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Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything?
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Jan 15, 2009, 4:24 AM
Post #1 of 48 (5160 views)

Registered: Jan 15, 2009
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Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything?
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Hi all,

Long time reader, first time poster. (this being my virgin post here)

Okay, so perhaps this has been asked before or covered in some fashion, but i have not been able to find anything by searching the forums

So i climb 3 to 4 times a week and usually do a strength training session after 2 or 3 of those days. Session included pull up pyramids, slow bicycle crunches, push ups, and frenchies.

My real question is do the one or two pull ups i do on door jams everytime i go in or out of a room and the 2 to 5 i do off structures in the factory i work in really help me? And if so, what exactly is it training? Endurance? I do them constantly through the day and never really get tired from them.

Hell, i'd do more, but i don't want people to stop and stare at me while i'm at work.

Answers, thoughts, and jibes welcome.



Jan 15, 2009, 4:37 AM
Post #2 of 48 (5145 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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It really depends on what your style is... I mean, if you are into vertical splitters i'd say you'd be better off running on a daily basis. Overhanging jug hauls... Technical slab... Plastic gym bla... Give some more details as to what you are looking to improve.


Jan 15, 2009, 4:39 AM
Post #3 of 48 (5138 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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I'm not an expert, but everything I know about building muscle strength seems to indicate that you either need a lot of weight or a lot of reps. If your only able to do a few pull ups at a time, then 1 or 2 reps and 30 sets will probably help. If you can do 30 reps, but only do 1 or 2 I don't think they will help much without wearing a weight belt or vest of some kind.
but, like I said, I'm not an expert.


Jan 15, 2009, 6:35 AM
Post #4 of 48 (5092 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Builderdash wrote:
Okay, so perhaps this has been asked before or covered in some fashion, but i have not been able to find anything by searching the forums.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. May I perhaps suggest you did not do a very good search or you did not bother to read anything you pulled up? I think just about every facet of pull-ups and climbing has been remarked upon in some fashion here over time.

In reply to:
My real question is do the one or two pull ups i do on door jams everytime i go in or out of a room and the 2 to 5 i do off structures in the factory i work in really help me? And if so, what exactly is it training? Endurance?

I do them constantly through the day and never really get tired from them.

That is because doing this does not train endurance. It doesn't really train strength. And it doesn't train power.

Does it do anything for you? Who can say? No real measurements of anything have been taken with your method. Nothing about what else you're doing has been controlled or accounted for, so even if you see improvement in...something at...sometime, who can say it's due to bunches of small, random pull-ups?

Well, I can tell you that it does help you burn some calories, which added in small doses over a day does accumulate in effect and helps to manage your weight over time.


Jan 15, 2009, 9:18 AM
Post #5 of 48 (5031 views)

Registered: Sep 18, 2004
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Re: [aerili] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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It really depends on your max pullup level. If you can do 30, 1 or 2 wonīt help at all. But if you do them a bit more challenging you have a very good tool in your hands. If you want to be a good in pullups. For climbing... Go climbing more.

I would train strength first so do all the pullups weighted. Measure how much weight you can pullup for 10 reps. This is your weight "A". The starting sets are only 5-6 reps long so very easy.

First week do 10 sets along the day. Yes, quite randomly is very good. CNS likes "often" but not "a lot". train four days only and use only weight A. Every set should be quite easy, even the 10th one.

The second week add one training day and up the sets to 12-15 a day. Use the weight A only. If the starting reps (letīs say you start with 6) is very easy, add one or two reps per set.

The third week add one more training day but keep the sets at 15 a day. Still along the day when you feel like it is very fine. You wonīt even need warm up sets because you keep a base warmth on. If you use more than 40 lbs you might want to do one easy set before that. Again if the reps feel very easy, add 1 or 2 per set. The sets have to feel still quite easy so you should be able to do 2-3 reps more per set if you must.

The fourth week is a rest and test week. So no pullups until Thursday when you do a light awakening workout of 5x3 with your A weight or even lighter. Then rest again on Friday and on Saturday do a test set how much weight you can lift for 10 reps, so a new "A".

After a very good 10-15 minute rest do a bodyweight max reps. Even if you havenīt been training strength endurance these should go up too. For SE there should be done a separate phase anyway but I wonīt go into that here.

After the rest & test week itīs time to start the progressive three weeks again. This time alternate days with a new weight A and slightly bigger weight "B" that you could do max 6 reps with but do only 10x 3 a day for starters. The next week again add sets and reps and days.

Do the total of 3-4 of these 3+1 week rounds and after that concentrate on strength endurance if thatīs what you want more.


Jan 15, 2009, 10:32 AM
Post #6 of 48 (5011 views)

Registered: Feb 11, 2008
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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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i did the same thing for a summer and improved my most number of pull ups from 17 to 28. but that was all, i didn't climb harder that i could tell


Jan 15, 2009, 12:00 PM
Post #7 of 48 (4998 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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I guarentee it doesn't hurt


Jan 15, 2009, 1:35 PM
Post #8 of 48 (4950 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Appreciate the advice all. I do pull ups on a regular basis and kind of for their own sake, i was just pointing out that i'm a little ocd about doing one or two when i find ledges to do them on. I just ended up wondering if it was really doing anything for me. Maybe i should switch to dead hangs on door jams and ledges...that might actually transfer in a minor way to climbing....



Jan 15, 2009, 2:45 PM
Post #9 of 48 (4900 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything?

Sure, but not nearly as much as doing 50 pullups twice a day. Make sure you're starting from a dead hang on every one. enjoy. If you can do it, you'll at least have giant muscles to show off at the beach.


Jan 15, 2009, 3:31 PM
Post #10 of 48 (4852 views)

Registered: May 26, 2005
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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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I started doing series of 10 pull-ups every minute for 10 minutes. A 100 total in 10 minutes. In a few months I was able to move from barely able to redpoint 5.11d to onsighting 5.12b. Pull-up series gave me this endurance margin, when I was able to do extra 3-4 moves to the next rest jug.

I usually do pull-up series on a fingerboard 3-4 days a week, combined with frenchies, push-ups and leg lifts. Plus, boulder circuits with 4-5 easy problems in a row without stepping on a ground in between helped a lot.


Jan 15, 2009, 4:22 PM
Post #11 of 48 (4792 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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I doubt it helps at all physically, but if it's fun and keeps you thinking about climbing, I'm all for it.

I would actually recommend doing frenchies to failure each time you pass by something you could do a pull-up on. what's a frenchie? do a damn search! :-)


Jan 15, 2009, 4:28 PM
Post #12 of 48 (4781 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [aerili] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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aerili wrote:

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. May I perhaps suggest you did not do a very good search or you did not bother to read anything you pulled up? I think just about every facet of pull-ups and climbing has been remarked upon in some fashion here over time.

Pfft. Sure, pullups have been talked to death on here. There's pullup chatter in the Campground mega threads. There's pullup chatter embedded four pages deep in random gear discussions. There's even a few threads on the subject, but good luck keeping those from veering into a discussion on hangboards.

Your grouse would have a bit of merit if didn't have a dismal signal to noise ratio. I mean, can you seriously point to a comprehensive discussion of anything where all of the information is present and well organized? On Didn't think so.

Seriously, have you tried using the search feature on here recently? As an excercise we'll try finding the thread containing the Majid Burger King drivethrough parody. I just ran a search for "Majid burger king". Seems reasonable given what I'm looking for. I got 10 results from four different threads. One of the threads in question has over 3700 pages (not posts, pages). Good luck finding anything in there.

Point being, since when did "I couldn't find what I was looking for, can someone help me?" become socially unacceptable? Or to put it another way, I think you're an asshole.

(This post was edited by knieveltech on Jan 15, 2009, 4:30 PM)


Jan 15, 2009, 7:56 PM
Post #13 of 48 (4731 views)

Registered: Jan 13, 2006
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Re: [knieveltech] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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knieveltech wrote:
Point being, since when did "I couldn't find what I was looking for, can someone help me?" become socially unacceptable?

Actually, if you didn't notice, I did answer his question from the perspective of someone educated and practically experienced in the area of training methodologies. I am one of a few people on here who can actually do that, you know.

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Or to put it another way, I think you're an asshole.

We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.


Jan 15, 2009, 8:51 PM
Post #14 of 48 (4691 views)

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Re: [knieveltech] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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knieveltech wrote:
. . . Since when did "I couldn't find what I was looking for, can someone help me?" become socially unacceptable? Or to put it another way, I think you're an asshole.

Easy there, lycra guy. I think Aerili has been one of the more patient posters in those threads.

The op is just lucky that Jay or Curt weren't online.

(This post was edited by k.l.k on Jan 15, 2009, 10:25 PM)


Jan 15, 2009, 9:15 PM
Post #15 of 48 (4661 views)

Registered: Jul 24, 2006
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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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I don't know how much it will help your climbing, but I'm pretty sure it won't hurt, either. The more pressing matter is your coolness factor, which will swing dramatically depending on how you rationalize this rather odd behavior.

For example, if you explain to coworkers that you have OCD and 1-2 pullups is all you can manage at a time, then your coolness factor will plunge. You'll become "that pitiful Builderdash who will never achieve much as a climber, and much less as a human being ... " This is a fate to be avoided.

If, on the other hand, you explain that you are following a "customized, anaerobic, random recruitment, etc. etc. etc." training program constructed specifically to improve "second knuckle pulley strength, blah, blah blah ...", then your coolness factor will not suffer. Others will think that you are an obsessive climber, which is somewhat sad on its own, but more easily excused. You will still be seen as a loser, but at least you'll be a loser with ambitions and a plan.

For you to maximize your coolness, I'd suggest that you incorporate elements of passion and mystery into your image. If you psyched yourself up verbally before each 1-2 pullup set - for example, "C'mon you little bitch. I want two this time. TWO, you pathetic maggot ..."- and audibly congratulate or berate yourself for your performance - e.g. "FUCK ME! Can't you do anything right?! You're NEVER going to three pullups ..." - that would show passion and be cool. And if someone asks you what you're up to, you could deny that you did anything unusual at all, or you could explain that it's too complicated to explain ... that would be cool, too.

If you would film yourself and post your routine here on, I and many of our fellow posters would be happy to offer advice. But don't waste our time. It'd better be fucking cool.


Jan 15, 2009, 10:19 PM
Post #16 of 48 (4607 views)

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Re: [shimanilami] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Hahaha! Nice. (2) pts.


Jan 15, 2009, 10:58 PM
Post #17 of 48 (4580 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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My unresearched opinion...

It is unlikely to help your strength, but it might improve the toughness of your fingertips, and slowly improve tendon strength in a fairly safe way, and maybe improve your mental focus through visualization.


Jan 15, 2009, 10:59 PM
Post #18 of 48 (4577 views)

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Re: [aerili] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Aerili, your an idiot. At least 75% of the time you climb your either pulling your self up or over to a ledge. Pull ups are very effective when it comes to climbing, I know it helped me. Pull ups are expecially effective when it comes to overhangs. Overall, whoever truley believes that pull ups are not effective when it comes to climbing has never obviosly tried doing pull ups.


Jan 15, 2009, 11:01 PM
Post #19 of 48 (4576 views)

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Re: [knieveltech] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Name-calling...a good sign someone has no argument, and very weak sauce.

Partner angry

Jan 15, 2009, 11:17 PM
Post #20 of 48 (4560 views)

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Re: [Spidermonkey.Rosi] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Spidermonkey.Rosi wrote:
Aerili, your an idiot. At least 75% of the time you climb your either pulling your self up or over to a ledge. Pull ups are very effective when it comes to climbing, I know it helped me. Pull ups are expecially effective when it comes to overhangs. Overall, whoever truley believes that pull ups are not effective when it comes to climbing has never obviosly tried doing pull ups.

Deserving of a quote.

Aerili, you've been called out by a V3 boulderer whose been climbing for 3 years. Maybe this will put you in your place.


Jan 16, 2009, 12:12 AM
Post #21 of 48 (4526 views)

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Re: [angry] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Good lord, is that what I looked like?
I've just had an epiphany - I'm a douche bag.

Partner angry

Jan 16, 2009, 12:14 AM
Post #22 of 48 (4524 views)

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Re: [sungam] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Good lord, is that what I looked like?
I've just had an epiphany - I'm a douche bag.

What are you talking about? You can't do a pullup.


Jan 16, 2009, 12:21 AM
Post #23 of 48 (4508 views)

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Re: [angry] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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angry wrote:
sungam wrote:
Good lord, is that what I looked like?
I've just had an epiphany - I'm a douche bag.

What are you talking about? You can't do a pullup.
Well, DUH, how could I do a pull-up when your mom is on top of me?

Seriously, though, I had a little pull-ups argument with those two before. I believe there was some minor misunderstandings as far as what I was implying with some statements goes, but I'm pretty sure I still looked almost (but not quite as bad) as spidey did up there.
I believe I was telling someone that being able do 100 pull-ups was not a prerequisite for using a hang board.


Jan 16, 2009, 12:25 AM
Post #24 of 48 (4508 views)

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Re: [Builderdash] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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Builderdash wrote:

Hahaha! Nice. (2) pts.

Indeed. I am the resident expert on being cool. I am only willing to provide coolness advice pro bono to fellow climbers because they are typically poor and so desperately in need of help (e.g. yourself).

If you do exactly as I say always, you'll be all right.


Jan 16, 2009, 12:28 AM
Post #25 of 48 (4503 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [shimanilami] Does a pull up or two 50 times a day really do anything? [In reply to]
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shimanilami wrote:
Builderdash wrote:

Hahaha! Nice. (2) pts.

Indeed. I am the resident expert on being cool. I am only willing to provide coolness advice pro bono to fellow climbers because they are typically poor and so desperately in need of help (e.g. yourself).

If you do exactly as I say always, you'll be all right.
You forgot to tell him to twitch after swearing at himself.

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