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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by climblouisiana

Your search returned 0 categories and 111 photos


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Clipping on Smoking Guns.

Average Rating = 3.11/5 Clipping on Smoking Guns.

About to get totally horizontal on Smoking Guns. This route delivers a nasty pump, especially if you do not move quickly enough. Ming fights the urge to let gravity take over.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-05-19
Views: 812 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 4
Shelley on reunion.

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Shelley on reunion.

Shelley clips the first bolt on this oft top roped seldom lead climb on the AMC boulder. "I wonder why all the climbs seem easy on this boulder? Oh, it's the AMC boulder."
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-04-08
Views: 1382 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Dale on Mickey Mantle

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Dale on Mickey Mantle

About to head over the bulge on Mickey Mantle. Troon Mt. can be seen in the background behind the ever sprawling Phoenix suburbs.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-04-07
Views: 939 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 4
View of Paleface Slab.

Average Rating = 2.20/5 View of Paleface Slab.

This slab is on your left as you head up the wash into the West Stronghold. Some good slabby climbing for a short day.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-04-04
Views: 1044 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
View of Whale Dome.

Average Rating = 2.67/5 View of Whale Dome.

Got this photo on the approach to Whale Dome a few years back. Fun climbing in the back country.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-04-04
Views: 1015 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Shelley leading on a cold day in November.

Average Rating = 3.20/5 Shelley leading on a cold day in November.

We wanted to warm up on the classic 5.7 but it already had a queue so Shelley lead this classic. After doing this we headed for some south facing exposure. brrr!
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-03-27
Views: 567 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 5
Direct South Face of Moosedog.

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Direct South Face of Moosedog.

Classic climb that was right above my campground this past Thanskgiving. It's nice to be able to wake up, rack up and go. I was able to lead this climb in one pitch by using long runners.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-03-13
Views: 535 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
View of the Mace from the opposite side.

Average Rating = 3.62/5 View of the Mace from the opposite side.

I took this picture of the Mace and surrounding rock at my friends' wedding in September. They didn't climb in Sedona but instead had a honeymoon at Joshua Tree.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-03-12
Views: 501 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 4
High atop the Whale Dome.

Average Rating = 2.00/5 High atop the Whale Dome.

Standing on top of the Stegosaurus looking dike. It's hard to get the true perspective of this awesome dike from this photo.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-03-11
Views: 682 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Warm down on Anorexic Traverse.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Warm down on Anorexic Traverse.

Fun little problem that traverses out from under the Anorexic Roof.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-03-05
Views: 648 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Climbing the Blue Highway

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Climbing the Blue Highway

This fun thin crack route can be found up and right of the Loaf. The obvious dihedral with wide crack is Desert Solitaire.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-03-04
Views: 788 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 4
Shelley on the beginning moves of Treiber's Deception.

Average Rating = 3.73/5 Shelley on the beginning moves of Treiber's Deception.

Some consider the step across move to be the crux on this route. It is possible to climb the face below and to the right at 5.9. But that wouldn't be any fun...
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-02-27
Views: 905 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 0
Mish Mash Area of Cholla Mt.

Average Rating = 2.25/5 Mish Mash Area of Cholla Mt.

Unknown climber on Mish Mash. There are several other moderate routes in this area including several offwidths.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-02-21
Views: 1600 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
The ghoul on Mickey Mantle.

Average Rating = 3.14/5 The ghoul on Mickey Mantle.

The AMC is one of the easiest areas to approach at Pinnacle Peak. The Ghoul has negotiated the slab crux moves and is ready for the classic roof move.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-10-29
Views: 788 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
Busy day at the Pit.

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Busy day at the Pit.

Climbers on (from right to left)Popeye, Mr. Slate and True Value in mid August. These south facing walls can can get hot!
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-09-24
Views: 699 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Approach to Golder Dome.

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Approach to Golder Dome.

Dirt steps made the approach to this crag much easier. It's still a grunt to get to though.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-16
Views: 1413 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Leviathan Dome

Average Rating = 3.62/5 Leviathan Dome

Classic back country routes on this dome. Fun and adventurous climbing on the north side of the Santa Catalina Range.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-16
Views: 2116 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
Outdoor climbing gym.

Average Rating = 2.33/5 Outdoor climbing gym.

This area is located in the concrete wash below the statue of Father Kino. These rock' were pasted to the wall using sika paste. Most of the stuff was glued up in '89 or '90 I think. I was surprised to see that it still existed when I visited last March.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-12
Views: 673 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Enjoying the moves on Bender Axen.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Enjoying the moves on Bender Axen.

Fun crack moves on this route. The crux comes in the first 15 feet with the rest of the climbing being pretty easy.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-08
Views: 601 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Climbing through the hole.

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Climbing through the hole.

It's a better climb if you move right around the chockstone instead of through the hole. This is recommended for historical purposes only. Weaver's Needle is a classic summit.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-08
Views: 10276 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Davidson Dihedral

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Davidson Dihedral

Great climbing in a beautiful open book. Paradise Forks is an awesome destination for crack aficionados.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-06
Views: 608 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 3
Varicose in the rain.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Varicose in the rain.

Photo taken around 1990 in drizzly conditions. There were no restrictions at Pinnacle Peak then.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-06
Views: 1302 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Clipping from the Birthday Girl dihedral.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Clipping from the Birthday Girl dihedral.

Mostly bolt protected. I believe the dihedral still needs to be protected by gear. A super fun route.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-04
Views: 1304 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
Last pitch of War Paint.

Average Rating = 3.12/5 Last pitch of War Paint.

Get some nice exposure on the arete. This mostly bolt protected climb is a classic. First timers to Cochise Stronghold may want to choose this route for an introduction to the area's beautiful potential.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-01
Views: 681 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
Blow Fly's Last Ride.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Blow Fly's Last Ride.

Mike leads this fun slabby route at The Loaf. The crux requires delicate movement on small holds.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2002-08-01
Views: 825 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 0
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