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PeeeGhey Tea shop...less tempting?
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Dec 27, 2007, 4:34 AM
Post #6651 of 25030 (2775 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
Jeff got reactors.

Someone in your family actually cared enough to give you reactors???


Dec 27, 2007, 4:35 AM
Post #6652 of 25030 (2773 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [obsessed] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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whoo!! a walk in for the PT


Dec 27, 2007, 4:37 AM
Post #6653 of 25030 (2770 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
Well... Merry Christmas Fuckers..... I'll be back probably the 26th... Or whenever i get home from blackoutville.

Merry Christmas doc. CHEERS!

Merry christmas to me too!

And a very pretty painting. Needs a piece of glass tho.

oh nice bottle of scotch there doc. Was that a gift? Did you make quick work of it? and are you still alive?

Dude. That is a $90 bottle of scotch. I am afraid to open it for fear of opening the sluicegates to my bank account.

holy shit $90?? what are you saving it for?? Open the fucker already! You know your student salary can't accomodate a habit like that so just drink it and be done with it


Dec 27, 2007, 4:39 AM
Post #6654 of 25030 (2768 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
obsessed wrote:
And doc will appreciate this...

I asked my brother in law the paramedic to carve the turkey. So he comes out with surgical gloves on and carves that bird like its a human. He said it helps to know anatomy!

Seriously he did an awesome job carving.

Pictures to follow...

I can carve a mean turkey as well, but i don't need any pansy surgical gloves.

agreed, he did look like a pansy. He has some kind of sterile phobia going I think


Dec 27, 2007, 4:56 AM
Post #6655 of 25030 (2766 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [artm] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
obsessed wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
artm wrote:
obsessed wrote:
In other news and for when the monkeys get to NS and start reading this...I went to see Calvin last night with my son.

Calvin was happy to see us. He had eaten all his food and one whole water dish in the basement. We played on the climbing wall and put Calvin up on top to watch us. But it must have been the wrong spot where he can get down, because he couldn't get down. He was stuck. And he didn't want me to grab him. So I had to have brent stand on a chair and lean over, then pat his back so Calvin would jump on him. I forgot he had claws! Brent yelled and I laughed so hard!

We got lucky too, I guess the guy across the road used the snow blower! Brent brushed off your truck Nathan. And there was no mail there! Don't you guys have any bills? Maybe the neighbour picked up the mail?

Going to go back after Tuesday and climb more. Have to take some allergy pills first though, i couldn't breath. And more plastic!
Isn't Calvin an asshole?
haha funny story, guess you got lucky with the neighbors saving you the trouble of shoveling the walk.

Ha. I think the monkeys have described Calvin as an asshole. He sure does have attitude. He was happy to see us, but it didn't take long before I could tell he was wanting us to leave. Once he got down from the roof he pretty much ignored us. He didn't even want to play with the lazer pointer after that.
How would you like ti if we put you up on a ledge wher you couldn't get down?

Rebecca HAS done that to me! And I was stuck on a ledge at Nemo and had to rap down!! hahha remember that becca?

Yeah, that was a bit of silliness. But you weren't stuck, and I'm sure I could have given you a fireman's.

No I wasn't stuck but the choices were either go up the route beside that was well over my ability or rap down. Neither of which I was too fond of.
You should have gone up

Your'e probably right


Dec 27, 2007, 4:58 AM
Post #6656 of 25030 (2764 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
artm wrote:
obsessed wrote:
artm wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
Wonder how many pages we can do while the monkeys are away? With art going too it might be peeretty s-l-o-w in here. Unless we solicit some of the bet'ers to jump ship for a bit.
It seems that you may have been carrying the team.

No it was a joint effort with the occasional drive by from snoop and zeke and even their donny

you guys have successfully gotten rid of bent_gate.

now, if you could only do what we did, and get rid of the OP.

I reckon we did... I didn't really notice his void.
Everyone ignored him so he finally went away.

He will be back
I hope not

yeah he was an annoying ingrown scrotal hair.

Who are we talking about anyway??


Dec 27, 2007, 5:00 AM
Post #6657 of 25030 (2762 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [artm] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
epoch wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
art posting from the same grassy knoll from which he violated teh parlay?
w00t!!! Art!!!
No that's just snoop making stuff up again, like being King of the BET
I didn't vote for him.
Nobody did

That's correct. All I said was "who died and made you king" and he ran with it.


Dec 27, 2007, 5:04 AM
Post #6658 of 25030 (2760 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [granite_grrl] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
obsessed wrote:
I was spoiled yesterday. Got a new Nikon D40x SLR with 2 lenses. The zoom is 200mm. It is so cool. I took pictures all day. Finally bruce said, enough with the pictures don't make me regret buying you that! hahah got a soft shell too and some free weights and the usual other stuff. Oh and a fondue. How cool is that.

You are spoiled. Gah, sounds like a fancy camera, how big is it? I had a nice Cannon SLR with a couple of zoom lenses, but I stopped carrying it 'cause it was too big. I like my Cannon digital, fairly small, decent zoom , I actually bring it when I'm out doing things. Biggest problem is not the zoom, but that it's nor very wide. But what I has is starting to get old. New point and shoot digi cams can be much better for wider images.

I'm not an expert by any means, but I know a little about cameras. I'm looking forward to seeing yours.

It's really pretty large. But surprisingly light. I had it over at our friends tonight and they all asked, are you going to take some climbing pics with that? I said, no I don't think I would hike this into the crag. Thats the down side...its too large and too expensive to bring out....but I might change my mind, I could always get a good case


Dec 27, 2007, 5:05 AM
Post #6659 of 25030 (2758 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [granite_grrl] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
obsessed wrote:
And doc will appreciate this...

I asked my brother in law the paramedic to carve the turkey. So he comes out with surgical gloves on and carves that bird like its a human. He said it helps to know anatomy!

Seriously he did an awesome job carving.

Pictures to follow...

Our turkey almost didn't fit into the oven, it was so big. Figure it was at least a 30lbs bird. My uncle raises turkeys, so we get a ginormous free-range turkey most years. It was delicious (and is family will have leftovers forever!).

Thats HUGE and cool that its free range. Your mom must have put that thing in at 6am!!


Dec 27, 2007, 5:07 AM
Post #6660 of 25030 (2756 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
artm wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:

Big dumping of snow coming Sat night Doc. Probably hit your area tomorrow afternoon??
Expected 30 cms here

Maybe this will finally be the winter that has balls.
Hopefully too. I finally got to use my snowshoes for the first time today. I bought them summer 2006 off steepandcheap.
Goddamn, I was wishing that we had snowshoes whne we were in Quebec. The snow was deep there!
I thought all canadans owned snowshoes

That's why chossy hasn't gotten his citizenship yet.
What about becca where's her snowshoes?

Becca is the one that really should get snowshoes. She's not very good at going through deep snow.

Problem is that there's not really enough snow out in S.Ontario to make snowshoes really worthwhile.

We got a Yakima car rack, a kitchen radio that we have to return (got one for my b-day). Nathan got me an ice screw, some climbing holds and a nice little water colour of Halifax (which was really sweet of him).

I'm so confused.

doesn't take much


Dec 27, 2007, 5:12 AM
Post #6661 of 25030 (2754 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
epoch wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
Jeff got reactors.


I know that we couldn't really afford it, but I wish I lied to myself about that and got a set of Nomics.

So when are we meeting in QC or the Dacs so I can try out your new babies? How far are you from Quebec city (and places like Pont Rouge, etc)?

Google maps here i come.

445 miles from quebec.

How many hours? I think its like 9 for us. We're thinking of taking a long weekend and heading out there sometime this winter, especially if we can find some people to join us.

There's also ice in QC closer to the US border (I'd have to look it up in the guide book though).

How about the daks? That's aboot five for me...
7 or 8 for me I think. But unless Nathan's immigration stuff goes through I'd have to find someone else to head there with (and no, there's no way I'd go with Brent).

After the first or second week of feb, i can take from weds evening to sunday one week...
(why not brent... you might be able to rend him from the grasp of the succubus)

(because I don't really trust him from a safety stand point, especially with ice climbing. He's a flake)
(why are you whispering? We can all hear you.) {doc didn't you see the pics???}

(whispering is fun. It makes me feel secretive){which pics?}

(pssst. whispering doesn't work in the intardnet, we can all hear you)
although I have to admit I was reading it very quietly


Dec 27, 2007, 5:14 AM
Post #6662 of 25030 (2751 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
When will you be back anyway?
When we are goddamn good and ready. Or the 1st. Unless we get caught in bad weather.

geeze I was just asking so I could have all the evidence of the huge party at your place cleaned up

Did I tell you about the new years eve party??
Which one?

The one I sold 200 tickets to and we are having at your place. Is that a problem?
Nope. Eddy knows to call the police. He keeps the university kids nextdoor in line.

Did I tell you Eddy is planning on coming to the party? I gave him a free ticket and he is really pumped about it


Dec 27, 2007, 5:15 AM
Post #6663 of 25030 (2749 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Merry Xmas [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
I guess since I'm the first to post in here today it is my duty to wish everyone a merry Christmas!

I think I woke up a little drunk.

Your'e in Nova Scotia, you are expected to wake up drunk.
Hope you and Rebecca had a great Christmas
It was pretty good. We did have phenomenal Santa Hat drunk sex Christmas eve.

who was wearing the santa hat? never mind....too much information


Dec 27, 2007, 5:17 AM
Post #6664 of 25030 (2747 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
The boots came on Christmas Eve, right to my door and this poor lozer didn't have the cash on had for the C.O.D Frown The post lady had to take them over to the local post office and I have to pick them up there. I am very excited to see them! Going to go get them tomorrow.
Oh and bruce didn't know I bought them so when she came to the door and said I have a package and you owe me $70 he's like what the hell did you do now??
That's way better than when we got our resoled shoes that were all paid for and the Canadian government decided to tack on a bunch of tax on shoes we already owned.Mad

ahhh the good ol goods and service tax bites another unsuspecting canadian in the ass


Dec 27, 2007, 5:19 AM
Post #6665 of 25030 (2745 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [artm] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
When will you be back anyway?
When we are goddamn good and ready. Or the 1st. Unless we get caught in bad weather.

geeze I was just asking so I could have all the evidence of the huge party at your place cleaned up

Did I tell you about the new years eve party??
Which one?

The one I sold 200 tickets to and we are having at your place. Is that a problem?
Nope. Eddy knows to call the police. He keeps the university kids nextdoor in line.
Partygirl goes to jail?

Not this girl. I know how to out-smart em!


Dec 27, 2007, 5:20 AM
Post #6666 of 25030 (2743 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
When will you be back anyway?
When we are goddamn good and ready. Or the 1st. Unless we get caught in bad weather.

geeze I was just asking so I could have all the evidence of the huge party at your place cleaned up

Did I tell you about the new years eve party??
Which one?

The one I sold 200 tickets to and we are having at your place. Is that a problem?
Nope. Eddy knows to call the police. He keeps the university kids nextdoor in line.
Partygirl goes to jail?




Dec 27, 2007, 5:21 AM
Post #6667 of 25030 (2741 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
epoch wrote:
I'll take it...


You lurker you. If I hadn't been so long winded I would have gotten it!
He was hardly lurking. He had the previous post.

oh shush, he admitted he was lurking...thats good enough for me


Dec 27, 2007, 5:24 AM
Post #6668 of 25030 (2739 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
I was spoiled yesterday. Got a new Nikon D40x SLR with 2 lenses. The zoom is 200mm. It is so cool. I took pictures all day. Finally bruce said, enough with the pictures don't make me regret buying you that! hahah got a soft shell too and some free weights and the usual other stuff. Oh and a fondue. How cool is that.
He didn't appreciate you taking picture while you were getting busy huh? I suppose if they ended up on the internet he would regret buying it for you.

I thought you already had a softshell.

I do.


Dec 27, 2007, 5:34 AM
Post #6669 of 25030 (2737 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
Time to clean up the house and then go to friends for more food and merriment tonight. Thank god they are walking distance!

Hope you fools didn't go out shopping!!
I sure hope you can walk home.

Were was there anything open other than in the States?

I could walk. One of those nights that I just couldn't get drunk. 5 rye and ginger and a bottle of red wine and not even a stumble! Must have been all that food we were eating soaking up the alcohol


Dec 27, 2007, 5:37 AM
Post #6670 of 25030 (2735 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
obsessed wrote:
I was spoiled yesterday. Got a new Nikon D40x SLR with 2 lenses. The zoom is 200mm. It is so cool. I took pictures all day. Finally bruce said, enough with the pictures don't make me regret buying you that! hahah got a soft shell too and some free weights and the usual other stuff. Oh and a fondue. How cool is that.

You are spoiled. Gah, sounds like a fancy camera, how big is it? I had a nice Cannon SLR with a couple of zoom lenses, but I stopped carrying it 'cause it was too big. I like my Cannon digital, fairly small, decent zoom , I actually bring it when I'm out doing things. Biggest problem is not the zoom, but that it's nor very wide. But what I has is starting to get old. New point and shoot digi cams can be much better for wider images.

I'm not an expert by any means, but I know a little about cameras. I'm looking forward to seeing yours.
She can be the new photo girl.

I'll need someone to take pictures of me for the magazines.

*huge eye roll*


Dec 27, 2007, 5:38 AM
Post #6671 of 25030 (2733 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
Time to clean up the house and then go to friends for more food and merriment tonight. Thank god they are walking distance!

Hope you fools didn't go out shopping!!
I sure hope you can walk home.

Were was there anything open other than in the States?

Oh and I forgot .... all the stores are open here


Dec 27, 2007, 5:39 AM
Post #6672 of 25030 (2731 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [dr_feelgood] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
Jeff got reactors.
You buy or for X-Mas?

Bring them over so I can try them. We will be in the St.Anne area of Gaspe for a few days then Pont Rouge on the 31.

So i don't get it. Google maps tells me it is a 8 hour drive from here, but a six hour drive from new hampshire, which is 3.5 hrs away.

Makes no sense...but possible that NH is more SE from you, so you would have to come back a bit to get to QB?


Dec 27, 2007, 5:43 AM
Post #6673 of 25030 (2729 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:

We got a Yakima car rack, a kitchen radio that we have to return (got one for my b-day). Nathan got me an ice screw, some climbing holds and a nice little water colour of Halifax (which was really sweet of him).
Sounds like a good haul, I bet the roof rack will come in handy
I got another ghey sweater. We really could have used a box for the rack to haul stuff back.

perfect you will be able to wear it at next years xmas party.
At least it wasn't fruit cake. Funny story my friend told me tonight. He is at the inlaws and they take turns opening presents. His wife opens perfume, kids get some cool video games he gets a fruitcake. Round 2 more cool stuff for the family he gets another fruit cake. This happened 4 times. He comes out with 4 fruitcakes! Said it was like charlie brown on halloween with the rock!! I howled


Dec 27, 2007, 5:44 AM
Post #6674 of 25030 (2727 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] the brent e tea shop [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
When will you be back anyway?
When we are goddamn good and ready. Or the 1st. Unless we get caught in bad weather.

geeze I was just asking so I could have all the evidence of the huge party at your place cleaned up

Did I tell you about the new years eve party??
Which one?

The one I sold 200 tickets to and we are having at your place. Is that a problem?
Nope. Eddy knows to call the police. He keeps the university kids nextdoor in line.
Partygirl goes to jail?



Dec 27, 2007, 5:47 AM
Post #6675 of 25030 (2725 views)

Registered: Sep 26, 2003
Posts: 9341

     Re: [chossmonkey] Congrats to the BET [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
I'm about done here for tonight and the next few days. Hopefuly we will find some sweet ice to climb. It is right next to the ocean so it will be like a cold version of where Art is going.

Have a good time and safe trip home. I am heading to your place tomorrow with the kids to see Calvin and climb in the basement. Will take my camera for some pics too.

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