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Jan 29, 2013, 11:29 PM
Post #96651 of 105309 (6835 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
so what's the deal with quoting on MP? You can't have more than one quote string in your post? Or you just can't break up someobody's quote into multiples?

It seems that you can't alter a quote at all, or the site will remove the quote formatting?

They has rules over there.


Jan 29, 2013, 11:33 PM
Post #96652 of 105309 (6829 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
haha that ben guy just asked if it was my time of the month, in french.

i replied, in french: "Yes, I am covered in blood. Too bad you're not, too?"



Jan 29, 2013, 11:35 PM
Post #96653 of 105309 (6829 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
drivel wrote:
haha that ben guy just asked if it was my time of the month, in french.

i replied, in french: "Yes, I am covered in blood. Too bad you're not, too?"
I know, I speak enough french to get that lol...looks like his was deleted?

I had to google translate, but I got the point.

they were both mod-deleted. I'm kinda bummed, actually. I thought "I'm covered in blood" was a pretty funny response to being asked if it was my time of the month.

Lets hope he doesn't think ewe were asking him owt on a date


Jan 29, 2013, 11:43 PM
Post #96654 of 105309 (6826 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [carabiner96] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
camhead wrote:
Male privilege FTW!!! Tits or GTFO!
you should post how I really just have booby envy.

So this past sunday I saw Dr Bob YoHo, plastic surgin to teh stars. Hadn't seen him since Williamson wus in full swing. So I asked him.... 'So Bob, it's been quite sum tyme but I remember you woce said ewe wood give me a nice set ov jiant fun bags, ifs ewe cood use it fer advertizement fer teh practice..." He imeately said 'Yea, that offer is still gud'.


Jan 29, 2013, 11:44 PM
Post #96655 of 105309 (6824 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
this has got to be some kind of gold star for the g3rks though.

we started a flamewar that caused a mod to resign.

Ewe dun gud.


Jan 29, 2013, 11:46 PM
Post #96656 of 105309 (6822 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
drivel wrote:
Also, I'm kind of impressed that they deleted the "time of the month" post, but they left the one of me saying "fuck you" and "sit down and shut up" were the same level of civil.
Sounds like those moderators need some midol.


Also, I may have tripled my MP PC+++ today. I only ever go over there when there's a fight one uv you guys started.

yeah, me too. when camhead thinks it'd be funny for me to get in a flame war, he points out threads to me. he can usually spot something that will make me angry enough to override my better sense not to start flame wars

Yer welcome. It's what I do.

That and operate a firehose


Jan 29, 2013, 11:48 PM
Post #96657 of 105309 (6822 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
drivel wrote:
this has got to be some kind of gold star for the g3rks though.

we started a flamewar that caused a mod to resign.
What a pussy. At least when mods over here resign, there's real tears involved.

he might have cried the real tearz. he sent me some butthurt emails last night.

nods hed in approval Again noice werk. Cood be that this incident ranks up there with sum ov teh other best BET pranks.


Jan 29, 2013, 11:49 PM
Post #96658 of 105309 (6821 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
drivel wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
drivel wrote:
this has got to be some kind of gold star for the g3rks though.

we started a flamewar that caused a mod to resign.
What a pussy. At least when mods over here resign, there's real tears involved.

he might have cried the real tearz. he sent me some butthurt emails last night.
Damn, I may have to go reread from the beginning (not that it will make much sense with the deleshunz). I don't recall seeing anything resign worthy, he went straight to 'poor little martyr, hanging up my hat'.

It's more cumulative for him. He's been one of the more level headed, laid back guys on mp for a long time. Also has a pretty solid climbing resume, too, he was one of the Rumney OG developers (probably owns a lot of 30m ropes).

But I have noticed in a couple other non-penis-party threads, he has deleted things, and idiots have yelled "OMG conspiracy" at him. Most recently, there was a thread about climbing in the Deep South, in which some folks including my buddy Blake let some secrets out, then went back and self-deleted their posts. A bunch of grommets blamed M-sprague for that.

When ewe wearz teh uniform.....


Jan 29, 2013, 11:52 PM
Post #96659 of 105309 (6820 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
So I go out onto the floor to deal with some real work and I come back to an arm full of puppies in the MP thread? That's not so much entertaining. (cute yes, but it doesn't hold my attention).

Even worse. It appears that GO's manboobs have taken that thread out back and put a bullet in its head.

It was a mercy killing. The thread was already in its death throws when the feminazis decided to make nice and stop beating up the knuckle draggers. If you want to blame someone, blame Clausti for eating too many chill pills or whatever made her stop kicking butts.


I thought clausti only took chill pills when it was time for bed (tuphar?).

Knot really helping with teh hole getting laid thing


Jan 29, 2013, 11:53 PM
Post #96660 of 105309 (6820 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
omfg you keep making me lose my shit laughing in my lab.

also, did anybody get my ham and mayo joke??? I thought that shit was funny but nobody responded.



Jan 29, 2013, 11:54 PM
Post #96661 of 105309 (6819 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [carabiner96] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
drivel wrote:
omfg you keep making me lose my shit laughing in my lab.

also, did anybody get my ham and mayo joke??? I thought that shit was funny but nobody responded.
Mayo in the bag? Call me pete, but I don't get it.


Jan 30, 2013, 12:37 AM
Post #96662 of 105309 (6808 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
Posts: 12610

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
macherry wrote:
camhead wrote:
macherry wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
Getting picked up at 6 am tomorrow for a supposed powder day. I know it's cool to get first chair and all, but damn that's early. At least I'm not driving.

good lord, i still have a hard time getting my ass out of bed and i live 10 min from the ski hill

Hey Ma, are you "theyalwayscomeback" on

not me, haven't been on mp for a few years now

So... you have not yet come back to it?

I assumed it was you, based on the use of your trademark phrase.

It is pretty rad that one of the hundreds two or three lurkers in here called out us gerkz on the prodge.
I though the guy that did it was off, his second post over there ever was calling us out? What kind of life must he lead?


Jan 30, 2013, 12:40 AM
Post #96663 of 105309 (6808 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
Posts: 12610

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
Also, computer woes:

My five year old macbook is very slowly getting senile, mostly on the internetz. I stopped using chrome a few months ago, because the google overlordz decided to stop providing updates for my OS, the flash player stopped being up to date, and every time I went to a website, a bar would pop up at the top telling me this fact.

So I moved to Firefox, which evidently gets like 8 mpg or something like that. Every time I watch any animation or go to a website with a lot of bells and whistles on Firefox, the fan starts whiring, and within five minutes the browser slows to the point of like a 5 second lag for every keystroke or mouse click. Not sure if this means that Russians have infiltrated teh Firefox or not, but this does not happen on Chrome.

So yeah, as soon as we've paid medical bills, paid for plane tix to jorb interviews, sold the condo, and gotten jobs, totally buying a new computer.

I do with that my old computer could act a bit more like my old truck, though, for the time being.

Oddly our PC laptop is older than your Mac (ours was bought when Nathan and I moved in together in the fall of 2005) and it's still going. Can't watch movies on it and the CD/DVD drive is broken, but still going.

That must of beed some good Russian porn you found.

Racist! Let's not jump to conclusion about camhat's pron preferences.

I am, however, willing to consider the fact that camhead with his liberal arts education may not have known how to use an incognito mode...

And I don't want to jinx myself, but my laptop is aslo older than camhead's, and also not a mac, and also seems not to suffer from planned obsolescence just yet.

I am familiar with incognito/private browsing. I use it when I go to perezhilton,, rockandice, or any other site that I'll be embarrassed about going to.

I'm not sure what it wrong, other than the porbelm comes from running Firefox and the encountering flash player stuff. Something about firefox thinking it needs to use all my RAM to view youtube videos, even 10 minutes after I've watched that video.
Ha! I'm not the only one here that read's Perez Hilton!

Partner camhead

Jan 30, 2013, 1:19 AM
Post #96664 of 105309 (6797 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [carabiner96] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
Also, computer woes:

My five year old macbook is very slowly getting senile, mostly on the internetz. I stopped using chrome a few months ago, because the google overlordz decided to stop providing updates for my OS, the flash player stopped being up to date, and every time I went to a website, a bar would pop up at the top telling me this fact.

So I moved to Firefox, which evidently gets like 8 mpg or something like that. Every time I watch any animation or go to a website with a lot of bells and whistles on Firefox, the fan starts whiring, and within five minutes the browser slows to the point of like a 5 second lag for every keystroke or mouse click. Not sure if this means that Russians have infiltrated teh Firefox or not, but this does not happen on Chrome.

So yeah, as soon as we've paid medical bills, paid for plane tix to jorb interviews, sold the condo, and gotten jobs, totally buying a new computer.

I do with that my old computer could act a bit more like my old truck, though, for the time being.

Oddly our PC laptop is older than your Mac (ours was bought when Nathan and I moved in together in the fall of 2005) and it's still going. Can't watch movies on it and the CD/DVD drive is broken, but still going.

That must of beed some good Russian porn you found.

Racist! Let's not jump to conclusion about camhat's pron preferences.

I am, however, willing to consider the fact that camhead with his liberal arts education may not have known how to use an incognito mode...

And I don't want to jinx myself, but my laptop is aslo older than camhead's, and also not a mac, and also seems not to suffer from planned obsolescence just yet.

I am familiar with incognito/private browsing. I use it when I go to perezhilton,, rockandice, or any other site that I'll be embarrassed about going to.

I'm not sure what it wrong, other than the porbelm comes from running Firefox and the encountering flash player stuff. Something about firefox thinking it needs to use all my RAM to view youtube videos, even 10 minutes after I've watched that video.
Ha! I'm not the only one here that read's Perez Hilton!

You are the only person here to read Perez Hilton. I sure as hell don't, and if you don't believe me, you can check my browser history.


Jan 30, 2013, 1:22 AM
Post #96665 of 105309 (6795 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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facebook wrote:
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.

“Before class begins, you must all get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being in history, even greater than Jesus Christ!”, said the professor.

It was then that a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL/NASCAR champion who served over 12 million tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and supported every military decision ever made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked quite smugly and Jewishly and said “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian!” and the class laughed and laughed.

But then the Navy SEAL said “You’re wrong! God created this rock 5,000 years ago! If, as you say, evolution is true and this rock is 4.6 billion years old, it should have turned into an animal by now”

The professor was visibly shaken. He dropped his chalk and his copy of The Origin of Species, and stormed out of the lecture hall crying liberal crocodile tears.

The students all applauded and registered Republican that very day while simultaneously accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag that the professor had forgotten to burn. The Pledge of Allegiance was read several times. God himself walked into the classroom and enacted a flat tax across the land.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired. He then died of the gay plague AIDS, and is spending eternity in a lake of hellfire.

And what was that Navy SEAL’s name? Albert Einstein.

Amen. Semper Fi. God Bless America. Drill, Baby, Drill.


Jan 30, 2013, 1:23 AM
Post #96666 of 105309 (6792 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
facebook wrote:
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.

“Before class begins, you must all get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being in history, even greater than Jesus Christ!”, said the professor.

It was then that a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL/NASCAR champion who served over 12 million tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and supported every military decision ever made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked quite smugly and Jewishly and said “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian!” and the class laughed and laughed.

But then the Navy SEAL said “You’re wrong! God created this rock 5,000 years ago! If, as you say, evolution is true and this rock is 4.6 billion years old, it should have turned into an animal by now”

The professor was visibly shaken. He dropped his chalk and his copy of The Origin of Species, and stormed out of the lecture hall crying liberal crocodile tears.

The students all applauded and registered Republican that very day while simultaneously accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag that the professor had forgotten to burn. The Pledge of Allegiance was read several times. God himself walked into the classroom and enacted a flat tax across the land.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired. He then died of the gay plague AIDS, and is spending eternity in a lake of hellfire.

And what was that Navy SEAL’s name? Albert Einstein.

Amen. Semper Fi. God Bless America. Drill, Baby, Drill.


Jan 30, 2013, 1:25 AM
Post #96667 of 105309 (6791 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
drivel wrote:
omfg you keep making me lose my shit laughing in my lab.

also, did anybody get my ham and mayo joke??? I thought that shit was funny but nobody responded.
Mayo in the bag? Call me pete, but I don't get it.

Why do I get the funny mental image that jak is furiously burning scrib while waiting for his infected PC to load roflbot for a glorious 10k bombz? Or drinking gin while seeking inspiration for a way to valiantly squander it?

Partner camhead

Jan 30, 2013, 1:38 AM
Post #96668 of 105309 (6787 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
drivel wrote:
facebook wrote:
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.

“Before class begins, you must all get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being in history, even greater than Jesus Christ!”, said the professor.

It was then that a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL/NASCAR champion who served over 12 million tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and supported every military decision ever made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked quite smugly and Jewishly and said “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian!” and the class laughed and laughed.

But then the Navy SEAL said “You’re wrong! God created this rock 5,000 years ago! If, as you say, evolution is true and this rock is 4.6 billion years old, it should have turned into an animal by now”

The professor was visibly shaken. He dropped his chalk and his copy of The Origin of Species, and stormed out of the lecture hall crying liberal crocodile tears.

The students all applauded and registered Republican that very day while simultaneously accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag that the professor had forgotten to burn. The Pledge of Allegiance was read several times. God himself walked into the classroom and enacted a flat tax across the land.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired. He then died of the gay plague AIDS, and is spending eternity in a lake of hellfire.

And what was that Navy SEAL’s name? Albert Einstein.

Amen. Semper Fi. God Bless America. Drill, Baby, Drill.

If you love America, forward this to everyone you care about! Snopes has proven that this story is true!


Jan 30, 2013, 1:40 AM
Post #96669 of 105309 (6786 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
drivel wrote:
facebook wrote:
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.

“Before class begins, you must all get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being in history, even greater than Jesus Christ!”, said the professor.

It was then that a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL/NASCAR champion who served over 12 million tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and supported every military decision ever made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked quite smugly and Jewishly and said “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian!” and the class laughed and laughed.

But then the Navy SEAL said “You’re wrong! God created this rock 5,000 years ago! If, as you say, evolution is true and this rock is 4.6 billion years old, it should have turned into an animal by now”

The professor was visibly shaken. He dropped his chalk and his copy of The Origin of Species, and stormed out of the lecture hall crying liberal crocodile tears.

The students all applauded and registered Republican that very day while simultaneously accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag that the professor had forgotten to burn. The Pledge of Allegiance was read several times. God himself walked into the classroom and enacted a flat tax across the land.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired. He then died of the gay plague AIDS, and is spending eternity in a lake of hellfire.

And what was that Navy SEAL’s name? Albert Einstein.

Amen. Semper Fi. God Bless America. Drill, Baby, Drill.

The eagle named "small government" almost made me spit, I laughed so hard. But I knew you'd like that.

Partner epoch

Jan 30, 2013, 1:43 AM
Post #96670 of 105309 (6781 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
facebook wrote:
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.

“Before class begins, you must all get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being in history, even greater than Jesus Christ!”, said the professor.

It was then that a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL/NASCAR champion who served over 12 million tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and supported every military decision ever made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked quite smugly and Jewishly and said “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian!” and the class laughed and laughed.

But then the Navy SEAL said “You’re wrong! God created this rock 5,000 years ago! If, as you say, evolution is true and this rock is 4.6 billion years old, it should have turned into an animal by now”

The professor was visibly shaken. He dropped his chalk and his copy of The Origin of Species, and stormed out of the lecture hall crying liberal crocodile tears.

The students all applauded and registered Republican that very day while simultaneously accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag that the professor had forgotten to burn. The Pledge of Allegiance was read several times. God himself walked into the classroom and enacted a flat tax across the land.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired. He then died of the gay plague AIDS, and is spending eternity in a lake of hellfire.

And what was that Navy SEAL’s name? Albert Einstein.

Amen. Semper Fi. God Bless America. Drill, Baby, Drill.

That's beautiful!


Jan 30, 2013, 3:30 AM
Post #96671 of 105309 (6765 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
I actually have a weke-end climbing report! Imagine that!

There was a climbing comp in Charleston this weekend. Yes, I know, it is ridiculous to drive 4 hours to a comp, but in this case it was a combination of wanting to check out that gym, and hanging out with friends afterwards, and the fact that there was no good climbing to be had anywhere within a day's drive, anyway...

Surprisingly, Heffe wanted to go, and actually brought it up. I was already psyched to go, so when he signed on, it was awesome. A in all, 5 of us went from Cle. Heffe and I, John, Becca and Sarah.

The bouldering gym they built there is REALLY cool. As in, I can't really think of any additions or improvements to the wall design/layout that would make it better. We are not talking the Spot, or any of those big-name places, but for a small co-op gym I have never seen anything that good. Big variety in a small place, very little unused space, and great padded floors.

I wasn't expecting much, since I have been doing little beside warmup/cooldown climbing with hangboard cycle. But it went pretty well.

[spray ]
I got 1xv6, 3xV5s, and 5xV4s. All V4s were flashes. And that got me 3rd place overall, in both flights combined.

My "ballpark" was N. from Columbus, also short, but strong. We climb about the same, and I was hoping to do about as well as she did. She climbed in the morning heat, but I checked the score sheet. She got 1900, I got 2480. So I think that was good.

There were lots of strong people there, which was cool. The top guys where flashing V9/V10s.

Of course, the routes were reachy... I mean, they SAID they weren't reachy, and they weren't VERY reachy... as in, I only jumped 3 times in the course of one V4. But you know, there were more than 3 moves in that V4, so not EVERY move was reachy. And I only had to jump once per two other V4s and use footholds for handholds on two V5s, and jump once on the other V5. But other than that, no, not reachy at all.


Hung out with Banz and co after the comp, drove home this morning. GUD times!

Gneiss work on the crushing! I'm seeing an awesome season for you coming up.

So, you beat N.? She's been climbing pretty strong lately. Who else from Columbus was there? I heard that Jansen and Wolsty were heading down. I was almost tempted to go, just to hang out, play some gheymecube, spray about how bitchin I used to be.

Yes, I beat N. by ~580 points. Which felt good, but kinda surprised me.

Brian placed 3rd overall, I think. Baby mutant Max was there, but didn't place. All the columbus people were in the first flight ,and left by the time we got there, so I don't know everyone who was there. There were lots of strong guys. To give you an idea, Manderson's friend Fred who got that famous 'lode punch didn't win, either. He night have tied with Brian in the combined 1st/2nd flight? I don't remember exactly, but there will be scores posted online. Fred's wife Heather beat me, but not by as much as I thought she would, and the other strong girl destroyed everyone. Magda, she's from Poland, now living in Fayetteville.

Heffe got a V7 flash, sent couple V6s, and a bunch of V5s, and that got him 1st place in the intermediates.

Maybes ewe cood spray me down a little more.... cuz there iz this won spot under my sack that isn't compleately soaked?

Sorry, showers are on a timer, and strictly enforced.

Next time, put your head down and stick up all the parts that need spraying. Or course, you might drown with your head being down, and all, but that would be for the best.


Jan 30, 2013, 3:35 AM
Post #96672 of 105309 (6764 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
drivel wrote:
facebook wrote:
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.

“Before class begins, you must all get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being in history, even greater than Jesus Christ!”, said the professor.

It was then that a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL/NASCAR champion who served over 12 million tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and supported every military decision ever made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked quite smugly and Jewishly and said “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian!” and the class laughed and laughed.

But then the Navy SEAL said “You’re wrong! God created this rock 5,000 years ago! If, as you say, evolution is true and this rock is 4.6 billion years old, it should have turned into an animal by now”

The professor was visibly shaken. He dropped his chalk and his copy of The Origin of Species, and stormed out of the lecture hall crying liberal crocodile tears.

The students all applauded and registered Republican that very day while simultaneously accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag that the professor had forgotten to burn. The Pledge of Allegiance was read several times. God himself walked into the classroom and enacted a flat tax across the land.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired. He then died of the gay plague AIDS, and is spending eternity in a lake of hellfire.

And what was that Navy SEAL’s name? Albert Einstein.

Amen. Semper Fi. God Bless America. Drill, Baby, Drill.

If you love America, forward this to everyone you care about! Snopes has proven that this story is true!

Oh god! (abs have gone into spasming, you are killing me) REALLY?

Partner camhead

Jan 30, 2013, 3:46 AM
Post #96673 of 105309 (6763 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
camhead wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
drivel wrote:
facebook wrote:
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.

“Before class begins, you must all get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being in history, even greater than Jesus Christ!”, said the professor.

It was then that a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL/NASCAR champion who served over 12 million tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and supported every military decision ever made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked quite smugly and Jewishly and said “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian!” and the class laughed and laughed.

But then the Navy SEAL said “You’re wrong! God created this rock 5,000 years ago! If, as you say, evolution is true and this rock is 4.6 billion years old, it should have turned into an animal by now”

The professor was visibly shaken. He dropped his chalk and his copy of The Origin of Species, and stormed out of the lecture hall crying liberal crocodile tears.

The students all applauded and registered Republican that very day while simultaneously accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag that the professor had forgotten to burn. The Pledge of Allegiance was read several times. God himself walked into the classroom and enacted a flat tax across the land.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired. He then died of the gay plague AIDS, and is spending eternity in a lake of hellfire.

And what was that Navy SEAL’s name? Albert Einstein.

Amen. Semper Fi. God Bless America. Drill, Baby, Drill.

If you love America, forward this to everyone you care about! Snopes has proven that this story is true!

Oh god! (abs have gone into spasming, you are killing me) REALLY?

Yup, good ab (rip, pocibll) workout, definitely.

And here's more background, since you probably didn't have any annoying relatives forwarding this shit to you back in 2002.


Jan 30, 2013, 4:12 AM
Post #96674 of 105309 (6748 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
camhead wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
Also, computer woes:

My five year old macbook is very slowly getting senile, mostly on the internetz. I stopped using chrome a few months ago, because the google overlordz decided to stop providing updates for my OS, the flash player stopped being up to date, and every time I went to a website, a bar would pop up at the top telling me this fact.

So I moved to Firefox, which evidently gets like 8 mpg or something like that. Every time I watch any animation or go to a website with a lot of bells and whistles on Firefox, the fan starts whiring, and within five minutes the browser slows to the point of like a 5 second lag for every keystroke or mouse click. Not sure if this means that Russians have infiltrated teh Firefox or not, but this does not happen on Chrome.

So yeah, as soon as we've paid medical bills, paid for plane tix to jorb interviews, sold the condo, and gotten jobs, totally buying a new computer.

I do with that my old computer could act a bit more like my old truck, though, for the time being.

Oddly our PC laptop is older than your Mac (ours was bought when Nathan and I moved in together in the fall of 2005) and it's still going. Can't watch movies on it and the CD/DVD drive is broken, but still going.

That must of beed some good Russian porn you found.

Racist! Let's not jump to conclusion about camhat's pron preferences.

I am, however, willing to consider the fact that camhead with his liberal arts education may not have known how to use an incognito mode...

And I don't want to jinx myself, but my laptop is aslo older than camhead's, and also not a mac, and also seems not to suffer from planned obsolescence just yet.

I am familiar with incognito/private browsing. I use it when I go to perezhilton,, rockandice, or any other site that I'll be embarrassed about going to.

I'm not sure what it wrong, other than the porbelm comes from running Firefox and the encountering flash player stuff. Something about firefox thinking it needs to use all my RAM to view youtube videos, even 10 minutes after I've watched that video.
Ha! I'm not the only one here that read's Perez Hilton!

You are the only person here to read Perez Hilton. I sure as hell don't, and if you don't believe me, you can check my browser history.

let's not just assume that CI doesn't read that shit.


Jan 30, 2013, 4:48 AM
Post #96675 of 105309 (6744 views)

Registered: Mar 19, 2003
Posts: 9679

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
New Zealand to banz devl kat!

Dogz winz!!Angelic

holy shit, how did they get a picture uv kel's cat?

Wrong breed. Wrong fur color. Wrong eye color. My cat doesn't have a smushed face. My cat is way cuter.

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