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Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies?
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Apr 14, 2005, 3:50 PM
Post #26 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: May 22, 2004
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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I keep my eyebrows licked to perfection. I don't do horrible with the ladies, but my current drought has definitely dug up some jealousy and serious confusion. I just needed to vent a little cause that crap is frustrating in a town with a 1:8 girl to guy ratio.



Better be some damn good climbing.

What town was that again? I'm, er, thinking of moving....

I'm with you kimmyt - worth a visit at least, must be somethin' missin though :?: ...maybe there's no clinique counter.. :shock:


Apr 14, 2005, 3:56 PM
Post #27 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2002
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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Has anyone else noticed this trend of women falling for total posers, whilst those of us that actually do the things they talk about are still single?

these guys are actually doing you a service. You gotta figure that you don't just want to be with anybody. you want a woman who can see through the fluff, smoke and mirrors, sales pitch that these types of lounge lizards are always spinning. so, if the chick goes for said con man, obviously she hasn't devolped the level of discrimination that you require.

also, when you're really out doing the shit, you don't have time for the spin. are you out to climb or get a date? if you want to get a date, go to a yoga class or something.


Apr 14, 2005, 4:08 PM
Post #28 of 41 (2051 views)

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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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also, when you're really out doing the s---, you don't have time for the spin. are you out to climb or get a date? if you want to get a date, go to a yoga class or something.

Hahahahahahaha.... :lol: :lol: :lol: ...or the fruit stand at Wild Oats...


Apr 14, 2005, 5:54 PM
Post #29 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Sep 2, 2003
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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Its not that they can go and drag a hag out of the bar 9 times out of ten that bugs me. I could really care less. And someone out there said that they may be prettier than me....come on now. I just look at these guys that are total jackasses and I am amazed that people fall for their shit. But whatever, if put more time into the women I would have less time to climb.


Apr 14, 2005, 7:02 PM
Post #30 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2003
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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Why do people like TV more than real life? exageration! No one likes listening to my climbing stories but other real climbers, cause no one else understands. But I am sure if I talked about Climbing the 24 hour Nose route is 12 hour and 53 minutes everyone would understand right?!?!? haha


Apr 14, 2005, 7:20 PM
Post #31 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Dec 29, 2002
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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For what its worth, it goes the other direction too. Climber dudes who start doing some sorotity princess who pretends to like climbing so she can hang out with him.

There's this one gym I climb at sometimes and there is this chick I've seen there a couple times. Always comes with her boyfriend, Charlie, or something like that. He's a good and very strong climber, attractive as well, but he spends all his time 'coaching' her on this problem that is so easy its probably not even ratable on the V scale. She does three or four burns of it in her brand spankin' new Anasazis and then says, "Charlie, I'm tired."
*gag* What killed me was the day she showed up sportin' Mountain Masters is her cute little retro outfit with the side-pony tail.. A side-pony tail??? Com'on now those things haven't been cool since the Facts of Life was popular.

How come the non-posing climber dudes aren't making moves to date us non-poser climbing chicks??? :roll:

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Apr 14, 2005, 8:55 PM
Post #32 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2004
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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Hm maybe just a thought... but perhaps when there's less focus on who is and who isn't a climber, some of us may be lucky?

Who cares - I do cause I am writing in response - why? Cause, I am not working right now and enjoying 2 weeks of gorgeous weather, unpaid LOL

Shit, just got an IM - back to work tomorrow... Gov came through... Rats...

Anyways, what I was going to say was... Do you really want to date those girls who date the posers? And what's that say about you?

I want to date someone who digs me as much as I dig him. Someone who is nuturing of a relationship and knows themselves pretty damn well - self-awareness and aculization is very sexy... Someone who gels w/ me, etc.

Awww - okay for you CHristian haters - the cutest old man just came up and put down this thingy - donation for jesus - anyhoo - said no thanks and on he went... Cute old men.... Another thing I hope to find ---- someone I can argue but know that just cause they are being a poo or me a shit will still love and accept me for all my quirks. B ut someone to grow old w/ and take walks or sit on the porch....

Love blk


Apr 15, 2005, 3:38 AM
Post #33 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: May 6, 2003
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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For what its worth, it goes the other direction too. Climber dudes who start doing some sorotity princess who pretends to like climbing so she can hang out with him.

uh, you beat me to it. I was just going to say. I have seen the similar situation happening quite a few times - these guys who represent quite a 'hardcore' image of themselves running after total princesses... And not just in climbing circles, I have seen similar things happening in my alternative/indie musician cliques in college, again guys who are oh so alternative chasing ladies who are sooooo clean, little cute sorority princesses. When I was in college I used to get pretty angry about it (as you quessed I wasnt the cute clean princess), but now I agree with those who said that you dont want to hang out with those guys/gals anyway.

What was I saying, yeah, in summary, the situation is two-sided, it is not as if only woman do this kind of thing...


Apr 15, 2005, 1:55 PM
Post #34 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2001
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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a ratio of, picking up chicks there would be like picking up fish in a beef factory...seems to me that you're in the wrong shopping center

Head down to Peru...Cusco specifically...where the ratio is 7:1...damn...they're like vultures! Attractive, horny, aggressive vultures

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Partner tradman

Apr 15, 2005, 2:16 PM
Post #35 of 41 (2051 views)

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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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someone I can argue but know that just cause they are being a poo or me a shit will still love and accept me for all my quirks.

Somebody much cleverer'n me here said a few weeks ago that the definition of true love is being able to say, "I really love you with all my heart, but I just can't stand to be around you right now".

Truer words never spoken...


Apr 15, 2005, 4:28 PM
Post #36 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2002
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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*gag* What killed me was the day she showed up sportin' Mountain Masters is her cute little retro outfit with the side-pony tail.. A side-pony tail??? Com'on now those things haven't been cool since the Facts of Life was popular. :

christa, it sounds like you've got some hatin' going on there.


Apr 16, 2005, 2:25 AM
Post #37 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Dec 29, 2002
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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Well, duh?

How am I ever supposed to get a date if all the guys I want to date are busy dating the sorority princess-types? I can't compete with that!?!?! I don't do the side pony tail!!!


Apr 16, 2005, 9:03 AM
Post #38 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: May 20, 2003
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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How am I ever supposed to get a date if all the guys I want to date are busy dating the sorority princess-types?
The princess type has has some big pros. First of all the, the home is always in top shape once you get home from you tough man's adventure. And secondly, the dinner is done and the bed sheets are clean and cozy.

btw. side pony tails are very sexy. they show some proper attitude


Apr 17, 2005, 3:09 AM
Post #39 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Sep 2, 2003
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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I've seen what you are talking about a ton, and I have been there myself. There is more than one side to it. I got suckered into it because she had "climbed some at school." I climb almost daily and she wanted to go. I hate doing it because I know that there will be at least two people there that will give endless amounts of shit if I go I take a nonclimber girl climbing even though they all have and probably will again.
I think I give girls more credit than they deserve. I take most girls for being intelligent and weary of all men. Enough so at least to spot a total poser. It seems like it isn't the case though. So for all you ladies out there I gotta log off my and go pick up my BMW from the shop. I was getting a little custom work done. :roll:


Apr 17, 2005, 4:26 AM
Post #40 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2004
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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My gf's boyfriend before me was a total poser. She said that she was so naiive about climbing that she believed all the crazy stories he told her.

There you have it: "extreme" posers only get ladies who are not extreme. We who are wouldnt waste our time. I don't mean it as an insult, just that, ya know, if i dated someone who told me he was a professional sculptor I would not know whether he was lying or not because i know nothing of sculpting. :idea:

Extreme" posers obviously don't mind the deceit :? (and/or are insecure about it... most secure people dont feel the need to pose anything) whereas actual extreme people have ethics about how they participate in and respresent their particular type(s) of extreme because they genuinely care about it and have invested themselves in it

Girls who are not extreme and date posers probably genuinely like the person :shock: and think they are sincere...unfortunately they arent (probably the one pretending to be extreme to impress her and too insecure to confess it). I guess there might be girls who also might date someone solely because they SAY they are extreme...but I personally dont know any.

Then again, this is just a guess... ive never dated a poser OR an actal extreme guy, including a climber...but I'd like to date one... :wink:

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Apr 17, 2005, 4:51 AM
Post #41 of 41 (2051 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2004
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Re: Why do "extreme" posers get the ladies? [In reply to]
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someone I can argue but know that just cause they are being a poo or me a s--- will still love and accept me for all my quirks.

Somebody much cleverer'n me here said a few weeks ago that the definition of true love is being able to say, "I really love you with all my heart, but I just can't stand to be around you right now".

Truer words never spoken...

Traddy - sure you don't have a younger brother round my age :)


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