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Aug 13, 2002, 5:05 PM
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Climbing with family
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My wife and daughter are my climbing partners. This has many possitives but a few negatives as well. The possitives are that climbing is a great outdoor activity we can enjoy together and it fits in well with our photography and camping loves as well. But they aren't nearly addicted as I am and I spend alot of time on easy climbs so that they will have fun and want to climb again. I have to buy gear for three, carry gear for three, and work my butt off so they can have a good time.
My question is,,,how do you others (and I know that there are quite a few of you) that climb mainly with your families work things out? What are the sacrifices you have to make? What are the extra rewards you get from climbing with your families?


Aug 13, 2002, 5:11 PM
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I guess I am one of the lucky ones. One wife and no children. My wife and I climb at almost similiar levels. I am quite a bit stronger in overhangs (which I love to climb) and we are about equal in vertical and less than vertical.

So everything is great in the sportclimbing world. My problem is I LOVE TO BOULDER. My wife will not boulder, she likes the comfort of the rope. But for the most part we manage. We have plenty of friends she hooks up with, when I go boulder and she can go sportclimbing.


Aug 13, 2002, 5:16 PM
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My favorite person to climb with is my wife, and she kicks my butt! We have been married 30 years and it took me the first 15 to even get her to try climbing. Once she did she was hooked. I also like climbing with my son but he kicks my butt too. I can hardly wait to climb with my son, and grandson! Family is what it's all about. Enjoy your climbs with them!

[ This Message was edited by: marcel on 2002-08-13 10:21 ]


Aug 13, 2002, 5:17 PM
Post #4 of 21 (2690 views)

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[ This Message was edited by: marcel on 2002-08-13 10:17 ]


Aug 13, 2002, 5:19 PM
Post #5 of 21 (2690 views)

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I climb with my sister, who is at a little lower level then myself, but is otherwise ok. The benefit is that I trust her to belay me correctly, but the negative is she is still in school, and has a weekend job.



Aug 13, 2002, 5:56 PM
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I climb with my family alot. My wife and I have been married for 9 years, we have two kids, a daughter of 7 and a son going on 1.

When you climb with your family you need to take them and their desires into it. For example: When we go out as a family I try to pick and area that has a nice flat base to help allow my son (1 yr) to be able to crawl around on a blanket. Another thing I do is let me daughter bring a friend as it keeps her occupied and not bored when she isn't climbing.

Finally, I try to go somewhere that is interesting. I like Auburn in NoCal for a several reasons: There is a river on the hike out that you can swim in, there is a lot of wildlife, and there are little caves, corridors to explore. My daughter loves the exploring part of climbing more than the climbing

If you really think about it and chose your area wisely, even a non climbing family can have fun at a climbing area. Spending time with your family as well as getting in climbing is a wonderfull experience!

Oh yeah, and last thing, when climbing with you family you need to realize that climbing will most likely not be the #1 priority when your out there. Just realize that a day out climbing with the family is as much about spending time with your family as it is climbing. Often you will not get to climb what or as much as you want, but just be willing to roll with the punches and you will do just fine!

Hope that gives you some hope


Aug 13, 2002, 6:33 PM
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I wish my family climbed. They're disfunctional b/c they don't climb.


I still wish my family climbed.



Aug 14, 2002, 12:45 PM
Post #8 of 21 (2690 views)

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I climb with my daughter and youngest son. My wife and oldest son do not climb. I always set the climb so the lowest level climber can have fun. None of them belay me so I don't climb if it's just the 3 of us. I joined a local climbing group and climb with them. This allows for multiple ropes/climbs of all levels. I have belayers, my kids have routes they can climb, everyone is happy. When it comes to sports I don't push the kids. The oldest prefers to paddle, the middle one likes mnt. biking and the youngest will do it all. To each their own. Charlie


Aug 14, 2002, 2:08 PM
Post #9 of 21 (2690 views)

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My life companion has a fear of heights so climbing is almost out of the question for her. She likes to spend time with me and since climbing is my only hobby she asked me to teach her how to belay which I've done. Now, she comes climbing with me and eventhough she stays on the ground she still enjoys herself, it's like going on a pic-nic.
I have friends who like climbing but are far from my level. When I go climbing with them I try to find a spot where there is a wide variety of climbs, for every 5.8 they climb I go for an .11 so eventhough we do not climb the same stuff we are able to satisfy everyone.


Aug 14, 2002, 2:09 PM
Post #10 of 21 (2690 views)

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I climb with my sister, Vaness. we both climb the same level. We compete, and i guess she climb better under pressure, i climb worse. so thats the bad part, she beats me in comps. so i guess the bad part about climbing with her is getting beat by her, she never beats me by more then once place but it sucks being known as the one in second place.
the good part is always having sombody to climb with.

Partner calamity_chk

Aug 14, 2002, 2:38 PM
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Hey JC,

I'm lucky, too, in my own way .. opposite of spank, though .. one kid climber, no spouse.

We usually just take care in planning the day's climb and try to find an area with all levels of climbing. Big boulders are also fun so that my kiddo (6 yrs) can send something as well. And, some people give me a hard time for it, but he usually brings a game boy or some other toy to play with. He generally hikes in his own toys, snacks, and a little water bottle, sometimes a draw or two. As he gets bigger (and mommy gets more gear), he'll assume responsibility for hiking in more stuff.

I also take my fair share of climbing trips without him, though, and when I do, I typically organize a little camping trip for him, a day at the river or something. We both enjoy a reasonable amount of independence, but I also try to find ways to accommodate both of our needs when we're out and about together. Of course, I'm also wonderfully blessed with a great kid .. He's hiked around the backside of E-rock more than once and has never really complained.

Are you and your family going to the Ok gig? Maybe we can all climb together on one of the days. :-)

[ This Message was edited by: clymbr_chk on 2002-08-14 07:39 ]


Aug 14, 2002, 3:05 PM
Post #12 of 21 (2690 views)

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Thanks for the responces so far. I hope I didn't sound too negative, I know that I am blessed to have a family that at least shares my interest (OK,OK, my obsession). Last week my daughter sent a 5.6 that had a hard start for a short 11 year old, then poudly proclaimed that it was her favorite climb ever and my wife sent a 5.9 that she had failed to climb twice before and says that it is her favorite climb. A group of tourists watched her top out and gave her a round of applause. Since I'm just starting to lead trad, I can usually lead something, then set up a top-rope and let them climb it, then I usually get to do a harder climb since they have had their fun.
Amber, I'm not yet sure what our plans are for labor day weekend, I know that I will be there and I'm sure my family will be with me at least one day, but whether they will be there as much as I and whether we will be able to camp or not, I'm not yet sure. Maybe we can climb together Saturday? I'll PM once our plans firm up.

Partner calamity_chk

Aug 14, 2002, 3:13 PM
Post #13 of 21 (2690 views)

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hee hee .. isnt it fun when they send a 'real climb' ??? .. my son did a 5.4 crack/flake thing a few weeks back at e-rock .. i still dont know who was happier/more proud about it


Aug 14, 2002, 5:16 PM
Post #14 of 21 (2690 views)

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You are lucky. My family is split when it comes to climbing. My wife and son opt out while my daughter and I try to climb as much as possible. This is definetly a problem. Road trips spilt us up and gym climbing is usually 3-4 times a week. My wife is usually pissed and my son feels negelicted. Anyway, my daughter can seriously climb while I am the dead weight. We usually go with a group of experienced sport or trad climbers. Learning both in the process. I wish I had your dilema. The guilt trip thing is really putting a damper on our climbing experiences. Good luck with your endevours and family climbing.

Mad River

P.S - The rewards are totally worth the guilt thing!!

[ This Message was edited by: madriver on 2002-08-14 10:18 ]


Aug 15, 2002, 12:43 PM
Post #15 of 21 (2690 views)

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Hi Madriver: We are both from Maryland. Do you climb often with your daughter? How old is she? My daughter is 13 yo. It's always great when we climb and there are other kids around. I usually climb with this group check it out. Let me know if you want to get together to climb with our kids. I'm in the recupperating stages of knee surgery so it may be a few more weeks until I'm able to climb. I guess I can still belay. Later Charlie


Aug 15, 2002, 4:14 PM
Post #16 of 21 (2690 views)

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We would love to hook up with and your daughter. Vicky, mine, is 11 yrs old. She loves to climb and would love to find other kids to climb outdoors with. Time is are our enemy now. We are going to try and go the Gunks weekend of Sept. 7-8th and Rumney the weekend of Oct. 11-13th. Anyway, we will be at Carderock this evening (8/15). Would love to climb locally with you and your group. I'll keep your Email handy and keep in touch. Does your daughter compete (ABS or USCCA?).

Thanks Charlie



Aug 15, 2002, 5:05 PM
Post #17 of 21 (2690 views)

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I am very lucky my usual partner is my son, he is 15 and loves climbing. I do mostly trad and he happily follows up to about 5.9.


Aug 16, 2002, 4:11 PM
Post #18 of 21 (2690 views)

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Hey Bob: I sent you a PM. I am thinking 'bout NH trip. We'll see if the knee can respond. Later, Charlie


Aug 16, 2002, 9:11 PM
Post #19 of 21 (2690 views)

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If you are just starting to lead trad I think you have it made. When I first started climbing and could only top rope stuff it was really frustrating to climb with my wife because I climbed way harder than she did. Once I started leading it worked out great because I could only lead about the same grade she could second. Since then we have pretty much improved at the same rate. We are up to about the 9-10 range and she is even taking on some leads too.

When you head to the gunks you should have no problems. Easy/moderate classic climbs are stacked right next to eachother and lot's of harder ones in between those. There was a R&I online article about the Gunks a few months back describing lots of hard TR's next to great easy gear leads or if you want to check it out there is also a thread somewhere on this sight on the same thing.

rock on!!


Aug 18, 2002, 3:47 AM
Post #20 of 21 (2690 views)

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I climb with my old man! He's 44 or so(I lost count...poor "old guys") I'm only 15 so I'm still kickin but after a week of football its hard to keep up with him on the walls! Hes a good climber for an old man!(it seems the more I harass him the faster he gets his butt moving!) Rock on "old guys!"


Aug 18, 2002, 4:00 AM
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 I climb with my brother were a good match I've got the technique and style for more difficult climbs when you've gotta think about placments and wierd body positons and he just has no fear for those 200foot runouts on slab. I just got my girlfriend into it and I'm hoping that works out, shes scared of hights though.

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