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Sep 10, 2010, 5:45 PM
Post #8951 of 45342 (9235 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [sungam] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:

Or a climbing trip of course. Wanna do some crack at the New with Mr. Burnz and I?

this is good. can we get a few pci'ers together? I'm already hoping Johnnyboy can meet me at the Red after the New.

Well, there are only 4 of us on the EC so you shouldn't have very many invitations to send out...

Unless you count Kartessa of course.

Hell, I think I saw here defending the newest version of the NR guide book in another thread today, so shes obviously been there before.

of course she's welcome! that makes five!

so...when can everyone meet? I'm best anytime after the second week of oct into the middle of Nov. I have a friend visiting from Germany in Nov, but I don't know when he arrives yet. otherwise, i'm flexible.
Early to mid Dec is gud for me. Whups, did I let that slip? Blush

Christmas time at the old ladies house??

How many days? Potentially...
Dunno. A week or two I guess. Might not make it at all.

Well keep us updated. That is a very slow time of year for me at work and there is much south facing rock in the NC...


Sep 10, 2010, 5:46 PM
Post #8952 of 45342 (9233 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [sungam] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
strong work, btw. for the first time in a while there's enough action here for me to have to scroll several pages to read everything. because of this, I am concerned about donny's absence. he's gonna have an awful lot of ACUN to do.
Only half way.
twenty pages to read skim

Lucky you.

I'm only 300 posts away from passing someone who stopped posting back in 2008 so I can't afford to just skim.

Gotta keep climbing the ladder.

Whoa! I think I just channeled Magnus there for a second.

That was creepy.
I felt it, bro. Did you feel it?

Like I said. Creepy


Sep 10, 2010, 5:49 PM
Post #8953 of 45342 (9231 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [zeke_sf] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
sungam wrote:
kachoong wrote:
sungam wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
sungam wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
sungam wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
airscape wrote:
And I don't even like it. anyone in this thread

+1 +100000


edit cuz i suck

Ouch... That hurts right here.

It's funny how you seemed more bummed about losing a competant climbing partner than the actual relationship issues.

In any case, he sounds like he takes himself too seriously.

What do you think the ratio of single men or women (pick your poison) to real climbers is in any given city?

1/40,000, 1/50,000, more...?

You do the math on the odds of finding a compatable partner in the respective pools.

You're just depressing me more.

I would say that that is what WE do here but thats not quite right. Greg and Laz are actually pretty nice guys.

That is definitely what I do here though.

How come you use Greg's first name, but don't show me the same respect? Bryan.

...and I spelled it right. Mad
Dude, I called you Laz IN PERSON. It's practically your name.

Well, as long as we are straight.

And if not, I get to be big spoon next time.

Okay, so I feel this needs to be explained.
My Bro Fergus dropped me off at t3h leap to go chill with Laz and climb some sicky gnar gnar 5-atez. He dropped me off, I said hi to Laz, we had a beer, my bro pretended he was a cop and scared the SHITZ out of Laz saying he was pissed he gave me (underage at the time) a beerz. Laz shitzed himself hard. Look on his face for the next hour was PRICELESS.
Then my bro drove off....


All I had was a t-shirt, a hardshell, and my climbing gearz.
So me and Laz, well, we tried to keep warm but all he had was a lightweight sleepingbag and a bivibag. It was a cold, cold night and it fucking rained on us (not hard, but enough to make it shit). We wuz both freezing.

Laz was, of course, the upmost gentleman and he took me to breakfast in the morning.

You should be used to teh cold and wet
I am, but usually I have a SLEEPING BAG when dealing with it. That was my third coldest night evar.

Cold nights SUUUCCKKK!!~!


That burn HUUUURRRT!

It was like T-ball, the way you set that one up.


Sep 10, 2010, 5:49 PM
Post #8954 of 45342 (9229 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [spikeddem] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.



Sep 10, 2010, 5:51 PM
Post #8955 of 45342 (9228 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:

Just moved forward 15 feet!!

Sweet SuckSex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GU'd Pirate


Wait for it...


Sep 10, 2010, 5:55 PM
Post #8956 of 45342 (9218 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Finally... a slightly warmer day without rain and my partner is making us late.

Seriously!? Who showers BEFORE heading to the crag?!

Now he's gotta brush his teeth...

Oh... oh.... and pack his shit... FUCK!
spending more time cleaning up then packing? GAGGING.

Sounds kind of Metro if you ask me.

Gag indeed.

I like my men...well, manly.

Otherwise, the whole "man" bit kind of comes in to question.

Of course, I did see a flamin ass queer beat the shit out of a frat boy one time so maybe not so much!

It was awesome BTW.

Too bad no one had a video camera.

I wudda paid to see that.


Hmm, no more like turn about is fair play.
I take it the frat boys were looking to roll the queer and got his hat handed to him instead.

Really it was normal drunkin shit talking on a street lined with bars. Frat boy started things with the typical "fag" comment and then flicked a fag at the "fag" and then all hell broke loose. Frat boy definitely underestimated his adversary, thats for sure.


Sep 10, 2010, 5:59 PM
Post #8957 of 45342 (9214 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
sungam wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Finally... a slightly warmer day without rain and my partner is making us late.

Seriously!? Who showers BEFORE heading to the crag?!

Now he's gotta brush his teeth...

Oh... oh.... and pack his shit... FUCK!
spending more time cleaning up then packing? GAGGING.

What is gagging in America-talk?

I thought it meant "choking," but it could very well be a youthemism for masturbation.

The second time magnus used it, I figured it meant something else. Just up thread he stated that it means "desperate for sex." Not sure that really makes sense with how he used it, but whatever!
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

Make sure to do it on the first night of a trip so that if it either

A) doesn't succeed
B) succeeds and leads to really awkward sober times later

you can maximize the time spent feeling awkward during the trip.

Just another free tip from the pros

You guys totally rock!

You should start a dating advice thread. You could help a lot of people.

I agree!

I'm going to have to go with NA on this one.

Of all the things we do do here, that is not one.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:02 PM
Post #8958 of 45342 (9210 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Finally... a slightly warmer day without rain and my partner is making us late.

Seriously!? Who showers BEFORE heading to the crag?!

Now he's gotta brush his teeth...

Oh... oh.... and pack his shit... FUCK!
spending more time cleaning up then packing? GAGGING.

Sounds kind of Metro if you ask me.

Gag indeed.

I like my men...well, manly.

Otherwise, the whole "man" bit kind of comes in to question.

Of course, I did see a flamin ass queer beat the shit out of a frat boy one time so maybe not so much!

It was awesome BTW.

Too bad no one had a video camera.

I wudda paid to see that.


Hmm, no more like turn about is fair play.
I take it the frat boys were looking to roll the queer and got his hat handed to him instead.

Really it was normal drunkin shit talking on a street lined with bars. Frat boy started things with the typical "fag" comment and then flicked a fag at the "fag" and then all hell broke loose. Frat boy definitely underestimated his adversary, thats for sure.

I'm serious about gays being the most manly of men. Me, when I wrassle around, it's with my girl. Gay guys? They manhandle other men, none of this weaker sex shit for them.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:02 PM
Post #8959 of 45342 (9210 views)

Registered: Nov 18, 2008
Posts: 7362

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.


Don't look so shocked... I found a new partner last night at the gym :) We're going to Metcalfe on Sunday.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:04 PM
Post #8960 of 45342 (9209 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Finally... a slightly warmer day without rain and my partner is making us late.

Seriously!? Who showers BEFORE heading to the crag?!

Now he's gotta brush his teeth...

Oh... oh.... and pack his shit... FUCK!
spending more time cleaning up then packing? GAGGING.

I live almost an hour away from him. If I call him and say "I'm on my way" an hour and a half ahead, I have every right to bitch and moan that he's not ready to go when I get there.
Pack the night before.
Shower later.
This is not rocket science people.
There is so many hours a day to climb, and too few days free to climb. Make them count.

Wisdom in the form of words found here^^
Wrought from years of pain extracting minutes for climbing.

Speaking of which, the weather is cooling down. Got any plans?

If Burnz actually comes down this way, I'm going to take 4-5 days and head to the NRG and then I'm supposed to go back for 7 days around Thanksgiving break but those are the only long trips planned right now. I'm just going to squeeze in as many weekends as possible between those trips.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:05 PM
Post #8961 of 45342 (9220 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [Kartessa] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
donald949 wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.


Don't look so shocked... I found a new partner last night at the gym :) We're going to Metcalfe on Sunday.

Argh! I'm having fucking partner troubles. Well, not "fucking partner," I have that handled.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:07 PM
Post #8962 of 45342 (9212 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
In other news we were in Tahoe camping for the last two weeks.

The wife really liked it.
Nice mountain scenery.
beautiful lake
good hiking.
Plus good skiing and climbing.
Of course I like the area too.
In related news, I got written up for missing training while I was out of town on vacation. Apparently someone enrolled me in a class and didn't tell me about it.


Well I wouldn't go that far.
They set up a bunch of us, including a manager. If he wasn't such a nice guy he would have ripped someone's head off.

Sounds like someone needs to be retrained on Outlook and it's many useful features.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:09 PM
Post #8963 of 45342 (9209 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
donald949 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
In other news we were in Tahoe camping for the last two weeks.

The wife really liked it.
Nice mountain scenery.
beautiful lake
good hiking.

Tis a nice place.

The only draw back seems to be the weekend traffic and line up to get out of town on Sunday.

Fucking tourists
Yea really!!!!!
Hey wait a minute....



Sep 10, 2010, 6:09 PM
Post #8964 of 45342 (9208 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
sungam wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:

Just moved forward 15 feet!!

Sweet SuckSex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GU'd Pirate




Sep 10, 2010, 6:10 PM
Post #8965 of 45342 (9205 views)

Registered: Nov 18, 2008
Posts: 7362

Re: [zeke_sf] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
donald949 wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.


Don't look so shocked... I found a new partner last night at the gym :) We're going to Metcalfe on Sunday.

Argh! I'm having fucking partner troubles. Well, not "fucking partner," I have that handled.

Awwww, a few friends are going to Bon Echo in 2 weeks, you're welcome to join. Camping, Liquor and Climbing :)


Sep 10, 2010, 6:11 PM
Post #8966 of 45342 (9204 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [spikeddem] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.

I'm starting to think her brand of troll is rather clever and well suited to this sites "audience". It sure is getting a lot of milage.

Well done K.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:12 PM
Post #8967 of 45342 (9201 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:

Just moved forward 15 feet!!

Sweet SuckSex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GU'd Pirate


Wait for it...



Sep 10, 2010, 6:12 PM
Post #8968 of 45342 (9200 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [Kartessa] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
donald949 wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.


Don't look so shocked... I found a new partner last night at the gym :) We're going to Metcalfe on Sunday.

Argh! I'm having fucking partner troubles. Well, not "fucking partner," I have that handled.

Awwww, a few friends are going to Bon Echo in 2 weeks, you're welcome to join. Camping, Liquor and Climbing :)

Ummm.... I'm not Canadan. If they come to Echo Lake, that's different.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:14 PM
Post #8969 of 45342 (9196 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.

I'm starting to think her brand of troll is rather clever and well suited to this sites "audience". It sure is getting a lot of milage.

Well done K.

Playful dickteasing will always be popular. Always!


Sep 10, 2010, 6:17 PM
Post #8970 of 45342 (9193 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Finally... a slightly warmer day without rain and my partner is making us late.

Seriously!? Who showers BEFORE heading to the crag?!

Now he's gotta brush his teeth...

Oh... oh.... and pack his shit... FUCK!
spending more time cleaning up then packing? GAGGING.

Sounds kind of Metro if you ask me.

Gag indeed.

I like my men...well, manly.

Otherwise, the whole "man" bit kind of comes in to question.

Of course, I did see a flamin ass queer beat the shit out of a frat boy one time so maybe not so much!

It was awesome BTW.

Too bad no one had a video camera.

I wudda paid to see that.


Hmm, no more like turn about is fair play.
I take it the frat boys were looking to roll the queer and got his hat handed to him instead.

Really it was normal drunkin shit talking on a street lined with bars. Frat boy started things with the typical "fag" comment and then flicked a fag at the "fag" and then all hell broke loose. Frat boy definitely underestimated his adversary, thats for sure.
Sounds like turn about it was then.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:19 PM
Post #8971 of 45342 (9192 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
donald949 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
In other news we were in Tahoe camping for the last two weeks.

The wife really liked it.
Nice mountain scenery.
beautiful lake
good hiking.
Plus good skiing and climbing.
Of course I like the area too.

Anyone wanna marry/adopt a Canadian?

I'm not opposed. Wink

Don't forget, she has a young one of her own. Your head might explode.
True dat.
If I did adopt her, Id then have two daughters, and one is more than enough. And a grand child. Woa. Crazy

Can you adopt a grandchild?


Sep 10, 2010, 6:19 PM
Post #8972 of 45342 (9188 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [Kartessa] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
donald949 wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.


Don't look so shocked... I found a new partner last night at the gym :) We're going to Metcalfe on Sunday.
Oh I'm not so shocked.
Thought the question remains, what kind of destination is "Meatcafe"?


Sep 10, 2010, 6:20 PM
Post #8973 of 45342 (9182 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [zeke_sf] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
sungam wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
Finally... a slightly warmer day without rain and my partner is making us late.

Seriously!? Who showers BEFORE heading to the crag?!

Now he's gotta brush his teeth...

Oh... oh.... and pack his shit... FUCK!
spending more time cleaning up then packing? GAGGING.

Sounds kind of Metro if you ask me.

Gag indeed.

I like my men...well, manly.

Otherwise, the whole "man" bit kind of comes in to question.

Of course, I did see a flamin ass queer beat the shit out of a frat boy one time so maybe not so much!

It was awesome BTW.

Too bad no one had a video camera.

I wudda paid to see that.


Hmm, no more like turn about is fair play.
I take it the frat boys were looking to roll the queer and got his hat handed to him instead.

Really it was normal drunkin shit talking on a street lined with bars. Frat boy started things with the typical "fag" comment and then flicked a fag at the "fag" and then all hell broke loose. Frat boy definitely underestimated his adversary, thats for sure.

I'm serious about gays being the most manly of men. Me, when I wrassle around, it's with my girl. Gay guys? They manhandle other men, none of this weaker sex shit for them.

In some ways your right and your wrestling analogy is funny in a timely kind of way. A really good friend of mine recently stumbled on to a "hook up" site of sorts where they guys all like to wrestle.

Some of them are really in to the wrestling part too, they've got the uniforms and head gear and all that. For some the wrestling is as much an athletic pursuit as it is an erotic one, which of course it is as well. Kind of a strange fetish but it makes sense in some ways, physiologically at least.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:22 PM
Post #8974 of 45342 (9176 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
donald949 wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.


Don't look so shocked... I found a new partner last night at the gym :) We're going to Metcalfe on Sunday.
Oh I'm not so shocked.
Thought the question remains, what kind of destination is "Meatcafe"?

Don't be nieve.


Sep 10, 2010, 6:23 PM
Post #8975 of 45342 (9174 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [zeke_sf] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
donald949 wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
donald949 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
cantbuymefriends wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
subantz wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
sungam wrote:
Okay, so her climbing partner lykes hur, rite? Then he's all showerin' and polishing the kisser before their "date". He wuntz it bad.

While it is *that* partner... He's not doing that for me.

I'm so deep in the "Friend Zone", I aint ever gonna get any.
Poor u. Bacardi 151 and a hour later.
Boom hes out and your bangin away.
Thats how my wifey gots pregers.
I was raped, Fuck. now my climbing season is on Ice.
and no I am not climbing ice.

Yeah, the "friend" zone. That only exists for guys. A tip for Kartessa: an overnighter + alcohol + sexual tension = tent secks. It's a simple proven formula.

No no, I am in the "Friend Zone". Ice cream, breakup stories and all.

I've tried your formula a couple of times too, even had a sleepover at his place in his bed after lots of liquor and he didnt touch me once Frown

I'll do what you guys do, wait it out and hope that one day he sees the light. Til then, I'll abuse the shit out of him as a belayer.

He has herpes.

Could be... I just thought he was gay.
Maybe he saw the subtitle to this...?

Where the fuck did you come from??


Just to imbed the picture.

I think Kartessa would prefer you "in bed" her, rather than embed her.


Don't look so shocked... I found a new partner last night at the gym :) We're going to Metcalfe on Sunday.

Argh! I'm having fucking partner troubles. Well, not "fucking partner," I have that handled.

Awwww, a few friends are going to Bon Echo in 2 weeks, you're welcome to join. Camping, Liquor and Climbing :)

Ummm.... I'm not Canadan. If they come to Echo Lake, that's different.

More zeke, less canadanz!

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