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May 24, 2003, 4:55 AM
Post #126 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
Posts: 3045

Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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I'm on it Buddy

Ker-CHUNK...glug glug glug...ahhhhh.

I'm hanging up a handwritten "Travdawg's Bar" sign in the front window!

Ahhhh, cranking up Tom Petty on the's good to be king.



May 24, 2003, 5:10 AM
Post #127 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Well, the new bartender's pulled up. Now I've just got to think of something interesting to say...


Sow, how bout them Bronco's?



May 24, 2003, 12:53 PM
Post #128 of 1043 (10846 views)

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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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May 25, 2003, 11:09 PM
Post #129 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Alrighty, the barkeep's drinking. Anyone going to join me? I want to take care of this place for Jono.

I'm drinking pretty quickly, so I might only have a limited time online tonight. I did however break up with my girlfriend just the other day, so I won't have to worry about her bugging me with coming over and wanting to spend "quality time" (sex).

Ahhhh. She made me crazy, but I'm sure missing her sex drive.



May 25, 2003, 11:28 PM
Post #130 of 1043 (10846 views)

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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Thanks russ for clearing this!


May 26, 2003, 1:49 AM
Post #131 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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"I have loved some ladies,
And I have loved Jim Beam.
But they both tried to kill me,
Back in nineteen seventy three."

This has been a long friggin week for me. Just in case anyone cares, adn wants to listen to my drunken rambling, here it is.

I drove from memphis to knoxville on tuesday. I left my parents house kind of on bad terms with my Dad. He's been riding me about different things, adn I just wanted to bolt.

So I drive back up to my appt. in Knoxville TN got here, and promptly broke up with my GF because she's been making me crazy. I guess I really don't have a good reason for breaking up with her, other than I just wanted to live for myself again. I was starting to feel trapped. She was great, but I just didin't see a future worth working for, so I dumped her outta nowhere, just like jennifer before her, and Katie before her.

Ugh. I've gotta try and do better.

anyway, here's where it gets bad. On thursday, my mom calls me from Floridia (my mom and dad had taken a vacation down there) and tells me that my dad had a massive heart attack, and is in the ICU. They don't know if he's going to make it. I"m shocked. I go wake up my best friend, and roommate Deana, Just balling. I've never felt so helpless, i couldn't even string together a complete sentence. I started to drive to floridia to see them, but before I could leave, I checked my mail, adn found a letter from the tennessee DOT sayiny my drivers licence had been revoked for unpaid traffic tickets last september. So I can't even go see my dad. I didin't evenknow about any traffic tickets! (in hindsight, it was a mistake, but it dosen't matter, I've still got no lisence adn have got to go take care of it on tuesday morning)

Deana offers to drive me down, but I know she's broke as can be, and got way to many bills to take 3 days off work to drive me to FLA. it was a truely noble thing though, adn I'm so in her debt for offering. It's good to have friends that you knwo will do anything for you. She really is my best of friends though, even through all of the shit...

So I'm stuck in Knoxville no money, no drivers lisence, and a dying father in floridia 450miles away. I drove to cherokee bluff illigeally, and sat with my feet hanging over the edge with 100' of air under my toes, and question everything. My life, my fathers, the fairness of everything. My dad was 1 week from retirement. One more week then at 53 years old he can enjoy the rest of his years free from work. And all of a sudden it is being taken from him.

Do I want to spent my entire life struggling to make something of myself when I always run the risk of it all being snatched from under me with no warning or reason. Or should I just live in my means, however I want to on my own terms. Who says you have to have "things" to be happy?

I stare at the river 100' under my toes. It takes a tear a long time to fall that far.

My phone rings, it's my mom, they helicoptered my dad to the cardiologists in mobile AL. He's stabalized, and they think he's going to make it.

A few minutes later, 2 climbers named sharie, and jeff come down the trail and strike up a conversation. I go get my camera out of my car, and spend the rest of the afternoon hanging on rope snapping pictures of these two new climbers and feeling better.

Today, me and Deana (my best friend) rappel down to the river, and climb a trad route to the summit of cherokee bluff. I top out on the same ledge My feet were hanging off of yesterday.

Everything's going to be okay.



May 26, 2003, 2:47 AM
Post #132 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Ahhh... Yep, everything's going to be okay.



May 26, 2003, 3:30 AM
Post #133 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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severwangs funna de o-tay.



May 26, 2003, 3:57 AM
Post #134 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Nov 18, 2002
Posts: 550

Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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yes it's going to be alright , yes the worst is over now .

A new dawn , when the sun rises it sheds a different light on these things of life and the rest is hard to say

You have my best wishes Traves

What a wk Ha !


May 26, 2003, 4:16 AM
Post #135 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Thanks Dennis.

I'm still working on getting over to NC. Sh*t like this always comes up at the worst time.

Dadgumit, I've GOT to fire some long trad climbs, I'm fiendin'. I'm looking forward to making it over there.

Anyways, Blah blah blah.

Lets see, whats my final count for the night....lets see 3 plus 7, but this one didin't get drank... 9.

Huh, 9 beers. I can do sooo much better.

Alrighty, I'm closing the bar...I'll leave the cooler unlocked just grab what you need on the house.



May 26, 2003, 5:12 AM
Post #136 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2002
Posts: 2067

Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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found some internet today. :) looks like the bars in good hands, thanks tenn dawg. welp gotta go drinkin

PS- great sign


May 27, 2003, 3:30 AM
Post #137 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Ahhhh. The bars open if anyone's interested.

To keep with the theme of mindless rambling durring my ownership of the bar, here's my thoughts on "Discount Beer".

I probably started really drinking my sophmore year in high school, at the ripe age of 14. I had drank before that even, but drinking was never the activity. We'd go swimming and have a couple drinks from someone's dad's liquor cabinet. Now it seems like we go drinking and end up swimming. Wierd how things change around.

Anyway, that's another story. I had a girlfriend pretty regularly through highschool, and even when you can't drive, GF expences can get up there. Hell, they are probably still my biggest expense. None of my girlfriends were very interested in drinking though. (All that changed in college..) but for the time being, by alcohol money was in jeopardy! I simply could not start skimping on my GF so that I could go drinking with the guys later, because the lack, shall we say "companionship" that insued would have been unacceptable.

So I needed a solution. For a few desperate nights, I though I might have to give up beer. My 4 dollar an hour job as an umpire for little league simply was not cutting it. There was not enough money for Dinner and a Movie, then getting plastered around a bonfire on Saturday. Getting a better job wasn't an option. Being single forever didin't seem too appealing. So in my desperation, I rode my bicycle to the local Gas n' go, saw that my buddy the cashier was working and wandered back to the beer coolers. I looked at the 6 dollars in my wallet desperately. How could I possibly buy enough beer to get drunk.

My eyes wandered past my old friends, Bud, Miller and Coors. Michelob and Rolling Rock. They were scoffing at my ludacris lack of money. But then my eye wandered to the other end of the cooler. Names I have never heard before. Natural Light, and Millwaque's Best, South Paw and Colt 45. For the six dollars in my wallet, I could leave this station with 12 cold refreshing new best friends! My sadness turned into a smile, and there was a undoubtable lightness in my step as I smacked down a 12 pack of Natural Light on the counter, and handed the cashier an ID from a 35 year old hindu immigrant.

My love affair with Discount Beer had begun.

There have been lean weeks and broke weeks in my life. My friends the discount beers have been there with me through them. Never have I been unable to scrape together less than 3 dollars change from my sofa to enjoy 6 of my best silver friends. My love affair with Natty Light holds true to this day as she is still my beer of choice. We have had our hard times though, and in some sad broken weeks I have had to resort to Beast, or even *gasp* SOUTH PAW. Natty has forgiven me though, and remains in a place close to my heart.

And as my human friends get older, they have turned up their noses at our old highschool favorites. They claim more sophisticated tastes such as Heineken, and (the shame) Corona. They will not even consider buying the dreaded discount beers now.

I, however, have remained true to my old friends. When I walk into the Stop and Shop now, I march proudly to the last cooler on the left, and pick up a couple 12 packs of Natural Light. I smack them down on the counter with the same resolve as all those years ago. I'll grab a SlimJim and throw it down too. "And a stick of Beef Jerky!" I'll say because I'm saving money, and I'm proud of my beer.

Nevermind my unfaithful friends and their fancy pants beer. I stand true to my past, and my history. Natty was there for me when I could afford nothing more, and now I'm there for her. You may take our lives, but you'll never take... OUR NATTY!

And that, is why I still drink Natural Light.

Join me again tomorrow night when I tell the tale of the miracles of the state of Arkansas. Here's a preview... A 30 pack of Natural Light for $11.00 dollars.



May 27, 2003, 4:00 AM
Post #138 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
Posts: 3045

Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Almost out of beer. 2 to go.

It's good to be King
If only for a while....



May 27, 2003, 4:49 AM
Post #139 of 1043 (10846 views)

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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Last beer. Habing to try really hard to type with correct spelling.



Jun 3, 2003, 8:20 PM
Post #140 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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Well, well well.

I'm just back from Floridia taking care of my gimp dad, and I see this place has really taken off!

I guess yall are all reformed or something, so I guess I'll just have to do all the drinking for you weenies.

When I get a little time tonight, I'm going to drukenly babble a story about what I think of "fancy dancy import beer" and the people that drink it. Here's a little foreshadowing... THEY ARE WEENIES.

Well for now, I'm off to find a bar. 4:00 in a college town, there's got to be a happy hour somewhere.



Jun 3, 2003, 8:52 PM
Post #141 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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Re: Shappy birshday chew you [In reply to]
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just hand me a pint of vodka


Jun 12, 2003, 6:12 AM
Post #142 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
Posts: 3045

Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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Wellp, I'm totally plastered, and in Memphis...anyone care to admit to the same?

I went out with a couple of old high school buddies of mine tonight. I haven't seen them in forever, so it was kind of cool. The problem is, they haven't found any way to surround themselves with girls like I have inKnoxville. Whenever I come home, it seems like a big sausage party, and I cant take it anymore.

50 percent of the population is female goddamnit, and of those fifty, probably 20 percent are damn good looking. Why cant my memphis bretherin figure that out? I went to the gas station to buy the next load of beer, and while I was there, I picked up 4 girls, and got them to follow me back to the get-together with teh guys I was with. After about 20 minutes though, they decided that they had better places to be, and asked me to come with them, but I didin't want to leave my old friends...

could my old friends be loosers??? I don't get it, how can they repel girls as efficiently as I can attract them? And I"m a friggin gooofball, I'm the first to admit!! I don't get why girls are attracted to me, sometimes even really good looking girls!! I;m a fucking dork! I try to warn them, but NOOOO... THey always want some kind or "relationship" of "importantce".

I swear, I'm not an asshole, but I really don't want an important relationship, I just want to have a good time, for crying out loud, I'm 20 years old!!

But somehow, I keep on attracting girls who want to fall inlove, asmuch as my memphis friends repell them. Oh well.

Who knows.

11 beers tonight, I can still do better than that...

Travdawgs bar will come around here eventually...


Jun 13, 2003, 7:19 AM
Post #143 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Mar 14, 2002
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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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I met up with an old highschool girl friend, but not a girlfriend of mine tonight. She was such a sweetheart the last time I talked to her. Some of my fondest memories from HS are of her. I loved her outgoing personality, and innocence. She was one of the very best friends I ever had.

She's a stripper now.

God, I hate coming back to memphis.

Travis <-- Pissed at the fcuking world


Jun 28, 2003, 8:26 PM
Post #144 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2002
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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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whats up!
im kinda back! dont know how many drunk posts i will be making with work and all but i think i can manage the bar.
are people still drinking out there? if u are, post some funny stuff here.
"lets drink until we cant feel feelings"- peter griffin


Jul 5, 2003, 9:19 PM
Post #145 of 1043 (10846 views)

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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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Glug Glug Glug...

Drinking Burbon this afternoon. I get to go back to Knoxville tomorrow to my good old friends. I've got my parent's big old house to myself, and I'm drinking till I can't feel feelings.

Or in other words, back to the top with my drunken rambling...



Jul 7, 2003, 1:22 AM
Post #146 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Apr 2, 2003
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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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yep haven't stopped drinkin all weekend!!!
4th of July was a great party!! got drunk and
burnt a hole in my shirt with fireworks, though.
oh well.


Jul 7, 2003, 3:22 AM
Post #147 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2001
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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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Did somebody say strippers?! :shock:


Jul 7, 2003, 3:50 PM
Post #148 of 1043 (10846 views)

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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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Yep, she's a cutie too. I won't claim she was too innocent because we did hook up in High School, but I never thought she'd go buck wild.

I will say she has blossomed a bit in the last 4 years, and I am moderatly jealous of her current boyfriend, the hassle of dealing with a stripper girlfriend aside.



Jul 7, 2003, 11:58 PM
Post #149 of 1043 (10846 views)

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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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This is Bullshit! I'm back at school, and I have to actually cut back on my drinking so I dont fail out!

Look how sober I'm typing! This is outrageous!

Sheesh, I need a drink.



Jul 8, 2003, 12:12 AM
Post #150 of 1043 (10846 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2001
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Re: Drinkin and drivin is FUN spelled DUI... [In reply to]
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Went to Ellis Park today... I was pretty pumped about having a reason to drink beer at noon and loose my money legally. Anyhow, the damn live horse racing doesn't start till Wednesday. So... I guess it's a horse racing special at my bar! Place your bets and join in.

Where is Jono anyhow?

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