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Why do we really climb ?
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Aug 5, 2005, 5:46 AM
Post #1 of 21 (2277 views)

Registered: Oct 7, 2002
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Why do we really climb ?
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Why do we really climb ?

Of course, the simplest answer is: because the rock, wall or the mountain is there. Well this answer is just too simple as to explain why a human climbs a rock. If science would stop exploring at the first step we still would live in the stone age. First of all we like to state that the rock itself does not care about humans, animals, weather, rockfall or other events. The rock does not care about anything because it is dead matter and the only thing what science would confirm is that any matter has inherent magnetism, therefore a mountain or a wall has limited gravitational power. But there is no evidence that this magnetism of rock has any influence to humans and commands people towards its surfaces.

To explain the human world we must look at it psychologically – only by this view we get answers. So the only reason why we climb can found within us. We have the eyes to see, we have the mind to judge, we have feelings and we have senses, especially the sense of touch. The sense of touch works invisibly with tentacles and causes many things in a human. The sense of touch is the cause for covetousness and selfishness. First we see, then we feel and then we judge, whereupon we are pleased or tend to refuse. Whether we create desire, hate or neglection, in all theses cases the sense of touch has fixed its tentacle at this specific object, in our case, this sense has launched a tentacle to a wall or rock. As long as we have no neutral attitude to the rock (or any other object), we have produced clinging via our invisible tentacle of the sense of touch. These tentacles draw us towards the object and produced pictures in our mind as well and let us glorify everything related to. On a subtle level we like to lick and kiss this object and want the union, at least being as close as possible. Doing this we get satisfaction, which happens in many different personal ways. But the consumed satisfaction does not last very long, it vanishes into a void and we strengthen our efforts to fill this vacuum again. And this goes on and on and on until the non-fullfillment causes the tentacle to let loose and to look of another object to cling on.

Practically this means, we climb because we cling (to rocks) and expect to gain satisfaction by this way and can nourish our soul. Or in other words: we are driven by our senses due to the lack of not mastering them. It does not matter, whether we climb for adventure, for fame or honour, for appreciation, for speed or any other reason. Climbers like this rock, that boulder, this wall, that mountain for many reasons. Is a climb ticked off or a wall bagged, soon we go for another climb in order to satisfy this sort of greed. Other people like to do business in order get good profits because they cling to wealth. And politicians rally because they cling to power, which allows them to grasp for everything and to use their folks like cattle. Climbers often have a period where they climb with great enthusiasm and suddenly their sense of touch found another object: a girl, a job-career or a new biz and so they turn to something else. But they still stick or cling! If the earth were flat and had no walls or mountains surely climbers would cling to other objects like surfboards. We climb and and suffer a lot, because we succumb the illusion that physical effort and defeating fears will give us bliss or more intellectual capacities. Actually it does the opposite! We do not gain a sharper mind nor do we learn to watch and read our dreams, wherein bad fate and even dead are announced in advance. Climbing does not solve problems in our real life nor gives us answers to any important questions like why are we so helpless, why do we encounter still bondage and why the mighty still can do what they like? We love climbing because it is such an egomania action. Climbing works like a drug, in the period we climb we concentrate on the action and experience some thrill, but as soon as we touch ground, what remains? Climbing is so much fun, so great and so ………… what do ya think ?


Aug 5, 2005, 5:52 AM
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I don't get too deep about it. I just climb because I like it.

Climbng iz gud.


Aug 5, 2005, 6:36 AM
Post #3 of 21 (2277 views)

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I don't get too deep about it. I just climb because I like it.

Climbng iz gud.

wut she sed 8^)


Aug 5, 2005, 6:58 AM
Post #4 of 21 (2277 views)

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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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if i don't, the clown will eat me. :(


Aug 5, 2005, 7:16 AM
Post #5 of 21 (2277 views)

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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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cause its fun, why else?


Aug 5, 2005, 7:50 AM
Post #6 of 21 (2277 views)

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Apparently not the thread for substantive intellectual debate.



Aug 5, 2005, 8:03 AM
Post #7 of 21 (2277 views)

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if i don't, the clown will eat me.

You too?? :shock:

There´s a whole bunch of sites dedicated to exactly this, the psychology behind rockclimbing, other extreme sports and other behaviors considered riské. I´ve only seen like 5, but they tend to organize these behaviors into "physical risks" (sports, driving fast, etc) and "health risks" (mostly drugs).
I climb for a lot of reasons, more than I have the patience to list here. It´s not just a sport for me. It´s something that I love and will continue to do as long as my body can keep up with me.
The fact that climbing gear is fun to have and toy around with is a bonus (new set of draws!! Precious, my precious...).
Plus climber chicks are friggin´ awesome! :D


Aug 5, 2005, 8:05 AM
Post #8 of 21 (2277 views)

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Yeah, isn´t it hillarious?!
Comparing the first post to the rest of ´em, I think Curt has a point


Aug 5, 2005, 8:36 AM
Post #9 of 21 (2277 views)

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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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i like the challenge. and most everybody you meet that are into climbing (whether they climb a number of grades above you or at the same level) are real nice and always helpful. granted, you occasionally meet a damn climbing elitist who wants to do nothing more than show off their superior climbing skills.

also, it's nice staying active, otherwise i'd have accumulated a huge beer gut by now


Aug 5, 2005, 8:41 AM
Post #10 of 21 (2277 views)

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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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The reasons?? I don´t really know...because the adventure....because the freedom....

One thing i'm sure...because climbing it's my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 5, 2005, 9:55 AM
Post #11 of 21 (2277 views)

Registered: Aug 2, 2005
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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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Best answer I've found when asked why I climb by people who don't - "If you have to ask you wont understand the answer".

But really, I find it's because it's a way to challenge yourself without having to compete with others. And it's just fun.


Aug 5, 2005, 10:34 AM
Post #12 of 21 (2277 views)

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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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While I think you make a valid point referring to climbing in a manner that it comes to fill a void. Possibly a void of meaning or as an art to master in our lives. I find that climbing in all its aspects can be an arbitrary challenge ,as some pointed out, to be overcome and thus making us feel good about achieving this or that goal.
However, the most interesting aspect of climbing for me dawned on me the other day. I was climbing some multi pitch trad routes in northern Ireland, and after being uncomfortably scared pushing my limits on some climb I realized that looking at the magnificent view at the top belaying my second was just as gratifying. I found a certain balance, the Yin Yang of climbing for me was the fact that I pushed myself into doing something that seemed to make me uncomfortable but the same act produced an amazing calm and zen like state moments later.
So I basically feel that climbing has a very interesting balance of beauty, adrenalin, challenge and problem solving. This possibly works on the same biological system that used to drive us out to hunt in order to survive, and later glorify and brag about our killings. Which is laking in todays urban and comfortable society.


Aug 5, 2005, 10:49 AM
Post #13 of 21 (2277 views)

Registered: Apr 23, 2005
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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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Why do we really climb ?
blah blah blah blah... Climbing is so much fun, so great and so …………


Aug 5, 2005, 11:38 AM
Post #14 of 21 (2277 views)

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I am self employed and work from home. So whenever I am home I feel obliged to work. Climbing gets me away from work, but more importantly it makes me focus on something else other than work. I would go insane if If I couldn't Climb.


Aug 5, 2005, 11:43 AM
Post #15 of 21 (2277 views)

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i like the challenge. and most everybody you meet that are into climbing (whether they climb a number of grades above you or at the same level) are real nice and always helpful. granted, you occasionally meet a damn climbing elitist who wants to do nothing more than show off their superior climbing skills.

also, it's nice staying active, otherwise i'd have accumulated a huge beer gut by now

Never heard truer words said

Partner jammer

Aug 5, 2005, 1:05 PM
Post #16 of 21 (2277 views)

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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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1. It's like taking a shortcut to the top (even though it'll take you longer)
2. I don't like to fall.
3. God didn't give me wings or I'd be flying.
4. My psyc said I need to expell energy in a good way.
5. My wife can't climb ... my only excape.
6. So I can suck it up and maybe look younger the 50.
7. To allow the inner-child to have fun.
8. See the world from a view most others will never know.
9. To say Hi to the little critters I find on the wall ... they told me they get lonley too.
10. So I can answer post like this one!

Seriously, I don't know ... it's just fun!


Aug 5, 2005, 7:07 PM
Post #17 of 21 (2277 views)

Registered: Aug 4, 2005
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Re: Why do we really climb ? [In reply to]
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For me, it's the exercise. I'm getting in shape, in a way that I've found is fun, and challenging at the same time. I like it because, I can climb shirtless when it's hot, while at a gym, I would feel completely out of place with other guys having huge muscles and rippling abs. For me, rock climbing is a way to clear my mind, forget about problems, and just...have fun. Nothing in my life is more rewarding than finishing a route that I've worked weeks on.

As what you would call a computer "nerd" or "geek" seeing me in shape, and actually participating in a sport is something to be proud of. I'll come home from a climb, and write a program for's weird eh?

Overall, climbing seems to just be...a natural thing to me, and when I climb, it just feels right, it just feels like it's something I should be doing. I hope to be climbing for many, many years to come.


Aug 5, 2005, 7:44 PM
Post #18 of 21 (2277 views)

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Why do we really climb

Had a friend ask me the other day, "Why do you climb so much?"
All I could say is, "Why not?"

I discovered that there is no true reason for why I climb. It varies per style. I can't really sit around and say that ALL of the climbing I do is fun. I REALLY can't say that it's relaxing because sometimes it's not. But then there are days when it is both. So I can't really explain why I climb. It's just something that I'm drawn to. I'm like a moth to a flame when I see an exciting route.


Aug 5, 2005, 8:10 PM
Post #19 of 21 (2277 views)

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For me its the thrill of learning the capabilities I have as an individual. Learning the way my body works, moves, and flows. You become so in tune with every part of yourself.
ITs a beautiful dance really... like meditation. I love the constant challenge and push, its such a crazy mental and physical battle... the best natural high around!


Aug 5, 2005, 8:12 PM
Post #20 of 21 (2277 views)

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Why do I climb???

To impress girls, Obviously.


Aug 5, 2005, 8:17 PM
Post #21 of 21 (2277 views)

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I was hoping for that to happen, but most of the girls I see climbing (atleast indoors) are all there with guys...but it's fun to teach their dates a thing or :lol:

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