Forums: Climbing Information: Technique & Training: Re: [ceebo] Positive Transfer from ANAEROBIC to AEROBIC Endurance?: Edit Log


Jul 20, 2011, 6:54 AM

Views: 13475

Registered: Mar 11, 2011
Posts: 419

Re: [ceebo] Positive Transfer from ANAEROBIC to AEROBIC Endurance?
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Some weird questions here. Use your imagination, if you always climb aerobic, will you get stronger? Yes, very slowly. If you always climb anerobic, will you get stronger, yes, faster than by training aerobic. If you train pure power will you get stronger, yes, this is the fastest way.

If you can cruise the crux of a route, how long could it possibly take to redpoint it? Assuming it's not a pure resistance route, most are not, it would happen very quickly.

If you struggle with individual moves, and more than one of them, it's going to be awhile before you'll send.

The reason one wouldn't only train anaerobic is because sometimes you should be training pure power or simply because you need more aerobic to climb el capitan , your new route project, etc.

I'll add that I don't believe that any climber in the world is close to their limit in any form of strength. Maybe sharma or ondra etc. Sharma is closer to his limit, due to his body type, than ondra is right now. Most of us will die or get serious injury long before we find out what our muscles and mind are capable of. This is why I stress the importance of taking into account what will cause injury every time you climb and think about your climbing progress over a ten year period vs what will get you results RIGHT NOW.

Also, you need to simplify all these things in your mind or if you will adopt a global belief about these things your try to sort out in your head.

Think of a way that makes sense to you to sum up everything in this thread, including your question, into one or two sentences to hold in your memory. Keep it simple.

(This post was edited by flesh on Jul 20, 2011, 4:58 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by flesh () on Jul 20, 2011, 7:00 AM
Post edited by flesh () on Jul 20, 2011, 4:55 PM
Post edited by flesh () on Jul 20, 2011, 4:58 PM

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