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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by nvrsmr14

Your search returned 0 categories and 9 photos


Ozzy Scab

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Ozzy Scab

This was the first problem put up in this area. It is a beautiful overhang out to an arete.
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2006-09-02
Views: 1812 | Comments: 0
Strange Geometry

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Strange Geometry

This problem is a campus start but it has the potential of having a true sit start. Sweet problem on small holds.
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2006-09-02
Views: 2007 | Comments: 0
Almost to the crux

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Almost to the crux

This was one of the first times that I attempted this line. Wish I had a spotter!
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2006-09-02
Views: 1415 | Comments: 0
One Angry Gnome

Average Rating = 0.00/5 One Angry Gnome

This is such a cool looking problem. The main reason for this problems name is that it has a poor landing on sharp rocks which have become known as the "gnomes teeth".
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2006-09-02
Views: 1758 | Comments: 0
Just before the crux move

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Just before the crux move

This is first of three foot to hand matches on this problem. It has yet to be finished. After working you way up to the overhang and then out it to the arete the problem is hopefully going to follow the arete to the top.
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2005-10-15
Views: 777 | Comments: 0
Arete on Shiprock

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Arete on Shiprock

Has not seen a first acent as of yet. If you are a fan of highball boulder problems this place is for you. This particular route is 25 to 30 feet.
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2005-10-15
Views: 779 | Comments: 0
Working the initial moves to Oozy Scab

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Working the initial moves to Oozy Scab

Here is the first of the three foot hand matches that must be preformed to make it out to the arete. This picture was taken on the first session after we cleaned up all of the dead trees from the landing area.
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2005-10-15
Views: 1251 | Comment: 1
Kevin Sainio

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Kevin Sainio

Entering the off width section of the climb in his own unique style. Photo by Ian Allison
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2005-10-11
Views: 1606 | Comments: 0
Problem on Big West Boulder V4

Average Rating = 1.00/5 Problem on Big West Boulder V4

Problem is located on the courner to the left of the monkey problem on the Big West Boulder at turtle lake. When I did this problem it did not lok like anyone had ever started where I did. It is estimated to be around V4 give or take.
Submitted by: nvrsmr14 on 2005-05-12
Views: 992 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0