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What Do You Think About Gun-control Laws?
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Aug 23, 2002, 9:10 PM
Post #51 of 197 (3459 views)

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What Do You Think About Gun-control Laws? [In reply to]
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No, Piano's comment relates to some stuff that went on earlier.

And a drunk driver hit is murder, IMO.


Aug 23, 2002, 9:11 PM
Post #52 of 197 (3459 views)

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Why does everybody need to equate automobiles to weapons? People dying in auto accidents is a consequence of the country operating. Cars are how we all get to work, how we visit grandma, how we go climbing, and how goods and services get transported throughout the country. Sure cars kill people but like it or not they do alot more good than harm. Guns on the other hand tend to do the opposite.


Aug 23, 2002, 9:14 PM
Post #53 of 197 (3459 views)

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What's funny is that people seem to think they have god given rights to do things because it was written as such by some dead people.

Any law can be revised or revoked. The Government can do anything it wants to the people and they will not be able to resist. Aren't you also guaranteed freedom of speech? Go somewhere public and denounce your government, see how long they let you speak then. Your right to bear arms is nothing more than words on paper... meaningless.

Personally I think everyone should have a handgun, living in fear is cool.


Aug 23, 2002, 9:19 PM
Post #54 of 197 (3459 views)

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See, in America, we WOULD be able to resist, because we have GUNS. And they KNOW we have guns . . .


Aug 23, 2002, 10:04 PM
Post #55 of 197 (3459 views)

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Can't Post you know how silly that sounds? You are saying that law-abiding people shouldn't resist registration, what do they have to worry about? We should be required to register them while knowing that criminals won't? By the way, do you know that the Supreme Court ruled that felons are exempt from gun registration laws because it would violate their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination? Below is a chart showing why innocent, law-abiding people should not register their guns-these schemes have resulted in the murders of 57 million people!

Ottoman Turkey-Between 1915-1917 1.5 million Armenians were killed, gun registration law was passed in 1886.

Soviet Union,Between 1929-1953, 20 million Anti-Communists and
Anti-Stalinists were killed, gun registartion law passed in 1929.

Nazi Germany**
& Occupied Europe, between 1933-1945, 13 million Jews, Gypsies, Anti-Nazis were killed, gun registration law passed in 1928

China*, in the years 1949-1952
1966-1976, 20 million Anti-Communists,
Rural Populations, and Pro-Reform Groups were killed, gun registration laws passed in 1935.

Guatemala, between the years of 1960-1981, 100,000 Maya Indians were killed after gun registartion laws were passed

Uganda, between 1971-1979, 300,000 Christians and Political Rivals were killed, gun registartion law passed in 1955

Cambodia, between 1975-1979, 1 million Educated Persons were killed, gun registration law passed in 1956.

These registration laws enabled the government to confiscate weapons from the targeted class of people and then annhiliate them.

Yep, I am all for gun registration!

[ This Message was edited by: jmlangford on 2002-08-23 15:17 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 1:04 AM
Post #56 of 197 (3459 views)

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Felons can't LEGALLY own guns. In the above mentioned countries what would have happened to you if you publically denounced the government's policy?


Aug 24, 2002, 1:15 AM
Post #57 of 197 (3459 views)

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Jeffe, uh, I'm no expert on this subject but it looks like jmlangford pretty well documented what would happen to you if you denounced those country's governments.


Aug 24, 2002, 1:26 AM
Post #58 of 197 (3459 views)

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Do you think that is the purpose of gun registration in the United States? Is the US government that out of control?

[ This Message was edited by: jeffe on 2002-08-23 18:27 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 1:26 AM
Post #59 of 197 (3459 views)

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I like the laws, and I love guns. I'm stuck between two evils.


Partner pianomahnn

Aug 24, 2002, 4:20 AM
Post #60 of 197 (3459 views)

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Is the US government that out of control?

Yes. And do I have to expound upon that? Are you that blind?

The United States government is no longer a representative government of the people, for the people. It's a tyrannical government of a few telling the many how to live their lives.


Aug 24, 2002, 4:50 AM
Post #61 of 197 (3459 views)

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I thought it was an oil company.


Aug 24, 2002, 5:32 AM
Post #62 of 197 (3459 views)

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Just thought I'd show the anti-gunners how much fun guns can be!

[ This Message was edited by: jmlangford on 2002-08-23 22:34 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 5:59 AM
Post #63 of 197 (3459 views)

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hehe. Flame on . . . .


Aug 24, 2002, 6:17 AM
Post #64 of 197 (3459 views)

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Can't Post just made it to #1 on my list! Awesome pic!

I hope the anti-gunners come back to this thread, I am waiting for there arguments so I can shoot them down. (pun intended)


Aug 24, 2002, 6:31 AM
Post #65 of 197 (3459 views)

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Guns, we could prolly live without them, but we all know they won't. Ya know?


Aug 24, 2002, 7:30 AM
Post #66 of 197 (3459 views)

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Wow, I should have gotten in on this thread earlier...

I like to look at gun control as a safety issue. Most arguements and laws focus around takeing the guns out of the hands of dangerous/ignorant people.

Who is responsible for your safety?

In my opinion, YOU are. Gun control assumes that you are an ignorant a$$ that can't manage the basic skills of handling a weapon safely- a skill that every single generation of human (except those alive today) depended on since the beginning of time.

You can't make the world safe by locking all the sharp things away in a closet where no one can get to them.

I grew up around guns. I played with my Dad's pistols when I was a kid- and I knew EXACTLY how to check and see if they were loaded. My dad made sure of that. I'm not afraid of them any more than I'me afraid of my pocket knife- and I don't show either of them off.

A little knowledge goes a long way. Unfortunately, a little fear goes even further. Gun control laws, in my opinion, seem based in fear rather than knowledge. If we were to ban all things that might cause death we'd have no cars, no sharp knives, no rope...

and no rock climbing.

Take care,


Aug 24, 2002, 11:02 AM
Post #67 of 197 (3459 views)

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What Do You Think About Gun-control Laws? [In reply to]
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"We need the guns to fight the Goverment if it comes to that"-----How about comeing up with somthing original,insted of that same old propaganda I have been hearing from the NRA.?You think your guns could stop the most powerful military in the world?(if i thought that we could,i would start right now,i hate this Goverment we have)--Keep dreaming!!

"Cars don't kill people,people kill people"another lame ass anology!!Cars are for transpo,guns are for killing,knives are for cutting not killing,ropes are for climbing,guns were invented for killing people,not hunting!!!

I was brought up with a gun in my hands,got one for Christmas when i was 9 years old.Served in the Army,used to hunt all the time until i got old enough to understand what a lame ass power trip it is!

Deer hunting in Missouri makes me laugh!!HAHAHAHA!Most of the hunters think it is some MACHO,male bonding experience,like it's macho to hang a deer head from your wall.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Most deer hunters around here are a bunch of fat fu$%ing red necks,sitting with a high powered riffle waiting for bambi to come along.Where is the challenge in that?--I would be impressed,if they killed a deer with a plastic spoon,naked!!!!

You think a gun will protect you?HAHAHAHAHAH!If i was a robber i would sneak up behind you with my #5 cam.and smack you very,very,very hard in the back of the head many times.What good is your gun going to do you now John Wayne?How easy would it be for me to rob you if i used a gun, Clint Eastwood?----Gun owners that have children should keep the ammo. in a seperate place,you think a robber is going to give you time to load it?

Read some international newspapers,see how the rest of the world views America and our obbsesion with guns!!!

I would love to see a law passed that outlaws all guns!!!Just holding a gun in my hands,I can feel the negative vibe from the gun!!!

John Lennon used to be my president,but someone with a gun shot him!!!------"Give peace a chance"

[ This Message was edited by: justsendingits on 2002-08-24 05:02 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 11:30 AM
Post #68 of 197 (3459 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2001
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What Do You Think About Gun-control Laws? [In reply to]
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  First off, I'm not a antigun advocate. Think about the way our government works and has worked since 1776. Now influence of special interest groups win the politicians votes. That's how Clinton's bill made it through. If people support a special interest group strengthening it, they get things done in government. Ranting and raving that the government wants to implant microchips in everyones body will not help you gain a sympathetic ear. A few people have mentioned the NRA. Do you know who set the standard for law enforcement firearms training. It was the NRA. Let me bring out another point. I've been one of those bastard red coats for twelve years. In that time I've seen murders, suicides and other violent crimes. I've been assaulted and have people attempt to assault me with knives, pipes, bats, a golf club, hands, feet, mouth, a waking cane and guns. Notice guns are only one of the tools mentioned. After all a gun is only a tool. The way the tool is used, is up to the person using it. That is the biggest opinion I've heard among my collegues. Even those that have been shot. I've can't think of any cops I know that support a ban on guns.

In a confrontation the gun does not win. The person that can use "all" available resources with skill wins.

Back to gun control laws. The majority of them are BS. Clinton's bill did not ban assault weapons. It put a ban on bayonet lugs and flash suppressors. How many times have you heard of a convenience store clerk being bayoneted during a robbery? Plus these guns can still be purchased without those items. If you want them you can buy them as aftermarket add ons at a high cost. Big victory for gun control. The high capacity magazine issue is a bunch of crap as well. It only takes one well placed shot. Besides many criminals have killed people with wheel guns. I do support gun registration. For the simple fact that guns, like all other property are lost and stolen. I've locked many people up for having stolen guns and returned guns to there LAWFULL owners. Many times this was done from the information provided by the registration dipository. I've sent many unregistered guns to be scrapped because the LAWFULL owner could not be traced.

If your going to put effort into maintaining the right to bear arms. Do so by supporting your legislators and organazation that will protect your right. Me thinks your wasting your time prepairing for urban warfare against the government. Because I can't see them coming door to door for your LAWFULLY owned gun. If your a criminal, that's another matter.

[ This Message was edited by: jeffe on 2002-08-24 04:45 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 11:42 AM
Post #69 of 197 (3459 views)

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Jeffe,are you one of those cops that pulls people over like me,tearing up the car,searching for drugs,and collects revenue by giving out tickets all day?!!! I like the sound of revenue agent better.("protect and serve"hahahahaha!!)

We have a lot of DEA. and local cops here that love to use their guns on non violent people,(mostly blacks)Two people were shot last year while trying to flee an arrest on small amount of drugs.The passenger had 5 kids,and was not the focus of the bust.They said that they were(the cops)in fear of their life,most people think it's a lie.

How bout that guy that got shot up in NY. city--got shot like 42 times,did not even have a gun,sounds like the NRA standerds for firearm training for cops,needs to be revaluated.

Can you tell i don't like cops? I know they are not all bad cops,but let me quote from the movie cool hand luke "Callin it your job don't make it right boss"

[ This Message was edited by: justsendingits on 2002-08-24 04:54 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 12:02 PM
Post #70 of 197 (3459 views)

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With out probabal cause, that would be against your Constitutional Rights. That set of laws is another issue.


Aug 24, 2002, 12:47 PM
Post #71 of 197 (3459 views)

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Gun control is being able to hit your target....

something im not able to do yet

Partner pianomahnn

Aug 24, 2002, 12:54 PM
Post #72 of 197 (3459 views)

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Read some international newspapers,see how the rest of the world views America and our obbsesion with guns!!!

Do you think I care what some bitch in a far off land thinks about my owning a gun? Hell no. I'm an American and I'm going to pack the heat if I damn well want to.

And for crying out loud, have you SEEN any news in the last few years? Instead of them having guns, they have bombs and suicidal high jackers. Oooo...yeah, Americans are so bad with their guns.

The pansy wankers can kiss my ass. I'm a free man with my free ideals and the freedom to carry a gun as I see fit.


Aug 24, 2002, 1:42 PM
Post #73 of 197 (3459 views)

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In a free society the power resides in the ability of every citizen to protect themselves with whatever means are necessary against all forms of crime and tyranny. Owning firearms is an essential right to self defense and cannot be restricted by a legitimate government only tyrants and dictators want to take your guns away.


Aug 24, 2002, 1:48 PM
Post #74 of 197 (3430 views)

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Quote:Do you think I care what some bitch in a far off land thinks about my owning a gun? Hell no. I'm an American and I'm going to pack the heat if I damn well want to.

I don't know... I don't consider Canada to be all that far off, and I don't really consider myself to be a "bitch." I don't carry a gun, and I don't need to. There really aren't drive by shootings in Canada, no road rage vigilante bastards. Yeah, we have our crime, and our problems, but we don't need guns to solve them. I think many Canadians would prefer more gun control.

Quote:And for crying out loud, have you SEEN any news in the last few years? Instead of them having guns, they have bombs and suicidal high jackers. Oooo...yeah, Americans are so bad with their guns.

What the hell are you talking about? Yeah, all those German, Dutch, Canadian, Swiss, Tibetan, Japanese, Swedish, Romanian, Portugese, Greek etc... suicide bombers.

Some countries have these problems, and perhaps USA is one of them with your Columbine's and uni-bombers, and anti-government malitias, and fanatical suicidal cults, and kids building bombs in their houses. "Suicidal high jackers"? Like 9/ 11? I don't know if you've noticed, but the organization that spawned them could probably stand a little gun control.

Quote:The pansy wankers can kiss my ass. I'm a free man with my free ideals and the freedom to carry a gun as I see fit.

First of all, freedom means without impediment. Nothing is without impediment (unless you believe in an omnipotent god, but that still doesn't make you free). Guns just add to your confinement. The more you arm yourself, the more others have to arm themselves against you, either physically, legally, or even emotionally. Yeah you're "free" to carry your gun, but what if that impedes my sense of security? Am I free to feel safe? I don't feel frightened by Americans and their guns personally, but I don't feel all warm and tingly inside when I'm confronted with some stupid moron, who in a drunken stupor threatens to "frag" me.

Yes guns are fun... but they should be treated as toys (like cars are treated as toys... not carelessly or while intoxicated) and not like the last line of defense, or that upon which all "freedom" is based.

You don't like gun control? Well, you're "free", with your "free ideals": ignore it.

[ This Message was edited by: kriso9tails on 2002-08-24 08:38 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 1:51 PM
Post #75 of 197 (3430 views)

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The real issue lies with the anti-gun movement. Not the entire government. Think of the legislators that have so far preserved our right and are continuing to fight for our right to own guns. They need our support.

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