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Dec 5, 2010, 8:01 AM
Post #1 of 168 (12469 views)

Registered: Dec 5, 2010
Posts: 18

Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen.
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I never ate right. Drink like a fish. Partly because of laziness, and partly because nobody every gave me a good example. Everyone in my family is obese and dying. The one thing really keeping me fit is my love for bouldering.

Anyway, I'd like to change that and educate myself a bit. My goals are, to look super cut and feel "light". I want to eat healthy and stay healthy so I don't end up like family members. I love rock climbing and think having a toned body with a lower bf% would help me tremendously. I'm currently at 12.9% BF.

Here are my daily regimes. I workout each day, but mix up the workouts generally between these two:

*** DAY 1 ***

# Wake up around 10am 
# Lunch at 1pm
--> Subway sandwich or Wendy's
--> Red bull
# Mid day snack
--> doritos (not baked)
--> coke zero
# Dinner at 9pm
--> Cup o noodles or Frozen pizza
--> water or beer
# 10K Run at a 4m 50s pace.
# Sleep around 3am.

*** DAY 2 ***

# Wake up around 9am, drink a glass of water. Go back to sleep. 
# Wake up around 11am.
# Lunch at 3pm
--> Tofu burger with veggies on the side
--> Glass of water
# Snack
--> gummy bears
--> redbull or coke zero
# 3-4 hours hard bouldering and rock climbing (I climb V6/7 now)
# Dinner at 10pm
--> frozen pizza or cup noodles
--> water
# Sleep around 2-3am

Went to the doctor recently. He said I'm in great shape except I should get my hep A/B vaccines. Low cholesterol, everything else is at a normal level. But obviously I can be doing better. Help! Where do I go from here?? I searched, but there's nothing really specific to getting the results I want with no weight training. Is it just a matter of eating foods that put my body into ketosis?

I'm sure this is possible. There are plenty of people in my rock climbing gym that are ripped and only climb. I'd love to ask them what their diet is, but unfortunately most of them don't speak English. The ones that do speak English don't look that fit and climb at a level below me.

I'm 28 years old, 132lbs, 5'5.5" short.

I know most people will look down on me for using rock climbing to "look good" but I really love doing it in general. I think eating right will not only help me look better, but improve my overall climbing.

Here are current pictures of my body (NSFW):

(This post was edited by smokecrack on Dec 5, 2010, 8:58 AM)


Dec 5, 2010, 8:32 AM
Post #2 of 168 (12452 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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You're looking pretty calorie deficient for the amount of exercise you're doing...



Dec 5, 2010, 8:47 AM
Post #3 of 168 (12443 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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If you showed your doctor that diet and he said nothing, he would be truly belligerent.

Troll for sure.


Dec 5, 2010, 8:50 AM
Post #4 of 168 (12442 views)

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Re: [rightarmbad] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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rightarmbad wrote:
Troll for sure.



Dec 5, 2010, 8:54 AM
Post #5 of 168 (12437 views)

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Re: [rightarmbad] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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rightarmbad wrote:
If you showed your doctor that diet and he said nothing, he would be truly belligerent.

Troll for sure.

My doctor didn't ask me what I eat. He just ran tests and analyzed my blood.

I'm asking for help here on a proper diet for my specific exercise routine. Instead of calling me a troll, how about some help dude?

Like I said, I did search, but most of the stuff I found online deals with weight lifting for cutting/building mass. I'm only interested in cardio/climbing and need a proper diet for shedding fat and maintaining muscle.

(This post was edited by smokecrack on Dec 5, 2010, 8:57 AM)


Dec 5, 2010, 9:31 AM
Post #6 of 168 (12416 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Search is your friend (as are sinkers and lures):

This thread also has some good info, though Jay has emulated his idol adatesman and deleted his original post.


Dec 5, 2010, 1:41 PM
Post #7 of 168 (12388 views)

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Re: [theguy] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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you will get what your looking for with only changing one thing from what you are doing now. try swapping your redbulls with monster energy drinks. i done the same thing and now i look like ryan reynolds!Tongue


Dec 5, 2010, 2:46 PM
Post #8 of 168 (12374 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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You may need to up your calorie intake. Here's a recipe that I found that I think you benefit from:

As for getting stronger, here's what you might need:


Dec 5, 2010, 2:49 PM
Post #9 of 168 (12369 views)

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Re: [RyanJames1984] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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I don't understand people who are smart enough to write out what they're eating, but need someone to tell them that Wendy's, RedBull and Coke aren't the way to stay fit, let alone healthy.

It's not hard, it's not expensive, and it's not time consuming to eat right. You do, however, have to use your brain.


Dec 5, 2010, 3:11 PM
Post #10 of 168 (12352 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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dude, it sounds like you are doing everything right. except you need to switch from redbull to four loko. That shit kicks ass at 12% alcohol and cheap as hell. keep up the good work.


Dec 5, 2010, 3:51 PM
Post #11 of 168 (12337 views)

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Re: [mitchy] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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If your username is smokecrack I think you have more important issues than what your eating.


Dec 5, 2010, 4:00 PM
Post #12 of 168 (12331 views)

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Re: [rightarmbad] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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rightarmbad wrote:
If you showed your doctor that diet and he said nothing, he would be truly belligerent.

Maybe even negligent.



Dec 5, 2010, 4:04 PM
Post #13 of 168 (12326 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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How to Lose Weight to Improve Your Climbing


Dec 5, 2010, 4:27 PM
Post #14 of 168 (12313 views)

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Re: [carabiner96] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
I don't understand people who are smart enough to write out what they're eating, but need someone to tell them that Wendy's, RedBull and Coke aren't the way to stay fit, let alone healthy.

It's not hard, it's not expensive, and it's not time consuming to eat right. You do, however, have to use your brain.

OK I took your advice and did some research and here's what I found would be good meals:

Each day: 
(1) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(2) 8-10 OZ Extra Lean Steak/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(3) Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(4) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(5) 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonnaise.
(6) (Post Workout) 2 servings of Whey/10 OZ Orange Juice.
(7) 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.

Vitamins each day:
1 Multivitamin Extra Zinc
30 - 50mgs Fish Oil Caps Flax Oil Liquid
200mcg Selenium
800mgs Folic Acid
800iu Vitamin E
2 grams Vitamin C

- Don't consume carbs/fat in the same meal.
- Only eat carbs after a good workout, but not a big portion.

I can eat this every day, no problem! Apparently I need to be consuming 2100 calories per day. Here is the formula I used:

66 + (6.3 x 132 pounds) + (12.9 x 65.5 inches) - (6.8 x 27 years)

If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent

So, 1.4 (66 + 831.6 + 844 - 183.6) = 2133.35 calories

Now for some questions:
1. When should my last meal of the day be relative to when I go to sleep?
2. How should I be cooking steak/grilled chicken? Just fry it up with a little virgin olive oil?
3. What can I replace whey with? It's not easy to get here and super expensive.
4. Is this diet proper if I want to cut fat and maintain muscle mass? I'm not looking to bulk up.

(This post was edited by smokecrack on Dec 5, 2010, 4:35 PM)


Dec 5, 2010, 6:47 PM
Post #15 of 168 (12272 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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I don't know much about nutrition, but 2100 cals/day seems really low.


Dec 5, 2010, 10:22 PM
Post #16 of 168 (12214 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
OK I took your advice and did some research and here's what I found would be good meals:

Each day: 
(1) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(2) 8-10 OZ Extra Lean Steak/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(3) Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(4) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(5) 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonnaise.
(6) (Post Workout) 2 servings of Whey/10 OZ Orange Juice.
(7) 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.

Vitamins each day:
1 Multivitamin Extra Zinc
30 - 50mgs Fish Oil Caps Flax Oil Liquid
200mcg Selenium
800mgs Folic Acid
800iu Vitamin E
2 grams Vitamin C

- Don't consume carbs/fat in the same meal.
- Only eat carbs after a good workout, but not a big portion.

Much better diet. To critique it though, it lacks complex carbohydrates, and seems too dependent on supplements (especially with regards to fat). I would:

Take away meal one, and substitute with:

(1) 1 bowl oatmeal with dried figs, raisins, and crushed walnuts. 1 egg-white omelette with spinach, red bell peppers, capers, and low fat cheese.

Not enough complex carbs between meal 2/3. Add a new meal 3:

(3) 1 slice whole wheat toast with peanut butter. 1/2 cup cottage cheese with peach slices.

Get rid of your serving of whey as meal 4

Reduce meal 5 to one can of tuna, and put that tuna on whole wheat bread.

You need carbs to recover. Post recovery is one of the times of day that sugar is actually beneficial. Good on you for putting orange juice here. One 10 oz glass of OJ though is not enough to replace consumed glycogen. How about getting rid of that whey and replacing it with:

(6) (post workout) 10 oz orange juice, PB&J on whole grain bread.

or even better

(6) (post workout) 1 mixed berry smoothie and 1 cup cinnamon rice

Hope this helps!


Dec 5, 2010, 11:13 PM
Post #17 of 168 (12191 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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In reply to:
Here are my daily regimes. I workout each day, but mix up the workouts generally between these two:

*** DAY 1 ***

# Wake up around 10am 
# Lunch at 1pm
--> Subway sandwich or Wendy's
--> Red bull
# Mid day snack
--> doritos (not baked)
--> coke zero
# Dinner at 9pm
--> Cup o noodles or Frozen pizza
--> water or beer
# 10K Run at a 4m 50s pace.
# Sleep around 3am.

If you are running 10K with a 4m 50sec pace your are running at a very strong competive level.

(This post was edited by binkus on Dec 5, 2010, 11:18 PM)


Dec 5, 2010, 11:14 PM
Post #18 of 168 (12190 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:

OK I took your advice and did some research and here's what I found would be good meals:

Each day: 
(1) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(2) 8-10 OZ Extra Lean Steak/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(3) Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(4) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(5) 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonnaise.
(6) (Post Workout) 2 servings of Whey/10 OZ Orange Juice.
(7) 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.

Vitamins each day:
1 Multivitamin Extra Zinc
30 - 50mgs Fish Oil Caps Flax Oil Liquid
200mcg Selenium
800mgs Folic Acid
800iu Vitamin E
2 grams Vitamin C

- Don't consume carbs/fat in the same meal.
- Only eat carbs after a good workout, but not a big portion.

This is idiotic.



Dec 5, 2010, 11:38 PM
Post #19 of 168 (12169 views)

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Re: [binkus] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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In reply to:
If you are running 10K with a 4m 50sec pace your are running at a very strong competive level.

You obviously ain't a runner.
Pretty much anybody that puts foot in front of foot can run at that pace.

If he said that he went sub half hour for the 10k, then there is hope.
If he could do it in 26min or so, then he may start to be competitive.


Dec 5, 2010, 11:52 PM
Post #20 of 168 (12159 views)

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Re: [rightarmbad] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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rightarmbad wrote:
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If you are running 10K with a 4m 50sec pace your are running at a very strong competive level.

You obviously ain't a runner.
Pretty much anybody that puts foot in front of foot can run at that pace.

If he said that he went sub half hour for the 10k, then there is hope.

Assuming his pace is per mile, then he's running a 10K in 30 min.



Dec 6, 2010, 2:16 AM
Post #21 of 168 (12108 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
rightarmbad wrote:
In reply to:
If you are running 10K with a 4m 50sec pace your are running at a very strong competive level.

You obviously ain't a runner.
Pretty much anybody that puts foot in front of foot can run at that pace.

If he said that he went sub half hour for the 10k, then there is hope.

Assuming his pace is per mile, then he's running a 10K in 30 min.


americans are so weird, why would anyone state their pace for a 10k run in mph?

(the op very well might have though...)


Dec 6, 2010, 2:24 AM
Post #22 of 168 (12080 views)

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Re: [jbro_135] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jbro_135 wrote:
americans are so weird, why would anyone state their pace for a 10k run in mph?

(the op very well might have though...)

'Cause fuck the metric system, that's why.


Dec 6, 2010, 2:35 AM
Post #23 of 168 (12070 views)

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Re: [Greggle] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Greggle wrote:
jbro_135 wrote:
americans are so weird, why would anyone state their pace for a 10k run in mph?

(the op very well might have though...)

'Cause fuck the metric system, that's why.

well if you hate it so much stop using it


Dec 6, 2010, 2:43 AM
Post #24 of 168 (12065 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
smokecrack wrote:

OK I took your advice and did some research and here's what I found would be good meals:

Each day: 
(1) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(2) 8-10 OZ Extra Lean Steak/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(3) Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(4) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(5) 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonnaise.
(6) (Post Workout) 2 servings of Whey/10 OZ Orange Juice.
(7) 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.

Vitamins each day:
1 Multivitamin Extra Zinc
30 - 50mgs Fish Oil Caps Flax Oil Liquid
200mcg Selenium
800mgs Folic Acid
800iu Vitamin E
2 grams Vitamin C

- Don't consume carbs/fat in the same meal.
- Only eat carbs after a good workout, but not a big portion.

This is idiotic.




Dec 6, 2010, 2:44 AM
Post #25 of 168 (12059 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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troll gets taken seriously.


Dec 6, 2010, 2:45 AM
Post #26 of 168 (5290 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
rightarmbad wrote:
In reply to:
If you are running 10K with a 4m 50sec pace your are running at a very strong competive level.

You obviously ain't a runner.
Pretty much anybody that puts foot in front of foot can run at that pace.

If he said that he went sub half hour for the 10k, then there is hope.

Assuming his pace is per mile, then he's running a 10K in 30 min.


no I am not running at a competitive level. just doing cardio in a nice jog.


Dec 6, 2010, 2:47 AM
Post #27 of 168 (5289 views)

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Re: [spikeddem] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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spikeddem wrote:
troll gets taken seriously.

I'm not a troll you idiot. But if I was, good job on "feeding the troll". Unsure


Dec 6, 2010, 4:09 AM
Post #28 of 168 (5270 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
troll gets taken seriously.

I'm not a troll you idiot. But if I was, good job on "feeding the troll". Unsure

You for real bro?????


Dec 6, 2010, 4:58 AM
Post #29 of 168 (5255 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
jt512 wrote:
smokecrack wrote:

OK I took your advice and did some research and here's what I found would be good meals:

Each day: 
(1) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(2) 8-10 OZ Extra Lean Steak/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(3) Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(4) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(5) 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonnaise.
(6) (Post Workout) 2 servings of Whey/10 OZ Orange Juice.
(7) 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.

Vitamins each day:
1 Multivitamin Extra Zinc
30 - 50mgs Fish Oil Caps Flax Oil Liquid
200mcg Selenium
800mgs Folic Acid
800iu Vitamin E
2 grams Vitamin C

- Don't consume carbs/fat in the same meal.
- Only eat carbs after a good workout, but not a big portion.

This is idiotic.



Because it's all just made up. If you are interested in losing weight and improving your climbing, I've outlined a way to do it in the link I provided up-thread. In fact, you are the perfect target for the regimen I suggest.



Dec 6, 2010, 5:05 AM
Post #30 of 168 (5252 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Jt's link once again:



Dec 6, 2010, 7:18 AM
Post #31 of 168 (5227 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2010
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Re: [rightarmbad] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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rightarmbad wrote:
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If you are running 10K with a 4m 50sec pace your are running at a very strong competive level.

You obviously ain't a runner.
Pretty much anybody that puts foot in front of foot can run at that pace.

If he said that he went sub half hour for the 10k, then there is hope.
If he could do it in 26min or so, then he may start to be competitive.

LOL, you might want to re think you post. First of all I was under the assumption that his pace was stated in miles so a 4m 50sec pace would bring him right about 30 min.

As far as being a runner you might want to double check your history. Considering that the world record 10K run time is 26:17.53 set by Kenenisa Bekele (Ethiopia). So yea, technically if he was doing it in 26 min or so he would be competitive, but generally speaking you dont have to break the world record just to be competitive.

Feel free to double check the times bellow, or just educate yourself as a runner.,000_metres


Dec 6, 2010, 7:41 AM
Post #32 of 168 (5221 views)

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Re: [binkus] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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And what do you think the 'or so' bit was for?

Anybody running sub 3 min KM pace, will have no problems with being ripped.
Eating enough to support their training is the more likely problem.
Therefore his pace had to be KM not miles.......

(This post was edited by rightarmbad on Dec 6, 2010, 7:46 AM)


Dec 6, 2010, 7:56 AM
Post #33 of 168 (5216 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2010
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Re: [jbro_135] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jbro_135 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
rightarmbad wrote:
In reply to:
If you are running 10K with a 4m 50sec pace your are running at a very strong competive level.

You obviously ain't a runner.
Pretty much anybody that puts foot in front of foot can run at that pace.

If he said that he went sub half hour for the 10k, then there is hope.

Assuming his pace is per mile, then he's running a 10K in 30 min.


americans are so weird, why would anyone state their pace for a 10k run in mph?

(the op very well might have though...)

its actually minutes per mile not mph but anyway,s most everyone I know (yes all Americans) use a pace in miles simply because they understand the speed better (they train in miles not kilometers). I guess it can seem strange to use two different systems. In truth I cant really visualize what my 6min per Kilometer pace is but I know what my 6min per mile pace is because I train using increments in miles. 6min per kilometer would be very slow though LOL


Dec 6, 2010, 8:04 AM
Post #34 of 168 (5215 views)

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Re: [rightarmbad] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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rightarmbad wrote:
And what do you think the 'or so' bit was for?

Anybody running sub 3 min KM pace, will have no problems with being ripped.
Eating enough to support their training is the more likely problem.
Therefore his pace had to be KM not miles.......

Very true. I did automatically just assume he meant miles (silly american) but in reality he meant KM not miles.

(This post was edited by binkus on Dec 6, 2010, 8:07 AM)


Dec 6, 2010, 2:00 PM
Post #35 of 168 (5185 views)

Registered: Dec 5, 2010
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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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OK here's my first meal! Lean steak with salt/pepper and grilled veggies.

Feeling better already :)


Dec 6, 2010, 3:18 PM
Post #36 of 168 (5166 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
troll gets taken seriously.

I'm not a troll you idiot. But if I was, good job on "feeding the troll". Unsure


Dec 6, 2010, 4:43 PM
Post #37 of 168 (5139 views)

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Re: [rightarmbad] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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rightarmbad wrote:
And what do you think the 'or so' bit was for?

Anybody running sub 3 min KM pace, will have no problems with being ripped.
Eating enough to support their training is the more likely problem.
Therefore his pace had to be KM not miles.......

You need to work on your nuances. "or so" isn't exactly broad enough to cover world records and "starting to be competitive". His interpretation of your poorly worded message was just fine.

(This post was edited by dynosore on Dec 6, 2010, 4:44 PM)


Dec 6, 2010, 6:50 PM
Post #38 of 168 (5081 views)

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Re: [billcoe_] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.


Dec 6, 2010, 7:10 PM
Post #39 of 168 (5068 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.


Dec 6, 2010, 7:13 PM
Post #40 of 168 (5068 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

Ok, back up your reasoning. Go on. Prove it.


Dec 6, 2010, 7:17 PM
Post #41 of 168 (5065 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

Lemme have it while I chew on my candied bacon.


Dec 6, 2010, 7:54 PM
Post #42 of 168 (5046 views)

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Re: [Kartessa] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

Lemme have it while I chew on my candied bacon.

Raw vegans can't do THAT, especially while you're eatin' bacon. Angelic


Dec 6, 2010, 8:59 PM
Post #43 of 168 (5019 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

I'm likewise interested in hearing all about this...


Dec 7, 2010, 8:30 AM
Post #44 of 168 (4969 views)

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Re: [Greggle] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...


Dec 7, 2010, 12:14 PM
Post #45 of 168 (4954 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

For posterity.


Dec 7, 2010, 12:27 PM
Post #46 of 168 (4949 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
all we can say is we r what we eat...

I eat all the animals I can.

I'm a mammal.

Your are a fruit.


Dec 7, 2010, 12:34 PM
Post #47 of 168 (4942 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [airscape] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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I'm wondering if the OP and the brain fried vegan are the same person.

Generally, when I hear of people losing weight/ gaining performance once switching to a vegan diet (well, any diet really, but people get the holy vegan head more than others), I ask what they were eating before.The answer was always
'Oh, pretty well. Subway, ramen, McDonalds, beer, frozen burgers, macaroni out of a box....'

(This post was edited by carabiner96 on Dec 7, 2010, 1:25 PM)


Dec 7, 2010, 1:03 PM
Post #48 of 168 (4938 views)

Registered: Feb 26, 2001
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Re: [carabiner96] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
I'm wondering if the OP and the brain fried vegan are the same person.

Generally, when I hear of people losing weight/ gaining performance once switching to a vegan diet, I ask what they were eating before.The answer was always
'Oh, pretty well. Subway, ramen, McDonalds, beer, frozen burgers, macaroni out of a box....'

I'm just wondering where he's getting his pure water from.
Pure water, not bottled or tap water. <- What does this mean.


Dec 7, 2010, 3:15 PM
Post #49 of 168 (4907 views)

Registered: Nov 15, 2009
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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

your profile says you climb 11a and v6...


Dec 7, 2010, 4:06 PM
Post #50 of 168 (4888 views)

Registered: Aug 13, 2006
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Re: [jbro_135] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jbro_135 wrote:
jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

your profile says you climb 11a and v6...

Maybe that was before going raw, now the numbers go up too fast to bother synching his profile.


Dec 7, 2010, 4:28 PM
Post #51 of 168 (4809 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [jbro_135] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jbro_135 wrote:
jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

your profile says you climb 11a and v6...

Sure, but what's important is that he believes he climbs 5.13 and V10, just like he believes the bullshit about his diet.



Dec 7, 2010, 4:31 PM
Post #52 of 168 (4805 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

If this description of your diet is true, then it would appear to contain no vitamin B12 whatsoever. Are you aware that a "pure" vegan diet is completely devoid of vitamin B12, and from where, if anywhere, are you obtaining this vitamin?



Dec 7, 2010, 4:37 PM
Post #53 of 168 (4799 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

If this description of your diet is true, then it would appear to contain no vitamin B12 whatsoever. Are you aware that a "pure" vegan diet is completely devoid of vitamin B12, and from where, if anywhere, are you obtaining this vitamin?


I can tell you're holding back.


Dec 7, 2010, 4:45 PM
Post #54 of 168 (4792 views)

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Re: [carabiner96] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

If this description of your diet is true, then it would appear to contain no vitamin B12 whatsoever. Are you aware that a "pure" vegan diet is completely devoid of vitamin B12, and from where, if anywhere, are you obtaining this vitamin?


I can tell you're holding back.

Yeah, I was kinda' hoping I could delegate this one.



Dec 7, 2010, 4:59 PM
Post #55 of 168 (4784 views)

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Re: [airscape] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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airscape wrote:
Pure water, not bottled or tap water. <- What does this mean.

He is combining the Hs and Os himself in a basement lab?


Dec 7, 2010, 5:08 PM
Post #56 of 168 (4775 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

Speaking as someone who's been a vegetarian for ten years, I find this block of text insane.

Do you have any theories about homeopathy? Or maybe aliens building the pyramids? Crystal healing? Ancient Sumerian wisdom from the sky?


Dec 7, 2010, 5:10 PM
Post #57 of 168 (4768 views)

Registered: May 20, 2010
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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

I don't really know where to start...and I'm slightly bored but not nearly bored enough to comprehensively pick apart your raw/vegan theory. First things that come to mind -we digest meat as well as we need to and absorb nutrients from it just fine. Meat contributes to healthy b vitamin , iron, testosterone levels just to name a few. Sure, you can get some protein if you eat certain veggies and legumes and shit in certain combination, but the protein to carbohydrate ratio is ridiculous for anyone who isn't a hardcore endurance athlete - even then... Also, who came up with the bullshit that it's a bad thing if we don't absorb every molecule we ingest and some of it comes out the back end? That's what the whole fucking system was designed to do! Are you telling me that vegans don't shit?


Dec 7, 2010, 5:20 PM
Post #58 of 168 (4764 views)

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Re: [Lbrombach] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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If this is true, perhaps the increased climbing ability observed is attributable to increased motivation to get up to fresh air:
In reply to:
Suffice it to say that flatulence is a common complaint among and about vegans, and for that matter vegetarians generally. (For those of you who don't know many vegetarians, they come in various flavors; vegans are the most hard-core, eschewing not only meat but animal products of any kind, including milk and eggs.) The problem is the body's inability to fully digest the complex carbohydrates so abundant in the vegetarian diet and the consequent excessive production of gases such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane.


Dec 7, 2010, 5:31 PM
Post #59 of 168 (4754 views)

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Re: [carabiner96] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
I'm wondering if the OP and the brain fried vegan are the same person.

Generally, when I hear of people losing weight/ gaining performance once switching to a vegan diet (well, any diet really, but people get the holy vegan head more than others), I ask what they were eating before.The answer was always
'Oh, pretty well. Subway, ramen, McDonalds, beer, frozen burgers, macaroni out of a box....'

not the same person. if you cant understand the logic behind it even, then you are the brain fried one... before i at vegan i was eating healthy... no fastfood, no beer, i dint smoke, i didnt eat candy, or ramen. i was taking lots of extremely healthy supplements, i made my own meals, and i never ate red meat, and only free range chicken and wild caught fish, i already had stopped eating dairy since it should be a general knowledge that is is horrible for you.

its not a holy vegan head. its a "i denied it, i thought they were crazy, i had the same attitude you guys do, then i started studying how the human body works, started looking into research and realized that raw vegans are nothing like vegans. and everyone who has even tried a raw vegan diet and noticed the massive difference is either still raw, or wishes they could afford it. when i finally tried out being vegan i felt like i had more energy, lost weight, slept better, and felth healthier... but was already doing my supplementing aside from a rawmeal replacement. once iswitched to raw the result were so noticeable.. that if you were to not talk shit for one second and really think about it, you would be smart enough to say... hey, what the hell... why not try it for a while, why not look into it.... unlesss you really don"t care about your health and all the important stuff, and you are just gonna listen to the media and be ur own person... everyone i know that has switched from anything... even vegan->raw vegan has only felt better and performed better, and even look healthier.

as far as the grades i climb go.. yes those were from before the switch... i was actually climbing that grade a little over a year ago. and rite around v4 and 5.11ish i think when i joined the site.... and no i havent updated it cuz i didnt think to..guess i will go update it now.... when i am not working... i am climbing... aside from the rare occasion i browse thru he forums, or get on here to plan out my next trip... since i have focused more on bouldering... my hardest sends to date are 5.13c and v11. v6-v11 and 5.11c to 5.13c was what i gained in less than a years time... so..... many other people who made the switch had the same type of results.

you can talk shit all you want, just like i had... but it means absolutely nothing to me unless you have actually tried it. cuz like i said, anyone openminded enough to try it out will not want to go back to "regular food"

as for a vegetarian.. being vegetarian is nothing like being raw vegan.... as for you b12 deficiency thing... like i said preoper intake and raw supplements.... i get plenty b12 and nutrients. i dont just eat raw vegetables... i make sure i get everything and more than my body needs. if your holding back.. feel free to throw whatever debate you have at me. i am not the average raw vegan thing i can pick up fruits and veggies off the shelf of the grocery store and be getting everything i need from them. as far as testosterone levels and all that shit your talking about. i have much healthier and more abundant forms of getting my testosterone balance, and all the other stuff your talking about. there are better sources for the stuff your talking about besides meat. feel free, throw it at me... i don't mind, because it will only prove my point valid that much more due to your lack of knowing what my diet is... as for the water... i will leave that up to you. one of the closest thing you can get to pure bottled water is trader joe's artesian water.... there is another source from arkansas that is all glass containers, extremely pure, and the bestwater that you can drink and use for daily needs is kangen water. if you drink tap water still, or brita water, or aquafina... you are still a 'zombie" to health....

like i said feel free to poke and prod... and no, i dont believe in alien pyramids, and the other stuff you mentioned.... even though i am openminded enough to say that it might be possible.... i am not crazy, i just care about living a healthy happy life.

(This post was edited by jerusry on Dec 7, 2010, 5:54 PM)


Dec 7, 2010, 5:51 PM
Post #60 of 168 (4731 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
I'm wondering if the OP and the brain fried vegan are the same person.

Generally, when I hear of people losing weight/ gaining performance once switching to a vegan diet (well, any diet really, but people get the holy vegan head more than others), I ask what they were eating before.The answer was always
'Oh, pretty well. Subway, ramen, McDonalds, beer, frozen burgers, macaroni out of a box....'

not the same person. if you cant understand the logic behind it even, then you are the brain fried one... before i at vegan i was eating healthy... no fastfood, no beer, i dint smoke, i didnt eat candy, or ramen. i was taking lots of extremely healthy supplements, i made my own meals, and i never ate red meat, and only free range chicken and wild caught fish, i already had stopped eating dairy since it should be a general knowledge that is is horrible for you.

its not a holy vegan head. its a "i denied it, i thought they were crazy, i had the same attitude you guys do, then i started studying how the human body works, started looking into research and realized that raw vegans are nothing like vegans. and everyone who has even tried a raw vegan diet and noticed the massive difference is either still raw, or wishes they could afford it. when i finally tried out being vegan i felt like i had more energy, lost weight, slept better, and felth healthier... but was already doing my supplementing aside from a rawmeal replacement. once iswitched to raw the result were so noticeable.. that if you were to not talk shit for one second and really think about it, you would be smart enough to say... hey, what the hell... why not try it for a while, why not look into it.... unlesss you really don"t care about your health and all the important stuff, and you are just gonna listen to the media and be ur own person... everyone i know that has switched from anything... even vegan->raw vegan has only felt better and performed better, and even look healthier.

as far as the grades i climb go.. yes those were from before the switch... i was actually climbing that grade a little over a year ago. and rite around v4 and 5.11ish i think when i joined the site.... and no i havent updated it cuz i didnt think to..guess i will go update it now.... when i am not working... i am climbing... aside from the rare occasion i browse thru he forums, or get on here to plan out my next trip... since i have focused more on bouldering... my hardest sends to date are 5.13c and v11. v6-v11 and 5.11c to 5.13c was what i gained in less than a years time... so..... many other people who made the switch had the same type of results.

you can talk shit all you want, just like i had... but it means absolutely nothing to me unless you have actually tried it. cuz like i said, anyone openminded enough to try it out will not want to go back to "regular food"

It's not that I don't understand it, it's just not there.


Dec 7, 2010, 5:56 PM
Post #61 of 168 (4721 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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some googled info wrote:
Source for the below info: Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods. Health Canada, 1999

All Iron is Not Equal

Iron in food comes in two different forms called heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron is found in animal foods such as meat, liver, poultry and fish is easily absorbed by your body.

Non-heme iron found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and eggs, and is poorly absorbed by your body. We can improve the absorption of non-heme iron by eating it with small amounts of meat, fish or poultry, or foods that are rich in vitamin C.

An example of not all vitamins and minerals being equal. IIRC, pill supplements of V+M are among the kind that our bodies are least able to absorb.


Dec 7, 2010, 6:03 PM
Post #62 of 168 (4707 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
if you cant understand the logic behind it even, then you are the brain fried one...




Dec 7, 2010, 6:05 PM
Post #63 of 168 (4702 views)

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Re: [Lbrombach] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Lbrombach wrote:
jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

I don't really know where to start...and I'm slightly bored but not nearly bored enough to comprehensively pick apart your raw/vegan theory. First things that come to mind -we digest meat as well as we need to and absorb nutrients from it just fine. Meat contributes to healthy b vitamin , iron, testosterone levels just to name a few. Sure, you can get some protein if you eat certain veggies and legumes and shit in certain combination, but the protein to carbohydrate ratio is ridiculous for anyone who isn't a hardcore endurance athlete - even then... Also, who came up with the bullshit that it's a bad thing if we don't absorb every molecule we ingest and some of it comes out the back end? That's what the whole fucking system was designed to do! Are you telling me that vegans don't shit?

you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...


Dec 7, 2010, 6:06 PM
Post #64 of 168 (4699 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
. even though i am openminded enough to say that it might be possible.....

Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out.


Dec 7, 2010, 6:08 PM
Post #65 of 168 (4695 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
i was taking lots of extremely healthy supplements

It's not possible to be taking lots of extremely healthy supplements, because lots of extremely healthy supplements do not exist.

In reply to:
its not a holy vegan head. its a "i denied it, i thought they were crazy, i had the same attitude you guys do, then i started studying how the human body works, started looking into research and realized that raw vegans are nothing like vegans.

And then you succumbed to the vegan propaganda and misrepresentation of research that the Internet is full of.

In reply to:
and everyone who has even tried a raw vegan diet and noticed the massive difference is either still raw. . .

For some raw-food vegans the "massive difference" is protein–calorie malnutrition. Those people are either dead or no longer on a raw diet.

In reply to:
as far as the grades i climb go.. yes those were from before the switch... i was actually climbing that grade a little over a year ago. and rite around v4 and 5.11ish i think when i joined the site.... and no i havent updated it cuz i didnt think to..guess i will go update it now.... when i am not working... i am climbing... aside from the rare occasion i browse thru he forums, or get on here to plan out my next trip... since i have focused more on bouldering... my hardest sends to date are 5.13c and v11. v6-v11 and 5.11c to 5.13c was what i gained in less than a years time... so..... many other people who made the switch had the same type of results.

So let me get this straight: when you are not working, you're climbing, and you've switched the emphasis of your climbing to bouldering, but you credit your diet for the improvement in your climbing (assuming it's true).

In reply to:
you can talk shit all you want, just like i had... but it means absolutely nothing to me unless you have actually tried it. cuz like i said, anyone openminded enough to try it out will not want to go back to "regular food"

As usual, it's the religious zealot, for whom no evidence could change his mind, who accuses everyone else of being closed minded.

And you didn't answer my question up-thread about vitamin B12.



Dec 7, 2010, 6:11 PM
Post #66 of 168 (4687 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
Lbrombach wrote:
jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

I don't really know where to start...and I'm slightly bored but not nearly bored enough to comprehensively pick apart your raw/vegan theory. First things that come to mind -we digest meat as well as we need to and absorb nutrients from it just fine. Meat contributes to healthy b vitamin , iron, testosterone levels just to name a few. Sure, you can get some protein if you eat certain veggies and legumes and shit in certain combination, but the protein to carbohydrate ratio is ridiculous for anyone who isn't a hardcore endurance athlete - even then... Also, who came up with the bullshit that it's a bad thing if we don't absorb every molecule we ingest and some of it comes out the back end? That's what the whole fucking system was designed to do! Are you telling me that vegans don't shit?

you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

No, but a shit ton of unhealthy anorexic looking ones.


Dec 7, 2010, 6:13 PM
Post #67 of 168 (4683 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would...

They don't shit less.

Most of it just comes out the wrong orifice.

(This post was edited by airscape on Dec 7, 2010, 6:14 PM)


Dec 7, 2010, 6:21 PM
Post #68 of 168 (4668 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
[you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Just because you're lean doesn't mean you're healthy.

What's your:

blood pressure
liver function
kidney function
fasting blood glucose


Dec 7, 2010, 6:23 PM
Post #69 of 168 (4667 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2007
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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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spikeddem wrote:
jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.


jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...


jerusry wrote:
not the same person. if you cant understand the logic behind it even, then you are the brain fried one... before i at vegan i was eating healthy... no fastfood, no beer, i dint smoke, i didnt eat candy, or ramen. i was taking lots of extremely healthy supplements, i made my own meals, and i never ate red meat, and only free range chicken and wild caught fish, i already had stopped eating dairy since it should be a general knowledge that is is horrible for you.

its not a holy vegan head. its a "i denied it, i thought they were crazy, i had the same attitude you guys do, then i started studying how the human body works, started looking into research and realized that raw vegans are nothing like vegans. and everyone who has even tried a raw vegan diet and noticed the massive difference is either still raw, or wishes they could afford it. when i finally tried out being vegan i felt like i had more energy, lost weight, slept better, and felth healthier... but was already doing my supplementing aside from a rawmeal replacement. once iswitched to raw the result were so noticeable.. that if you were to not talk shit for one second and really think about it, you would be smart enough to say... hey, what the hell... why not try it for a while, why not look into it.... unlesss you really don"t care about your health and all the important stuff, and you are just gonna listen to the media and be ur own person... everyone i know that has switched from anything... even vegan->raw vegan has only felt better and performed better, and even look healthier.

as far as the grades i climb go.. yes those were from before the switch... i was actually climbing that grade a little over a year ago. and rite around v4 and 5.11ish i think when i joined the site.... and no i havent updated it cuz i didnt think to..guess i will go update it now.... when i am not working... i am climbing... aside from the rare occasion i browse thru he forums, or get on here to plan out my next trip... since i have focused more on bouldering... my hardest sends to date are 5.13c and v11. v6-v11 and 5.11c to 5.13c was what i gained in less than a years time... so..... many other people who made the switch had the same type of results.

you can talk shit all you want, just like i had... but it means absolutely nothing to me unless you have actually tried it. cuz like i said, anyone openminded enough to try it out will not want to go back to "regular food"

as for a vegetarian.. being vegetarian is nothing like being raw vegan.... as for you b12 deficiency thing... like i said preoper intake and raw supplements.... i get plenty b12 and nutrients. i dont just eat raw vegetables... i make sure i get everything and more than my body needs. if your holding back.. feel free to throw whatever debate you have at me. i am not the average raw vegan thing i can pick up fruits and veggies off the shelf of the grocery store and be getting everything i need from them. as far as testosterone levels and all that shit your talking about. i have much healthier and more abundant forms of getting my testosterone balance, and all the other stuff your talking about. there are better sources for the stuff your talking about besides meat. feel free, throw it at me... i don't mind, because it will only prove my point valid that much more due to your lack of knowing what my diet is... as for the water... i will leave that up to you. one of the closest thing you can get to pure bottled water is trader joe's artesian water.... there is another source from arkansas that is all glass containers, extremely pure, and the bestwater that you can drink and use for daily needs is kangen water. if you drink tap water still, or brita water, or aquafina... you are still a 'zombie" to health....

like i said feel free to poke and prod... and no, i dont believe in alien pyramids, and the other stuff you mentioned.... even though i am openminded enough to say that it might be possible.... i am not crazy, i just care about living a healthy happy life.


You know it's not a troll since his responses have several hundred times as many words as what got them going. I mean, damn! I could tell this guy was just aching to share all his info, but I couldn't have expected this. Hilarious.


Dec 7, 2010, 6:36 PM
Post #70 of 168 (4647 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:

you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all.

This is completely false. Meat is more digestible than plant foods.

In reply to:
yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would...

This is false as well. Fecal volume is higher on a vegan diet than on an omnivore diet, because the vegan diet is less digestible—ever hear of fiber? That's actually thought to be a benefit of eating a plant-based diet, and possibly helps reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer. For a raw vegan diet fecal volume would be higher still, because cooking food enhances digestibility.

In reply to:
it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

Wrong. It's easier. Take a look at what real research shows:

Mol Nutr Food Res. 2010 Sep;54(9):1215-47.

A review on the beneficial aspects of food processing.

van Boekel M, Fogliano V, Pellegrini N, Stanton C, Scholz G, Lalljie S, Somoza V, Knorr D, Jasti PR, Eisenbrand G.

The manuscript reviews beneficial aspects of food processing with main focus on cooking/heat treatment, including other food-processing techniques (e.g. fermentation). Benefits of thermal processing include inactivation of food-borne pathogens, natural toxins or other detrimental constituents, prolongation of shelf-life, improved digestibility and bioavailability of nutrients, improved palatability, taste, texture and flavour and enhanced functional properties, including augmented antioxidants and other defense reactivity or increased antimicrobial effectiveness. Thermal processing can bring some unintentional undesired consequences, such as losses of certain nutrients, formation of toxic compounds (acrylamide, furan or acrolein), or of compounds with negative effects on flavour perception, texture or colour. Heat treatment of foods needs to be optimized in order to promote beneficial effects and to counteract, to the best possible, undesired effects. This may be achieved more effectively/sustainably by consistent fine-tuning of technological processes rather than within ordinary household cooking conditions. The most important identified points for further study are information on processed foods to be considered in epidemiological work, databases should be built to estimate the intake of compounds from processed foods, translation of in-vitro results to in-vivo relevance for human health should be worked on, thermal and non-thermal processes should be optimized by application of kinetic principles.

PMID: 20725924 [PubMed - in process]



Dec 7, 2010, 6:36 PM
Post #71 of 168 (4646 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
jbro_135 wrote:
jerusry wrote:
lets start off by saying obviously i have not always eaten raw vegan... i actually love steak... i love fully cooked food. i am not some animal lover. the reasons i turned to this diet is because it is the purest healthiest most nutritious diet you can strive to have.

meat is not healthy for you... several reasons. our bodies do not really digest meat very well, they are not meant to digest meat. or dairy even for that matter. dairy is bad for you. both block nutrients you need to digest and for your body to heal, repair, and function properly, and both have no positive nutritional value. we do not produce the proper enzymes and acids to break down meat and dairy products. therefore they sit and rot inside us until we shit em out... we only produce the enzymes to process dairy when we are children. like under 3 yrs old... meat and dairy block nutrient intake and actually slow down the energy our cells produce and keep them from carrying proper nutrients. there is nothing good for us that comes from meat and dairy products. if you do research they are proven causes to diseases, cancers and all that good stuff....

so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff. our bodies digest that kinda stuff with a very high efficiency. and if you cook your food over about 100* it will take away most of the available nutritional value. therefore you eat what you can if not everything raw. proper supplementing such as available herbs, raw meal replacements with added fruits veggies and juices... extremely potent "green and red" drinks, herbal extracts and supplements.... pure water, not tap or regular bottled water....

when you eat raw, vegan your don't get excess fat, your body stores proper nutrients for usage. you will feel like a superhuman. literally, you rarely get sick if at all, you recover faster, no mood swings, you will be stronger, think more clearly. you will naturally be purging your body of toxins by eating this way. most forms of disease and cancer come from what we eat and the water we drink.

i could elaborate a bit more if you'd like... but the biggest proof is in the research and results. for me and many ppl around me. it is the healthiest way to live, but as far as rock climbing... we all have seen massive improvements in what we get out of every climb. how fast we recover, how rare an injury is, how fast those injuries heal... the gains are tremendous. healthiest most fit looking ppl in the gym. and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

your profile says you climb 11a and v6...

Sure, but what's important is that he believes he climbs 5.13 and V10, just like he believes the bullshit about his diet.


Anybody here believes in psychokinesis? Please, raise my hand!


Dec 7, 2010, 6:37 PM
Post #72 of 168 (4643 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
jerusry wrote:
[you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Just because you're lean doesn't mean you're healthy.

What's your:

blood pressure
liver function
kidney function
fasting blood glucose

Better than yours. A raw vegan diet would almost certainly improve all those values.



Dec 7, 2010, 7:00 PM
Post #73 of 168 (4614 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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In all fairness, I know one raw-food vegan who is also a climber. She has been raw vegan for several years. And it goes something like a breakfast of 10 mangoes and bananas by the dozen.

She is a strong climber, strong enough to be sponsored -- though the amazing jump of 8 climbing grades has not happened to her when she switched to raw food.

I have no idea what she does for B12, and whether she takes any supplements, or not. But she does seem to be healthy and happy on her diet and does not look emaciated.

So... I am obviously not advocating raw vegan diet, either as means of getting 'cut' or as means of increasing the climbing grades dramatically. I don't think I can subsist on it myself.

I think it is very easy to eat and become unhealthy on a vegan diet. But it is can also easy to be unhealthy on an omnivorous diet.

But I wanted to say that for some people it seems to work...

So Jay, zealots aside, if you as a dietician were to encounter someone who was a raw vegan and unwilling/unable to change, what would you recommend that they do for supplementation to stay healthy and maintain a raw vegan lifestyle? Possible, beyond a span of, say, 3-5 years?

(This post was edited by lena_chita on Dec 7, 2010, 7:02 PM)


Dec 7, 2010, 7:01 PM
Post #74 of 168 (4613 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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In reply to:
but the biggest proof is in the research and results.

Why do you think most Olympic gold medal winners are *not* vegetarian/vegan/raw-food if it has such a huge advantage ? If it made you climb two grades higher or run 15 second/mile faster, then surely we'd see many more elite athletes who eat like you.


Dec 7, 2010, 7:06 PM
Post #75 of 168 (4605 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff.

Woooo! Super foods! There's the key right there. That's all we need to eat.


Dec 7, 2010, 7:06 PM
Post #76 of 168 (6774 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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I eat only cheeseburgers... they're full of vitamin cheese and vitamin B(urger)12.


Dec 7, 2010, 7:07 PM
Post #77 of 168 (6774 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jerusry wrote:
[you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Just because you're lean doesn't mean you're healthy.

What's your:

blood pressure
liver function
kidney function
fasting blood glucose

Better than yours. A raw vegan diet would almost certainly improve all those values.


Actually I'm willing to bet that his aren't better than mine Wink


Dec 7, 2010, 7:09 PM
Post #78 of 168 (6773 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2008
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Re: [jomagam] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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In reply to:
my hardest sends to date are 5.13c and v11

which route(s) and which problem(s)? ?

....or are these the grades your buddy at the prana shop said the orange tape holds on the display woody were?


Dec 7, 2010, 7:10 PM
Post #79 of 168 (6770 views)

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Re: [carabiner96] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
jerusry wrote:
Lbrombach wrote:
jerusry wrote:
in all seriousness. anybody that hasn't mentioned a properly supplemented and fully nutritious raw vegan diet is already leading you astray. if you truly want to know how to feel every day and climb everyday like a superhuman... pm me.. or u can listen to these guys....Tongue i'm being serious though. if anyone believes otherwise feel free to discuss. and i will back up my reasoning.... it is real, the proof is real, the logic is real, and results are undeniable.

I don't really know where to start...and I'm slightly bored but not nearly bored enough to comprehensively pick apart your raw/vegan theory. First things that come to mind -we digest meat as well as we need to and absorb nutrients from it just fine. Meat contributes to healthy b vitamin , iron, testosterone levels just to name a few. Sure, you can get some protein if you eat certain veggies and legumes and shit in certain combination, but the protein to carbohydrate ratio is ridiculous for anyone who isn't a hardcore endurance athlete - even then... Also, who came up with the bullshit that it's a bad thing if we don't absorb every molecule we ingest and some of it comes out the back end? That's what the whole fucking system was designed to do! Are you telling me that vegans don't shit?

you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

No, but a shit ton of unhealthy anorexic looking ones.

...and yeah, what she said


Dec 7, 2010, 7:11 PM
Post #80 of 168 (6769 views)

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Re: [no_email_entered] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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no_email_entered wrote:
In reply to:
my hardest sends to date are 5.13c and v11

which route(s) and which problem(s)? ?

....or are these the grades your buddy at the prana shop said the orange tape holds on the display woody were?

Dude that orange tape route is at least a v10.


Dec 7, 2010, 7:17 PM
Post #81 of 168 (6763 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
jerusry wrote:
so where do you get your nutrients and protein? from all the other stuff, veggies, super-foods, greens, legumes, nut and beans all that stuff, fruit grains, herbs and all that good stuff.

Woooo! Super foods! There's the key right there. That's all we need to eat.

Soylent green!!


Dec 7, 2010, 7:30 PM
Post #82 of 168 (6747 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:

Went to the doctor recently. He said I'm in great shape except I should get my hep A/B vaccines. Low cholesterol, everything else is at a normal level.

i'm going to guess that this was Dr. Pepper right?

as its already been pointed out textually, here's your problem visually:


Dec 7, 2010, 7:35 PM
Post #83 of 168 (6738 views)

Registered: May 20, 2010
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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Well, I've got no PhD on the matter but I've done a shit-ton of research, as apparently you have. The difference being that I don't believe the first web-article I read or every quack that Oprah claps for. I'm personally in the best shape of my life at 35, and while I don't claim that I maintain strict discipline about maintaining what I believe to be the ideal diet, I have dropped 100 lbs of lard and packed on 20 lbs of muscle with a very scientific approach.

I didn't say carbs are bad, but too many carbs are bad. If you seriously think climbing a few days a week can consume the excess carbs that would come with 140 grams/day of plant-protein, you not only need to research physiology and nutrition further, but also math. Where do excess carbs go?

Fat long-term vegans? I've seen a few chunky-ish ones and countless that are slim but soft. The OP wants to get ripped. Going vegan would make that far more difficult than it needs to be.

And for the record, DAIRY IS AWESOME FOR YOU!


Dec 7, 2010, 7:39 PM
Post #84 of 168 (6730 views)

Registered: Dec 5, 2010
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Re: [no_email_entered] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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no_email_entered wrote:
smokecrack wrote:

Went to the doctor recently. He said I'm in great shape except I should get my hep A/B vaccines. Low cholesterol, everything else is at a normal level.

i'm going to guess that this was Dr. Pepper right?

as its already been pointed out textually, here's your problem visually:


damn dude.. that's harsh. im serious though, im completely healthy. I have my health report and it's all good. at the same time I know I need to improve my eating


Dec 7, 2010, 7:42 PM
Post #85 of 168 (6726 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
no_email_entered wrote:
smokecrack wrote:

Went to the doctor recently. He said I'm in great shape except I should get my hep A/B vaccines. Low cholesterol, everything else is at a normal level.

i'm going to guess that this was Dr. Pepper right?

as its already been pointed out textually, here's your problem visually:


damn dude.. that's harsh. im serious though, im completely healthy. I have my health report and it's all good. at the same time I know I need to improve my eating

Harsh or not you asked DUDE.


Dec 7, 2010, 7:43 PM
Post #86 of 168 (6724 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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In reply to:
I know one raw-food vegan who is also a climber. She has been raw vegan for several years.

And there's Steph Davis. You can be a strong climber or a great athlete being vegan. I'll even grant you that there might be a slight advantage, but not enough to offset the relatively few numbers that they have. However it's certainly not a magic bullet for success.


Dec 7, 2010, 7:56 PM
Post #87 of 168 (6708 views)

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Re: [jomagam] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jomagam wrote:
In reply to:
I know one raw-food vegan who is also a climber. She has been raw vegan for several years.

And there's Steph Davis. You can be a strong climber or a great athlete being vegan. I'll even grant you that there might be a slight advantage, but not enough to offset the relatively few numbers that they have. However it's certainly not a magic bullet for success.

Of course!

In case I gave you the impression that I thought it was a magic bullet-- that is not my opinion at all.

In addition to knowing someone who is raw vegan and seems very healthy, I do know people who have been vegetarians or vegan for years, and who no longer are, and they overwhelmingly say that after several years of that diet they felt weaker and unhealthier.

But given the overwhelming number of people who piped in to say that it is unhealthy and unsustainable as a blanket statement, I felt compelled to offer an example where it does seem to work for someone.

I am mostly curious if there are things one could do to make raw-vegan lifestyle healthily sustainable, and whether there is an inherent (biochemical/genetic) difference in people who are able to (healthfuly) maintain vegetarian/vegan lifestyle long-term vs. people who won't be able to do it.

LOL, i probably should be searching Pubmed instead of asking that question here...


Dec 7, 2010, 7:59 PM
Post #88 of 168 (6704 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
no_email_entered wrote:
smokecrack wrote:

Went to the doctor recently. He said I'm in great shape except I should get my hep A/B vaccines. Low cholesterol, everything else is at a normal level.

i'm going to guess that this was Dr. Pepper right?

as its already been pointed out textually, here's your problem visually:


damn dude.. that's harsh. im serious though, im completely healthy. I have my health report and it's all good. at the same time I know I need to improve my eating

harsh? that's funny, coming from mr. smokecrack... down with that?


Dec 7, 2010, 8:33 PM
Post #89 of 168 (6674 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jerusry wrote:
[you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Just because you're lean doesn't mean you're healthy.

What's your:

blood pressure
liver function
kidney function
fasting blood glucose

Better than yours. A raw vegan diet would almost certainly improve all those values.


Actually I'm willing to bet that his aren't better than mine Wink

I would take you up on that bet if there were a way to document the results. Also, you'd have to abstain from any medication that affects those blood values.



Dec 7, 2010, 8:36 PM
Post #90 of 168 (6672 views)

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Re: [airscape] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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airscape wrote:
jerusry wrote:
yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would...

They don't shit less.

Most of it just comes out the wrong orifice.

Plus all the extra periods they seem to have.


Dec 7, 2010, 8:39 PM
Post #91 of 168 (6668 views)

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Re: [Toast_in_the_Machine] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Toast_in_the_Machine wrote:
airscape wrote:
jerusry wrote:
yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would...

They don't shit less.

Most of it just comes out the wrong orifice.

Plus all the extra periods they seem to have.

Nicely done!!!!!!


Dec 7, 2010, 8:45 PM
Post #92 of 168 (6657 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
and above all, our climbing grades far outweigh ppl who eat"normal. how many peeps listening climb v10-v15` and 5.13-5.15 with 2-5 yrs experience?? or those grades at all for that matter? the improvements were extremely noticeable when diets were changed... and everyone under the diet shot up past those who were not. this isn't a couple outta a dozen ppl either... everyone is wondering what were all doing and all we can say is we r what we eat...

So, to rid myself of lousy technique, poor footwork, and my tendency to overgrip, all I need to do is go raw-vegan?


Dec 7, 2010, 8:49 PM
Post #93 of 168 (6653 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jerusry wrote:
[you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Just because you're lean doesn't mean you're healthy.

What's your:

blood pressure
liver function
kidney function
fasting blood glucose

Better than yours. A raw vegan diet would almost certainly improve all those values.


Actually I'm willing to bet that his aren't better than mine Wink

I would take you up on that bet if there were a way to document the results. Also, you'd have to abstain from any medication that affects those blood values.


You'd still loose that bet. I'm on insulin but then that's to treat my type 1 diabates, a purely genetic condition that was in no way brought on by anything that I did.


Dec 7, 2010, 8:53 PM
Post #94 of 168 (6649 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jerusry wrote:
[you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Just because you're lean doesn't mean you're healthy.

What's your:

blood pressure
liver function
kidney function
fasting blood glucose

Better than yours. A raw vegan diet would almost certainly improve all those values.


Actually I'm willing to bet that his aren't better than mine Wink

I would take you up on that bet if there were a way to document the results. Also, you'd have to abstain from any medication that affects those blood values.


You'd still loose that bet. I'm on insulin but then that's to treat my type 1 diabates, a purely genetic condition that was in no way brought on by anything that I did.

You don't even know this other guy's numbers! WTF!


Dec 7, 2010, 8:57 PM
Post #95 of 168 (6641 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jerusry wrote:
[you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Just because you're lean doesn't mean you're healthy.

What's your:

blood pressure
liver function
kidney function
fasting blood glucose

Better than yours. A raw vegan diet would almost certainly improve all those values.


Actually I'm willing to bet that his aren't better than mine Wink

I would take you up on that bet if there were a way to document the results. Also, you'd have to abstain from any medication that affects those blood values.


You'd still loose that bet. I'm on insulin but then that's to treat my type 1 diabates, a purely genetic condition that was in no way brought on by anything that I did.

So, out of curiosity, what were your LDL-C and HDL-C levels at last measurement.



Dec 7, 2010, 9:22 PM
Post #96 of 168 (6622 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
So Jay, zealots aside, if you as a dietician were to encounter someone who was a raw vegan and unwilling/unable to change, what would you recommend that they do for supplementation to stay healthy and maintain a raw vegan lifestyle? Possible, beyond a span of, say, 3-5 years?

First of all, I'm not a dietitian. My relevant training and professional experience is in nutritional epidemiology, and in that capacity I have been involved with research on vegetarians and vegans.

What I would recommend a raw-food vegan do is, firstly, eat some cooked food. I don't think that one can have a healthy vegan diet that is composed entirely of raw foods; it's too hard to consume enough calories and protein. About the only way to consume enough calories is to overeat on fruits; but fruits are very low in protein, which makes it very difficult to maintain adequate protein intake. And the long-term effects of such a high-sugar diet are unclear.

I question whether there are any healthy long-term raw-food vegans. Although there are people who claim to be, I think most if not all of them cheat and eat cooked or processed foods, and lie about their diet. Those who try to stick to the diet completely, eventually get sick and go off the diet.

So, as far as supplementation goes, I'd recommend a soy protein supplement; calcium; and a daily multivitamin to provide vitamin B12, which is completely absent in plant foods except by contamination, and to supply other B-vitamins and various micronutrients that are sparse on a vegan diet.



Dec 7, 2010, 9:27 PM
Post #97 of 168 (6617 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
[So, out of curiosity, what were your LDL-C and HDL-C levels at last measurement.


As of yesterday

HDL: 68
LDL: 33
Blood Pressure: 117/61
A1C: 6.1


Dec 7, 2010, 9:30 PM
Post #98 of 168 (6612 views)

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Re: [spikeddem] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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spikeddem wrote:
You don't even know this other guy's numbers! WTF!

No I don't but my numbers are simply that good that I don't think I would loose. Tie maybe but not loose. Wink


Dec 7, 2010, 9:31 PM
Post #99 of 168 (6610 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
[So, out of curiosity, what were your LDL-C and HDL-C levels at last measurement.


As of yesterday

HDL: 68
LDL: 33

You're right. I'd probably lose. You're one of those freaks whose HDL is greater than his LDL. My girlfriend is one of those. But that said, the lowest LDL-C level I ever saw was 5 mg/dL, and that was in a vegan.



Dec 7, 2010, 9:33 PM
Post #100 of 168 (6606 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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I just wanted to point out that claiming to run a 4:50/mile 10K as part of a daily routine is about the same as claiming to climb 5.14 as part of a daily routine. probably even more ridiculous, because there are much more runners than climbers.

now I really wanna copy and paste this into and change the climbing numbers to similar running numbers and vice versa.


Dec 7, 2010, 9:39 PM
Post #101 of 168 (3029 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
[So, out of curiosity, what were your LDL-C and HDL-C levels at last measurement.


As of yesterday

HDL: 68
LDL: 33

You're right. I'd probably lose. You're one of those freaks whose HDL is greater than his LDL. My girlfriend is one of those. But that said, the lowest LDL-C level I ever saw was 5 mg/dL, and that was in a vegan.


Wow! That’s a low LDL number!

Do you think numbers like that are indicative of all raw vegans or simply and extreme?

For me I'm just fortunate that I've always eaten a low fat, low salt diet (hey being diabetic for 22 years has it's good sides). I also don't eat much processed food.

Edit to add:
Just to be clear Jay I wasn't saying that I thought my numbers where better than yours, just that I think that my numbers are better than our friendly raw-vegan who’s been posting up here. Wink

(This post was edited by chadnsc on Dec 7, 2010, 9:42 PM)


Dec 7, 2010, 9:41 PM
Post #102 of 168 (3027 views)

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Re: [mojomonkey] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Everyone read Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food" and "The Omnivore's Dilemma."

mmmm, wild boar and mushrooms...


Dec 7, 2010, 9:42 PM
Post #103 of 168 (3025 views)

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Re: [jamatt] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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You mean the good type of shrooms right? Cool


Dec 7, 2010, 9:45 PM
Post #104 of 168 (3019 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
You mean the good type of shrooms right? Cool

Whoahhhh, psychedelic dude!


Dec 7, 2010, 9:47 PM
Post #105 of 168 (3014 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
jt512 wrote:
[So, out of curiosity, what were your LDL-C and HDL-C levels at last measurement.


As of yesterday

HDL: 68
LDL: 33

You're right. I'd probably lose. You're one of those freaks whose HDL is greater than his LDL. My girlfriend is one of those. But that said, the lowest LDL-C level I ever saw was 5 mg/dL, and that was in a vegan.


Wow! That’s a low LDL number!

Do you think numbers like that are indicative of all raw vegans or simply and extreme?

A raw vegan diet will tend to lower serum cholesterol and especially the LDL fraction, but 5 mg/dL is extreme.



Dec 7, 2010, 9:49 PM
Post #106 of 168 (3012 views)

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Re: [Kartessa] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
You mean the good type of shrooms right? Cool

Whoahhhh, psychedelic dude!

Daves' not here man. Crazy


Dec 7, 2010, 10:14 PM
Post #107 of 168 (2993 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:
Tie maybe but not loose. Wink
If it's tied then it can't be loose. Tongue


Dec 7, 2010, 10:55 PM
Post #108 of 168 (2975 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:

you really believe the idea that we digest meat as well as we need to thing? and that its okay that we hardly digest it at all. carbohydrates arent a bad thing, if you rock climb you will burn your carbs. if your body functions at the high output level it needs to and you are active and healthy they wouldnt matter. have you ever seen a fat vegan or raw vegan for that matter? or i should say.... one that may be fat but is slowly geeting slimmer... i dont mean vegetarians. i mean a real raw vegan... or even vegan for that matter. yes raw vegans shit... but alot less than you would... and generally a true raw vegan wouldn't have a shit pile that smelled like death..... as far as nutrients going to waste... your diet will make you shit nutrients you never absorbed... not due to your body being full of nutrients but due to you body not digesting properlr eating cuz it lacks nutrients. it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

i think you don't know where to start cuz you really dont know what yer talking about...

Yes I do. Not just fat. She technically falls under the category morbidly obese. And she is a straight, no cheating KOSHER vegan. Hands down a possibility.

There are a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan options out there. And a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan COOKING techniques, eg deep frying eggplant in canola oil is vegan. That shit ain't healthy.


Dec 7, 2010, 11:20 PM
Post #109 of 168 (2963 views)

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Re: [altelis] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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altelis wrote:

There are a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan options out there. And a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan COOKING techniques, eg deep frying eggplant in canola oil is vegan. That shit ain't healthy.

What would be unhealthy about it for a vegan?



Dec 7, 2010, 11:23 PM
Post #110 of 168 (2959 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
altelis wrote:

There are a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan options out there. And a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan COOKING techniques, eg deep frying eggplant in canola oil is vegan. That shit ain't healthy.

What would be unhealthy about it for a vegan?


Not sure where you are going with that...but just in terms of pure calories, I guess my point is one of the reasons this woman is so huge despite her being vegan is she cooks with a LOT of oil, eats a LOT of sugar, and really doesn't get any exercise. So, no, this problem isn't uniquely vegan. Its the plain old simple problem of calorie excess.

I was just pointing out that I knew a vegan who was fat, morbidly obese specifically...


Dec 7, 2010, 11:55 PM
Post #111 of 168 (2945 views)

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Re: [altelis] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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altelis wrote:
jt512 wrote:
altelis wrote:

There are a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan options out there. And a LOT of VERY unhealthy vegan COOKING techniques, eg deep frying eggplant in canola oil is vegan. That shit ain't healthy.

What would be unhealthy about it for a vegan?


Not sure where you are going with that...but just in terms of pure calories, I guess my point is one of the reasons this woman is so huge despite her being vegan is she cooks with a LOT of oil, eats a LOT of sugar, and really doesn't get any exercise. So, no, this problem isn't uniquely vegan. Its the plain old simple problem of calorie excess.

It's high in calories, but for an underweight vegan that might not be such a bad thing. And as far as the food choices go, you could do a lot worse than eggplant and canola oil.



Dec 7, 2010, 11:58 PM
Post #112 of 168 (2941 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Oh, 100% agreed. Like I said, I was only really commenting on the "never seen a fat vegan" statement. And that's usually simply a calorie thing.

Though its also not that hard to find skinny/"fit" vegans or vegetarians who are malnourished.


Dec 8, 2010, 1:11 AM
Post #113 of 168 (2917 views)

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Re: [hafilax] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
chadnsc wrote:
Tie maybe but not loose. Wink
If it's tied then it can't be loose. Tongue

But I tie knotts like I spell! Laugh


Dec 8, 2010, 2:58 AM
Post #114 of 168 (2899 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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considering the fact I eat this way for health I have taken into account all the sides of the situation and would be more than willing to put any vital stats of mine up against anyones. If that would prove anything. I'm not the type that just eats a shitload of potatoes, bananas, and mangos.... I cover the whole specteum of nutrients that most people arguinf with me have never heard of... And anyone that thinks to preach about my diet being bad without knowing exactly what it is... Feel free to share you malnurishing diet. Guaruntee mine would be healthier and beyond anything anyone on here has for a diet. Even if I ate meat my diet would far outweigh all the debunkers out there... As far as your b12 theory... There are plenty of other sources.... I have many sources for my b12... And no I don't take vitamin supplements and all that shit... I'm talkin bout herbs, extracts, and rawmeal health food mixes and my red and green... Among mannnny thing. But as for one of the many natural sources... Have you ever heard of bee pollen and what it does for you? If b12 is so important in your argukent... I could pul up the full list of sources for you in my diet that have nothing to do with meat. it's not only for some of the b12 I intake (meaning not the only source) but it has alot more value in heal, enzymes, amino acids, energy, and many other things would do for you. Ever tried it? Do you actually eat extremely healthy or just act like a knowitall? Like I said poke n prod. You will not debunk me, prove yourself rite... But maybe you will learn a thing or 2? Or really looked into what specific things do for your body? I don't just eat raw veggies and fruit. I am not a dumbass... If you are soooo smart jay... Would would understand there are many sources for nutrients that have nothing to do with shit food, and meat. And for whoever posted that dairy is good for you.... You are a mainstream media sheep. And obviously know nothin of what dairy products are and what they really do to your body. And no, milk does not do a body good...


Dec 8, 2010, 3:05 AM
Post #115 of 168 (2896 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
considering the fact I eat this way for health I have taken into account all the sides of the situation and would be more than willing to put any vital stats of mine up against anyones. If that would prove anything. I'm not the type that just eats a shitload of potatoes, bananas, and mangos.... I cover the whole specteum of nutrients that most people arguinf with me have never heard of... And anyone that thinks to preach about my diet being bad without knowing exactly what it is... Feel free to share you malnurishing diet. Guaruntee mine would be healthier and beyond anything anyone on here has for a diet. Even if I ate meat my diet would far outweigh all the debunkers out there... As far as your b12 theory... There are plenty of other sources.... I have many sources for my b12... And no I don't take vitamin supplements and all that shit... I'm talkin bout herbs, extracts, and rawmeal health food mixes and my red and green... Among mannnny thing. But as for one of the many natural sources... Have you ever heard of bee pollen and what it does for you? If b12 is so important in your argukent... I could pul up the full list of sources for you in my diet that have nothing to do with meat. it's not only for some of the b12 I intake (meaning not the only source) but it has alot more value in heal, enzymes, amino acids, energy, and many other things would do for you. Ever tried it? Do you actually eat extremely healthy or just act like a knowitall? Like I said poke n prod. You will not debunk me, prove yourself rite... But maybe you will learn a thing or 2? Or really looked into what specific things do for your body? I don't just eat raw veggies and fruit. I am not a dumbass... If you are soooo smart jay... Would would understand there are many sources for nutrients that have nothing to do with shit food, and meat. And for whoever posted that dairy is good for you.... You are a mainstream media sheep. And obviously know nothin of what dairy products are and what they really do to your body. And no, milk does not do a body good...

Ok what are / is your current:

HDL -cholesterol
LDL - cholesterol
Liver Function
Kidney Function
Blood pressure
Fasting blood sugar

I await your response so we can compare results.Wink


Dec 8, 2010, 3:14 AM
Post #116 of 168 (2889 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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you guys are all retarded. I started this thread for nutritional advice, not for you to argue about vegan diets and health stats. and it's funny you called me the troll when I started this thread just asking a serious question.



Dec 8, 2010, 3:14 AM
Post #117 of 168 (2889 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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so how do I go about getting these vital stats without a regular doctor visit?


Dec 8, 2010, 3:22 AM
Post #118 of 168 (2886 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
so how do I go about getting these vital stats without a regular doctor visit?

Don't worry about it. The medical field (or as it should be more properly referred to, the medico-military-complex), is really just a bunch of money making greedy wankers with ego complexes.

If you feel good, you must be good, right? Surely I have never heard of somebody who was lean dropping dead at the age of 40 from a massive MI or brain hemorrhage due to poor lipid profiles or hypertension.

Skip the bill, all those tests they run are PURELY so they can try and pay back all those loans they now wish they hadn't ever agreed too. They are just jealous of your forward looking extra healthy diet and the good times you must have had instead of wasting all that time studying in college, med school and residency. All to finally figure out all those tests can just be replicated by going to a friendly pharmacy and checking WebMD.


Dec 8, 2010, 3:32 AM
Post #119 of 168 (2875 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
considering the fact I blah blah blah blah. And no, milk does not do a body good...

dude. still waitin for you to tell us what 5.13c route and v11 prob you sent with your vegan superpowers.


Dec 8, 2010, 3:54 AM
Post #120 of 168 (2862 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
so how do I go about getting these vital stats without a regular doctor visit?

You can't.

Go to a doctor and get a physical. Hell you can go to a free clinic and all those tests will be part of a routine exam.

I await your response.


Dec 8, 2010, 4:28 AM
Post #121 of 168 (2849 views)

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Re: [no_email_entered] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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oh yeah... since it will make any difference to you... lol

would you like me to just name off all the climbs i have done?

i can start with...

la belette v11, plain high drifter v11, stained glass right sit, thunderbird, baburre short, the mandala (easier version) the different path believed to be v11 rather than the regular v12, fight club (boulder problem), already forgotten, evilution to the lip i guess is only v10, along with stained glass sit, one mule wonder, acid wash, action jackson, low rider... but still sent.

sport climbing...
just looked and realized i was wrong... fight club is a 5.13b i guess thout it was a bad...Blush my hardest sport lead is a 5.13b.... i could name off more climbs... but my girl just showed up.. now i have better stuff to do... ;)


Dec 8, 2010, 5:37 AM
Post #122 of 168 (2822 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
you guys are all retarded. I started this thread for nutritional advice, not for you to argue about vegan diets and health stats. and it's funny you called me the troll when I started this thread just asking a serious question.

Actually i think i was the only one that called you a troll.


Dec 8, 2010, 5:40 AM
Post #123 of 168 (2822 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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You know, guys, when you respond to jerusry, it really cramps the style. I mean, I could understand him getting away with this on, but not here.


Dec 8, 2010, 6:16 AM
Post #124 of 168 (2813 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
you guys are all retarded. I started this thread for nutritional advice, not for you to argue about vegan diets and health stats. and it's funny you called me the troll when I started this thread just asking a serious question.


Chillax dude.

Just eat fucking less.

That is all.


Dec 8, 2010, 6:17 AM
Post #125 of 168 (2807 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
so how do I go about getting these vital stats without a regular doctor visit?

Do a non-regular doctor visit?


Dec 8, 2010, 6:18 AM
Post #126 of 168 (3638 views)

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Re: [airscape] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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airscape wrote:
smokecrack wrote:
you guys are all retarded. I started this thread for nutritional advice, not for you to argue about vegan diets and health stats. and it's funny you called me the troll when I started this thread just asking a serious question.


Chillax dude.

Just eat fucking less.

That is all.

not good advice. someone already said I was eating too little.

I think it's more about WHAT I'm eating.


Dec 8, 2010, 6:44 AM
Post #127 of 168 (3629 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
airscape wrote:
smokecrack wrote:
you guys are all retarded. I started this thread for nutritional advice, not for you to argue about vegan diets and health stats. and it's funny you called me the troll when I started this thread just asking a serious question.


Chillax dude.

Just eat fucking less.

That is all.

not good advice. someone already said I was eating too little.

I think it's more about WHAT I'm eating.

Oh yah I forget.

The book: Eric Horst Training for climbing, has a whole nutrition section that explains a lot about what a climbers needs are in terms of nutrition.

Also google Glycemic index.

Don't eat whey if you are not a body builder or some such.
There are more tasty wheys of consuming protein anywhey.


Dec 8, 2010, 8:37 AM
Post #128 of 168 (3608 views)

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Re: [fresh] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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fresh wrote:
I just wanted to point out that claiming to run a 4:50/mile 10K as part of a daily routine is

As others have, I understood that to mean a 4:50 / km which is about a 7:50 / mile, (or a 48 min 10k), which is decent for fitness training, but not very fast by anyone's 10k standards.

(If he clarified, I may have missed it).


Dec 8, 2010, 8:44 AM
Post #129 of 168 (3607 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
because cooking food enhances digestibility.

In reply to:
it is also harder for our bodies to even digest cooked food.

Wrong. It's easier. Take a look at what real research shows:

That's what I have always understood in the bit of reading that I have done on raw diets (whether it be consuming raw vegetables or raw meats), that cooking enhances digestibility, which in turn enhances our ability to take advantage of the nutrients provided in the given vegetable.

I also understood (and could be wrong) that the significant weight loss often associated with the raw vegan diet is the body burning a lot of calories to try to digest the raw food.


Dec 8, 2010, 8:48 AM
Post #130 of 168 (3605 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
considering the fact I eat this way for health I have taken into account all the sides of the situation and would be more than willing to put any vital stats of mine up against anyones. If that would prove anything. I'm not the type that just eats a shitload of potatoes, bananas, and mangos.... I cover the whole specteum of nutrients that most people arguinf with me have never heard of... And anyone that thinks to preach about my diet being bad without knowing exactly what it is... Feel free to share you malnurishing diet. Guaruntee mine would be healthier and beyond anything anyone on here has for a diet. Even if I ate meat my diet would far outweigh all the debunkers out there... As far as your b12 theory... There are plenty of other sources.... I have many sources for my b12... And no I don't take vitamin supplements and all that shit... I'm talkin bout herbs, extracts, and rawmeal health food mixes and my red and green... Among mannnny thing. But as for one of the many natural sources... Have you ever heard of bee pollen and what it does for you? If b12 is so important in your argukent... I could pul up the full list of sources for you in my diet that have nothing to do with meat. it's not only for some of the b12 I intake (meaning not the only source) but it has alot more value in heal, enzymes, amino acids, energy, and many other things would do for you. Ever tried it? Do you actually eat extremely healthy or just act like a knowitall? Like I said poke n prod. You will not debunk me, prove yourself rite... But maybe you will learn a thing or 2? Or really looked into what specific things do for your body? I don't just eat raw veggies and fruit. I am not a dumbass... If you are soooo smart jay... Would would understand there are many sources for nutrients that have nothing to do with shit food, and meat. And for whoever posted that dairy is good for you.... You are a mainstream media sheep. And obviously know nothin of what dairy products are and what they really do to your body. And no, milk does not do a body good...

The raw vegan diet has clearly not helped to enhance your writing and communication skills.

In the raw vegan literature that you have read, has the use of paragraphs ever been discussed?


Dec 8, 2010, 10:26 AM
Post #131 of 168 (3599 views)

Registered: Aug 28, 2010
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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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YOUR DIET SUCKS! eat real food , non of that processed crap you get, stop the sugar soda chips noodles, eat whole grain WHOLE, veggies and protien lean fresh and in moderation. eat a complex carb rich and protien plentyful breakfast do not skip, eat small more rounded more frequent meals, i like beer keeep the beer, it wont help you get cut but it feels good and has some "medicinal" benifits. Your diet resembles a dorm room diet do you not have a kitchen? to burn fat specificly do cardio for 40 -120 min with a HR @ 90-115 or 30-40 above resting to specificly burn fat, lift weights a nd climb more. weights burn more calories and fat than cardio, cause it still burns tem while you rest. after climbing or working out have a high protien low sugar snack within a hour to get them max benifits.... try that, and stop smoking crack!


Dec 8, 2010, 10:32 AM
Post #132 of 168 (3595 views)

Registered: Dec 5, 2010
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Re: [OCD] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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OCD wrote:
YOUR DIET SUCKS! eat real food , non of that processed crap you get, stop the sugar soda chips noodles, eat whole grain WHOLE, veggies and protien lean fresh and in moderation. eat a complex carb rich and protien plentyful breakfast do not skip, eat small more rounded more frequent meals, i like beer keeep the beer, it wont help you get cut but it feels good and has some "medicinal" benifits. Your diet resembles a dorm room diet do you not have a kitchen? to burn fat specificly do cardio for 40 -120 min with a HR @ 90-115 or 30-40 above resting to specificly burn fat, lift weights a nd climb more. weights burn more calories and fat than cardio, cause it still burns tem while you rest. after climbing or working out have a high protien low sugar snack within a hour to get them max benifits.... try that, and stop smoking crack!

learn to read. you're late, I already am eating healthy now.


Dec 8, 2010, 12:33 PM
Post #133 of 168 (3582 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2008
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Re: [degaine] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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degaine wrote:
jerusry wrote:
considering the fact I eat this way for health I have taken into account all the sides of the situation and would be more than willing to put any vital stats of mine up against anyones. If that would prove anything. I'm not the type that just eats a shitload of potatoes, bananas, and mangos.... I cover the whole specteum of nutrients that most people arguinf with me have never heard of... And anyone that thinks to preach about my diet being bad without knowing exactly what it is... Feel free to share you malnurishing diet. Guaruntee mine would be healthier and beyond anything anyone on here has for a diet. Even if I ate meat my diet would far outweigh all the debunkers out there... As far as your b12 theory... There are plenty of other sources.... I have many sources for my b12... And no I don't take vitamin supplements and all that shit... I'm talkin bout herbs, extracts, and rawmeal health food mixes and my red and green... Among mannnny thing. But as for one of the many natural sources... Have you ever heard of bee pollen and what it does for you? If b12 is so important in your argukent... I could pul up the full list of sources for you in my diet that have nothing to do with meat. it's not only for some of the b12 I intake (meaning not the only source) but it has alot more value in heal, enzymes, amino acids, energy, and many other things would do for you. Ever tried it? Do you actually eat extremely healthy or just act like a knowitall? Like I said poke n prod. You will not debunk me, prove yourself rite... But maybe you will learn a thing or 2? Or really looked into what specific things do for your body? I don't just eat raw veggies and fruit. I am not a dumbass... If you are soooo smart jay... Would would understand there are many sources for nutrients that have nothing to do with shit food, and meat. And for whoever posted that dairy is good for you.... You are a mainstream media sheep. And obviously know nothin of what dairy products are and what they really do to your body. And no, milk does not do a body good...

The raw vegan diet has clearly not helped to enhance your writing and communication skills.

In the raw vegan literature that you have read, has the use of paragraphs ever been discussed?

As I mentioned upthread, there is a relationship between the raw diet and extra periods.


Dec 8, 2010, 12:39 PM
Post #134 of 168 (3579 views)

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Re: [Toast_in_the_Machine] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Toast_in_the_Machine wrote:
degaine wrote:
jerusry wrote:
considering the fact I eat this way for health I have taken into account all the sides of the situation and would be more than willing to put any vital stats of mine up against anyones. If that would prove anything. I'm not the type that just eats a shitload of potatoes, bananas, and mangos.... I cover the whole specteum of nutrients that most people arguinf with me have never heard of... And anyone that thinks to preach about my diet being bad without knowing exactly what it is... Feel free to share you malnurishing diet. Guaruntee mine would be healthier and beyond anything anyone on here has for a diet. Even if I ate meat my diet would far outweigh all the debunkers out there... As far as your b12 theory... There are plenty of other sources.... I have many sources for my b12... And no I don't take vitamin supplements and all that shit... I'm talkin bout herbs, extracts, and rawmeal health food mixes and my red and green... Among mannnny thing. But as for one of the many natural sources... Have you ever heard of bee pollen and what it does for you? If b12 is so important in your argukent... I could pul up the full list of sources for you in my diet that have nothing to do with meat. it's not only for some of the b12 I intake (meaning not the only source) but it has alot more value in heal, enzymes, amino acids, energy, and many other things would do for you. Ever tried it? Do you actually eat extremely healthy or just act like a knowitall? Like I said poke n prod. You will not debunk me, prove yourself rite... But maybe you will learn a thing or 2? Or really looked into what specific things do for your body? I don't just eat raw veggies and fruit. I am not a dumbass... If you are soooo smart jay... Would would understand there are many sources for nutrients that have nothing to do with shit food, and meat. And for whoever posted that dairy is good for you.... You are a mainstream media sheep. And obviously know nothin of what dairy products are and what they really do to your body. And no, milk does not do a body good...

The raw vegan diet has clearly not helped to enhance your writing and communication skills.

In the raw vegan literature that you have read, has the use of paragraphs ever been discussed?

As I mentioned upthread, there is a relationship between the raw diet and extra periods.

Too many beets?


Dec 8, 2010, 12:42 PM
Post #135 of 168 (3575 views)

Registered: Oct 18, 2009
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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:

Are you aware that a "pure" vegan diet is completely devoid of vitamin B12, and from where, if anywhere, are you obtaining this vitamin?


"Microorganisms, primarily bacteria, are the only known organisms that manufacture B12. These bacteria often live in bodies of water and soil. Animals get B12 by eating food and soil contaminated with these microorganisms." Read more here...

So B12 is created by microorganisms, and is (ideally) to be found in water and soil. It is also produced by bacteria in our intestines (Herbert V. Vitamin B12: Plant sources, requirements, and assay. Am J Clin Nutr 1988; 48: 852-858.). From PubMed: : "...the human small intestine also often harbours a considerable microflora and this is even more extensive in apparently healthy southern Indian subjects. We now show that at least two groups of organisms in the small bowel, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella sp., may synthesise significant amounts of the vitamin." B12 is also partially recycled in out bodies. Some people insists that in the ideal vegan world we could keep recycling the B12 we got from our mothers milk as babies, but almost everybody agree that we need a B12 intake - from an external source.

One very interesting article I've seen on B12 is this one: . Here's a quote from it:

"B12 is the only vitamin synthesized solely by certain microorganisms - many of which are abundant in soil. And the only vitamin containing a trace element: cobalt. B12 owes its chemical name 'cobalamin' to the cobalt at the center of its molecular structure. Humans and all vertebrates require cobalt, though it's assimilated only in the form of B12.

Cobalt is important in the plant world. Bacteria on root nodules of legumes (beans, alfalfa, clover) require cobalt (and other trace elements) to synthesize B12 and fix nitrogen from air. Soybeans grown without cobalt are severely retarded in growth and exhibit severe nitrogen deficiency, leading to death in about one of four plants. Adding only a few ounces of cobalt per acre can resolve deficiency symptoms in ten to 21 days.

Cobalt deficiency is far more dramatic in animals, particularly ruminants (cattle, deer, camels, and sheep) grazing on deficient pasture. These animals obtain all their B12 from their gut bacteria, but only if bacteria are provided cobalt salts from pasture. Legumes with less than 80 parts per billion (ppb) cobalt can't meet ruminant B12 needs. Under deficient conditions, calves and lambs thrive and grow normally for a few months as they draw on B12 reserves in liver and other tissue, but soon exhibit gradual loss of appetite and failure to grow, followed by anemia, rapid weight loss and finally death. Marginally deficient pastures cause birth of weak lambs and calves that don't survive long. These symptoms mirror B12 deficiency in human infants.

To prevent or alleviate cobalt-B12 deficiency, farmers routinely add cobalt to animal feeds or salt licks. Some fertilize pastures with cobalt-enriched fertilizers; others opt for periodic quick-fix B12 injections. With any of these measures, all symptoms are reversed and B12 in milk and colostrum dramatically increases.

The implication for humans subsisting on vegetarian diets are profound. B12 synthesis by indigenous bacteria is known to occur naturally in the human small intestine, primary site of B12 absorption. As long as gut bacteria have cobalt and certain other nutrients, they produce B12. In principle then, internal B12 synthesis could fulfill our needs without any B12 provided by diet.

But if cobalt in our diet is on the wane, perhaps the problem isn't so much lack of B12-synthesizing intestinal flora as lack of cobalt, the element with which bacteria weave their magic. The burning question then is: how cobalt deficient is our soil?"

Animals and plants require cobalt in order to synthesize / produce B12. (B12 is called cobalamin because of the cobalt atom in it's center). In reply to "where does the bacteria come from", one could maybe reply "from cobalt", but this isn't totally 100% correct. It comes from a combination of microorganisms and cobalt. B12 can sometimes be found on the surface of plants, and commercial B12 production is partly based on growing B12 on the surface of molasses. Animals need cobalt from the soil in order not to develop B12 deficiency, but where does cobalt come from?

Studies show that ie. spinach grown in maneured soil contains 17.8 mcg B12/kg (dry weight), but since spinach grown in unmaneured soil also contains B12 (6.9mcg), we can't really say that the B12 come from cow dung only.

Maybe soil and water always contains minute traces of humans, insects and animals? That might be, but it wouldn't worry me much: if drinking water from a mountain stream contain microscopic amounts of animal products, so be it. Nature is a giant recycle bin, and there's not much we can do about it. Microorganisms / bacteria is part of nature. B12 is not only to be found in water and soil, but also in grass, on dust and in bark!

To answer the question 'where does micro-organisms come from is a bit tricky - it's a little bit like 'If God created the Earth, who created God?"...

What we know, is that cobalt is the key to B12 synthesis, and cobalt isn't an animal, it doesn't have parents, no eyes, and for sure it doesn't try to run away when someone tries to eat it :-).


Dec 8, 2010, 12:42 PM
Post #136 of 168 (3575 views)

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Re: [chadnsc] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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chadnsc wrote:

Ok what are / is your current:

HDL -cholesterol
LDL - cholesterol
Liver Function
Kidney Function
Blood pressure
Fasting blood sugar

I await your response so we can compare results.Wink

Bah - apoB is the new LDL

(This post was edited by Toast_in_the_Machine on Dec 8, 2010, 12:43 PM)


Dec 8, 2010, 1:45 PM
Post #137 of 168 (3555 views)

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Re: [Toast_in_the_Machine] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Actually APOB is simply an additional test that is used to more accurately screen for heart disease. It doesn't replace your LDL-C test. Wink


Dec 8, 2010, 2:14 PM
Post #138 of 168 (3546 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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I'm partially guilty (never thought you were a troll), but I'll still give you a *high five* for that one.


Dec 8, 2010, 2:53 PM
Post #139 of 168 (3527 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
considering the fact I eat this way for health I have taken into account all the sides of the situation and would be more than willing to put any vital stats of mine up against anyones. If that would prove anything. I'm not the type that just eats a shitload of potatoes, bananas, and mangos.... I cover the whole specteum of nutrients that most people arguinf with me have never heard of... And anyone that thinks to preach about my diet being bad without knowing exactly what it is... Feel free to share you malnurishing diet. Guaruntee mine would be healthier and beyond anything anyone on here has for a diet. Even if I ate meat my diet would far outweigh all the debunkers out there... As far as your b12 theory... There are plenty of other sources.... I have many sources for my b12... And no I don't take vitamin supplements and all that shit... I'm talkin bout herbs, extracts, and rawmeal health food mixes and my red and green... Among mannnny thing. But as for one of the many natural sources... Have you ever heard of bee pollen and what it does for you? If b12 is so important in your argukent... I could pul up the full list of sources for you in my diet that have nothing to do with meat. it's not only for some of the b12 I intake (meaning not the only source) but it has alot more value in heal, enzymes, amino acids, energy, and many other things would do for you. Ever tried it? Do you actually eat extremely healthy or just act like a knowitall? Like I said poke n prod. You will not debunk me, prove yourself rite... But maybe you will learn a thing or 2? Or really looked into what specific things do for your body? I don't just eat raw veggies and fruit. I am not a dumbass... If you are soooo smart jay... Would would understand there are many sources for nutrients that have nothing to do with shit food, and meat. And for whoever posted that dairy is good for you.... You are a mainstream media sheep. And obviously know nothin of what dairy products are and what they really do to your body. And no, milk does not do a body good...

Please use paragraphs if you want anyone to actually read that ^^


Dec 8, 2010, 3:01 PM
Post #140 of 168 (3522 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool


Dec 8, 2010, 4:15 PM
Post #141 of 168 (3480 views)

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Re: [jerusry] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jerusry wrote:
I have many sources for my b12... And no I don't take vitamin supplements and all that shit... I'm talkin bout herbs, extracts, and rawmeal health food mixes and my red and green... Among mannnny thing. But as for one of the many natural sources... Have you ever heard of bee pollen and what it does for you? If b12 is so important in your argukent... I could pul up the full list of sources for you in my diet that have nothing to do with meat...

As far as I am aware, no natural plant foods contain vitamin B12. You don't have to pull up the whole list of your B12 sources, but I'd be interesting in seeing one or two.

In reply to:
You will not debunk me . . .

I know. You have The Truth.

In reply to:
If you are soooo smart jay... Would would understand there are many sources for nutrients that have nothing to do with shit food, and meat.

I have a masters degree in nutritional epidemiology. An early research interest of mine was vegetarian nutrition, and I published a paper on it; so, yeah, I'm kinda' aware of that.


(This post was edited by jt512 on Dec 8, 2010, 4:30 PM)


Dec 8, 2010, 4:17 PM
Post #142 of 168 (3479 views)

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Re: [dbogardus] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!


Dec 8, 2010, 4:27 PM
Post #143 of 168 (3469 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!

+50% for eating late? You realize they also probably spat in your food...


Dec 8, 2010, 4:32 PM
Post #144 of 168 (3464 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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naw that's my receipt from a cab. it was just a piece of paper I had laying around.

i cooked that myself... no spitting

(This post was edited by smokecrack on Dec 8, 2010, 4:33 PM)


Dec 8, 2010, 4:38 PM
Post #145 of 168 (3453 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!

How much cooking oil you got in that?



Dec 8, 2010, 4:44 PM
Post #146 of 168 (3447 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:

How much cooking oil you got in that?

i used a tablespoon of virgin olive oil for everything. really don't even need it, but just didnt want it getting stuck to the pan

(This post was edited by smokecrack on Dec 8, 2010, 4:46 PM)


Dec 8, 2010, 5:18 PM
Post #147 of 168 (3427 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!

So, are you eating any carbohydrates, or are you following the diet that you posted?


Dec 8, 2010, 5:21 PM
Post #148 of 168 (3423 views)

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Re: [malcolm777b] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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malcolm777b wrote:
smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!

So, are you eating any carbohydrates, or are you following the diet that you posted?

A mix of both. I ate an organic honey oat bar right after the gym on the way home. then when I got home I made this meal.


Dec 8, 2010, 5:30 PM
Post #149 of 168 (3410 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
jt512 wrote:

How much cooking oil you got in that?

i used a tablespoon of virgin olive oil for everything. really don't even need it, but just didnt want it getting stuck to the pan

That's good that you're measuring it.



Dec 8, 2010, 8:07 PM
Post #150 of 168 (3367 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!

+50% for eating late? You realize they also probably spat in your food...
Signed: SmokeCrack


Dec 8, 2010, 11:38 PM
Post #151 of 168 (2511 views)

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Re: [five] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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five wrote:
jt512 wrote:

Are you aware that a "pure" vegan diet is completely devoid of vitamin B12, and from where, if anywhere, are you obtaining this vitamin?


"Microorganisms, primarily bacteria, are the only known organisms that manufacture B12. These bacteria often live in bodies of water and soil. Animals get B12 by eating food and soil contaminated with these microorganisms." Read more here...

So B12 is created by microorganisms, and is (ideally) to be found in water and soil. It is also produced by bacteria in our intestines (Herbert V. Vitamin B12: Plant sources, requirements, and assay. Am J Clin Nutr 1988; 48: 852-858.). From PubMed: : "...the human small intestine also often harbours a considerable microflora and this is even more extensive in apparently healthy southern Indian subjects. We now show that at least two groups of organisms in the small bowel, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella sp., may synthesise significant amounts of the vitamin." B12 is also partially recycled in out bodies. Some people insists that in the ideal vegan world we could keep recycling the B12 we got from our mothers milk as babies, but almost everybody agree that we need a B12 intake - from an external source.

One very interesting article I've seen on B12 is this one: . Here's a quote from it:

"B12 is the only vitamin synthesized solely by certain microorganisms - many of which are abundant in soil. And the only vitamin containing a trace element: cobalt. B12 owes its chemical name 'cobalamin' to the cobalt at the center of its molecular structure. Humans and all vertebrates require cobalt, though it's assimilated only in the form of B12.

Cobalt is important in the plant world. Bacteria on root nodules of legumes (beans, alfalfa, clover) require cobalt (and other trace elements) to synthesize B12 and fix nitrogen from air. Soybeans grown without cobalt are severely retarded in growth and exhibit severe nitrogen deficiency, leading to death in about one of four plants. Adding only a few ounces of cobalt per acre can resolve deficiency symptoms in ten to 21 days.

Cobalt deficiency is far more dramatic in animals, particularly ruminants (cattle, deer, camels, and sheep) grazing on deficient pasture. These animals obtain all their B12 from their gut bacteria, but only if bacteria are provided cobalt salts from pasture. Legumes with less than 80 parts per billion (ppb) cobalt can't meet ruminant B12 needs. Under deficient conditions, calves and lambs thrive and grow normally for a few months as they draw on B12 reserves in liver and other tissue, but soon exhibit gradual loss of appetite and failure to grow, followed by anemia, rapid weight loss and finally death. Marginally deficient pastures cause birth of weak lambs and calves that don't survive long. These symptoms mirror B12 deficiency in human infants.

To prevent or alleviate cobalt-B12 deficiency, farmers routinely add cobalt to animal feeds or salt licks. Some fertilize pastures with cobalt-enriched fertilizers; others opt for periodic quick-fix B12 injections. With any of these measures, all symptoms are reversed and B12 in milk and colostrum dramatically increases.

The implication for humans subsisting on vegetarian diets are profound. B12 synthesis by indigenous bacteria is known to occur naturally in the human small intestine, primary site of B12 absorption. As long as gut bacteria have cobalt and certain other nutrients, they produce B12. In principle then, internal B12 synthesis could fulfill our needs without any B12 provided by diet.

But if cobalt in our diet is on the wane, perhaps the problem isn't so much lack of B12-synthesizing intestinal flora as lack of cobalt, the element with which bacteria weave their magic. The burning question then is: how cobalt deficient is our soil?"

Animals and plants require cobalt in order to synthesize / produce B12. (B12 is called cobalamin because of the cobalt atom in it's center). In reply to "where does the bacteria come from", one could maybe reply "from cobalt", but this isn't totally 100% correct. It comes from a combination of microorganisms and cobalt. B12 can sometimes be found on the surface of plants, and commercial B12 production is partly based on growing B12 on the surface of molasses. Animals need cobalt from the soil in order not to develop B12 deficiency, but where does cobalt come from?

Studies show that ie. spinach grown in maneured soil contains 17.8 mcg B12/kg (dry weight), but since spinach grown in unmaneured soil also contains B12 (6.9mcg), we can't really say that the B12 come from cow dung only.

Maybe soil and water always contains minute traces of humans, insects and animals? That might be, but it wouldn't worry me much: if drinking water from a mountain stream contain microscopic amounts of animal products, so be it. Nature is a giant recycle bin, and there's not much we can do about it. Microorganisms / bacteria is part of nature. B12 is not only to be found in water and soil, but also in grass, on dust and in bark!

To answer the question 'where does micro-organisms come from is a bit tricky - it's a little bit like 'If God created the Earth, who created God?"...

What we know, is that cobalt is the key to B12 synthesis, and cobalt isn't an animal, it doesn't have parents, no eyes, and for sure it doesn't try to run away when someone tries to eat it :-).

SO.....would you mind explaining to me how B12 produced in your gut, PAST your stomach, is able to be absorbed? This explanation I'd love to hear...


Dec 9, 2010, 12:10 AM
Post #152 of 168 (2497 views)

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Re: [altelis] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Are you suggesting that portions of your intestine past your stomach (small and large intestine) are not capable of absorbing nutrients?


Dec 9, 2010, 12:24 AM
Post #153 of 168 (2489 views)

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Re: [csproul] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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csproul wrote:
Are you suggesting that portions of your intestine past your stomach (small and large intestine) are not capable of absorbing nutrients?

Not at all. What I am "suggesting" is that the absorption of Vit B12 is VERY complicated. Here is an abbreviated list of things needed:

1) Proper stomach acidity to allow enzymes to break B12 off from other proteins that its bound to in our food
2) Intrinsic Factor (a protein), secreted in your stomach
3) R-proteins, secreted in your stomach
4) Proper pancreatic fxn to secrete proteases and bicarb
5) Fxning receptors in terminal ileum

If any one of these things (or others) are not present or are not fxning properly your ability to absorb B12 is greatly reduced.

B12 is really only absorbed via a receptor-mediated process, and this process doesn't bind to free B12, only B12-IF complexes.

The chemistry of how/when B12 is freed from food protein, binds R protein, binds IF, and is absorbed is very pH dependent, and can't happen anywhere or in any order.

I am very skeptical that B12 produced in the SI would be able to be absorbed in any appreciable quantity.

I wouldn't have gone into so much detail, but I'm actually in the middle of studying anemia for my test next week....sorry for geeking out there....


Dec 9, 2010, 12:29 AM
Post #154 of 168 (2487 views)

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cool, learn something new every day!


Dec 9, 2010, 12:31 AM
Post #155 of 168 (2484 views)

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Glad to help!

Actually, with very few exceptions, there is pretty much NO absorption that occurs before the small intestine.

The most notable (and most fun) exception, is alcohol Cool


Dec 9, 2010, 12:35 AM
Post #156 of 168 (2484 views)

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Re: [altelis] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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altelis wrote:
csproul wrote:
Are you suggesting that portions of your intestine past your stomach (small and large intestine) are not capable of absorbing nutrients?

Not at all. What I am "suggesting" is that the absorption of Vit B12 is VERY complicated. Here is an abbreviated list of things needed:

1) Proper stomach acidity to allow enzymes to break B12 off from other proteins that its bound to in our food
2) Intrinsic Factor (a protein), secreted in your stomach
3) R-proteins, secreted in your stomach
4) Proper pancreatic fxn to secrete proteases and bicarb
5) Fxning receptors in terminal ileum

If any one of these things (or others) are not present or are not fxning properly your ability to absorb B12 is greatly reduced.

B12 is really only absorbed via a receptor-mediated process, and this process doesn't bind to free B12, only B12-IF complexes.

The chemistry of how/when B12 is freed from food protein, binds R protein, binds IF, and is absorbed is very pH dependent, and can't happen anywhere or in any order.

I am very skeptical that B12 produced in the SI would be able to be absorbed in any appreciable quantity.

I wouldn't have gone into so much detail, but I'm actually in the middle of studying anemia for my test next week....sorry for geeking out there....
This is the kind of stuff that I love to read in these discussions. Everyone else can just tl;dr.

Do vegans eat their cecotropes? Shocked


Dec 9, 2010, 12:37 AM
Post #157 of 168 (2482 views)

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Re: [hafilax] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Hehe. I was actually just thinking something along those lines...

Sounds like part of the raw vegan diet includes nutritional yeast. Sounds a little bogus to me. Won't eat honey but will eat bacteria and yeasts. Pffft. Double-standard if you ask me!


Dec 9, 2010, 5:15 AM
Post #158 of 168 (2457 views)

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Re: [altelis] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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altelis wrote:
five wrote:
jt512 wrote:

Are you aware that a "pure" vegan diet is completely devoid of vitamin B12, and from where, if anywhere, are you obtaining this vitamin?


In a post above, "Five" copies a lengthy polemic off a vegan Web site written to insinuate that vegans really don't need to consume vitamin B12, an essential nutrient, because they can manufacture it in their small intestines, the site of absorption of dietary B12. The reason that vegans make this argument is exactly because they know that a natural vegan diet contains no vitamin B12. Since they start from the premise that a vegan diet is the ideal, natural diet for humans, they have to rationalize why such a diet could possibly contain no vitamin B12. One way they do this is by mining quotes from the scientific literature, and presenting them out of context or misinterpreting them. In this post I will critique just the first 2 of 14 paragraphs in the missive quoted by "Five." I will show that, as is typical of vegan posts on the Web, the argument disingenuously quote-mines the scientific literature in an attempt to mislead the reader into believing that vegans can manufacture and absorb B12 from the small intestine, and hence do not need B12, which only occurs in animal foods in nature (except by contamination), in their diets.

Beginning with the first sentence of the quote:

In reply to:
"Microorganisms, primarily bacteria, are the only known organisms that manufacture B12. These bacteria often live in bodies of water and soil. Animals get B12 by eating food and soil contaminated with these microorganisms." Read more here...

So B12 is created by microorganisms, and is (ideally) to be found in water and soil.

"Ideally" to be found in water and soil. What the author means by this is that it is better to consume contaminated water or dirt than to consume animal products to obtain vitamin B12. And there are vegans who do just that. A number of years ago a vegan on this website said that his main source of water was one that contained runoff from a bird nest.

In reply to:
It is also produced by bacteria in our intestines (Herbert V. Vitamin B12: Plant sources, requirements, and assay. Am J Clin Nutr 1988; 48: 852-858.). From PubMed: "...the human small intestine also often harbours a considerable microflora and this is even more extensive in apparently healthy southern Indian subjects. We now show that at least two groups of organisms in the small bowel, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella sp., may synthesise significant amounts of the vitamin. [Albert]"

In the above quote, the author almost certainly intentionally cites Herbert as saying that B12 is produced by bacteria in our "intestines," which could mean our small or large intestine, when a look at Herbert's paper clearly reveals that he specifically was referring to the large intestine, from which we cannot absorb B12. He then juxtaposes this misleading sentence with a quote mined from Albert about organisms in the small intestine that "may" synthesize B12, in an attempt to show that Herbert and Albert support each other. But nothing could be further from the truth. I'll have more to say on the Albert study later. First, look at what Herbert actually wrote:
There is no active vitamin B12 in anything that grows out of the ground; storage vitamin B12 is found only in animal products where it is ubiquitous and where it is ultimately derived from bacteria . . . . In one of the less appetizing but more brilliant experiments in the field . . . Callender in England delineated that human colon bacteria make large amounts of vitamin B-12[, but it is] not absorbed . . . [C]allender studied vegan volunteers who had vitamin B12 deficiency disease . . . [S]he collected 24-h stools, made water extracts of them, and fed the extracts to the patients, thereby curing their vitamin B12 deficiency. This experiment demonstrated clearly that 1) colon bacteria of vegans make enough vitamin B12 to cure vitamin B12 deficiency, 2) the vitamin B12 is not absorbed through the colon wall, and 3) if given by mouth, it is absorbed primarily in the small [intestine].

So Herbert did not say, as the vegan who cites him implies, that vegans produce vitamin B12 in their small intestine, which they absorb, and thereby avoid vitamin B12 deficiency; Herbert said exactly the opposite.

Now, as to the Albert paper. The authors report on a laboratory (in vitro) experiment in which they found that bacteria obtained from the small intestines of Indians produced vitamin B12 when cultured in the lab. The article was very speculative as to whether Indians could obtain significant amounts of endogenous B12. Here's what the authors actually wrote: "It has been shown that free intrinsic factor is often present in the  . . . small intestine. If these organisms also produce vitamin B12 in vivo, the free vitamin B12 . . . could bind with the free intrinsic factor, and if absorbed, contribute significantly to the vitamin B12 intake of the individual."

In fact, B12 deficiency is common in Indian vegans, which implies that, regardless of Albert's speculations, production and absorption of B12 from the small intestine is not sufficient to prevent B12 deficiency in Indians. For example, in the following study on the prevalence of B12 deficiency among Indians, two-thirds of middle-age Indian men were found to have B12 deficiency, with vegetarians more than four times as likely to have B12 deficiency as non-vegetarians:

J Assoc Physicians India. 2006 Oct;54:775-82.

Vitamin B12 deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia in rural and urban Indians.

Yajnik CS, Deshpande SS, Lubree HG, Naik SS, Bhat DS, Uradey BS, Deshpande JA, Rege SS, Refsum H, Yudkin JS.

Diabetes Unit, King Edward Memorial Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, India.

BACKGROUND: Low vitamin B12 concentration in South Asian Indians is common, but the exact prevalence is not known. AIM: To investigate prevalence and associations of low vitamin B12 concentration and hyperhomocysteinemia in rural and urban Indian men living in and around Pune, Maharashtra.

METHOD: We studied 441 middle-aged men (149 rural, 142 slum and 150 urban middle-class residents, mean age 39 y). Data on lifestyle, socio-economic status, nutrition and medical history were obtained. Circulating concentrations of vitamin B12, folate, ferritin, total homocysteine (tHcy), and haematological indices, and cardiovascular risk variables were measured.

RESULTS: Median plasma B12 concentration was low (110 pmol/L): Overall, 67% of men had low vitamin B12 concentration (<150 pmol/L) and 58% had hyperhomocysteinemia (>15 micromol/L). Of the urban middle class, 81% had low vitamin B12 concentration and 79% had hyperhomocysteinemia. Low vitamin B12 concentration contributed 28% to the risk of hyperhomocysteinemia (population attributable risk) while low red cell folate contributed 2%. Vegetarians had 4.4 times (95% CI 2.1, 9.4) higher risk of low vitamin B12 concentrations and 3.0 times (95% CI 1.4, 6.5) higher risk of hyperhomocysteinemia compared to those who ate non-vegetarian foods frequently. Urban middle-class residence was an additional independent risk factor of hyperhomocysteinemia (odds ratio 7.6 (95% CI 2.5, 22.6), compared to rural men). Low vitamin B12 concentration was related to lower blood haemoglobin concentration and higher mean corpuscular volume, but macrocytic anemia was rare.

CONCLUSION: Low vitamin B12 concentration and hyperhomocysteinemia are common in Indian men, particularly in vegetarians and urban middle class residents. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings in other parts of India.

Here I'll conclude this post, having demolished the first two out of the 14 paragraphs comprising the post from the vegan forum quoted by Five. I could continue in this fashion with the remaining 12 paragraphs, but neither I nor any of you, I'm sure, have the patience for it. Suffice it to say, that as is typical for material written on vegan websites, the post is nothing more than misleading propaganda consisting of misquotes, misinterpretations, quotes out of context, and plain lies.


(This post was edited by jt512 on Dec 9, 2010, 7:59 AM)


Dec 9, 2010, 5:19 AM
Post #159 of 168 (2451 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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What, I wasn't concise enough for you?



Dec 9, 2010, 6:00 AM
Post #160 of 168 (2436 views)

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Re: [jt512] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:

In reply to:
  . . . [C]allender studied vegan volunteers who had vitamin B12 deficiency disease . . . [S]he collected 24-h stools, made water extracts of them, and fed the extracts to the patients, thereby curing their vitamin B12 deficiency. This experiment demonstrated clearly that 1) colon bacteria of vegans make enough vitamin B12 to cure vitamin B12 deficiency, 2) the vitamin B12 is not absorbed through the colon wall, and 3) if given by mouth, it is absorbed primarily in the small [intestine].
I believe that that speaks for itself.


So as long as I eat my own shit, my raw vegan diet is cool? Glad to know that I'm going to be alright. V11 here I come.


Dec 9, 2010, 1:51 PM
Post #161 of 168 (2380 views)

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jt512 wrote:
A number of years ago a vegan on this website said that his main source of water was one that contained runoff from a bird nest.

MMmmm yummy!


Dec 9, 2010, 2:55 PM
Post #162 of 168 (2363 views)

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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!

Whoah whoah whoah... he's Canadian!?


Dec 9, 2010, 3:00 PM
Post #163 of 168 (2358 views)

Registered: Dec 5, 2010
Posts: 18

Re: [Kartessa] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!


Whoah whoah whoah... he's Canadian!?

come on, i might not be the smartest person in the world, but no need for the insults.


Dec 9, 2010, 3:13 PM
Post #164 of 168 (2351 views)

Registered: Feb 26, 2001
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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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smokecrack wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
smokecrack wrote:
dbogardus wrote:
im still laughing about the mid-day redbull snack. thats just too good. Cool

yes, that's the old me!


Whoah whoah whoah... he's Canadian!?

come on, i might not be the smartest person in the world, but no need for the insults.



Dec 9, 2010, 6:35 PM
Post #165 of 168 (2301 views)

Registered: Aug 17, 2008
Posts: 105

Re: [el_layclimber] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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el_layclimber wrote:
jt512 wrote:

In reply to:
  . . . [C]allender studied vegan volunteers who had vitamin B12 deficiency disease . . . [S]he collected 24-h stools, made water extracts of them, and fed the extracts to the patients, thereby curing their vitamin B12 deficiency. This experiment demonstrated clearly that 1) colon bacteria of vegans make enough vitamin B12 to cure vitamin B12 deficiency, 2) the vitamin B12 is not absorbed through the colon wall, and 3) if given by mouth, it is absorbed primarily in the small [intestine].
I believe that that speaks for itself.


So as long as I eat my own shit, my raw vegan diet is cool? Glad to know that I'm going to be alright. V11 here I come.

That's just a big fat lie. I've spend all my life "comiendo mierda" and I'm still a lousy climber Crazy


Dec 9, 2010, 6:38 PM
Post #166 of 168 (2300 views)

Registered: Aug 17, 2008
Posts: 105

Re: [kachoong] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
jt512 wrote:
A number of years ago a vegan on this website said that his main source of water was one that contained runoff from a bird nest.

MMmmm yummy!

Don't dismiss it until you try it.

Apparently is bloody expensive


Dec 26, 2010, 11:29 AM
Post #167 of 168 (2185 views)

Registered: Dec 5, 2010
Posts: 18

Re: [Mariofercol] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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to all those doubters

compare with the old picture:


Dec 27, 2010, 2:29 AM
Post #168 of 168 (2163 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2003
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Re: [smokecrack] Need nutritional advice for getting CUT on a bouldering/cardio regimen. [In reply to]
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Never doubted you but . . .

You look the same. Tongue

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