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Jul 7, 2014, 7:24 PM
Post #102801 of 105309 (3792 views)

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Re: [meatbomz] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Jul 7, 2014, 7:24 PM
Post #102802 of 105309 (3791 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
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Re: [meatbomz] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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let's see here.


Jul 7, 2014, 7:24 PM
Post #102803 of 105309 (3789 views)

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Re: [meatbomz] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
set up
And, I can't remember how to inline those fucking things.


Nice work on GWB (Great White Behemoth, not George W Bush)! That thing was about the only one two I didn't onsite when I was there! I'm confused as to why you would train bad crimps and pockets more for a reach move. Jump! JUMP!


I'm not reading that.

One gigantic orgasming firehose of spray


Jul 7, 2014, 7:25 PM
Post #102804 of 105309 (3788 views)

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Re: [meatbomz] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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like taking candy from a donny


Jul 7, 2014, 7:27 PM
Post #102805 of 105309 (3785 views)

Registered: Apr 23, 2010
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Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
like taking candy from a donny

It has been sometime since I have stared bug-eyed at my phone.

*shitz pants in rage*

Partner cracklover

Jul 7, 2014, 7:48 PM
Post #102806 of 105309 (3779 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
camhead (and maybe GO)-- I sent The Great White Behemoth, and it felt awesome. Good to know that my bum knee doesn't stop me from climbing completely. But it is very tweaky and move-specific.

Nice job. I can't find my xzzz book - it's not unpacked and 10 minutes of unpacking books looking for it just now didn't turn it up. So I'm not sure which climb that is. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I've tried getting on it a few times, and there was always too long a line.



Jul 7, 2014, 8:01 PM
Post #102807 of 105309 (3774 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
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Re: [meatbomz] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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gud weke end on the eastside. drove up friday morning with teh mangler and his dogs to Pine Creek.

Did a couple warmups, then got on teh Atomic Gecko. That shit is hard. Basically, it's 7 bolts of continuous 11+/12- crimp/sidepull/crimpsidepulling on a gently overhanging wall; no rests, no real let up. Needless to say, I did not zend. Took a TR run after getting the rope up, got beatdown on TR as well.

Met up with Nate and his gf in Lake Crowley, ate dinner, then drove up over teh hill to Reds Meadow. Hit the Bear Crag Saturday and Sunday. Fired teh Flamed Thrower on second try of the day (4th try overall); that thing is excellent. First try I had gotten the last bolt clipped (where I fell off both tries last year), but then couldn't do the awkward shit above to get to the anchors. Got some better beta, and barely zent on try #2. After that I onzited teh Moisturizer, one of Big Tony's rowts. It's probibly only seen a few ascents, and could use some cleaning up. Fun, but not as good as some of the area classics. Scoped a bit of beta on the first half of Bear Backin' It for Sunday.

Next day I warmed up, and took a couple goes at Bear Backin' It. Second try I got through the crux boulder problem but was too tired to recover on the jug + knee scum rest. Will probibly have to get all the beta on that one really dialed in to zend. Took a TR run on Flying Circus; that is definitely not a classic. It's basically a painful dyno sequence to easy, not that steep jugs. Hiked out, ate a burger in Bishop, and drove home.

Partner epoch

Jul 7, 2014, 9:15 PM
Post #102808 of 105309 (3763 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
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Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
gud weke end on the eastside. drove up friday morning with teh mangler and his dogs to Pine Creek.

Did a couple warmups, then got on teh Atomic Gecko. That shit is hard. Basically, it's 7 bolts of continuous 11+/12- crimp/sidepull/crimpsidepulling on a gently overhanging wall; no rests, no real let up. Needless to say, I did not zend. Took a TR run after getting the rope up, got beatdown on TR as well.

Met up with Nate and his gf in Lake Crowley, ate dinner, then drove up over teh hill to Reds Meadow. Hit the Bear Crag Saturday and Sunday. Fired teh Flamed Thrower on second try of the day (4th try overall); that thing is excellent. First try I had gotten the last bolt clipped (where I fell off both tries last year), but then couldn't do the awkward shit above to get to the anchors. Got some better beta, and barely zent on try #2. After that I onzited teh Moisturizer, one of Big Tony's rowts. It's probibly only seen a few ascents, and could use some cleaning up. Fun, but not as good as some of the area classics. Scoped a bit of beta on the first half of Bear Backin' It for Sunday.

Next day I warmed up, and took a couple goes at Bear Backin' It. Second try I got through the crux boulder problem but was too tired to recover on the jug + knee scum rest. Will probibly have to get all the beta on that one really dialed in to zend. Took a TR run on Flying Circus; that is definitely not a classic. It's basically a painful dyno sequence to easy, not that steep jugs. Hiked out, ate a burger in Bishop, and drove home.

Ended up in the Palisades this weekend. Did the rain make it to you before you were done Sunday? It was raining yesterday morning at Glacier Lodge. Ended up meandering back to SD watching the thunderhead in the rear view.


Jul 7, 2014, 10:25 PM
Post #102809 of 105309 (3752 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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Re: [meatbomz] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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meatbomz wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
meatbomz wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So I went to bed last night, just feeling terrible. Lower back and hip just ached and my whole body was super hurty. Didn't sleep at all last night because of the pain.

Felt like I had a bit of a bladder infection last night and this morning had a fever. Decided to make a trip to the ER. They're not 100% the it's a kidney infection, but I'm currently sitting in the hospital with and antibiotic IV drip.

It also makes a convenient excuse for not climbing overly strong yesterday.

Dehydration or something? I had a kidney infection a long time ago that was super miserable. Sounds about like what you have. Hope you are coming out of it.

A little bit of dehydration I'm sure, but nothing that out if the ordinary.

UTIs spreading up into the kidneys is a bad business. Are you on antibiotics now?

Yes. I'm glad I went to the ER, while I was there for 5 hours it was pretty good one stop shopping.

Thought I was doing okay with the fever, but it was back up again when I woke up this afternoon. I'm hoping the binding effects of the tylenol will counteract the loosey goosey effects of the anitibiotics.


Jul 8, 2014, 3:54 AM
Post #102810 of 105309 (3737 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
I'm hoping the binding effects of the tylenol will counteract the loosey goosey effects of the anitibiotics.

If this is the case, they must be handing out Tylenol-Codiene like it is candy to our northern brethren.


Jul 8, 2014, 3:20 PM
Post #102811 of 105309 (3710 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
meatbomz wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
meatbomz wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So I went to bed last night, just feeling terrible. Lower back and hip just ached and my whole body was super hurty. Didn't sleep at all last night because of the pain.

Felt like I had a bit of a bladder infection last night and this morning had a fever. Decided to make a trip to the ER. They're not 100% the it's a kidney infection, but I'm currently sitting in the hospital with and antibiotic IV drip.

It also makes a convenient excuse for not climbing overly strong yesterday.

Dehydration or something? I had a kidney infection a long time ago that was super miserable. Sounds about like what you have. Hope you are coming out of it.

A little bit of dehydration I'm sure, but nothing that out if the ordinary.

UTIs spreading up into the kidneys is a bad business. Are you on antibiotics now?

Yes. I'm glad I went to the ER, while I was there for 5 hours it was pretty good one stop shopping.

Thought I was doing okay with the fever, but it was back up again when I woke up this afternoon. I'm hoping the binding effects of the tylenol will counteract the loosey goosey effects of the anitibiotics.

I wouldn't hold too much hope in that. And why are you taking tylenol, anyway, instead of ibuprofen? IMO when you are already taking medicine that relies on you having good-working liver (such as many antibiotics) it is better to go with ibuprofen that doesn't strain the liver as much. But I guess it also depends on which antibiotic you are taking.

I hope you get better soon, whatever you are taking.


Jul 8, 2014, 3:21 PM
Post #102812 of 105309 (3708 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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And, I was wrong about my knee getting better. Wishful thinking.


Jul 8, 2014, 3:29 PM
Post #102813 of 105309 (3706 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
meatbomz wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
meatbomz wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So I went to bed last night, just feeling terrible. Lower back and hip just ached and my whole body was super hurty. Didn't sleep at all last night because of the pain.

Felt like I had a bit of a bladder infection last night and this morning had a fever. Decided to make a trip to the ER. They're not 100% the it's a kidney infection, but I'm currently sitting in the hospital with and antibiotic IV drip.

It also makes a convenient excuse for not climbing overly strong yesterday.

Dehydration or something? I had a kidney infection a long time ago that was super miserable. Sounds about like what you have. Hope you are coming out of it.

A little bit of dehydration I'm sure, but nothing that out if the ordinary.

UTIs spreading up into the kidneys is a bad business. Are you on antibiotics now?

Yes. I'm glad I went to the ER, while I was there for 5 hours it was pretty good one stop shopping.

Thought I was doing okay with the fever, but it was back up again when I woke up this afternoon. I'm hoping the binding effects of the tylenol will counteract the loosey goosey effects of the anitibiotics.

I wouldn't hold too much hope in that. And why are you taking tylenol, anyway, instead of ibuprofen? IMO when you are already taking medicine that relies on you having good-working liver (such as many antibiotics) it is better to go with ibuprofen that doesn't strain the liver as much. But I guess it also depends on which antibiotic you are taking.

I hope you get better soon, whatever you are taking.

Ibuprofen doesn't seem to make a dent in pain for me. I don't know how well it works on fevers either.

I hear what you're saying though, and I'm trying not to take too much of it today, but fuck my lower back aches. I figured it couldn't be too bad if the doctor approved giving me a dose while I was in the hospital yesterday.

At home again today. Trying to eat (I think it's the antibiotics making my belly hurt). At least being sick is great for weight loss? Would like to get the car in the garage today if I could to get the air conditioning looked at.


Jul 8, 2014, 3:32 PM
Post #102814 of 105309 (3703 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.


Jul 8, 2014, 3:56 PM
Post #102815 of 105309 (3698 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?


Jul 8, 2014, 5:00 PM
Post #102816 of 105309 (3690 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

Ohhh, nice! You should see the pics of the van that Banz's friends have built. They are here with it, and it is pretty sweet. Solar panels on the roof, and all. I'll take some pics for you before I head home.


Jul 8, 2014, 7:00 PM
Post #102817 of 105309 (3680 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?

Nathan, yes. Me - when the house is finished....go figure. Mad


Jul 8, 2014, 7:02 PM
Post #102818 of 105309 (3680 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

Ohhh, nice! You should see the pics of the van that Banz's friends have built. They are here with it, and it is pretty sweet. Solar panels on the roof, and all. I'll take some pics for you before I head home.

Yes please! Right now the biggest question is how big a van we actually need. If Nathan wasn't 6ft tall we would require a lot less space for a bed.


Jul 8, 2014, 11:53 PM
Post #102819 of 105309 (3669 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?

Nathan, yes. Me - when the house is finished....go figure. Mad

well, perhaps his jorb quitzing will help teh haus get finisht?


Jul 9, 2014, 6:22 AM
Post #102820 of 105309 (3653 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
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Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?

Nathan, yes. Me - when the house is finished....go figure. Mad

well, perhaps his jorb quitzing will help teh haus get finisht?
5:1 against. Takers?

Partner epoch

Jul 9, 2014, 1:53 PM
Post #102821 of 105309 (3640 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?

Nathan, yes. Me - when the house is finished....go figure. Mad

well, perhaps his jorb quitzing will help teh haus get finisht?
5:1 against. Takers?


Jul 9, 2014, 4:31 PM
Post #102822 of 105309 (3619 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?

Nathan, yes. Me - when the house is finished....go figure. Mad

well, perhaps his jorb quitzing will help teh haus get finisht?

Because that worked so well the first time around?


Jul 9, 2014, 4:35 PM
Post #102823 of 105309 (3619 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?

Nathan, yes. Me - when the house is finished....go figure. Mad

well, perhaps his jorb quitzing will help teh haus get finisht?
5:1 against. Takers?

I could easily take this bet and then tip the odds in my favour, but 1) I'm still not sure if I could tips the odds and B) if I did manage push hard enough to tip the odds you would just start odd on the likelihood of our divorce.


Jul 9, 2014, 5:46 PM
Post #102824 of 105309 (3614 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Also should mention that we went and looked at sprinter vans on Saturday. Fuck, these kinds of vans are expensive, and buying them second hand is still expensive. Hopefully if we buy new then we can at least get decent resale out of it at the end.

We also looked at the new (to North America) Dodge van. I'll have to see it's track record over in Europe to get a good feeling for it. The Ford Transit is coming next year (2015), but I think we want the van before then.

is a jorb quitzing coming up soon?

Nathan, yes. Me - when the house is finished....go figure. Mad

well, perhaps his jorb quitzing will help teh haus get finisht?
5:1 against. Takers?

I don't know. I do know what I am going to take here in a second.


Jul 9, 2014, 5:47 PM
Post #102825 of 105309 (3613 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

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