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Partner gunksgoer

Feb 10, 2005, 11:04 PM
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Ok, I know you have heard about right?

dude... it took me way to long to figure out they had it in english too



Aug 13, 2002, 8:08 PM
Post #2 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2001
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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Ok, I know you have heard about right? So I went to the site and checked out some shoes. HOLY CRAP they were cheap. almost all the shoes there were about 100 dollars cheaper than anywere else I looked. they even had all the brand names. The only problem is alot of their shoes are out of stock due to their price.

But I was looking around and couldn't find the five.ten anasazi velcro shoes. These are the ones I plan to buy. But Since they are not on this site, I want to look elsewhere for a super cheap place to buy them. So does anyone know a website that has these shoes for less than their recomended price of $139?

Thanks in advance. I'm in a real pickle. There is only one climbing shop within 2 hours of here, and I am not willing to shop there because the owner is unfriendly and has bad personal hygiene.

(I hope I didn't post this twice . I hit the stop button)


Aug 13, 2002, 8:22 PM
Post #3 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Find another local retailer to help local support the people who let you try on your shoes and help you fit them. UNLESS you are willing to pay for shipping back and forth to get the right size.

DON'T be a weenie and try on shoes at your local retailer and then order from overseas. That is totally LAME. And you will forever be cursed as a gumby and a cheapskate.


Aug 13, 2002, 8:30 PM
Post #4 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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P.S. I am 16 year old from Ohio without a car, job, or local climbing shop within 80 miles, (all against my will). My average income is 12 dollars a week from mowing a lawn. I look out my window and see one rock, in the middle of a 40 acre cornfield. the rock is the size of my foot. If only I were an ant...

It may come down to me buying from RockQuest, 80 miles away. Simply because the people there are AWESOME, HELPFULL, and do not look down on you. Most Importantly, they let me try on the shoes. Otherwise I would have no idea what I would want.

SO unless I can find them for 50 dollars, I probably will buy them from them. LATER!


Aug 13, 2002, 8:37 PM
Post #5 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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i had wanted a pair of anasazis and the lowest i found them was 139.00. but i got a brand spanking new pair of 5.10 - u.f.o.'s (they no longer make them) but they are similar to the anasazis. anyway i got them on ebay for 45.00. i have seen anasazis on there just not in my size. so check it out and maybe you'll get lucky!

[ This Message was edited by: rockwomyn on 2002-08-13 13:38 ]


Aug 13, 2002, 8:39 PM
Post #6 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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When it all comes down to money. I will buy my shoes (or gear) where they are the cheapest. I don't care if I buy them from overseas. If the US companies want to compete with the overseas companies, let them lower their price or match it. Not my problem.


Aug 13, 2002, 8:45 PM
Post #7 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: Jul 15, 2002
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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Can't Post has anasazi velcros for just under $100. That's the cheapest I've ever seen them. Good luck.


Aug 13, 2002, 8:50 PM
Post #8 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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rockjock04... I'm 24 years old in grad school I put myself thorugh now what will be 7 years of higher education with out help from mommy or daddy. I work to pay rent tution food gas etc. I know what its like to be poor. Save your money. get a better paying job.

spank spank...its your right to buy from a foreign company. Just be willing to pay for shipping when it doesn;t fit right or you have a problem. Also be willing to sacrafice selection and service when you local retailer goes out of business. Be willing to sacrafice quality for price competition. I for one don;'t want to be forced to kiss the ass of some faceless conglomerate. Or have to deal with some moron who knows nothing about climbing.

Here's a story. I was shopping for shoes and getting input from people when a guy at my gym said he loves his Torro's. Then he proceeds to brag to me how he went into our local retailer tried on every shoe in stock till he found one he liked then went to barrabes and bought them. If that sounds like what you would do you are a total loser.

I'm all for saving money I don't have alot. But that is down right cheap and tasteless. You guys have jobs and can afford to fork over a few bucks for service and quality. and if you can't...well maybe you should just go with out or don't climb.


Aug 13, 2002, 8:55 PM
Post #9 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: Mar 1, 2002
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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Can't Post and typically have sales on shoes. Good luck!


Aug 13, 2002, 8:56 PM
Post #10 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: Mar 1, 2002
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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Can't Post and typically have sales on shoes. Good luck!


Aug 13, 2002, 9:06 PM
Post #11 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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big deal if you go to your local gear shop, test them on, and buy them overseas. thats what i have done for the past two years. i just got another pair in the mail today too. felt good not paying 140 dollars in my opinion.

i dont know how it works at your areas, but where im at, if i need, i go and size my foot at the gear shop, then joke with the guys about how im buying them not at their store cus they cost too much, i am best friends with most the guys at the gear shop and they dont care, they know my situiation and are fine with it. and believe me, there are enough newbies and people who dont like the internet to keeep them going.

buy overseas, it is not wrong, at all.


Aug 13, 2002, 9:15 PM
Post #12 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2002
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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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or if you're lucky, buy at a local shop overseas?? hmmm, that doesn't make sense...


Aug 13, 2002, 9:25 PM
Post #13 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: May 22, 2002
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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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As someone who used to work at the local gear shop. I never had a problem with people coming in to try on shoes. I would always let them try them on and do some bouldering to see how they fit. If they didn't buy them oh well, It was no big deal.
I would definately look into some of the foreign sites you can usually find some killer deals. Just make sure you have the right size before you give them your card number.


Aug 13, 2002, 9:34 PM
Post #14 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Can't Post are exactly what is wrong with the youth of this nation. You are a self centered self important unenlightened piece of crap.

It may have felt good not paying 140 dollars…but at what cost is that savings? Is it putting the pinch on a company? Is it taking money away from your local economy? And more importantly do you care?

Snot nosed brats like you claim to be all patriotic and high and mighty in hard times but when it comes down to it you don’t care about your country or even the people around you all you care about is yourself.

“They know my situation and are fine with it” And what’s your situation? Are you hard up for money? Who isn’t? Like I said if you can’t afford it deal with what you have or find a new hobby.

Learn to think about more than just yourself. And secondly, learn to write in a complete sentence.


Aug 13, 2002, 10:20 PM
Post #15 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: Jun 14, 2001
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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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I do not know if this site has your shoes, but has real good deals. They are in Europe so the shipping is around $15, but even with shipping you can get a pair of Mythos for $93 (retail $140ish). They might ounly have european shoes though.


Aug 14, 2002, 4:47 AM
Post #16 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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" are exactly what is wrong with the youth of this nation. You are a self centered self important unenlightened piece of crap. "

way to judge off of a few paragraphs describing the way i make my purchases.


Aug 14, 2002, 6:15 AM
Post #17 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Something seems wrong with this picture. Climbing shoes costing over $100, people intentionally overpaying for these shoes. Doesn't capitalism work on competition? In fact competition is the only thing I can really see that capitalism has going for it. So it seems to me that by not finding the best deal, you are actually contributing to keeping the prices high. Aren?t prices going to be as high as people will pay? If people stop paying $150 for a pair of climbing shoes the company is going to have to adjust their prices, and if they don?t another company will, and steal their business. If the local stores are selling fewer shoes because of this, maybe they should be complaining so things might change.

I know I didn't cover all the issues but I don't feel like ranting any more.


Aug 14, 2002, 6:26 AM
Post #18 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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thats cheap


Aug 14, 2002, 6:30 AM
Post #19 of 50 (6867 views)

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this whole debate about supporting local shops is very tricky. on one hand, you really want to support your local shops, especially since they're there for you when you need it NOW and you're climbing tomorrow. Also, a lot of people would love to see their hard-earned money go back into the country in which they live. On the other hand, it seems funny to shun over-seas vendors with lower prices, because they are just beating us (Americans) at our own game: free market economy. As long as you don't break the rules, you can pretty much sell stuff as cheap as you want. Of course, you have to consider your costs, and how much profit you'd LIKE to make, but let's face it: these guys are scooping local dealers! In reality, local dealers don't even have ot match prices with overseas .coms, because you don't have to pay shipping when you walk up and buy it, and it's convienient.

but that's my two cents worth. to plainly answer the question, the CHEAPEST place to get shoes is probably barrabes or

just to through out a warning, yuo MAY not have great luck with customer service. a lot of these guys just want to get your money and never think about you again.


Aug 14, 2002, 11:42 AM
Post #20 of 50 (6867 views)

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I agree with pir8 ....But you can find resonably priced shoes over here...check out or other small name brands. Encourage your local dealer to sell these. I have introduced new brands to my local retailers with much success


Aug 14, 2002, 12:15 PM
Post #21 of 50 (6867 views)

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The cheapest place to buy shoes [In reply to]
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Danl. In my defense, I spend on average 2-3 thousand dollars per yer with my local outdoor store. I can afford to pay for their pairs of shoes, but if I can find them cheaper, I will.


Aug 14, 2002, 1:11 PM
Post #22 of 50 (6867 views)

Registered: Jul 21, 2002
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Just to put in my 2 cents.

The reason this country is great is because you can go to the "other guy." I personaly dont believe in going overseas for products but if there is a hugh difference in price i can see why someone would. Think about it the local shops dont sell mass amounts of stock they depend on their "convience" to sell their products. This country is based on convience. I mean how did McDonalds acctually sell 1 billion hamburgers? Well overseas you are gona have to wait. not to mention maybe not get what you want. Plus if you want to talk econimics and bell curves when convience goes up so does the price because costs normally go up as well. sorry may have given you more than 2 cents.


Aug 14, 2002, 3:26 PM
Post #23 of 50 (6867 views)

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actually, you're on to something there!

generally, there are two inherent price increases with convenience (that aren't neccesarily hand-in-hand). One, so places charge extra because it's convenient, and they know you have to pay it anyway (for example, a rest stop in the middle of nowhere). Two, the have to charge more to make ends meet because their only clientel are convenience shoppers (like your local outdoor shop for some).


Aug 14, 2002, 4:02 PM
Post #24 of 50 (6356 views)

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We sell a lot of Bufo's at the gym and also use them in our rental fleet. They are of good quality and are priced right!! 1/877/YA/CLIMB is the #


Aug 14, 2002, 5:10 PM
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I can see both perspectives. Local businesses are not making as much on the shoes as people think. I think it is pretty weak to use the customer service of a local business and then not buy from them. The overseas companies can sell cheaper because of the volume.

I just got back from the Outdoor Retailer Trade Show and many shoe companies have begun to or will not be selling to international internet companies who allow sales to the US. Internet sales are impacting local retailers big time and the pressure is on from them to end this practice. If you notice that prices in the US are constant. It is this way for a reason. So one retailer does not undercut another.

You all can decide where to buy shoes or gear for yourself but I appreciate the customer service I get and pay for when I buy shoes locally. I don't want to see that go away because of internet sales or corporate giants.

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