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May 26, 2006, 5:47 AM
Post #1 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Jul 18, 2002
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I can't sleep so I'm going to vent here about why. Torrey (my sheep dog thingy) has developed a big lump on her side. I'm taking her to the vet on Tues to get it checked out. I know to some she is just a dog but to me she is a big part of my family. I feel like she knows me and as crazy as it may sound, I feel like we really understand each other some times. The thought of losing her is breaking my heart. This has been a year full of death for my family. I've lost 2 people very close to me since April. Please send some good vibes, prayers or whatever you can our way. Thinking that I'm going to lose her to cancer is a bit extreme. Logically, I know this. I'm sad and scared to think that once again I might lose something I love so soon. I can't imagine not having her around. Sorry. I'm having a rough night. I feel dumb for writing this but some times when not really having anyone around to talk to, this helps.

Partner blonde_loves_bolts

May 26, 2006, 5:54 AM
Post #2 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2005
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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Someone very close to me has an older dog whose cancer is in remission at the moment and she's doing very well. Although it seems hard and the prospect is scary, you caught the lump and are immediately taking Torrey to get it checked out. I sincerely hope that it's not what you're worried it is, but either way you seem to be a wonderful person that deserves the best and you've got my thoughts and prayers.


May 26, 2006, 6:02 AM
Post #3 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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I can't sleep so I'm going to vent here about why. Torrey (my sheep dog thingy) has developed a big lump on her side. I'm taking her to the vet on Tues to get it checked out. I know to some she is just a dog but to me she is a big part of my family. I feel like she knows me and as crazy as it may sound, I feel like we really understand each other some times. The thought of losing her is breaking my heart. This has been a year full of death for my family. I've lost 2 people very close to me since April. Please send some good vibes, prayers or whatever you can our way. Thinking that I'm going to lose her to cancer is a bit extreme. Logically, I know this. I'm sad and scared to think that once again I might lose something I love so soon. I can't imagine not having her around. Sorry. I'm having a rough night. I feel dumb for writing this but some times when not really having anyone around to talk to, this helps.

What would your decision be if Torrey could be cured but the cost would be $10,000 to you? Just curious.



May 26, 2006, 6:04 AM
Post #4 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Jul 2, 2004
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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My first dog, Missy, developed a few large, hard lumps under her skin during her later years. They worried the heck out of us at first, but turned out to be entirely benign. Here's hoping your case is the same!


May 26, 2006, 6:06 AM
Post #5 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2004
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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Having worked for a vet technician a while back, I can tell you there are a whole crapload of things that cause lumps but aren't cancer, (abscess, infections, parasites, fatty tissues, scar tissues etc) so don't fret too much.

Take her to the vet and see what's up, and I really hope your dog is OK.


May 26, 2006, 6:22 AM
Post #6 of 28 (927 views)

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Positive thoughts, babe.

Bandit, K and I's 15 year old Husky, has a big lump on his belly. It's a benign lipoma (fatty tissue lump, for simplicity sake) and no need to operate.

Get the SheepDogThing to a vet, and see what the doctor has to say. Then, before making any decision, get the SheepDogThing to a second vet for another opinion.

And positive thoughts. My best mojo vibes headin' yer way.


May 26, 2006, 8:30 AM
Post #7 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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Positive thoughts - long distance from another dog lover.


May 26, 2006, 9:55 AM
Post #8 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2003
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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Damn ma, My cat is acting funny too, going to vet tomorrow.

Good luck with the lump thing, it's probably nothing, save your worry for when you know for sure.

Trust me on that.

It's still hard to do, but try to be positive.


May 26, 2006, 10:18 AM
Post #9 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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I had a sheepdog a while back, I have to say, they seem to fit in with the family alot more than most other dogs.
I really hope it's nothing serious, and good luck at the vet.


*sends good vibes*


May 26, 2006, 10:30 AM
Post #10 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Feb 3, 2003
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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Dogs are very suceptible to fatty tumors when they get old. All of our dogs got them and lived for many years untreated. It's highly likely that this will not affect Torrey's health. And that fluffy coat will conceal the lumpiness.


May 26, 2006, 10:51 AM
Post #11 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Apr 13, 2002
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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Positive thoughts your way. Pets become part of the family.


May 26, 2006, 12:43 PM
Post #12 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2003
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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Ma, I'm sending tons of positive energy your way, girl. And it doesn't sound silly to hear you say that you feel like your dog knows and understands you - I feel exactly that way about our 5 year old husky Loki. That girl knows how to make me feel better when I'm down, she knows how to make me laugh when I'm crying, and she knows more than anyone or thing how to make me feel unconditionally loved. OK, Mike does a good job of that as well, but you know - dogs are a different breed ;) Seriously, the thought of losing her brings me to tears if I think about it. So I try not to :D But that is the course of life - I know one day I won't have her anymore and that will be very very hard to deal with. Until then I take kind heart in knowing what a faithful companion I was able to find (at the shelter, no less!) for a good part of my life.
I know LOTS of older pups that have these kinds of lumps (which I hope is what they are - nothing but some fatty tissue) so take some heart for now in knowing that these are somewhat common and many dogs that have them live good, long lives having them.
Our good friends husky mix is 18 years old now - you look at that pup and he looks like he got hit with a baseball bat he's so lumpy! But they are nothing that will kill him. They've been feeding him steak and anything he wants for dinner since he was 15, thinking he might be in his last days. Each Christmas he gets a feast of food - since it might be his last. Whatever they're doing it's working, Max has no signs of giving up!
Think positive for now, Ma, until you know for sure you have something to really be worried about or not. Chances are good it could be nothing much at all to worry about :) Good thoughts out to you - Abi


May 26, 2006, 12:52 PM
Post #13 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Mar 30, 2003
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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goo thought and prayers to you and Torrey.

My guess is its just an abcess or the like.

Has you sheep/dog/ thing been acting differently for you to suspect cancer?


May 26, 2006, 12:58 PM
Post #14 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2003
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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speaking of cancer and dogs acting odd, kind of off the topic here, but did anyone else see the report about the woman whose dog detected her breast cancer? For months the woman wasn't feeling well and the dog was acting very strange - whenever she'd lay down the dog would come up and nose her in the arm, or the breast if she could. Finally one day the dog really gave it to her with the nose in the boob, and it hurt - when she went to rub the spot the dog hit she found a lump in her breast. It was detected early enough that the woman fully recovered, and really believes the reason to dog acted the way it did was because it 'sensed' she was sick somehow. Scientists also agree that dogs can sometimes 'sniff out' cancerous tumors in people. This can explain why they also can be known to act very odd when they themselves have cancerous tumors - they sense they are sick and know something is wrong.
Very interesting stuff.
OK, back to good thoughts to you ma! :D

Partner wideguy

May 26, 2006, 1:29 PM
Post #15 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Abi, not the first I've heard of that

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Dogs do as well as state-of-the-art screening tests at sniffing out people with lung or breast cancer. The research raises the possibility that trained dogs could detect cancers even earlier and might some day supplement or even replace mammograms and CT scans in the laboratory.

Two previous studies have shown that dogs seem to be able to sniff out melanomas and bladder cancer. The idea is not outrageous. Cancer patients have been shown to have traces of chemicals – like alkanes and benzene derivatives – in their breath, and other studies have shown dogs can detect chemicals in concentrations as small as a few parts per trillion.

So researchers at the Pine Street Foundation in San Anselmo, California, US, selected three Labrador retrievers and two Portuguese water dogs with no previous training, and over several weeks trained them using breath samples that had been exhaled into tubes by cancer patients.

To test how well the dogs had learned, they used a new batch of samples and had the dogs attempt to distinguish among 55 lung cancer patients, 31 breast cancer patients and 83 healthy controls. The patients had all had their cancers confirmed by biopsy. The tests were double-blind, so neither the dog handlers nor the experimenters knew which tubes were which.
General symptom

The dogs correctly detected 99% of the lung cancer samples, and made a mistake with only 1% of the healthy controls. With breast cancer, they correctly detected 88% of the positive samples, and made a mistake on only 2% of the controls.

Far from conclusive I know but interesting.

Masheep, as other have said I had a Samoyed with a very large fatty deposit that was entirely harmless. We had it removed because he kept scratching at it but otherwise he could have lived a totally healthy life with it. Sending all the positive ju ju I can! 8^)


May 26, 2006, 2:13 PM
Post #16 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2003
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neat, wide - I haden't heard of any tests or anything being done. Very interesting.
I find it very interesting as well, that our dog loki has a real habit of smelling everyone's breath. They say animals can also tell peoples emotions that way. She just has to put her nose right up to everyones mouth once or twice a day to smell their breath! It's the most perculiar thing, but make sense I guess!

more good thoughts to you ma :)


May 26, 2006, 2:22 PM
Post #17 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2001
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Best of luck to you and Torrey Tracy.

Curt, that question is perhaps best saved for another time when someone isn't scared and upset. Not really the best thing you could say right now.


May 26, 2006, 2:47 PM
Post #18 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Jul 18, 2002
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Re: Worried [In reply to]
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I can't sleep so I'm going to vent here about why. Torrey (my sheep dog thingy) has developed a big lump on her side. I'm taking her to the vet on Tues to get it checked out. I know to some she is just a dog but to me she is a big part of my family. I feel like she knows me and as crazy as it may sound, I feel like we really understand each other some times. The thought of losing her is breaking my heart. This has been a year full of death for my family. I've lost 2 people very close to me since April. Please send some good vibes, prayers or whatever you can our way. Thinking that I'm going to lose her to cancer is a bit extreme. Logically, I know this. I'm sad and scared to think that once again I might lose something I love so soon. I can't imagine not having her around. Sorry. I'm having a rough night. I feel dumb for writing this but some times when not really having anyone around to talk to, this helps.

What would your decision be if Torrey could be cured but the cost would be $10,000 to you? Just curious.


I'd find a way to get the money and get her taken care of. Like I said, she's a part of my family.


May 26, 2006, 2:57 PM
Post #19 of 28 (927 views)

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goo thought and prayers to you and Torrey.

My guess is its just an abcess or the like.

Has you sheep/dog/ thing been acting differently for you to suspect cancer?

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goo thought and prayers to you and Torrey.

My guess is its just an abcess or the like.

Has you sheep/dog/ thing been acting differently for you to suspect cancer?

No, she hasn't been acting any more differnt than normal. She's still just as lazy and as sweet as can be. She has to be the cutest 50 lbs lap dog I've ever seen.

One day after climbing in UT last week we went to the Big Bend area off the CO River to cool off a bit. Torrey got in the water up to her belly. When she got out I dumped a bunch of water on her so I could rub off some of that extra loose hair she has and that is when I found the lump.

Thank you all for your positive thoughts. It really means a lot to me and makes me feel good that there are people out there who understand. Thank you! I will let you guys know how it goes on Tues. I'm going to drown my worries with optimism until then. You guys really helped me feel better. :-)


May 26, 2006, 3:00 PM
Post #20 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Jul 18, 2002
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neat, wide - I haden't heard of any tests or anything being done. Very interesting.
I find it very interesting as well, that our dog loki has a real habit of smelling everyone's breath. They say animals can also tell peoples emotions that way. She just has to put her nose right up to everyones mouth once or twice a day to smell their breath! It's the most perculiar thing, but make sense I guess!

more good thoughts to you ma :)

You know, I think I saw something on the news once about a dog being able to detect cancer or some kind of health problem by sniffing their breath. That is not a job I would want to have. :-)

Thanks Dookie. :-)


May 26, 2006, 3:06 PM
Post #21 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2003
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anytime, tracey! I'm sure it will all work itself out :D I worry about my pup like she is my kid, so I know it must be hard with some of the feelings you're having.
You know, Loki is such a breath smeller, sometimes in the am when I'm getting ready to take her out, she comes right up to me and starts sniffing... I give her a big old mouth of morning breath to smell and she usually snorts and walks away! :lol: But she keeps coming back for more.... :lol:


May 26, 2006, 3:30 PM
Post #22 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Feb 23, 2004
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Hey maaa-baaa good vibes and prayers for the SheepDogThing, for you and for the Jr Baaaas too. I lost two of my remaining grandparents in the same week and know how harsh these sort of things are.

There is a saying in spanish which my mom kept repeating at that time "Díos apreta pero no ahorca", loosely translated it means "God might squeeze but he doesn't strangle".


Partner j_ung

May 26, 2006, 3:48 PM
Post #23 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Lumps? Lumps, you say? Lumps like these?

That's Jasmine, a friend's dog. The vet says those lumps are just fatty deposits, though nobody seems to really know what causes them. The good news is, she's been living with lumps for several years and seems to be an otherwise happy, healthy doggie. :D


May 26, 2006, 4:23 PM
Post #24 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2003
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that's wild about the cancer detecting dogs.

FUnny it came up, but my cat started acting strange and concerned when I was getting tested. It would come up to me and put it's paws on my shoulder and make with concern meows.

I don't think Curt meant anything bad by what he said.

Curt may like to flame incompetents, but he's a decent human being all the way.

Good luck again ma sheep!

I'm a sheep pig, mmaaaaaa.


May 26, 2006, 7:38 PM
Post #25 of 28 (927 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2002
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lumps... hard to tell what it is before ponction or cytology or histology. Wait for you vet's advise before worrying.

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