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Nov 11, 2004, 7:39 PM
Post #101 of 150 (8289 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: comfortizing [In reply to]
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dingus, I've done the route, pretty much the tip of the iceberg in Yos wouldn't you say. I'm not sure why icons like Bridwell and Robbins (I think they're great) are equated with clean ethics, considering how many bolts they've placed and all the holds they've chipped. Any of you "traddies" want to explain this?

Tip of the iceberg? Nah. Serenity is like the poster child not for the likes of the Bird or Robbins, but for us poltroons who follow in their footsteps. Tweren't the eye-leet that bashed out that crack as far as I know, twas aid noobs and the like, the Tragedy of the Commons as one arrogant prick once said to me...

Robbins strove for a higher ethic and a cleaner method of climbing. In the process he invented or prefected approches that persist to this day. Bridwell did too for that matter, cept I don't remember him harping on 'clean.' And while I personally have never associated the Bird with a stout clean climbing ethic, I have associated him with stout climbing! Be it Freestone or Wheat Thin, the Bird has never held himself out to be a paragon of cleanliness.

Robbins slipped some, sure. But I for one do not confuse the flash of the man with the impact of his deeds. Sure, he screwed up from time to time. But the man climbed clean as he could, went to great lengths to avoid bolting (ever done the Prow on the Column and wondered what it was like to drill those bolts on lead, I'm 6' 0" and had to top step and reach to my very limit to clip them!), tried his hardest and in the process became the man many of us eventually put on the pedestal.

WE put him there.

Anyway, with a solid 50 year climbing history, a lot of damage to the moderates had already been done prior to the advent of clean climbing. The only irony is the legions of new trads that are unaware that the killer and grass free pod they just jammed that #1 cam into was likely the result of pin scarring. I like to remind them of that fact when they start spraying the virtues of their clean climbing ways, or rather (cause that doesn't bother me at all frankly) when they start judging others, elsewhere, based upon their 'trad' experiences in the Valley.

Comfortizing just isn't a big deal people.



Nov 11, 2004, 8:11 PM
Post #102 of 150 (8289 views)

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If it cuts into your fingers, it's easier to hold on to.


Nov 11, 2004, 8:13 PM
Post #103 of 150 (8289 views)

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If it cuts into your fingers, it's easier to hold on to.

Blood = lubrication = whipper! 8^)


Nov 11, 2004, 8:25 PM
Post #104 of 150 (8289 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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(If you can't understand either of these situations, then you are either anti-sport climbing, or are living in denial.)

No disrespect jcinco but that is bull s---. I know plenty of climbers who are simply not approving of taking tools to stone, period. Whether they are anti-sport or living in denial is irrelevant.

I know religious types that are against divorce. Yet divorce still happens. Are they living in denial?

Why is it that when people have a strongly held opinion that differs from your own they are in denial?


What I meant to say in that terse one sentence proclamation was that sport climbers who are against EVEN case #1 are living in denial, since taking crowbars or whatever to loose flakes is done on almost every sport route... period.


Nov 11, 2004, 8:31 PM
Post #105 of 150 (8289 views)

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What I meant to say in that terse one sentence proclamation was that sport climbers who are against EVEN case #1 are living in denial, since taking crowbars or whatever to loose flakes is done on almost every sport route... period.

Got it! Probably mostly true.



Nov 11, 2004, 8:33 PM
Post #106 of 150 (8289 views)

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Okay Rockprodigy, here goes!

Guess what, I live in Utah, Southern Utah, and I have climbed on all of the sharp Limestone and Basalt and BLED on on the sharp limestone and basalt. Did I climb on comfortized holds? Yes. Did I know that they were comfortized holds? No, not until today when sadly I heard the ridiculous term comfortizing for the first time. Do I agree with comfortizing? ABSOLUTLEY NOT!

When someone decides to put up a route they should realize that they are going to have to clean some of the loose rock off. This is not only to protect themselves but also their belay in the event of a rock coming off and falling on them. But tell me, if a razor or crystal busts off a hold is get going to fall down and knock your belay out? Nope. What it might do is cut your finger. So what, grow up. Get some tape. For heavens sake if it is so deadly buy some of those moronic mad rock fingers nubs and let those protect your finger tips.

What a FA does when he decides to comfortize holds is remove the possibility of anyone ever climbing the route the way it was naturally formed. Yes, if you are going to put it up at all you should clean it so it does not represent a risk to yourselves or ignorant climbers (as I found out on LIMESTONE at Dutchmans Draw on a very poorly cleaned route. Rocks the size of footballs were literally coming off in my hands). But when the FA puts up a route and comfortizes the holds he removes the possibility for anyone wanting to climb it the original way. No I have not bolted a route yet, but what gives you the right to decide the nature of the rock before I get a chance too. For heavens sake I'm a college student right now and can't afford to put up routes! Should that mean the only holds I can use are comfortized ones because you bolted all the rock before I got a chance. Like as was said earlier if you can't climb on sharp holds leave them to someone that can or modify yourself in some way (Get better callluses, get tape, get those stupid madrock things) instead of modifying the rock.

In closing to this ridiculously long ramble with probably very poor grammar, spelling, and probably several points that will easily be dispelled as soon as someone else looks at it I would like to say leave the rock alone. If you are going to put up a route be responsible and clean it so ignorant people won't get hurt, but leave them with option to climb the climb as it was originally formed by God or Nature (Which ever you prefer). FA's should realize that the present climbing community and the future climbing community is trusting them to be the protecters of the rock and the ethics developers of tomorrow until they get a chance to enter into that area of responsibility. And yes, once again, I live in Utah. I climb on very sharp limestone and basalt and I have bled my fair share on it. Sadly I've climbed on comfortized holds and will keep climbing on them (if they are already it can't be put back in its original form sadly enough) but owing to my financial circumstances if I want to climb I have no other choice. I only pray we won't have to get land managers (the ones with the real power to make the decision) involved. Leave me some rock too you selfish Jerks! 8^)


Nov 11, 2004, 8:33 PM
Post #107 of 150 (8289 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2003
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(If you can't understand either of these situations, then you are either anti-sport climbing, or are living in denial.)

No disrespect jcinco but that is bull s---. I know plenty of climbers who are simply not approving of taking tools to stone, period. Whether they are anti-sport or living in denial is irrelevant.

I know religious types that are against divorce. Yet divorce still happens. Are they living in denial?

Most religious types are living in denial.... :lol:

Including those religious followers of the various climbing cults, such as those which adhere to the dogma against any chipping, regardless of circumstance, and with no room for rational consideration.


Nov 11, 2004, 8:40 PM
Post #108 of 150 (8289 views)

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Then try to explain to me the difference

1) A loose, dinner-plate sized flake is on the route. The FAist prys it off with a crowbar. The rock scar from this will be a hold on the route, but the FAist must first clean up loose, sharp, shards of rock on the hold... so he takes a file to the remnant to clean it up.

2) A hold on the route consists of waterdropped razor blades . The FAist takes a file to the hold to dull the blades.

Since neither is creating a hold out of nothing, I see little difference.

The difference is the word "Loose" in example number one and the intent of the FA. If YOU don't see this difference, YOU are in denial.

I think you misunderstood my point about people being in denial. I was referring to people who sport climb, yet are religously against even prying loose stuff off of routes (e.g with the crowbar).

My point is that even if the intent is different, the act is essentially the same. In both cases you are modifying the rock, not to make a new hold mind you, but to make an existing one useable.


Nov 11, 2004, 8:40 PM
Post #109 of 150 (8289 views)

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Supe-- on one hand you want clean routes, ie, loose blocks being removed, and on the other hand, you want the FA to leave all the holds 100% as they found them?

Do you see the problem you have just created? It is a judgment call, and you can't make it unless you're there.

And you're right, 'comfortizing' is a stupid term. I don't even use it. It's really called 'cleaning.'

And those routes which you've bled on have already been cleaned. They'd be unclimbable if they hadn't been.

Also, I bolted a number of routes while I was a student, so quit yer complainin!


Nov 11, 2004, 8:45 PM
Post #110 of 150 (8289 views)

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Okay Rockprodigy, here goes!

Guess what, I live in Utah, Southern Utah, and I have climbed on all of the sharp Limestone and Basalt and BLED on on the sharp limestone and basalt. Did I climb on comfortized holds? Yes. Did I know that they were comfortized holds? No, not until today when sadly I heard the ridiculous term comfortizing for the first time. Do I agree with comfortizing? ABSOLUTLEY NOT!

When someone decides to put up a route they should realize that they are going to have to clean some of the loose rock off. This is not only to protect themselves but also their belay in the event of a rock coming off and falling on them. But tell me, if a razor or crystal busts off a hold is get going to fall down and knock your belay out? Nope. What it might do is cut your finger. So what, grow up. Get some tape. For heavens sake if it is so deadly buy some of those moronic mad rock fingers nubs and let those protect your finger tips.

What a FA does when he decides to comfortize holds is remove the possibility of anyone ever climbing the route the way it was naturally formed. Yes, if you are going to put it up at all you should clean it so it does not represent a risk to yourselves or ignorant climbers (as I found out on LIMESTONE at Dutchmans Draw on a very poorly cleaned route. Rocks the size of footballs were literally coming off in my hands). But when the FA puts up a route and comfortizes the holds he removes the possibility for anyone wanting to climb it the original way. No I have not bolted a route yet, but what gives you the right to decide the nature of the rock before I get a chance too. For heavens sake I'm a college student right now and can't afford to put up routes! Should that mean the only holds I can use are comfortized ones because you bolted all the rock before I got a chance. Like as was said earlier if you can't climb on sharp holds leave them to someone that can or modify yourself in some way (Get better callluses, get tape, get those stupid madrock things) instead of modifying the rock.

In closing to this ridiculously long ramble with probably very poor grammar, spelling, and probably several points that will easily be dispelled as soon as someone else looks at it I would like to say leave the rock alone. If you are going to put up a route be responsible and clean it so ignorant people won't get hurt, but leave them with option to climb the climb as it was originally formed by God or Nature (Which ever you prefer). FA's should realize that the present climbing community and the future climbing community is trusting them to be the protecters of the rock and the ethics developers of tomorrow until they get a chance to enter into that area of responsibility. And yes, once again, I live in Utah. I climb on very sharp limestone and basalt and I have bled my fair share on it. Sadly I've climbed on comfortized holds and will keep climbing on them (if they are already it can't be put back in its original form sadly enough) but owing to my financial circumstances if I want to climb I have no other choice. I only pray we won't have to get land managers (the ones with the real power to make the decision) involved. Leave me some rock too you selfish Jerks! 8^)

You just don't get it....

Partner cracklover

Nov 11, 2004, 9:10 PM
Post #111 of 150 (8289 views)

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Supe-- on one hand you want clean routes, ie, loose blocks being removed, and on the other hand, you want the FA to leave all the holds 100% as they found them?

Do you see the problem you have just created? It is a judgment call, and you can't make it unless you're there.

It's not just a judgement call - it's impossible! Any cleaning changes the nature of the route, period. Sometimes the net result after you're done cleaning is more holds, sometimes it's fewer holds. No way to know until you're done.

In my limited experience, a conservative cleaning of a route results in pretty much the same exact set of face holds as if you hadn't done any cleaning at all, but instead sent a dozen or two climbers up the route. As far as cracks go, the net result is almost always positive - pulling crumbly rotten rock and dirt out of a crack almost always results in a better hold or gear placement. I haven't comfortized limestone pockets, so I won't comment on that subject, except to say that if you've climbed on them and cut yourself anyway, then it sure seems a little spoiled to suggest that they ruined "your" rock. Rather, it seems that the FA was pretty conservative in his or her cleaning of the rock to allow you to be able to climb it safely.



Nov 11, 2004, 9:49 PM
Post #112 of 150 (8289 views)

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Supe wrote:
"What a FA does when he decides to comfortize holds is remove the possibility of anyone ever climbing the route the way it was naturally formed."
"If you are going to put up a route be responsible and clean it so ignorant people won't get hurt, but leave them with option to climb the climb as it was originally formed by God or Nature (Which ever you prefer)."

You mean free-solo? Bolts are not naturally occuring.
You are asking the route developer to make a judgement
call, so your best bet is to ask him really nicely to drill solid
bolts for you but to leave out the comfortizing\chipping.
You are not asking nicely.


Nov 11, 2004, 10:07 PM
Post #113 of 150 (8289 views)

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You can dress it up any way you want, but it still smells the same.


Nov 11, 2004, 11:03 PM
Post #114 of 150 (8289 views)

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"Build your skill instead of improving the holds"

Usually, I would agree with this, but there are exceptions. For instance, the local boulders I climb on are a granite/quartzite mix. These boulders have tons of slopers covered in razor sharp quartzite crystals about 1/8 of an inch long. These crystals are sharp enough to mangle your fingers, but after taking a small rock to them they become tollerable. I think that if a hold is nessesary and clearly can cause injury, it should be ok to do things like that to them. Chipping, glueing, or other things should be out of the question in my opinion, however.


Nov 11, 2004, 11:17 PM
Post #115 of 150 (8289 views)

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...but to make an existing one useable.

If it is unusable the way it is it is not an existing hold. If it is usable after you chip it, then you just manufactured a hold.

Removeing loose rock from a route is cleaning it. once the loose rock is gone everything else is chipping.

Anyone want to go on a road trip out west and put up some routes that no one else will climb cause they are too painful?

Maybe I am just a masochist.


Nov 11, 2004, 11:20 PM
Post #116 of 150 (8289 views)

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Removeing loose rock from a route is cleaning it. once the loose rock is gone everything else is chipping.

Oh, so scrubbing a hold with a wire brush is chipping now?

You need to get over this black and white view of chipping as it relates to route development. If the holds are all super sharp, no one will climb the route. It's that simple.


Nov 11, 2004, 11:22 PM
Post #117 of 150 (8289 views)

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Yes. you should use a nylon brush.


Nov 11, 2004, 11:22 PM
Post #118 of 150 (8289 views)

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I guess what I was trying to say with my hideously long post is this: For me Death is an unacceptable outcome (by falling rocks the size of battle tanks or such the like) while having my finger cut open causes me to think A. I need to get my fingers stronger. B. I need to skip that hold. C. I need to work through the cut finger or D. I need to leave that climb to someone that can do one of the 3 afore mentioned things.

But for me to be up there and take out the old file would simply be lowering the climb to my level. I am very much against lowering climbs to the lowest common denominator accept for where it makes it so death is a rather remote outcome. I guess everyone has there own "accept for when's" but I should hope that we could avoid chipping, modifying, and "comfortizing" whenever possible. Even if it does mean the FA finds a different route to put up or gets some bleedin fingers.


Nov 11, 2004, 11:31 PM
Post #119 of 150 (8289 views)

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I guess what I was trying to say with my hideously long post is this: For me Death is an unacceptable outcome (by falling rocks the size of battle tanks or such the like) while having my finger cut open causes me to think A. I need to get my fingers stronger. B. I need to skip that hold. C. I need to work through the cut finger or D. I need to leave that climb to someone that can do one of the 3 afore mentioned things.

But for me to be up there and take out the old file would simply be lowering the climb to my level. I am very much against lowering climbs to the lowest common denominator accept for where it makes it so death is a rather remote outcome. I guess everyone has there own "accept for when's" but I should hope that we could avoid chipping, modifying, and "comfortizing" whenever possible. Even if it does mean the FA finds a different route to put up or gets some bleedin fingers.

You're wrong.
A) finger strength won't mean you won't get cut
B) you can't always skip the hold. What if EVERY hold is sharp?
C) working through a cut finger? That's going to be a challenge if you're actually climbing at your limit.
D) Better climbers than you won't touch a route that will leave them unable to climb while their fingers grow back.

It's not 'lowering the climb to your level' since cleaning holds doesn't make the climb technically easier. an 11b is still an 11b, it just depends on the number of tears you shed, and the drops of blood that will spill from your fingers. Personally, I'd like to be able to climb more than one route a week.

What's interesting about your post is the passion you feel about a subject you know very little about. You've done no FAs on sharp rock, and didn't even know holds were cleaned until this morning, but you presume to tell those of us who have what we should be doing.


Nov 12, 2004, 12:10 AM
Post #120 of 150 (8289 views)

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You're wrong.
A) finger strength won't mean you won't get cut
B) you can't always skip the hold. What if EVERY hold is sharp?
C) working through a cut finger? That's going to be a challenge if you're actually climbing at your limit.
D) Better climbers than you won't touch a route that will leave them unable to climb while their fingers grow back.

It's not 'lowering the climb to your level' since cleaning holds doesn't make the climb technically easier. an 11b is still an 11b, it just depends on the number of tears you shed, and the drops of blood that will spill from your fingers. Personally, I'd like to be able to climb more than one route a week.

What's interesting about your post is the passion you feel about a subject you know very little about. You've done no FAs on sharp rock, and didn't even know holds were cleaned until this morning, but you presume to tell those of us who have what we should be doing.

Or perhaps you're wrong. I knew that crappy rock was cleaned of routes but I didn't realize people Comfortized climbs to save their oh so precious blood. That is not cleaning, its lowering the climb to a level where it will cause you no pain or blood loss.
A)- perhaps I was wrong to put finger strength. Lets say an increase in the quantity of calluses(sp?). The first time I ever went climbing it was on smooth sandstone and by the end of my first climb my hands were ragged and bleedin. After a few weeks of doing it my hands had no trouble at all.
B)-Alot of the times you can skip the sharp holds. What may seem impossible one day may six months down the road feel like the easiest climb in the world. What if every hold is sharp? Change yourself not the rock! Again build up calluses, or get some tape. If that doesn't help ADMIT DEFEAT!
C)- "working through a cut finger? That's going to be a challenge if you're actually climbing at your limit. " So accept the challenge and move on. Again if you can't do it admit defeat. If you can work through it make it to the top wave the bleeding stump around that use to be your finger and scream at the top of your lungs to celebrate the ecstacy of your accomplishment!
D)-"Better climbers than you won't touch a route that will leave them unable to climb while their fingers grow back." Quite possibly these better climbers might be better than you for a reason. They might be able to skip the sharp hold(s), they might have better calluses, or maybe they will simply leave the climb and the rock alone rather than risk their precious finger tips. Is it possible some rocks aren't meant to be climbed?

Whats interesting about your post is you seem to think that only FA's should be able to decide the future of the rock and that the rest of us should blindly accept their decisions. I may not be putting up routes but does that rule out the possibility of me ever doing it? Wouldn't you rather have me learn now how to do it and enter into these type of discussions rather than having me learn afterwards I've stupidly bolted ever spare bit of face from Utah to China?


Nov 12, 2004, 12:21 AM
Post #121 of 150 (8289 views)

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Whats interesting about your post is you seem to think that only FA's should be able to decide the future of the rock and that the rest of us should blindly accept their decisions. I may not be putting up routes but does that rule out the possibility of me ever doing it? Wouldn't you rather have me learn now how to do it and enter into these type of discussions rather than having me learn afterwards I've stupidly bolted ever spare bit of face from Utah to China?

The problem is you've 'entered this discussion' without any real understanding of the issue. Rather than approach something you know nothing about with an open mind, you formed a strong opinion based on who knows what, and started telling the rest of us who do know what we're talking about what we should be doing.

Also, I'm not asking you to 'accept' my decisions. I've already made them. You weren't there. An internet forum is the only chance you get to have some impact on my opinion, and so far I'm disinclined to listen to you.

I'm not that worried about you bolting everything from here to china. Bolting is hard work, expensive, and takes a lot of time. If you're going to invest those things, chances are you have thought about what you are doing, and are interested in putting up quality routes. A quality route doesn't tear your fingers on every hold. I'm not saying there's no room for sharp holds, sometimes that's how it goes. But a route where every hold is likely to cut your fingers is just stupid, and won't get done by anyone, including harder climbers than you or I.


Nov 12, 2004, 12:23 AM
Post #122 of 150 (8289 views)

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Oh, and the emphasis on callouses is misguided. There will always be rock sharp enough to tear your skin, no matter how 'good' your callouses are.


Nov 12, 2004, 12:27 AM
Post #123 of 150 (8289 views)

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I'm not that worried about you bolting everything from here to china. Bolting is hard work, expensive, and takes a lot of time. If you're going to invest those things, chances are you have thought about what you are doing, and are interested in putting up quality routes. A quality route doesn't tear your fingers on every hold. I'm not saying there's no room for sharp holds, sometimes that's how it goes. But a route where every hold is likely to cut your fingers is just stupid, and won't get done by anyone, including harder climbers than you or I.

Please disregard my obvious ignorance on some parts. But again, why bolt a climb that has sharp holds all the way up in the first place? If it looks like its going to make meatloaf out of your hands just don't bolt it in the at all and spend a bit more time looking for some rock without sharp holds out the wazoo. Maybe its not the sweet new climb you've been looking to put up if it is going to destroy your hands.


Nov 12, 2004, 12:30 AM
Post #124 of 150 (8278 views)

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why bolt a climb that has sharp holds all the way up in the first place?

Because I love steep limestone, that's why. 8^)


Nov 12, 2004, 12:32 AM
Post #125 of 150 (8278 views)

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Supe, I don't want any hard feelings, so please don't take any of this personally. I was a naive college kid at one time, I even bolted a couple routes while I was in college, on rock that didn't require comfortizing.

To be honest, when I first learned of the practice being used in S. Utah, I had the same reaction you are having. I thought it was chipping. Then I listened to the rationale, I looked around at all the routes that I loved to climb, and I realized that it was a necessary evil.

The funny thing is that you talk about bleeding on routes, but I would bet the holds that cut you had already been comfortized, and they still cut you! I think that what you imagine in your mind as comfortizing is much more severe than what usually takes place. The comfortizing I have done involved using a blunt hammer to smash down the rainwater spikes that form in the limestone, and the holds are still sharp after that. That's all I'm talking about. The rock that is being removed could probably be broken off with your fingers, it's just a lot faster to use a hammer.

There are plenty of routes in S. Utah that aren't comfortized and nobody climbs them. That is democracy in action, the masses have decided that they would rather have holds comfortized. If you desire to establish miserable routes, there is a lot of rock left, but I think you'll probably realize the error of your ways when you see what the rock looks like before a route gets "cleaned".

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