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Mar 21, 2005, 1:47 AM
Post #101 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Feb 9, 2005
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Hi ladies
just in case any of you stil might be reading this site here goes

My name is Amy 36 years old currently live in southern Oregon.
I have been climbing for over 7 years but not consistantly for a variety of reasons....
I can climb 5.10s trad and sport.
lead 5.8s sport but want to increase that
trad pretty rusty and have no gear currently
favorite place to climb .. J tree
locally I go to smith
or rattlesnake or greensprings

goals to stay injury free

would love to hook up with some ladies to climb with ..when consistant I improve quickly

I have alot of interests mountain and road bike .. mountaineering
running soccer backcountry skiing
so if any of you gals who are locals want to email me ... and climb my eamil address is


Mar 25, 2005, 3:25 PM
Post #102 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in Silt CO. I have been climbing for 4 years now and I love every min of it. I am 20 Years old and trying to find where I fit in at.

Favorite type of climbing?
I love all Climbing, Sport, Trad, and Boldering. I love all the unique qualities that they all bring. My favorite would have to be sport, because I am really in to Rifle Mountain Park right now sence it is in my back yard. Also I have Boulders right close by as well that I like to meet friends at in the afternoons.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Rilfe Mountain Park would be my Favorite right now. There is such a challenge in the Rock and Atmostphere there that I just can't get enough of. This is a sport area so that is why I love sport so much right now.

Technical expertise?
I am climbing 5.10s but only leading 5.9s right now. I am hoping in the next few weeks that will change.

My bigest fear would be to now have a partner this summer. All of mine have eather moved or are not climbing as much any more. I hind it hard to find a new partner around hear.

Challenges overcome?
This for me is yet to come. This summer I wont to takle the fear of leading so I can get past 5.9, 5.10 and beyond.
At first the biggest challenge would have been the hight. I wasn't afraid I just didn't trust it yet. When I did that is when I came in to the sport.

I have done some moulti pitch routs and some of Rifle. I haven't ventured out of the area to far but I have been to Boulder, Shealf, and The Black Cayan. All places I wish to go back soon.

To do some Big Walls and get on El Cap. I have never been to Yosemite but I am going vary soon. I won't to polish my climbing and Get as good as I can.



Mar 28, 2005, 2:06 AM
Post #103 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Feb 18, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Hi, my name is Amber, (Hello Amber.), and I'm addicted to climbing. I'm a 19 y/o psychology student at Ohio University in sleepy Athens. Originally from a suburb of Cleveland, but I've recently been around the country with the Army National Guard. (Must say, I love Texas.) Not that much climbing to be done here besides our indoor wall and select chossy bouldering areas. But, thankfully the New is quite close and the Red isn't that far either.

Favorite type of climbing?
Sport, but I'm incredibly eager to learn trad and aid.

Favorite places to climb and why?
The New, although my basis of comparison is quite small; I've only been to the New and the Red. Good, solid climbs, many options and great scenery. Big fan of Summersville Lake. Good approaches, too.

Technical expertise?
Sport leading, rappelling, TR, belaying, and anchor set-up. Can TR 10b's, yet haven't tried leading anything past 9's. Oh, so eager to. Also a certain knack for buildering and rappelling off of the 4th floor of my dorm.

Decking, watching an anchor I set-up blow on the second, long falls, somehow jacking up a rappelling set-up, hitting my head (too many prior concussions), going to Iraq

Challenges overcome?
Took a pretty big, (~22 feet) unexpected fall while bouldering. Landed on an old pad. Unhurt, yet numb, got up and sent it. Very surprised at myself, yet still somewhat apprehensive to climb it.

I lead and belayed the leader for the first time. That was a huge step for me. The climber that taught me, Tina, was so great. She was patient and listened to my concerns and put me at ease. My next trip out, I lead as many climbs as I could.

Trad climbing and leading some harder routes. Would like to also become a more confident boulderer. I have an interest in aid climbing and would like to pursue it further. In addition, I'd like to go out west to climb.


Apr 13, 2005, 3:14 PM
Post #104 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jul 26, 2003
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So what is your background (where do you live)? I'm a 21 year old who lives and studies (Go TU!!) in (and am orginally from) Tulsa, OK and have also lived in several other areas of the US including Dallas, TX and Spokane, WA. Right now, I'm studying abroad in Amiens, France and can't wait to get home so I can hit the rocks again!

Favorite type of climbing? Trad.

Favorite places to climb and why? The Witchitas- close enough to home (3 hours), yet just far enough away...also John's Wall because its SO close (then again, those are the only places I've climbed)

Technical expertise? belaying, rapelling, anchor set-up, TR- but I'm slowly transitioning into leading :D Can climb 5.10, but really want to learn to lead...

Challenges overcome? Learning to trust myself and my partners, getting over the overhang (without aid!)

Accomplishments I've done a few (very few) multipitch routes, my first route ever was a 5.8- first try!!

Fears? snakes, setting a bad anchor/piece, taking a HUGE fall, not being able to climb again

Goals: Learn to lead, climb more often, graduate on time (next spring!!) & get my master's (find grad school), lose weight & get in better shape (baguettes are dangerous! :D ), travel ALOT more, figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life- careerwise, at least......


Apr 13, 2005, 6:47 PM
Post #105 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)? My name is Sara, actually. I am 25, the mother of a 2 y/o "all" boy. I've been climbing on and off for a couple years, but only when I have someone to go with (far and few btw) unless bouldering. I live in the Mad River Valley of VT.

Favorite type of climbing? Bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why? Rumney, haven't really been anywhere else. Loved the Gunks though!

Technical expertise? belaying, rapelling

Challenges overcome? Heights, for the most part.

Accomplishments Two multi-pitch routes at the Gunks. Feeling comfortable and pushing myself in the presence of more experienced climbers. Raising a GREAT son!

Fears? Not being able to climb, being a bad mom, falling.

Goals: To travel to all the bouldering hot spots, teach my son to be himself at all times and to remain myself at all times (its getting easier by the day!). Oh, and to lose my remaining mommy (baby) weight and look hot everyday...for me! :D


Apr 14, 2005, 5:25 PM
Post #106 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: May 21, 2003
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[indigo]Too cool - wonder why I never saw this thread before![/indigo]

So what is your background (where do you live)? HI! I am Angela, Live in Omaha Nebraska :x but it isn't too bad, as I have plenty of vacation and a Subie that gets me 8 hours west (Front Range or Vedauwoo) at least once a month. I have been climbing since 1997 and its ALL I DO! and ALL I THINK ABOUT especially this time of the year.

Favorite type of climbing? Five Fun! or anything Trad or Alpine

Favorite places to climb and why? THE DESERT - Utah is the best!

Technical expertise? done it all . . Alpine, Aid, Trad, Sport. .

Challenges overcome? I need to be able to get into my lead head faster and keep it longer. it takes so long at the beginning of the season to get back out on the sharp end, and if I don't get out for a month it feels like starting over. . . THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT I am already feeling better about what I can do mentally and Physically

Accomplishments Prodigal Son in Zion - WOW tough tough tough!

Fears? loosing a friend in a climbing accident

Goals: be able to follow my hubby up anything . . . be able to lead anything I can comfortably climb. ----- all in all . . . I wanna' be a Rock Hottie. . . :D


Apr 22, 2005, 1:17 AM
Post #107 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm originally from northwest Germany, but left 4 years ago to explore the world. After staying in Brazil, The States and Canada, I'm living now in Bogota, Colombia. Since I'm from the plains it was quite amazing to be living in the mountains, and after a couple of claustrophobic breakouts, I'm now totally loving it and cant imagine anything better. well maybe a mountain with a sea
Favorite type of climbing? I love sport climbing and trad climbing

Favorite places to climb and why? the rocks of suesca, because its close and the climate is nice. And of course I don't no better :-)

Technical expertise? Hm. I'm trying to get some books though, its kinda hard to get em here. I try to learn techniques by watching other climbers, preferable females,
Challenges overcome?
to be jealous of my climb because he climbs better

Fears? Falling and hurting myself really bad, or something happening to my partner or his daughter (9, climbing as well)
Goals: maybe I'm watching to much movies, but a REAL mountain would be nice one day ( doesn't have to be a 7 thousander, 5 would be good ;-))
and of course one day to climb 5.11, 12 and stuff-but for now,my goal is to work myself through 5.10 s


Jul 3, 2005, 11:12 PM
Post #108 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jun 26, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I live in Hillsboro, Oregon; grew up in Washington State. I started climbing 3 years ago when I met my husband (he was the manager of a local indoor wall). Did mostly indoor climbing off and on (mostly off). Now, here I am, finally getting around to begging him to take me climbing outdoors. I've only been twice (last weekend and today), but I love it so far!

Favorite type of climbing?

Well, right now I only do top roping as a start. I really want to learn lead climbing, but my husband wants me to get comfortable with top roping first (makes sense).

Favorite places to climb and why?

Personally, I think I'd love climbing in the desert (eastern Oregon, Utah, or Nevada). I like the sunshine and the landscape.

Technical expertise?

Really not a whole lot :? Pretty basic stuff like top-rope climbing and belaying. I'm scouring though and digging into my husbands brain for knowledge. He's actually impressed with what I've learned so far. It's something I'm really interested in learning.

Challenges overcome?

I'm in the midst of overcoming my fear of heights. I don't have as much of an issue when climbing, because you never really look down. However, my husband tried to teach me to rappell today and I couldn't do it. I'm kind of mad at myself, but I know what stopped me, so I'm working on overcoming it completely.

Accomplishments: Since I'm new to the sport, I just consider the fact that I'm comfortable climbing outside as an accomplishment. I'm starting to get quicker too.

Fears: Falling and getting hurt or my husband falling and getting hurt.

Goals: I really want to learn to lead I'm working towards that right now.


Jul 4, 2005, 5:56 AM
Post #109 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2005
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Hi, I'm Howard, and I'm an alcoholic.


Jul 5, 2005, 12:22 AM
Post #110 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2005
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Sorry really new to this, so here goes everything.
So what is your background(Where do you live)?
I live in Fall River Mass.I am married to a wonderful man who does not climb, but does support my crazy ideas. I also have 2 kid both teenagers :roll:
Favorite type of climbing?
I guess it would have to be trad.because that all I know.
Favorite place to climb and why.
I sorry I am new. Have not been anywhere outside of North Conway NH and it always with an instructor.
Technical expertise?
sorry still trying have all my knots :shock:
Fallen. Not succeeding in what I try,(like repelling)Breaking my leg.Return of Cancer(so far 6yrs in remission 14 to go)
Challenges overcome?
I guess the main one would be learning to walk again.
Trying to get 5 ft off the ground while learning to climb.
try to Losing weight and get in shape.Reach the top of what I'm trying to climb.Find a partner to climb with
Hope I did not bore anyone. thank you and be safe.


Jul 5, 2005, 1:07 AM
Post #111 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Apr 29, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I live in Minnesota, I'm 15 years old, been climbing about a a year and a half maybe.

Favorite type of climbing?

I've pretty much only done top rope, lead and bouldering, so I'm going to say lead, but I think trad is really neat too, so eventually someday I would like to try that.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Outdoors: Blue Mounds (because it's the first place I've ever climbed outdoors) and Barn Bluff (only been there once, it rained, but it was really fun till it rained).
Indoors: Hmm, I like all of the places I've climbed indoors. Sad answer, but it's true :lol:

Technical expertise?

Belaying, rappelling, there could be more..


I'm afraid of heights, weird, I know, but I am, and climbing helps with that. Falling on lead.

Challenges overcome?

In order to pass a lead climbing test at a gym I went to, I had to fall while lead climbing, I'm proud of myself for doing that, it was scary :oops:


None that I can think of at the moment, but when I have one, I'll be sure to put it on.


Many different things, all pretty much have to do with climbing better and stuff like that.



Jul 22, 2005, 5:28 AM
Post #112 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jul 13, 2005
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Hi there. My turn I guess...

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm 23, married, currently live in Tahoe. Grew up in Northern Michgan, went to college in Minnesota. Lived in the PNW for many summers as well.

Favorite type of climbing?
Multipitch trad.

Favorite places to climb and why?
WA Pass, Lover's Leap, Tuolumne. Why? Great routes on nice granite. Not to mention the views.

Technical expertise?
Trad leading, anchors, some mountaineering

Trusting my gear.

Challenges overcome?
Climbing a route that went right under a bat cave... yikes!

Climbing what I knew I could when I didn't let my mind get in the way.

Lead 5.10!


Jul 23, 2005, 12:58 PM
Post #113 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Hello all...

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm 19 years old and right now I live in Singapore where I while my time away studying English literature in college and playing around on indoor rock walls. I've been climbing for about a month now.

Favorite type of climbing?
Uh, right now, sports climbing and bouldering, can't decide between both of them.

Favorite places to climb and why?
No idea, I love climbing anywhere as long as there is something to climb.

Technical expertise?
Well, top rope climbing and belaying.

Heights, and taking a fall especially when I'm really high up. Also, needles. Scary stuff, 'nuff said. And that one day someone will come and tell me I shouldn't climb because I'm shit at it.

Challenges overcome?
The insane fear of heights, I've stopped having panic attacks when I'm pretty high up.

Learning how to climb in the first place. And climbing the 6a route at the climbing center the other night.

To learn how to lead a climb and to do rope solo climbing.


Jul 23, 2005, 5:19 PM
Post #114 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jul 21, 2005
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Hey all! [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm from NYC, but I'm currently living on Long Island, NY. In january, I'll be moving to the Caribean for about a 1.5 years. I'm going to Med school there.

Favorite type of climbing?
I get a rush out of hanging upside down!!

Technical expertise?
Just a shame in that.

40+ y/o men with hair all over there body. *cringes*

Challenges overcome?
I'm working on seriously improving my finger strength right now. I have my upper body pretty strong. Indurance is my other challenge!

I've managed to remember 2 whole times now to bring water with me. I'm pretty happy with myself.

Eventually I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do some big wall climbing with a serious group. I just want the crap scared out of me and know someones there to edge me on!


Jul 23, 2005, 11:35 PM
Post #115 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jul 13, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)? Im 16 , in New Mexico, and I started climbing when I was 7 years old. However I took a 2 year break to go into some missions and am painfully trying to get back into climbing.
Favorite type of climbing? boldering/ sport climbing
Favorite places to climb and why? gym; in the sandias (by tajares)
Technical expertise? haha, umm not much.... just having fun!!!!
Fears? Worms
Challenges overcome? patience with myself, starting from scratch is soo slow
Accomplishments? 5.12 , meeting friends, loving climbing
Goals to be able to go Glacier climbing , trad climbing, to find a new partner.


Jul 28, 2005, 4:07 AM
Post #116 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jul 28, 2005
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I'm a total newbie. I've only climbed a few times on an indoor wall with an auto belay system. I take my test today to be certified for manual belay climbing which so far has been a blast.
I just turned 27 on the 26th of July. I have three kids. The oldest lives in Ca. with his mom, he's my husband's son, but he's mine too. The other two live with us. I gave birth to them.
I grew up in south Miss. but was born in south Louisiana. (i claim Louisiana as home since that's were I was conceived and born and spent my summers.)
We live in Japan for now. This is were I got started with climbing. So far I REALLY enjoy it. I need to lose a few (well a bunch) pounds and work on strength, but I still make it to the top of the wall!
I take my first outdoor trip in August. Can NOT wait. My daughter is wanting to get into it as well. She's only six. As soon as I get my card, I'm going to get her a harness as well.
Hope this is good enough for all y'all. Glad to meet you. :mrgreen:

ETA: OH I forgot!! I'm totally freaked out about falling. I hate the feeling of dropping. My first time up i got to the middle and held on for like 15mins before my arms just gave out and I had to drop. I HATE letting go, but you must come down to go back up again!!


Jul 29, 2005, 11:23 PM
Post #117 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jul 13, 2005
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wow, seriously, rock climbing is amazing, and i think that its awesome that your getting into it!! Falling, i don't have much to help you on that, because i think thats the best part! When I descend from the wall, i just think of how i accomplished it, and how hard it was, and how it relates to my life, soo repelling gives me time to reflect on what i did (maybe you can do that too to help you overcome the descending part). Don't worry about loosing weight either, because its just a fun sport, unless your wanting to get serious about it, weight doesn't matter much. I hope you and your daughter enjoy it as much as i do!


Jul 30, 2005, 2:33 AM
Post #118 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2004
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So what is your background (where do you live)? Origially from Cali, and moved to Vegas 4 years ago. Missed the beach horribly, so decided to find out what was in the mountains...found climbing and hiking in nearby Red Rocks! Awesome.
Favorite type of climbing? So far, I've only experienced a smidge of trad, some bouldering, and mostly sport. I like all three, but would definitely like to get more into trad.
Favorite places to climb and why? I haven't been to too many places! But I've like every place I've been to-- probably because I haven't experienced enough to have a favorite yet.
Technical expertise? I try to be safe and not do anything stupid. Still learning technical expertise.
Fears? Taking a huge fall and hitting myself against something, thus hurting myself.
Challenges overcome? some headgame type things-- i used to get elvis legs so much, but now i can pretty much think through it, and not freak out about it.
Accomplishments? getting to climb some 11's, gaining confidence, pushing limits, and getting stronger!
Goals: trad, climbing more regularly, and climbing with people i connect with.


Aug 3, 2005, 11:45 PM
Post #119 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Aug 2, 2005
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Hi -very new here, just wanted to introduce myself

So what is your background (where do you live)? I'm from Australia, currently living in Japan
Favorite type of climbing? Rockclimbing wise, I'm too new to really have a favorite type, but I'm really into mountaineering (it's why I started rockclimbing)
Favorite places to climb and why? I don't really have a favorite yet
Technical expertise? On rock, none really, just top ropeing, but I've done a fair bit of snow/ice mountaineering.
Fears? Having a partner or friend get hurt beacuse of a mistake I made
Challenges overcome? Just dealing with my perfectionsit attitude - I expected myself to be perfect the first time I tried climbing and got angry at myself when I wasn't. I'm really working at not having such unreasonably high expectations of myself.
Accomplishments? So far, just getting up a 5.9 top rope
Goals: learn to lead climb (5.9 or simmilar would be nice)


Aug 8, 2005, 3:21 AM
Post #120 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Aug 4, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I'm from Calgary, Canada. Also spent 5 years living in Vancouver.

Favorite type of climbing?

Three way tie between ice, multipitch trad and alpine.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Lake Louise... nice solid quartzite, beautiful view, easy approach. Anywhere in the Ghost... no crowds! The Chief, Squamish... great memories of my last 3 trips there and lots of friction slab :), nice solid granite, good for learning to place gear. Mt. Cascade (ice climb)... not technically challenging at WI2/3, but great exposure and one of the classics.

Technical expertise?

The basics (belaying, tying in), leading sport climbs, leading gear climbs, setting up anchors.


My biggest fear is something happening to my partner. Aside from that... rockfall, and falling on gear.

Challenges overcome?

Sprained ankle on one of my first leads. I fell 12 feet on a smooth, pretty much vertical wall. It took a session of deliberate falls in the gym and some easy leading way below my ability to get my leading confidence back.

Accepting the death of a good friend (killed by rockfall) and trying to be there for my best friend who was climbing with him at the time.


Getting over the numbers and bagging peaks thing. I think it's logical to want to climb higher number grades but it was kind of detrimental for me. Now I'm just happy with every day where I climb safely and thoughtfully, looking at and thinking about each hold and foot placement, making bomber anchors, and just enjoying the interaction with the rock. Ironically since I stopped caring about number grades or reaching the summit my climbing's actually gotten a lot beter.


I'd like to climb the N face of Athabasca later in the season when conditions stabilize. I want to finish the climb next to Takakaw falls... it spits you out a cave right at the top of a giant waterfall and I had to retreat off of it two weeks ago because the spray had drenched the rest of the route. I want to take my best friend who introduced me to climbing 1.5 years ago up a trad multi-pitch route on Yamnuska and have him be proud of all the stuff I've learned since then. There is a cool looking face across from Silver Tongued Devil Crag in the Ghost and I want to establish some ground-up routes there. Want to climb Hydrophobia (ice climb) this upcoming season.


Aug 8, 2005, 8:24 PM
Post #121 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Aug 4, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)? In Montreal, Canada until the end of the summer, then off to Peoria, IL in September. Originally from Toronto.

Favorite type of climbing?
Only top-roped so far.

Favorite places to climb and why? Umm.. the gym. Still need to go outside - and soon!

Technical expertise? Haha - that's a good one. Well, I guess belaying would count.

Fears? Approaching new people to climb with. Man, I find that hard!

Accomplishments? Pretty psyched about going up a grade last week :D



Aug 12, 2005, 3:23 PM
Post #122 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jun 12, 2005
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Hi everybody, been lurking for a few months, decided to start posting:

So what is your background (where do you live)? Lived in California my whole life (36 years) - currently live in Sonoma County (north of San Francisco, wine country). I'm a physician working in biotech/pharma. Married, no kids (yet).

Favorite type of climbing? Too early to tell, I'm exploring as much as I can. I think trad is going to be my thing, though - the possibilities are endless ...

Favorite places to climb and why? Lover's Leap (South Lake Tahoe area) - great moderate multipitch, love those dikes, gorgeous!

Technical expertise? Developing ... need practice to reinforce what I've learned.

Fears? Getting careless, making bad decisions ...

Challenges overcome? Lost almost 40 lbs over the last several months, have gotten in the best shape of my life so far ...

Accomplishments? Overcoming my fear of the 4 foot roof on the second pitch of Haystack at Lover's Leap - it's only 5.8, wasn't as bad as it looked from below! (Of course I was only following.)

Goals: want to learn to lead moderate multipich trad routes. So far I haven't led, but only been climbing regularly about 2 1/2 months. Not yet solid on 10a like you to have to be to take the lead class at my gym. Right now I'm at about the 5.9 level at the gym, can eke up some 10a-10c routes depending on the overhang, but it ain't pretty. Want to get stronger, develop endurance.



Aug 15, 2005, 6:28 PM
Post #123 of 143 (11848 views)

Registered: Jun 15, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)? I am from the state that was scientifically proven to be flatter than a pancake - Kansas.

Favorite type of climbing? I have mainly top-roped and have only gotten to do one sport lead. I am hoping I can do more during my next trip.

Favorite places to climb and why? I haven't gotten to go outside all that much (remember the location from above). So far, of the places I have gotten to climb, Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas would be my favorite so far.

Technical expertise? I have only been climbing since January, so the technical expertise isn't there yet. Most of the guys I climb with have been good about teaching me what they know, and I am picking it up slowly but surely.

Fears? Falling. Not heights, but falling. If I am not secured, I have difficulties getting within a foot of the edge.

Accomplishments? The one time I lead a route it was awesome because I had little to no difficulty doing it. In all honesty, climbing at all is a bit accomplishment for me, I never thought I would be able to do it...

Challenges overcome? After playing softball for over 20 years, I have a ton of minor nagging injuries, but the big one came a year ago when I had to have shoulder surgery to reattach where the bicep connects to the shoulder itself. 3 days after the surgery it was discovered I had a blood clot in my arm, and had to spend 3 days in the hospital. Those three days in the hospital that close to the surgery cost me about another month or two in recovery time. But, I am mainly healed and have learned what my limits are. I tried climbing for the first time about 5 months after surgery, and there are still many limits that exist.

Goals? To continue to improve and get outside. I spent most of my youth on a softball field and am lacking in general knowledge of the outdoors. I want to continue to build experience and friendships as I learn!


Aug 16, 2005, 7:01 PM
Post #124 of 143 (12006 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)? I am from Arizona, currently in Tempe for school at ASU.

Favorite type of climbing? Top-rope in the gym for right now....I just started

Favorite places to climb and why? The gym....that is the only placed that I have climbed. I know that once I go outside I'll be hooked on climbing outside, but still need a lot to learn.

Technical expertise? I don't have any right now, just the confidence and motivation that I get from climbing

Fears? Just getting ahead of myself while climbing...I don't have any real fears about climbing yet. Too shy to ask for someone to train me. I am still a rookie and would love for someone to take me under their wings.

Accomplishments? Every time I get to the top, thats where all the motivation comes from.

Goals? To go outside, to go extreme with climbing, gain more knowledge on how to approach a route. There is so much more time I guess


Aug 23, 2005, 5:05 AM
Post #125 of 143 (12197 views)

Registered: May 4, 2004
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in San Francisco - grew up in California, and never want to leave.

Favorite type of climbing?
Right now, it's trad, because of the mental aspects of it. But a close second is bouldering in the gym because of the social aspects and its just fun working hard problems. I like sport, too, but haven't really lead sport yet (just 1 route). I just like all climbing in general!

Favorite places to climb and why?
Haven't done too much travelling yet, but I'd have to say I really like the City of Rocks. It's secluded, not too crowded, and there are some sport, trad, and multipitch routes.

Technical expertise?
I'm still a noob. I dig learning about the physics of climbing, though.

Taking a whipper on a nut placement is my biggest fear right now.
I haven't fallen yet (just started leading), and I think I need to setup a toprope and lead up and fall on some placements to get over the fear.

Challenges overcome?
I work in a very sedentary profession, and have to make time during the week to do outdoor stuff. Lucky for me, my job is flexible and I can usually get away for a few hours while there's still daylight. Of course, weekends are always reserved for climbing. But I think it can be easy to fall into the trap of working more hours to make money at the expense of activity and exercise.

Climbing, and breaking into trad climbing is an accomplishment in itself. I am typically a cautious person, and a bit timid, which is good to keep oneself safe in a risky sport, but I had to overcome my fear and have confidence that I can manage most of the risks involved with climbing.

I have a list of areas that I want to be able to climb in:
Gunks, Indian Creek, etc
Maybe a bigwall, too

And for some reason, I have it in my head that I want to be able to climb 5.12 sport (I'm not even at 5.11 yet), and 5.10 trad (not even at 5.8 yet) someday - soon? I don't know why - I think I read too many of those damn climbing magazines.

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