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"Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore
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Jul 10, 2009, 5:03 AM
Post #76 of 271 (3928 views)

Registered: Dec 11, 2008
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Re: [veganclimber] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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from what iv seen there has been a whole lot of non-argument. as argument requires that counter evidence be presented. iv seen multiple people cite sources for why global warming is real, some very good ones too. on the side of GW is a myth iv heard a lot of, "ur all so gullible for believing non-sense" without any facts given by a fair source OR even a biased one. lets for a sec assume that im not already decided on the subject, im going with the people who have real sources.

as for all u government conspiracy theorists, tell me if the government is sssooo eager to tax us to make the earth a cleaner place then why is there so much foot dragging? seems to me that if i wanted something to happen i wouldn't hinder it.

as for the desecration of a national monument bullshit. number one they used already existing anchors and trad placements to hold the banner in place. now educate but isn't the reason cams and nuts and all that gear was invented to make it so that u could make an anchor without damaging the rock??? also for those of u who dont know mount Rushmore was carved on sacred native american land, so thats pretty much like osama bin laden putting up a 50 foot statue of himself right in the middle of the Vatican after telling the pope that no one will try to take his land.

now i believe that this is the only planet we get so we better make damn sure we take good care of it, now i know the whole well ur driving forever to get to rock so u can straddle it argument. but is that an excuse for doing nothing??? really is it that hard to recycle? to take public transportation or ride a bike? to just carpool? now no one is perfect and we climbers do have a big environmental impact due to all our driving and gear we buy, but i for one do the best i can to reduce my impact in other areas of my life.

great job Green Peace


Jul 10, 2009, 6:46 AM
Post #77 of 271 (3905 views)

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Re: [asellers98] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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The 'monument' at Rushmore is, was, and will always be a memorial of desecration.


Jul 10, 2009, 10:01 AM
Post #78 of 271 (3891 views)

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Re: [dynosore] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
Most Americans can't do basic algebra. I've done years of modeling complex systems, and I know more than 99.9% of Americans do about the relability of said models. The GW models are a crock, give me a number you want and I'll come up with a legitimate looking model that justifies that number.

All that man-made GW hysteria proves is that if you tell non-thinking people something often enough they'll believe it.

I applaud your superior math, logic, and general thinking skills. I'd love to read the papers you've published that disprove the ignorant masses of scientists and to find out how well cited you are by people with credentials equal or better than yours ....



.... [crickets]


.... it's okay, I'll just wait.


.... [more crickets]


Jul 10, 2009, 10:10 AM
Post #79 of 271 (3891 views)

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Re: [rtwilli4] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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Jul 10, 2009, 10:51 AM
Post #80 of 271 (3888 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2007
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Re: [dynosore] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
But do we really believe that the world warming a couple degrees will doom us all? Humans are great adapters.

You may be a wizz at the economy, but that statement shows just how ignorant you are about ecosystems. Sure, it may not "doom us all" but I assure you it will have SEVERE consequences.

Edit: To put it in a way you might relate to, consequences that would way exceed 1500$ per family.

(This post was edited by jmvc on Jul 10, 2009, 10:53 AM)


Jul 10, 2009, 11:13 AM
Post #81 of 271 (3880 views)

Registered: May 4, 2007
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Re: [james481] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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james481 wrote:
I don't really have an opinion one way or the other about someone hanging a banner on Rushmore, and I think that some of the evidence that humans are causing global warming (and what consequences that might have) is dubious at best, but that's neither here nor there.

It always fascinates me how caring and eco-conscious climbers generally make themselves out to be. I mean, let's be real with ourselves here: We often drive hundreds of miles in our gas burning cars, camp in pristine wilderness, strap on shoes (made from petroleum and leather and shipped from China), tie in to a nylon rope (also made from petroleum, and probably shipped from China), and load ourselves down with all manner of aluminum biners and pro (all of which uses massive amounts of electricity to produce and then is shipped overseas) so that we can feel good by not killing ourselves doing something that the vast majority of people would say is a downright silly pastime. Then we turn around and say "damn all you people who are destroying the planet for no reason!" In other words, if it's something we want to do (and don't get me wrong, I love me some climbing), then it's perfectly justifiable, but everyone else are just irresponsible assholes because they throw out their junk mail instead of recycling it. Hypocrisy, anyone?
agreed.....if you want to be a true enviromentalist/eco nut, move to africa and vow to never use a road, car, or any commercial product ever again...oh yeah and no kids, ever. Im not a seal clubber but im not gonna fool myself into thinking recycling every shred of recyclables is gonna save the planet. i gotta laugh at people that drive there SUV's to the recycling center....back to topic, at least greenpeace gets dialog started. also, i dont think people will connect this to climbers at all, just green peace imho


Jul 10, 2009, 1:01 PM
Post #82 of 271 (3865 views)

Registered: Aug 5, 2005
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Re: [dondada] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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I gotta agree here. I seriously doubt there will be any impact on climbers... It not like climbing is authorized there anyways. Besides, they did more rappelling and jugging than climbing... And there was not any permanent damage done..

So.... Are they going to ban the window washing profession now too? Or maybe tree cutting services? I mean, they all know how to manage ropes to some degree right????


Jul 10, 2009, 1:24 PM
Post #83 of 271 (3861 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
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Re: [jmvc] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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jmvc wrote:
dynosore wrote:
But do we really believe that the world warming a couple degrees will doom us all? Humans are great adapters.

You may be a wizz at the economy, but that statement shows just how ignorant you are about ecosystems. Sure, it may not "doom us all" but I assure you it will have SEVERE consequences.

Edit: To put it in a way you might relate to, consequences that would way exceed 1500$ per family.

OK Mr. Ecosystem expert, quantify it for me then, how much per family? The world has already warmed over 1ºF in the last 100 years, and how much has that cost us? Nothing would be my estimate. You could argue there are more hurricanes I suppose, but I could make a good case that they are based on normal patterns.

You're blowing smoke.


Jul 10, 2009, 1:29 PM
Post #84 of 271 (3853 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
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Re: [knieveltech] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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knieveltech wrote:
therat wrote:
knieveltech wrote:
dingus wrote:
asellers98 wrote:
As far as impact? What kind of climbing backlash will result from this? What kind of change is going to come from this politically?

From now on climbing on Rushmore shall be illegal.

There's your backlash.



I thought it was already illegal. Rushmore looks like choss anyway.

I've read through this entire thread three times now... and although many posts are loaded with left wing spew, this one just seems to jump out at me. Doesn't anyone care about access issues anymore? Choss or not (this dumb ass obviously knows nothing about the area), ...blah blah blah

What, you've climbed Rushmore and are here to tell us that despite all appearances in photos and video it actually isn't choss?

Actually, I know a few things about the area:

1. it's in the middle of bum fuck South Dakota
2. it's off limits to climbing
3. it looks like complete choss

Given these three points I see no compelling reason to drive to South Dakota, and while I'm being REALLY frank I could give a fuck if it collapsed into a pile of rubble and am endlessly amused that all of this is pissing people off, especially you.

Go organize an adopt-a-crag or something.

I'm full of opinions but it's good to stick to things you actually know something about. I've climbed in the Rushmore area, it's a beautiful area and the climbing is superb and solid, (and a bit run out!) I'd move to Rapid City before I'd move any where in N. Carolina. Sweltering wasteland.


Jul 10, 2009, 1:36 PM
Post #85 of 271 (3847 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2001
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Re: [dynosore] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
... quantify it for me then ...

This from the mathematical genius that derides others' models and yet, has provided no proof that he can quantify anything himself.

dynosore wrote:
... but I could make a good case that ...

Isn't that all you've done?

dynosore wrote:
... You're blowing smoke.

Let me repeat: Isn't that all you've done?

The basic premise of your critique is that mathematical models are fallible (garbage in - garbage out) yet you've failed to explain where the failure is. Perhaps more importantly, your critique simply undermines your own expertise because it provides insight into how you choose to use your models and not how the countless other scientists have used theirs. In other words, if their techniques are crap and you know this from experience then you must do similarly crappy analysis and so we can't trust you either.

PS - and I'm being completely sincere here, your photo portfolio is pretty awesome and, in a way, makes me sad. you've been to so many beautiful places and yet seem completely ignorant about how your stance here will negatively impact those places.

(This post was edited by sidepull on Jul 10, 2009, 1:38 PM)


Jul 10, 2009, 2:01 PM
Post #86 of 271 (3837 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [irregularpanda] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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irregularpanda wrote:
knieveltech wrote:
Awesome! I appreciate your efforts at subversion regardless of my own personal cause. So out of curiosity what kind of charges are the climb team looking at? Trespassing surely. Vandalism? Defacing a national monument?

I fixed that for you.

This debate is like abortion, certain sides will never truly agree, because it's the fundamental principles that drive us apart. What this kid should be applauded for is actually standing up for what he believes in.

It's people like that who gave us women's right to vote, and de-segregation of blacks and whites. It's people like that who care enough for a cause to hold their leaders to a higher standard, and demand that their voices be heard.

We heard your opinion already. Put down the whiskey and read what you typed tomorrow.

I think you have me filed in the wrong drawer here. I haven't come out on either side of the GW debate and I wasn't being sarcastic when I said I appreciated their efforts.


Jul 10, 2009, 2:04 PM
Post #87 of 271 (3831 views)

Registered: Jul 5, 2006
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Re: [sidepull] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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sidepull wrote:
PS - and I'm being completely sincere here, your photo portfolio is pretty awesome and, in a way, makes me sad. you've been to so many beautiful places and yet seem completely ignorant about how your stance here will negatively impact those places.

What sidepull said. Not to mention the 5 million or so species out there that could be negatively affected in some way or another by global warming. Dynosore said:

"But do we really believe that the world warming a couple degrees will doom us all? Humans are great adapters."

...which totally misses the point. Unlike humans, many of these species could be pushed to the brink of extinction. FYI, it's not always about us. Sheesh.


Jul 10, 2009, 2:23 PM
Post #88 of 271 (3823 views)

Registered: Feb 14, 2008
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Re: [dynosore] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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I'm full of opinions but it's good to stick to things you actually know something about. I've climbed in the Rushmore area, it's a beautiful area and the climbing is superb and solid, (and a bit run out!) I'd move to Rapid City before I'd move any where in N. Carolina. Sweltering wasteland.

You're exactly right. NC sucks. It's way too hot, even in the mountains, and there is really no climbing either. Unless you are a surfer who likes mediocre waves you should probably just stay out of the whole state.


Jul 10, 2009, 2:29 PM
Post #89 of 271 (3819 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [rtwilli4] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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rtwilli4 wrote:
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I'm full of opinions but it's good to stick to things you actually know something about. I've climbed in the Rushmore area, it's a beautiful area and the climbing is superb and solid, (and a bit run out!) I'd move to Rapid City before I'd move any where in N. Carolina. Sweltering wasteland.

You're exactly right. NC sucks. It's way too hot, even in the mountains, and there is really no climbing either. Unless you are a surfer who likes mediocre waves you should probably just stay out of the whole state.

This is correct.

Partner cracklover

Jul 10, 2009, 2:36 PM
Post #90 of 271 (3811 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: [james481] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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james481 wrote:
I don't really have an opinion one way or the other about someone hanging a banner on Rushmore, and I think that some of the evidence that humans are causing global warming (and what consequences that might have) is dubious at best, but that's neither here nor there.

It always fascinates me how caring and eco-conscious climbers generally make themselves out to be. I mean, let's be real with ourselves here: We often drive hundreds of miles in our gas burning cars, camp in pristine wilderness, strap on shoes (made from petroleum and leather and shipped from China), tie in to a nylon rope (also made from petroleum, and probably shipped from China), and load ourselves down with all manner of aluminum biners and pro (all of which uses massive amounts of electricity to produce and then is shipped overseas) so that we can feel good by not killing ourselves doing something that the vast majority of people would say is a downright silly pastime. Then we turn around and say "damn all you people who are destroying the planet for no reason!" In other words, if it's something we want to do (and don't get me wrong, I love me some climbing), then it's perfectly justifiable, but everyone else are just irresponsible assholes because they throw out their junk mail instead of recycling it. Hypocrisy, anyone?

Speak for yourself. I, for one, don't give myself a pass just because I recycle or because I know what LNT means. You don't have to give yourself a pass, either.



Jul 10, 2009, 2:47 PM
Post #91 of 271 (3804 views)

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Re: [dynosore] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
You're blowing smoke.

You spewed nonsense and pretended it was science and got called out and they're blowing smoke? Bwahahahahahahaha!



Jul 10, 2009, 2:52 PM
Post #92 of 271 (3801 views)

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Re: [dingus] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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I would agree however that unless China, India et al also sign up for carbon control bullshit it is further economic suicide for the US to do this cap and trade madness.

The only way I can see to geit around the '3rd world' issue is to Carbon Tax the FUCK out of any polluting import. There would need to be a certification industry with factory of origin label requirements. Imports are taxed based upon either the overall polluton of the host country or the individual factory.

Unless we do this step? Witness the evacuation of the remaining US industry that CAN evac... gone, never to return... but ironically we'd still be getting their pollution.

Many of the 'we have to do something now' crowd have failed utterly to propose and drive towrd any sort of global solution. If we are going to lead at a national level as opposed to a global one, then we MUST PROTECT OUR MARKETS.

Walmart has to go. I don't care if you pension funds take a fucking hit. The constitutiuon doesn't promise you cheap shit.



Jul 10, 2009, 2:53 PM
Post #93 of 271 (3800 views)

Registered: Jan 7, 2008
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Re: [knieveltech] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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I will give you a great example of how this action could effect all of us:

Paintball. It is a great sport, but because so many people like to use their markers inappropriately, it can affect others who are not. Locations are popping up everywhere listing no paintball allowed, where it use to be ok. So if you want to go play, in some areas you have to visit a pay field.

Now is this event going to drastically effect anyone no, but it is just one of those major eye sores that will stick in officials minds later on when they begin to say climbing is too dangerous of a sport. It will be another chalk mark on their reasons why climbing is bad. Look at how they are going after motorsports. Kids motorcycles are no longer sold new. WTF wake up...

I don't really care about global warming by our vehicles, the worst offenders are the cows. I am all for switching hamburger meet to an animal that doesn't fart as much. But that shouldn't be taxed to be corrected. They could simply state, slaughter your cows you have currently and replace them with animal X.

I am all about conspiracies, because we all do it. We conspire to make life for ourselves better. And at the root of conspiracies, that is what the individuals intentions are, to make THEIR lives better. Government is all about helping those that help you, or kickbacks. It is a shame that people will jump on a bandwagon like this, without changing their own lives first. I can respect anyone that is a veg. living off the land, and their footprint is minimal. But like the jackass Al Gore? Please, fix the log in your own eye first mother f$%er!


Jul 10, 2009, 2:55 PM
Post #94 of 271 (3793 views)

Registered: Jun 9, 2009
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Re: [healyje] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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healyje wrote:
The 'monument' at Rushmore is, was, and will always be a memorial of desecration.

Apparently, the 2.4 Million visitors in 2008 disagree...


Jul 10, 2009, 2:58 PM
Post #95 of 271 (3790 views)

Registered: Feb 6, 2008
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Re: [WyoCrackLover] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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WyoCrackLover wrote:
healyje wrote:
The 'monument' at Rushmore is, was, and will always be a memorial of desecration.

Apparently, the 2.4 Million visitors in 2008 disagree...

How many people visited Ground Zero in New York?

Partner angry

Jul 10, 2009, 3:01 PM
Post #96 of 271 (3788 views)

Registered: Jul 22, 2003
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Re: [asellers98] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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You'd be on to something if you were suggesting switching all of our "meat" to insects.

Never going to happen, but it's probably the only solution that wouldn't ravage our environment.


Jul 10, 2009, 3:10 PM
Post #97 of 271 (3770 views)

Registered: Apr 3, 2009
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Re: [mounter] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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That is some of the best quality HD video I have seen on youtube. I wonder what camera they used?


Jul 10, 2009, 3:11 PM
Post #98 of 271 (3767 views)

Registered: Apr 3, 2009
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Re: [rtwilli4] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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rtwilli4 wrote:
In reply to:
I'm full of opinions but it's good to stick to things you actually know something about. I've climbed in the Rushmore area, it's a beautiful area and the climbing is superb and solid, (and a bit run out!) I'd move to Rapid City before I'd move any where in N. Carolina. Sweltering wasteland.

You're exactly right. NC sucks. It's way too hot, even in the mountains, and there is really no climbing either. Unless you are a surfer who likes mediocre waves you should probably just stay out of the whole state.



Jul 10, 2009, 3:14 PM
Post #99 of 271 (3764 views)

Registered: Jan 7, 2008
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Re: [angry] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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LOL. Termites are mighty tasty! I wouldn't mind termite burgers, haha. I had some down fresh termites off the tree in Costa Rica, when I went to get married.

It saddens me that the cows are the main reason down there for the loss of cherished jungles. And their meat is TERRIBLE. Chicken and fish were great, but don't eat the meat, you will be sadly disappointed.

Partner happiegrrrl

Jul 10, 2009, 3:27 PM
Post #100 of 271 (3751 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2004
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Re: [asellers98] "Climbers" hang banner on Rushmore [In reply to]
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I don't watch the news, but a free ClimbAddict t-shirt* to the first 3 posters** who can post a confirmable link, with excerp, from a major media source (such as CNN/ WSJ/ even Fox News, not JohnBob's Blog***) indicating climbing access has been, or may be, negatively impacted by GP's event.

*Design of my choice, in your size
** Once a source has been cited, it may not be referenced again for this giveaway
*** does NOT count as a major media source, and any op ed pieces by someone on a climbing magazine/newsletter are exempt, lest some of those textbags here start a hunting and a pecking

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