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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by mjwestla

Your search returned 0 categories and 43 photos


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Central Cleft lead path

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Central Cleft lead path

Picture of the rope line my partner took on the unknown route located under and left of the rap for Southern Exposure.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2010-05-17 | Last Modified: 2010-05-21
Views: 1579 | Comments: 0
Target Practice

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Target Practice

Leader pulling the fun final roof of target practice. Big holds and big exposure close out the end of the route. Fun in the style of the nearby DC Comics route but easier. Just watch out for loose blocks.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2016-12-13
Views: 845 | Comments: 0
Pitch 1 of Dromedary

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Pitch 1 of Dromedary

Rope line for Pitch one of Dromedary, at least the way I went. Several variations possible. Route continues up and out right up the face and out the v-slot in the upper right. Continue up and left from there to reach the gully with the rap station.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2010-05-17
Views: 1596 | Comments: 0
Sentinel rap station

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Sentinel rap station

Photo of the bolt and pulley system at the top of the second pitch of Sentinel Buttress. The guide I used said it was 110' to the crows nest (start of the 2nd pitch). I was able to reach it with a single 70m rope.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2008-08-19 | Last Modified: 2008-12-01
Views: 2896 | Comments: 6
Unknown 5.7+

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Unknown 5.7+

This is a picture showing the start (mainly) of an unknown 5.7+ climb between Golden Earring and Breaking Rocks is Hard to Do. Taken with a wide angle lens to get most of the route, it's kind of a screwy perspective, making the bottom longer and the top foreshortened.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2010-05-05
Views: 1609 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Razorback

Short trad route at Pebble Beach area, Red River Gorge KY. 11/2008
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2008-12-03
Views: 2316 | Comments: 0
Follow the Brownstone Road

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Follow the Brownstone Road

Our guide workin' his way up the Armatron. Such an awesome area, just a pain to get to.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-17
Views: 1936 | Comments: 0
Myster Z, Red Rocks NV

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Myster Z, Red Rocks NV

Picture of me partway up Myster Z (5.7) in Red Rocks. Went up with a guide. Behind me you can see the wall that has Crimson Chrysalis. We heard climbers shouting to each other but hard a hard time finding them until we realized that they were the ant-sized objects about 1/3rd of the way up.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-15
Views: 2673 | Comments: 0
Step and Fetch area

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Step and Fetch area

This is a view of the wall above Golden Earring before you start the traverse (GE ends a little below the trees in the middle right). I've not climbed Step and Fetch so I'm not sure where the line goes, but it's somewhere up this face. This picture was taken from the ledge/rap station at the top of Breaking Rocks is Hard to Do/Stab in the Dark.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-24
Views: 1449 | Comment: 1
route start

Average Rating = 0.00/5 route start

The start of the Breaking Rocks is Hard to Do is the wide crack well to the left of the rap line in the picture. I primarily stayed in this feature; the little crack to the right was of no use to me at all. Note that the ground is actually about 6-8 feet below where the crack starts in this picture, so there is a bit of exposed burly bouldering to get to the first piece of gear.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-24
Views: 1118 | Comment: 1
The line above the start

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The line above the start

Breaking Rocks is Hard to Do - Looking up above the cruxy bouldery start you can see the line the route takes as it follows the main crack. Eventually the main crack peters out and you can follow a horizontal crack to the right to a new crack system that takes you to the top. Here it looks a bit like a diagonal up and right.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-24
Views: 1173 | Comments: 0
middle section

Average Rating = 0.00/5 middle section

Shot of the middle section of the climb. More or less done with the main crack, and traveling up and increasingly to the right. Nice rest point at the start of this section.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-24
Views: 1230 | Comments: 0
rap station

Average Rating = 0.00/5 rap station

Top out/rap station shot for Breaking Rocks is Hard to Do. There is a nice big ledge to hang out on up here. The rap station, is your classic Moore's deal - some fixed gear with a few steel cable loops through a ring.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-24
Views: 1967 | Comments: 0
rap station guts

Average Rating = 0.00/5 rap station guts

A peek at a couple of the fixed pieces comprising the rap station. I think there is one more in there too that you can't see in this picture. There is a really creepy loose green rock below this, but the pieces themselves appear to be in good rock.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-24
Views: 1703 | Comments: 5
the line

Average Rating = 0.00/5 the line

Pic of someone's rope line (superimposed green line) on Raise Hell. The leader was seemed a bit stressed to discover some bats in one of the cracks he was planning to use at one point so he might have gone a little off route or just skipped putting pro in that crack!
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-24
Views: 1544 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Leftovers

Leftovers wall. Route goes mostly straight up, traverse right, then up and left into the corner left of the stripes. Anchor up and right a few feet. The stripes make it hard to miss and are part of what drew me to it!
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-28
Views: 1309 | Comments: 0
Fish Story

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Fish Story

The line for Fish Story goes up and right. Near the dark little squared off piece in the upper right corner (with a tiny bit of greenery to it's left) is the "hidden" bolt, if I remember correctly.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-28
Views: 1885 | Comments: 0
A Little Help From My Friends

Average Rating = 0.00/5 A Little Help From My Friends

Face with the route.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-28
Views: 1688 | Comments: 0
A Little Help From My Friends

Average Rating = 0.00/5 A Little Help From My Friends

Face with the route I took highlighted.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-28
Views: 1810 | Comments: 0
Turn Styles

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Turn Styles

Face with Turn Styles on it.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-28
Views: 1794 | Comments: 0
Turn Styles

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Turn Styles

Face with Turn Styles on it and the route I followed.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-06-28
Views: 2126 | Comments: 0
Start of Hindu Kush

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Start of Hindu Kush

Hindu Kush, via the trad line. Although this is technically easier (5.8) than the 2-bolt "sport" start (5.9) it was quite a bit more nerve-racking and had a number of moves I felt were just as challenging. The gear was all small and sketchy or in hollow flakes. It may not be obvious from the picture but the start is a bit runout to boot. The last move before the big ledge that meets up with the sport line requires some commitment. Be sure to protect just after that on the big ledge or your second will face a big pendulum at a tough move.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-08-19
Views: 2723 | Comments: 2
Foreign Trade Zone on TR.

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Foreign Trade Zone on TR.

Climber working FTZ on top rope. Note that there are a couple directionals in place on the bolt line and he is just below the first bolt (to his right) at the first crux - some tricky face moves. The second crux, which is harder, is at the V-notch just above the big crack. 2 bolts one right after another there and then nothing more till the 2 bolt anchor, which is a bit strenuous to reach.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-11-22 | Last Modified: 2009-11-23
Views: 2590 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
I Gotta Wear Shades

Average Rating = 5.00/5 I Gotta Wear Shades

Climber mid-way up the route on TR.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2009-11-22 | Last Modified: 2009-11-23
Views: 3009 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Air Show line

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Air Show line

Air show line (Note: *considerably* foreshortened) taken from P1 belay up sentinel chimney.
Submitted by: mjwestla on 2010-05-03
Views: 2769 | Comments: 0
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