (OMG, that was the offense to the senses, if I have ever seen one!) And gluten-free raw vegan "pizza". And on, and on.

No problem eating gluten-free. Don't need to, but I've done that. And never once did I feel like I wanted the bread that is made out or xantam gum, rice flour, potato and tapioka starch. YUCK!

Is kerrect (with the notable exception that tofutti cuties are yummy).

With that said, it seems that in most Portuguese speaking countries, avocado is typically treated as a fruit, and made into smoothies and desserts. So I made a Brazilian avocado cream last night. It's quite unique, and it's delish!

Is not diet food, though (unless like g_grrl it makes you lose yer lunch) so production will be limited, despite 3 for a dollar avocados.


Don't even know what toffutti cuties are, and empirical evidence suggests that i have survived so far without them. (Unless I am dead, and dreaming?) So I think I'll be O.K. not knowing, but if I ever come across them, I will keep this in mind.

But I'll be willing to try the Brazilian avocado cream recipe. You can put it in PM, if you are too worried about incurring the wrath of the BET.

Avacados in Brasil aren't the same as regular avocados. They're much bigger and much sweeter. Here, they mix it with milk or cream. They wouldn't do that with a regular avocado, which are incredibly difficult to find down here.

Just wanted to give a heads up from someone who lives here.

OK - I'll GTFO. Carry on

sorry, but lena, kamhed ... you see what happens when you start talking to the fucking riffraff? everybody thinks it's just fucking fine to come in here and post, and then you have gumburnsy offering useless information about brazilian fucking avocados. I'm sure one or both of you will come in here and thank him for his contribution, and in a week or two we'll have his buddy jeremy advertising his shitty guiding services in the thread.
I'm talking about a LINE IN THE SAND!!!

Yeah, so I've been thinkin about this a bit. Being of the same persuasion as Groucho, I've always liked his line: "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." So I think I'll stick around for a bit.

Now I'm the last one who should be saying this, but... Lena and Cammy, sheesh, enough with the ewwy gooey lovey dovey, GET A ROOM! Pretty sure all that sweetness goes against the rules guidelines. And is fattening.

Hey Doc or Snupe (or Dip if yer around), call me an annoying fuck, or something equivalent. Just this once. Have something I wanna try out.


Wait... does this mean that you're not going to train for everest with me with mancuddles on the portaledge? Frown


Feb 15, 2013, 7:24 PM
Post #97449 of 105309 (5795 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
macherry wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So apparently I can't eat avocado without puking.


Sorry to hear that.

While on the subject, I think that the avocado might be the most tawked about food in the BET.

And also (for those who don't puke it when they the whole thing) one of the most unexpected benefits about moving to CO. Three for a dollar avocados - so nice.


Why would CO have cheap avocados? I could understand if you were talking about CA...

I think because we're a short haul from Texas and Mexico.

Hey, I've been wanting to try making a dessert out of avocados. Anyone have recipes you love that use them?


other than green smoothie, I can't think of anything dessert-y with avocado. I've seen recipes for stuff like avocado-lime pie, but all thew recipes that use avocado for dessert seem to be the raw vegan recipes, with people desperately trying to re-create the creaminess without using whipped cream. I see no reason why coconut milk and avocado whip wouldn't taste delicious, but....

nope, had it. very rich, didn't like it at all

Good to know. I love all kids of foods, but things that are made to taste/look like something else don't do it for me.

When I want whipped cream, I want whipped cream, and not silken tofu, coconut and avocado concoction. Love tofu, love coconut, love avocado, but this combination just turns my insides out.

I am also talking yogurt that is made out of cultured coconut or soy milk. YUCK!!!!! I was expecting not to like the soy yogurt, bc I don't like soymilk, rice milk, and any of those other "milks", and I was correct there. But I love everything coconut, so I figured that coconut yogurt would taste yummy to me, even if it doesn't taste anything like real yogurt. Boy, was I wrong there!

And the same goes for soy cheese. And vegan tofu cheesecake (OMG, that was the offense to the senses, if I have ever seen one!) And gluten-free raw vegan "pizza". And on, and on.

No problem eating gluten-free. Don't need to, but I've done that. And never once did I feel like I wanted the bread that is made out or xantam gum, rice flour, potato and tapioka starch. YUCK!

Is kerrect (with the notable exception that tofutti cuties are yummy).

With that said, it seems that in most Portuguese speaking countries, avocado is typically treated as a fruit, and made into smoothies and desserts. So I made a Brazilian avocado cream last night. It's quite unique, and it's delish!

Is not diet food, though (unless like g_grrl it makes you lose yer lunch) so production will be limited, despite 3 for a dollar avocados.


Don't even know what toffutti cuties are, and empirical evidence suggests that i have survived so far without them. (Unless I am dead, and dreaming?) So I think I'll be O.K. not knowing, but if I ever come across them, I will keep this in mind.

But I'll be willing to try the Brazilian avocado cream recipe. You can put it in PM, if you are too worried about incurring the wrath of the BET.

Avacados in Brasil aren't the same as regular avocados. They're much bigger and much sweeter. Here, they mix it with milk or cream. They wouldn't do that with a regular avocado, which are incredibly difficult to find down here.

Just wanted to give a heads up from someone who lives here.

OK - I'll GTFO. Carry on

sorry, but lena, kamhed ... you see what happens when you start talking to the fucking riffraff? everybody thinks it's just fucking fine to come in here and post, and then you have gumburnsy offering useless information about brazilian fucking avocados. I'm sure one or both of you will come in here and thank him for his contribution, and in a week or two we'll have his buddy jeremy advertising his shitty guiding services in the thread.
I'm talking about a LINE IN THE SAND!!!

Yeah, so I've been thinkin about this a bit. Being of the same persuasion as Groucho, I've always liked his line: "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." So I think I'll stick around for a bit.

Now I'm the last one who should be saying this, but... Lena and Cammy, sheesh, enough with the ewwy gooey lovey dovey, GET A ROOM! Pretty sure all that sweetness goes against the rules guidelines. And is fattening.

Hey Doc or Snupe (or Dip if yer around), call me an annoying fuck, or something equivalent. Just this once. Have something I wanna try out.


Wait... does this mean that you're not going to train for everest with me with mancuddles on the portaledge? Frown

No-no, he still wants to. He is just jealous. And he probably doesn't (yet) know that you snore.


Feb 15, 2013, 7:41 PM
Post #97450 of 105309 (5786 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [carabiner96] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
Went to gym last night. The hangboarding is winding up, since I most definitely peaked (at 50 lbs, WOO!) last week. Now would be the time to jump on the campus board, but it's just too risky. The worst thing to do would be to fall, and land directly on the bottom of the left foot.

Teh gimpfoot is still in an aircast, but I am walking around a bit, and have moved toward doing some actual climbing. Can't do any toeing in with the aircast, since that would put a lot of strain on the Lispaul joint. So, mostly, I am sticking to really steep stuff that I just climb with one foot ('m using the Arrowhead that Jack sent me last year for my right foot).

Feeling really good actually. I set several porbelms that suit the one footedness, and I even have a bit of power in me, and can deadpoint, dyno, deep cross over to pretty small holds. Feet cut a lot, but I'm feeling really strong on the crimps and even some slopey pinches. Also getting good at falling onto my back, instead of my feet.

The one problem is that, since my feet cut every few moves as I try to reset the right foot, I REALLY get worn out fast. So, volume is suffering. I'm just hoping that will build up my endurance enough that I will feel stronger and better endurance as soon as I can use both feet.

May try to re-prodge Apollo Reed this spring, since it has very few hard left foot moves. That would be awesome.

Nice! I can't imagine that putting climbing shoes on the gimpfoot will be pleasant for quite some time, so are you planning to climb in approach shoe on the gimpfoot, once the aircast is off, or are you going to try the climbing shoes?

And btw, don't forget, there is spring season at the RED, and you have committed to it.

Hmm, spring season at the Red... hard to say, Lena, hard to say.

I'm not sure how putting climbing shoes on it going to be. I'm optimistic about it after we pull the pins (and count to three?) in early March. I have a few old shoes that are a bit bigger and stiffer that I can start on, and even the Arrowheads are about 1/2 size big for me, so will probably get a great getting-back-into-it boot for the steeps.

Feeling cautiously optimistic, though. Probably not gonna be a great Endless Wall season, but I think steep sport will be good. Due to the nature of the injury, I'll probably be doing as much heelhooking as possible with the left.

I asked the Doc about climbing, and he clearly did not get how shoes work, since he said that he could give me a metal shank to put inside the shoes for more support.

LOL, metal shank for inside of the climbing shoes!

Still, may not be so off. Didn't Gail get carbon inserts into her climbing shoes after her toe surgery? Obviously, completely different injury, but...

Brian gave me a pair of lave up stiff shoes a size too big when I was ready to try climbing again. And another pair two sizes too big. I was very happy to have both. My feet swelled something fierce.

The dog?

Can he hook me up with some free shooz? Angelic

Speaking of the dog, Mo has been pretty quiet lately. I think that Brian may have flatrocked her after hearing about her meatbombzing the Lesburu?

Patty would have rolled right over that pesky median.
You're right, patty would have taken it like a champ.

End damage: new rim, 4 new tires (which is the bullshit of AWD I guess since the other three were FINE and had 30k left in them) new alignment, some other random shit... $1000. Yup, a $1k flat tire.

I was actually kind of shocked with Brian's response- I grew up in a house where poppa biner would get all red and yelly if someone (even himself) dropped a glass, let alone launched a car into a curb. Brian was just 'don't be sorry, it's ok, these things happen. Here, let me change the tire for you in three minutes flat' and THEN proceeds to spend the whole next day dealing with getting it fixed.

Momma sez he's a keepah.

Holy crap, I didn't know you had to get 4 new tires for exploding one. I would be tempted to ignore that.

The curse of the Subaru. They won't sell you just one. If you can bat your eyelashes well enough and the dude selling them is feeling nice, they MIGHT sell you two. But almost always they will make you buy all 4. Basterds.

This is complete misinformashonz!

If you go to a service station run by Russian mafiamechanic, they will replace one, and only one. Unless you ask for more. They will also get you parts from the "junkyard", instead of new ones, if you want. (And dispose of any bodies they find in your car, in case you accidentally left them there, but that is, of course, not relevant to anyone here, and is only a hearsay, anyway.)
Yes, NEVER go to the dealership for maintenance. Ever.

heh, the mechanic I go to actually is russian. no mafia ties that I am aware of.
We just went to a regular mechanic, not the dealer. We tried to find a used rim but my car is so new they didn't have any in the junk yard. Could have got a full set of used, but it would have taken a few days and my family gets here tomorrow.

Brian's very cheap when he can be, he made all sorts of phone calls to see if we could get out of it. His momma raised him hebrew right!

Rascist? Tuphar?

definitely RACIST.

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