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Sep 24, 2007, 8:18 PM
Post #76 of 135 (2705 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Chalk [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
I took my Daughter out to climb yesterday, another 3' up, she got a lung full of chalk. turned a pleasant afternoon of climbing into a gagging, throwing-up let down. Who ever it was that climbed there before her, I wonder if he/she even thought about the next person up before slapping on the the chalk.
I'm not allergic to poison oak, and quite frankly find the oils soothing to my weathered hands...perhaps I should return the favor and apply some oak oil to my hands to ease my comfort during a climb.?.

now that is some funny shit. chalk inhalation ruining a day and a threat to put poison oak oil on holds. I do believe I have seen it all. bravo!


Sep 24, 2007, 9:16 PM
Post #77 of 135 (2673 views)

Registered: Aug 10, 2007
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Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Chalk [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
I took my Daughter out to climb yesterday, another 3' up, she got a lung full of chalk. turned a pleasant afternoon of climbing into a gagging, throwing-up let down.

I'm no expert, and I don't know you or your daughter, but perhaps if breathing in chalk dust causes gagging and vomiting in your daughter, you might consider finding a more appropriate sport for her (soccer is fun), rather than bitching on the internet about people using chalk. At least in the rocks around here, chalk dust is the least nasty thing you're liable breath in while climbing. What happens if your daughter makes it past that vile chalk dust and a few feet further up gets a big mouthful of rat poop dust? Or a bug flies in her mouth? Or any of the other 7 trillion things nastier than chalk dust you can encounter while climbing...

I'm not saying that people shouldn't clean up the chalk (local ethics dictate this for me), but to say that chalk dust ruined your entire afternoon of climbing is pretty out there...


Sep 24, 2007, 9:21 PM
Post #78 of 135 (2664 views)

Registered: May 30, 2005
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Re: [caughtinside] Chalk [In reply to]
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I call it White Unnecessary Sissy Staple or WUSS for short after a climbing buddy left his WUSS sack at home and was constantly reaching for it on an ultra dry crisp day. It becomes habit forming when you use it too much, and it is a godsend when you need it most.


Sep 24, 2007, 9:29 PM
Post #79 of 135 (2658 views)

Registered: Jul 10, 2007
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Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Chalk [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
I took my Daughter out to climb yesterday, another 3' up, she got a lung full of chalk. turned a pleasant afternoon of climbing into a gagging, throwing-up let down. Who ever it was that climbed there before her, I wonder if he/she even thought about the next person up before slapping on the the chalk.
I'm not allergic to poison oak, and quite frankly find the oils soothing to my weathered hands...perhaps I should return the favor and apply some oak oil to my hands to ease my comfort during a climb.?.

LOL! Laugh

Partner baja_java

Sep 24, 2007, 9:36 PM
Post #80 of 135 (2649 views)

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Re: Anti-Chalk? [In reply to]
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oh c'mon, you chalkers tried to take away his first born! coughing cloud of chalk, floating white mist of death, just like in the movies!! can you really blame the guy for wanting to strike back at you at a place and time of his choosing, with a brand of oak oil of his choosing?


Sep 24, 2007, 9:39 PM
Post #81 of 135 (2644 views)

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Re: [baja_java] Anti-Chalk? [In reply to]
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it all just depends on if you have sweaty hands or not..... do what works

Partner baja_java

Sep 24, 2007, 9:44 PM
Post #82 of 135 (2636 views)

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Re: Anti-Chalk? [In reply to]
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i sweat too. i just wipe my hands on the shorts


Sep 24, 2007, 10:04 PM
Post #83 of 135 (2617 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2006
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Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Anti-Chalk? [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
Chalk is about as natural on a rock wall as American Soldiers are as natural in Iraq...Just like Texas to inundate a natural place with foreign objects and call it a beautiful thing...Must be a Village thing.

Quite true.......welcome to america.


Sep 24, 2007, 10:22 PM
Post #84 of 135 (2603 views)

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Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Anti-Chalk? [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
Coming up on chalk desecrating a beautiful rock wall is like walking up on someones household garbage in a pristine rose garden. Outlawing chalk use would be as beneficial as our no littering laws.
Whats next people? Wearing claws to scratch your way up like a cat on a curtain?
The chalk, after it has been exposed to 24 hours of elements, becomes slippery and deeply embedded in the pores of our rock walls. So unnatural and so dirty.
Like this thread, thats old news. Its called drytooling.


Sep 24, 2007, 11:42 PM
Post #85 of 135 (2568 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2001
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Re: [james481] Chalk [In reply to]
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james481 wrote:
I'm not saying that people shouldn't clean up the chalk (local ethics dictate this for me),...

I don't think local ethics have anything to do with it. This isn't the same thing as bolting which is often determined by precedent (e.g. FA) or rock type (abundance of protection or lack there of), it's just something that has become part of climbing.

However, as much as climbers want chalk to help them make the next hard move, they also want:
1) to keep access open
2) to enjoy being outdoors
3) to use ethics that ensure others will experience the route the way they did

In many ways, the over-use of chalk doesn't align with these three collective goals. The reality is that not using chalk, using less chalk, using colored chalk, or using the new eco-balls, are all other possibilities that better align with these goals.


Sep 25, 2007, 2:10 AM
Post #86 of 135 (2559 views)

Registered: Sep 21, 2007
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Chalk [In reply to]
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Well, I can't bring myself to force upon others what aids my hands (oak oil). Perhaps it's my sense of comradery for other climbers to keep the rock open to all of us.
There is so much dry dead moss, dust, old bird poop and other natural substances deposited by NATURE on the very rocks we climb. Also, we all have so much gear clipped onto us anyway, why can't these "wusses" clip on a strip of terry cloth.
I am a tailor. I have sat down today and made a round pad of terry cloth with a zipper. inside is a perforated plastic bag of about 6 ml. that holds a glob of natural brown chalk. It clips anywhere onto your harness. Sale; $10.00. I figure, why bitch n moan and bump heads against too many. I am calling it "ECO HEALTH BAG". Will not be sold in stores for a while, so contact me if your interested.


Sep 25, 2007, 4:56 AM
Post #87 of 135 (2543 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2007
Posts: 391

Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Chalk [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
I took my Daughter out to climb yesterday, another 3' up, she got a lung full of chalk. turned a pleasant afternoon of climbing into a gagging, throwing-up let down. Who ever it was that climbed there before her, I wonder if he/she even thought about the next person up before slapping on the the chalk.
I'm not allergic to poison oak, and quite frankly find the oils soothing to my weathered hands...perhaps I should return the favor and apply some oak oil to my hands to ease my comfort during a climb.?.

give me a break man, are you going to sue mcdonalds too for making you fat? if you can;t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Sep 25, 2007, 6:49 AM
Post #88 of 135 (2529 views)

Registered: Sep 21, 2007
Posts: 16

Re: [EPiCJAMES] Chalk [In reply to]
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Dude, Just who's kitchen is it anyway? I suppose you believe you have the right to chalk up every moderate hole, chisel into every wall, piss on Arlington Cemetery, go out of your way to run over a gray squirel, use the American flag as your rope tarp, spray paint a crevice.
Please don't come to Oregon with that attitude, there are real people here who love our land, our country and God's majestic gifts. But hey, incase you do, let us know so we can paint our cows blaze orange, put up no tresspassing signs, lock up gates, and close down the roads to some of our most beautiful climbs like Flagstone (God help us if you find that treasure).
Dude, I'm a well decorated 20 years in the Army (1st Sgt.), 3 wars, Emergency Responder, Teacher, Daddy, Whitewater guide, and extreme outdoor enthusiast, I really don't think you can compare your little studio kitchen mentality to my full coarse kitchen achievements and mentality to preserve our planet.


Sep 25, 2007, 7:24 AM
Post #89 of 135 (2524 views)

Registered: May 5, 2007
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Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Anti-Chalk? [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
Outlawing chalk use would be as beneficial as our no littering laws.

So... hard to enforce and not really all that effective?


Sep 25, 2007, 7:28 AM
Post #90 of 135 (2522 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2007
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Re: [EPiCJAMES] Chalk [In reply to]
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okay this is stupid. Im 16 and have been climbing for awhile. I am 4'9 and have never in my life used chalk nor do i have any desire to. the way i see it if being as small as i am can make up a 40ft rock wall without chalk and along the way get some in my eyes and mouth along with being allergic. then a stuck up gym jock can climb a wall without using the chalk( at least i think he should)
In case you have not noticed the walls are not in the gym. The chalk is not a natural element to the wall. A humans oils are they have been around forever. So epicjames i think its time you came out of the kitchen and to a wall without the chalk there are cracks for a reason. Dude im 16 and a girl stop being a pussy, or choke on your chalk. Do not inflict your weakness on others. I have always stood on my own two feet. Unlike you i dont need a crutch to do something i love.


Sep 25, 2007, 7:36 AM
Post #91 of 135 (2516 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2007
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Re: [james481] Chalk [In reply to]
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okay i am the daughter all the bogus bullpucky excuses that you used are natural check a wildlife book dude and just fyi i play soccer have for many years. I also dance, emergency response certified first aid oh and....... a climbing instructor

(This post was edited by cpl.steele on Sep 25, 2007, 7:43 AM)


Sep 25, 2007, 7:37 AM
Post #92 of 135 (2515 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2004
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Re: [cpl.steele] Chalk [In reply to]
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I'm seeing a trend here. Would Major Sorbet like to respond?


Sep 25, 2007, 7:45 AM
Post #93 of 135 (2507 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2007
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Re: [bent_gate] Chalk [In reply to]
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is the major you talk of mel?


Sep 25, 2007, 6:00 PM
Post #94 of 135 (2489 views)

Registered: Aug 10, 2007
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Re: [sidepull] Chalk [In reply to]
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sidepull wrote:
james481 wrote:
I'm not saying that people shouldn't clean up the chalk (local ethics dictate this for me),...

I don't think local ethics have anything to do with it. This isn't the same thing as bolting which is often determined by precedent (e.g. FA) or rock type (abundance of protection or lack there of), it's just something that has become part of climbing.

However, as much as climbers want chalk to help them make the next hard move, they also want:
1) to keep access open
2) to enjoy being outdoors
3) to use ethics that ensure others will experience the route the way they did

In many ways, the over-use of chalk doesn't align with these three collective goals. The reality is that not using chalk, using less chalk, using colored chalk, or using the new eco-balls, are all other possibilities that better align with these goals.

I agree for the most part. Over use of chalk is a problem in many climbing areas, and the use of colored chalk or eco-balls helps with this problem to some degree (I use an eco-ball for everything but the gym). However, I do think that local ethics do play a part in my decision to use and/or back-clean chalk on a particular route. For instance, at the local 40 foot grid-bolted choss pile, the use of chalk abounds (along with glued and chipped holds and other questionable activities). When I'm climbing there, I much less concerned about my "chalk impact" because this is unquestionably a sport climbing crag minutes off the highway. No one comes to this place for a picnic, and no one comes to this place expecting adventure and solitude. Contrasting that, if I happen to be climbing an alpine granite slab high up in the mountains, I'm much more judicious of my chalk use, and much more conscious of leaving discernible marks on the route, because I expect that others will come after me to those places with an eye for adventure and solitude, experiences which, IMHO, can be negatively affected by every hold being covered by chalk dust.

Granted, this is totally a subjective judgement for me, and no hard and fast rule seems to exist in most places. However, let's be honest with ourselves. "Leave No Trace" hasn't really been practised most sport choss piles for a long time, and the white marks left on the rock are usually incomparable to the overall impact that our activities have left on these areas.


Sep 25, 2007, 6:10 PM
Post #95 of 135 (2483 views)

Registered: Aug 10, 2007
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Re: [cpl.steele] Chalk [In reply to]
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cpl.steele wrote:
okay i am the daughter all the bogus bullpucky excuses that you used are natural check a wildlife book dude and just fyi i play soccer have for many years. I also dance, emergency response certified first aid oh and....... a climbing instructor

I think you must have missed my point. If you can't handle breathing chalk dust, then you have a whole bunch of options which don't involve bitching to anonymous people on the internet. I can think of at least three, perhaps more. Further, if you have such a violent reaction to airborne particles, then I question if climbing outdoors is for you, given that the outdoors is chock full of nasty airborne stuff, chalk or not.

Well, in addition to being a noob climber, I skydive, backpack, hike, and am certified wilderness search and rescue, but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. I would suggest that next we whip 'em out and measure, but I'm afraid you would probably win.


Sep 25, 2007, 6:34 PM
Post #96 of 135 (2473 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2007
Posts: 391

Re: [sgt.pinkerton] Chalk [In reply to]
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sgt.pinkerton wrote:
Dude, Just who's kitchen is it anyway? I suppose you believe you have the right to chalk up every moderate hole, chisel into every wall, piss on Arlington Cemetery, go out of your way to run over a gray squirel, use the American flag as your rope tarp, spray paint a crevice.
Please don't come to Oregon with that attitude, there are real people here who love our land, our country and God's majestic gifts. But hey, incase you do, let us know so we can paint our cows blaze orange, put up no tresspassing signs, lock up gates, and close down the roads to some of our most beautiful climbs like Flagstone (God help us if you find that treasure).
Dude, I'm a well decorated 20 years in the Army (1st Sgt.), 3 wars, Emergency Responder, Teacher, Daddy, Whitewater guide, and extreme outdoor enthusiast, I really don't think you can compare your little studio kitchen mentality to my full coarse kitchen achievements and mentality to preserve our planet.

it is nature's kitchen
no i don't chalk up every moderate hold, chalk on my hands is enough.
i would only piss on your cemetery. ;)
paint cows orange? what kind of sick redneck shit you into?
all of your achievements, mean shit to me. this ain't a pissing contest.
get your daughter a new sport, cuz if she can't take it in the mouth, she ain't gettin far.


Sep 25, 2007, 6:54 PM
Post #97 of 135 (2461 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2007
Posts: 7

Re: [EPiCJAMES] Chalk [In reply to]
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We paint our cows orange so Califagians don't shoot them during deer season.
Arlington IS my cemetery.
Chalk in the mouth is not natural...but in Califagia, your telling me that you take a lot of things in orifices and call it natural...goes to show every corner of your mentality.
Your a legend in your own mind to call yourself "epic", your conceded way of life is the reason so many gates are locked with access to good climbing impossible "legally", and mother earth will douche you out just like so many others.
"fight the good fight"


Sep 25, 2007, 6:59 PM
Post #98 of 135 (2455 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: [cpl.steele] Chalk [In reply to]
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cpl.steele wrote:
We paint our cows orange so Califagians don't shoot them during deer season.
Arlington IS my cemetery.
Chalk in the mouth is not natural...but in Califagia, your telling me that you take a lot of things in orifices and call it natural...goes to show every corner of your mentality.
Your a legend in your own mind to call yourself "epic", your conceded way of life is the reason so many gates are locked with access to good climbing impossible "legally", and mother earth will douche you out just like so many others.
"fight the good fight"


Partner baja_java

Sep 25, 2007, 7:09 PM
Post #99 of 135 (2443 views)

Registered: Oct 8, 2003
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Re: Anti-Chalk? [In reply to]
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cpl.steele wrote:
and mother earth will douche you out just like so many others.

the coming of The Flood

i knew it. you chalkist infidels are doomed

me, i got my surfboard and my kayak. my arks. two of 'em! i pair even my arks!!


Sep 25, 2007, 7:23 PM
Post #100 of 135 (2578 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2007
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Re: [caughtinside] Chalk [In reply to]
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We all need to work together to keep our love "climbing" clean and open to all of us. Please don't piss my daughter off anymore with the sexual innuendos, she is a high spirit, and not even I would challenge her with "size" ( she can piss farther than most men I know).
Respect for our land.
Respect for our climbing brethren.
With these, we can overcome the stigma that climbers are dirty smearers.
"the good fight...for all of our commonality"

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