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n00bs--this is not a team sport
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May 18, 2007, 6:16 PM
Post #101 of 175 (3949 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: [chossmonkey] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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You're not even a real crab

This small cryptic-looking "decorator crab" appears to have mastered the art of disguise by attaching various anemones and coral polyps to its exoskeleton. Notice its greenish-colored eye at the end of its eye stalk (view of the crab's left side). A slow mover, even when approached, it seems to have complete confidence in its ability to remain inconspicuous. This particular specimen is about 1 inch in height. The alternate black and white bands on its legs distinguish this decorator crab from other, similar species.

The term decorator crab is loosely applied to a variety of true crabs which use various materials from their surroundings to disguise themselves. A "true crab" is different from other, similar crustaceans such as hermit crabs (despite the name hermits are not true crabs), lobsters, and crayfish-- in true crabs the skeletal plate above the mouth is fused to the carapace. There are about 4,500 species of true crabs, ranging in size from one-tenth of an inch to over 12 feet in diameter. Crabs are crustaceans (along with crayfish and lobsters). All the crabs shown here are small in size, about an inch across.

Identification: Cyclocoeloma tuberculata


May 18, 2007, 6:16 PM
Post #102 of 175 (3948 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2006
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Re: [chossmonkey] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
ja1484 wrote:

Nah. I don't mean to other climbers. That's stupid. I mean being elitist about being a climber period.

So when you run in to someone else who likes to be a bit outdoorsy, and the conversation shifts to climbing...

You (coolly): "Yeah, I'm a climber...did [insert big wall or 5.14 testpiece here] a while back. It was fun. You ever do any climbing?"

Other Person: "No I haven't. Is it fun?"

You (with a condescending "it figures" expression): "Oh. Nevermind then. Yeah, I like hiking and camping too. We do it when we have to to get to climbs."

You can probably take it from there, but you get the point.
While not the dumbest thing I have seen on this site it is pretty far up on the list.

Don't worry, they have medications that can help with impaired sense of humor. Talk to your doctor.


May 18, 2007, 6:21 PM
Post #103 of 175 (3940 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [ja1484] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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Maybe he's ptpp's crab sock puppet Rosey thing???



May 18, 2007, 6:43 PM
Post #104 of 175 (3918 views)

Registered: Jan 20, 2006
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Re: [decorator_crab] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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haha what a bitch, fuckin pussy grow some balls and maybe you wont be shown up by noobs


May 18, 2007, 6:53 PM
Post #105 of 175 (3901 views)

Registered: May 9, 2007
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Re: [dingus] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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gotta be the pit? everytime i go, i try to get there early. then i look at that handful of dirt and pebbles supporting almost the entire weight of the ac pillar, envision what would happen in that enclosed space if or when the pillar realizes its destiny, and figure there's a reasonable chance that the noob problem may solve itself.

w. ridge of cathedral, on the other hand, is a lost cause. tenaya buttress is headed down the same road. the days of easy access to great solos on good + easy rock are pretty much over.


May 18, 2007, 7:55 PM
Post #106 of 175 (3866 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
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Re: [ja1484] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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ja1484 wrote:

Don't worry, they have medications that can help with impaired sense of humor. Talk to your doctor.
Its too bad they don't also have meds to fix your small malfunctioning brain.


May 18, 2007, 8:26 PM
Post #107 of 175 (3842 views)

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Re: [chossmonkey] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
ja1484 wrote:

Don't worry, they have medications that can help with impaired sense of humor. Talk to your doctor.
Its too bad they don't also have meds to fix your small malfunctioning brain.

I think you're substantially confused about things. Either that, or you're just a complete cock.

Either way, not my job to fix the situation. Not worth the effort.

And what's up, I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice, eh?


May 18, 2007, 9:17 PM
Post #108 of 175 (3802 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2002
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Re: [richardvg03] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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richardvg03 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
richardvg03 wrote:
TEAM [ti?m] noun a group of people working togethe

I think of team as being MORE THAN ONE...

Was that on the entrance exam for the Marines?

Jay i looked it up in the dictionary... do you know how to use one?? haha

Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to like this guy.



May 18, 2007, 9:27 PM
Post #109 of 175 (3795 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2004
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Re: [slablizard] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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slablizard wrote:

You're not even a real crab


This small cryptic-looking "decorator crab" appears to have mastered the art of disguise by attaching various anemones and coral polyps to its exoskeleton. Notice its greenish-colored eye at the end of its eye stalk (view of the crab's left side). A slow mover, even when approached, it seems to have complete confidence in its ability to remain inconspicuous. This particular specimen is about 1 inch in height. The alternate black and white bands on its legs distinguish this decorator crab from other, similar species.

The term decorator crab is loosely applied to a variety of true crabs which use various materials from their surroundings to disguise themselves. A "true crab" is different from other, similar crustaceans such as hermit crabs (despite the name hermits are not true crabs), lobsters, and crayfish-- in true crabs the skeletal plate above the mouth is fused to the carapace. There are about 4,500 species of true crabs, ranging in size from one-tenth of an inch to over 12 feet in diameter. Crabs are crustaceans (along with crayfish and lobsters). All the crabs shown here are small in size, about an inch across.

Identification: Cyclocoeloma tuberculata

Well that is just wonderful. Congratulations.

Here is a tick of mine you can compare against your own list:

Loose Lady. 5.9, onsight.

But my memory is a little fuzzy... did you at least try the route, and fall? Or did you take at a bolt, and lower with your tail between your legs like a real tough guy with a list of hard redpoints?

Oh yeah. n00bs, no big groups!


May 18, 2007, 9:29 PM
Post #110 of 175 (3795 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2004
Posts: 69

Re: [Power_Tie] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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Power_Tie wrote:
Unfortunately, I have encountered this attitude more often than I would like with some of you more experienced rock climbers.

When I am out team building with my management group, yes I said 'team,' we are there to be together, to experience the tranquility of the outdoors, the feel of the rock and the excitement of the climbs. Together. I truly feel sorry for you that you cannot feel this.

My group and I always are respectful and courteous, and we often get the same treatment in return. But not always, and mores the pity.

Life is a team sport, whether you like it or not.

Now this is just inexcusable. Honestly, I can't think of poorer behavior than this nonsense. ugh.


May 18, 2007, 9:32 PM
Post #111 of 175 (3793 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2004
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Re: [Climbin4Vs] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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Climbin4Vs wrote:
Is it just me or does Crab not realize that no one is on his side? Except for Leech but from what I can tell that doesn't say much. I mean lets face it here, if everyone is against you, it's probably because you: 1. have nothing intelligent to say; 2. you're a moron; 3. bitter because you climb in an area with "real rock" and still no one wants to climb with you; or the obvious 4. All of the above.

Actually, it would appear that you have trouble reading. Or understanding. There have been plenty of posts in this very discussion that agree with me in one form or another.

The only people who actually disagree are goddamn n00bs anyway, and it's not like we care what they think.


May 18, 2007, 9:48 PM
Post #112 of 175 (3782 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [ja1484] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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ja1484 wrote:

Don't worry, they have medications that can help with impaired sense of humor. Talk to your doctor.

Have you ever tried Panexa? That's some pretty good stuff... ask your doctor for a reason to take it!

Hell, I'd be willing to bet that an off-label use might include a cure for n00b-dum(b)!


May 18, 2007, 9:51 PM
Post #113 of 175 (3781 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
Posts: 5558

Re: [decorator_crab] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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decorator_crab wrote:
slablizard wrote:

You're not even a real crab


This small cryptic-looking "decorator crab" appears to have mastered the art of disguise by attaching various anemones and coral polyps to its exoskeleton. Notice its greenish-colored eye at the end of its eye stalk (view of the crab's left side). A slow mover, even when approached, it seems to have complete confidence in its ability to remain inconspicuous. This particular specimen is about 1 inch in height. The alternate black and white bands on its legs distinguish this decorator crab from other, similar species.

The term decorator crab is loosely applied to a variety of true crabs which use various materials from their surroundings to disguise themselves. A "true crab" is different from other, similar crustaceans such as hermit crabs (despite the name hermits are not true crabs), lobsters, and crayfish-- in true crabs the skeletal plate above the mouth is fused to the carapace. There are about 4,500 species of true crabs, ranging in size from one-tenth of an inch to over 12 feet in diameter. Crabs are crustaceans (along with crayfish and lobsters). All the crabs shown here are small in size, about an inch across.

Identification: Cyclocoeloma tuberculata

Well that is just wonderful. Congratulations.

Here is a tick of mine you can compare against your own list:

Loose Lady. 5.9, onsight.

But my memory is a little fuzzy... did you at least try the route, and fall? Or did you take at a bolt, and lower with your tail between your legs like a real tough guy with a list of hard redpoints?

Oh yeah. n00bs, no big groups!

Then I have to bow to you oh mighty crab. 5.9 onsight! Oh my lord you must be unhuman....A god...where's your Alpinist Cover? Where your Piolet D'or? SIlly Sharma stole it from you. Traitor metrosexual.

Hail the Crab king!

I merely freaked out because the pesky freezing wind was pulling me off the route and had no intention of taking a 30 footer on a silly .9...but you..onsight that widowmaker..what a man...
Reardon is no one compared to you...Bachar can tie your shoes and Caldwell can carry your rope...
Loose Lady onsight...

I just shiver thinking about your future projects...
AC Devil Dog maybe? Wet Kiss? POD!!!???Sly

you can go find my trip report and read for yourself
(Thanksgiving at JT)

hey next time you look for no crowds and some more onsight..try here

(secret crag at Mt Diablo)

(This post was edited by slablizard on May 18, 2007, 9:58 PM)


May 18, 2007, 10:05 PM
Post #114 of 175 (3764 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2004
Posts: 69

Re: [slablizard] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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slablizard wrote:

I merely freaked out because the pesky freezing wind was pulling me off the route and had no intention of taking a 30 footer on a silly .9...

No intention of having any balls, you mean.

If it was so silly, you would have cruised it, like the rest of the n00bs who onsight that thing.


May 18, 2007, 10:14 PM
Post #115 of 175 (3755 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: [decorator_crab] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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decorator_crab wrote:

slablizard wrote:

I merely freaked out because the pesky freezing wind was pulling me off the route and had no intention of taking a 30 footer on a silly .9...

No intention of having any balls, you mean.

If it was so silly, you would have cruised it, like the rest of the n00bs who onsight that thing.

decorator_crab wrote:
"Well that is just wonderful. Congratulations.

Here is a tick of mine you can compare against your own list:

Loose Lady. 5.9, onsight. "

"If it was so silly, you would have cruised it, like the rest of the n00bs who onsight that thing."

You just n00bed all over yourself.
Need a cleenex?

Hey, you climbing sunday? No really.


May 18, 2007, 10:17 PM
Post #116 of 175 (3748 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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Re: [slablizard] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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slablizard wrote:
decorator_crab wrote:

slablizard wrote:

I merely freaked out because the pesky freezing wind was pulling me off the route and had no intention of taking a 30 footer on a silly .9...

No intention of having any balls, you mean.

If it was so silly, you would have cruised it, like the rest of the n00bs who onsight that thing.

decorator_crab wrote:
"Well that is just wonderful. Congratulations.

Here is a tick of mine you can compare against your own list:

Loose Lady. 5.9, onsight. "

"If it was so silly, you would have cruised it, like the rest of the n00bs who onsight that thing."

You just n00bed all over yourself.
Need a cleenex?

Hey, you climbing sunday? No really.

Going to Yos tonight, do you want me pick you up off 580 , be back by Sun ?

(This post was edited by majid_sabet on May 18, 2007, 10:28 PM)

Partner oldsalt

May 18, 2007, 10:27 PM
Post #117 of 175 (3728 views)

Registered: Jan 19, 2004
Posts: 919

Re: [dingus] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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Dingus, was that you with the smoke last year at Table Rock? We were talking at the base of Cave Route.

I think there were 3 really cool people - a couple and a freak.

I turned down his kind offer because I gave it up 36 years ago. (Who's counting?) But I miss the life.

Groups can be fun. Groups of n00bs can be OK if they show some common courtesy like you'd expect at a bowling alley or cricket match. Just mutual respect.

And don't tie up my 5.7 routes.Smile


May 18, 2007, 10:31 PM
Post #118 of 175 (3722 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2004
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Re: [slablizard] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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slablizard wrote:
decorator_crab wrote:

slablizard wrote:

I merely freaked out because the pesky freezing wind was pulling me off the route and had no intention of taking a 30 footer on a silly .9...

No intention of having any balls, you mean.

If it was so silly, you would have cruised it, like the rest of the n00bs who onsight that thing.

decorator_crab wrote:
"Well that is just wonderful. Congratulations.

Here is a tick of mine you can compare against your own list:

Loose Lady. 5.9, onsight. "

"If it was so silly, you would have cruised it, like the rest of the n00bs who onsight that thing."

You just n00bed all over yourself.
Need a cleenex?

Hey, you climbing sunday? No really.

I assume that's an invite to climb? If so, thanks. You've taken my baiting and flaming in good humor.

But, I've already got plans for this weekend. Plus, gw is too crowded for my taste on weekends. I suppose the house would be an alternative, but it is likely getting too hot to climb at either place.


May 18, 2007, 10:34 PM
Post #119 of 175 (3718 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2004
Posts: 69

Re: [oldsalt] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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oldsalt wrote:

Groups can be fun.

For you maybe. Not for the rest of us.

In reply to:
Groups of n00bs can be OK if they show some common courtesy


The common coutesy is irrelevant. Your mere presence as a large group is showing a lack of courtesy and respect. n00bs can't seem to understand this.

Remember, this is not about n00bs. This is about groups of n00bs. Think of a crag, with a couple dogs. No big deal, right? Now think of a small crag, with a dozen dogs, all off leash, tearing around. Now that is some annoying shit.


May 18, 2007, 10:36 PM
Post #120 of 175 (3713 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: [majid_sabet] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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majid_sabet wrote:
Hey, you climbing sunday? No really.

Going to Yos tonight, do you want me pick you up off 580 , be back by Sun ?

Thanks for the offer, but I can't.. I have to do my 45th try on my 5.10 grid bolt hangdog project...but don't tell Decorator..
I am taking a whole cheerleader team to watch me send ..those girls can be VERY grateful if they like you.


May 18, 2007, 10:37 PM
Post #121 of 175 (3709 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [decorator_crab] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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decorator_crab wrote:
Climbin4Vs wrote:
Is it just me or does Crab not realize that no one is on his side? Except for Leech but from what I can tell that doesn't say much. I mean lets face it here, if everyone is against you, it's probably because you: 1. have nothing intelligent to say; 2. you're a moron; 3. bitter because you climb in an area with "real rock" and still no one wants to climb with you; or the obvious 4. All of the above.

Actually, it would appear that you have trouble reading. Or understanding. There have been plenty of posts in this very discussion that agree with me in one form or another.

The only people who actually disagree are goddamn n00bs anyway, and it's not like we care what they think.

Truly. I agree with the meat of the message, if not the flavor. To me, it really does sound like a recent college-grad complaining about rock-n-roll. It may be accurate, just a generation too late.


May 18, 2007, 10:38 PM
Post #122 of 175 (3706 views)

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Re: [slablizard] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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slablizard wrote:
Traitor metrosexual.
Um, yeah. they have a treatment regimen for that too. It's a 6-12 mo. course... best of luck with that!



May 18, 2007, 10:41 PM
Post #123 of 175 (3703 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: [decorator_crab] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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decorator_crab wrote:

I assume that's an invite to climb? If so, thanks. You've taken my baiting and flaming in good humor.

But, I've already got plans for this weekend. Plus, gw is too crowded for my taste on weekends. I suppose the house would be an alternative, but it is likely getting too hot to climb at either place.

Of course it is.
Other than the bolt prank...nothing wrong about arguing on stuff...
I was with 5 other people at the gw last sunday...but up to you man...
of course if you can go there on week days is better..I'm stuck here 9 to 5 pretending to work.
I hear the House was awesome last saturday...Bowie had a great day..Chris was there...


May 18, 2007, 10:44 PM
Post #124 of 175 (3698 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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Re: [slablizard] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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slablizard wrote:
majid_sabet wrote:
Hey, you climbing sunday? No really.

Going to Yos tonight, do you want me pick you up off 580 , be back by Sun ?


Thanks for the offer, but I can't.. I have to do my 45th try on my 5.10 grid bolt hangdog project...but don't tell Decorator..
I am taking a whole cheerleader team to watch me send ..those girls can be VERY grateful if they like you.
we have to go and do some wall this summer man, get some time off and let me know .


May 18, 2007, 10:49 PM
Post #125 of 175 (3689 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: [majid_sabet] n00bs--this is not a team sport [In reply to]
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majid_sabet wrote:
slablizard wrote:
majid_sabet wrote:
Hey, you climbing sunday? No really.

Going to Yos tonight, do you want me pick you up off 580 , be back by Sun ?


Thanks for the offer, but I can't.. I have to do my 45th try on my 5.10 grid bolt hangdog project...but don't tell Decorator..
I am taking a whole cheerleader team to watch me send ..those girls can be VERY grateful if they like you.

we have to go and do some wall this summer man, get some time off and let me know .
I need to learn how to climb cracks.
What are you coing to do in Yos?

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