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really fat people climbing... why?
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Oct 23, 2002, 4:19 PM
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really fat people climbing... why?
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So I'm at the gym a couple weeks ago, and there was this guy in the bouldering room that I'd never seen there before. He was pretty big - about 5'8" and 350 pounds. ...I'm not kidding on that weight estimate. He was pretty immense.

He was struggling pretty mightily to get up the easiest holds in the room, just a foot or two up the wall would leave him gasping, shaking, and red-faced.

Now, on one hand I gave him kudos - I thought it was cool that he was trying something like this, when his body was the way it was. Gutsy and willing to try.

On the other hand - is this wise? I mean, when *I* start climbing, I get sweaty and heart-pounding pretty quickly. This guy... I'd be afraid he'd pop some important organs if he kept that up!

I do have a point to this post - anyone ever see people climbing that probably shouldn't? If you were this guy, wouldn't you want to start with some weight training and aerobics before jumping into climbing?

Make sure your body can handle what needs to be done, otherwise you're asking for big trouble.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:22 PM
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or maybe he's just having fun


Oct 23, 2002, 4:25 PM
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Who's to say who should be climbing and who shouldn't? At least he's trying. Some less than heavy people struggle to get up the easiest holds.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:28 PM
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Perhaps because of his condition, his doctor is trying to get him to lose weight and he is just looking for a fun way to do it. Not everyone is gifted with a great body, and , not everyone can log hours in the gym doing cardio. We should treat everyone as equals...I bet if you talked to him and gave him some words of encouragement or welcomed him to the gym he would be thrilled. You never know who he is, maybe he could give you a leg up in this crazy world.

Everyone is equal


Oct 23, 2002, 4:28 PM
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Ill say Fvcking awesome…
Obviously he is aware of his problem and trying to get over it
Its all about one baby step after the other
Go man go…


Oct 23, 2002, 4:29 PM
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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hmmmm.... I think anybody who wants to try should. Just because I don't climb at the "elite" level, it doesn't mean I shouldn't get on rock and have fun. If he thinks he's ok and healthy enough to do it, then let him have his moment . After all, when we go outside to climb, we take our own health and safety in our own hands... if something bad happens, I have nobody to blame.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:29 PM
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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A lot of peole who are overweight...maybe don't like to exercise...maybe this is just fun for him/her and it will hopefully get them into taking better care of themselves..not for us but for them. to each it's own...although i do have an aversion to really obese people, i also feel for them too. i was about 60 pounds heavier a couple of years ago. i do give them credit for not giving a crap and just doing it, instead of saying...well i wish i would have.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:36 PM
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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I think fat sloppy people should climb. That way they can provide hours of entertainment for the rest of us.

Have any of you ever experienced the joy of watching some fat slob quivering and shaking on some measly slab. It's great! The adipose tissue quakes and jiggles like so much holiday jello, and when the poor guy inevitably falls and weights the stressed toprope he hangs in his undersized harness in all sorts of weird ways. Too entertaining!


Oct 23, 2002, 4:38 PM
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if you see him again try to inspirate him again, at least his trying. there are too many fat people raised in shadow of MacDonald´s and they do need the way to get out. climbing alone may not be the way but it is a start. it´s hard not to be fat in this world nowadays, don´t you think? let´s give them our support and let´s not judge them...


Oct 23, 2002, 4:40 PM
Post #10 of 133 (11663 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Go rent the flick, "Hard Grit". Pay particular attention to John Dunne (I believe that's how the last name is spelt). Bigger guy, holds a lot of CRAZY 'FAs' in England. Stuff that scares the crap out of anyone.. hard 13/14 stuff with very minimal protection. In fact, the first route someone is climbing is a vid (Gia) the guy bails at the top.. the rest is just ugly.

Point.. not everyone is going to be picture-esque. Different people, different results. I personally give this guy kudos, he could just be sitting at his house eating Lays chips or something.. At least he's out trying..


Oct 23, 2002, 4:42 PM
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I think he need a climbing-friend. We don't know the reasons why he's climbing.

But i see your point. Nobody wants this guy to get hurted, overweight is dangerous. Was nice from you to talk to him. Help the guy!

A year ago, the company i work for took us to a special camp with sport activities. We suposed to work in groups but there was an easy test and one friend of mine, who is fat, had a lot of problem there.

I don't mean just problems, he was suffering just getting up on the small hills there. At the end everyone had fun but him and because the look on his face, some of us were getting afraid he could injured himself.

Your new friend is very wise, even that climbing is not the best sport to losse weight, it is the one where you have more fun!


Oct 23, 2002, 4:45 PM
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If you're dumb enough to tear down a large individual for trying to climb, you obviously lack the intelligence to be able to determine who should or should not be climbing. Maybe this guy is passionate about climbing but hasn't quite mastered the perfect climbing physique. So skinny boy, is climbing just a sport to you? Must be! If it wasn't, you'd never question anyone's desire or right to be on the wall, regardless of their size! It's judgemental people such as yourself that keep less than perfect, somewhat awkward people out of the gym. To me that's sad!

[ This Message was edited by: tracyroach on 2002-10-23 09:48 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 4:47 PM
Post #13 of 133 (11663 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Have a weight requirement and ask fat people to complete a few months of spinning class prior to access to the climbing gym. Have the anorexic girl who only crimps and frogs up easy vertical 5.11 because she is masking her weakness with her ‘featherweigheness’ eat a few burgers and kick her out of all the aerobics classes for power lifting. Tell the 5.10 guy to try a 5.11. Have the boulderers take a lead test before shunning the rope. Have gyms pre-screen for the creepy starey climber who watches and judges everyone else and send him somewhere else. Climbing is about fun – who cares if a fat dude has trouble on 5.6. Climbing = fun. #’s have nothing to do with enjoyment – go get a life and stop judging others. In climbing there is a place for everyone: the fat dude, the anorexics, boulderers, but I have a great deal of contempt for the creepy starey, for you cultivate gossip and negative energy.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:47 PM
Post #14 of 133 (11663 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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My pleasure mtngeo,

I worked in nursing for 10 years. Fat is one of the primary causes of morbidity in America's population. It also one of the reasons our society is soft and getting softer.

Most "sensitive" people like you are scared to death of talking about obesity. Maybe you tried it once with a girlfriend and got scratched in the face, or maybe you are just generally fruity and sensitive. By refusing to discuss obesity we sanction the behavior that leads to obesity and the consequent disease and death of the obese.

Save a fatso, tell him he is fat!

Partner sauron

Oct 23, 2002, 4:50 PM
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Someone on here called my 240 lbs, 6'4" body, "fat" - I don't remember who. Doesn't really matter, I know I'm "big" - but I'd hardly consider myself fat.

Yes, I ain't a featherweight like many of you, but screw it - I enjoy climbing, and even if I can't redpoint that uber-simple 10a, just because I weigh twice as much as many of you, that doesn't bother me.

I think it's great that the guy is trying to get into climbing - it's a very enjoyable sport - as a matter of fact, the only sport I've stayed with for over a year (year and 2 months, and not likely to give up anytime soon) - yeah, it was hard in the beginning, but through it, I've lost quite a bit in body mass, and gained quite a bit in muscles.

I think you should talk with him some more, encourage him - you never know when lifelong friendships get started from climbing..

- d.

[ This Message was edited by: sauron on 2002-10-23 09:52 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 4:54 PM
Post #16 of 133 (11663 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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cut the guy some slack. offer some encouragement. he's just trying to get exercise. bouldering a couple of feet off the ground does not sound that it could be that stressful on the body,even to one his size.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:55 PM
Post #17 of 133 (11663 views)

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I was about to flame you when I read the title but after reading your post I agree.

I think it's great he's out there and I admire his desire. If his desire is to lose weight though there are much better things than climbing.

I for one have gained weight since starting to climb because I gave up running.

If all he wants to do is climb, and he doesn't care about his weight then I see know probablem with him climbing, just as long as his weight doesn't jeopardize others.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:57 PM
Post #18 of 133 (11663 views)

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A couple points:

1) My point came across the wrong way. I certainly didn't mean to be a "rude piece of shit".

My concern was that while the guy had the attitude to start climbing, I think that he was killing his body. And I don't think that's wise.

2) My apologies to you and to the guy I saw, for sounding like a jerk. It was not intentional, and I should've reread my post before posting. I'll make sure my posts are more PC from now on.

3) To clarify - I never spoke to the man. After again rereading it, I was ambiguous - if read one way it appears I was telling this guy he shouldn't be climbing. Not true. Any dialog was in my own head.

If I see him in there again, I will make a point to say hi, and try to help him out.


[ This Message was edited by: abkaiser on 2002-10-23 10:08 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 5:00 PM
Post #19 of 133 (11663 views)

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I agree with sauron. I'm in the same situation - overweight and climbing seems to be the only thing that works for me for losing the flab.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:03 PM
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Thanks for the correction, I for one don't think that you are a "rude piece of shit". I just think we should make all people feel welcome. I bet if someone made a rude comment and this man heard it, he wouldn't come back. Maybe for him, rock climbing is what is going to inspire him to get in shape.


Partner missedyno

Oct 23, 2002, 5:06 PM
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legs for arms, i love your response!! right on!!!

boo hoo if the guy you saw was larger than average. kudos to him for not staying at home eating cheesy poofs and using a scooter to get around.

do you think he wasn't aware that you (or other people) were looking at him? good for him to get out and try something instead of using the "i'm too fat" excuse.

i mean, was he taking too long on a 5.6 that YOU wanted to do??? was he in your way in any manner?


Oct 23, 2002, 5:07 PM
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  The most likely scenario I see is that he falls in love with climbing and then has a reason to get in shape. I don't see climbing as going to cut THAT much fat off (I swim to keep in shape, climb for fun). I think he should be encouraged, but I also agree that he must watch his health carefully so he doesn't overdo anything.



Oct 23, 2002, 5:16 PM
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You shouldn't apologise. the point you make is fair. In fact you said the same thing all the pretenders said:I give him Kudos" or something.
Just remember the original question: Is this wise? the answer is not a simple: yes. He could suffer a heart attack or something, and there are more benificial things he can do IF his goal is health. If his goal is to climb(since it's the best), then so be it.
I don't care if someone climbs or not, but again the question is fair, stop being so PC everyone.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:17 PM
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Andy, thanks for the clarification. It struck such a cord with me because when I took that first step to climb, it was really hard for me. At the time I was VERY selfconscious about myself and I was so worried about other people judging me and watching me struggle. I had an interest in climbing but that little worry in itself made me drive up to the gym a couple of times and then drive away when I was going by myself.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:18 PM
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I used to climb with a guy who played football (UofM no less) and he was huge.6'4'' and about 300lbs. He struggled up routes most of us would find easy. He looked fat to some, but was strong as 2 ox and could run 8 miles at 6 min/mile pace. He just wasn't that good at climbing. Yet. Encourge the guy you saw, he'll be ok.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:24 PM
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I understand abkaiser's concerns for the new climber. But I also understand that if you're overweight, it takes ALOT of motivation and guts to walk yourself to the gym, where everyone looks like they might be Hollywood body doubles, and put your self-image aside and just have fun. I, for one, applaud people that are able to do that--it takes more guts than some ppl have. And instead of making the person feel self-conscious by pointing and laughing (AHEM!!!!), which will probably prompt them to quit, why not encourage them? Just because someone is overwieght does not make them incompetant. Give him some time, perhaps he'll prove to be a formidable climber in a year. Who knows, maybe then all the idiots who pointed and laughed will line up for beta.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:34 PM
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I'm all about the gigantic climbers. Seriously who would you rather belay you this rather large man or say Meghan(lilred).


Oct 23, 2002, 5:35 PM
Post #28 of 133 (10122 views)

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You are all fruity, sensitive fascists!


Oct 23, 2002, 5:41 PM
Post #29 of 133 (10122 views)

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First off there is no need to tell a fat person they are fat, they already know it! There is no need to be cruel. Now if he was in a McDonalds shovelling down three Big Macs and Supersized fries it might be a different matter! This guy has obviously decided to do something physical which can only help. The original post was correct in being concerned that overweight people have a danger when they exert themselves but we do not know anything about the person other than he was climbing. Don't assume! Maybe his doctor prescribed it, maybe he is doing it in conjunction with other activities. It all doesn't really matter since we don't know.

I applaud anyone that is overweight for doing something physical to get them in better shape.

Climb On


Oct 23, 2002, 6:28 PM
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This has been an interesting exercise in free speech, or the reactionary flaming thereof.


Oct 23, 2002, 6:30 PM
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Thanks burren,

The truth is I love all humanity. What I don't love is social and behavioral dogmas that endorse and perpetuate self destructive behavior.


Oct 23, 2002, 6:36 PM
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I agee that kudos should be given. Climbing is hard.

I was at the gym the other day and saw a group of three rather large folks climbing and thought it was great. They did well and hell, they seemed to enjoy it.

Climb on!


Oct 23, 2002, 6:37 PM
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>This has been an interesting exercise in
>free speech, or the reactionary flaming

>The truth is I love all humanity. What I
>don't love is social and behavioral dogmas
>that endorse and perpetuate self
>destructive behavior.

Well put. Concise, simple, and I agree 100%.


Oct 23, 2002, 7:12 PM
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Maybe this guy is a former climber, and wants to get back on the wall.

Maybe this guy is trying to exercize but climbing is not IMO the best way to loose wait and gain a good heart condition : walking would be better, but no matter!

I hope this guy is happy climbing.

It makes me remember a movie by and with Woody Allen (Anna and her sisters, probably) : Woody is walking around the reservoir in Central park with a friend, and crosses a fat woman who is running. He then tells to his friend "She'd better put her fat in a trolley". Not nice but so funny!


Oct 23, 2002, 7:17 PM
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Well that is kinda interesting. However he should do some sort of aerobics but maybe that is the exercise he likes


Oct 23, 2002, 7:25 PM
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I know a guy who is well over 300 pounds who can out climb most people half his age. He also can out cycle most serious cyclist. One time he even creamed a cyclist that was training for the Olympic team.
I say more power to the overweight people who get out and do more than watch the tub while stuffing down another snack.


Oct 23, 2002, 7:32 PM
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the reality is that, as stated numerous times before, you know NOTHING of this guy or his physical condition, outside of the fact that you saw him climbing...

realize that this guy may have been an athlete at one point. it could have been a serious accident or injury which debilitated him for many months. and now, he is looking for a low-impact (aerobically) workout to get back into shape. lugging up a jug haul is just that. its better for an obese person than trying to walk 3 miles, i would think. its very low impact in that the heart doesnt need to continually maintain and pick up a pace to match a constant activity. he could work a little bit, and rest for as long as he needed, letting his heart and lungs rest as well...

being overweight is not necessarily indicitive of being unhealthy. the guy could have the heart of a bull. though i would agree that generally speaking, severly overweight people are at risk for heart problems during physical activity, this may not be the case.

this guy could have been a world class athlete, such as bodybuilding, that has found himself in this condition due to an accident, or injury, or any number of reasons that have left him overweight...none of which would indicate poor health.

my brother is 6' 8" tall and weighs 365lbs. hes HUGE!! hes not cut out and shaped like arnold schwarzenegger or anything, so a first reaction would be to consider him fat. wrong. hes strong as a f---ing bull. he is, in fact extremely large. but he is SOLID. even though his gut hangs WAY over his belt, you COULD NOT hurt him with a gut shot. his core strength is FAR above mine, and i only weigh 165 at 6' 2". the point is, a large frame and a huge size does not indicate any sort of weakness...

give the guy credit. hes trying whatever he can to get in shape. that in itself would be indicitive of a string will and mind...the basis for any reasonably good athlete. the physicality can come later...

i would talk to the guy. (i wouldnt spot him, though). get to know him. give him some help if he looks like he could use it. you never know whom you mioght meet. this guy coiuld end up being your best friend and a personal hero to you if you give him a chance. dont judge this book by its cover give the guy the credit he deserves for trying and the respect he deserves for being a human being...

one last thing. and this SHOULD put the whole conversation to rest...JON DUNNE have i said enough???

[ This Message was edited by: boulderingmadman on 2002-10-23 12:34 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 7:36 PM
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Given the usual stereotype I find it oddly ironic that a Male Nurse continues to call people fruity.


[ This Message was edited by: dembrunjs on 2002-10-23 12:37 ]

Partner pharmboy

Oct 23, 2002, 7:50 PM
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Andy- I'm wondering exactly what you mean by "social & behavioral dogmas that endorse & perpetuate self-destructive behavior."

Do you think that society endorses people to overeat or become fat? Take a look around and realize that it's just the opposiste. How many billions of $ are spent every year by people trying to lose weight. Take it a step further, how many of these overweight people have been discriminated against? I for one know several people that are "heavy" and that it is a medical condition causing it, thyroid, etc... A close family member is one of them. I watch as she goes through medication after medication and continuos exercise to maintain her weight, nevermind being able to lose any.

I can also say that if I ever heard you call her FAT.... you find out that this "sensitive, fascist" would kick the livin' sh*t out of your scrawny ass.

My name and address are listed.... consider this an invite!!!!!!!!


Oct 23, 2002, 8:04 PM
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My dad is like fifty or something and he crazy strong. I've been working out for about a year and I can't do anything to him.
he's about 5'10" and like 350 lbs.

Partner pharmboy

Oct 23, 2002, 8:10 PM
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Morris... calm down? Dude, I am calm. I can't answer your question as to why an inproportionate amount of Americans are overweight compared to the rest of the world. It would be like asking why are Irish more likley to be drunks!!!!! Who knows... who cares... all I know is I wouldn't go around pointing fingers at them and calling them alcoholics!

I've watched my sister go through serious bouts of depression because of one thing or another but always relative to her weight battle.

My problem is that I think Andy's a pr*ck... which is my opinion!!!!!

[ This Message was edited by: pharmboy on 2002-10-23 13:11 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 8:29 PM
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Our country doesn't encourage obesity outright, but it does (through avenues such as diet, television and low activity lifestyles) encourage it indirectly. Unfortunately, while we encourage fatness of lifestyle, we encourage *extreme* thinness as correct. Thus leading to the irony of a society that leads the world in both eating disorders and obesity.


Oct 23, 2002, 8:33 PM
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I'm with burren on this one. American culture is about consumption. Its not drink 1 can of coke. its drink coke.

Its not eat alittle pork from time to time. Its eat pork. Thanks to the food lobbying groups(yes they exist I used to work in the meat industry and I've sat in on the meetings)

Everywhere you are told to eat eat eat. And then this idiot diet industry just talks about reducing fat intake. But makes no significant mention of reducing caloric intake. This drives me and my Mom (Judy Stewart President of the michigan chaptter of renal dieticians) up the wall. No one gets fat or even large from a thyroid condition, or really any other conditoin.

You get fat when your calories in is greater than calories out. its really that simple.

oh and doctor atkins is the devil.


Oct 23, 2002, 8:38 PM
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Astone: "The truth is I love all humanity. What I don't love is social and behavioral dogmas that endorse and perpetuate self destructive behavior". This is just an observation but calling people fruits or intimating that sensitivity is a bad thing seems to create the illusion of a social dogma, so much so that Pharmboy wants to kick your ass. Is that an example of the perpetuation towards self destruction that you were speaking of. I noticed you are 27 and you've been a nurse for 10 years ?? I presume you started in this field after getting your Phd in human behavioral science

[ This Message was edited by: theamish on 2002-10-23 13:43 ]

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Oct 23, 2002, 8:40 PM
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DJ... so you're telling me that there are no symptons to hypothyroidism. No characteristics of lethargy and lowered metabolism? That's great... I'll let my sister know that what she's been suffering for 25 years is all in her head.

Again, proper diet and exercise does not always equal a physically fit body!


Oct 23, 2002, 8:41 PM
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   ya he is fat and needs to lose weight. But at least he is trying to do something and it takes some balls to look like that and sort of roll around on the holds. The shits to try something new and be laughed out. Im pretty amazed at the support you all are giving him, great for you all!! Your a great bunch. Now somebody go tell him politely that all you have to do is burn up more calories then you take in. Its that simple......He does have some balls for trying!!! good for him..


Oct 23, 2002, 8:48 PM
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Should a hugely overweight person be flailing on a bouldering wall if he is seriously in risk of hurting himself? Assuming that was the case here, I'd say it's obviously not smart (lose some weight and get a bit more fit first). BUT, it's certainly his right to do whatever he wants with his life. If you start assessing 'acceptable' risk for others, eventually someone is going to do the same to you. Plenty of 'fit' people get hurt or killed while climbing. I wouldn't want someone telling me I couldn't climb something dicey or push myself past my limits on a climb, even if they are just looking out for my 'well being'.


Oct 23, 2002, 8:52 PM
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The last time I saw a really obese climber, I was carrying his body out on a litter.


Oct 23, 2002, 9:15 PM
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For the most part I support the fat climber. But if he starts posting pics of himself climbing in a bikini I may have to rethink a few of my oppinions.

On a serious note, you don't have to be Eric Horst to see that the most effective way for this guy to train for climbing would be to lose some weight.

Also, anyone at any gym or crag could have a heart attack at any time. I intend to learn CPR and urge you all to do the same.

[ This Message was edited by: cedk on 2002-10-23 15:02 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 9:18 PM
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Give the big guy some Props for going out and trying!!! The guy is trying to take his life in a heathy direction. I can feel the the guy in a way. I was 20 pound more than I am now 2 years ago. It was for be a really big deal to me!! and I was only 186lbs 6'tall.
I have a bigger problem with people who climb hard then light up a smoke!! It does't get any dumber than that!!


Oct 23, 2002, 9:56 PM
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maybe he climbs because he considers climbing fun, and he doesn't give a s--- about how he looks and what other people think.

has anyone even considered that this guy may accept himself for who he is, regardless of what he looks like, or how hard of a bouldering problem he can send?

if you enjoy climbing - great....we already have one thing in common. wanna go and drink some beers now?


Oct 23, 2002, 10:26 PM
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astone- I find your viewpoint pretty pathetic. Perhaps you worked as a nurse. That does not justify your disgruntled opinion of obese people. I say kudos to the guy. We can speculate quite a bit about this person, but who cares. He's climbing. Most people I know are immensly supportive of climbers, regardless of weight. I hope you never run for president... Or perhaps you should. Public opinion of people like you may be the only to get it through your head that your opinions are pathetic.

[ This Message was edited by: climbjs on 2002-10-23 15:28 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 10:55 PM
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I'm ashamed to say that when I saw this thread I tought you all would be bashing fat people, but I finally looked at it and you've all been very good. I dont know why I would have thought otherwise.
I'm a big guy too, 5'11 205lbs. but 2 years ago I was almost 250 and getting bigger everyday, and I'm sure I was on my way to a heart attack. After an embarassing episode tring to waterski, I half hartedly tried to lose some weight, but a few months later when I wandered into REI things changed fast. After a couple of climbs at REI I was hooked and determined to lose weight so I could climb. I feel like I'm in really good shape now considering where I was.
So even if a person is too large to climb well, maybe they will get hooked and it will give them the motivation to lose some weight.



Oct 23, 2002, 11:18 PM
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"Have any of you ever experienced the joy of watching some fat slob quivering and shaking on some measly slab. It's great! The adipose tissue quakes and jiggles like so much holiday jello, and when the poor guy inevitably falls and weights the stressed toprope he hangs in his undersized harness in all sorts of weird ways. Too entertaining!"

"Save a fatso, tell him he is fat!"

"The truth is I love all humanity."

Please explain the last one to me again!
I think maybe your bedside manner needs a little work.

Climb On


Oct 24, 2002, 1:58 AM
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it gives us regular folks something to laugh at?


Oct 24, 2002, 2:38 AM
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Why is this sight great?? Because you get to laugh your ass off due to great remarks like astone and horatiofelatio!!
Damn you guys should be on pay per view!!


Oct 24, 2002, 3:02 AM
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Great to see him start out, my friend who started going to the climbing gym with me has lost 70 poundss so far.....


Oct 24, 2002, 4:05 AM
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I give the guy major props. I was not blessed with a perfect body by any means. I am not a fat person, but I could definitely stand to lose a few pounds. Anyway, when I first started climbing, I was larger than I am now and struggled on basically everything. A few weeks of training on the wall, though, and I was doing alright for myself; obviously not good enough to red point a 13 or anything, but good enough to do some stuff. My point is that maybe after a few months of training in the gym, the guy may be able to look like more of a climber. It is absolutely great exercise and I think he is doing good for himself.


Oct 24, 2002, 8:27 AM
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One time I met this guy at rockreation climbing gym who was a good 200+. We went out to Joshua tree and he just kicked ass...of coarse on climbs requiring a lot of footwork and not upper body strength. He did a 5.11a i couldn't pull off.


Oct 24, 2002, 8:55 AM
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I don't know. Maybe he thought it looked fun and it was a good way to lose some weight. I'm pretty hefty myself, but I know what you mean. I'm 240, but I'm only about 20 pounds overweight, all in the form of a belly.

One must crawl before they walk.

I've seen bigger people than me, without the muscle mass that I have. Climbing is for those that dare try.



Oct 24, 2002, 11:25 AM
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Just to clarify, John Dunne is a big fella (over 12 stone) for a (prof) rockclimber but no way is he fat...

How much damage does a 350 pound weight do to a rope?
Are people excusing obesity as a lifestyle choice? Simple fact, doesn't matter how much exercise you do, if your calorific input is higher than your output you get fat.


Oct 24, 2002, 12:34 PM
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I haven't gotten this much hate mail since the last time I sent out a religion flame.

Sorry I haven't been responding, but I had to go stuff a double cheeseburger down my gullet and then sleep it off.

I am intrigued that taking some humourous verbal licence on an "open" forum has made me the object of pharmboys violent rage. Is that how you solve the conflicts in your life, pharmboy? Maybe you have to react with physical rage against someone you've never met because you lack the intellect to concoct a clever retort.


I was watching the story of Andy Kaufman the other day, and I was intrigued by his fascination with pissing people off with the things he said and did. Then I saw this forum and I couldn't resist.

Oh for a little freedom of expression in this hung up world!

And please, don't respond with the inevitable conditions and qualifications on freedom. Heard them all before.

[ This Message was edited by: astone on 2002-10-24 05:41 ]

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 12:46 PM
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I would gather by some of the other posts that I'm not the only one that didn't find your posts "humerous". We are all entitled to our opinions, including you with your assinine remarks. However, don't expect to throw out something so nasty and generalized at a person or group of people and expect to not get flamed!

I spend some much time trying to instill tolerance in my daughter and to explain to her why there are a$$holes in the world like you!


Oct 24, 2002, 12:47 PM
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just as a question astone... i`m not saying your wrong you have your own opinion which you`re entitled too. I disagree with it but thats my opinion which i`m entitled too.

But i`m just curious do you practise what you preach? I mean do you go to fat people and say "you`re fat!!"

Just asking not a flame...


Oct 24, 2002, 12:53 PM
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Is that what I am preaching, or are you oversimplifying?


Get real. The world is full of nasty things that you will have to explain to your children, and most of them are far more serious than someone who hurt your feelings.


Oct 24, 2002, 1:03 PM
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Save a fatso, tell him he is fat!

so I don`t think i`m oversimplifying...

but let me phrase my question another way then... Do you go up to fat people and tell them they are fat?

[ This Message was edited by: chakan on 2002-10-24 06:05 ]

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Oct 24, 2002, 1:05 PM
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Hurt my feelings is one thing.... hurt the feelings of someone I care about... God help ya!

Why is this world so full of nasty and scary things? Because there are way too many people in the world that feel it is their right to abuse the First Amendment... Sure, you have the "legal" right to speak your mind, even if it is a hate filled remark.

Put yourself in the shoes of the people you are talking about prior to spouting off. You're one of those insecure people that feel better when someone else is the butt of your ridicule.

Imagine how much less scary this world would be if people were a little more compassionate and tolerant!


Oct 24, 2002, 1:15 PM
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I don't do so arbitrarily, but if it is pertinent to do so I don't shrink from the task.

I have seen the following scenario played out over and over. Young guy gets married, and makes several babies in short order. Five years later his wife is a blimp, and he is bummed. He may say something to her once, but the abuse he gets in return keeps his mouth shut from that point forward. Ten years later he is depressed, self-destructive and ornery, partly because he is being held verbally hostage by the politeness and sensitivity enforced by his beloved spouse. So sad, and wrong.

I suspect that many of those who flame me play a part in this scenario or something close to it.

Any takers?

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 1:26 PM
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Dude that is sooo totally lame. Young guy marries... wife end's of fat... and he gets depressed.

Well, if that young guy only got married cause his girl was a skinny piece of a$$... then he deserves to be depressed when/if she becomes heavy. A REAL man that REALLY loves his wife will be sympathetic to her feelings and would be supportive of her and would have a strong enough of a relationship to show her that he cares not for what she looks like, but for her health. If a husband tells his wife she is fat... dude deserves to be bitch slapped. If a husband expresses his sincere concern about his wife's health... well, that is another.

What I don't understand is why you can't just accept the fact that your remarks were nasty and uncalled for. I guess I shouldn't expect that much from a guy who can't be honest with himself, nevermind everyone else.... (27, nursing for 10 years) ya whateva!!


Oct 24, 2002, 1:27 PM
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Okie question answered as I said it wasn`t a flame I was just curious if you actually do it.

Tho I suspect the people your generally tell it to arbitarily are people you know as a friend or aquaintence. correct me if i`m wrong.

But I do understand you example... but that is unfortunatly the situation between the 2 people who don`t have an open relationship (and by open I mean verbally) , but agreed there are a lot of those relationships around.

just my 2c

ca cera cera

*Edit: spelling

[ This Message was edited by: chakan on 2002-10-24 06:28 ]


Oct 24, 2002, 1:35 PM
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que sera sera


Oct 24, 2002, 1:42 PM
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Hey chakan,

I met an awesome climber from South Africa last May at the City.

Her name was Shelly so it couldn't have been you. She was smooth as silk though, and her accent was way cool.


Oct 24, 2002, 1:50 PM
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yeah I know my own personal take on the phrase

What part of SA was she from? Yeah there are some awesome climbers in SA specially paul brouard. Yup I still have my accent apparently..

ca cera cera

[ This Message was edited by: chakan on 2002-10-24 06:51 ]


Oct 24, 2002, 2:00 PM
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Astone -

Hmm - sounds similar to something my ex-husband might have said about me except that we didn't pop out any babies (Thank God!). Except that I wasn't fat and he was mentally abusive and was starting to be physically abusive when I left him. I was fat, nothing I did was right etc. By the time I left I was severely depressed and suicidal. It took years for me finally be able to look people in the eye when I talked to them, years until I could feel comfortable with myself, I still have a lot of self doubt and I can still "hear" him sometimes. Thankfully I am now married to one of the best guys in the world and it's incredible to be with someone who wants to build you up rather than tear you down.

Another note about the example - why doesn't the guy stay home with the kids sometimes and take other responsibility so that his wife can have time to herself so that she can exercise?



Oct 24, 2002, 2:03 PM
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Why doesn't everyone be honest about what they want? This way we can prevent the pathological retention of angst that leads to abusive relationships.

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 2:05 PM
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Right on Deirdre!!!!!!!

Nothing better than a supportive mate... I'm so supportive I'm trying to convince my sig other to climbing with the girls in Mexico this xmas!

IMO poor little AStone wasn't held much by his mom when he was a baby... seems to have a major problem with large women...

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 2:11 PM
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I've concluded that it is a waste of time to point out the fact that you're a total pr*ck!!!!! Here a woman shares her personal, very personal, experience about abuse she suffered and all you have to say is... "Why doesn't everyone be honest about what they want? This way we can prevent the pathological retention of angst that leads to abusive relationships." I'd say her ex was pretty honest... he honestly wanted to degrade and humiliate her. Something you seem to enjoy partaking in yourself.

God I hope we really meet some day...


Oct 24, 2002, 2:21 PM
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I am afraid that in this case the issue wasn't honesty - my ex-husband was living out the abusive environment in which he grew up.

Your friend should get out of the marriage, pay support and see his children. He would be better off, his wife would be better off and the children wouldn't be living in an atmosphere of veiled hostility and nasty remarks which might lead them to acting the same way in their own relationships.



Oct 24, 2002, 2:25 PM
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Where has all the violence come from?

Come on pharmboy, we are trying for a civilization here.

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 2:35 PM
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Look up the word "civilization" Andy... I think you may have it confused with another word.

In a "civilized" world people wouldn't just go around beating and abusing their spouses... and others wouldn't go around calling people fat, with the theory that they are saving that person's life! If anyone is being uncivilized it is you.

I have a problem with YOU... not with some other generalized group of people. I'm voicing my opinion about YOU, based upon what YOU have shared here. The fact that I wish for an opportunity to confront you face to face... well, again, while it is "uncivilized" it would certainly make me feel better.


Oct 24, 2002, 2:36 PM
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Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 2:40 PM
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Dude... that's weak! You can do better than that...

I guess since we've digressed into simple name calling we should just call it quits and stop wasting everyone's time. You don't like me... I don't like you.

I'll even give ya the last word... you're right I am a neanderwhateva!


Oct 24, 2002, 2:49 PM
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"Andy this is not a threat... but I want you to remember something.... "what comes around goes around." I don't know who coined the phrase first, but it fits.

I'll see ya around sometime."


This pm sounds a little contradictory. Who let this sociopath onto this site?

[ This Message was edited by: astone on 2002-10-24 07:51 ]

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 2:55 PM
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Read that pm in the way it was written, literally....

"what comes around goes around" Translation= you're an opinionated a$$hole who hates "fat" people. When it comes around you'll be the one tipping the scales!

"see ya around" ... Translation= It's a small world, surely someday we'll be at the same crag at same time. You'll recognize me, I'm the dude with the large cranium and covered in hair, atypical of my neaderthal routes!


Oct 24, 2002, 2:57 PM
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Dude is so pissed he's practically sputtering. Was that last post supposed to be legible?

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 2:59 PM
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"Who let this sociopath onto this site?"

Hooray Andy... now that's a bit better!

A sociopathic neaderthal... who would've thought!


Oct 24, 2002, 3:04 PM
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This post is a little late, for the comment I am responding to, but I just have to. Astone, you are very quick to judge and be insensitive towards people who are overweight, but you were a male nurse? Come on. You are a climbing contradiction.

Ps. For anyone who is either big or a male nurse, no harm intended.

Partner pharmboy

Oct 24, 2002, 3:13 PM
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"Man, you have to be pretty careful with your words on these forums!"

Anyone can say what they want... just don't expect to act like a weenie and not get flamed. Of all the people posting I'm the only one that has made any actual threatening remarks... and while I am sorry for making them I will not rescind my opinion that Andy's a major dick!


Oct 24, 2002, 3:16 PM
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"Save a fatso, tell him he is fat!"

Hey Astone,

how about save a fatso, help him get fit!

Are you so self absorbed that you think fat people need to hear from you that they are fat??? A guy who is 5'8 - 350 lbs knows he is fat, there is no hiding it. If you care, don't point out his problem, pose a solution. In nursing for 10 yrs, so I know you know about nutrition and fitness. Help the brother out give him info to help him along the way.

As far as heavy people climbing. I say the more the merrier. If you want to climb, then climb.

climb on!


Oct 24, 2002, 4:10 PM
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C'mon folks, cut Astone a little slack, he obviously is quite the prodigy. By his admission, he is 27 years of age, he's been a nurse for ten of those years. I don't know if he's an RN or LPN but the lesser should require approximately 2 years of schooling which would have made him approximately 15 years of age when he entered the field. with this knowledge how can you question his validity on his theories of civilization. It would be like saying Einstein misunderstood the theory of relativity.


Oct 24, 2002, 5:20 PM
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Congrats on honemaster mtngeo



Oct 24, 2002, 8:01 PM
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I'm all for help the fat get thin, but comon people - AMERICA IS 80% OVERWEIGHT.

How much sympathy can you dole out, when so many endemic habits of living in the US contribute to being Jabba the Hut?

TV, bike-unfriendly roads, Fast Food, Malls, Quick-Fix Diets, etc. This country BLOWS when it comes to encouraging people to live a healthy lifestyle.

I give up! I'm not gonna point and scold anyone - for sure - but people CHOOSE THEIR LFIESTYLE. Let the overweight be punished by their own health problems, which is sad and tough enough.

But lets give up all this sympathy for bad health, folks. If more people cared, our society would change a bit.

Fat people doing active things (like climbing)? I APPLAUD THEM. "welcome to the club - what took you so long?"


Oct 24, 2002, 8:29 PM
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"Maybe you have to react with physical rage against someone you've never met because you lack the intellect to concoct a clever retort. "

Huh hu uh. Astone you said concoct. HUH UH HUH HU


Oct 24, 2002, 8:30 PM
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Hey one can help fat people they must help themselves. so stop all this sympathetic shit.....i was once fat and i did not blame anyone but myself. if you can look at yourself and are being happy being obese, than right on. if you want to change your life and feel better you must get off your butt and do it. no one is forcing fat people sit on their asses and stuff their face and say I can't, i can't, i can't. Well you CAN if you want to. I understand that being overweight is also a side effect of abuse.....been there, too.
i think that maybe he was concerned about this guy and it can across wrong. believe me i have been concerned about people at the gym who are obese and are working to can hurt yourself, ya know.
So give the guy a break and stop feeling so bad for fat people remember they had everything to do with getting that way in the first place.

So go flame me i don't care.

[ This Message was edited by: rockwomyn on 2002-10-24 13:33 ]

[ This Message was edited by: rockwomyn on 2002-10-24 13:35 ]


Oct 24, 2002, 8:48 PM
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Go Eryn!
And I just have to throw in something I saw in another thread awhile back...
Yes, there he is, our very own astone... a loving RN. It gets better! Stick around folks, the 9pm astone show is completely different from the 7pm show! And full of new wonderful verbage - you don't want to miss it!

And to think I was actually bothering to discuss the existance of God earlier...
proof he doesn't exist is right here.


Oct 24, 2002, 9:01 PM
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Can't Post really need to pull your head out of your can!!! and take a look around man. granted i have been blessed with a good climbing physique but my climbing partner has not..he's about 5'8" 215 with short arms and legs..and he can climg harder than me. jus because someone is fat you should not put him/her down...i have run ito a lot of people who may "appear" oout of shape, but are actually really good climbers..i leave you with a bit of advice my parents gave me when i was 3...unless you have something nice to say don't say it at all...and don't waste my time or other people's time by putting this ignorant junk on this web site
shame on you


Oct 24, 2002, 9:02 PM
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Dude, everyone should be allowed to climb.

its fun, and if is was having fun, then its all cool

there was this guy that weighed in at nearly 400lbs that came to our gym, he was a wrestler.

any way we had to make a 5 point anchor system for him including a ground bolted anchor, with two heavy bag punching bags filled with H2O....when he fell, the wall shook so hard it knocked the guy climbing on the other side off!

it was so funny!!!!!


Oct 24, 2002, 9:22 PM
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I've seen so many people go from struggling, overweight gym climbers to nimble, muscular physiques who still struggled up the wall (granted, they were harder walls). I know I was not in perfect shape when I started climbing, but the sport inspired me to get in shape and even quit smoking cigarettes! Encourage him!



Oct 24, 2002, 9:54 PM
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I don't really see how encouraging a person to lose weight and encouraging a person to climb are necessarily mutually exclusive. It would seem to me that they would actually compliment each other.

Also, note that I use the word encourage. If you do it in a positive way I don't see it as necessarily being rude or mean spirited. What I think is mean is to just look the other way or to keep on supporting a person with any kind of self destructive habit.


Oct 25, 2002, 12:12 AM
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I think it's cool that he's out there giving it a shot. In fact, send him down to my bike shop, and I'll get him on a bike, too.


Oct 25, 2002, 2:18 AM
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First, in response to the statement about: If you don't have something nice to say, ....

I think this is a terrible philosophy. If I have something to say, I say it. I think that too often things aren't said because we don't want to hurt others feelings. In realty all we are doing is reinforcing that which we don't agree with(i.e bad habits). I would prefer that people siad things to my face, rather than behind my back or not at all. And when people do tell me negative things about myself, I try to look at it objectively and not take it personally. It may be they are seeing something I should change which I have kept myself from seeing.

If I were very overwieght and was doing something which could potentially be dangerous like climbing, I would very much want someone to approach me and tell me why my weight could increase the dangers posed by climbing. However, I would hope that I was approached in a courteous manner.

I'm not saying big guys and women can't climb. However, because of the very nature of climbing vs. gravity, WEIGHT DOES MATTER. This is a simple fact. I weigh close to two hundred pounds. When a lighter person belays me I always make sure they are well anchored, which is my responibility. A newcomer might not be as cognizant of this, and needs to be informed. How many of you have belayed someone who weighs 300 pounds. I'm not sure I could hold a lead fall, and I sure as hell would be really cautious spotting.

My 2 cents.


Oct 25, 2002, 2:51 AM
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Astone spewed: I suspect that many of those who flame me play a part in this scenario or something close to it.

10 years as a nurse and 27 years old. Maybe you are getting flamed because many of those who flame you can detect a self-righteous blowhard when they see one.


Oct 25, 2002, 3:03 AM
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Gimme a break, who cares if a plus size is trying to climb?! Let him do what he can, as safely as he can and drop it! Get back on the rock and worry about your own climbing! Why should a little guy like me play football? WHO CARES! If I enjoy it, I'm certainly going to give it a try.


Oct 25, 2002, 3:19 AM
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I gotta say I agree with a number of people who have posted opinions like, "Maybe he found something that inspired him to get in shape." I'm not overweight (I've actually been trying to gain weight), but I was pretty terribly out of shape before I started climbing. Never found a sport that I particularly cared about. I absolutely LOVE to climb. Hell, it even got me to start going into the gym to weight train, just so I could become a stronger climber.

I don't particularly care to enter into the PC fracas. From what I've read I think that astone's heart was probably in the right place - and that's what is really most important. Yes, most of us probably know people that are overweight and have been made to feel not so good by others because of it. Those people suck. As I read it, though - no one's come out and said "You're fat nanny nanny poo poo." There are legitimate health concerns that arise at the intersection of obesity and exercise. I'll also say that this guy (that touched off this massive thread) is probably aware of them. It's sort of like people who tell me that smoking is bad for me. You can't interact with any kind of mass media for more than 15 minutes without knowing these things.


Oct 31, 2002, 3:52 AM
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That was beautiful astone.
This kid in my school's band came with me when I went to the gym on our practice break. He, uh, plays the tuba, so you know he's a big guy. He's kinda clumbsy and not that strong either. He thought climbing looked cool and wanted to do it. So the next day, he bought himself a $250 membrship and top of the line gear. Ahhh, what do I care what he does. Fat people can't climb as well as they would like to though, but they can still support the industry.


Oct 31, 2002, 3:58 AM
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Rock climbing is for everyone.

Did anyone tell whoever posted this topic that he/she shouldn't climb because they're ignorant.

I applaud whoever this larger person was taking the initiative to get off their butt and climb.


Oct 31, 2002, 4:24 AM
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One thing I encountered at my local climbing gym. People there are of various ages, ethnicity (Malaysia is a multi-racial community) and uh, sizes. The impression I get there is everyone is welcome and people encourage each other. They're pleased to see newbies like me as well. I remember my first day there very well. Other than the climbing itself it helped influence me to keep going back. I'd like to think climbing communities are like that the world over. My two cents, if you dig it, go for it.


Oct 31, 2002, 8:15 AM
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I too am in the health field.
If someone is fat and they are climbing, they are trying to have fun and help themselves and I applaud them.
If someone is fat and eating potato chips on the couch, that is the kind of person that needs to be told to get their fat ass up out of concern for their health.


Oct 31, 2002, 10:23 AM
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Nov 1, 2002, 4:43 AM
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Climbing is not a highly taxing sport on the cardiovascular system, he's not gonna kill himself.
I admire the guy for doing it, he probably knows that there are people out there thinking things like "what's HE doing here?" because he probably gets it everywhere.
Leave the poor guy alone, he's a champion for living and experiencing life the way he wants to.


Nov 1, 2002, 3:08 PM
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Well I think the important thing to remember AbKaiser is that John Dunne (who is large) can whip your butt with ease (both climbing and physically).

I wonder if he would look at you as some skinny pathetic individual who although weighing half his weight still can't climb as hard as him. Just a thought.



Nov 1, 2002, 3:09 PM
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Well I think the important thing to remember AbKaiser is that John Dunne (who is large) can whip your butt with ease (both climbing and physically).

I wonder if he would look at you as some skinny pathetic individual who although weighing half his weight still can't climb as hard as him. Just a thought.



Nov 1, 2002, 3:21 PM
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Really stupid posts.... why??


Nov 1, 2002, 3:30 PM
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How does such an ignorant post get 9 pages of reply? Who ever started this thread is either pathetically insecure or ...
No they're just pathetically insecure!


Nov 1, 2002, 9:25 PM
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All charitable kindness aside, and no offense to anyone out there, but the original poster of this thread is quite correct. It would be much more physically beneficial for a man of that weight to work his body aerobically than in short, intense, anaerobic bursts. Someone who is reacting so violently to such little exercise is demonstrating early signs of hypoxia, which is really not good for someone who has to make their heart work as hard as a man of that weight would. It would be much healthier for the man to use a treadmill, stairmaster, exercise bike, or other aerobic exercise in order to get himself in good enough shape to climb aerobiocally (or with endurance). The short, intense burts are not healthy, and are more likely to cause problems than really help much.

Think of the effect it has on joints as well. Part of having endurance and ability as a climber is having good, strong joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. If the guy can't climb for more than a few seconds before his weight brings him back to the ground, it is quite likely because any or all of those are not strong enough to support that kind of weight. He could do irreprable damage to himself that way. I used to climb 5.9s and 5.10s in the gym with a 40 pount weight in a pack on my back, and I regret doing that now. The joints of a couple of my fingers are all buggered up because of it, and I strained my pronator teres muscle in my forearm and was laid up for two weeks. Granted, I could climb a whole route and not fall off after a few seconds like the man in question. If his lack of strength and extra weight could be so much greater, then injury is nearly garunteed as I see it.


Nov 1, 2002, 10:05 PM
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Climbing won't do him much good because he won't actually get anything done. He'd be better off losing some wieght before he started


Nov 1, 2002, 10:10 PM
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AbKaiser is just a kiddie trying to up his post count. he should be banned for life. this thread should have been burned from the start.


Nov 2, 2002, 2:46 AM
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...speaking of useless posts thrillseeker5...


Nov 2, 2002, 2:59 AM
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Forget about the fat guy. You know what really pisses me off? These scrawny little 100lb bastards that go climbing. They're all over the place. And, they make me look bad--how hard can it be for them? They don't have any weight to support. I think they are cheating. I like the the fat guys climbing, they make me look good.



Nov 2, 2002, 11:14 PM
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I am proud to be one of those skinny, strong-yet with no weight to tote around, bastard climbers who skip half the holds and dyno up the rest. God bless the scrawny!


Nov 3, 2002, 7:43 AM
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Micah, how on earth do you know he was suffering from hypoxia?
Unless you saw the guy, and you're trained to recognise the symptoms, and discount other possibilities, it's a pretty big stetch to diagnose even a runny nose.
Second, how do ANY of you know why the guy was climbing? Did he personally tell any of you that he was climbing to lose weight? Maybe he just watched MI2, or Cliffhanger and thought it looked cool.
Maybe he has always wanted to climb, and has just made the decision that he isn't going to let his weight stop him from doing what he wants anymore.
The point is, there are any number of possible reasons for this guy deciding to want to climb, and the whole time he probably knew that ill-informed idiots would be judging him for it.
Good on him.


Nov 4, 2002, 11:20 PM
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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ok dude, strap in. You ask how I know he was hypoxic. First of all, do you have the foggiest clue what hypoxia is? Howsabout cyanosis? Those of us in the medical field can find signs of both conditions in the following statement given by a first-hand witness:
"He was struggling pretty mightily to get up the easiest holds in the room, just a foot or two up the wall would leave him gasping, shaking, and red-faced."
Do you want me to baby you through an explanation of hypoxia or will you just take my word for it that he was obviously not perfusing enough oxygen into the cells of his body?
You said "Unless you saw the guy, and you're trained to recognise the symptoms, and discount other possibilities, it's a pretty big stetch to diagnose even a runny nose." Thank God you aren't my doctor. And friggin bugger off you presumptuous asshole. I haven't spent years of my life and many thousands of dollars in nursing school to have blowhards like you tell me that I am not trained to spot obvious signs of rediculously common conditions. And what the hell do you know about actual medical diagnostics anyways? Who are you calling an ill-informed idiot? Pogue-assed limey bastard.
I dont give two shits as to why the man is climbing, that was not part of the discussion. I am holding to my original, educated comment, which for those just tuning in was this: that its not beneficial for an overweight individual to engage in activities which are intense and anaerobic (such as climbing for a few feet and falling off, weak from HYPOXIA "mate"). All that can serve him is the possibility (not inevitability, merely possibility) of injury or other weight-related medical problem. It would benefit the man much more to jog, or commit to some other scheduled aerobic workout; something to up his endurance, cardiovascular health, and reduce his overall lipid count. Am I still wrong, or have you some witty response you'd like to give?


Nov 5, 2002, 10:59 AM
Post #123 of 133 (10355 views)

Registered: May 9, 2002
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Ok buddy let's go. I too am in the Medical field, and not JUST a nurse.
I still say that because he was red in the face doesn't mean he was close to checking out.
If you want to assume that I was calling you an Ill informed idiot, then you must be feeling a little like you are one. It was a new paragraph, and was referring to all of the idiots who were trashing the guy for climbing. So you now really are an ill-infomed idiot.
Oh and by the way Einstein, a Limey is someone from England you ill-informed idiot. The term originates from the fact that English sailors used to eat limes to ward off scurvy, dop you know what that is, or do you need to look it up?- Vitamin C deficiency.

Think of the effect it has on joints as well.

It would benefit the man much more to jog.

Well, that's why you were never a doctor smartboy! This man has a body mass index of 53, more than double the healthy range, and you're recommending he JOGS! Good way to kill someone! You think THAT'S going to be good for his joints? You don't even deserve to talk fitness and health with opinions like that.
End of conversation fool, not bothering to check comments by an idiot.

Edit: That's why the recommendation goes something like 'before starting any new fitness program consult your doctor' and doesn't seem to mention nurses anywhere.

It occurs to me that most people get red faced when exercising, so should we all stop until you say it's OK? Or take up jogging?

[ This Message was edited by: ajkclay on 2002-11-05 03:17 ]


Nov 5, 2002, 5:34 PM
Post #124 of 133 (10355 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2001
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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WOW....this thread has gotten WWWWWWAAAYYYYY out of control...i mean i guess the hot topics are relgion, abortion and fat people...go figure!!!


Nov 6, 2002, 4:27 AM
Post #125 of 133 (10387 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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134 replies to this topic? Please . . . let fat people do what they want. It's none of our business - climbing should be personal: concentrate on your own performance and let others do the same.


Nov 6, 2002, 6:16 AM
Post #126 of 133 (10335 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Why is it assumed that because he is overweight and in a gym climbing that he is trying to lose weight? Maybe he was just trying to have FUN.


Aug 26, 2005, 5:45 PM
Post #127 of 133 (10335 views)

Registered: Aug 26, 2005
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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a valid topic in 2002 : a valid issue today...

this burning question lingers: why do fat people climb?


Aug 26, 2005, 5:50 PM
Post #128 of 133 (10335 views)

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Re: really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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a valid topic in 2002 : a valid issue today...

this burning question lingers: why do fat people climb?

A pox on your house.


Aug 26, 2005, 6:00 PM
Post #129 of 133 (10335 views)

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Re: really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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There are more of them now than then. % wise, most of them live in the south and eat way too many bisquits and gravy. The Old South States are the fattest states in the Union.

So there.



Aug 26, 2005, 6:09 PM
Post #130 of 133 (10335 views)

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Re: really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Insert photo of ancient troll being dug from grave.


Aug 26, 2005, 6:15 PM
Post #131 of 133 (10335 views)

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Re: really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Sorry I don't have one but:

Inset photo of ancient troll being dug from grave here. :roll:


Aug 26, 2005, 6:31 PM
Post #132 of 133 (10335 views)

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Re: really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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a valid topic in 2002 : a valid issue today...

this burning question lingers: why do fat people climb?

A pox on your house.

A pox huh? Would that be of the small or chicken variety?


Aug 26, 2005, 6:33 PM
Post #133 of 133 (10335 views)

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Re: really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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a valid topic in 2002 : a valid issue today...

this burning question lingers: why do fat people climb?

Cuz your mother had a headache that night

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