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Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update
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Jun 8, 2012, 5:21 AM
Post #1 of 11 (6847 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2004
Posts: 91

Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update
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Summary of Recreational Use License

The parties to the Recreational Use License, Resolution Copper (RCM) and Queen Creek Coalition (QCC), have agreed to keep the License document itself proprietary. However, QCC is offering the following summary of the document and wishes to receive feedback on the general terms from interested members of the climbing community.

In overview, the Recreational Use License allows for rock climbing to continue on RCM’s private land and gives QCC a sum of money to develop additional rock climbing opportunities not in the area of mining activity.

In more specifics, the Recreational Use License does the following:

1. The License will allow for continued rock climbing on RCM’s private land, which includes The Pond and Atlantis. It will also expand what previously had been described as those climbing parcels.

2. The License will provide that the legal access to RCM’s private land for purposes of rock climbing will require anyone wishing to rock climb on RCM’s private property to register with QCC. This process still needs to be worked out but it is anticipated that it could be a simple one time thing for each individual or family. Climbers not registering will not have legal access and will not be covered by the Recreational Use License. They may be subject to liability for any damages that result from their use.

3. QCC will act as agent to educate the climbing community as to the acceptable and prohibited land uses on RCM’s private property covered by the License.

4. The License will cover climbing on Atlantis for an initial Term of Five years and will automatically be renewed for additional one-year terms, subject to additional conditions of the License.

5. The License will cover climbing at The Pond for an initial Term of Five years and will automatically be renewed for additional five-year terms, subject to additional conditions of the License.

6. Depending on what happens with the Land Exchange, the Recreational Use license will cover rock climbing at Oak Flat and the current access to Upper Devils for a time period of One-year with additional one year renewals.

7. QCC will not oppose closing of the areas accessed by Magma Mine Road if such areas are formally designated as an Active Mining Area prior to the Land Exchange becoming consummated.

8. QCC will maintain an agreed upon sum of Liability Insurance to cover the climbing activities on the Licensed parcels.

9. QCC will act as a conduit of information to the climbing community and will assist in any needed education, clean-up, etc.

10. RCM will give QCC a sum of money to be held in Trust for expressed purpose of QCC achieving its mission of maximizing rock climbing in the Queen Creek region and will be expressly linked to the development of climbing access and areas outside of the Mine Zone.

11. QCC will still receive the monetary compensation if the Land Exchange does not occur but RCM proceeds with a valid Mining Plan of Operations to produce ore.

12. QCC will assist RCM with Public Relations, including providing, from time to time, letters indicating the cooperative working relationship between QCC and RCM.

13. QCC will agree NOT to oppose any future mining plan of operations, environmental impact statement (or alternative formulation of environmental oversight) offered by RCM for a period of ten years.


Jun 8, 2012, 5:40 PM
Post #2 of 11 (6777 views)

Registered: Nov 27, 2002
Posts: 659

Re: [dief] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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dief wrote:
Summary of Recreational Use License

The parties to the Recreational Use License, Resolution Copper (RCM) and Queen Creek Coalition (QCC), have agreed to keep the License document itself proprietary. However, QCC is offering the following summary of the document and wishes to receive feedback on the general terms from interested members of the climbing community.

In overview, the Recreational Use License allows for rock climbing to continue on RCM’s private land and gives QCC a sum of money to develop additional rock climbing opportunities not in the area of mining activity.

In more specifics, the Recreational Use License does the following:

1. The License will allow for continued rock climbing on RCM’s private land, which includes The Pond and Atlantis. It will also expand what previously had been described as those climbing parcels.

2. The License will provide that the legal access to RCM’s private land for purposes of rock climbing will require anyone wishing to rock climb on RCM’s private property to register with QCC. This process still needs to be worked out but it is anticipated that it could be a simple one time thing for each individual or family. Climbers not registering will not have legal access and will not be covered by the Recreational Use License. They may be subject to liability for any damages that result from their use.

3. QCC will act as agent to educate the climbing community as to the acceptable and prohibited land uses on RCM’s private property covered by the License.

4. The License will cover climbing on Atlantis for an initial Term of Five years and will automatically be renewed for additional one-year terms, subject to additional conditions of the License.

5. The License will cover climbing at The Pond for an initial Term of Five years and will automatically be renewed for additional five-year terms, subject to additional conditions of the License.

6. Depending on what happens with the Land Exchange, the Recreational Use license will cover rock climbing at Oak Flat and the current access to Upper Devils for a time period of One-year with additional one year renewals.

7. QCC will not oppose closing of the areas accessed by Magma Mine Road if such areas are formally designated as an Active Mining Area prior to the Land Exchange becoming consummated.

8. QCC will maintain an agreed upon sum of Liability Insurance to cover the climbing activities on the Licensed parcels.

9. QCC will act as a conduit of information to the climbing community and will assist in any needed education, clean-up, etc.

10. RCM will give QCC a sum of money to be held in Trust for expressed purpose of QCC achieving its mission of maximizing rock climbing in the Queen Creek region and will be expressly linked to the development of climbing access and areas outside of the Mine Zone.

11. QCC will still receive the monetary compensation if the Land Exchange does not occur but RCM proceeds with a valid Mining Plan of Operations to produce ore.

12. QCC will assist RCM with Public Relations, including providing, from time to time, letters indicating the cooperative working relationship between QCC and RCM.

13. QCC will agree NOT to oppose any future mining plan of operations, environmental impact statement (or alternative formulation of environmental oversight) offered by RCM for a period of ten years.

#10-12= a great way for RCM to get great PR out of destroying a climbing area, while compromising the integrity of the QCC's image.

#13= the one they really want you to sign off on.

just MHO... thanks for the info, dief.


Jun 8, 2012, 9:30 PM
Post #3 of 11 (6729 views)

Registered: Jul 30, 2002
Posts: 463

Re: [dief] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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So do we have to take a class then get the stinkeye from Wanda before we can climb in the road area's now? If one person in the group has gotten on the list can they take people who are not on the list yet?

I say we take the money and install a ski-lift for the sups.

Somewhere in all this you should get them to allow the PBC again.


Jun 9, 2012, 2:43 AM
Post #4 of 11 (6702 views)

Registered: May 22, 2004
Posts: 478

Re: [roninthorne] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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roninthorne wrote:

#10-12= a great way for RCM to get great PR out of destroying a climbing area, while compromising the integrity of the QCC's image.

#13= the one they really want you to sign off on.

just MHO... thanks for the info, dief.

thanks for the info..?!?!?! (ur joking right ?)

how can u listen to this and roll for more -agreeing to give away the largest climbing area in the country just because some dude said so ? This person has absolutely NO power and NO authority over the public climbing community at large

TRAITORS!!!! PiratePiratePiratePirate -all of yas arrrrrr should be tossed to the sharks

Dief is a gym climber/owner. It's only proves to his gain when Queen Creek is a huge hole-in-the-ground --more busine$$ for him

Only fools would agree to bow down to this self-profiting hypocritical personality. Paul and his cohorts, Erik Filsinger & John Keedy should be thrown into the ***** (fill in here)




Jun 9, 2012, 4:38 AM
Post #5 of 11 (6684 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2004
Posts: 91

Re: [jbone] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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Jbone - for now climbing on RCM's private land will continue as is. When implemented the registration process will be free and easy. Possibilties are one time sign up on the web or fill out a card on site.


Jun 9, 2012, 9:39 AM
Post #6 of 11 (6657 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [dief] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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Sounded like a sell out the first time I read it; hasn't gotten any better.


Jun 9, 2012, 11:11 AM
Post #7 of 11 (6649 views)

Registered: May 22, 2004
Posts: 478

Re: [dief] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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dief wrote:
Jbone - for now climbing on RCM's private land will continue as is. When implemented the registration process will be free and easy. Possibilties are one time sign up on the web or fill out a card on site.

HaHaHA why should anyone sign anything when you're not going to show the real document -the *real license* of what folks are signing up for -whatafarce

fyi secret agreements are not allowed as a part of public process


Jun 11, 2012, 9:30 PM
Post #8 of 11 (6544 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2002
Posts: 997

Re: [pheenixx] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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Dief, thanks for keeping us informed. I do not agree with much of the document but that's no secret. I would like to see more information on how you plan to implement your handling of the money.


Jun 11, 2012, 10:30 PM
Post #9 of 11 (6533 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2004
Posts: 91

Re: [sonso45] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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The money will be placed in a trust that will be overseen by an independent third party. There will be restrictions on how the money can be spent. We will be seeking comment on appopriate uses when we get to setting up the trust. We will also seek comment on specific projects to fund when that time comes.


Jun 17, 2012, 8:57 PM
Post #10 of 11 (6391 views)

Registered: Nov 27, 2002
Posts: 659

Re: [pheenixx] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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pheenixx wrote:

thanks for the info..?!?!?! (ur joking right ?)

No, you rabid, spewing helmet, I'm not. i appreciate an update on the current status of negotiations. As usual, I find that Dief has provided the same.

pheenixx wrote:
how can u listen to this and roll for more -agreeing to give away the largest climbing area in the country just because some dude said so ? This person has absolutely NO power and NO authority over the public climbing community at large

I'm sorry... at what point did I "roll for" anything? I thanked the man for the info and gave my feedback. If you aren't spewing at me in particular, you will definitely want to be more careful in your aim... I play for keeps. And Dief is pretty well known... I've climbed in his gym and enjoyed some of the fine climbing areas he pointed me in the direction of (which runs kinda contrary to your assertion that the man just wants everyone climbing in his gym, now don't it?) And Dief is his nickname, a contraction of his REAL name. My real name is Michael Gray, and I'm a wandering WV rock rat, a former bartender and rigger for the PBC, a 90s PHX/Flag/Devil's climber with about a dozen FAs in the Canyon and thousands of feet of trailwork on my resume. Now then, "pheenixx", just who the FUCK are you?

pheenixx wrote:
TRAITORS!!!! PiratePiratePiratePirate -all of yas arrrrrr should be tossed to the sharks

...and you should spend less time spanking the monkey to Kiera Sedgewick/Pirates of the Carribean in your Mom's basement.

I'm actually in favor of non-violent protest to this... but these are giant corporations who will simply fall back and wait us out. Glad all my routes are in North Devil's... so sad to see this great resource going down the toilet.


Jun 17, 2012, 11:07 PM
Post #11 of 11 (6380 views)

Registered: Jul 30, 2002
Posts: 463

Re: [dief] Queen Creek Recreational Use License Update [In reply to]
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dief wrote:
The money will be placed in a trust that will be overseen by an independent third party. There will be restrictions on how the money can be spent. We will be seeking comment on appopriate uses when we get to setting up the trust. We will also seek comment on specific projects to fund when that time comes.

Hey waddaya know, I would like to be the first name on the list for consideration of the "third-party oversight."

Couple reasons I would be good for this are that I would spend it to install ski lifts for the superstitions. I would charge a nominal fee to climbers and non-climbers to use the lift then use the profits to fund the PBC which after 5 years would have such a huge grand prize that it would be the end all and be all of competitions to attend.

I would then bribe the homeowners in Dripping Springs to allow climbers total access to the Drip. Which is where you would find me pretty much all the time.

So come on man, I want the job.

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