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Dec 13, 2006, 8:30 AM
Post #1 of 29 (2627 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Response to 12/13 announcement
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ddt wrote:
Hi everyone,

Some quick updates regarding changes we are making based on user feedback. Some of these are already implemented, and other we expect to roll out within the next few days:

1. We are opening the routes database for new route submissions without validation, as a first step in the process of making it easier for users to submit information. Modifications to routes will still require review and approval for now because we don't have the necessary functionality to prevent loss of "good" data. Also, the addition of regions, areas and sections still require manual intervention from editors until we've completed the functionality that would allow users to make these updates directly.

2. We will open the Injuries and Accidents forum to guest users. From your feedback it is clear that unwanted media attention is not a major concern. We agree that it should not be a hassle for family members and friends (who might not be registred on to access this forum.

A few other issues that were recently fixed:

* Video upload problems were fixed

* The Forum spell checker no longer crashes IE

* The issues with embedding photos in articles were fixed

* The ratings display of videos and articles were fixed

* The ability for users to delete their comments on photos (will soon follow for videos and articles)

See my previous update for more information about our other priorities and the remaining list of items we are currently focusing on.


PS: Since this post is in the announcements forum you won't be able to reply to it here. Please use the regular forums to share your thoughts and questions and continue to share your feedback.
The first two are clearly the most significant changes and I am glad to see them re-instated.

Now, just a reminder to put the killfiles (PM and forum) on the hot list, if they're not already there.


Dec 13, 2006, 3:27 PM
Post #2 of 29 (2596 views)

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Re: [climbsomething] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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climbsomething wrote:
Now, just a reminder to put the killfiles (PM and forum) on the hot list, if they're not already there.

They're on the list, Hills.


Dec 13, 2006, 5:11 PM
Post #3 of 29 (2579 views)

Registered: Apr 18, 2004
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Re: [reno] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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Just wanted to say that I also approve the changes, and am glad to see all the people involved with working so hard!




Dec 13, 2006, 6:07 PM
Post #4 of 29 (2559 views)

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Re: [climbsomething] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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ddt wrote:
1. We are opening the routes database for new route submissions without validation, as a first step in the process of making it easier for users to submit information.


In reply to:
Modifications to routes will still require review and approval for now because we don't have the necessary functionality to prevent loss of "good" data.

I understand the concern about loss of "good" data. Now, while some data is obviously good, what about data whose goodness isn't so clear: how will the area managers determine whether to approve a user's proposed change? For example, I'm currently working a route that is listed in the RDB as 5.12d, but based on my early runs, I suspect that it is really 5.12c. I won't know for sure until I redpoint it, but if after redpointing it I think it is 5.12c, I intend to submit the corrected rating. Will this correction be accepted or not, and how will the area manager, whom I know for a fact has not climbed this route, make the determination?

In reply to:
2. We will open the Injuries and Accidents forum to guest users. From your feedback it is clear that unwanted media attention is not a major concern. We agree that it should not be a hassle for family members and friends (who might not be registred on to access this forum.

Excellent. Thanks for listening.

While I know you can't get to everything at once, let me reiterate that the forums are still very cumbersome to use, and I hope you will make it a priority to make them more user-friendly. I have made scattered posts stating certain problems specifically, but there are others I have subsequently discovered. When I get a chance, I will try to compile them all into a single post.


Partner j_ung

Dec 13, 2006, 6:30 PM
Post #5 of 29 (2549 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: [jt512] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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Jay, to me that illustrates exactly why such changes should be subject to approval. I'm glad you made easy work of it, but IMO, route ratings should never change based on the experience of one person. Areas have consensus ratings, and yet they're listed differently on all the time. Historically, that's been one of my least favorite aspects of the RDB.


Dec 13, 2006, 6:51 PM
Post #6 of 29 (2542 views)

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Re: [jt512] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
In reply to:
Modifications to routes will still require review and approval for now because we don't have the necessary functionality to prevent loss of "good" data.

I understand the concern about loss of "good" data. Now, while some data is obviously good, what about data whose goodness isn't so clear: how will the area managers determine whether to approve a user's proposed change? For example, I'm currently working a route that is listed in the RDB as 5.12d, but based on my early runs, I suspect that it is really 5.12c. I won't know for sure until I redpoint it, but if after redpointing it I think it is 5.12c, I intend to submit the corrected rating. Will this correction be accepted or not, and how will the area manager, whom I know for a fact has not climbed this route, make the determination?

Jay, while this might not answer your (very valid) question completely, it might provide some general thinking and guidelines within which I hope we can manage this. I'm not saying "this is THE WAY"... if people have more thoughts or ideas, let's hear them.

* My hope (expectation) is that routes editors will mainly deny modification submissions that are obvious attempts to sabotage good data (e.g. replace seemingly good descriptions with gibberish), or are clearly suspect for some reason (maybe suspicious changes to names of first ascentionists?) I don't know if these will ever be big issues. Maybe my examples aren't even valid. All I'm saying is that there is some mechanism to prevent someone with a grudge against another user, or the site for that matter, to come in and start vandalizing things. This has happened before.

* If it's a seemingly innocent change in the route's attributes (e.g. name change / correction, updated description of protection, even difficulty update), editors should just let them go through, especially if they have no intimate knowledge of the route or area. If this causes some attributes to be incorrectly changed, I hope someone can point it out and we can correct it without much hassle.

* In addition to the above, bear in mind that we still have the "direct field-level update" function that allows anyone to put a value in a blank field (e.g. safety rating, first ascentionist) without having to submit a complete route modification and wait for approval.

* Finally, your specific example (route difficulty), being such a subjective thing anyway, may be better handled through the functionality we have provided allowing ANY user to say what they think the difficulty is, and then calculating the "consensus" value. Granted, this is far from perfect and one should take the "consensus" value with a grain of salt. Also, this functionality only exists within the context of ascents. Nevertheless, users can look through the ascents to see who gave the route what grade, and then form an opinion for themselves.

In reply to:
While I know you can't get to everything at once, let me reiterate that the forums are still very cumbersome to use, and I hope you will make it a priority to make them more user-friendly. I have made scattered posts stating certain problems specifically, but there are others I have subsequently discovered. When I get a chance, I will try to compile them all into a single post.

Thanks Jay.


(This post was edited by ddt on Dec 13, 2006, 6:54 PM)


Dec 13, 2006, 7:07 PM
Post #7 of 29 (2536 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [j_ung] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
Jay, to me that illustrates exactly why such changes should be subject to approval. I'm glad you made easy work of it, but IMO, route ratings should never change based on the experience of one person. Areas have consensus ratings...

The website needs to decide what the rating in the RDB should be: a consensus rating? the rating listed in the guidebook? the rating given by the first ascentionist? something else I haven't thought of?

Now, assuming they want a consensus rating, what is the best way to go about getting it? Not allowing users to change the listed rating seems to imply that the listed rating is the consensus rating, or is at least more likely to be the consensus rating than a change submitted by a user. I challenge this assumption.

I'll admit I threw out a red herring by withholding some information from my earlier post. In fact, I'm not the only climber who suspects that 12c would be a more appropriate rating. Furthermore, I think that 12c is actually the rating given in the latest guidebook. On the other hand, the current guidebook is full of inaccuracies. However, my impression is that the consensus rating is more like 12c than 12d; I just wanted to confirm it for myself after redpointing it before submitting the change.

But I left out these additional details intentionally, because they are precisely the sort of details that an area manager would not be privy to. Thus, unless the manager has climbed the route or knows people who have, he has no criteria whatsoever to decide whether the old rating or the proposed new rating is more accurate. The user submitting the rating will usually have more information on which to base the rating than the area manager.

You are assuming (in part maybe because I used leading language) that users will tend to submit grade changes based solely on their subjective experience of the climb. I challenge this assumption, too. I think most climbers know that ratings are subjective, and that their own experience on the route is not likely to represent consensus. I think we can rely on climbers to change ratings only when they believe the current rating to not reflect consensus. We could even make that clear on the ratings form: "Do not change the rating just because the route felt easier/harder to you. Change it only if you know that the listed rating does not reflect the consensus of local climbers."

I propose that if you want the ratings to be consensus ratings (or the number of bolts, or any other information), that the Wiki model will be the most efficacious model to follow. If somebody changes a rating spuriously, it'll get changed back. If the rating keeps getting changed back and forth, then a manager can step in, contract the parties, and settle the dispute.



Dec 13, 2006, 7:10 PM
Post #8 of 29 (2534 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: [jt512] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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actually, you do get a consesus rating if you put the grade you believe the climb should have when you submit the ascent.

actually, i think that there should be two ratings... the one from the guidebook (which is usually the FA rating, unless they were way off) and the consensus.


Dec 13, 2006, 7:12 PM
Post #9 of 29 (2532 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [overlord] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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overlord wrote:
actually, you do get a consesus rating if you put the grade you believe the climb should have when you submit the ascent.

actually, i think that there should be two ratings... the one from the guidebook (which is usually the FA rating, unless they were way off) and the consensus.

Hmm, that's not a bad idea.



Dec 13, 2006, 7:31 PM
Post #10 of 29 (2523 views)

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Re: [jt512] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
overlord wrote:
actually, you do get a consesus rating if you put the grade you believe the climb should have when you submit the ascent.

actually, i think that there should be two ratings... the one from the guidebook (which is usually the FA rating, unless they were way off) and the consensus.

Hmm, that's not a bad idea.


This is exactly how it's working right now. The "guidebook" rating is shown in the route's title, and the "consensus" rating, calculated from all the ascents, is shown in the box called "consensus ratings".

Edited to add: Here's an example of where they are different:


(This post was edited by ddt on Dec 13, 2006, 7:32 PM)


Dec 15, 2006, 7:01 PM
Post #11 of 29 (2442 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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Re: [climbsomething] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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thanks for the Send PM link under the name. More user friendly than to have to go through the profile.

Partner coldclimb

Dec 15, 2006, 8:59 PM
Post #12 of 29 (2431 views)

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Re: [thomasribiere] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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It did used to say "Wasilla, Alaska" which was nice. I dunno, what does everyone else think? Just states, or is it useful to know cities?


Dec 15, 2006, 9:27 PM
Post #13 of 29 (2423 views)

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Re: [coldclimb] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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But you have to say Palmer right now, haven't you!? I think it makes sense though for a foreigner like me it's enough (but thinking about t, for a Californian or a Utard, I would find nice to know the city or even the Church! Next step?

Partner coldclimb

Dec 15, 2006, 9:35 PM
Post #14 of 29 (2418 views)

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Re: [thomasribiere] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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thomasribiere wrote:
But you have to say Palmer right now, haven't you!? I think it makes sense though for a foreigner like me it's enough (but thinking about t, for a Californian or a Utard, I would find nice to know the city or even the Church! Next step?

Eh, I'm somewhere inbetween Palmer and Wasilla. ;) Alaska is such a huge land area, that someone from "Alaska" can easily be from a place I've never been to that's hundreds of miles in any direction. I'm just wondering if anyone else has the same issue. Wink It's certainly not hard to check the profile whenever I see an "Alaska" tag, so it's no big deal, it's just the way it used to be.


Dec 15, 2006, 9:41 PM
Post #15 of 29 (2417 views)

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Re: [coldclimb] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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coldclimb wrote:
Just states, or is it useful to know cities?

It Depends. (tm)

I'd think that for some states (say, Connecticut) just having the state would be enough. I mean, kee-riest, how big is that state, anyway? 5500 square miles or something? Pffffft. Phoenix is bigger than that.

Now places like California (which, if doubled in size, would be less than HALF the size of your Alaska, ColdClimb,) could probably be well served by city/state. Heck, you could divide Cali into "North", "Central", "South", and "Freakish and Weird Orange Country nutcase", and that'd still leave large populations in each.

I suppose in the long run, it'd be better to have city and state. I'd like that functionality. Then, too, how damn hard is it to shoot someone a PM and say "So, noticed you're from Iowa. Wanna get together, chew tobacco, wrestle some pigs, and wish we were climbing?"


(This post was edited by reno on Dec 17, 2006, 2:03 AM)

Partner the_mitt

Dec 15, 2006, 11:59 PM
Post #16 of 29 (2400 views)

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Re: [coldclimb] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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I actually really like the way it is now. The pm is cool, and I like just the state and country.



Dec 17, 2006, 1:07 AM
Post #17 of 29 (2362 views)

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Re: [the_mitt] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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the_mitt wrote:
I actually really like the way it is now. The pm is cool, and I like just the state and country.


yeah, maybe if you live in a small state. But someone living in 'California' means next to nothing. I like having the city, so I can identify local climbers for partner recruitment, etc.


Dec 17, 2006, 2:15 AM
Post #18 of 29 (2356 views)

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Re: [caughtinside] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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Even Arizona is pretty spread out. I live in Flag, which is about 5 hours from Tucson and 2 from Phoenix (on a good day) and all have totally different climbing.


Dec 17, 2006, 2:19 AM
Post #19 of 29 (2353 views)

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Re: [climbsomething] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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I agree with hillary.. Should be town/city , state how about places in canada.. what are you going to say.. quebec, canada.. place is freaking huge.. like the whole US east coast

Partner coldclimb

Dec 17, 2006, 9:19 AM
Post #20 of 29 (2337 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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Or how about making it based on the info in the "I am from:" box in editing your profile, so we can make it say whatever we want, like "In a van, down by the river"?

Partner philbox

Dec 17, 2006, 10:47 PM
Post #21 of 29 (2312 views)

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Re: [coldclimb] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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Hmmm, Queensland is pretty big too, it takes me 30 hours of driving to go from one end of the state to the other.


Dec 18, 2006, 12:39 AM
Post #22 of 29 (2306 views)

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Re: [coldclimb] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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coldclimb wrote:
Or how about making it based on the info in the "I am from:" box in editing your profile, so we can make it say whatever we want, like "In a van, down by the river"?
You mean, the way it used to be...


Dec 18, 2006, 2:49 AM
Post #23 of 29 (2293 views)

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Re: [climbsomething] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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climbsomething wrote:
coldclimb wrote:
Or how about making it based on the info in the "I am from:" box in editing your profile, so we can make it say whatever we want, like "In a van, down by the river"?
You mean, the way it used to be...
I think you could only do that if you were a paying member.


Dec 18, 2006, 3:26 AM
Post #24 of 29 (2287 views)

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Re: [htotsu] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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Nope. you could put whatever you wanted in the location field

the paying members could make their own label.. like Older Than Dirt.. blah blah instead of Hippy.. Sport climber.. boulderer whatever the post count labels were.

Partner the_mitt

Dec 18, 2006, 4:34 AM
Post #25 of 29 (2280 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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Older than dirt wasn't that curts tag :)



Dec 18, 2006, 5:21 AM
Post #26 of 29 (727 views)

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Re: [climbsomething] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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climbsomething wrote:
You mean, the way it used to be...



Dec 18, 2006, 5:54 AM
Post #27 of 29 (721 views)

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Re: [veganboyjosh] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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[Old Sage Ghost] Dooooo not mention the site of yore!.....[/old sage ghost]

Partner rrrADAM

Dec 20, 2006, 10:29 PM
Post #28 of 29 (693 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
Jay, to me that illustrates exactly why such changes should be subject to approval. I'm glad you made easy work of it, but IMO, route ratings should never change based on the experience of one person. Areas have consensus ratings, and yet they're listed differently on all the time. Historically, that's been one of my least favorite aspects of the RDB.
Often, a route may be entered into the RDB as name and grade only, say in order to link it to a picture... Someone at a later date decides to "flesh out" the route by adding a detailed description, why should this be required to be approved, and how would the mgra know the details ???


Dec 27, 2006, 12:48 AM
Post #29 of 29 (661 views)

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Re: [rrradam] Response to 12/13 announcement [In reply to]
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rrradam wrote:
j_ung wrote:
Jay, to me that illustrates exactly why such changes should be subject to approval. I'm glad you made easy work of it, but IMO, route ratings should never change based on the experience of one person. Areas have consensus ratings, and yet they're listed differently on all the time. Historically, that's been one of my least favorite aspects of the RDB.
Often, a route may be entered into the RDB as name and grade only, say in order to link it to a picture... Someone at a later date decides to "flesh out" the route by adding a detailed description, why should this be required to be approved, and how would the mgra know the details ???

We have this through the "direct field level update" functionality. Any user can fill in the blank fields on a route without requiring approval. Browse the routes database and you'll often see the "update" link on blank fields, allowing the user the enter the value right there and then. Hence routes can be added with the bare minimum info and fleshed out by others.

I believe this functionality is not yet available for EVERY field on the route (I think the description still needs it), but it should be fairly straight-forward to add.


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