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Sep 17, 2002, 11:25 PM
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This would be a good "reference thread" later for women to go back and see how to best address their questions. So...

Introduce yourselves!

So what is your background (where do you live)?
Favorite type of climbing?
Favorite places to climb and why?
Technical expertise?
Challenges overcome?

Tell! Tell! Tell! Anything else?

On my end:
So what is your background (where do you live)~
I am 26, live on Phoenix, AZ with my absolutely amazing boyfriend and work as an environmental planner for an engineering firm. Shamefully grew up 25 minutes from the Gunks in NY for 22 years and never knew they were there because I didn't climb then.

Favorite type of climbing~
I love bouldering with a passion, but my knees can't handle the impact so I'm very limited with what I can do. I prefer toproping so I don't have to mess with all the gear and can just focus on the climb itself. Plus, falling scares the bejeebus out of me.

Favorite places to climb and why~
Priest Draw (bouldering) and Queen Creek (everything) in AZ. I love pocketed limestone and volcanic overhangs. Anything pumpy!

Technical expertise~
Basic sport knowledge, but have always climbed with guys, so they do everything for me and I'm to anxious to get on the rock to learn. Trying to remedy that though...

Falling on lead. Have developed a new fear of heights lately since my injuries which really pisses me off.

Challenges overcome~
in climbing~ 3 knee surgeries and one on the way.

I travel a lot, but can't say I have many cool climbing-related accomplishments under my belt.

Would like to do a big wall in Zion and maybe Yosemite in the future. Also would like to add some junior monkeys to my climbing family in the future (5+years). My tick list of places to go includes Thailand, Potrero Chico, the Valley, and New Zealand.


[ This Message was edited by: climberchic on 2002-09-17 17:43 ]

Partner jules

Sep 17, 2002, 11:42 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I've lived in various towns in the Concord, NH area for my entire 14 years. Currently reside in Hopkinton about 75% of the time, and live with my dad in Concord for the remainder.

Favorite type of climbing?

Whatever I can get. I'm not picky.

I usually just toprope, but I've (sport) lead once or twice. Bouldering is fun, but I lack the strength to do anything with any significant level of difficulty to it.

I'm positive I've put in more hours belaying than climbing. I've gone climbing with younger kids quite a bit, and spent days "showing them the ropes". It's almost as fun as climbing watching kids who were convinced they couldn't succeed do so.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Again, I'm not picky. Big rocks, little rocks, buildings, bridges, plastic. Whatever's there.

Technical expertise?

I can set up a toprope. I can belay. I can rappell. Outside that, I'm not confident enough to do anything unassisted.


Fear? What's that?

Challenges overcome?

Convincing my parents I wasn't gonna get killed. Does that count?


Nothing much to speak of. I lead my first outdoor sport route a month or so ago. It was only a 5.6, and I had already toproped it, but if felt really great regardless.


To stick with climbing. To improve. To meet a bunch of cool people and have a lot of fun.


Sep 17, 2002, 11:50 PM
Post #3 of 143 (14783 views)

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      Nice topic, Erica!

I am from Coeurd'Alene, Idaho and started climbing this summer. I now have a passion for it and the complete outdoor activity thing. In fact, I've changed my major back to English so I can become an editor or journalist for an outdoor magazine. I will move to whichever state it takes me -- just need to be outdoors!!!

I prefer bouldering and sport lead -- however, I fell and now need to overcome that fear. I prefer climbing with one partner, rather than a group, as I can focus more. I enjoy top roping, but I save it for a confidence builder. I have been slowly buying new gear, and hope to trad next summer.

I've met some of the best people in this new activity!!! I plan to make many "road trips" in the next few months, thus meeting many more wonderful climbers and individuals.




Sep 18, 2002, 12:15 AM
Post #4 of 143 (14783 views)

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Great to meet you two

Hmmm...noticing a trend and...another topic perhaps?


Sep 18, 2002, 12:36 AM
Post #5 of 143 (14783 views)

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hello ladies!
nice to meet everyone
heres me...

backround: im from texas but thanks to being in the Air Force, i currently live in north carolina. but i've also lived in alaska and california. (gotta admit, i love cali the best so far!)

favorite type of climbing: my vote is on sport. im in love with my draws!

favorite place: i've only been outdoors here in NC and i've been to the New River Gorge. the new is fabulous and lit a fire under my ass to climb harder

technical expertise: like erica, i've got basic sport knowledge. just when i think i've learned a thing or two, someone comes along and shows me up!

Fears: i know this sounds dumb, but im afraid of swinging! let go of the rock once and swung right into a tree. ever since then...

Challenges overcome:

Accomplishments and Goals: hey, just the fact that i get out there and climb is an accomplishment for me. and my goals are just to continue to improve my skills...

keep climbing girls! be safe and have fun!


Sep 18, 2002, 12:38 AM
Post #6 of 143 (14783 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)~
My name is Sara (aka Froggy) I am 25 years old and I live in Southern California. I have been climbing for about 1 year and 6 months.

Favorite type of climbing~
I love Trad and moderate Alpine Routes. I will Sport Climb, but I like plugging my own gear and the freedom of not having to follow some one elses moves on a route

Favorite places to climb and why~
J-Tree, Sierra's and Tahquitz. These places really teach you technique and can get you pushing your limits when you least expect too be.

Technical expertise~
Multi-Pitch, Trad, Sport, and TR Anchors.

Don't want to get hurt climbing.. It could screw up my leading head.

Challenges overcome~
I still do long routes in the Sierra despite my knee injuries. I have a horrible time going down hill.. OUCH! But, I wait long enough to forget the pain of going down Talus slopes then go again

Mt. Whitney via the East Butt, Bear Creek Spire via the North Arete, some routes in Yosemite and Touloumne, and the lower 1/3rd of the JMT.

Would like to travel and do some big walls too. I want to start in Zion and do the Nose - hopefully free one day


Sep 18, 2002, 1:24 AM
Post #7 of 143 (14783 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I am Hillary, will be turning 22 soon, and live in Tucson, AZ while I attend the University of Arizona. I have been climbing a year and some.

Favorite type of climbing?

I am a happy second on just about anything, and I will lead sport if I am feeling like it But I don't mind calling myself the Toprope Hot Momma of the World Never done aid, ice, or alpine, or trad leading. Only messed around boulders a wee bit, but wouldn't mind playing on them some more.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Jacks Canyon, AZ; Red Rock(s), NV. Both because of the incredible features and texture of the rock. Jacks also makes me feel secure on lead, because I know the area fairly well.

Technical expertise?

Um, the basic sport climbing stuff, how to clean an anchor, how to set a toprope.


Falling, duh And rapping. I really really don't like it, especially when it's off a tree and could involve ANY swinging...

Challenges overcome?

Transforming myself from the Least Athletic, indoorsy, scrawny geek to... a Moderately Athletic, outdoorsy, scrawny geek Really. I had NO strength a year ago. Now I can flex! *kisses biceps* My body type is very delicate. I am 5'3, 100 pounds, small bird bones. Strength training was scary for me, in its novelty. I had never been strong before. Now, I may not be able to lift a car, but I can hold onto a wall with my fingertips. Oooh, ooh, I really like my hands and fingers when it comes to climbing. They're tiny, but my crimp strength has taken me places...


Pardon my sap, but almost everything is an accomplishment Getting to the ground after a hairy rap, cleaning an anchor, leading onsight, helping a new climber enjoy the sport, even finishing That Damn Red 5.10 on the Overhang at the gym


To NOT be a weener when it comes to rapping, so I can have more fun on multi-pitch. That said, would like to lead trad (I am the proud owner of 2 Wild Country Rocks, sizes #6 and 7). I would also like to hit as many Climbing Meccas as possible! Yosemite!! Gunks! and all the River Gorges



Sep 18, 2002, 1:26 AM
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Nice profile, Martha. I would like to meet you. Now, since MY profile sucks, I'll just follow Erica's format

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm an australian citizen and spent my childhood in various countries, mostly England. I moved to the States when I was 16 and spent several years in New England (western MA and CT). I moved to North Carolina several years ago, then Louisiana, then TN. Currently, I'm living right outside Memphis, TN and may I add that it is the armpit of the country and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay far far away. If all goes according to plan, I'll be moving to Colorado next year, somewhere close to Denver. I'm a software developer and should hopefully be able to live just about anywhere.

Favorite type of climbing?
I am just getting into alpine climbing and it is my favorite. I knew all along that it would be. I love trad, ice, and aid. My fantasy is a huge jagged peak with pitch after pitch of rock, snow, and vertical ice at high altitude. I'm taking my time getting into this because I realize the dangers.
My goal for next year will be to climb in S. America and get well above 15,000ft.

Favorite places to climb and why?
This is a tough one because I've been to many places and love them all for different reasons. Can't really pick one as the best.

Technical expertise?
I started leading trad earlier this year. Still get a little neurotic over setting natural anchors. I'm going to start leading ice this coming season.

Setting up an anchor incorrectly and having it blow when my second falls. Talking myself out of leads for no good reason or insisting on top-roping one first just to "make sure" I can handle it. Rappeling . . . I will never ever be blase about it, though at
least it doesn't make me sniffle and whimper anymore.

Challenges overcome?
When I started, I was petrified of heights. My first climb came about because I decided
to white-knuckle my way through the vertigo. I warned my poor belayer repeatedly that I would probably get gripped and that he would have to come up and get me. He didn't have to.

My first alpine summit a few weeks ago, felt fantastic though it wasn't very high, lol.
My first trad onsight earlier this year gave me a feeling unlike any other.

To become a strong, self-reliant mountaineer. I'm going to build my skills by taking classes from guides and slowly build experience by tackling lesser peaks. When I feel ready, I'm going after the big ones. I want to climb in Alaska, the Himalayas and maybe one day Iceland.

Partner missedyno

Sep 18, 2002, 4:24 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I'm in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) but was born and raised in Nova Scotia, the beautiful maritime east coast.

Favorite type of climbing?

would you believe Trad??? I'm dying to get into it more. I'll gladly follow anyone up anything, I think that cleaning gear is an excellent way to figure out how it got in there in the first place. until then, i'm a sport climber. trad feels more natural, and bouldering i just can't seem to get a feel for. but i can see why it's popular....

Favorite places to climb and why?

though i've been climbing for a year and a half now, i've been lucky enough to climb in a number of places. west virginia had a strange home-like feeling (grew up around the northern part of the appalachians) and i fell in love with potrero chico in mexico. i hope to god the beauty of that place is not ruined by tourism.

Technical expertise?

? um, i'm a technical nerd, work in tech support... i have a feeling this should mean climbing though? hrm....


um, where to start... i fear myself, the extremes that i go to. i occasionally fear that i'll allow myself to be weaker than i am, i hate when i put myself down... i love spiders and snakes, so there go those fears... i'm a pretty laid back non stress low maintenance girl. i fear that my life right now is too great, too wonderful, and i'm in for a rude awakening. i try to keep it real.... i would hate to be in a car accident and never get to say goodbye to the love of my life. is that a fear?

Challenges overcome?

there have been some biggies in my life, but nothing compared to those of you that have gone through the deaths of loved ones, divorces (hell, marriage, for that matter) physical injury, or any of those large issues. my life is pretty light when put in perspective of those who cannot cleanse nor feed themselves in third world countries. if i wanted to, i could harp on about the rough times i've been through. and sure, they were rough, and no doubt there will be more. learn from it.


well, here's one... i have no formal training, but i'm self taught in IT and the youngest in my department. i went to college for a couple years to be a secretary and never made it into that field. got promoted within my firm and into tech support. i'm kinda proud of that... i worked hard for it.


cool plan: to get a month leave of absence in january to climb in el potrero chico and then hopefully meet a bunch of you!!!
dream: to travel and camp and climb as long as i can.

that's me!!! for a little story about me, check my profile too...


Sep 18, 2002, 6:02 AM
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I'm 28, live in Mesa, AZ teach high school math and do a little coaching (right now it's volleyball). I also go to ASU part-time working on a masters degree in Educational Technology.

Favorite type of climbing

I love sport and trad... and am even starting to really dig bouldering.

Favorite places to climb

In the past year I've been able to climb at so many cool places! One of my favorites here in AZ is Queen Creek because that's my climbing birthplace. Yosemite is definitely a favorite, because it has EVERYTHING! Indian Creek, UT is my favorite crack-climbing destination, and although I've only been to City of Rocks once, it was so cool I would even consider living in Idaho someday

Technical Expertise

I can lead 5.10 sport. I have only lead a handful of trad routes because I don't have enough gear (3 pieces of pro does not get you up far). I've done a bit of teaching lately... have taken many beginners out for their first time climbing and no casualties yet


Climbing fears? I am afraid to fall on pro while leading trad...not very confident in my placements yet.

The only other thing that really scares me would be a debilitating injury or illness that would keep me from doing the things I love!

Challenges Overcome

I haven't had many huge challenges. The only climbing challenge that I've had to overcome was a huge fear of leading after I'd had a fall that scared the crap outta me!


Climbing: climbed the eastern buttress of ElCap this past summer - my favorite multi-pitch climb to date. Also... managed to flash Supercrack withough puking

Others: Graduating from college was a big one... running a marathon... learning to speak Russian.


Continue teaching/working with youth, have a family, do a triathlon, travel.

Climbing: Become a trad leader, climb Monkeyfinger in Zion NP, and someday compete in the PBC.

[ This Message was edited by: rock_diva on 2002-09-17 23:03 ]


Sep 18, 2002, 6:12 AM
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Shelley~ Someday?!?!

This April.

You and me.


Be there.


Sep 18, 2002, 6:20 AM
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OK! This April...

I'm committing right now, so you can all hold me to it!

Actually Erica, remember Aaron (the boulderer we climbed with at the overlook?) He's offered to make me a bouldering champ... as long as I give him credit and maybe some gear


Sep 18, 2002, 6:37 AM
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Looke like we'll be competing against....



j/k. You know I love ya girl.


Sep 18, 2002, 11:49 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

Grew up in Salem, Oregon, lived in Eugene for 8 years after that, and NEVER climbed at Smith Rock (except the stairs up the back). I've lived in Canada for 6 years and will become a dual citizen next August.

Favorite type of climbing?

Anything I can get. I prefer outdoor to in, and am hoping to second some trad this weekend to see what I think about it. I'm very intrigued at the idea. It seems like very brain-intensive climbing.

Favorite places to climb and why?

The Niagara Escarpment, because it's closest.

Technical expertise?

Well, I've only been climbing since June, so I can set up a top rope, tie about 5 million different kinds of knots (okay, slight exaggeration), and talk just about anyone into trying climbing "once". Due to my previous sports "experiences" I know a lot about stretching and injury prevention.


Hitting my head when falling, even with a helmet on. I've had enough concussions in my life to be really scared of what might happen to my brain with the next one.

Challenges overcome?

Discovering that people won't judge you for being a novice when you're just starting out. Most people I've met are incredibly nice and helpful.


Nothing big comes to mind.


To climb big walls with my uncle Mike.



Sep 18, 2002, 11:57 AM
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  another climbing resume????

So what is your background (where do you live)? Pa...south-central...right across the river from the capitol.
Favorite type of climbing?
hmmmm...i would have to say sport cause i am a wuss...and have a lot to learn about trad...
Favorite places to climb and why?
i would have to say i have never met a rock i didnt like, here i climb and slippery...but you get used to it...and carry a lot of extra chalk.
Technical expertise? hahahaha...ask me any question you want to about wines...
Fears? heights...what else
Challenges overcome? fear of heights...what else
Accomplishments? mother of 3 great kids

[ This Message was edited by: climbinganne on 2002-09-19 16:48 ]


Sep 18, 2002, 12:15 PM
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I live in Celje, Slovenia, but study pharmacy in Ljubljana, also slovenia.

I climb mostly limestone, but thats because we have only a few granite or other crags. only one sport so far.

managed to onsight 6b, redpoint 6c+, working on a 7a. i had a goal to climb 7b+ (5.12c), but a tendon injury interupted my training and climbing. so now im back at 6c range.

my goals are to be able to climb 5.14.

i have a slight case of arachnofobia.

i dont have a favourite place or type of rock. maybe i dont like slopers, but thets it.

as fr my technique, they tell me its quite good, considering i am only climbing for less that 2 years, but im working on improoving it. i dont have any trad or aid experince.



Sep 18, 2002, 2:10 PM
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Hi ladies,
I came to Phoenix several years ago from NY. I realy hated this place until I began to climb about 1 1/2 years ago. I started at Glen's gym and about two weeks later I met my first climbing partner who taught me everything I know. After we separated I met my second partner and we began to lead climb together. We started as sport but later we both became trad.

I'm 42 and live with constant pain in back, knees, etc, so my accomplishment often times is the approach to some of the crags (Granite Mountain, Cochise, etc.) Still I have lead but sometimes the rock flows under me and I scare my partner for I forget to place pro.

I would like someday be able to lead a 9 or maybe a 10. I don't like face, but crack loves my fist, knee or foot. Infact I almost became a permanent fixture last Sunday in a crack at Elden (Flagstaff).

I always climb with the guys, and that made me very tough and quiet.... hate to be a cry baby.

Don't really have a favourite place, but J-Tree is very dear to me.... that's the place where I became a strong trad leader.

My only fear is that I won't be able to climb.

Thank you ladies..... you are awesome.

[ This Message was edited by: graniterat on 2002-09-18 07:14 ]


Sep 18, 2002, 6:59 PM
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okay i am 28 and i am originally from eugene, oregon but met my husband and was forced to move to this godforsaken place in the middle of no where (just kidding although it was a culture shock)

we have one little boy 17 months now lil_cwboy (my little cutie)

i am just learning to climb so i am really really new haven't really done anything outside the one time i did go bouldering i sprained my ankle. as far as goals and accomplishments would be the same just make it to the top, well that and finish up my bachelors one of these days when i have time and am not chasing my son around the house.

editing do to new acclomplishments-

started going outside last month so much better than inside on plastic! first time did okay wanted to do more but too windy. second time out i got to lead twice on a couple easy routes and already have some picked out that i want to try later.

basically just going out and having fun spending time with my hubby whether it is easy or hard i don't care i will try and climb it, not sure about trad yet i think may have to wait on that one i like the security of the bolts right now.

[ This Message was edited by: russmanswife on 2002-10-24 15:39 ]


Sep 19, 2002, 5:16 AM
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So what is your background:Im from connecticut, but go to school in northeastern vermont
Favorite type of climbing? not ice, besides that it doesn't matter to me
Favorite places to climb and why? i love rattle snake mountain, its sort of my home crag and i love it even if it is all single pitch little stuff.
Technical expertise? ive been climbing for seven years so i have a pretty broad knowledge of things ive picked up here and there.
Fears? leading, leading hard stuff. trad leading, squirrels
Accomplishments? i got my dad to learn how to belay
Goals to climb more, there isn't too much climbing up here and ive softened up a lot in the past year


Sep 19, 2002, 7:00 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in San Francisco, city of my dreams. I'm from "back east" meaning born in Florida, raised in Connecticut, schooled in Boston. I'm a massage therapist, acupressure and deep tissue.

Favorite type of climbing?
I'm a bouldering girl. That's what I really started with. I've learned a little top-rope, how to belay, but bouldering is it for me. At least so far.

Favorite places to climb and why?
"Hello, My name is Diana and I climb in a gym." I actually like climbing in the gym for the workout and the convenience. I get lots of climbing done and get my weights and cardio there, too. I love Castle Rock, but I don't get there as much as I'd like. (Hint: Castle is an hour to an hour and a half away. The gym is walking distance.) I love Castle because there's lots of good problems and it's green and beautiful. I love JTree because, well, I don't think I need to explain...

Technical expertise?
Er, ah, I know how to tote a crash pad?

Messing up my sprained-too-many-times-already ankle. Oh, yes, and dynos.

Challenges overcome?
I'm so new to climbing, I don't think there's could be any to speak of. But when I think about it, I'm really proud to say I started climbing here in my mid-thirties when I was disabled with illness in my late twenties. It's been quite a journey.

Gee, I just did my first V1 today. Onsight. Can you see me rolling my eyes in fake modesty?

I want to boulder in Bishop, Joshua Tree, Tuolumme Meadows, Central Park (NYC). And, ok, Hueco Tanks. But if you repeat that, I'll deny it. I just want to get out there and have fun. That and I want better slopers, dynos, overhang work, balance, endurance...


Sep 19, 2002, 3:40 PM
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Mi llamo es Meghan...

~So what is your background (where do you live)?~
I live in Rifle, CO

~Favorite type of climbing?~
Bouldering, Sport and I'm just getting into trad and ice

~Favorite places to climb and why?~
#1 Skyland, in Gunnison...excelent highball bouldering surrounded by SO MUCH BEAUTY and
#2Penitente Canyon...beautiful sport spot..I guess I'm drawn to places with beauty and, Penetente has a hotsprings near-by where clothing isn't allowed...its always fun to hit that spot on the way back from a good day of climbing
#3 Red Rocks, NV...I've had some good times there, plus, I let my first 11B there too...

~Technical expertise?~,I can make a wicked pot of coffee??? lol

THis is a funny one...IM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!!!! Fear of falling interfears with my bouldering AND sport...It is the biggest obstacle and annoyance, and as soon as I conquor my fear, I think I'll be able to climb 12 and V6...

~Challenges overcome?~
To help me get over my fear, my friends in AZ made me jump off a 55 ft waterfall into a pool of water...yikes. I have NEVER been so afraid in my life, but I did it!
I also recently got over my fear of, yep you guessed it...FALLING...alot

5.9, 5.10 and 5.11b...

To be a well rounded climber and to redpoint 5.12 and V6..and to banish my FEAR!!!!


Sep 19, 2002, 4:51 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)~
I am 26 years old...soon to be 27 on nov 13.
I live in Erie, Pa i was born here and then moved to youngstown, ohio for 15 years than back to Erie for the past 4.5 years. moved back to help out my dad with the family not work for family, you are over worked and under paid. i have a super great man who lives down at Nelson Rocks for now hope to follow. he will be home soon for winter. i have 2 dogs - sirius and sputnik and 4 cats - izobella, killian, catalina and violet.

Favorite type of climbing~
I enjoy TR cuz it;s fun and you can really just work stuff out and feel super safe. i just started leading this year which is cool too....just sport. i love the challange of getting the mindset of pushing my limits and still be in control. bouldering is a great workout and what i call the most frustrating fun you'll have aside from golf. looking forward to learning that is what my old man does...heading to the gunks this weekend for my have at it....if not cleaning will do. i also did my first multi pitch at seneca....freaky but can't wait to do it again...exposure does some weird things to you. Big walls....someday...once i get really, really comforatble with climbing and all the goobley-gooks of gear that goes with it. i just want to climb something most always i guess.

Favorite places to climb and why~
Love The new river gorge....cuz it's beautiful and offers tons of stuff to climb.
Indian creek was absolutely AMAZING...i love cracks....hand jammin!!!!
Jack canyon was route upon sport route until you collapse and than have to haul yourself out....easy in a little strenous coming out.
Nelson and seneca....little chossy but so much pumpy fun rock.
paradise forks.....just paradise...mmmmmm...more cracks. thank good my boyfriend leads trad.
oh i could go on...never met a rock i didn't like. except around these parts. gritty, tear you up rock in least in the vicinty of me.

Technical expertise~
Sport climb knowledge...anchor building....basic gear placement knowledge...more to come soon. i guess i just try to pay attention to more experienced people to pick up good habits. you can never be too safe.

Falling on lead.......snakes.....snakes......and a fear of heights that i will get over even if it has to be beat out of me.

Challenges overcome~
Working on being more focused....when bouldering and leading. i have learned to slow down the process so i get good foot placement before i try to power through to much and get wasted tired.

I have been to a great number of climbing destinations in only a short time that i have been climbing. i also have worked all winter pumping iron and working super hard on climbing did a 360.....i climb some stuff i never thought possible. plus it helped me trust my feet and get ready to lead.

I would like to quit my job....move to WV be with my man have access to climb daily...maybe try to start a non-profit org. for undeprivledged kids or kids with disablity to get them out in nature and work with the self-esteem and strentgh building. i just want to be doing something i love within the next 5-10 years.

That's it for now!!!

[ This Message was edited by: rockwomyn on 2002-09-19 09:54 ]


Sep 19, 2002, 10:39 PM
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My name is Karen and I have been climbing for about three years. My second date was at the gym with my now husband(rrradam). I have lived all over the east coast and love to travel. We travel for our job and hit a lot of climbing areas around the states. We have a house in California so we spend the winters and summers here at home.

Favoriate climbing

All climbing but if I had to choose it would be Trad.

Favoriate Places

There are so many places, I love all of them but all for different reasons.


Removing passive pro and I would like to think that I really try to give a good belay. Other than that I am pretty average.


My worst fear is a traverese!!! Long story and long pengaleum!!!! Falling!!!

The rest

Well, I just want to be happy and to love this sport for me and no one else and to have fun!!! What is life if you can't enjoy it!!!! A lot of climbers think it is about the numbers but for me its so much more than that. I will never be a comp climber but I don't think that makes me less of a climber. We all come to for one reason we love climbing!!!!


[ This Message was edited by: i.karen on 2002-09-19 15:41 ]


Sep 20, 2002, 1:00 AM
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I'm Amanda. I live in suburban Minnesota, and hate it. I'm 17 and a senior at this great school called the School of Environmental Studies, it's an optional high school on the property of the Minnesota Zoo.

Favorite Type of Climbing:
I really like bouldering, even if I'm not very good. I moslty toprope because I have hardly any gear and the people I climb with are way too over protective.

Favorite Place to Climb:
I love climbing on the north shore of Lake Supior, places like Shovel Point and Palisade Head. And I like Blue Mounds State Park, it's where I learned ot climb. Taylors Falls is probably the closest place to climb, and it's pretty nice there too.

Technical Expertise:
I don't have too much, but I can set up a toprope. I've also taught a lot of people how to do all the basics like tying in, belaying, and rappeling. I went as an assistan guide on one climbing trip this summer, but I'd like to learn more so that I could become a real, certified guide some day.

I'm more afraid of failure than anything else. I have a hard time climbing in front of lots of people because I get all paranoid that if I do sometihng wrong and fall, they'll have seen my mistakes. But it does push me to do my best, so maybe it's not such a horrible fear.

I have artheritis already, so sore joints are always an issue, esspecially in my knees. I also have chonic pain and a little bit less mobility in my left shoulder as a result of a somewhat traumatic car accident when I was 13.

Well, I once climbed a 5.10b that I was pretty proud of, but most climbers have done that. Like I said before, I did that one trip as an assistant guide, and I guess that my biggest accomplishment has been teaching others to climb. I also just started a climbing club at my school this year.

I want to learn to lead trad, aid, ice and do big walls. I also want to be able to climb 5.13. And I'm trying to get a climbing wall built for my school, or at least have the plans in place before I gruduate.


Sep 20, 2002, 4:33 AM
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Erica, I am SO glad you've got this off the ground!!

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I am currently working in Tuolumne Meadows and am moving to Mammoth after a little road trip this fall. I am originally from the Bay Area and went to school in San Luis Obispo. All of this being California.

Favorite type of climbing?
I'll do whatever you want to do, but I'm still kinda partial to sport. I've done a lot of trad and alpine climbing lately, but it's still nice to skitter up a wall, lower off and walk away.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Well, since Pinnacles NM was my stomping ground, i still love that. Owens River Gorge is also super fun, and, of course, Tuolumne.

Technical expertise?
? I suck at bouldering. I can sport lead low 10s, trad 5.9s

Everything. I sketch out if I think I'm going to take a lead fall. It's a major weakness. I still have yet to TAKE a lead fall.

Challenges overcome?
I think I'm getting pretty proficient at trad now. I have finally broken leading the 10 barrier, so yay.

I want to do Half Dome in a day. I want to lead 11 in sport and 10 in trad. But all I really want to do is have fun.

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