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completely uninterested in Everest
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Dec 29, 2006, 5:12 PM
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Registered: Oct 18, 2006
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completely uninterested in Everest
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Am I the only one out there who could care less about events that happen on Mt. Everest. I've developed a bad attitude about it, maybe because when non climbers find out I'm a climber they ask if I want to do Everest. Hell no I don't want to do Everest. Anyway just interested to hear other peoples opinions.


Dec 29, 2006, 5:34 PM
Post #2 of 23 (1405 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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i'm pretty much the same man... but i think it's because i kind of view climbing stuff like everest, aka mountaineering and ice climbing, as totally different disciplines and not really "climbing" at all.... don't all jump on me at once.

For one thing, I've never had the opportunity to do any mountaineering, walking on glaciers and up mountains etc... especially in the snow.. not too much of an opportunity to do that in Jersey where i came from... Plus, it just doesn't seem the same at all as rock climbing... wearing shorts or pants and a shirt, bare hands gripping hard rock... comepared to ice climbing? all bundled up, crampons, ice axes etc... pshhhh...

but hey, if you're an ice climber or hardcore mountaineer, more power to you, it may just be because i've never had the chance to do anything like that, and if i did, I would understand... in all honesty, I want to do it just to see what the attraction is... maybe i'll like it! Anyone want to help me out?


Dec 29, 2006, 5:41 PM
Post #3 of 23 (1393 views)

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Re: [bukeithw] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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I am glad anyone can climb whatever they can whether it's everest or the local boulder. Respect to all but it's also not for me. Why do I wanna waste heartbeats walking up a mountain on a fixed line I paid 40K for? I'm a DIY guy and I don't like feeling cold so I'm out. When I am asked if I wanna do everest, I just smile at let em know I'm a warm weather weenie!


Dec 29, 2006, 5:43 PM
Post #4 of 23 (1388 views)

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uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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Do you really want to know who is uninterested in Everest?

I made this video myself when I was bored, first vid I ever made.

If I didn't have to pay all the money I would probabaly climb Everest.


Dec 29, 2006, 6:40 PM
Post #5 of 23 (1332 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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I haven't been interested in Everest for at least 20 years. I always considered Annapurna or K2 or Cerro Torre to be more technical and better climbs. Everest has been over-rated ever since the treking companies set up shop there.


Dec 30, 2006, 2:54 AM
Post #6 of 23 (1253 views)

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Re: [oldrnotboldr] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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No way. First, I can't offord it. Second, I have asthma and would have to be on oxygen for the whole climb from base camp on up. Third, I like rock climbing, it's warm and the rock on my hands feels good. Fourth, I hate stupid ass rich people that think if you pay a guide $50,000 you can jump right into climbing and achieve the poop de soire of mountaineering. Fifth, I like my fingers and toes right where they...attached.

Dumbass rich people that try to climb that mountain deserve to die when they get in over their heads! Keep your self off the mountian and in the martini bars where you belong. And don't come around my crag with your beginners climbing set from REI. Go away!

Anyhow, Everest is not the tallest mountain in the world, it's Mauna Kea. Much rather climb to the top of that one.


Dec 30, 2006, 5:36 AM
Post #7 of 23 (1196 views)

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Re: [rocknrone] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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rocknrone wrote:
Anyhow, Everest is not the tallest mountain in the world, it's Mauna Kea. Much rather climb to the top of that one.

No, Everest is not the tallest from base to peak, but it is the highest mountain in the world... over twice the elevation of Muana Kea (which iis almost two thirds under water, I believe).

Wiki'd it (elevation):

Mauna Kea: 4,205 m
Everest: 8,848 m


Dec 30, 2006, 5:48 AM
Post #8 of 23 (1185 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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Everest has become an overpriced amusement park that gets half of its customers killed, a sordid sort of Disneyland. I'd rather climb a mountain that is not littered with O2 cannisters and dead bodies, even if it isn't the highest one in the world.


Dec 30, 2006, 8:32 AM
Post #9 of 23 (1143 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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br wrote:
Am I the only one out there who could care less about events that happen on Mt. Everest. I've developed a bad attitude about it, maybe because when non climbers find out I'm a climber they ask if I want to do Everest. Hell no I don't want to do Everest. Anyway just interested to hear other peoples opinions.

The ignorance of the layman...people automatically associate rock climbing with mountains. Climbing Everest is not rock's mountaineering and is an entirly different ball game, in much the same way that bouldering is entirely different from Aid climbing.

Everest has in my opinion, become something of a joke. People who have enough coin can pay a guide to push, pull, heave or drag their ass to the top aided by all that modern mountaineering technology has to offer including drugs like Acetazolamide (Diamox) and Dexamethasone to prevent, or mask the symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness.

So the next time someone asks you if you want to tag Everest, just tell them that you're a rock climber, not a mountaineer. And no, I have no desire to climb any alpine peaks.


Dec 30, 2006, 1:17 PM
Post #10 of 23 (1111 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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Not only am I not interested in death,uh...climbing everest but it is on my list of things NEVER to do...Unimpressed


Dec 30, 2006, 2:09 PM
Post #11 of 23 (1099 views)

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Re: [climbingtrash] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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 Annapurna or K2 or Cerro Torre

yeah, there are no trekking companies there...i would like to climb everest, probably never get the chance. i don't have enough cash to hire a guide and my climbing level will never be such that i would get invited but after slogging up and down the alps and rockies cimbing snow, rock and ice going to everest would be cool just from a historical perspective - much like climbing mont blanc. yes, it is over commercialized and crowded but its the home of alpine mountaineering. trully an amazing experience to think about as you are following the post hole tracks to the summit!


Dec 30, 2006, 4:07 PM
Post #12 of 23 (1057 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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br wrote:
Am I the only one out there who could care less about events that happen on Mt. Everest.

No there are those who care even more less than you.

I do wonder though, exactly HOW MUCH LESS could you care?

Say, isn't Everest only open to 'est' climbs now? Oldest, youngest, feetlessest, eyelessest, amputeeest, cancerousest, hypothermicest, pitifulest.

If you're healthy and young, you're OFF ROUTE.



Dec 30, 2006, 7:49 PM
Post #13 of 23 (1023 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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I once wanted to climb Everest. Then I got old.
Well, physiologically speaking I'm probably in my prime yet I now have no interest in the mountain.
I really enjoy reading about it on occasion but I am not addicted to reading like I once was.Now I enjoy reading books such as "The Contested Terrain"


Jan 2, 2007, 5:45 AM
Post #14 of 23 (934 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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I don't care much for climbing everest either. Never been there, but it sounds like nowdays it's pretty much inundated with inexperienced pseudo climbers who just happened to be able to afford the fees for a guided trip. Not that there's anything wrong with guided ascents, or that real climbers shouldn't join them, but really, it used to take things like skill and experience to climb mountains like this...not cash. So everest isn't high on my list - there's alot of things I'd rather climb - but given the opportunity and the right circumstances I'd probably go anyways, to be honest.


Jan 2, 2007, 6:33 AM
Post #15 of 23 (908 views)

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Re: [sprog] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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Yeah well, I don't like the cold weather.


Jan 2, 2007, 6:56 AM
Post #16 of 23 (898 views)

Registered: Nov 13, 2006
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Re: [dan2see] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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I can easily look past all the garbage that comes with climbing everest and look at what makes it an awesome mountain. I would one day love to make an attempt at an everest summit but it would be a few years down the road after I have gained enough knowledge from climbing other peaks. It would also be on a lower budget expedition where I actually had to do the work and it would also be attempted without o2.

I mean, there are a lot of dirtbags that go to hooters, but it doesnt change the fact that there is great scenery there.. I mean great wings.


Jan 2, 2007, 2:30 PM
Post #17 of 23 (852 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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I have thought about climbing Everest - and while i think it is a singular achievment, especially after seeing "to the Limit" I have zero interest. It isn't the cost for me,or the mostly non-technical climbing. it is the thought of standing in line at 28,000 feet plus. In the cold, which I don't like. While frostbite sets in. hell, I have been known to just leave a full shopping cart at the market because the line is too long! Not an option up on Everest. I just can't see having the experience be so dependant on the actions of so many other non-related groups.


Jan 2, 2007, 2:51 PM
Post #18 of 23 (835 views)

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Re: [rocknrone] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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rocknrone wrote:
No way. First, I can't offord it. Second, I have asthma and would have to be on oxygen for the whole climb from base camp on up.

Too bad, thats a weak excuse. One of the climbers on Everest this past season had asthma and attempted it without supplemental oxygen. He didn't make it, but he got pretty darned close and only used oxygen on descent. Moral of the story, an asthmatic could do it if they really wanted to.

Of course "I just don't feel like it" is a perfectly valid excuse. Wink


Jan 2, 2007, 3:25 PM
Post #19 of 23 (814 views)

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Re: [rocknrone] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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Wow, I am a little shocked with the Wealth envy (but not really). So what if someone wants to pay their hard earned money to climb a mountain, more power to them. They must not be too stupid to make all that money (I know more wealthy SMART people, then I know wealthy Stupid people).

Just remember no amount of coin will ever get anyone to the top of the mountain. It takes a person with desire and will to continue to put one foot in front of the other while suffering through some of the harshest environments on earth.

I admire anyone who can go through the physical and pschological stressess that Everest require. Makes me wonder if I could ever do it. Maybe I will, if I get enough coin.


Jan 2, 2007, 4:19 PM
Post #20 of 23 (780 views)

Registered: Jan 2, 2007
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Re: [racer999] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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YOu hit this one right on the head. I have spent alot of time in the himalayas. Including 3 months on everest. A strong climber could easily be killed by slow climbers. I have spent alot of time climbing in high altitudes and seen absolute disasters. Everest is a scary place alone, but combine that with people attempting a summit that have not been above 20k scares the crap out of me. Storms come out of nowhere there will be a BIG disaster up there. Last year it almost happened at ABC when an avalanche tore through there 2 days before most of the teams were expected. Getting up is only half the problem its the getting down.


Jan 2, 2007, 5:01 PM
Post #21 of 23 (747 views)

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Re: [kriso9tails] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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kriso9tails wrote:
rocknrone wrote:
Anyhow, Everest is not the tallest mountain in the world, it's Mauna Kea. Much rather climb to the top of that one.

No, Everest is not the tallest from base to peak, but it is the highest mountain in the world... over twice the elevation of Muana Kea (which iis almost two thirds under water, I believe).

Wiki'd it (elevation):

Mauna Kea: 4,205 m
Everest: 8,848 m

Or if you would like to measure from the centre of the earth Chimborazo in Ecuador is the highest mountain, a tougher climb than Mauna Kea, but still easier (and cheaper) than Everest!


Jan 2, 2007, 5:12 PM
Post #22 of 23 (733 views)

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Re: [br] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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To me Everest isn't climbing at all, it's a death slog clogged with well to do bumblies. Ladders/ropes on the only technical climbing sections? Shame!Needless to say, I'm Not Interested.

If I'm going to risk my life to that extent, I'd rather go after a first ascent somewhere. NWF of Devil's Thumb, anyone?


Jan 2, 2007, 5:27 PM
Post #23 of 23 (712 views)

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Re: [dingus] completely uninterested in Everest [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
Say, isn't Everest only open to 'est' climbs now? Oldest, youngest, feetlessest, eyelessest, amputeeest, cancerousest, hypothermicest, pitifulest.

Hahaha. Well put. If I were to attempt Everest, which I am not, it would have to be in the last category...

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