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Jan 26, 2005, 1:06 AM
Post #101 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
Posts: 197

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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If I could make a climbing analogy, I would liken witnessing to this:

You walk up to the crag and see a 6-year-old halfway up an 11b, while his parents engage in oblivious conversation 10 feet away.

Wouldn't instinct be to say something? Now, theoretically, that kid could be the world's best climber warming up on a cakewalk. But let's say that you KNOW that there is a slopey, gravely topout and he is absolutely guranteed to fall. You'd offer some help, maybe a rope or some beta, but if he insisted against it, you would feel awful knowing he would learn the hard way.

To me, that is how we Christians see many people. Our intentions are good, and we're not trying to force you to do things a certain way. We're justing warning against a danger that is not obvious from most vantage points.

wow, thats good. right on


Jan 26, 2005, 1:07 AM
Post #102 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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ignorance is bliss


Jan 26, 2005, 1:08 AM
Post #103 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
Posts: 98

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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ignorance is bliss


Jan 26, 2005, 1:09 AM
Post #104 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 20, 2004
Posts: 72

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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it seems that in the christian way of thought, (among some) there exists a lot of speculation. it seems taht there is a lot of talk saying what god would do or what he would think, etc. i find this extremely annoying and misguided. i often hear that god is too intelligent for us to even begin comprehending his plan or the way things are. well if taht is true, how can one presume to know or make theories about what god would do to someone in some circumstance. if the god that is portrayed in the bible is the one that rules this universe that i guess he better send me straight to hell. im not going to spend my life trying to pad some "all powerful being's" ego just because he has some psychological issues that requires me to be on my knees. to me, it is like someone building a robot that just walked around all day telling him how awesome his creator is, and if he doesnt he lites him on fire and smashes him with a club. if this god was really all about mercy and love and goodnesss, then it wouldnt matter if i was walking around worshipping all the time. the god would be satisfied with a person who lived well, treated all of his fellow people well and always tried to do the right thing. there are just too many incongrueties here. the bible shows that even the god is a hypocrite. i want no part.


Jan 26, 2005, 1:10 AM
Post #105 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Just the mention of Christianity, brings about many different responses from people, so it is important to remember that the beautiful part of Christianity is not Christians, but Christ.

Also beautiful are the mountains He created. We can all enjoy those.

i agree wholeheartedly


Jan 26, 2005, 1:12 AM
Post #106 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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All you Christians who have posted on this topic seem to have a level head and realize that respecting your neighbors faith is part of the Christian faith (don't judge others, lest you be judged).

Now for my question:
1) Do you support the idea of teaching creationism or "intelligent design" in the classroom?

I think that prostelatizing in the classroom (no matter what faith) is dangerous. What would stop a teacher from saying that a purple dinosaur named Barney took some mud and made all the animals and people we know today? (that sounds strangely familiar).

Being a engineer/scientist, I feel that none of this creationism bull-honky has been verified and can never be verified.

i think that if they can teach evolution, which is a THEORY, not proven fact, then yes, they should teach creationism. not neccesarily as fact, but at least as another theory.


Jan 26, 2005, 1:20 AM
Post #107 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
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Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Now, do not get me wrong in this. Nowhere am I saying that any of these followers of various denominations are going to hell. What I am saying is that the founders of those faith denominations chose to part from the Catholic Church at some point in history, so they chose through there own free will to ignore some teachings of the Christ.

LOL You might want to look into where all the traditions of the Catholic church really came from. I know Godly and unGodly Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, etc. You can't generalize.
Protestants protested for a reason. It wasn't because the Catholic church was righteous and Christlike. For example, why aren't priests allowed to marry, look up the church reasons, then dig around for the REAL reason. Look it up and get back to me. Then you'll see why rules made by men are useless, and impossible to follow (God wouldn't make a rule like that since he understands the desires of the human heart). Hence all the problems with deviant priests.

They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men Matthew 15:9

If you think you are somehow by default a better follower of Christ by being Catholic you might want to read your Bible a little more and believe what you're told in mass a little less. No one ever got to heaven by attending a certain church.


Partner okie_redneck

Jan 26, 2005, 1:23 AM
Post #108 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 25, 2004
Posts: 303

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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I'm gonna get together with some friends and start "Boulderers for Buddha". We'll sit around and discuss the impermenance of the crags and how they'll just end up being eroded. We may even do some climbing.


Jan 26, 2005, 1:34 AM
Post #109 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 20, 2004
Posts: 72

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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i think that if they can teach evolution, which is a THEORY, not proven fact, then yes, they should teach creationism. not neccesarily as fact, but at least as another theory.

evolution has demonstratable evidence. i have given various circumstances of it. pretty much every scientific idea always remains a theory regardless of how often it is shown to work. the basic idea is that you never know when you might reach some highly improbable instance that makes you incorporate it into your theory. evolution may be called a theory but it has shown itself to predict very well and have no contradictions to this point. its descriptive powers are undeniable as well as its links to experimental and historical evidence. as youve stated, creationsim requires faith. it has no scientific evidence at all and is completely unprovable. because of that it should stay in the realm of theology. schools are designed to teach us knowledge not faith.


Jan 26, 2005, 1:40 AM
Post #110 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2004
Posts: 304

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Please people, lets get out and go climbing!

:lol: Happyfra, you just don’t have a clue what you are talking about; you don’t understand epistemology, ad-hoc reasoning, or creationism (which is not a subject traditionally studied by epistemologists anyway).

Because the issues being argued here are much more complicated than they are being presented, I’ll refrain from offering any arguments of my own.

I’ll just say that GOD IS AWESOME! I think religious climbing groups are a great idea. :D


Jan 26, 2005, 1:47 AM
Post #111 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Jan 5, 2004
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I'll just say that my DOG is awesome and I still think climbing for the Lord is fucked up.


Jan 26, 2005, 2:11 AM
Post #112 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Feb 21, 2004
Posts: 93

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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such a funny thread. . .

My experience with X-ans at the crag?

Smith rock. A group of (male) climbers topped out on Cinnamon Slab. The wind's blowing, it's Spring at Smith, my friends and I are practicing trad placements on a junk crack parallel to CS. Far away, we hear voices. . .then realize it's coming from above. . .so we look up, and there's this man standing on top with his arms over his head yelling


My friend and I looked at each other and shrugged. . .but then, the group decided to rap off the climb. From the top of Cinnamon Slab, it's a double rope rappel, so they throw one rope. . .withoug warning! And far, far away from the fall line, so that the rope lands on. . .yep. . .you guessed it. . .my friend, who's lead climbing the junk crack with mediocre pro!

No apologies, nothing, they pull the rope in while a small gang of climbers around us yells "WATCH YOUR THROW"

Second rope?? You guessed it. Same result - - half of it lands on my friend, even though she'd moved!

The lesson? X-an climbers got good aim.

Second favorite story? Climbing next to the bible college in Portland, topping out while some guy yells over the cliff:


In my experience, where there's X-ans (even at the Crag, it seems!), there's prosyletizing, and the only kind of sermonizing or recruiting I like to hear about at the crag is that which includes "There's this climb I need a partner for. . ."

peace out spirtual folks -



Jan 26, 2005, 3:06 AM
Post #113 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Jun 15, 2003
Posts: 207

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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If you know this, then you are one step closer to personal salvation

"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world"

Screw God and screw being nice to you religious folks.

-A Baby was put into microwave to stop crying, the mother had the idea that her baby would understand from the electro-magnetic waves that heated her body up from the inside out, that crying was annoying the mother and it would be a good idea to stop the crying.

The result was that the body acted as a insulator, electrons began to slow their flow within the body causing re-orientation and distortions of permanent dipoles, which results in the rise in heating. The first thing when a person/baby is heated in this fashion (from the inside out) is that the nitrogen separates from the blood cells causing the skin to expand away from the body. In a situation like a microwave which utilizes reverse polymerization, the skin releases an adhesive bonding chemical on the top layer, which when the skin is stretched far enough to touch the edges of the microwave it almost immediatley bonds to the microwave. This first causes the skinning of the baby. Not complete skinning, but torn patches of skin. It has been researched and estimated at this time the child was very much alive. Next comes the rupture of all veins in the body from the extreme heat. At this point the baby should be dying from from the lost of blood, but it may experience the splitting of a few dozen or so veins if the microwave was set on a lower power. Its not done yet, the fat of the baby is at this point sizzling which combined with the heat from the microwave cooks the muscle of the baby, just like a juicy steak. From the cooking of the muscles immediate dehydration occurs where the tendons, muscle, ligaments, etc... shrink considerably in size. Pulling the fingers to dig into the palm, the chin of the face to hit its chest snapping the top bones of the soft vertabra, pulling the baby into a ball which can almost look like the fetal position inside the womb, excluding the skinned, burned and disfigured quality of the baby. If you doubt me do some research.

What would Jesus not do?


Jan 26, 2005, 3:15 AM
Post #114 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
Posts: 197

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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If you know this, then you are one step closer to personal salvation

"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world"

Screw God and screw being nice to you religious folks.

-A Baby was put into microwave to stop crying, the mother had the idea that her baby would understand from the electro-magnetic waves that heated her body up from the inside out, that crying was annoying the mother and it would be a good idea to stop the crying.

The result was that the body acted as a insulator, electrons began to slow their flow within the body causing re-orientation and distortions of permanent dipoles, which results in the rise in heating. The first thing when a person/baby is heated in this fashion (from the inside out) is that the nitrogen separates from the blood cells causing the skin to expand away from the body. In a situation like a microwave which utilizes reverse polymerization, the skin releases an adhesive bonding chemical on the top layer, which when the skin is stretched far enough to touch the edges of the microwave it almost immediatley bonds to the microwave. This first causes the skinning of the baby. Not complete skinning, but torn patches of skin. It has been researched and estimated at this time the child was very much alive. Next comes the rupture of all veins in the body from the extreme heat. At this point the baby should be dying from from the lost of blood, but it may experience the splitting of a few dozen or so veins if the microwave was set on a lower power. Its not done yet, the fat of the baby is at this point sizzling which combined with the heat from the microwave cooks the muscle of the baby, just like a juicy steak. From the cooking of the muscles immediate dehydration occurs where the tendons, muscle, ligaments, etc... shrink considerably in size. Pulling the fingers to dig into the palm, the chin of the face to hit its chest snapping the top bones of the soft vertabra, pulling the baby into a ball which can almost look like the fetal position inside the womb, excluding the skinned, burned and disfigured quality of the baby. If you doubt me do some research.

What would Jesus not do?

dude what the heck is wrong with you? that was uncalled for and disgusting. that is just about as offensive as can be, not because of my beliefs, but because i am a human being.


Jan 26, 2005, 3:39 AM
Post #115 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2004
Posts: 143

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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[quote="feanor007"]As a believer in Christ, this discussion makes me sick at heart for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ

Talk all you want on here, but you will never change any one's opinion or faith through words or force. Live out your love for God. Living for God has nothing to do with how you vote or bumper stickers on cars or catchy slogans, it has every thing to do with loving every one unconditionaly and trying to be as Christ in all you do. It's quite safe to sit at a computer and scorn others disblief, it might even make you feel good, but it doesn't matter. Jesus Christ sought out the outcasts of socity, the lepers, the tax collectors, the postitutes and he didn't lecture them about there sins, he simply loved them. His harshest words were directed at the days religious leaders.

Secondly don't justify your faith with ignorance.

Lets take a look see....hmmm do i feel good about myself for putting down others i never did, it seems u like ur frowning and feeling "Sad" for those who dont believe, id have to say that bothers me alot. People feeling sad for me cause i dont believe...fuck if i wanted u to i wouldnt, in a general sense confused as to how justify faith with yuor ignorance was used....i dont know much about religion so i am pretty ignorant, but following on the teachings of something you do NOT know happened...not sure if its true...isnt that ignorant? hmmmm, a waste of time to me, but whatev, the real thing is...isnt religion something we make up as human kind goes on? it seems many religions have been constantly made up, helps keep peace, give excuse to attack, alot of power, if i could do one thing i think i would get rid of the whole dam world religion crap, make everyone worship a cardboard box...but i guess there would be some deviants that would say the real god is the tape on the box, stupid people. i wish i were a cat:(


Jan 26, 2005, 3:46 AM
Post #116 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2003
Posts: 25

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Wow, quite the thread here. I've seen some rather sloppy logic from both sides, most from people that talk of their reasoning being obvious, inescapable, and so on. If you wish to talk of logical debate, people, please, state your given assumptions, then provide your reasoning, and the conclusion to be drawn from your reasoning. Some of the "logic" presented here has been frighteningly flawed. Whether you realize it or not, no matter what side of this argument you're on, all of us have made some basic assumptions and have faith that those assumptions are correct. At the core of any belief system, I think you will find something that you can not defend without saying "I believe this because I believe it." Whether you're an atheist, an agnostic, a Christian, a Wiccan, a Satanist, or a something-I-haven't-heard-of-ist, there is a root assumption for each of us that defies logic. This explains to me, at least, why religious debates get so heated so often. Other challenge that core belief that is inherently unprovable. That said, I congradulate everyone involved in this thread who has challenged my mind with thoughtful, level-headed discussion.
To those who choose to rant and ridicule others, grow up. That said, here's what I believe, for what it's worth.
I believe that God created the world as told in the Bible, that he sent Jesus Christ, His son, to pay for our sins so we could be restored to the relationship He wanted with us before people screwed things up. I think everyone's a sinner - just look at this jacked-up place we call earth for evidence of that (amazing we haven't killed everyone and everything on this planet yet). I don't think I'm holier-than-thou or anyone else because of this belief. On the contrary, I think I'm just another poor, dumb bastard that stumbled onto something good and hopes to help other people find the good stuff too. I think if I live my life the way the God of the Bible says He wants me to, then other people will find the good life I've found without me having to preach or rant or condemn. Do I succeed in living this good, pure life I profess to have found? I wish. But my failures don't excuse me from my responsibility to keep trying to live as God wants me to live. What if the atheists are right? Then I've tried to live a life free from stealing and murdering and hate, all with no heavenly reward awaiting me when I die, just the blackness of death. But then, wouldn't it be nice if more people in this screwed-up world tried living like that? Sure couldn't hurt to have a little less hate around. So, if you think I'm wrong, so be it, but at least let me live by my beliefs in peace. And if you're looking for answers to life's questions, maybe the ones I've found will help you too. The way I see it, it doesn't hurt to keep an ear open to what others have to say. I personally don't believe the theory of evolution, but I keep an ear open to what its supporters have to say. Nobody was around to observe the start of the universe, so both creation and evolution supporters can simply go off of the evidence left behind. There are some viable theories supporting Biblical accounts, and there's some problems with evolution. Maybe God directed evolution. All I know is that when I look at the world around me, I see evidence of intelligent design. Enough that it makes me as an engineer jealous of whoever designed hummingbirds and spider webs and elbows and a hundred commonplace natural objects. The mechanical engineering that confronts me in nature really amazes me; I sure couldn't come up designs as simple, elegant, and functional as those I see in nature. So even if the theory of evolution is proven to such a degree that it becomes the law of evolution, I'd still tend to lean toward a directing force behind it all, one I call God. So there, Christianity seems to make the sense to me. And no, I don't defend atrocities that have been done supposedly in the name of Christ (the Crusades, etc), but don't forget people, humans have shown themselves perfectly capable of committing atrocities all on their own and in combination with quite a few different beliefs. Don't lump all bad things on Christians as some previous posters have seemed to say. I guess that's all I wanted to address from these last 8 pages of posts. Ive typed way too long already, and I don't think this discussion will ever really end, so I'll shut up now, and let you people carry on.

Engineer, climber, pilot, and yes, even a Christian


Jan 26, 2005, 4:00 AM
Post #117 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
Posts: 377

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Lets take a look see....hmmm do i feel good about myself for putting down others i never did, it seems u like ur frowning and feeling "Sad" for those who dont believe, id have to say that bothers me alot. People feeling sad for me cause i dont believe...fuck if i wanted u to i wouldnt, in a general sense confused as to how justify faith with yuor ignorance was used....i dont know much about religion so i am pretty ignorant, but following on the teachings of something you do NOT know happened...not sure if its true...isnt that ignorant? hmmmm, a waste of time to me, but whatev, the real thing is...isnt religion something we make up as human kind goes on? it seems many religions have been constantly made up, helps keep peace, give excuse to attack, alot of power, if i could do one thing i think i would get rid of the whole dam world religion crap, make everyone worship a cardboard box...but i guess there would be some deviants that would say the real god is the tape on the box, stupid people. i wish i were a cat:(

first of all, the saddness i was speaking of was not for non believers, that's an entirly differant kind of pain, but when i see my brothers and sisters in Christ talking, not acting (and I really wasn't even refering to any specific person in this forum) and just the general apathay of the Christian community to burnig social needs. we spend so much time and money on morality, and so little on social injustice and and loving people where they are. when i read my Bible i see Jesus healing, feeding and loving before preaching. I don't mean to deminish the importance of morality, but I do not hold non-believers to the same standard of morality, and I try not to judge, because Lord knows I'm far from perfect.

I refferance to not supporting faith with ignorance, i meant i have questioned every single belief i've ever held at some point, and have found my God big enough to answer every question. Science is a gift from God and to dismiss it intellectually irresponsible. Many, things, i suppose, i do except in what would be seen as Ignorance, and there are some un-explainable aspects of faith. I just encourge every one, Chistians and non-Chirstians alike investigate what they believe.


Jan 26, 2005, 4:53 AM
Post #118 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Nov 9, 2004
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I alawys liked the T-shirt from the first cradle of filth album that had printed on it "Jesus is a cu*t"


Jan 26, 2005, 6:07 AM
Post #119 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2003
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Whatever happened to , "Die heretic, DIE!"?

Gimme that old time religion.


Jan 26, 2005, 6:13 AM
Post #120 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2004
Posts: 304

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Wow, quite the thread here. I've seen some rather sloppy logic from both sides, most from people that talk of their reasoning being obvious, inescapable, and so on. If you wish to talk of logical debate, people, please, state your given assumptions, then provide your reasoning, and the conclusion to be drawn from your reasoning. Some of the "logic" presented here has been frighteningly flawed. Whether you realize it or not, no matter what side of this argument you're on, all of us have made some basic assumptions and have faith that those assumptions are correct. At the core of any belief system, I think you will find something that you can not defend without saying "I believe this because I believe it." Whether you're an atheist, an agnostic, a Christian, a Wiccan, a Satanist, or a something-I-haven't-heard-of-ist, there is a root assumption for each of us that defies logic. This explains to me, at least, why religious debates get so heated so often. Other challenge that core belief that is inherently unprovable. That said, I congradulate everyone involved in this thread who has challenged my mind with thoughtful, level-headed discussion.
To those who choose to rant and ridicule others, grow up. That said, here's what I believe, for what it's worth.
I believe that God created the world as told in the Bible, that he sent Jesus Christ, His son, to pay for our sins so we could be restored to the relationship He wanted with us before people screwed things up. I think everyone's a sinner - just look at this jacked-up place we call earth for evidence of that (amazing we haven't killed everyone and everything on this planet yet). I don't think I'm holier-than-thou or anyone else because of this belief. On the contrary, I think I'm just another poor, dumb bastard that stumbled onto something good and hopes to help other people find the good stuff too. I think if I live my life the way the God of the Bible says He wants me to, then other people will find the good life I've found without me having to preach or rant or condemn. Do I succeed in living this good, pure life I profess to have found? I wish. But my failures don't excuse me from my responsibility to keep trying to live as God wants me to live. What if the atheists are right? Then I've tried to live a life free from stealing and murdering and hate, all with no heavenly reward awaiting me when I die, just the blackness of death. But then, wouldn't it be nice if more people in this screwed-up world tried living like that? Sure couldn't hurt to have a little less hate around. So, if you think I'm wrong, so be it, but at least let me live by my beliefs in peace. And if you're looking for answers to life's questions, maybe the ones I've found will help you too. The way I see it, it doesn't hurt to keep an ear open to what others have to say. I personally don't believe the theory of evolution, but I keep an ear open to what its supporters have to say. Nobody was around to observe the start of the universe, so both creation and evolution supporters can simply go off of the evidence left behind. There are some viable theories supporting Biblical accounts, and there's some problems with evolution. Maybe God directed evolution. All I know is that when I look at the world around me, I see evidence of intelligent design. Enough that it makes me as an engineer jealous of whoever designed hummingbirds and spider webs and elbows and a hundred commonplace natural objects. The mechanical engineering that confronts me in nature really amazes me; I sure couldn't come up designs as simple, elegant, and functional as those I see in nature. So even if the theory of evolution is proven to such a degree that it becomes the law of evolution, I'd still tend to lean toward a directing force behind it all, one I call God. So there, Christianity seems to make the sense to me. And no, I don't defend atrocities that have been done supposedly in the name of Christ (the Crusades, etc), but don't forget people, humans have shown themselves perfectly capable of committing atrocities all on their own and in combination with quite a few different beliefs. Don't lump all bad things on Christians as some previous posters have seemed to say. I guess that's all I wanted to address from these last 8 pages of posts. Ive typed way too long already, and I don't think this discussion will ever really end, so I'll shut up now, and let you people carry on.


Finally, some real logic! Pascal’s wager, the teleological argument (argument from design), and the ultimate question concerning metaphysical assumptions core to every belief system. My hat is off to you Jason, my friend and fellow theist.



Jan 26, 2005, 6:33 AM
Post #121 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Jun 15, 2003
Posts: 207

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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If you know this, then you are one step closer to personal salvation

"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world"

Screw God and screw being nice to you religious folks.

-A Baby was put into microwave to stop crying, the mother had the idea that her baby would understand from the electro-magnetic waves that heated her body up from the inside out, that crying was annoying the mother and it would be a good idea to stop the crying.

The result was that the body acted as a insulator, electrons began to slow their flow within the body causing re-orientation and distortions of permanent dipoles, which results in the rise in heating. The first thing when a person/baby is heated in this fashion (from the inside out) is that the nitrogen separates from the blood cells causing the skin to expand away from the body. In a situation like a microwave which utilizes reverse polymerization, the skin releases an adhesive bonding chemical on the top layer, which when the skin is stretched far enough to touch the edges of the microwave it almost immediatley bonds to the microwave. This first causes the skinning of the baby. Not complete skinning, but torn patches of skin. It has been researched and estimated at this time the child was very much alive. Next comes the rupture of all veins in the body from the extreme heat. At this point the baby should be dying from from the lost of blood, but it may experience the splitting of a few dozen or so veins if the microwave was set on a lower power. Its not done yet, the fat of the baby is at this point sizzling which combined with the heat from the microwave cooks the muscle of the baby, just like a juicy steak. From the cooking of the muscles immediate dehydration occurs where the tendons, muscle, ligaments, etc... shrink considerably in size. Pulling the fingers to dig into the palm, the chin of the face to hit its chest snapping the top bones of the soft vertabra, pulling the baby into a ball which can almost look like the fetal position inside the womb, excluding the skinned, burned and disfigured quality of the baby. If you doubt me do some research.

What would Jesus not do?

dude what the heck is wrong with you? that was uncalled for and disgusting. that is just about as offensive as can be, not because of my beliefs, but because i am a human being.

I am not sure whats wrong with me, maybe I'm going insane but if I recognize that I am going crazy than I can't be going insane, so by circular conclusion I am perfectly sane, whats wrong with you?? You think that was offensive, you have no idea how low I can go, I have the world's sickness for my inspiration, all you have is your imaginary friend.

My father = God
My father = missing
God = missing
Never found my father or God
I killed a man and felt something, maybe that feeling is what God wants me to feel. I'll have to repeat it to know for sure

Partner climbinginchico

Jan 26, 2005, 6:36 AM
Post #122 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Mar 24, 2004
Posts: 3032

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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If you know this, then you are one step closer to personal salvation

"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world"

Screw God and screw being nice to you religious folks.

-A Baby was put into microwave to stop crying, the mother had the idea that her baby would understand from the electro-magnetic waves that heated her body up from the inside out, that crying was annoying the mother and it would be a good idea to stop the crying.

The result was that the body acted as a insulator, electrons began to slow their flow within the body causing re-orientation and distortions of permanent dipoles, which results in the rise in heating. The first thing when a person/baby is heated in this fashion (from the inside out) is that the nitrogen separates from the blood cells causing the skin to expand away from the body. In a situation like a microwave which utilizes reverse polymerization, the skin releases an adhesive bonding chemical on the top layer, which when the skin is stretched far enough to touch the edges of the microwave it almost immediatley bonds to the microwave. This first causes the skinning of the baby. Not complete skinning, but torn patches of skin. It has been researched and estimated at this time the child was very much alive. Next comes the rupture of all veins in the body from the extreme heat. At this point the baby should be dying from from the lost of blood, but it may experience the splitting of a few dozen or so veins if the microwave was set on a lower power. Its not done yet, the fat of the baby is at this point sizzling which combined with the heat from the microwave cooks the muscle of the baby, just like a juicy steak. From the cooking of the muscles immediate dehydration occurs where the tendons, muscle, ligaments, etc... shrink considerably in size. Pulling the fingers to dig into the palm, the chin of the face to hit its chest snapping the top bones of the soft vertabra, pulling the baby into a ball which can almost look like the fetal position inside the womb, excluding the skinned, burned and disfigured quality of the baby. If you doubt me do some research.

What would Jesus not do?

dude what the heck is wrong with you? that was uncalled for and disgusting. that is just about as offensive as can be, not because of my beliefs, but because i am a human being.

I am not sure whats wrong with me, maybe I'm going insane but if I recognize that I am going crazy than I can't be going insane, so by circular conclusion I am perfectly sane, whats wrong with you?? You think that was offensive, you have no idea how low I can go, I have the world's sickness for my inspiration, all you have is your imaginary friend.

My father = God
My father = missing
God = missing
Never found my father or God
I killed a man and felt something, maybe that feeling is what God wants me to feel. I'll have to repeat it to know for sure

You are a sick person with no respect for others or their beliefs. I pity you.


Jan 26, 2005, 7:06 AM
Post #123 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2004
Posts: 91

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Please people, lets get out and go climbing!

:lol: Happyfra, you just don’t have a clue what you are talking about; you don’t understand epistemology, ad-hoc reasoning, or creationism (which is not a subject traditionally studied by epistemologists anyway).

Because the issues being argued here are much more complicated than they are being presented, I’ll refrain from offering any arguments of my own.

I’ll just say that GOD IS AWESOME! I think religious climbing groups are a great idea. :D

I guess I am done with this thread, but I can't avoid to answer that. Sorry guy, but your post is just silly: i have no idea what your credentials are (are you the reincarnation of K.R.Popper, of Feyerabend?) In any case, I did study those topics for >10 yrs (including studying with one of the most respected italian epistmologies) and i even wrote quite a lot about them, so i suppose i should have at least a clue. I could be wrong, of course, so, please, give some evidences of your unfounded statements...


Jan 26, 2005, 7:07 AM
Post #124 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Jun 15, 2003
Posts: 207

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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To what degree of sickness do I have?
This is all I ask?

What about the doctor who doesn't mention to his patient that he possibly has a heart condition known as myocarditis because his insurance company won't cover that. Is that doctor sick?

What about the Marine General that had to train Osama Bin Laden and the rest of the Afgan people that subsequently formed AL-Queda while our government knowingly knew he was a radical Islamic, but it was all too convenient in fighting the russians. Was/Is our government sick?

What about the British military that cracked a German code, but allowed mulitple small villages to be ambushed and destroyed to keep the secret that the British cracked one of the German codes. Are they sick?

What about the Priests that used their HOLY religion as a means to screw little boys. Are they sick?

I am not sick, you're sick for beliving that taking God into someone's life will save them. The problem with religion is people. People always mess it up. If Christianity allowed for direct communication between their god and a person without ANY need for the system that is the church, priest and pope, people would be a lot better off.


Jan 26, 2005, 7:17 AM
Post #125 of 322 (8968 views)

Registered: Dec 14, 2000
Posts: 232

Re: Climbers for Christ? [In reply to]
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Yo Shrubby, you seemed to have misread what I posted, so I'm gonna clarify for you.

Scrubby wrote:
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evolution does have scientific evidence backing it up.

I never said anything to the contrary. Indeed, there are many observable facts, some of which you mentioned, which agree with evolutionary theory. What I said was:

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Although I like evolution and personally think it's right on the money, it doesn't change the fact that it's unverified, and thus in the same boat as creationism, cold fusion, and antigravity.

Note I said evolution is unverified, not unsupported. Evolution is supported, but like any scientific theory it is based on observations. To verify it scientificaly, it must be tested. Just saying species adapt and change is not verification of evolution. Verification (the test, if you will) is observation that through adaptation an entirely new species arises. We have never seen this.

Note that, at last I knew, superstring theory was in the same boat. The theory is based on a bunch of observations. But, you can't test a theory by saying "Hunh, the observations it's based on are true, and the theory agrees with those observations, so thus the theory is verified." No, to test a theory you have to look at what the theory states will happen in a case which was NOT part of the observations it was based on. For superstring theory the test is that it predicts the mass of an as-of-yet uncreated subatomic particle. If when this particle is created (I think it's like a +2 proton or something like that... I can't recall off the top of my head) it's mass matches the mass predicted by the theory, then the theory will be verified. Just because the theory can predict the masses of other particles that have been created is not verification since those observations were used in creating the theory.

Now similarly evolution needs to be tested. It was created by looking at animals adaptations and theorizing that given enough time such adaptations could result in a new species entirely. If we observe a certain sub-species adapt so much that it becomes unable to mate with the original species, the evolution will be verified. As of yet we have seen no such thing.

As for your other main statement:
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the precision of the universe by no means implies a requirement for an intelligent designer. by that same argument, you could say that our intelligent designer required an intelligent designer as well. and this could go on ad infinitum.

I again ask you to look at what I said:

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In explaining this observation, the hypothesis that there was some intelligent design involved is not unreasonable.

I never said an intelligent designer was implied. I said the hypothesis that one exists is not unreasonable.

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