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Feb 6, 2003, 9:27 AM
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Registered: Jan 22, 2003
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Others objecting to your climbing?
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I'm just wondering if anyone else has encountered this...
I expected people to be curious about my new obsession (and I've gotten the same "But what happens if you fall?" questions that I'm sure you all have), but today I had a friend flat out tell me not to climb. "It's too dangerous, I'm doing it too much and it's bad for my health, and I'm neglecting my schoolwork," apparantly.
Has anyone else had people try to talk you out of it??

edit: because I have issues making the smilies work.

[ This Message was edited by: roseraie on 2003-02-06 01:29 ]


Feb 6, 2003, 9:50 AM
Post #2 of 48 (4184 views)

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I had someonw object to my climbing and encouraging others to do it, saying it was dangerous....

I felt- and still feel that that particular person is putting herself in a more dangerous position going to parties and taking various drugs to enhance the experience....

Whatever makes you tick, i mean hey, you gotta have a hobby- something to distract you from studying,
why not climbing?

Listen carefully to the concerns and advice, and then get back on the rock.


Feb 6, 2003, 12:11 PM
Post #3 of 48 (4184 views)

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People that say climbing is too dangerous are usually not climbers. Once you have climbed for a few years you realize that as long as you are taking the correct safety percautions its not really that dangerous at all. Most of my friends are very supportive of it, but once again 90% of them climb.

[ This Message was edited by: ebrmusic on 2003-02-06 04:13 ]


Feb 6, 2003, 12:22 PM
Post #4 of 48 (4184 views)

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People who don't climb (especially ones who are afraid of heights) sometimes can't understand why it makes your motor run. Same is true, though, for any other passon/obsession you might have that they don't (minus the fear of heights, of course ).

You will always have your detractors, no matter where you are in life. However, if your marks are going down it's time to re-evaluate how much time you're spending at the crag/gym versus on your schoolwork. If your GPA is staying steady and/or going up, climb on!

You only get one shot at school. Climbing you'll have for the rest of your life.



Feb 6, 2003, 12:27 PM
Post #5 of 48 (4184 views)

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My Frau says I spend way to much time climbing. I don't think so because right now it's only a few hours on the weekends...She is just going to have to get used to it I suppose..


Feb 6, 2003, 1:29 PM
Post #6 of 48 (4184 views)

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Do what I do

That's what I tell them and use all the smilies you want.

Seriously, what the hell does that person know? Have they any experience in climbing? What are they basing it on? I'll tell you what they base it on, BS self-righteousness (evidnet in what they said to you) and misinformation. To heck with that person. Just ignore them.

However, if it is affecting your school work, you may want to save more time for it. It's more important than climbing. Get a good education, get a good job, make lots of money to travel and climb, retire early, climb more.


Feb 6, 2003, 1:37 PM
Post #7 of 48 (4184 views)

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Everyday,I'm hearing the same..."It's bad,dangerous etc...etc..."
Don't listen to them!Sure they afraid but...!
Ahhhhhhh,I'm getting angry with these ppl.
They don't get it! Do this:



Feb 6, 2003, 2:14 PM
Post #8 of 48 (4184 views)

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I have had a friend tell me I am an idiot for climbing.

Just for you Mr.Anti-smilie


Feb 6, 2003, 2:57 PM
Post #9 of 48 (4184 views)

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I get the "You're nuts" and "You could die". I almost gave in and quit after my friend's brother died when he rapped off the end of his rope coming down from a multi-pitch. He forgot to put a knot in the end. Shook me up a bit, and I passed on a few trips because of it. But that soon passed, because this is what I do. I climb rocks. Some people build models. Some people play golf. I climb. As long as I'm able to, I will climb.


Feb 6, 2003, 3:13 PM
Post #10 of 48 (4184 views)

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I get the same thing, from nonclimbers, of course. If they are semi competent then I explain it to them, otherwise, or if they just don't listen, I don't bother

Partner phaedrus

Feb 6, 2003, 3:50 PM
Post #11 of 48 (4184 views)

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While I haven't taken any real heat for it (my friends either are climbers themselves, respect me for what I do, or think I'm crazy and figure I should be locked up for most of the sh*t I do anyway). HOWEVER, one of the kids on my climbing team, who is 15 and Hispanic, regularly gets flack from his aunts for climbing and skateboarding, not because they think he's going to kill himself, but they call him a "white boy wannabe" and hassle him for wanting to participate in "white sports."

Nice family he deals with, eh?


Feb 6, 2003, 3:54 PM
Post #12 of 48 (4184 views)

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If they dont climb their opinion doesn't count. If they have climbed and dont like it, they can sulk bythemselves while you and I climb!!
Sounds like a plan...EH!!
(I am canadian)

Partner camhead

Feb 6, 2003, 4:09 PM
Post #13 of 48 (4184 views)

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sorry dude, but by posting a message like this to a website like this, I think that you are preaching to the choir, so to speak. Oh well, great for positive reinforcement, I guess.

I had a girlfriend that objected to my climbing. had.


Feb 6, 2003, 4:13 PM
Post #14 of 48 (4184 views)

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Tell all those people they shouldn't be driving then. More people die driving then climbing so that makes driving a pretty dangerous task wouldn't you say?

Most of my friends and family don't have any idea whats involved in rock climbing so they really don't say much. They also know I have enough sense to be safe. I'll probably get hurt more while wakeboarding and kneeboarding then I ever will climbing.


Feb 6, 2003, 4:46 PM
Post #15 of 48 (4184 views)

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My girlfriend got lectured about dating a climber and how she shouldn't do it herself. So what did I do last weekend? Bought another harness for the express purpose of letting her borrow it. Next I'll take up ice and piss off my mother (although my dad, who has retired climbing, seems rather ambivalent to the idea).

Edit: Even my typos are spelled correctly. Yeesh.

[ This Message was edited by: petsfed on 2003-02-06 10:46 ]


Feb 6, 2003, 6:10 PM
Post #16 of 48 (4184 views)

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I'm new to the sport and probably shouldn't comment but this is my general feeling anyway, so I might as well express it.

I believe most of those who condemn our sport as being dangerous are those who have lost the adventure in their lives. Complacent with their climate controlled cacoons and well stocked with food in a can and electronics with which to help pass the mundane moments of their live's they are unable to look beyond their fears and comment on our activity accordingly. Look upon them with empathy, they are sad and don't even realize it.

David AKA Bakedjake

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."


Feb 6, 2003, 6:13 PM
Post #17 of 48 (4184 views)

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"Never fear that your life may come to a sudden end,
rather fear that it may end before it has begun." -- Anonymous

"The distinguishing mark of true adventures, is that it is often no fun at all while they are actually happening." - Kim Stanley Robinson

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." - T.S. Eliot


Feb 6, 2003, 6:36 PM
Post #18 of 48 (4184 views)

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Every day you get in a car you put your life in danger (50,000+ deaths a year in America alone). Everytime you eat processed and/or junk food you put your life in danger (heart disease and obesity are definitely top ten in death rates). Everytime you go to a job you hate you put your life in danger (stress is the number one common cause to most other diseases).

Everytime you climb, you finally get a say in how you want to lead your life. 99% of the accidents in climbing are human error, and most times happen in alpine or high altitude mountaineering (which most of us do not do). You are exercising and breathing fresh air which is a life extending benefit. You are eliminating the outside ridiculous stress in your life by being forced to only focus on the next move and material means no longer matter. You are spending bonding time without the distractions of cell phones, e-mails, radio and all the other garbage distractions, with the family and friends which are the only things in life that matter. And more importantly, you are not watching a television or listening to people who only live their lives vicariously through the television (and call themselves "informed" and "educated") about how dangerous the world is (news only remains on the air if it sells enough Sanka and Pamper ads) which in turn makes them too afraid to actually enjoy life.

The same folks that are telling you climbing is dangerous have not done it and are too scared to get off their fat lazy uneducated pathetic collective asses to do anything remoltely exciting other than the occasional missionary indescretion in the living room and in the end are merely jealous that you found passion and a way to enjoy your existence on this little dustball.

Now go climb.

Partner wideguy

Feb 6, 2003, 6:41 PM
Post #19 of 48 (4184 views)

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Personally I agree. It is too dangerous. Stop immediately! also, stop crossing streets, flying, riding trains, swimming showering,...


Feb 6, 2003, 6:42 PM
Post #20 of 48 (4184 views)

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I once had some Jehovah Witnesses knock on my door. They did not realize I was a climber. Anyway they proceeded to hand me their newsletter the Watchtower, it was funny because the topic was how climbing and other outrageous life styles like sky diving go against the grain of GOD. The gest of it being our body is the temple of god, we should cherish life and not intentionally go out and risk cutting it short, people who pursue such extreme activities have a death wish, Blah Blah Blah. Being the heathen pagan that I am, I gladly accept the newsletter and turn around so that they could get a close look of my "Go Climb A Rock" tee shirt.

[ This Message was edited by: topramen on 2003-02-06 10:45 ]

[ This Message was edited by: topramen on 2003-02-06 10:49 ]


Feb 6, 2003, 7:06 PM
Post #21 of 48 (4182 views)

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Ignorant people have never ceased to amaze me. When I started cross country backpacking solo in the Sierras when I was 16 years old people told me I was nuts. They still tell me I am nuts when I backpack alone. All my life people have told me I need to take someone else with me, I need to file a trip agenda then leave it at a ranger station so I can be rescued. My personal experience is I am at greater risk backpacking when I do take someone with me because they are a distraction and I am not as focused. Of course, when I take someone with me I also loose a lot of freedom to go where I want to go, when I want to go there and speed at which I want to travel.

When I started climbing at age 51 they again told me I was nuts. Climbing they say is simply too dangerous and your just too old. Not only that, they tell me I am not being responsible because I have a 16 year old daughter. What if I were to fall and die? They go on to tell me they hope I at least use a rope or something for safety. Of course my answer is no the hardest routes I get on are only 5.12 I don’t need no sissy rope.

From my observation, most people develop a life style where they just sit back in the recliner, punch the button on the TV remote control and munch their high fat, low nutrient fast food or microwave dinner. They get old before their years. They grow progressively more out of shape. Then, when they hit 50 or so they visit their doctor and ask him to fix their beyond repair out of shape body. One of the really positive things about this web site is the people here care about their bodies, are mostly in shape and enjoy physical activity. These people are not the people who are driving up the cost of medical insurance or filling up the hospital beds.

I say climb on, climb lots, climb safe and enjoy yourself.



Feb 6, 2003, 7:13 PM
Post #22 of 48 (4182 views)

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You go Bill,

That's the attitude we all need.

I had posted a reply to a thread and someone replied back and said "I think it's great you're in your 40's and starting to climb". I told this to someone I climb with at my local gym thinking it rather funny because I don't consider 40"s old. He said aww forget it, I'm 65 and started climbing 4 years ago.

David AKA Bakedjake

"If everythings under control, you're probably moving too slow." - Mario Andretti


Feb 6, 2003, 9:22 PM
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I just started climbing about a month ago. Already my mother is saying...

"Dont call me up and tell me you want to climb building!"



Feb 6, 2003, 9:23 PM
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OH, My first post!

Hi everyone!



Feb 6, 2003, 9:31 PM
Post #25 of 48 (4182 views)

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Just develop an attitude problem like min, and people will rarely bother voicing an objection to anything you say or do.

Repeat after me: "If I wanted your opinion, I'd beat it out of you."

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