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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by roc-ray

Your search returned 0 categories and 17 photos


joys of ice climbing

Average Rating = 0.00/5 joys of ice climbing

This pic. was taken at the top of snivelling gully. Me and my inexperienced partner initially planned on doing the left weeping wall until I got sick. We got in this after I recuperated. The route went without incident until the last pitch. I new from experience that the ice was bad, but my partner wanted to press on. Despite his lack of experience, he had more guts than me. Unfortunately, he did not know to avoid hooking while placing a screw. He ended taking about a 45 footer onto an old v-thread. Miracously it held. After finishing the pitch on pure adrenaline he belayed me up and I got the only injury of the whole incident when I dislodged a basketball piece of ice.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2005-03-24
Views: 804 | Comments: 0
bouldering on the weeping wall

Average Rating = 0.00/5 bouldering on the weeping wall

We had some bad luck with finding a decent moderate multipitch. Started at the waterfowl gullies, but ice was not in. We ended the day here. This pic was taken after most paties were gone. I didn't notice the contrats of light/shadow until I was walking back to the car. I wanted my partner to solo into the light, but it was a little too high.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2005-03-24
Views: 1045 | Comments: 0
Clouds around Mount Chephren

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Clouds around Mount Chephren

This photo was tkaen from an ice route in the Waterfowl gullies area (can't rememder which one). It wasn't until I started rappelling off the route that I noticed the awesome view. Two hard routes go up this face. My partner saw headlamps of a party bailing off of this face several nights before in snow storm. The steep walls of Howse peak can be seen on the left.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2005-03-24
Views: 939 | Comments: 0
onsite of clean crack

Average Rating = 3.50/5 onsite of clean crack

This photo was taken in the spring of 2003. We were not sure about the access of this area so we asked a workers in a local climbing shop. They ensured us that it was open. We already had a great weekend up until now, it seemed that everyone thought Squish was going to be rained out and went to Smith instead. There were only 3 cars in the chief parking lot. One belonged to an aid climber soloing Uncle bens, another a boulderer who seemed just as confused of the lack of people, and the third was us. With ascents of numerous 3 star climbs like apron strings, exasperator, and st. Vitus, this was the perfect way to cap an excellent long weekend. This is not me onsiting, but my bro. I myself flailed at the exact spot he is pausing to chalk up.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2005-03-24
Views: 1823 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
working airtight

Average Rating = 2.67/5 working airtight

I saw a pic of someone climbing this once and thought it would be a cool warm up. Yeah right! My buddy hiked it, but it was no go for me.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2004-02-28
Views: 583 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Stepping out on the crux pitch.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Stepping out on the crux pitch.

This picture is of my brother on the second last pitch of Yak check.The crux is protected by bolts but are somewhat hard to see even when they are right in front of you.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2003-02-13
Views: 1263 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Roc-ray on the graffitti boulder

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Roc-ray on the graffitti boulder

This is me horsing around while me and a buddy were picking up garbage from partiers.The line is on the graffitti boulder and is around v2.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2003-01-13
Views: 1112 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
last pitch on yak check

Average Rating = 3.25/5 last pitch on yak check

This is my brother seconding the last pitch on Yak Check.The guidebook calls this pitch 10a but seemed a lot easier than 5.9 slab at Squamish.Still was an excellent climb.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2003-01-09
Views: 811 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
downclimbing the stemwinder boulder

Average Rating = 3.00/5 downclimbing the stemwinder boulder

This lonely boulder sits in the provincial park campsite.The steep side of this rock has had graffiti painted on it so it does make the rock slippery.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2002-10-13
Views: 1437 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
unamed v4

Average Rating = 2.75/5 unamed v4

this problem is on private property so the locale can't be said but hopefully access to these bouders will someday be okay.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2002-09-30
Views: 838 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
pea problem

Average Rating = 2.33/5 pea problem

This is the boulder that looks like someone put it on top of another.The problem is really easy and can be done different ways,but is fun.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2002-08-01
Views: 1406 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Up from the fire

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Up from the fire

Here is Rachelle on Up from the fire.This short route is on the large Fireside boulder at the base of the canyon .This is a nice place to go when it is hot as its shady and cool.The route itself is short but is thin and intense until the anchors.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2002-08-01
Views: 1344 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
rocray on an unamed problem at Cougar Canyon

Average Rating = 3.00/5 rocray on an unamed problem at Cougar Canyon

this is rocray on an unamed problem at the base of Cougar most of these problems are short and concentrated in one area.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2002-08-01
Views: 786 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
v3 arete

Average Rating = 0.00/5 v3 arete

This is the V3 arete next to "overhung". It is a shorter, easier and more contrived problem than the technical neighbour.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2007-11-25
Views: 1301 | Comments: 0
v2 first ascent

Average Rating = 0.00/5 v2 first ascent

This was taken in the winter of 2001 while checking out the potential of the area.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2007-11-25
Views: 1203 | Comments: 0
classic arete

Average Rating = 0.00/5 classic arete

this a buddy of mine who got the third ascent (after another buddy and myself) of a classic v2 arete on bomber hedley granite
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2007-11-25
Views: 1360 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Apron

Topping out on the Squamish Apron, May long weekend 2003.
Submitted by: roc-ray on 2008-12-18
Views: 1186 | Comments: 0