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Why I hate PETA!!!!
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Apr 25, 2004, 10:16 PM
Post #1 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Mar 8, 2004
Posts: 223

Why I hate PETA!!!!
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PETA is the most annoying organization in the world.

PETA!!! Leave me alone! I WANT to eat meat! And LOTS OF IT! I want leather seats, shoes and jackets. People eat meat! It's NATURAL! Tigers and lions and monkeys and dogs eat meat. If you can convince all the animals in the world that it's their moral obligation to eat only vegetables and tofu then I might consider it. Until then I'll kill my own friggin Turkey on Thanksgiving.

Partner rrrADAM

Apr 25, 2004, 10:18 PM
Post #2 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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I eat Vegans... Very healthy, as they are mainly corn fed. :wink:

Partner tgreene

Apr 25, 2004, 10:26 PM
Post #3 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals


Apr 25, 2004, 10:59 PM
Post #4 of 72 (1366 views)

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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals

PETA= Punters Eating Tofu Animals

Partner jules

Apr 26, 2004, 12:09 AM
Post #5 of 72 (1366 views)

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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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I'm vegan, but it's a personal choice, as it should be. Pushing your beliefs on other people is lame, no matter how good your intentions might be.

PETA people can be pretty crazy.

Partner coylec

Apr 26, 2004, 12:47 AM
Post #6 of 72 (1366 views)

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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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What a stunning display of ignorance.

PETA runs a variety of campaigns, not just for vegetarianism and veganism. Their work includings fighting for rights for entertainment animals, companion animals, various charities, animal clothing and testing, fishing and wildlife, and of course, animal testing.

Before you loudly proclaim your ignore of what PETA does, you should at least learn a little bit. While you may disagree with some of what PETA does, it does not invalidate the work of the entire organization. For example, even if you disagree with the Access Fund's stance regarding the voluntary closure at Devils Tower, you don't have lambast the entire organization.

Even in regards to diet, PETA does more than just say "Don't Eat Meat". PETA also works to stop animal rights violations. Enforcing animal safety laws helps keep your food free from pathogens. They are involved in creating a better life for animals ... even if you are going to eat them, you shouldn't let their short lives be miserable.

Vegetarian, PETA Supporter and Animal Rights Advocate


Apr 26, 2004, 12:51 AM
Post #7 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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PETA is the most annoying organization in the world.

PETA!!! Leave me alone! I WANT to eat meat! And LOTS OF IT! I want leather seats, shoes and jackets. People eat meat! It's NATURAL! Tigers and lions and monkeys and dogs eat meat. If you can convince all the animals in the world that it's their moral obligation to eat only vegetables and tofu then I might consider it. Until then I'll kill my own friggin Turkey on Thanksgiving.

PS. Animals eat meat out of necessity humans do not. Thanks.

Vegan but for my chocolate milk habit.


Apr 26, 2004, 2:10 AM
Post #8 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Oct 1, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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PETA is the most annoying organization in the world.

PETA!!! Leave me alone! I WANT to eat meat! And LOTS OF IT! I want leather seats, shoes and jackets. People eat meat! It's NATURAL! Tigers and lions and monkeys and dogs eat meat. If you can convince all the animals in the world that it's their moral obligation to eat only vegetables and tofu then I might consider it. Until then I'll kill my own friggin Turkey on Thanksgiving.

PS. Animals eat meat out of necessity humans do not. Thanks.

Vegan but for my chocolate milk habit.

Oooh... are we getting into the vegan carnivore argument again? I'll go get some popcorn, because this is going to go on forever. I only have one funny note about PETA though:

Did you know that Pam Anderson is one of their spokespeople? Anybody got a guess as to what the silicone in her breasts was tested on?


Apr 26, 2004, 2:25 AM
Post #9 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Dec 30, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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Eat meat!!!!!! eeeeeih. I'm a sissy vegi. punch me in the face. Trendy malnourished bitches. :twisted:


Apr 26, 2004, 2:34 AM
Post #10 of 72 (1366 views)

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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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Pay close attention to PETA. They are crazy. My sister subscribes to their little newsletter and the fallacies they publish are incredible. She had thegall to tell me that PETA was right and I was wrong after having taken 2+ years of Animal and Meat science.

Yes, there are travesties out there, and we need fringe groups to call attention to them, but PETA goes way crazy.

Partner tattooed_climber

Apr 26, 2004, 4:25 AM
Post #11 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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i have probably said this multiply times in here...

and i quote from my own keyboard"

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i like raw f*cking red meat

.....nothing in the world like a bloody peice of cow, a smoke and a guinness


Apr 26, 2004, 6:15 AM
Post #12 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2002
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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peta sucks. im too tired and had too much to drink to post all the crazy $hit they say.


Apr 26, 2004, 6:28 AM
Post #13 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Jun 18, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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What a stunning display of ......SNIP

Blah.. blah.. blah...

a few links...

blah...blah.. blah...

Before you loudly proclaim your ignore of what PETA does, you should at least learn a little bit. While you may disagree with some of what PETA does, it does not invalidate the work of the entire organization.

Vegetarian, PETA Supporter and Animal Rights Advocate

I am familiar with PETA....and I still disagree with 98% of what PETA advocates.



Apr 26, 2004, 7:50 AM
Post #14 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2004
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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What a stunning display of ......SNIP

Blah.. blah.. blah...

a few links...

blah...blah.. blah...

Before you loudly proclaim your ignore of what PETA does, you should at least learn a little bit. While you may disagree with some of what PETA does, it does not invalidate the work of the entire organization.

Vegetarian, PETA Supporter and Animal Rights Advocate

I am familiar with PETA....and I still disagree with 98% of what PETA advocates.


um, you listen to tool. shut it.


Apr 26, 2004, 12:48 PM
Post #15 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Mar 18, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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After reading this thread, I think I'll have two sausage, egg and bacon biscuits for breakfast. :D

Partner coylec

Apr 26, 2004, 12:55 PM
Post #16 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Jul 12, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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Pay close attention to PETA. They are crazy. My sister subscribes to their little newsletter and the fallacies they publish are incredible. She had thegall to tell me that PETA was right and I was wrong after having taken 2+ years of Animal and Meat science.

Not trying to sound like a prick, but duh. They're an advocacy group. They present one side of an argument. They are no different than the Dairy Industry, except they haven't spend billions lobbying the DoA.

"Animal and Meat science" ... where'd you study that?


Partner justin

Apr 26, 2004, 1:01 PM
Post #17 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Sep 20, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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Animal rights organizations can get quite excited and this militancy detracts from the more important message: it's not the sake of animals that we should treat them well, but for our sake. In brutalising, we ourselves are brutalised.


Apr 26, 2004, 1:03 PM
Post #18 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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PETA!!! Leave me alone!
short of going out of your way to read peta materials, how exactly are they NOT leaving you alone?!?! I don't ever see much of what they are doing unless I go to their website on my own free will...
they have a right to their opinion. So you eat meat, if you're OK with it then so what? what's the feking problem?? :lol: They aren't shoving veganism down your throat!


Apr 26, 2004, 1:15 PM
Post #19 of 72 (1366 views)

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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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While you may disagree with some of what PETA does, it does not invalidate the work of the entire organization.

You could say the same about Al Quada. They are a terrorist organization too. Only difference is that they are more up front about it than PETA and someone else does their fund raising for them.

Partner coylec

Apr 26, 2004, 1:23 PM
Post #20 of 72 (1366 views)

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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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While you may disagree with some of what PETA does, it does not invalidate the work of the entire organization.

You could say the same about Al Quada. They are a terrorist organization too. Only difference is that they are more up front about it than PETA and someone else does their fund raising for them.

PETA is not a terrorist organization. I think you are confusing them with other groups, such as ELF (Earth Liberation Front).



Apr 26, 2004, 1:30 PM
Post #21 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2002
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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They're not terrorists, they just give money to terrorists.

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The PETA-ELF connection

A tax return from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals suggests the group isn't just funding anti-fur organizations

By Stefan C. Friedman

Nearly six years after the Earth Liberation Front set off its first firebomb in the United States, the feds may have gotten their first break in figuring out who runs this dangerous eco-terrorist group.

“ It would be great if all the fast-food outlets, slaughter- houses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow. ”
— Bruce Friedrich, censured PETA spokesman

In congressional testimony last month, Richard Berman, of the Center for Consumer Freedom, produced a tax return from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). It turns out PETA isn't just funding anti-milk and anti-fur organizations.

It's funding arsonists.

On April 20, 2001, PETA donated $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front to "support their [sic] program activities."

One need look no further than ELF's Web site to see what those activities are: The page features a building engulfed in flames.

According to James Jarboe, domestic-terrorism chief of the FBI's Counter-terrorism Division, ELF is "the largest and most active U.S.-based terrorist group" and has already caused more than $43 million in damage since 1996.

The discovery of the donation is crucial not only because it sheds more light on PETA's misguided sympathies, but also because it could lead to the names of individuals connected to ELF — names that have so far eluded authorities.

This is not the first time PETA has been linked with domestic terrorists. PETA served as "spokesgroup" for the Animal Liberation Front, ELF's close counterpart, from 1989 to 1990.

And while scouring PETA's financials, Berman's folks also found that:

It donated $70,200 to the defense of Rodney Coronado, an ALF member convicted of a fire-bombing at Michigan State University. He pleaded guilty to similar crimes at Oregon and Washington State universities.

In 1999, PETA gave $2,000 to David Wilson, an ALF activist who once bragged about the movement's expansion into "wildlife actions."

In 2000, PETA gave $5,000 to the "Josh Harper Support Committee." Harper is an ALF member arrested on numerous occasions.

PETA's tarnished image

PETA's cuddly image has also been tarnished by its own staff. Spokesman Bruce Friedrich sounded more like an active ELF member than a crusader for animal rights when he said, "It would be great if all the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow."

PETA's board of directors later had to censure him.

As for the donation to ELF, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk admits giving the money, but claims it was an honest mistake, that the money was supposed to go toward "public education about destruction of habitat."

Maybe, maybe not.

But in a letter to Newkirk, Rep. Scott McInnis (R.-Colo.) poses seven questions, including why PETA made the donation and if it intends to donate again. And, most important: "Whose signature appeared on the returned check that PETA gave ELF?"

If the feds can get that name, it might be able to bust this ring of eco-terrorists wide open.

Now, PETA claims to be a peaceful animal-rights group opposed to illegal activities. If that's true, Newkirk will answer McInnis' questions.

So far, she's not saying what she'll do. But if she doesn't talk, there may be dire consequences for PETA.

Monday, the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, a Bellvue, Wash., -based group that tracks criminal attacks against businesses, sent a complaint to the IRS, asking that PETA's tax-exempt status be stripped because there is "information [that] strongly suggests that PETA induces or encourages the commission of unlawful acts."

Certainly, time is of the essence. As McInnis says, if ELF is not brought to heel, "it's just a matter of time before a human life is taken."

Partner coylec

Apr 26, 2004, 1:33 PM
Post #22 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Jul 12, 2003
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Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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Yep, and PETA censured the guy who said that stuff.

Oh, and if you want to indict on funding terrorist organizations, why don't complain about the US Govt?


Partner justin

Apr 26, 2004, 1:34 PM
Post #23 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Sep 20, 2003
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You could say the same about Al Quada

Who'r they? The more bookish version of Al Qaeda?

Partner coylec

Apr 26, 2004, 1:35 PM
Post #24 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Jul 12, 2003
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Rethinking the Earth Liberation Front and the War on Terror
March 17, 2004

By Pete Spina

On June 1, 2001, fires were set at the Schoppert Logging Company in Eagle Creek, Oregon. Schoppert was due to begin logging on US Forest Service land. One whole logging truck, valued $50,000 was destroyed and two others damaged. This was terrorism, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force said. Indictments came down with charges of 1) damaging vehicles and other property used in interstate commerce, 2) obstructing the movement of commodities in interstate commerce, 3) using violence to interfere in commerce and 4) using an incendiary device to commit an act of violence. If convicted, defendants could receive up to $1 million in fines or up to 80 years in prison, more than twelve times the average sentence for rape, a class one felony.

Recently, environmental activist and tree-sitter Tre Arrow, wanted by the FBI, was taken into custody by Canadian authorities in British Colombia for shoplifting a pair of bolt-cutters. He is accused by authorities of the Schoppert Logging fire and of being a member of the Earth Liberation Front, America's "Number 1" domestic terrorist organization.

With each new horrific assault on human life that occurs in this world, we are inundated with streams of hollow rhetoric used to rationalize, not to justify, whatever stance the government takes. Terrorism no longer has anything to do with fear, freedom does not have any relation to rights, and violence has nothing to do with harm to living things. Particularly since 9/11, governments and corporations have demanded that we accept as truth things that are either outright contradictions or examples of what is known as false concreteness, the assumption that irrelevant association leads to substantive conclusions with far reaching implications. Some of the contradictions we are told to swallow are eternal, like the idea that waging war brings peace or that security only comes at the expense of liberty. Others, like the idea that invading Iraq would make us safer or that conspicuous consumption is effective counter-terrorism, serve the interests of the powerful.

Welcome then, to the propaganda of what the Zapatista rebels of Chiapas, Mexico dubbed the Fourth World War, the struggle between the culture of life and the culture of death, of neoliberalism against humanity, of power against truth.

Doublethink this: Property Is Life.

A farmer's rights activist from India mounted a podium to deliver a speech at a conference several years ago and found a bottle of Nestlé iced tea waiting for him. Enraged by the presence of a Nestlé product at his podium, he hurled the bottle against a nearby wall, bursting its contents all over the place and shouted, "This is not violence!"

Then he told a story about nonviolence. When Mahatma Gandhi was asked once if blowing up a train used for the British occupation of India was violent, he replied that if it was a passenger train then it would be violent to blow it up. If it was a train carrying weapons and ammunition though, Gandhi said that it should not be considered violent.

Ironically, the police, multi-national corporations, federal agents and logging companies, like the one whose logger murdered tree-sitter David "Gypsy" Chain by intentionally felling a tree on him, are never held to the same level of scrutiny on the subject of violence which they, through the media, are relentless about with activists themselves. From the start of ELF activities in 1998, federal authorities and the timber and fur industries described them as violent extremists, comparing the smallest act of vandalism to mass murder. In the process, the ELF's critics may have aided in the group's allure and folk hero mythology.

"The FBI can't stop them, and their appetite for destruction is growing. Meet ELF, our biggest domestic terror threat." While über-glossies like Maxim usually don't delve much deeper than surfing chimpanzees or softcore hetero porn, March's issue contains an article detailing the exploits of the Earth Liberation Front, the decentralized group of militant environmental direct actionists who, together with their sister organization the Animal Liberation Front, have caused a total of $82,752,700 in property damage to SUV dealerships, ski resorts and other targets since 1996. Teresa Platt, executive director of fur industry lobby group Fur Commission USA, tells Maxim, "They've hit the common man - An SUV is the common man. They're hitting soccer moms."

Ah, the common man, wrapped in mink pelts and driving a $40,000, 12 mpg H2 Hummer. Interestingly, Fur Commission USA's website ( goes so far as to declare farmed fur "an environmentally friendly resource" which reduces the "environmental impact of the agricultural sector" by feeding leftover human food to the mink. So how are the coats made? Do the mink go willingly after their sauna? The website didn't say. So beyond the obviously skewed perception of common folk which fur industry executives seem to display lies the disturbing realization that Teresa Platt is either unable or unwilling to make a distinction between living things and inanimate possessions. To her and millions like her, just as mink is a commodity, SUV's are the common man and soccer moms are their Lincoln Navigators. The assumption here is that property is as important as human (or any animal) life.

One of the ELF's explicit action guidelines is to avoid, by all necessary precautions, hurting any animal, human and nonhuman. Regardless, critics and federal agents insist that it is only a matter of time before somebody gets hurt or killed. Not surprisingly, the ELF and ALF top the FBI’s domestic terrorist list. This is, of course, misleading.

Doublethink this: Teachers Are Terrorists.

Recently, Education Secretary Rod Paige called the largest teachers' union, the NEA, "a terrorist organization" because of its criticism of President Bush's No Child Left Behind Act. A report issued by the Miami Police Department in the wake of its repressive actions during the Free Trade Area of the Americas' summit likened nonviolent civil disobedience activists to terrorists as well. Terrorist has long been a catch all-phrase applied to political opponents and nowhere today, even among most activists, does the real question of violence, central to the definition of terrorism, ever come up. That real, Gandhian question of violence is this: if a thing cannot feel pain, then is destroying it violence?

Violence once carried with it an immoral disregard for the sanctity of sentient life or physical well being. Instead of defining terrorism as any act which terrorizes people through threats or instances of physical injury, terrorism is redefined as any significant opposition to whomever wields power. If terrorism were really a question of violence then the Pentagon, Coca-Cola and the NYPD would top the list of terror threats. Once physical injury to a living thing is removed from its definition, violence and terrorism become meaningless, irrelevant words to be exploited only when needed to either rationalize the use of force or marginalize those who oppose you.

Curiously, a footnote to Maxim's ELF exposé is a small box devoted to "America's Homegrown Terrorists," with brief overviews of the Army of God, best known for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics’ bombing and numerous Planned Parenthood bombings; the World Church of the Creator, whose members have gone on racist shooting sprees and plotted to assassinate federal judges; the National Alliance, whose members murdered a Jewish talk-show host, and Aryan Nations, connected to attempts to manufacture biological and chemical agents and send them through the mail to lawyer's with "Jewish-sounding names."

The ELF continues to receive top billing as far as domestic terrorist threats go.

Still no arrests in the anthrax case, J. Edgar? No wonder.

According to the Earth Liberation Front’s press office, 75 illegal direct actions occurred in 2003. Of that number, the Animal Liberation Front accounted for 18 actions and the Earth Liberation Front for 13, or roughly 41 percent of the total. The remainder were either anonymous or claimed by what are now referred to as the Revolutionary Cells - the Animal Liberation Brigade, Direct Action Front, the Frogs, the Vegan Dumpster Militia and others. (Source: published in Satya magazine.) The combined total of damage caused was nearly $60 million, $55 million of it attributed to the Earth Liberation Front. No one was injured. Among the ELF actions were a series of fires at Hummer dealerships in southern California. The FBI arrested two individuals in relation to the fires and released both within a matter of days for lack of evidence.

Doublethink this: Freedom Is Consumption.

Maxim's story might send shivers up the spines of budding car dealers from West Covina to East Millstone, but if you hadn't noticed, nearly 5,000 people disappeared into a cloud of ash and debris over the skies of Lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001. According to, civilian deaths in the current Iraq war have now surpassed 10,000. Around the globe, people are being killed by war, in poverty, through starvation or with easily treatable diseases. In the 1990's, Shell Oil paid Nigerian soldiers to massacre 2,000 indigenous Ogoni and seize their oil-rich lands. Today, Coca-Cola hires death squads in Colombia to torture and kill Sinaltrainal -- National Union of Food Industry -- organizers.

This is terrorism and it is murder, plain and simple. This is their culture of death. As Joseph Heller put it in Catch-22, the enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side they're on. That's all it comes down to. With staggeringly low-gas mileage and double the pollution output per tank of gas than smaller cars, SUV's increase this country's dependence on oil while choking our environment. Haven't had enough war or terrorism? Drive an SUV. It will become like an old pet, a member of the family, beloved. Or perhaps people should stop condemning the ELF and others. Maybe, we should all focus on the real terrorists.


Apr 26, 2004, 1:51 PM
Post #25 of 72 (1366 views)

Registered: Mar 18, 2003
Posts: 7629

Re: Why I hate PETA!!!! [In reply to]
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After reading that lengthy bit of propaganda, it's understandable how you reach such screwed up viewpoints.

Can anyone tell me PETA's stand on spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes and termites? Should we strive for a peaceful co-existence?

What about chiggers?


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