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Jan 25, 2013, 8:53 PM
Post #96401 of 105309 (9360 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
New Zealand to banz devl kat!

Dogz winz!!Angelic

Hmm, makes me feel better about keeping Feisty as an inside cat.

Catz are killers, they can't seem to help themselves.

Well, except for Calvin. If he ever caught a mouse he would try to lick it to death.

I have been considering getting a cat. If i do, I really need the killer kind, to preemptively deal with any mouse problems. How do I find a kitten who will become a nice friendly neighborhood rodent killer?

Ewe thinking inside or outside mouse control? If you want mostly an outside cat, maybe check on craigslist for farmcats?

I would think that baby munkey will be psyched about you getting a cat.

Inside. And yeah, baby munkey would be psyched.

If you want inside kitteh, most any cat would be fine.

Hell, Feisty is a half blind softie who would probably starve within a few days of being let outside, and even she probably keeps mice away, just with her presence.

I would probably not get too focused on finding a great mouser, because that would probably run the risk of winding up with a cat who breaks stuff, jumps up on counters, and isn't cuddly enough.

Just get the best, cutest kitten who comes up to you when you check it out.

I sort of have a feeling if mice decided to get up in our condo, they would just laugh at our cat.


Jan 25, 2013, 8:55 PM
Post #96402 of 105309 (9354 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
New Zealand to banz devl kat!

Dogz winz!!Angelic

Hmm, makes me feel better about keeping Feisty as an inside cat.

Catz are killers, they can't seem to help themselves.

Well, except for Calvin. If he ever caught a mouse he would try to lick it to death.

I have been considering getting a cat. If i do, I really need the killer kind, to preemptively deal with any mouse problems. How do I find a kitten who will become a nice friendly neighborhood rodent killer?

Ewe thinking inside or outside mouse control? If you want mostly an outside cat, maybe check on craigslist for farmcats?

I would think that baby munkey will be psyched about you getting a cat.

Inside. And yeah, baby munkey would be psyched.

If you want inside kitteh, most any cat would be fine.

Hell, Feisty is a half blind softie who would probably starve within a few days of being let outside, and even she probably keeps mice away, just with her presence.

I would probably not get too focused on finding a great mouser, because that would probably run the risk of winding up with a cat who breaks stuff, jumps up on counters, and isn't cuddly enough.

Just get the best, cutest kitten who comes up to you when you check it out.

durpity. i can't imagine that "superb mouser" and "cuddlemuffin" tend to come in the same cat. fiesty is a lousy hunter but shes an awesome fur neckwarmer. i can't imagine dealing with bullshit for a cat that's not even sweet to you.

Double durpity durp durp.

Feister is a pain in the ass who throws up, pees in the basement, knocks shit over and loses it, and is always whining. But at the end of the day, she luuuurvez us, and just wants to hang out and cuddle.

So many other cats I know have all her negative traits, but then when you try to cuddle, they just hiss and go "fuck ewe!"

feisty sounds like misu, but with more whining. and less crap in the bathtub.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:16 PM
Post #96403 of 105309 (9333 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Hiked owt to teh New New in teh drizzle and managed to put in half a dozen bolts and cleaned choss for a few hours this morning before teh drill gave up and I got cold and tired.

It's know WNSG but it's steep enough. Saw my favorite ranger looking at my car, but he didn't try to hike up to see what I wus doing. Maybe in a few seasons ov occasional werk and we'll has another gnu crag.

I din't has teh camera today but hears an old pic that I've posted in teh past ov teh crag.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:26 PM
Post #96404 of 105309 (9329 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Just came back from getting the hairs cut. I think it's too short, and there's no layers so with the blow dry/straightening they do for you at the salon, it looks a little posh spice. We'll see what it does when I shower, go to sleep with my hair wet, and wake up doing nothing to it. That's the real test.

I kin tell from rite hear, even withowt looking... it's two short.

I noes it's more werk, but wimin look better with teh long hairs.
I prefer long hair, but Brian is a freak who likes the short hairs. Even the stylist agrees men like long hair better.

It is a well documented fact that 84.6% of women look better with short hair.

No. and GTFO!

Shouldn't you be more careful commenting on the bolded part? You are, however, correct on the second part.

bois with short hair look fine.

Mari thinks I shood cut my hairs... She said, aren't ewe getting a little old to be reliving yore younger hippy glory dayz?

She might has teh poynt.

gonna go back to teh bleached tips look?

Everybody knows that guys look best with teh short hairs.

it's tru... I awlways looked better with teh shorter hairs.

another pic from teh artical

It's a hippy thing... though I wood have cuts it a long tyme ago cept c-ya like teh scraggly long hair look.

Still, I has to take mari on sum owt of state college interveiws and she kinda embareassed to be seen with me, so I probibly be cutting it sooner than later.

Gneiss shirt, there. If I owned something like that, it would definitely have favoriteshirt status.

It's a shirt wardrobe dressed me in fer teh shoot, it's around hear sumwhere.... haven't worn it in sum tyme.... maybes I shood look around fer it... but when climbing, I'm more ov a tee shirt kinda guy.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:29 PM
Post #96405 of 105309 (9328 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Teh pegboard champ is competing in Italy this weekend. I will have to wait until I get home on Sunday night to find out how he did, but he better do better this time than last time because I can't handle any more sulking.

yeah, camhat's foot better get better soon, too.

finger in teh eye... broken foot.... knot to werry, there will be sumthin gnu to sideline his progress... and complain about.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:32 PM
Post #96406 of 105309 (9328 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
cracklover wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:

Well done, sir. My Franchise folds.


Now fuck off. We're talking about tango dancing, and don't want to hear from you.

You can tell me to fuck off etc all you like.

Anyway, I don't know any of you personally, so most of what you chat about here I have nothing to say about. In other words, no - you won't hear from me, not often. I speak up when I *do* have something to say, which is rarely.



sighs.... just whut we kneed, another fuking clamhed who has nothing to say but just loves teh sound ov his own voice.

Take a hike loser.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:41 PM
Post #96407 of 105309 (9321 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
Hiked owt to teh New New in teh drizzle and managed to put in half a dozen bolts and cleaned choss for a few hours this morning before teh drill gave up and I got cold and tired.

It's know WNSG but it's steep enough. Saw my favorite ranger looking at my car, but he didn't try to hike up to see what I wus doing. Maybe in a few seasons ov occasional werk and we'll has another gnu crag.

I din't has teh camera today but hears an old pic that I've posted in teh past ov teh crag.

Looks like it's got 'the angle.' In climbable condition yet?


Jan 25, 2013, 10:46 PM
Post #96408 of 105309 (9317 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Just got this E-mail from our secretary:

In reply to:
Hi Everyone,

There is no functioning restrooms or water fountains in our building.

If you need to use the restroom, you have to go to another building. Someone drilled through the main water line.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

It is freaking 14F and snowing outside. I think if I head outside, I'll walk all the way to my car, ans go home.

if it is 14F and snowing, what teh fuk is somebody doing outside drilling through the water line?

GUD point. But you are forgetting that this is CLEVELAND. They do this sort of shit here.

I remember a couple of years ago, some construction guys managed to cut both our primary electric cable line AND the backup line. In the same freaking day.

And then we discovered that some of the freezers that were supposed to be plugged into the emergency-outlets were not, in fact, plugged in into the outlets that were functional on the backup-of-the-backup emergency generator. Fun times!


Jan 25, 2013, 10:49 PM
Post #96409 of 105309 (9314 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
heh. I was listening to the Dirtbag diaries yesterday. The new podcast was about the disneyland matterhorn climbers. They brought back the program and were auditioning climbers.

The gal was talking about how all these LA badasses showed up and were spraying up down left and right. She went on to say how one of the dudes was even on the cover of the new Joshua Tree guidebook.

LOL. Had to be the coverboy!

it's a small werld.... teh 'gal' ewe speak ov iz susanica. taught her how to climb owt at NJC before we spent a summer together in rifle and maple, sweet young lady.

she took this pic ov me during teh photo shoot fer teh 'catwalk' artical in climbing.

This iz a pic ov her and I sitting together that wus in teh artical.

heh. It all comes full circle now.

She was talking about how she had lost her zest for climbing. Too many injuries, couldn't pull w/o pain, but climbing the fake matterhorn in lederhosen brought back teh joys.

Will she stalk BET?

Yea I heard teh podcast last week....

And know I dun't thinks she will stalk teh BET.... but it's hard to say. She is a sweet girl and I have run into her since we used to hang owt together. She suggested that we get owt on teh rode again, but at teh tyme it didn't seem like a gud idea, so I passed.

Lots ov natural talent, we had only been climbing a few months together when we went to Rifle, she did teh Defenceless Betty and teh Hang 'em High... I thinks that's what it called, a 12c or sumthin a couple routes to teh right of defencless betty on teh project wall. Sides, she wus teh won who swooped me, I wus just along fer teh ride. She rote me sum really romantic poetry... and we has a lot ov fun together, so I dun't thinks I'm on her shitz list. Guess we'll sea.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:50 PM
Post #96410 of 105309 (9314 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Feeling melancholy today.

Today is an anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky. He was a Russian poet/actor/songwriter who also dabbled in mountaneering some. He had the audacity to marry a French actress. The Authorities never quite got over it.

Died back in 1980, but people still sing his songs.

I attempted to google-translate one. Very not-funny, in a sad way.

Anyway, I think Camhead would have liked his guitar-playing, and jack would have liked his attitude, but you won't ever get to know what his songs said... oh well.

Have you played some of his stuff for me before? I remember some Russian folk-climber-singer guy...

Don't think so. I don't have him on CDs in the car.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:51 PM
Post #96411 of 105309 (9312 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Just came back from getting the hairs cut. I think it's too short, and there's no layers so with the blow dry/straightening they do for you at the salon, it looks a little posh spice. We'll see what it does when I shower, go to sleep with my hair wet, and wake up doing nothing to it. That's the real test.

I kin tell from rite hear, even withowt looking... it's two short.

I noes it's more werk, but wimin look better with teh long hairs.
I prefer long hair, but Brian is a freak who likes the short hairs. Even the stylist agrees men like long hair better.

It is a well documented fact that 84.6% of women look better with short hair.

No. and GTFO!

Shouldn't you be more careful commenting on the bolded part? You are, however, correct on the second part.

bois with short hair look fine.

Mari thinks I shood cut my hairs... She said, aren't ewe getting a little old to be reliving yore younger hippy glory dayz?

She might has teh poynt.

gonna go back to teh bleached tips look?

Everybody knows that guys look best with teh short hairs.

it's tru... I awlways looked better with teh shorter hairs.

another pic from teh artical

It's a hippy thing... though I wood have cuts it a long tyme ago cept c-ya like teh scraggly long hair look.

Still, I has to take mari on sum owt of state college interveiws and she kinda embareassed to be seen with me, so I probibly be cutting it sooner than later.

Gneiss shirt, there. If I owned something like that, it would definitely have favoriteshirt status.

I don't think Jack owns that shirt, I think it was a loaner for the article. Sort of like Banz and his size 2 travelling ladies wardrobe.

knot exactly korrect.... They dressed me in it fer teh shoot and then gave it to me afterwards.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:52 PM
Post #96412 of 105309 (9312 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
cracklover wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
cracklover wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:

Well done, sir. My Franchise folds.


Now fuck off. We're talking about tango dancing, and don't want to hear from you.

You can tell me to fuck off etc all you like.

Anyway, I don't know any of you personally, so most of what you chat about here I have nothing to say about. In other words, no - you won't hear from me, not often. I speak up when I *do* have something to say, which is rarely.



awwww seriouscat, you were doing so good.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:54 PM
Post #96413 of 105309 (9311 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
meatbomz wrote:
=== GU complete ===
I'm on the iYup at work so I can't be bothered to quote the original offending post, but FUCK EWE, DONNY!!

knot to werry, donny won't stick around. he doesn't has whut it takes... and we will awl be poynting and laughing at him.

he'll discover rollerblading or lawn bowling and it will be teh next greatest thing.... just like awl teh other 'next greates't things he has awl ready given up on.

whatever happened to teh woodwerking or whatever it was he was going to get into?

it's in teh closet, along with awl teh other things he gave up on like rugby, his self respect and dignity.


Jan 25, 2013, 10:55 PM
Post #96414 of 105309 (9311 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
You know, I'd tell GO to GTFO, but it would result in there only being tango tawk here, so I think I'll just STFU.

must be hard to stand uprite, withowt a backbone?

it just gets worse.

Why am I knot surprised...


Jan 25, 2013, 10:57 PM
Post #96415 of 105309 (9310 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Just came back from getting the hairs cut. I think it's too short, and there's no layers so with the blow dry/straightening they do for you at the salon, it looks a little posh spice. We'll see what it does when I shower, go to sleep with my hair wet, and wake up doing nothing to it. That's the real test.

I kin tell from rite hear, even withowt looking... it's two short.

I noes it's more werk, but wimin look better with teh long hairs.
I prefer long hair, but Brian is a freak who likes the short hairs. Even the stylist agrees men like long hair better.

It is a well documented fact that 84.6% of women look better with short hair.

No. and GTFO!

Shouldn't you be more careful commenting on the bolded part? You are, however, correct on the second part.

bois with short hair look fine.

Mari thinks I shood cut my hairs... She said, aren't ewe getting a little old to be reliving yore younger hippy glory dayz?

She might has teh poynt.

gonna go back to teh bleached tips look?

Man, 1993 was a hot year!

yea.... i wus bitchin way back when.

there's a forum for that

ewe mean that open sewer that is stupid topos? think I'll pass on that.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:08 PM
Post #96416 of 105309 (9305 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Just came back from getting the hairs cut. I think it's too short, and there's no layers so with the blow dry/straightening they do for you at the salon, it looks a little posh spice. We'll see what it does when I shower, go to sleep with my hair wet, and wake up doing nothing to it. That's the real test.

I kin tell from rite hear, even withowt looking... it's two short.

I noes it's more werk, but wimin look better with teh long hairs.
I prefer long hair, but Brian is a freak who likes the short hairs. Even the stylist agrees men like long hair better.

It is a well documented fact that 84.6% of women look better with short hair.

No. and GTFO!

Shouldn't you be more careful commenting on the bolded part? You are, however, correct on the second part.

bois with short hair look fine.

Mari thinks I shood cut my hairs... She said, aren't ewe getting a little old to be reliving yore younger hippy glory dayz?

She might has teh poynt.

gonna go back to teh bleached tips look?

Man, 1993 was a hot year!

that wus more like 2004

I wuz just looking for teh bleached tips look ...

nice discrete tenshunz ...

hummm... fer a smert guy, shakes hed I thought ewe had been on teh root before? If so ewe wood remember that teh bolt is low and way oft to teh left.... discrete tenshunz wood pull me oft teh root. cood just be teh pic iz decieving....

try this won

similar position but obviously teh rope iz knot above me.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:17 PM
Post #96417 of 105309 (9284 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
heh. I was listening to the Dirtbag diaries yesterday. The new podcast was about the disneyland matterhorn climbers. They brought back the program and were auditioning climbers.

The gal was talking about how all these LA badasses showed up and were spraying up down left and right. She went on to say how one of the dudes was even on the cover of the new Joshua Tree guidebook.

LOL. Had to be the coverboy!

it's a small werld.... teh 'gal' ewe speak ov iz susanica. taught her how to climb owt at NJC before we spent a summer together in rifle and maple, sweet young lady.

she took this pic ov me during teh photo shoot fer teh 'catwalk' artical in climbing.

This iz a pic ov her and I sitting together that wus in teh artical.

Oh, I remember that article!

Also, Me and dribble came to the conclusion that a dude cannot live in California unless he is dating an Asian. Kind of like how you have to be dating a yoga instructor to live in Boulder.

I get to stay!

CI, on teh other hand ... get teh fuk owt!


C-ya iz knot asian but she does has teh olive skin.... and my kids are half asian.

hope that means I gets too stay.... cuz otherwise I'm chopping 10k ov my bolts and taking them elsewhere.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:19 PM
Post #96418 of 105309 (9284 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So I have gotten myself into a bit of a pickle. In my exuberance to stay for free at someone's cabin near ice climbing I have somehow agreed to be the only leader in the group of 4 and to set up TRs for them.


Our fearless guide!

It looks like this is going ahead. I should have thought about it more before I commited though.

I do like the idea of stay at a warm cabin 4 miles from the crag though!

at this poynt, teh best ewe kin due iz burn them owt early.

And then they go home early to the cabin that's only 4 miles away.

Honestly though, I think the cold will get them more than the activity level.

hopefully won ov them will be left to belay ewe.

ewe must have missed teh part where she suckered a second leader in ... probibly with teh free candy cabin 4 miles from the climbs.

yea, I guess I due remember that.... but in my defence, it wus teh middle ov teh nite and I wus hopped up on pain killers.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:22 PM
Post #96419 of 105309 (9283 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
heh. I was listening to the Dirtbag diaries yesterday. The new podcast was about the disneyland matterhorn climbers. They brought back the program and were auditioning climbers.

The gal was talking about how all these LA badasses showed up and were spraying up down left and right. She went on to say how one of the dudes was even on the cover of the new Joshua Tree guidebook.

LOL. Had to be the coverboy!

it's a small werld.... teh 'gal' ewe speak ov iz susanica. taught her how to climb owt at NJC before we spent a summer together in rifle and maple, sweet young lady.

she took this pic ov me during teh photo shoot fer teh 'catwalk' artical in climbing.


This iz a pic ov her and I sitting together that wus in teh artical.


heh. It all comes full circle now.

She was talking about how she had lost her zest for climbing. Too many injuries, couldn't pull w/o pain, but climbing the fake matterhorn in lederhosen brought back teh joys.

Will she stalk BET?

she iz on mah fasebuk, even though I've only met her once. she got into teh roller derby, which couldn't have helped with teh injuries.

Well, maybes let's keep it oft stalkerbook.... I wood like to remain friends with at least won ov my ex's?

Partner camhead

Jan 25, 2013, 11:25 PM
Post #96420 of 105309 (9280 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
heh. I was listening to the Dirtbag diaries yesterday. The new podcast was about the disneyland matterhorn climbers. They brought back the program and were auditioning climbers.

The gal was talking about how all these LA badasses showed up and were spraying up down left and right. She went on to say how one of the dudes was even on the cover of the new Joshua Tree guidebook.

LOL. Had to be the coverboy!

it's a small werld.... teh 'gal' ewe speak ov iz susanica. taught her how to climb owt at NJC before we spent a summer together in rifle and maple, sweet young lady.

she took this pic ov me during teh photo shoot fer teh 'catwalk' artical in climbing.


This iz a pic ov her and I sitting together that wus in teh artical.


Oh, I remember that article!

Also, Me and dribble came to the conclusion that a dude cannot live in California unless he is dating an Asian. Kind of like how you have to be dating a yoga instructor to live in Boulder.

I get to stay!

CI, on teh other hand ... get teh fuk owt!


C-ya iz knot asian but she does has teh olive skin.... and my kids are half asian.

hope that means I gets too stay.... cuz otherwise I'm chopping 10k ov my bolts and taking them elsewhere.

C-ya is Latina, right? Cuz hispanics, have some Indian in them. And Indians came from Asia, like 20,000 years ago. So, I guess she may as well be Asian.

10k bultz and 10k posts. that's appropriate. I'm not sure what would be easier, chopping the bolts or deleting the posts.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:26 PM
Post #96421 of 105309 (9280 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
random question: I've got grupe bookmarked in my firefox browser. For the last few weeks, whenever I click the bookmark for it, it gives me the "file 404 not found" screen. Then I click the book mark again and I go to grupe.

Is this happening with anybody else? Google grupes are weak, but my shitty browser is, too.


PLEASE clamhed, try to pay attention? I has mentioned, more than wonce that I haven't been able to get on grupe in months. and yea I gets teh same message and I use firefox.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:26 PM
Post #96422 of 105309 (9280 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Just came back from getting the hairs cut. I think it's too short, and there's no layers so with the blow dry/straightening they do for you at the salon, it looks a little posh spice. We'll see what it does when I shower, go to sleep with my hair wet, and wake up doing nothing to it. That's the real test.

I kin tell from rite hear, even withowt looking... it's two short.

I noes it's more werk, but wimin look better with teh long hairs.
I prefer long hair, but Brian is a freak who likes the short hairs. Even the stylist agrees men like long hair better.

It is a well documented fact that 84.6% of women look better with short hair.

No. and GTFO!

Shouldn't you be more careful commenting on the bolded part? You are, however, correct on the second part.

bois with short hair look fine.

Mari thinks I shood cut my hairs... She said, aren't ewe getting a little old to be reliving yore younger hippy glory dayz?

She might has teh poynt.

gonna go back to teh bleached tips look?

Man, 1993 was a hot year!


that wus more like 2004

I wuz just looking for teh bleached tips look ...


nice discrete tenshunz ...

hummm... fer a smert guy, shakes hed I thought ewe had been on teh root before? If so ewe wood remember that teh bolt is low and way oft to teh left.... discrete tenshunz wood pull me oft teh root. cood just be teh pic iz decieving....

try this won


similar position but obviously teh rope iz knot above me.

a bit sensitive?

and, yeah, I've been on teh rowt.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:27 PM
Post #96423 of 105309 (9277 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
heh. I was listening to the Dirtbag diaries yesterday. The new podcast was about the disneyland matterhorn climbers. They brought back the program and were auditioning climbers.

The gal was talking about how all these LA badasses showed up and were spraying up down left and right. She went on to say how one of the dudes was even on the cover of the new Joshua Tree guidebook.

LOL. Had to be the coverboy!

it's a small werld.... teh 'gal' ewe speak ov iz susanica. taught her how to climb owt at NJC before we spent a summer together in rifle and maple, sweet young lady.

she took this pic ov me during teh photo shoot fer teh 'catwalk' artical in climbing.


This iz a pic ov her and I sitting together that wus in teh artical.


Oh, I remember that article!

Also, Me and dribble came to the conclusion that a dude cannot live in California unless he is dating an Asian. Kind of like how you have to be dating a yoga instructor to live in Boulder.

I get to stay!

CI, on teh other hand ... get teh fuk owt!


C-ya iz knot asian but she does has teh olive skin.... and my kids are half asian.

hope that means I gets too stay.... cuz otherwise I'm chopping 10k ov my bolts and taking them elsewhere.

while it is in teh past, back when you were bitchin or whatever, having been married to an asian probibly gets you a pass to stay.


Jan 25, 2013, 11:29 PM
Post #96424 of 105309 (9274 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
heh. I was listening to the Dirtbag diaries yesterday. The new podcast was about the disneyland matterhorn climbers. They brought back the program and were auditioning climbers.

The gal was talking about how all these LA badasses showed up and were spraying up down left and right. She went on to say how one of the dudes was even on the cover of the new Joshua Tree guidebook.

LOL. Had to be the coverboy!

it's a small werld.... teh 'gal' ewe speak ov iz susanica. taught her how to climb owt at NJC before we spent a summer together in rifle and maple, sweet young lady.

she took this pic ov me during teh photo shoot fer teh 'catwalk' artical in climbing.


This iz a pic ov her and I sitting together that wus in teh artical.


heh. It all comes full circle now.

She was talking about how she had lost her zest for climbing. Too many injuries, couldn't pull w/o pain, but climbing the fake matterhorn in lederhosen brought back teh joys.

Will she stalk BET?

she iz on mah fasebuk, even though I've only met her once. she got into teh roller derby, which couldn't have helped with teh injuries.

Well, maybes let's keep it oft stalkerbook.... I wood like to remain friends with at least won ov my ex's?

I'm not sure what I would even be putting on fasebuk. Don't really ever post anything on their anyway.

Partner cracklover

Jan 25, 2013, 11:52 PM
Post #96425 of 105309 (9262 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
Posts: 10162

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
cracklover wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
cracklover wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:

Well done, sir. My Franchise folds.


Now fuck off. We're talking about tango dancing, and don't want to hear from you.

You can tell me to fuck off etc all you like.

Anyway, I don't know any of you personally, so most of what you chat about here I have nothing to say about. In other words, no - you won't hear from me, not often. I speak up when I *do* have something to say, which is rarely.



sighs.... just whut we kneed, another fuking clamhed who has nothing to say but just loves teh sound ov his own voice.

Take a hike loser.

Hey, at least I didn't miss the obvious Lebowski reference.


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