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Nov 5, 2004, 3:32 AM
Post #51 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Jun 26, 2004
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Re: Girly moments [In reply to]
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Ugh, I hate long nails. I don't see how girls put up with them. I'm a swimmer and a lifeguard at an indoor pool, and therefore, due to chlorine, have always had weak, brittle nails. It's a blessing and a curse.
I need to trim mine right now, they're folding back if i strike keys too hard.....



Nov 8, 2004, 9:25 PM
Post #52 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2004
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I wasn't sure if I should put this in the "Latest Accomplishment" thread or this one, but this one wins out.

And I gotta say, I loved nikegirl's post. It totally put things in perspective for me regarding my latest, and greatest, girly moment.

Yesterday, my partner and I went to this "secret spot", which is just perfect and beautiful, south facing slope and great sport routes with new bolts. The guy that bolted them comes to the college gym where we train a couple times a week and he told us that the easiest route there is a 5.10a. (Of course, my partner didn't tell me this until I was halfway up the route.)
Anyway, we didn't have any guidebook, or map to the routes, so we just picked the one that we thought we could do, which was much longer than anything I had done so far, in the few months that I've been climbing. So, Kris starts leading and gets about halfway up and starts telling me it's, "pretty hard, but great!"

So then it's my turn and I'm thinking, "pshaw! I can see tons of possibilities on this rock!"

And then I begin.

And then I fall.

Again...and again....and again....

I was stuck! Not even halfway up!

So I did what any self-respecting climber did.

I cried. I hit the rock. I sniffled and said, "I hate rock climbing!"

Meanwhile, Kris is lounging around at the bottom, shirt off, loving the sunshine in November and telling me "just move your feet up!" GRRRRR!

I finally made it, though. I only cried about 2 more times before I got to the top. Then, when I got to the bottom, another dang tear snuck out. That one was pride and relief though.

nikegirl's birth analogy hit the spot on this one, and I know, I have two kids.

I pushed myself harder than ever on that one, but I don't think I'll need to cry the next time I'm SO frustrated on a route. Once I stopped crying and "moved my feet up", most of the time, I made it.

I can't wait to find out what that route was rated, though. :shock:


Nov 8, 2004, 11:06 PM
Post #53 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: May 4, 2004
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Non- climbing friend ( a guy) remarks that my toenails aren't toe nails they're more like hooves.
rosemom, that is the funniest post I've read in a long time! I thought I was alone in being totally put off by guys who think they deserve sex because you are sleeping next to them. dont they know that climbing trumps sex just about all the time?!!


Nov 9, 2004, 12:56 AM
Post #54 of 69 (5205 views)

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Non- climbing friend ( a guy) remarks that my toenails aren't toe nails they're more like hooves.
rosemom, that is the funniest post I've read in a long time! I thought I was alone in being totally put off by guys who think they deserve sex because you are sleeping next to them. dont they know that climbing trumps sex just about all the time?!!

Hm, I generally climb 3-5 days a week. Pray tell, where do y'all hang out where sex is so much more plentiful than climbing? I wanna move THERE!


Nov 9, 2004, 4:55 PM
Post #55 of 69 (5205 views)

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OK, I'll explain when climbing trumps sex. When you fly 10 hours to get close, then have to drive 5 hours to see climbable rocks, then have to hike/bushwack for over an hour to get to the base. after all that work, i want to climb! heck, we could have had sex on the plane when there was nothing better to do but to watch bad movies and eat oreos! or even at a rest stop off the highway! i dont mean that sex is just rampant and out of control around here. men just need to get the timing a little better.
that wasn't very girly was it?


Nov 9, 2004, 5:31 PM
Post #56 of 69 (5205 views)

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that wasn't very girly was it?

That's just what they want you to think.


Nov 10, 2004, 1:09 AM
Post #57 of 69 (5205 views)

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Hm, I generally climb 3-5 days a week. Pray tell, where do y'all hang out where sex is so much more plentiful than climbing? I wanna move THERE!


FWIW...I just got back from a 9 day climbing trip w/ my SO. I had big plans for taking only one rest day (to be used for driving and scoping). I found that I needed 3. I actually thought about your road trip and how you kept skipping your rest days to the point of overuse injury, and felt like a lightweight.

But if you have 6 or 7 days a week in you for other things too, well, let me just say that I'm impressed...and I think a few of my friends want to meet you. :wink:

Melissa...who thinks that nookie and shower-free cold climates can not peacefully co-exist.


Nov 10, 2004, 6:24 PM
Post #58 of 69 (5205 views)

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FWIW...I just got back from a 9 day climbing trip w/ my SO. I had big plans for taking only one rest day (to be used for driving and scoping). I found that I needed 3. I actually thought about your road trip and how you kept skipping your rest days to the point of overuse injury, and felt like a lightweight.

But if you have 6 or 7 days a week in you for other things too, well, let me just say that I'm impressed...and I think a few of my friends want to meet you. :wink:

Melissa...who thinks that nookie and shower-free cold climates can not peacefully co-exist.

No, see, don't think of taking rest days as being a lightweight. That's all wrong. Think of it as "not being a moron." So where did you go? What did you climb? huh? huh?

And you feel free to send any of those boys my way. Don't send 'em Thanksgiving week, though, I'll be in Canmore.


Dec 9, 2004, 5:07 AM
Post #59 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Dec 3, 2002
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Well I have to recant - just went to J-tree with a guy I positively love shagging. He was too tired - for four days. I finally had to go sleep somewhere else it was driving me up the wall laying next to him. Summer sex seems to have dried up around here. I am looking for a place to stay in Moab whilst climbing on the weekends this winter and spring. Now does anybody think its unethical for me to trade cooking for a bed? Trade belay slave-like behavior for a warm shower at the end of a winter's day climbing at Indian Creek instead of a cold tent. The shagging is my decision - sometimes it seems as if we girls like it more than the guys. So I am looking for a back-up and regular climbing partner who loves my omelets and doesn't live in a truck and isn't going to fall in love because life is too busy. Sound like a girly moment?

:) Recovering hopeless romantic moved onto pragmatic charma


Dec 11, 2004, 1:09 PM
Post #60 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Jun 26, 2004
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Well I have to recant - just went to J-tree with a guy I positively love shagging. He was too tired - for four days. I finally had to go sleep somewhere else it was driving me up the wall laying next to him. Summer sex seems to have dried up around here. I am looking for a place to stay in Moab whilst climbing on the weekends this winter and spring. Now does anybody think its unethical for me to trade cooking for a bed? Trade belay slave-like behavior for a warm shower at the end of a winter's day climbing at Indian Creek instead of a cold tent. The shagging is my decision - sometimes it seems as if we girls like it more than the guys. So I am looking for a back-up and regular climbing partner who loves my omelets and doesn't live in a truck and isn't going to fall in love because life is too busy. Sound like a girly moment?

:) Recovering hopeless romantic moved onto pragmatic charma

I wish I were that girly. Hah.


Dec 11, 2004, 3:38 PM
Post #61 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Jan 15, 2003
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Wow, this thread was thought provoking. I think it's weird that I grew up in the suburbs, never played sports, and had never been really camping until college. But, at that point, it didn't feel to weird to me at all. I didn't have a problem with peeing in the woods or being dirty or anything.

Only real change in the last couple of years... I did cut my hair pretty drastically. Though, that was also to get rid of an overbarring boyfriend who told me on a regular basis "If you cut your hair I'll break up with you!" Ha! Take that!! And I like it a lot better really short. Nice for climbing, nice for gradschool. :-)

Hmm, just realized that I probably showered less last week (the last week of the semester, ugh) than I did during a week of climbing in the City of Rocks. Man... why am I sitting hear, I should wash my hair or something.


Dec 12, 2004, 8:50 AM
Post #62 of 69 (5205 views)

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i actually was always pretty much a tom boy -- wanted to always play basketball, football, and whatever else i could with da boys... only after college did i start to learn how to appreciate being a woman, and when i discovered climbing last year and started to get to know more about the climbing community this year, i am really starting to feel like i have finally found my home community i never knew existed. sure, i don't mind getting dolled up once in a while, but i am so at home in a tank top and some climbing pants, with chalk all over my dry, chapped hands and hair tied back in a pony tail, as i stare upwards with the sun warming my back... and then to discover there are other women who enjoy this as much if not more than i do, and are kick ass at it? it just all feels so... gratifying...

so i dunno if that qualifies as a girly moment, but perhaps more of a developing sense of womanhood where im comfortable being a woman, who strives to climb the best i can...


Dec 13, 2004, 4:14 PM
Post #63 of 69 (5205 views)

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I've cried because the exposure scared me.

I've said a really high-pitched EWWWWW!!!!!!!! when I stuck my hand in a crack full of bugs. (And my regular voice is anything but high-pitched.)

I've bailed off routes because of a single bee. But I don't consider that girly -- I've never been stung, and my grandmother is severely allergic. Since you don't know until you're stung, I'd rather find out in the yard than in the middle of nowhere.

But I've gotten a LOT better about spiders. :mrgreen:


Jan 5, 2005, 5:52 AM
Post #64 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Dec 18, 2004
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Up until I met my current BF, I was a total girly-girl - daily shower (or maybe two!), hair always done, make-up on, not a wrinkle or spot on ANY article of clothing, ever.

**PHEW** Looking back on it now, I can't believe how much time I used to spend (wasted, really!!) to get ready to go out in public! Not to mention the money I have saved lately by not using as many hair and make-up products. My BF is so cool, he's a mountain man through and through. He does have a civilized side and definitely cleans up well, but I love his ability to thoroughly enjoy the outdoors and not concern himself with whether his shirt is clean or if there are 'facilities' where we are staying, etc. (he once spent 30 days in the same long underwear - on an expedition to climb Denali).

My new record is 8 days without an actual shower, just climbing and camping and barely even combing my hair... and loving every minute of it! I find that I don't even feel all that ugly anymore with a scrubbed face and my hair in a ponytail.

I am unable however to start the day without brushing my teeth... I don't go anywhere without my travel-sized AquaFresh and sawed-off toothbrush... and I do favor clean-shaven legs, but will wear long pants if a razor is not an option...



Feb 19, 2005, 5:10 PM
Post #65 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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I had just finished leading my first trad route in jtree and came back down to curse that I had just broken a nail! You should have seen the looks that I got. I'm not sure if I got that reaction because it was such a girly comment or if it was because I don't have any nails to begin with!


Feb 19, 2005, 7:43 PM
Post #66 of 69 (5205 views)

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I just have to wear pink or pastel blue when working on climbs harder than 5.12. My partner seagypsy always wears pink or yellow. And patagucci all the way. It's all about your skin tone and knowing that the light is reflecting off you in a flattering way - I just couldn't really focus on the rock if I was wearing an unflattering shade. And then there's the hair. Fabulous hair is absolutely essential. Oh, and then manicures and pedicures.... so important to be well groomed on the rock... you never know when you might bump into a cute potential cabana-boy... So when we are on road-trips, talking filth and living on meatballs, slim-jims and tequilla-cytomax, we always take a porta-shower so we can do the daily grooming. We both cry sometimes too, usually due to a dent in our broken black hearts, but my parner also cried for a few seconds when she shattered her rib on a metal pole recently. What a girly girl.


Feb 19, 2005, 8:25 PM
Post #67 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Jul 12, 2004
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[quote="feral_raccoon"]I just have to wear pink or pastel blue when working on climbs harder than 5.12. My partner seagypsy always wears pink or yellow. And patagucci all the way. It's all about your skin tone and knowing that the light is reflecting off you in a flattering way - I just couldn't really focus on the rock if I was wearing an unflattering shade. And then there's the hair. Fabulous hair is absolutely essential. Oh, and then manicures and pedicures.... so important to be well groomed on the rock... you never know when you might bump into a cute potential cabana-boy... So when we are on road-trips, talking filth and living on meatballs, slim-jims and tequilla-cytomax, we always take a porta-shower so we can do the daily grooming. We both cry sometimes too, usually due to a dent in our broken black hearts, but my parner also cried for a few seconds when she shattered her rib on a metal pole recently. What a girly girl.
More a girly girl than you think as the bone shattering incident was not only attention seeking behavior (afterall the WHOLE point really of climbing is to impress Cabana Boys in their early 20's! ) but I felt that dry tooling up 'Dracula' moments before was detracting from my girliness and femininity so when I spied an opportunity to impale myself on that piece of metal I hurled myself at it with a fury that can only be described as vampiric. On the heels of this girly moment I confess to having another one recently as well. Instead directing time and energy into selecting routes, planning descents and sorting through all that tedious gear for our upcoming trip, I have instead been focusing all my attention into assembling many new fetching halter top/ climbing tights combinations and using the remaining money in our gear-food-travel fund to get hair extensions. I know that when we are broke in Mexico next week with nothing to eat and lacking the appropiate gear, you will nonetheless be thrilled that my hair is so TOTALLY kool!!


Feb 19, 2005, 8:35 PM
Post #68 of 69 (5205 views)

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Instead directing time and energy into selecting routes, planning descents and sorting through all that tedious gear for our upcoming trip, I have instead been focusing all my attention into assembling many new fetching halter top/ climbing tights combinations and using the remaining money in our gear-food-travel fund to get hair extensions. I know that when we are broke in Mexico next week with nothing to eat and lacking the appropiate gear, you will nonetheless be thrilled that my hair is so TOTALLY kool!!

Seagypsy, you win the ultimate prize for most girly girl of all. Your attention seeking devices are spectacular! And of course, thinking about flattering patagucci-climbing-wardrobe combinations is time well spent. Hair extenstions are a super idea. That big brain of yours working overtime again. So that I am not outdone in for our Mexican climbing extravaganza next week I will be sure to get my highlights made even blonder before we leave (can one ever be blonde enough I wonder?) When we are broke we can always eat earwigs to supplement the slim-jims and cytomax. Ooooooooh! I can't wait to see your fabulous hair!!!!


Feb 19, 2005, 9:01 PM
Post #69 of 69 (5205 views)

Registered: Jul 12, 2004
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I feel profoundly moved (moved in a black heart kinda way, not a GI tract way) that you are so supportive of me in this time of needing to express my inner girl through fashion and hair. I just know that when your bank calls you about how I racked up charges on your credit card buying all those cosmetics from Sephora, beanie hippy hats from Prana and striped capilene knickers ( BTW that are more expensive than French lace underwear), that it's all going to be OK. You R the bestest! K would love to sit around and chat as I know that all you have going on today is random knitting projects, flipping your blonde hair around and stuffing your face full of croissants, but I have to run now and put in an appearance in town to dispel those rumors that I have been holed up in my apartment these last few days posting rude things on Rock Climbing.Com and writing disturbingly forthright emails :)

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