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Dec 4, 2014, 7:40 PM
Post #103876 of 105309 (2309 views)

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Re: [carabiner96] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Dec 4, 2014, 7:40 PM
Post #103877 of 105309 (2309 views)

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Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Dec 4, 2014, 7:41 PM
Post #103878 of 105309 (2309 views)

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Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
climbingtrash wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Weak-end report:

I hung-bored. And tore a flapper at the first joint of middle finger on a two-finger pocket. Owwwww!

I can turn pedals on a stationary bike for 8 full minutes now. AND I can stand on one foot for 30 sec. I also baked bread, cleaned the house, weeded the garden, made pizza, and got only slightly white-knuckled while being a passenger in a car driven by a kidling...

Where is my medal? I demand one.

If it wuz up yore arse you'd know it?

Pretty sure it would have come out by now.

had won of those myself this morning.


Dec 4, 2014, 7:44 PM
Post #103879 of 105309 (2304 views)

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Re: [carabiner96] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
climbingtrash wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Why aren't there more women construction workers?

That's what bolting a route feels like.
I need a man to teach me!

Just kidding. I'm lazy.

I kinda got that feeling from ewe.
You are doing some weird guing!

Meh. I'm easily distracted.


Dec 4, 2014, 7:47 PM
Post #103880 of 105309 (2303 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Why aren't there more women construction workers?

That's what bolting a route feels like.

Is that the same reason that there aren't more female engineers?

Crowbars aren't that hard to use.

But crowbars are hard to accessories with an outfit?


Dec 4, 2014, 7:50 PM
Post #103881 of 105309 (2302 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Paul, interesting post on facespace about women and bolting. I'm glad you asked because while I've wondered about it myself in the past it took writing a thoughtful reply for me to really understand what was going on there.

Too many people replying to the facebook post, and I didn't want to continue the conversation there. I think it boils down to the aggressiveness of women. I see a lot of ladies replying to your thread saying they can't find a mentor. Guys either actively seek out a mentor or say fuck it, buy their own drill and just go at 'er.

Lena, you were talking about the ergonomics of drilling as a woman: you should give it a go sometime because the only thing you really have to do one handed is hold the drill while you're drilling. There's a lot of rigging involved when you're bolting routes, and part of that is how you've slug your drill and how well you can holster it when you're not drilling. Trust me, you aren't trying to change bits or anything like that one handed.

If you saw my second post, I would like to. Theoretically -- at some point in the future. The hassle of a drill is a minor point to me personally. It doesn't stop me from putting up routes at the gym, and it wouldn't stop me from bolting, if I really wanted to bolt. What is stopping me right now is time, primarily. If i have two weekends a month to climb, I want to climb, and not bolt during prime weather season. And when the weather is NOT prime for climbing, it is prime for plenty of other things that don't require me to drive 7 hours one way.

Realistically, I don't see it happening in the next 8 years or so. I see no benefit to me personally, other than it is a skill, and learning is good. If I had nothing to climb, I would be more likely to bolt. Even if I had 2 months off right now, or even a year, I would be climbing, and traveling, and not bolting. It would have to be a long-term multi-year living-near-the-crag arrangement before I would consider it.

On a related note, camhat, you know how Banz used to bolt a lot, but not anymore? While there may be more than one reason why he stopped, the local climber-politics being one, his break-through in terms of climbing difficulty has coincided with a decrease in his bolting. And he himself has said to me that he used to bolt stuff for him to climb, but now there are so many new routes for him to climb that bolting looks less appealing. (And he has a girlfriend to spend time with, when he is not climbing)

Also, on a related subject, there was enough controversy there already and I didn't want to bring kids into it, but really, if you were to compare the fraction of male bolters who have young kids vs. total number of male bolters, to a fraction of female bolters with young kids vs a total number of female bolters, your numbers will be even more dramatically different, IMO. That fell into the "time" category, I guess.

I think Karla has kids. I don't think any other female bolter hes young kids, or any kids, that I am aware of.

That's why I didn't really want to bring it up in Paul's facebook thread, it wasn't a major part of your post.

For me bolting is more about giving my due to the climbing community than the drive of putting up new routes. Its was nice to put up a few routes, and I'm sure I'll put more up at some time, but I don't have that need that someone like Nathan has.

I think it's more of a reflection of society than anything else. Yes, I think that women being directed not to be so aggressive has something to do with it, but I think you're right about things like kids too. And even in a relationship without children, the man and woman in the relationship take on certain roles too which may leave the women more responsibility at home regardless (I'd be curious on your thoughts on a childless couple).

Ewe have to haz teh Glory drive to put up new roots. Without it it's just a bunch of phucking work.


Dec 4, 2014, 7:53 PM
Post #103882 of 105309 (2301 views)

Registered: Jan 19, 2006
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Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Why aren't there more women construction workers?

That's what bolting a route feels like.

Is that the same reason that there aren't more female engineers?

Crowbars aren't that hard to use.

It's nothing like being an engineer. CI is right.

I've never been a construction worker, but I've always been a tinkerer, and I do all my own fix-it work around the house, plumbing, sheet rock, what have you.

Putting up new routes feels halfway between that and aid climbing.

And you don't see very many women who are aid climbers or home-repair people either.

Allison is pretty handy. And she's always been interested (and is very good at it, too) in putting up routes in the gym. But she's never expressed any interest in putting up routes outside with me. Too much work, not enough fun?

I don't really know, but it's a good question.

Paul - throw this out there in the Women's Room here on - it's a good troll. I'd like to see what you get.


Hey, take it to teh kiddy pool.


Dec 4, 2014, 7:54 PM
Post #103883 of 105309 (2300 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
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Re: [climbingtrash] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Hey Beccz.... Check Grupe!


Dec 4, 2014, 7:54 PM
Post #103884 of 105309 (2300 views)

Registered: Jan 19, 2006
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Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
I also think there is no comparison between bolting a route and putting up a gym route.

Stating teh obvious does knot make ewe smart.


Dec 4, 2014, 8:03 PM
Post #103885 of 105309 (2295 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
cracklover wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Why aren't there more women construction workers?

That's what bolting a route feels like.

Is that the same reason that there aren't more female engineers?

Crowbars aren't that hard to use.

It's nothing like being an engineer. CI is right.

I've never been a construction worker, but I've always been a tinkerer, and I do all my own fix-it work around the house, plumbing, sheet rock, what have you.

Putting up new routes feels halfway between that and aid climbing.

And you don't see very many women who are aid climbers or home-repair people either.

Allison is pretty handy. And she's always been interested (and is very good at it, too) in putting up routes in the gym. But she's never expressed any interest in putting up routes outside with me. Too much work, not enough fun?

I don't really know, but it's a good question.

Paul - throw this out there in the Women's Room here on - it's a good troll. I'd like to see what you get.


that's why I put the crow bar comment in there. I figured it was either a comment to do with society (engineer thing) or the effort that it takes (crowbar comment).

Yes, it's physical to jug a line and crowbar things off, but it's also physical just to take up the sport of climbing. Cleaning a choss pile route may be dirty, but it's not something where I felt physically limited (except for the fact I broke my femur and hanging in the harness for long periods of time used to suck big time).

Personally, I will choose to view the constriction working comment as it being perceived as being too hard so women shy away.

I've worked with three women in teh construction trades. Two Masons and one equipment operator and they were pretty hard broads. Partly by nature and partly because construction is hard on ewe. I think most women are smart and realize this. Guys, knot so much.


Dec 4, 2014, 8:05 PM
Post #103886 of 105309 (2291 views)

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Re: [climbingtrash] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Yeah well crack lover thought so.

Anyway, I think we settled on the reason.

Jiant Boners.

Yore welcum


Dec 4, 2014, 8:11 PM
Post #103887 of 105309 (2287 views)

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Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
Well, here I am, drunk, sitting in a bar on a sunday nite, in teh heart of teh 909, staring down 2 more g&t's, sitting by myself with too fat punk rocker bitches that are tring to get in too my pants, getting ready to walk into the Descendents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

Yea, i noes most ov ewe kids won't understand,


Maybe sum day ewe will

Oh n fer teh record....

I due so many gnu roots,

Cuz they give me jiant boners.

"Sniff my ass whilst I pass gas, fore ewe, my friend, ENJOY!"


Dec 4, 2014, 8:16 PM
Post #103888 of 105309 (2286 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, here I am, drunk, sitting in a bar on a sunday nite, in teh heart of teh 909, staring down 2 more g&t's, sitting by myself with too fat punk rocker bitches that are tring to get in too my pants, getting ready to walk into the Descendents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

Yea, i noes most ov ewe kids won't understand,


Maybe sum day ewe will

Oh n fer teh record....

I due so many gnu roots,

Cuz they give me jiant boners.

That's what I have been missing this entire time! Why didn't someone say so earlier?

Those fat punk chicks or pretty core. We were at a bar with won and she wanted to show us her gnu labia piercing. She was wearing a mini skirt and to be discrete, just pulled her "lip" down like a piece of silly putty, showed us, and then letting it go. And I'll be damned but teh thing snapped write back into place.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:15 PM
Post #103889 of 105309 (2275 views)

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Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, here I am, drunk, sitting in a bar on a sunday nite, in teh heart of teh 909, staring down 2 more g&t's, sitting by myself with too fat punk rocker bitches that are tring to get in too my pants, getting ready to walk into the Descendents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

Yea, i noes most ov ewe kids won't understand,


Maybe sum day ewe will

Oh n fer teh record....

I due so many gnu roots,

Cuz they give me jiant boners.

Fuck yes! I hope they play "I Don't Want to Grow Up." That could be yore theme song, heh.

They played sum ov there gnu stuff, but they really werked teh old standards.... Including 'I don't want to grow up'.

And yea, it's tru.... that's how I have lived my life. Sadly, my body has stopped cooperating.

poyntes and laffs


Dec 4, 2014, 9:17 PM
Post #103890 of 105309 (2275 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, here I am, drunk, sitting in a bar on a sunday nite, in teh heart of teh 909, staring down 2 more g&t's, sitting by myself with too fat punk rocker bitches that are tring to get in too my pants, getting ready to walk into the Descendents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

Yea, i noes most ov ewe kids won't understand,


Maybe sum day ewe will

Oh n fer teh record....

I due so many gnu roots,

Cuz they give me jiant boners.

That's what I have been missing this entire time! Why didn't someone say so earlier?

It' a case ov, 'You don't know what you don't know'.

How can any of these guys tell you about the jiant boner, when they don't even know it exists?

I thought they all have done some ball-cupping? I can't believe they all closed their eyes the entire time! But maybe there was a non-disclosure agreement?

Or maybe it's knot that Jiant and only looks jiant through teh bi-focals?


Dec 4, 2014, 9:18 PM
Post #103891 of 105309 (2274 views)

Registered: Jan 19, 2006
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Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, here I am, drunk, sitting in a bar on a sunday nite, in teh heart of teh 909, staring down 2 more g&t's, sitting by myself with too fat punk rocker bitches that are tring to get in too my pants, getting ready to walk into the Descendents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

Yea, i noes most ov ewe kids won't understand,


Maybe sum day ewe will

Oh n fer teh record....

I due so many gnu roots,

Cuz they give me jiant boners.

That's what I have been missing this entire time! Why didn't someone say so earlier?

It' a case ov, 'You don't know what you don't know'.

How can any of these guys tell you about the jiant boner, when they don't even know it exists?

so what yore saying is ... CI can't possibly have a penish, because if he did he'd know about teh jiant boner?

Teh hamfisting would indicate teh lack of a penish.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:20 PM
Post #103892 of 105309 (2273 views)

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Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
one protection ought to be enough, I think we're in a low francis environmint

It being teh oft season and shitty weather fore teh next couple dayz ewe may want to rethink this.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:22 PM
Post #103893 of 105309 (2273 views)

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Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, here I am, drunk, sitting in a bar on a sunday nite, in teh heart of teh 909, staring down 2 more g&t's, sitting by myself with too fat punk rocker bitches that are tring to get in too my pants, getting ready to walk into the Descendents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

Yea, i noes most ov ewe kids won't understand,


Maybe sum day ewe will

Oh n fer teh record....

I due so many gnu roots,

Cuz they give me jiant boners.

That's what I have been missing this entire time! Why didn't someone say so earlier?

It' a case ov, 'You don't know what you don't know'.

How can any of these guys tell you about the jiant boner, when they don't even know it exists?

I thought they all have done some ball-cupping? I can't believe they all closed their eyes the entire time! But maybe there was a non-disclosure agreement?


I gave ewe the answer, the answer nobody else could give you.

But it wasn't gud enough for ewe. Instead of taking the tyme to understand what I was saying...

Ewe jump to conclusions... Teh rong conclusions.

Ball cupping has nothing to due with teh jiant boner. But I don't expect ewe to ever understand this or why guys like me do so many gnu roots....

And it's certainly knot what goody two shoes thinks, community service Bwhahaha!!!!!1. He's so busy patting his self on the back to ever get a clue, even if it bitch slaped him across teh fase.

It's awl about teh gloriez and teh territorial pissings.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:24 PM
Post #103894 of 105309 (2272 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
So I mentioned the upstairs neighbour’s dog.

They were tying it up outside my door where it poops and digs holes. I’ve also taken to climbing the back side of the stairs outside and am starting in a one of the holes the dog has dug.

I removed their first nappy dog lead, and just now a new cable dog lead has been padlocked on to one of the stair posts.

Wrote them a note asking to talk with them on Sunday about the matter, because just going back and forth with notes is a bad way to get anything resolved. Pretty sure talking face to face won’t resolve anything either as I need to convince them to actually take their dog for walks rather than just tying it up outside. The poor thing is stuck in an apartment all day, then gets let out and tied to a post so it can do its business. It’s a puppy with a lot of energy so it’s no wonder it’s digging holes.

These people shouldn’t own a dog in a little apartment if they can’t take care of it, but they’re not going to see things that way. I might grab some cable snips and bring them back from St. Catharines just in case.

I fucking hate renting.

That is lame.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:25 PM
Post #103895 of 105309 (2271 views)

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granite_grrl wrote:
So I'm super impressed with this curry (??) dish I made late last week.

Butternut squash, fresh romas and chickpeas make up most of it. But I somehow combined paprika, garam masala, cumin, coriander, garlic and ginger to come up with something delicious!

And I've never cooked with butternut squash before.

This week's adventure: Kale. This also makes me upset at the lack of flavours I was exposed to when I was growing up.

I had 3 grate mustard dawgs at teh Creke. Would be happy to share teh recipe with ewe.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:30 PM
Post #103896 of 105309 (2270 views)

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Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
impending bred tawk

It's almost that tyme of year. I will begin my Braided Challah bread baking spree in a week and a half.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:31 PM
Post #103897 of 105309 (2270 views)

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dr_feelgood wrote:
So a few months ago, I got The Bread Bible. Hadn't ever baked much bread before, but this book is rather easy to use. Highly recommended.

I've been largely sticking to the more rustic hearth loaf, but last night I made a fucking awesome cracked wheat sandwich loaf


Evar made a cornbacked rattler loaf?


Dec 4, 2014, 9:37 PM
Post #103898 of 105309 (2270 views)

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Re: [uhoh] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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uhoh wrote:
Haven't posted here in forever because I thought this thread applied to me specifically.

Does anyone know where I can pick up quality lycra climbing pants?

Try teh 80's. Ewe could be there by dark if ewe start walking now.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:38 PM
Post #103899 of 105309 (2269 views)

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dr_feelgood wrote:
I'm stuck doing schoolwork this weekend, and since all of my shit is up in the office, I'm up here alone.

There are a lot of flies, who are rather slow and stupid.

I've gotten quite good at killing them with a pencil.

I am a fly-murdering ninja.

I'm surprised ewe didn't bring a fly swatter to teh Creke.


Dec 4, 2014, 9:39 PM
Post #103900 of 105309 (2268 views)

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Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
uhoh wrote:
Haven't posted here in forever because I thought this thread applied to me specifically.

Does anyone know where I can pick up quality lycra climbing pants?
Try lululemon. unless you are asian.
Clearly you haven't met the dubble asiant.

i laffed

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