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its ugly, its unuseable, its the new
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Nov 14, 2006, 3:58 AM
Post #26 of 146 (3888 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [sangiro] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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i have to admit i dont know if this is new, but i think it is, well, critical in terms of privacy

You're right, you don't know.

Sorry you don't like the site. I'm sure you can find an archive of the old one somewhere for you and make a print-out to hug or something... Tongue

Jesus, what a fucking asshole.



Nov 14, 2006, 3:59 AM
Post #27 of 146 (3885 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
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Re: [sangiro] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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P.S If you are going to log onto the site as a mod how about leaving your parachute sig home. Dick.


Looks like you're a bit short on the humor department. I'll allow you this one personal attack, but suggest you read the forum rules.

If you have constructive feedback, by all means give it. We're pretty hard skinned and will do our best to respond and help where we can. That being said, don't for a second think we're push-overs that did this to listen to your verbal abuse. Be nice, and we'll be the same right back at you. Smile


You really shouldn't have called him a dick. You should have called him either a penis or a vagina because that is considered okay.

Partner rrrADAM

Nov 14, 2006, 4:06 AM
Post #28 of 146 (3876 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
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its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Damn... And I thought "I" looked like an ass when I ran this site...

On a hopefully usefull note...
-The old Photo Tools are very much missed, as its currently impossible to order our photos in any way other than what appears to be random/date driven. (i.e. Used to be able to order by "newest comment first", but now we have to look at each individual pic to see if any comments have been left... Right.)

-The old RDB seemed much more user & manager friendly.

-Having purchased this site primarily to add its userbase (total users) to that of in order to get better advertising contracts, it would behoove you not to beat those users over the head (I know, as I was also an ass at times), lest they might leave in droves. I'd even brought a few of the paying advertisers to this site during my tenure, all of whom I think are now gone unless EVOLV is still here. Note-It seems as there are 3 times more active users on than, so whilst you may be skydivers first, fiscally you may want to better appreciate climbers.Wink

Remember... The users make the site, NOT the owners.

(This post was edited by rrradam on Nov 14, 2006, 4:11 AM)


Nov 14, 2006, 4:27 AM
Post #29 of 146 (3862 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2006
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Re: [sangiro] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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P.S If you are going to log onto the site as a mod how about leaving your parachute sig home. Dick.


Looks like you're a bit short on the humor department. I'll allow you this one personal attack, but suggest you read the forum rules.

The "Head Honcho" has spoken. Time out for everyone. Eventually, you may be "allowed" to speak again. If and when you are "allowed" to speak, the context of such communication may be deleted or edited if it hurts my feelings. WTF is going on around here?

Christina has brought up a an interesting point regarding editing. If I post in the wrong place, fine, move it to the appropriate forum. If I say something you don't like, fine, warn or ban me while quoting my offending text. I believe the site will be open to all kinds of defamation civil suits if they begin to arbitrarily "edit" posts unless it is specifically documented that the moderators have done so.

Also, the new "spell check" sucks worse than my spelling, which ain't so good.

Partner cliffhanger9

Nov 14, 2006, 6:37 AM
Post #30 of 146 (3836 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
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Re: [dynoho] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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...unless it is specifically documented that the moderators have done so.

FYI - it is. All edits are logged and post displays who made the edit with a link to them so you can contact.

Hope this helps,



Nov 14, 2006, 8:33 AM
Post #31 of 146 (3826 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Re: [rrradam] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Damn... And I thought "I" looked like an ass when I ran this site...
*snort* But you're charismatic.

I'm kind of a bitch. And yet I am more than a tad embarrassed to be associated with the kind of shit that sangiro posted here.


Partner the_mitt

Nov 14, 2006, 10:25 AM
Post #32 of 146 (3820 views)

Registered: Jan 17, 2006
Posts: 279

Re: [climbsomething] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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We are all currently in violation of the TOS. I hate the quote function so I will just use quotes for quoting :)

"Any abuse directed at our volunteer moderation team in the forums or via private message, including defying the moderators to suspend or ban a member, may result in an immediate suspension or ban. "Gripe" threads about any action from a moderator including "Where did my post go?" posts will be removed. If you have questions about a moderator's action and they did not provide a reason for the intervention, please contact them via private message.

You agree that this is private property and you are our guest, and that reserves the right to delete any message. Membership on is a privilege, not a right."

You shall not ask where your post went, or discuss publicly or privately what an admin/mod did to you. Sounds like the catholic church in the 60's. Because of the current acts of admin and the TOS plus the terrible updates I am rethinking the few things I have added to this site. Maybe its time to go back to lurk mode, until a better comes back.

Maybe we could get CCH to buy it and use their QA system and PR guys to fix the problem. They couldn't do worse.



Nov 14, 2006, 2:48 PM
Post #33 of 146 (3787 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
Posts: 7545

Re: [the_mitt] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Maybe we could get CCH to buy it and use their QA system and PR guys to fix the problem. They couldn't do worse.


I was thinking that guy from Madrock could help out in the PR dept.

Personally, I think its quite gracious that we all get one freebee before getting the ax. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm already planning on how to use mine. Just wait. It'll be awesome. I promise.

Partner philbox

Nov 14, 2006, 11:46 PM
Post #34 of 146 (3728 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2002
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Re: [wjca] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Oooh, I found this thread at last. I had to trawl through a buch of threads before I came across this one. I heard that there was a bit of a commotion going on down here.

Now lemme get this straight, lotsa users taking themselves way too seriously, check. A few reasonable voices, check. Drama queens and conspiracy theorists, check.

Yep, same old, same old, nothing much has changed from the olde steam driven


Nov 15, 2006, 1:35 AM
Post #35 of 146 (3704 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [philbox] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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more travesty aside, what has happened to the "Ascent" log? you can barely log an ascent without writing a book about the climb, and it seems the ratings of climbs is missplaced or something. I kind of like the graph, although just straight grade comparisons regardless of trad/sport, etc. seems a little wack. I don't like my comments now being labelled under each climb I've done either. if I knew that was their use, I would write it differently. I think comments could be great, but they shouldn't be mandatory and resulting in a ton of "no comment" for a bunch of the ascents. I'm slowly coming around though (still way better than supertaco). you got all that you skydiving deuche?


Nov 15, 2006, 1:48 AM
Post #36 of 146 (3698 views)

Registered: May 25, 2001
Posts: 3669

Re: [zeke_sf] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Loading quickly and reliably seems to be the only improvement. I find it bland, corporate, and uninspiring. Basic functionality (like the ability to review more than one post from the reply page) is gone, and no new _noteworthy_ features seem to have been added.

The routes DB has been lacking in functionality for years and needs a complete ground-up reworking.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a wishlist to fill out so people know where to spend their money on me.

Also, the new logo is dreadfully boring.


Nov 15, 2006, 2:45 AM
Post #37 of 146 (3684 views)

Registered: Oct 3, 2004
Posts: 131

Re: [fiend] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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There are definitely improvements as there are also good features that got the sack. All these could be worked out. Somebody here said that RC is made by the users not mods, and that it is true.

What i find very regretable was Sangiro's reply and the offensive tone of the TOS. I have been around here for a couple of years and i never posted anything offensive (check my previous posts) and sometimes i found rubbish-talk on the old forum utterly annoying BUT that does not justify a nazi attitude in no way.

Will i get banned? Will i get removed from RC? You know what? SODD YOU! There are other forums where people can talk about climbing without having dicks like you sticking in their face. Won't be my loss but with this attitude it will be RC's.

There you have - my first post on the new RC and my first un-civil post! Happpy birthday - you deserve it!


Nov 15, 2006, 3:26 AM
Post #38 of 146 (3669 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2005
Posts: 673

Re: [philbox] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Oooh, I found this thread at last. I had to trawl through a buch of threads before I came across this one. I heard that there was a bit of a commotion going on down here.

Now lemme get this straight, lotsa users taking themselves way too seriously, check. A few reasonable voices, check. Drama queens and conspiracy theorists, check.

Yep, same old, same old, nothing much has changed from the olde steam driven
(editing to add this, for clarity's sake: AGREED ^^^)

Was Sangiro's response unwise given his status as a mod? Let's say yeah. But the response to it is out of hand. Had a non-mod written it - particularly one who did not evidently have a skydiving background - some of the same people who are jumping all over it would have probably awarded it a trophy if they could.

So now look at it from the mods side. You're a mod. You spent ridiculous hours on this change. It starts up. And you see a thread entitled, "it's ugly, its unuseable, its the new" which begins with a bitching session. Waah, waah, waah. Your first thought might just be, "ungrateful bastards." As a human you yourself might have responded with a bit of a chip on your shoulder.

Mods are human. They are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard, that's true. And for the most part they do. But you know what? Some of the people who have expressed the greatest offense in this very thread have posted some of the cruelest things I ever saw on the old site. Why haven't more people criticized the nasty tone of the OP? Because for some reason that's still OK. I find that more offensive than Sangiro's reply. If you slap someone, you look ridiculous when you act all bewildered and offended when someone slaps you back. Respect goes two ways. Could it have been handled better by Sangiro? Probably. Just the same, if you want respectful replies from mods, then put some effort into making even your critical posts - and threads - constructive.

(This post was edited by htotsu on Nov 15, 2006, 3:31 AM)


Nov 15, 2006, 6:31 AM
Post #39 of 146 (3619 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
Posts: 8588

Re: [htotsu] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Here's (part of) my take:

Suck it up.

So you're not getting cookies and flowers. Blow your nose and keep on truckin' if you truly believe in your mission.

I work in a business where (often uninformed) criticism is a daily occurence but we take it anyway, and to snap back in *any* manner is considered bad form. To be specific, I am a reporter. Everybody thinks they know what makes good journalism or good writing. Everybody thinks they know me, or my motivations, or my ability.

Professional writers put a lot of passion into what they do. They don't do it for the money and they sure don't do it assuming they're gonna get loved on every day. This site's "people" should assume that thick skin. Shit, psychopaths clip my stories on the manhunts for them and I am expected to be ok with that. My colleagues get threatened and sued and sooner or later I will too.

So it is with that in mind that I did NOT restrain myself when criticizing site leadership.

The site's users have every right to voice dissent just like my readers have every right to voice dissent. I welcome their dissent, even if I don't appreciate it, because it is an integral part of the process. Yes, it can hurt. Yes, it can be scary. More often than not it's just plain bitchy and not what I need.

But I guarantee you I would be fired or severely reprimanded if I EVER responded to a reader the way one of your site leader's has seen fit to respond here. Other journalists have been fired for doing so.

I mean no disrespect here. I'm just calling it like I see it, as usual. If that gets me in trouble, well...

(This post was edited by climbsomething on Nov 15, 2006, 6:34 AM)


Nov 15, 2006, 6:52 AM
Post #40 of 146 (3611 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2006
Posts: 2179

Re: [the_mitt] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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P.S If you are going to log onto the site as a mod how about leaving your parachute sig home. Dick.

(excuse the skydiving references in advance)

forget it. you can tell from his attitude that he's a freeflyer. probably never did more than 50 belly-RW jumps and thinks that big-way jumpers are flying dinosaurs.

that kind can't be reasoned with.

just nod and smile and enjoy your beer.

"Safe Swoops" ?? what the hell happened to
"Blue Skies!! Black Death!!" means a hell of a lot more than "Safe Swoops"
A former big-way world record holder. aka dinosaur.

Partner rrrADAM

Nov 15, 2006, 6:54 AM
Post #41 of 146 (3611 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
Posts: 17553

Re: [htotsu] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Just for clarification, sangiro is one of the 2 new owners of the site.

Question... If you frequented a restaraunt or other business for years, and it was recently sold and renovated, and as a regular customer you had critiqued that renovation, and the new owner treated you condesendingly and as if your opinion was unimportant, would you still frequent that establishment ???

As the owners they should consider the opinions of those who frequent their establishment, as if it were not for the patrons, there would be no establishment.

(This post was edited by rrradam on Nov 15, 2006, 6:56 AM)


Nov 15, 2006, 6:56 AM
Post #42 of 146 (3607 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Re: [htotsu] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Had a non-mod written it - particularly one who did not evidently have a skydiving background - some of the same people who are jumping all over it would have probably awarded it a trophy if they could.
I've read this over and over yet my feeble brain just ain't getting it. So can you explain to me how one's skydiving background, or lack thereof, is relevant?


Nov 15, 2006, 6:56 AM
Post #43 of 146 (3607 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2006
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Re: [the_mitt] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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You are going to be so banned. I was put in "time out" for a couple of hours for what I said, I have a feeling your outta here. LOL


wow... I'm really screwed then.

oh well...


Nov 15, 2006, 6:59 AM
Post #44 of 146 (3603 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [cosmin] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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There are other forums where people can talk about climbing without having dicks like you sticking in their face.

okokok, fuck it. outside of any controversy concerning the mod, the site change, and everything else, I totally would have trophied this awesome turn of phrase back in the (yester)day. ***trophy***

let's all get a little perspective though. when hasn't this site been a complete fucking travesty? people bitching, anti-authoritarian sentiments, arbitrarily contrariastic tangents?.....sounds like the rockclimbing community I've come to know and hate! I love it!


Nov 15, 2006, 7:15 AM
Post #45 of 146 (3593 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2006
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Re: [zeke_sf] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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okokok, fuck it. outside of any controversy concerning the mod, the site change, and everything else, I totally would have trophied this awesome turn of phrase back in the (yester)day. ***trophy***

let's all get a little perspective though. when hasn't this site been a complete fucking travesty? people bitching, anti-authoritarian sentiments, arbitrarily contrariastic tangents?.....sounds like the rockclimbing community I've come to know and hate! I love it!

I've only been here for about a year, but I'll put it in terms our skydiving owners can understand. I feel like my fun loving porter or caravan dropzone just got bought by some folks that don't jump and the first thing they did was brought in an otter and a 182. The Tandems get the otter, and if there are any empty slots the fun jumpers can ride along.

Last time I was homed at a DZ that got bought and tandems got priority I started driving right past it (an extra hour) to a fun loving porter DZ.

Let us be. Try to fix problems. Try to add features as resources allow and architecture makes possible. But let us be.


Nov 15, 2006, 7:16 AM
Post #46 of 146 (3591 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2006
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Re: [wjca] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Maybe we could get CCH to buy it and use their QA system and PR guys to fix the problem. They couldn't do worse.


I was thinking that guy from Madrock could help out in the PR dept.

Personally, I think its quite gracious that we all get one freebee before getting the ax. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm already planning on how to use mine. Just wait. It'll be awesome. I promise.

I think I already used my freebie (before I realized I got only one). Oh well.

suggestions for a domain I could buy to host a site with the features we're missing?

Partner the_mitt

Nov 15, 2006, 10:35 AM
Post #47 of 146 (3565 views)

Registered: Jan 17, 2006
Posts: 279

Re: [sangiro] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Sangiro, I think you are being called to the carpet here. Many of the users are equally as pissed about your actions as you were about my name calling. Maybe its best just to leave ddt in charge, things have been getting done.



Nov 15, 2006, 11:59 AM
Post #48 of 146 (3556 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2005
Posts: 673

Re: [climbsomething] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Had a non-mod written it - particularly one who did not evidently have a skydiving background - some of the same people who are jumping all over it would have probably awarded it a trophy if they could.
I've read this over and over yet my feeble brain just ain't getting it. So can you explain to me how one's skydiving background, or lack thereof, is relevant?
Hi Climbsomething. Some people's criticism of the reply has included derogatory references to the skydiving background. That's all.

And as for your job as a reporter, you are absolutely right. I never said it was a good idea for a leader to snap back. But his response is nowhere near as horrifying as people in this thread are making it out to be. The whole, "Well, I declayah!" "Well, I never!" shock thing rings a little hollow coming from some of the people who are the most likely to shovel it out or applaud it in any other circumstance.

Rradam, let's say I frequent a restaurant that has been newly renovated. The atmosphere there is very, very casual, and full of a bunch of smartasses (some of them funny and well-meaning, some of them a little less smart, a little more ass). One of the latter puts a sign on the bulletin board by the door that reads, "It's ugly, it's unappetizing, it's the new Restaurant X" and proceeds to rip aspect after aspect of the new place, describing it by turns as random, loveless, makes my mouth hurt, It screams "please kill me, im living a live of pain," etc. That owner then replies with a note reading, "Sorry you don't like the new place. I'm sure you can find a review of the old one somewhere for you and make a print-out to hug or something... Tongue"

Shrug. Would I stop going? No. Is it a bit unprofessional? Again, yeah, but we're not talking about dining at the Ritz here - this is more like Mel's Diner. It's light. It's actually kinda funny. And it hardly calls for a boycott of the diner or the owner. I think the skydiving references by some people in here just shows that some of this isn't about the response being from a mod, but rather about shunning the new kid. This is hardly the first time I've seen a mod get a little pissy, and one last time - it's not exactly a positive when they do, but I didn't see this kind of mob response to it in any of those cases.

There is a world of difference between
I am very disappointed in the service. My waiter took 45 minutes to get around to taking my order, and once it arrived it was not the right side dish. The silverware was not clean, and the chair was uncomfortable.
what is this? it looks like its just a random loveless place. the colors are ugly, the menu is totally cluttered, i cant find anything. Waah waah waah. it makes my eyes hurt. the old place was perfect (apart from the service problems) but this "thing"? It screams "please kill me, im living a live of pain" all over. eye cancer and puke on the table.
Version A - I would be shocked and disappointed if Mel's replacement did not respond to the concerns.
Version B - I wouldn't be too shocked to hear Mel's replacement say, "Kiss my grits."


Nov 15, 2006, 12:49 PM
Post #49 of 146 (3546 views)

Registered: Jul 8, 2003
Posts: 304

Re: [the_mitt] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Sangiro, I think you are being called to the carpet here. Many of the users are equally as pissed about your actions as you were about my name calling. Maybe its best just to leave ddt in charge, things have been getting done.

Hey Mitt,

I realize my attempt at a joke above offended a lot of people and about that I am truly sorry. It was never my intend to offend anyone. Thought people would appreciate the fact that it was a "tongue in the cheek" comment - hence the little Tongue icon.

Regardless, no excuses made, I apologize to those who were offended.


Nov 15, 2006, 1:09 PM
Post #50 of 146 (3539 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
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Re: [sangiro] its ugly, its unuseable, its the new [In reply to]
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Sangiro, I think you are being called to the carpet here. Many of the users are equally as pissed about your actions as you were about my name calling. Maybe its best just to leave ddt in charge, things have been getting done.

Hey Mitt,

I realize my attempt at a joke above offended a lot of people and about that I am truly sorry. It was never my intend to offend anyone. Thought people would appreciate the fact that it was a "tongue in the cheek" comment - hence the little Tongue icon.

Regardless, no excuses made, I apologize to those who were offended.

I must be crazy, or not that easily offended, but I actually did think your original reply was funny ;-).

I have to comment that this thread has been one of the best flame wars on, EVAH! it has devovled into a rank mess worthy of the worst religio/politco spew ever seen in the old Community.

the only question is, did the OP troll everyone? ;-)

I for one, fucking HOPE SO!

Carry on!

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