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Climbing Sections:

About Stryker:

Sport and trad climbs on the stillwater river. Some climbs are dirty, others are clean. Alot of the routes are very hard, there are some new routes that are 5.7/8 ect. probably 15 routes in this area.
Nearest town or city: stryker
Directions: This climbing area is on the stillwater river. Turn east onto Mt. Marston lookout road, the turn is just north after you cross the river. Drive up the gravel road a mile or so to a pull out with carnes and a nice system of trails leading to the climbs.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: handdrawn guide to area available at RMO in Kalispell. Pack out your trash, don't fall off the top.
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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