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Partner artm

Jan 21, 2008, 9:06 PM
Post #9751 of 25030 (2316 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2001
Posts: 17990

     Re: [obsessed] OKel story time [In reply to]
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mosquito net

room with doors open

bed with net up


Jan 21, 2008, 9:10 PM
Post #9752 of 25030 (2312 views)

Registered: May 12, 2004
Posts: 5920

     Re: [obsessed] OKel story time [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
microbarn wrote:
obsessed wrote:
microbarn wrote:
story time?

I'm not sure you could handle my stories.
Trying to think of a tame one I can tell...

The stories that aren't tame are the fun ones.Laugh

Will start with a tame one and see where we go from there...

One new years myself and a group of friends stayed at a ski resort in a chalet the group had rented all winter. We were in our 20's and there were 20 people in on the dump of a chalet located at the top of the ski hills.
One night we were going strong and decided at 3am to walk to the closed ski hill and go for a ride. In a substance abused state we ripped down a 10x10 sheet of plastic that was covering the front window to keep the cold out and headed for the hill.
10 of us got to the top of the very large ski hill and jumped on the plastic sheet. That thing shot down the hill so fast and as people were being thrown off we were like scattered debris all over the hill. I am talking ski hill with chair lift, not a little hill.
Stupid part was, once at the bottom we had to walk back up. I think it was day light before we got back.

See, nice and tame Wink
*yawn* <pushes elbow into rib> you can do better

Actually that reminds me of a great trip we had. Friend scored a free house for a weekend near a ski resort. We were all drunk the entire trip, but the best part was taking the beers out into the snow and sledding into the road. We didn't do any skiing that trip, but fun times even if I can't really relate it into text.

Sitting your beers in the snow is awesome. Keeps it the perfect temperature.

(This post was edited by microbarn on Jan 21, 2008, 9:13 PM)


Jan 21, 2008, 9:10 PM
Post #9753 of 25030 (2310 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [artm] OKel story time [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
mosquito net

room with doors open

bed with net up

Thats very cool.


Jan 21, 2008, 9:14 PM
Post #9754 of 25030 (2305 views)

Registered: May 12, 2004
Posts: 5920

     milk [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
How the hell did I do that???
there was an extra /quote


Jan 21, 2008, 9:16 PM
Post #9755 of 25030 (2302 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [microbarn] OKel story time [In reply to]
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exactly. And the times when you can't relate it into text are normally the best times.

There was this other time, when I went to a concert in Toronto on a party bus. Won't say what was ingested while on the way there, but it was on paper. Went to the concert, met some guys, missed the party bus back and ended up with these guys at a party in Toronto. Was there for 2 days before I was so burned out I needed to come home.
This was in the days before cell phones (yes a loong time ago) and my friends who got back on the party bus had no idea where I got to. Thank god they didn't report me missing!

(This post was edited by obsessed on Jan 21, 2008, 9:19 PM)

Partner epoch

Jan 21, 2008, 9:17 PM
Post #9756 of 25030 (2299 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

     Re: [microbarn] OKel story time [In reply to]
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microbarn wrote:
obsessed wrote:
microbarn wrote:
obsessed wrote:
microbarn wrote:
story time?

I'm not sure you could handle my stories.
Trying to think of a tame one I can tell...

The stories that aren't tame are the fun ones.Laugh

Will start with a tame one and see where we go from there...

One new years myself and a group of friends stayed at a ski resort in a chalet the group had rented all winter. We were in our 20's and there were 20 people in on the dump of a chalet located at the top of the ski hills.
One night we were going strong and decided at 3am to walk to the closed ski hill and go for a ride. In a substance abused state we ripped down a 10x10 sheet of plastic that was covering the front window to keep the cold out and headed for the hill.
10 of us got to the top of the very large ski hill and jumped on the plastic sheet. That thing shot down the hill so fast and as people were being thrown off we were like scattered debris all over the hill. I am talking ski hill with chair lift, not a little hill.
Stupid part was, once at the bottom we had to walk back up. I think it was day light before we got back.

See, nice and tame Wink
*yawn* <pushes elbow into rib> you can do better

Actually that reminds me of a great trip we had. Friend scored a free house for a weekend near a ski resort. We were all drunk the entire trip, but the best part was taking the beers out into the snow and sledding into the road. We didn't do any skiing that trip, but fun times even if I can't really relate it into text.

Sitting your beers in the snow is awesome. Keeps it the perfect temperature.
The ethos in Japan is perfect for beer-in-snow skiing. We'd pick a run, and stash our cans at the top - in plain view - and have cold ones before each run. The Japanese are honest, sometimes too honest, especially when they could have free beer.

Drunken downhill racing was teh bomb.


Jan 21, 2008, 10:54 PM
Post #9757 of 25030 (2282 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [microbarn] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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microbarn wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
obsessed wrote:
artm wrote:
artm wrote:

You like the 2nd one to eh art?

She does have a great set of

jewelery on those wrists

edit for the stupid dot
She's wearing jewelry?!?!


All I see are funbags.Crazy

Damn right hehehe!



Jan 21, 2008, 10:59 PM
Post #9758 of 25030 (2279 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [microbarn] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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microbarn wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
microbarn wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
microbarn wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
epoch wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
Mornin all.

How was the weekend?
Mostly uneventful

How did the new skis perform?

Chossy, how's the tile treating you.

I might go to the dacks this weekend. Might

....but probably not.
still waiting to see some pics of your potty room if you got them
Who's potty room?
your freshly redone potty room. Didn't you get the shower curtain up and everything now?
I still need to finish the cabinets and do the floor tile and put in a new toilet. We don't even have a new toilet yet. I want to get the "Champion 4" but Bec says it is to expensive. I say how can you argue with a toilet called "The Champion 4"?
you could take some powerful poops in a CHAMPION 4
No shit...


Jan 21, 2008, 11:04 PM
Post #9759 of 25030 (2277 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [microbarn] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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microbarn wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
microbarn wrote:

I never hear of people traveling to WV for ice.

Not ice, rock. Though my friend reportedly found some this weekend.

I'm used to driving 4-5 hours each weekend...8 is kinda pushing it. That's what I was bitching aboutWink
yea, I know rock is what most people go for, but I know of at least one or two places that SHOULD form up at the NRG. Sure, it won't be as good as the dacs, but it seems like there should be some ice somewhere in that state this weekend.
It would be cool for the novelty. That would be a bit far to drive for us for something as fickle WV ice though.

What makes you think it would form? Ice formation is weird. A lot of places you think it would won't. Water seeping out of the rock then flowing down the face before dripping off into space is good. The flow has to be right to. To heavy and it needs to get super cold to start the formation. To light and it will lock up in the rock.


Jan 21, 2008, 11:18 PM
Post #9760 of 25030 (2273 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [wanderlustmd] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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wanderlustmd wrote:
Yo Nate, are you aware that you are from Ontario, England?

(I was wondering about the "pish posh" above)

It's cold today in DC. You guys should have ice soon, methinks.
I'm afraid I know all to well.

On top of a British flag its Queen this and Queen that. Someday, hopefully they change it by then, I'll have to swear allegiance to the Queen when I become a Canadian Citizen.

It just got cold here on Friday. There should be something this weekend. I'm hoping that we can hit our close to home spot Wed. or Thurs. I don't know if the ice will be ready yet there though. I've seen the one route form up in two days, but the rock was already pretty frozen and it got very cold. That route takes the least amount of ice to climb the route. All the others it needs to be big enough to climb up and have it not fall down. It would suck to knock down a well forming drip making have to start over. Or have it fall on us.


Jan 21, 2008, 11:20 PM
Post #9761 of 25030 (2275 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
My drytool training thingy i built is becoming a mixed training thingy. I'm going to go pile up more snow to see if i can make a pickable icicle.
Why not grab the garden hose and hook it up in a tree?

more or less what I said. you got GU ;p
No, you said on the deck.

Hmmm. Maybe I should suggest that to your Brent.

I will kill you dead!
Will you at least use an ice tool and work on your swing?

What about the side of the house. Ice would bond to the brick really nice.


Jan 21, 2008, 11:21 PM
Post #9762 of 25030 (2274 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
So when are we going?

You've got the busy schedule so speak up.

Doc, your weekends go Sat-Tues or Fri-Mon?

Its damn cold there right now. -19c on its way to -26c tonight.

Didn't you get the memo? I'm going to Vegas baby!
Yes, but you work hard. You can take two trips.

Im not so sure about that, I booked 2 weeks coming up in March and then I still want some left over in the summer.
I may get sick though


Jan 21, 2008, 11:25 PM
Post #9763 of 25030 (2272 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
Going to the cats tomorrow and monday.
Gunna be cold.

You is gonna freeze your balls off. good times doc! Don't forget your camera!
It was cold out at the Bridge today. Hopefully we will have some climbable ice soon.

Christ, it was cold!!! And I don't think either Nathan or I dressed quite warm enough. The wind was what killed it.

I made a good call to stay home and do laundry and housework then Crazy
Yeah, but you missed your chance to try out your cold weather clothing system.

You need to bring your boots over this week so we can try some crampons on them. I think we have a set that will work.

Thats the problem I don't really have a cold weather clothing system.
And thursday is the tentative night. I will bring the boots
And the videos.

What time are you coming over? We might quick sneak out after Bec gets done with work for a short bit. If there is climbable ice.


Jan 21, 2008, 11:27 PM
Post #9764 of 25030 (2270 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [artm] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
microbarn wrote:
microbarn wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
chossy, you sounded pretty butthurt over in t3h original thr3d.
I saw the title change. I didn't think twice and clicked on it. Damn! I was fooled!
the Chosser has been missing for the last few days. I hope the house finishes up soon. I need more diversions.

GG, your showers are superb I assume?

No shower curtain yet. Mad

But the shower stall does look superb! Smile Maybe I should snap some photos.
All you need is a cheap plastic sheet.
We have a shower curtain. We needed to decide on a curtain rod. Now I need to get new ends for the rod we have and carefully drill holes through the tile to hang it up.
I worked a summer as a tiler for a construction firm.
Tile work sucks.
The part I hated most was sealing the grout.
I was sealing it today. The roller thing that came with the sealer just leaked all over so I ended up using a small paintbrush. It took forever!


Jan 21, 2008, 11:28 PM
Post #9765 of 25030 (2269 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:

Us homebred locals do call it "the mountain"

You guys call it a mountain because you have never seen real mountains.

In reply to:
We live up on the niagara escarpment (preserved biosphere) but it is not even close to a real mountain. It does make the city interesting though because all the roads have to be built up the escarpment. And the weather is different up here than it is down below.

Here's some facts for you (I know how MB likes the facts)
The Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve is situated in the Canadian province of Ontario. The biosphere reserve stretches 725 km from Lake Ontario (near Niagara Falls) to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula (between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron). Much of the Escarpment corridor is forested and crosses two major biomes: boreal needle leaf forests in the north and temperate broadleaf forests in the south. The biosphere reserve also includes wetland complexes, cliff faces, slopes and aquatic ecosystems.
It also helps fuck access. Pirate

The Biosphere reserve BS that is.

You are correct. But it's allright that they blast a football field size hole in the side of it to build an expressway, but climbers can't clip bolts on the already bolted part of escarpment because of access.
Or bolt new routes on otherwise clean rock.

Actually the blasted it a couple places recently. On the way to your place and on the other side going to Guelf.


Jan 21, 2008, 11:29 PM
Post #9766 of 25030 (2267 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
He's got a good list of work piling up....our new windows and doors just arrived. I'm hoping that the amount of work isn't too overwhelming.

Yikes! If you need some help, brent is a good worker. Not Brent E the other Brent

Maybe you two can help me put in the big window in the front? Then you can go climb on the wall.

when did I offer my services? I was slaving out my kid, not me
We wanna see your big muscles.


Jan 21, 2008, 11:34 PM
Post #9767 of 25030 (2265 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [artm] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
obsessed wrote:
artm wrote:
you could see through the slats in the floorboard to the ground 20 feet below

awesome. Have any pictures of that?
here is my hut

Were you sleeping on the roof?


Jan 21, 2008, 11:36 PM
Post #9768 of 25030 (2262 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [microbarn] gear ho [In reply to]
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microbarn wrote:
I got this coming in the mail. Should be fun to play with.




Jan 21, 2008, 11:38 PM
Post #9769 of 25030 (2260 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
How the hell did I do that???
R U drunk?

Partner artm

Jan 21, 2008, 11:39 PM
Post #9770 of 25030 (2259 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2001
Posts: 17990

     Re: [chossmonkey] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
microbarn wrote:
microbarn wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
chossy, you sounded pretty butthurt over in t3h original thr3d.
I saw the title change. I didn't think twice and clicked on it. Damn! I was fooled!
the Chosser has been missing for the last few days. I hope the house finishes up soon. I need more diversions.

GG, your showers are superb I assume?

No shower curtain yet. Mad

But the shower stall does look superb! Smile Maybe I should snap some photos.
All you need is a cheap plastic sheet.
We have a shower curtain. We needed to decide on a curtain rod. Now I need to get new ends for the rod we have and carefully drill holes through the tile to hang it up.
I worked a summer as a tiler for a construction firm.
Tile work sucks.
The part I hated most was sealing the grout.
I was sealing it today. The roller thing that came with the sealer just leaked all over so I ended up using a small paintbrush. It took forever!
real pain wasn't it!

Partner artm

Jan 21, 2008, 11:42 PM
Post #9771 of 25030 (2257 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2001
Posts: 17990

     Re: [chossmonkey] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
obsessed wrote:
artm wrote:
you could see through the slats in the floorboard to the ground 20 feet below

awesome. Have any pictures of that?
here is my hut

Were you sleeping on the roof?
No I slept inside

Or took naps on the balconey in my 5 dollar hammock (which I am trying to rig up at home).


Jan 21, 2008, 11:43 PM
Post #9772 of 25030 (2255 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] OKel story time [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
exactly. And the times when you can't relate it into text are normally the best times.

There was this other time, when I went to a concert in Toronto on a party bus. Won't say what was ingested while on the way there, but it was on paper. Went to the concert, met some guys, missed the party bus back and ended up with these guys at a party in Toronto. Was there for 2 days before I was so burned out I needed to come home.
This was in the days before cell phones (yes a loong time ago) and my friends who got back on the party bus had no idea where I got to. Thank god they didn't report me missing!
Your kids PMed!!!

What about the time you were smoking weed at that concert and Bruce got mad at you?


Jan 21, 2008, 11:43 PM
Post #9773 of 25030 (2254 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
My drytool training thingy i built is becoming a mixed training thingy. I'm going to go pile up more snow to see if i can make a pickable icicle.
Why not grab the garden hose and hook it up in a tree?

more or less what I said. you got GU ;p
No, you said on the deck.

Hmmm. Maybe I should suggest that to your Brent.

I will kill you dead!
Will you at least use an ice tool and work on your swing?

What about the side of the house. Ice would bond to the brick really nice.

Sure I can do that. And NO not the side of the house either. Gas vents are on the side, you want him to blow us up?


Jan 21, 2008, 11:45 PM
Post #9774 of 25030 (2250 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
Going to the cats tomorrow and monday.
Gunna be cold.

You is gonna freeze your balls off. good times doc! Don't forget your camera!
It was cold out at the Bridge today. Hopefully we will have some climbable ice soon.

Christ, it was cold!!! And I don't think either Nathan or I dressed quite warm enough. The wind was what killed it.

I made a good call to stay home and do laundry and housework then Crazy
Yeah, but you missed your chance to try out your cold weather clothing system.

You need to bring your boots over this week so we can try some crampons on them. I think we have a set that will work.

Thats the problem I don't really have a cold weather clothing system.
And thursday is the tentative night. I will bring the boots
And the videos.

What time are you coming over? We might quick sneak out after Bec gets done with work for a short bit. If there is climbable ice.

Yes, I will bring the videos. What about 6:30 or 7. or Friday?


Jan 21, 2008, 11:47 PM
Post #9775 of 25030 (2248 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [artm] pulling a brent_e [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
microbarn wrote:
microbarn wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
chossy, you sounded pretty butthurt over in t3h original thr3d.
I saw the title change. I didn't think twice and clicked on it. Damn! I was fooled!
the Chosser has been missing for the last few days. I hope the house finishes up soon. I need more diversions.

GG, your showers are superb I assume?

No shower curtain yet. Mad

But the shower stall does look superb! Smile Maybe I should snap some photos.
All you need is a cheap plastic sheet.
We have a shower curtain. We needed to decide on a curtain rod. Now I need to get new ends for the rod we have and carefully drill holes through the tile to hang it up.
I worked a summer as a tiler for a construction firm.
Tile work sucks.
The part I hated most was sealing the grout.
I was sealing it today. The roller thing that came with the sealer just leaked all over so I ended up using a small paintbrush. It took forever!
real pain wasn't it!
I should ahve just taped a long stick to the brush, gabbed a couple beers and just laid in the tub while doing it. It would have been pretty sloppy though. I had to keep wiping up the dribbles as it was .

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