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When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!!
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Sep 18, 2003, 4:44 AM
Post #101 of 119 (6738 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2002
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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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Ladies, I must admit, I've heard every single male climber say - I WISH I COULD FIND A CLIMBING CHICK! :)

Yeah yeah yeah....every guy sprays that. Men are all talk. :roll: . I know a number of fellow hot climber chickies who can't find any decent climber guys. And by decent I mean ones that while you're physically attracted to them, they also actually treat you with respect, treat you with respect in the presence of others, are considerate of your needs, aren't flakes, etc. Climber chicks have the same needs normal girls have. I think climber guys look at climber girls through a little "tougher" eyes sometimes. And while we are tougher than most girls in most ways, we still want to be treated decently by the man we're with.


Sep 18, 2003, 1:00 PM
Post #102 of 119 (6738 views)

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Climber chicks have the same needs normal girls have. I think climber guys look at climber girls through a little "tougher" eyes sometimes. And while we are tougher than most girls in most ways, we still want to be treated decently by the man we're with.

Word. Well, I haven't been a climber for long, but before I started I was what one would call a 'non-girly girl'. Meaning that I'd rather hang out at a dive bar with my guy, drink some beer, watch some sports, than get dressed up and go out and be all high maintenance. Unfortunately, because I liked the same things as my boyfriend at the time, and didn't usually get all upset if he wanted a night off to hang with his boys, he sometimes forgot that I WAS a girl, even though sometimes I didn't act like one. Meaning I rarely ever got flowers, taken to a nice restaurant, pampered etc. Which, I admit, gets old, but once in a while it's nice!



Sep 18, 2003, 7:26 PM
Post #103 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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Climber chicks have the same needs normal girls have. I think climber guys look at climber girls through a little "tougher" eyes sometimes. And while we are tougher than most girls in most ways, we still want to be treated decently by the man we're with.

Word. Well, I haven't been a climber for long, but before I started I was what one would call a 'non-girly girl'. Meaning that I'd rather hang out at a dive bar with my guy, drink some beer, watch some sports, than get dressed up and go out and be all high maintenance. Unfortunately, because I liked the same things as my boyfriend at the time, and didn't usually get all upset if he wanted a night off to hang with his boys, he sometimes forgot that I WAS a girl, even though sometimes I didn't act like one. Meaning I rarely ever got flowers, taken to a nice restaurant, pampered etc. Which, I admit, gets old, but once in a while it's nice!


So true, I've even had the experience from these climber guys I was seeing that they wanted me to pay for 1/2 for gas and meals. I mean they want to date climber girls and get all the benefits, but do none of the things they would usually do for a non-climber girl. Or they want you to act sometimes like these air-headed hotties too.
And if for some unusual reason you climb better or as good as them, it gets worse. :roll:
Better Not to Date your climbing partner in some most instances. :twisted:


Sep 18, 2003, 8:49 PM
Post #104 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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I was seeing that they wanted me to pay for 1/2 for gas and meals

wow, the nerve of them. imagine a guy treated you equally instead of as a charity case or some sort of pet.


Sep 18, 2003, 10:19 PM
Post #105 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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Right now I am climbing with a number of different people. I am lucky to have a wide range of people to climb with - our gym is tight knit and it allows me to climb with both females and males. My main climbing partner is a girl and we push each other and help each other out. She is great to climb with. I also have the pleasure to climb with my guy buddies too...they treat me like one of the guys and I find that I am pushed to my limits with them as well.

I am currently not dating anyone, but have come to realize that I would prefer to date a climber and that it would not matter what level of ability they are at.

Right now I am just happy to climb - I began on my own so it does not make a world of difference to me if I continue on my own...(no SO) However, if I met someone and we began climbing together and it turned into more then just climbing partners - yeah for me!!! But I would never want to be treated as fragile, or weak...I enjoy the push and challenge that I receive from my current climbing partners and would not want that to change.



Sep 18, 2003, 11:05 PM
Post #106 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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I was seeing that they wanted me to pay for 1/2 for gas and meals

wow, the nerve of them. imagine a guy treated you equally instead of as a charity case or some sort of pet.

Glad you got here before me. I'm usually throwing a tantrum for the opposite reason.


Sep 19, 2003, 5:10 AM
Post #107 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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So true, I've even had the experience from these climber guys I was seeing that they wanted me to pay for 1/2 for gas and meals. :twisted:

WHAT?? You mean there are actually climber guys who pay for stuff for women? :shock: I'm yet to be around a single climber guy without going dutch on everything. Hell, a lot of the time I end up paying. Sucks sometimes to be a girl with a decent job :wink: . Guys assume you can take care of the tab all the time. I can't remember the last time I went out with a guy who paid for everything...I'm talking like a couple YEARS.


Sep 19, 2003, 6:28 AM
Post #108 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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So true, I've even had the experience from these climber guys I was seeing that they wanted me to pay for 1/2 for gas and meals. :twisted:

WHAT?? You mean there are actually climber guys who pay for stuff for women? :shock: I'm yet to be around a single climber guy without going dutch on everything. Hell, a lot of the time I end up paying. Sucks sometimes to be a girl with a decent job :wink: . Guys assume you can take care of the tab all the time. I can't remember the last time I went out with a guy who paid for everything...I'm talking like a couple YEARS.

Are you serious? You haven't been out with a climber guy in years, who didn't even take you out for a dinner or a movie?
You know there's nothing wrong with that. In fact with the right person it feels kinda nice. :P

I don't think a climberguy paying for an occasional dinners qualifies me as a charity case or a pet, sorry Atg. Maybe that works to tell the ladies you see that
.So when you take your lady out, you ask for half the gas every time too???:wink:

I never said a guy should pay for everything, and btw I do believe on a roadtrip,( it should be shared expenses).


Sep 20, 2003, 12:56 AM
Post #109 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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Are you serious? You haven't been out with a climber guy in years, who didn't even take you out for a dinner or a movie?
You know there's nothing wrong with that. In fact with the right person it feels kinda nice. :P ).

I haven't been climbing for all that long, only had one serious climber b/f, a wonderful man I adored. But my last relationship the 2 times we went to movies, I bought my own ticket. But I guess that was also my choice too. Everything I did was my choice. I chose to do the things I did out of love....and I don't regret anything.


Sep 20, 2003, 5:12 AM
Post #110 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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Are you serious? You haven't been out with a climber guy in years, who didn't even take you out for a dinner or a movie?
You know there's nothing wrong with that. In fact with the right person it feels kinda nice. :P ).

I haven't been climbing for all that long, only had one serious climber b/f.
And yep, I'm serious. Iin my last relationship the 2 times we went to movies, I bought my own ticket. He fell into a bad job situation about 6 weeks after we got together. So to make things easier I paid for many many lunches/dinners out. Constantly was buying the beer for him. Hell, I paid for every cent of gas for every road trip we took (and all road trips were in my car!). I always went down to his place (a county away, that racked up gas $$) so he wouldn't have to drive up to mine. His shorts rip down the middle - I buy him new ones. Was any of it appreciated? Fukk NO!! He had no appreciation for any of it. And if he did, he never showed it. I think I thought I was helping, taking care of his needs and making sure his well being was always in the forefront. But I see now that I didn't get that in return. Now I realize I was a giver, he was taker and I need to learn to not be such a makes ya do stupid things.

Well its over now and honestly we all make mistakes. I've made some huge ones in my life. Sometimes there is No second chance, and loss of time and people is never really remedied.
However, I do believe a caring man can offer a gesture, even if its only a card, or an inexpensive home-cooked meal.
One day perhaps you'll meet someone who appreciates your goodness, and if you don't its okay alone too.
Be good to yourself, and when you feel sad or depressed try to keep up a positive front even if your hurting inside.
Strength comes sometimes in the most desperate times.
The reason you feel resentful is because you gave it all, and now you feel used.
You'll be fine. It will just take some time.


Sep 22, 2003, 3:29 AM
Post #111 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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I don't think a climberguy paying for an occasional dinners qualifies me as a charity case or a pet, sorry Atg.

that is surely not what it sounded like in your first post. you sounded like a gold digger who expects to be treated like a princess.

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Maybe that works to tell the ladies you see that.

i am still trying to work out what on earth this means. intelligible communication is generally my first step with the ladies.

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So when you take your lady out, you ask for half the gas every time too???

at present i don't have a lady, but i can't say i've ever dated anyone who expects me to pay for everything. i tend to foot most of the bill while climbing with anyone since i am financially secure and remember what it was like to be a dirtbag, but when i'm being a nice guy i don't discriminate based on sex.

you can't expect to be treated equivalently to a man in other fields if you insist on having your way paid in a relationship purely because you are a woman. hypocracy at its finest.


Sep 22, 2003, 6:17 AM
Post #112 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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I don't think a climberguy paying for an occasional dinners qualifies me as a charity case or a pet, sorry Atg.

that is surely not what it sounded like in your first post. you sounded like a gold digger who expects to be treated like a princess.

Too bad, you can't seem to read, either. Maybe you're reading into my posts your own insecurities about ladies.

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Maybe that works to tell the ladies you see that.

i am still trying to work out what on earth this means. intelligible communication is generally my first step with the ladies.

Just trying to understand what you say to these ladies , not that I really care.

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So when you take your lady out, you ask for half the gas every time too???

at present i don't have a lady, but i can't say i've ever dated anyone who expects me to pay for everything. i tend to foot most of the bill while climbing with anyone since i am financially secure and remember what it was like to be a dirtbag, but when i'm being a nice guy i don't discriminate based on sex.

I never said I expect someone to pay for everything, Again a reading comprehension problem. Or some reading into my posts again. Understandable why you don't presently have a lady
. :roll:

you can't expect to be treated equivalently to a man in other fields if you insist on having your way paid in a relationship purely because you are a woman. hypocracy at its finest.

You have no idea about me or my relationships with men. I get alot of respect from men in my professional career.
Not because I'm a women but because I'm good at what I do.

Furthermore,after listening to Moabeths relationship and the way she was treated, I would think you would be more supportive. Don't you agree??

I believe a man who doesn't have the means to pay for an occasional dinner or movies for a women he is dating can offer other gestures. Such as home-cooked meals and perhaps some personal artwork or something else that would qualify as romantic.


Sep 22, 2003, 6:26 AM
Post #113 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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I don't think a climberguy paying for an occasional dinners qualifies me as a charity case or a pet, sorry Atg.

that is surely not what it sounded like in your first post. you sounded like a gold digger who expects to be treated like a princess.

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Maybe that works to tell the ladies you see that.

i am still trying to work out what on earth this means. intelligible communication is generally my first step with the ladies.

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So when you take your lady out, you ask for half the gas every time too???

at present i don't have a lady, but i can't say i've ever dated anyone who expects me to pay for everything. i tend to foot most of the bill while climbing with anyone since i am financially secure and remember what it was like to be a dirtbag, but when i'm being a nice guy i don't discriminate based on sex.

you can't expect to be treated equivalently to a man in other fields if you insist on having your way paid in a relationship purely because you are a woman. hypocracy at its finest.

First of all you definately have some reading comprehension problem or you are reading some of your own distorted view about me into my posts.
I have never said a man should pay for everything, but an occasional dinner and a movie is pretty commonplace.
If I'm dating a climber who doesn't have much financial means; he can always offer a home-cooked meal or some other personal romantic gesture.
Furthermore not that there is much relevance here,(but in my professional field I am well respected by the men ) for my abilities and performance at the job I'm doing.
I can't imagine why your Not dating anyone, after all you seem to be so supportive and insightful :lol:


Sep 23, 2003, 1:26 AM
Post #114 of 119 (6738 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2003
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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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So true, I've even had the experience from these climber guys I was seeing that they wanted me to pay for 1/2 for gas and meals. I mean they want to date climber girls and get all the benefits, but do none of the things they would usually do for a non-climber girl.

This did sound really bad. Maybe it wasn't intended.


Sep 23, 2003, 3:05 PM
Post #115 of 119 (6738 views)

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When I'm in a relationship I like it when a guy buys me dinner and stuff. I also like to buy him dinner. And I like to split it. *shrug* It takes the romance out of things if it's always like "okay, this meal was yours, so you owe $23.00 plus those two $5 glasses of wine....".



Sep 23, 2003, 5:41 PM
Post #116 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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general rule of thumb:

I'll pop for her meal, but if she wants to biggie-size it, that's gotta be her 39 cents and I got dibs on any leftover fries :)


Sep 24, 2003, 12:04 AM
Post #117 of 119 (6738 views)

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I have never said a man should pay for everything, but an occasional dinner and a movie is pretty commonplace.
If I'm dating a climber who doesn't have much financial means; he can always offer a home-cooked meal or some other personal romantic gesture.
Exactly!! The guy shouldn't have to take care of everything!

Hey...I'm all for romantic gestures and chivalry!


Sep 26, 2003, 12:51 AM
Post #118 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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back to the original topic: im a guy and my main climbing partner is a girl, who by the way is a MUCH better climber than me. were just friends and climbing partners, nothing more. it doesnt get in the way at all. it would be nice to have a girlfriend that climbs, but thats not the first thing that i would look for in a girlfriend.


Sep 26, 2003, 3:42 PM
Post #119 of 119 (6738 views)

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Re: When You're NOT Dating your Climbing Partner!!!! [In reply to]
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I've only been climbing for a few months. I went bouldering with two guys from the gym. One is engaged and the other is very nice looking. I've finally realized that even though I think the one guy is nice looking I would rather have a great friend to climb with and hangout with even if there is never anything more. I would rather have a good friendship and climbing partner over anything else.

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