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The yuppie climber's thread
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Sep 12, 2008, 6:25 PM
Post #76 of 122 (2477 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2005
Posts: 20

Re: [rtwilli4] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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I have five fence jumpers and raft makers that do my landscaping, and I glue coins to the pavement outside of my office building so I can watch the bums fight during my lunch hour. Can I play?


Sep 12, 2008, 6:29 PM
Post #77 of 122 (2472 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
Posts: 8406

Re: [donkey] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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donkey wrote:
I have five fence jumpers and raft makers that do my landscaping, and I glue coins to the pavement outside of my office building so I can watch the bums fight during my lunch hour. Can I play?

just because you're a sadist who employs illegal aliens doesn't make you a yuppie.

Partner lagarita

Sep 12, 2008, 6:30 PM
Post #78 of 122 (2470 views)

Registered: Dec 23, 2004
Posts: 356

Re: [hafilax] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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I climb about once a week
I pay for most of my climbing gear with recycled cans
I have a decent paying job
I enjoy the finer things in life (wine, cigars, burbon)
I have wife and five year old daughter who is my world.
I enjoy climbing just as much as any one of my other activities. (kayaking, snowboarding, hiking, camping etc.)

I'd say that I'm pretty much your average middle class parent, husband doing his part to make the world a little better and share the things that make me happy with his child.


just get out and enjoy life no matter what your "status" may be or what you want it to be.


Sep 12, 2008, 6:37 PM
Post #79 of 122 (2448 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
Posts: 1431

Re: [deltav] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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deltav wrote:
wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

You watch way to much T.V my friend

Bullshit. People like he's describing exist. They aren't even that rare. Hell, this very accurately describes at least two of my climbing partners.


Sep 12, 2008, 6:38 PM
Post #80 of 122 (2447 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
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Re: [lagarita] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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lagarita wrote:
I pay for most of my climbing gear with recycled cans
I have a decent paying job

couldn't yo just eliminate the middle man, sorta and go straight from the "decent paying job" to "pay[ing] for most of my climbing gear"?

putting cans in the middle seems inefficient.

In reply to:
I enjoy the finer things in life (wine, cigars, burbon)

alcohol and tobacco are both addictive and organic poisons. how do they constitute the"Finer" things in life?

In reply to:
just get out and enjoy life no matter what your "status" may be or what you want it to be.

why... so... SERIOUS?

(This post was edited by robbovius on Sep 12, 2008, 6:39 PM)


Sep 12, 2008, 6:57 PM
Post #81 of 122 (2413 views)

Registered: Aug 25, 2007
Posts: 531

Re: [dynosore] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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my wife and i recently stayed at the hotel saranac during a 3 day trip in the ADKs instead of camping at chapel pond, does this qualify for membership?

i do have to be honest though, we did steal the oatmeal soap when we left so is this grounds for dismissal?


Sep 12, 2008, 7:12 PM
Post #82 of 122 (2408 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2003
Posts: 141

Re: [Johnny_Fang] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Johnny_Fang wrote:
this is what i'm about--buying 2 dollar slacks from goodwill to cut into shorts, rather than 120 dollar prana manpris--you know what that gives me? 118 dollars to spend on belgian ale.

you yuppies need to get your priorities straight.

Dude, you're in the wrong thread. Go to rtwilli's.


Sep 12, 2008, 7:13 PM
Post #83 of 122 (2408 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [Chappy76] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Chappy76 wrote:
rtwilli4 wrote:
Well I am fucking flattered!

I cut [other peoples yards in a criss-cross pattern... does that count? Maybe I should come cut you guys grass so you can get more yuppie points?

Oh yea... I drink Jack, Jim and George.

And don't forget to use the leaf blower too!

Don't let that hippy scum near your daughter either! Make sure he just trims the verge and not her hedge. Young women are the only ones gullible enough to buy that being poor by choice, romantic bullshit they spew. Next thing you know, she's knocked up and our aging hippy boy's run off to avoid the spector of responsibility knocking on his Peter Pan fantasy world. The grandson you raise will only know his dad by the gifts he sends every several years: pooka beads, hemp crystal bags, and Jack Johnson mix-tapes.


Sep 12, 2008, 7:20 PM
Post #84 of 122 (2392 views)

Registered: Aug 28, 2008
Posts: 1752

Re: [zeke_sf] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
Chappy76 wrote:
rtwilli4 wrote:
Well I am fucking flattered!

I cut [other peoples yards in a criss-cross pattern... does that count? Maybe I should come cut you guys grass so you can get more yuppie points?

Oh yea... I drink Jack, Jim and George.

And don't forget to use the leaf blower too!

Don't let that hippy scum near your daughter either! Make sure he just trims the verge and not her hedge. Young women are the only ones gullible enough to buy that being poor by choice, romantic bullshit they spew. Next thing you know, she's knocked up and our aging hippy boy's run off to avoid the spector of responsibility knocking on his Peter Pan fantasy world. The grandson you raise will only know his dad by the gifts he sends every several years: pooka beads, hemp crystal bags, and Jack Johnson mix-tapes.



Sep 12, 2008, 7:20 PM
Post #85 of 122 (2390 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [jt512] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

How can anyone so clever not know the difference between "your" and "you're"?

He's not actually a yuppie? Pretty good writing, nonetheless.


Sep 12, 2008, 7:24 PM
Post #86 of 122 (2385 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
Posts: 1560

Re: [jt512] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
deltav wrote:
That was cold

So is generic cheese, crackers and Cabernet.


better yet - store brand saltines, areosal cheese and boones farm


Sep 12, 2008, 7:29 PM
Post #87 of 122 (2374 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
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Re: [brownie710] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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brownie710 wrote:
my wife and i recently stayed at the hotel saranac during a 3 day trip in the ADKs instead of camping at chapel pond, does this qualify for membership?

i do have to be honest though, we did steal the oatmeal soap when we left so is this grounds for dismissal?

No. That makes you soft, but not necessarily a yuppie. However, use of oatmeal soap does qualify you for participation in the Ghey Climbers Thread.


Sep 12, 2008, 7:31 PM
Post #88 of 122 (2370 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

Re: [dynosore] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
This thread is for those who enjoy nice houses, cars, wine, clothes, their career, families, etc. as much as they do climbing. Let's talk about leading 5.10 on a good day, driving to the crag in our SUV or Lexus, and other fine things in life.
The finest thing in life is warming up on your project.


Sep 12, 2008, 7:33 PM
Post #89 of 122 (2367 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

Re: [zeke_sf] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
jt512 wrote:
wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

How can anyone so clever not know the difference between "your" and "you're"?

He's not actually a yuppie? Pretty good writing, nonetheless.

Wow, you're right, that actually was pretty GUd. Glad I went back and read that. I mean, had my secretary read it for me and provide me with a synopsis.


Sep 12, 2008, 7:45 PM
Post #90 of 122 (2351 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
Posts: 21904

Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
jt512 wrote:
wormly81 wrote:
Well... I thought this thread had potential. I see that I am sorely mistaken. There isnt a single yuppie climber among you.

I think we should start with the definition of yuppie... Young Urban Professional. This is what I expected to hear...

Young: The idea of being young means you are not sipping on some wine while posting to This is not only uber-lame, but also the antithesis to all things yuppie. You are not at home drinking, you are at a lounge... preferably VIP at a roofdeck bar overlooking something interesting like Times Square or some shit. A yuppie thrives on vulgar displays of wealth and excess that attacts smoking hot young sex objects like moths to a flame. (Note: If you have a wife it doesnt matter if your 16... YOUR FUCKING OLD) Now heres the trick... resist all temptations to treat this cute little bird with respect! Shes only talking to you because you passed the first cut of her built in Wealth Screening Device TM; shes not here to make a friend shes here to find something to EAT (dont forget shes working as a waitress and spending 150% of her after tax income on rent). She has already decided whether or not shes getting naked with you so make fun of her small town roots and ask her shit like where her family summers in Europe...

Urban - Heres the catch... its really late now. You drank half of the Grey Goose bottle service and your seeing double. You finally went too far with the disrespect and little Mrs. Hardbody was whisked away by her friends before getting the opportunity to star in her very first film. But there is a serious problem. Your fucking hammered, stuck in the middle of a city, and nowhere near the mountains. FIGHT OR FLIGHT kicks in... you chose FLIGHT! Call the limo service to get you the fuck out of this city. If you were able to actually comprehend what your watch is trying to tell you then you would recognize you have 4 hours before you need to be in the car heading off to meet up with your climbing partner in the morning. Its ok, your car is already full of your climbing gear as thats the only reason you even have a car. You hit the pipe as the sun rises; thank god you have dark sunglasses. On the road.

Professional - Heres the crux. You are a professional. Professional is the reason why you are able to spend cash like its going out of style and went to a fancy private school. But its more than that... your a fucking professional... at everything you do. Overachieving is what you do best... whether your bullshitting in the boardroom, screwing in the bathroom, yachting, homebrewing, showing your friends that champangle bottles are only single serving, or climbing. So even though your running on 8 hours of sleep (over the last 3 days) you pick up your partner EARLY and deny him breakfast as you race towards the rock. You grab the rack and start running towards your climb the same way Dean Potter starts his solo of the nose. Your half-drunk... because only half of you actually made it to climb. That doesnt stop you from putting up the hardest lead of the weekend first thing. DAMNIT YOUR A PROFESSIONAL!

Carry on.

How can anyone so clever not know the difference between "your" and "you're"?

He's not actually a yuppie? Pretty good writing, nonetheless.

Wow, you're right, that actually was pretty GUd. Glad I went back and read that. I mean, had my secretary read it for me and provide me with a synopsis.

Now if you could just find a secretary who knew Excel...


Partner j_ung

Sep 12, 2008, 7:54 PM
Post #91 of 122 (2357 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
Posts: 18690

Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
I'm in. I always get a kick out of the lengths some of my friends will go to to try to show they're still dirtbags. If you are fine, but if you work and make good money, you're not a dirtbage. Sorry, you're just not.

Instead, you are a dirte bagge.


Sep 12, 2008, 8:20 PM
Post #92 of 122 (2336 views)

Registered: Aug 25, 2007
Posts: 531

Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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that's hilarious... even funnier as i saw your interests listed as civil war recreation miniatures... that's just pricelessSmile


Sep 12, 2008, 8:51 PM
Post #93 of 122 (2312 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [Johnny_Fang] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Johnny_Fang wrote:
this is what i'm about--buying 2 dollar slacks from goodwill to cut into shorts, rather than 120 dollar prana manpris--you know what that gives me? 118 dollars to spend on belgian ale.

you yuppies need to get your priorities straight.

Man you're not getting it. Yuppies got so much scratch that drop the coin for the newest/best/most expensive everything.

Many people still consider themselves yuppies since the term was first coined over 20 years ago, and they refuse to believe that they are now old.

Now I bought three cams for a climb in the meadows this summer, and couldn't climb it since I sprained my ankle. But I'm out by deffinition, too old, and married with children.


Sep 12, 2008, 9:03 PM
Post #94 of 122 (2296 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2006
Posts: 289

Re: [donald949] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Johnny_Fang wrote:
this is what i'm about--buying 2 dollar slacks from goodwill to cut into shorts, rather than 120 dollar prana manpris--you know what that gives me? 118 dollars to spend on belgian ale.

you yuppies need to get your priorities straight.

Man you're not getting it. Yuppies got so much scratch that drop the coin for the newest/best/most expensive everything.

Many people still consider themselves yuppies since the term was first coined over 20 years ago, and they refuse to believe that they are now old.

Now I bought three cams for a climb in the meadows this summer, and couldn't climb it since I sprained my ankle. But I'm out by deffinition, too old, and married with children.

dude, you're right. what i meant to say was that i have my life coach meet with my fashion consultant to discuss shopping at the hippest clothing stores in town. After dropping $459 on tailor-made silk slacks from saigon, we cut them off at the knees and go climbing.


Sep 12, 2008, 9:09 PM
Post #95 of 122 (2293 views)

Registered: Feb 14, 2008
Posts: 1867

Re: [zeke_sf] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
Chappy76 wrote:
rtwilli4 wrote:
Well I am fucking flattered!

I cut [other peoples yards in a criss-cross pattern... does that count? Maybe I should come cut you guys grass so you can get more yuppie points?

Oh yea... I drink Jack, Jim and George.

And don't forget to use the leaf blower too!

Don't let that hippy scum near your daughter either! Make sure he just trims the verge and not her hedge. Young women are the only ones gullible enough to buy that being poor by choice, romantic bullshit they spew. Next thing you know, she's knocked up and our aging hippy boy's run off to avoid the spector of responsibility knocking on his Peter Pan fantasy world. The grandson you raise will only know his dad by the gifts he sends every several years: pooka beads, hemp crystal bags, and Jack Johnson mix-tapes.

Hahahhaha That really made laugh... especially the end part. BUT... I have a girlfriend who I will marry some day and she is definitely NOT my girlfriend because I am poor. She fully expects me to get a real job someday. Either way.... I don't fuck random girls, especially rich ones... YOUR DAUGHTERS ARE SAFE!

OH yea... its puka, not pooka.
Crystal healing is bullshit, I've tried it.

and Jack Johnson sucks.

(This post was edited by rtwilli4 on Sep 12, 2008, 9:10 PM)


Sep 12, 2008, 9:09 PM
Post #96 of 122 (2291 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [Johnny_Fang] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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Johnny_Fang wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Johnny_Fang wrote:
this is what i'm about--buying 2 dollar slacks from goodwill to cut into shorts, rather than 120 dollar prana manpris--you know what that gives me? 118 dollars to spend on belgian ale.

you yuppies need to get your priorities straight.

Man you're not getting it. Yuppies got so much scratch that drop the coin for the newest/best/most expensive everything.

Many people still consider themselves yuppies since the term was first coined over 20 years ago, and they refuse to believe that they are now old.

Now I bought three cams for a climb in the meadows this summer, and couldn't climb it since I sprained my ankle. But I'm out by deffinition, too old, and married with children.

dude, you're right. what i meant to say was that i have my life coach meet with my fashion consultant to discuss shopping at the hippest clothing stores in town. After dropping $459 on tailor-made silk slacks from saigon, we cut them off at the knees and go climbing.

Well, you started strong, but fadded at the end. You drop the 459 for the slacks, AND get some custom tailered shorts also. Then you go hit the club scene for some refreshments.


Sep 12, 2008, 9:13 PM
Post #97 of 122 (2288 views)

Registered: Feb 14, 2008
Posts: 1867

Re: [donald949] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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you know whats funny... I was in New Orleans for Katrina, and while I was down there cleaning up, I was also taking a class online for school. The other volunteers called me "half hippie half yuppie" cuz I had a laptop.


Sep 12, 2008, 9:17 PM
Post #98 of 122 (2280 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [rtwilli4] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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rtwilli4 wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Chappy76 wrote:
rtwilli4 wrote:
Well I am fucking flattered!

I cut [other peoples yards in a criss-cross pattern... does that count? Maybe I should come cut you guys grass so you can get more yuppie points?

Oh yea... I drink Jack, Jim and George.

And don't forget to use the leaf blower too!

Don't let that hippy scum near your daughter either! Make sure he just trims the verge and not her hedge. Young women are the only ones gullible enough to buy that being poor by choice, romantic bullshit they spew. Next thing you know, she's knocked up and our aging hippy boy's run off to avoid the spector of responsibility knocking on his Peter Pan fantasy world. The grandson you raise will only know his dad by the gifts he sends every several years: pooka beads, hemp crystal bags, and Jack Johnson mix-tapes.

Hahahhaha That really made laugh... especially the end part. BUT... I have a girlfriend who I will marry some day and she is definitely NOT my girlfriend because I am poor. She fully expects me to get a real job someday. Either way.... I don't fuck random girls, especially rich ones... YOUR DAUGHTERS ARE SAFE!

OH yea... its puka, not pooka.
Crystal healing is bullshit, I've tried it.

and Jack Johnson sucks.

Haha! You dirty hippy! I was testing your hippy spell-check with "pooka." Well, at least we can all agree Jack Johnson sucks.

Oh yeah. Hemp crystal bags really exist? I was actually going out on a limb there.


Sep 12, 2008, 9:23 PM
Post #99 of 122 (2268 views)

Registered: Feb 14, 2008
Posts: 1867

Re: [zeke_sf] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
rtwilli4 wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Chappy76 wrote:
rtwilli4 wrote:
Well I am fucking flattered!

I cut [other peoples yards in a criss-cross pattern... does that count? Maybe I should come cut you guys grass so you can get more yuppie points?

Oh yea... I drink Jack, Jim and George.

And don't forget to use the leaf blower too!

Don't let that hippy scum near your daughter either! Make sure he just trims the verge and not her hedge. Young women are the only ones gullible enough to buy that being poor by choice, romantic bullshit they spew. Next thing you know, she's knocked up and our aging hippy boy's run off to avoid the spector of responsibility knocking on his Peter Pan fantasy world. The grandson you raise will only know his dad by the gifts he sends every several years: pooka beads, hemp crystal bags, and Jack Johnson mix-tapes.

Hahahhaha That really made laugh... especially the end part. BUT... I have a girlfriend who I will marry some day and she is definitely NOT my girlfriend because I am poor. She fully expects me to get a real job someday. Either way.... I don't fuck random girls, especially rich ones... YOUR DAUGHTERS ARE SAFE!

OH yea... its puka, not pooka.
Crystal healing is bullshit, I've tried it.

and Jack Johnson sucks.

Haha! You dirty hippy! I was testing your hippy spell-check with "pooka." Well, at least we can all agree Jack Johnson sucks.

Oh yeah. Hemp crystal bags really exist? I was actually going out on a limb there.

I'm not sure about "hemp crystal bags" but there is always a lot of hemp and some crazy gypsy trying to heal me with her crystals.


Sep 12, 2008, 9:35 PM
Post #100 of 122 (2264 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

Re: [rtwilli4] The yuppie climber's thread [In reply to]
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rtwilli4 wrote:
and Jack Johnson sucks.

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