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Mar 18, 2003, 9:06 PM
Post #1 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Oct 28, 2002
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I hate the US president!
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I hate the US president!!! I don't want to go to war! it is stupid!!!

I have never been so angry about someone's decision to go to war... I don't think anybody deserves to die...
... and certainly not innocent people!

"In God we trust"? ... hopefully God will take revange on this one...

America was shocked by two or three small planes falling into their buildings???... Imagine... a WHOLE Country like Iraq seeing hundrends of buildings falling in front of them....

I HATE HIM! and there's nothing I can do... but complain in my f... country hoping things where different...
Peace and harmony... that's all we need to live in this world... who cares if you guys are Europian, Mexican, American, French... or whatever nationallity??
We are all climbers! that's all there is... I don't care what your nationallity is... all I care is for any of you to share your experience... learn from you... and hoping you guys can learn from me... to live and experience fresh air up in the rocks...
Share my rope with you guys... shake your hands... and live happy in a non agressive environment.


Mar 18, 2003, 9:06 PM
Post #2 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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so do I, but it's not new


Mar 18, 2003, 9:11 PM
Post #3 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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ooohh I know this threads gonna get some posts. Hold on tight gentlemen....


Mar 18, 2003, 9:22 PM
Post #4 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Nov 22, 2002
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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Hold on tight indeed.

I know only this:

I don't know enough about what's going on everywhere in order to form an opinion for or against the war. Maybe we're freeing the Iraqis from an evil tyrant, or maybe we're just destroying their country.

Maybe we're getting rid of weapons of mass destruction, or maybe we just want easier access to oil.

The only thing I can say is that I support the troops. Let's just hope for the best.


Mar 18, 2003, 9:33 PM
Post #5 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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Lets hope a moment of lucidity strikes Saddam. He knows he is in the position of either giving in or seeing many of his countrymen die in a bid to maintain his oppressionist government. What will this man do?

1. Verify his madness and send his countrymen to war?
2. Abdicate, eliminating government oppression and trade embargos?


Mar 18, 2003, 9:33 PM
Post #6 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Oct 28, 2002
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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Saving from the evil tyrant???? and who told Bush he is "the chosen" to save the world...
He should mind his own business... Crisis in US is more important... finding Bin Laden is more important...

Still... UN does not agree with war... and so many countries either... Who told the US president he is the enlighten to choose what's right or wrong in someone elses country different from his???



Mar 18, 2003, 9:38 PM
Post #7 of 121 (2100 views)

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Now this I don't agree with, however the problem is the wheels are turning, we commited and you know we aren't turning back, so it's now in Saddams hands. So, whats he going to do?


Mar 18, 2003, 9:40 PM
Post #8 of 121 (2100 views)

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Why did Bush commited in the first place...?

No turning back...?? why???

We have a saying in Spanish "Of wise people is, to change your mind"


Mar 18, 2003, 9:47 PM
Post #9 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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Yes, that would be an interesting concept, but you and I know it just ain't gonna happen! So whats Saddam going to do?

It would be interesting if Saddam did step down.

Partner pianomahnn

Mar 18, 2003, 9:54 PM
Post #10 of 121 (2100 views)

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Re: I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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I hate the US president!!! I don't want to go to war! it is stupid!!!

I have never been so angry about someone's decision to go to war... I don't think anybody deserves to die...
... and certainly not innocent people!

"In God we trust"? ... hopefully God will take revange on this one...

America was shocked by two or three small planes falling into their buildings???... Imagine... a WHOLE Country like Iraq seeing hundrends of buildings falling in front of them....

I HATE HIM! and there's nothing I can do... but complain in my f... country hoping things where different...
Peace and harmony... that's all we need to live in this world... who cares if you guys are Europian, Mexican, American, French... or whatever nationallity??
We are all climbers! that's all there is... I don't care what your nationallity is... all I care is for any of you to share your experience... learn from you... and hoping you guys can learn from me... to live and experience fresh air up in the rocks...
Share my rope with you guys... shake your hands... and live happy in a non agressive environment.


Seriously, OMFG.

Happy peaceful jelly bean parties don't work with a man who executes people for saying he sucks.

Honestly, educate yourself in how certain issues can be resolved.

Go shake your hands with a crazy psycho killer who wants to slice your throat. See how far that gets you.

Oh my. . .another moron with an opinion.


Mar 18, 2003, 9:56 PM
Post #11 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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Where were you piano I was waiting for you to see this thread.


Mar 18, 2003, 9:58 PM
Post #12 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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^Hussein is not the single crazy psycho killer on earth. But he owns less weapons than North Korea. Go spank Kim-Jong-Il and we're gonna laugh...Moron with an opinion? him, you or me? Or all of us???


Mar 18, 2003, 10:02 PM
Post #13 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Hussein is not the single crazy psycho killer on earth. But he owns less weapons than North Korea. Go spank Kim-Jong-Il and we're gonna laugh...

Perhaps Saddam is not the only one gotta start somewhere.



Mar 18, 2003, 10:02 PM
Post #14 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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I think you've lost you're relevancy Thomas. Of course we should go after NK, but because we aren't, doesn't mean we may not. And by the way, where is the International Community with respect to that "thank you very much".

Partner pianomahnn

Mar 18, 2003, 10:08 PM
Post #15 of 121 (2100 views)

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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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^Hussein is not the single crazy psycho killer on earth. But he owns less weapons than North Korea. Go spank Kim-Jong-Il and we're gonna laugh...Moron with an opinion? him, you or me? Or all of us???

What is your solution to deal with a dictator who has killed 1,000,000+ people?

Is it another 12 years of diplomacy?


Mar 18, 2003, 10:08 PM
Post #16 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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THis clown gave himself away by telling us all just how much he hates GW. Seriously, come on. You'd hate him no matter what he did.

Sorry someone has to be decisive.

I've talked to many folks who are against war no matter what, and they just seem to ignore the idea that Saddam would do anything crazy in the future. It's better to be proactive than reactive.

Lots of responsibility comes with being 'the' power in a unipolar world.

Speak your mind by voting, not crying.


Mar 18, 2003, 10:15 PM
Post #17 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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pianomahnn, we have dealt with him for 24 years : Germany and France selling him nuke, the USA and Germany and Russia selling him bacteriological/chemichal weapons. Rumsfeld met Hussein and Aziz in 1983 after Hussein attacked Iran with chemichal (or bact?) weapons but no one said him anything 'cause the main threat was Iran at that time.

So why take care now??? And will you invade Russia because genocide in Chechnia has already led to 50,000 dead people? Will you invade North Korea because 1 million people died?

So why Iraq now? Why Iraq? Why now? WHY???


Mar 18, 2003, 10:21 PM
Post #18 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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Dude, you're a myopic little man who lives on an ostrich farm. Now go take your next dose of thorazine so you can get back to happy-happy land and let the people who understand what a "threat to our national security" is all about take care of business. War is a dirty, nasty, horrible event but we aren't going to sit back and let the threat continue to build. Your the same type of person who was wondering why we didn't do more to prevent 9/11. Well, we're fighting a different battle now. We will take out the threat before the threat becomes an even greater beast. Do you seriously doubt, even for a brief second, the Sadam Hussein wouldn't use WMDs on the US or US interests if given a chance? Yes, there are other tyrannical dictators, and yes, there are countries who have WMDs, but there is no greater combination of "hatred of the US" + "WMDs" + "ability and desire to use them against the US" that doesn't = SADAM HUSSEIN. N. Korea will be dealt with in due time. We're tired of taking this crap from everyone who hates the US. If you don't like us, fine. Screw you and go play with some other nations. There are plenty of foreign leaders out there we don't like, either, but we're not trying to kill them and destroy their way of life. If so, then France would be hosed! (Sorry Thomas. You seem to be a very decent and rational man, but there's a lot of animosity between our governments right now and we simply feel that the French by-and-large just don't like us. I sincerely hope we find a way to work through it).

But we ARE done with putting up with the crap from foreign leaders and terrorists who want to destroy OUR way of life. Were done jacking around and finished playing the good diplomat. If you take up arms against the US and work to infringe upon our freedoms and our cherished way of life, you will be squashed! We will not be held captive by the threat of terrorism and THAT is why Sadam Hussein will be forcibly removed from power in the next few days. Anyone else want to test our resolve?! Step right up...



Mar 18, 2003, 10:24 PM
Post #19 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Apr 25, 2002
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I hate the US president! [In reply to]
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So why Iraq now? Why Iraq? Why now? WHY???

^Because we finally have a president that will stand behind what we say. at least 10 other people have said this already. At the end of the Gulf War, one of the stipulations was that Iraq would completely disarm..... Bottom line is THE DIDNT. The previous administration ignored this. GW has not. Taking care of Saddam was in Bush's agenda far before 9/11. What do you think that 1441 was about? There was a 15-0 vote. Everyone agreed that something must be done. No one else has the balls to do it. Go GW and god bless America!!!!!!

Partner pianomahnn

Mar 18, 2003, 10:24 PM
Post #20 of 121 (2100 views)

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So why Iraq now? Why Iraq? Why now? WHY???

Dude. I asked your solution to the problems, and you respond with a question for me while totally avoiding my question.


I will not answer your question until you answer mine.


Mar 18, 2003, 10:32 PM
Post #21 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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yup!! I was right!!!

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ooohh I know this threads gonna get some posts. Hold on tight gentlemen....


Mar 18, 2003, 10:32 PM
Post #22 of 121 (2100 views)

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We're tired of taking this crap from everyone who hates the US. If you don't like us, fine. Screw you and go play with some other nations. There are plenty of foreign leaders out there we don't like, either, but we're not trying to kill them and destroy their way of life. If so, then France would be hosed! (Sorry Thomas. You seem to be a very decent and rational man, but there's a lot of animosity between our governments right now and we simply feel that the French by-and-large just don't like us. I sincerely hope we find a way to work through it).

This leads to an additional point that has not yet been raised. That point being that the Iraq situation poses a "Lose-Lose" scenario for the United States. If we go over there and take care of the potential threat, whining little countries (like France) accuse us of being a bully.

If we do not put an end to the Saddam regieme in Iraq, it is only a matter of time before he supplies WMD type arms to our enemies. If this were to happen, those same whining little countries (like France) would blame the United states for not preventing it--since we are the World's only true superpower, and thus the only ones capable of intervening.



Mar 18, 2003, 10:37 PM
Post #23 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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Curt, exactly...

Seems some of the Iraqi's feel the same way:,2933,81446,00.html

They either see the US invasion as a blessing, or they are smart enough to realize they have no chance at coming out of this conflict alive if they don't surrender. I'd be willing to bet there's a good mix of these two motives in action right now.



Mar 18, 2003, 10:44 PM
Post #24 of 121 (2100 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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Dude. I asked your solution to the problems, and you respond with a question for me while totally avoiding my question.
PIanomahnn, no, I didn't answer because I didn't take it for a question. But I have no answer. maybe the CIA could have kidnapped him or made a putsch (the CIA made it in many other countries worldwild) : it's not a peaceful solution, but it would have spare a war. Honestly, I think diplomacy is the best solution following that way this stupid Chirac (how painful to me it is that I support Chirac on the iraqi problem!).

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No one else has the balls to do it.
Stewbabby, Great Britain and Spain have the balls too. I don't think Spain is gonna send soldiers, but I might be wrong.

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Do you seriously doubt, even for a brief second, the Sadam Hussein wouldn't use WMDs on the US or US interests if given a chance?
up2top, yes I doubt because he knows that your military force is far over his own and won't dare to provoke you, so I think he would never have tried to fight against you. He lost against Iran, against Koweit, I don't beleive he would have tried vs the USA.

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N. Korea will be dealt with in due time.
Hope you're kidding.

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we simply feel that the French by-and-large just don't like us
that's not false. But we don't like too many people if any. We, like you, heve a mild to severe superiority complex.

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But we ARE done with putting up with the crap from foreign leaders and terrorists who want to destroy OUR way of life.
I truely understand it, and think by example that the Al Qaida chase is justified as Ussama Bin Ladin and Taliban were responsible for a direct attack against your country.

Well, I might not answer anymore for this evening 'cause it's almost midnite here and I become tired. Don't be too angry to me, I like your country but don't always think your government is making the right choices.


Mar 18, 2003, 10:45 PM
Post #25 of 121 (2100 views)

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Curt, exactly...

Seems some of the Iraqi's feel the same way:,2933,81446,00.html

They either see the US invasion as a blessing, or they are smart enough to realize they have no chance at coming out of this conflict alive if they don't surrender. I'd be willing to bet there's a good mix of these two motives in action right now.


And, my guess is that many more Iraqis will be expressing their happiness with our actions, once Saddam can no longer have them shot for doing so.


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