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Sep 20, 2002, 8:46 AM
Post #26 of 143 (11770 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?

~I live in Portland,Oregon
(rain: ugh)
Favorite type of climbing?
All kinds: sport, bouldering, and seconding trad.
Favorite places to climb and why?

My most favorite, is Joshua Tree.

January '02 was my introduction to what I never ever thought possible, to feel for a place, of rock...Newer to climbing then, it was my first Outing/travel to climb. There is clearly somthing special there, mystical, spiritual, and I love that place. Saddens me to be here, and not there...on a daily basis. My soul was left there, never to return fully to me...I have to go to it, and search my soul again and again...Willingly. And I do as often as I can.

Technical expertise?
climbing...I'm climbing Sport 10 b's comfortably...when I'm climbing full on...4 days a week. Time off, I lose come back to it just as strong, just days later. I love that! It's like learning all over again.
Work: I do it, make damn good money at it...and I am my own boss...hense, my travels being possible.

Not haveing faith in my belayer.
Mind Fuc*! Stops me cold!

Challenges overcome? of lately time...My new home...takes my time.


I started a year ago Sep.1. I find all and everything I do, according to climbing an accomplishment. I am proud of what I've done...where I've traveled.
To lead with my soul this life we speak of, Travel, hike, camp...Live a long and happy life, exploring the world we have right before us, that I had never seen until I started climbing. Give it all to me...I wanna learn!! SOAK IT ALL UP!!



Sep 23, 2002, 7:57 PM
Post #27 of 143 (11770 views)

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Where do you live?

I just moved from Missouri to Portland so I guess that's my new home. I'm still getting used to everything new.

Favorite type of climbing?

I prefer outdoor climbing. There are a ton of ways to climb a specific route which is important to a short person. I don't like some of the routes at gyms because most of the setters I know or at least knew had no idea how short people climb. Everything was so reachy.

Favorite places to climb and why?

So far, Smith Rock. I haven't been all over this area yet.

Technical expertise?

I have been climbing on and off for 2 years. There are not that many places near Missouri to go and the summers are so hot that the seasons are fairly akward. I can get up 10a's with maybe a take but am fairly comfortable at 5.9's.


big falls scare me the most.

Challenges overcome?

Being openly friendly when I meet new people which is a hinderance since I just moved 2400 miles from all of my friends...


finishing a route without takes is a good one to start with.

To be able to lead so my boyfriend doesn't have to lead everything for me


Sep 24, 2002, 12:49 AM
Post #28 of 143 (11770 views)

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Contact T (nikegirl). She lives in Oregon as well and is a regular here (to put it midly ). I believe she might climb at Smith Rock from time to time.



Sep 24, 2002, 3:32 PM
Post #29 of 143 (11770 views)

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Great forum beginning grrls!

So what is your background (where do you live)?
Abigail Whitney Howe reporting in!
From NH originally, now I live in Alexandria VA outside DC (ugh!). Have also lived in Australia, Finland, Canton NY, Charlotte NC and Boston MA. And don't let my name here fool you, I'm all woman! It's been implied in many instances that I must be a lesbian because of such a manly screen name, but it actually comes from my last name being Howe and was a nickname I got when I used to ski a lot (and race)...
I'm not a lesbian, but I understand the inclination many days!

Favorite type of climbing?
I'll do just about anything, there's just TR here in the immediate area so that's what I do. When home in NH I love to do some sweet Trad and sport (as a second, still working on leading)

Favorite places to climb and why?
NH, where I learned and where I feel comfortable on the rock.

Technical expertise?
Climbing for about 6 years on and off, work at a climbing gym, rock climbing instructor, outdoor leader for summer camps in the past, WFA.

Heights, if you can imagine! Leading does scare me, but in a good way I think. My greatest fear is to look back on my life and wish to have done anything differently. So I try to make that impossible!

Challenges overcome?
Right now I'm overcoming a broken ankle from tripping over my dog... sucks big time. Only 1.5 more weeks in a cast! I've overcome lots of challenges in my life from leaving home at the age of 16 to go to boarding school, to breaking my femur when I was 12, to being the first in my immediate family to get a degree. Still overcoming lots of em to!

I've done what I've wanted with my life, and that includes learning to climb and living in foreign countries. I've hiked a lot of the over 4000 footers of NH, scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef, see Ayers Rock, traveled cross-country. It's been a fun life for being just 26!

To travel to world. I'm getting there one place at a time!

I look forward to the future of this space!

[ This Message was edited by: howitzer on 2002-09-25 08:16 ]


Sep 24, 2002, 4:58 PM
Post #30 of 143 (11770 views)

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I live in E.Stbg, Pa. The only place to climb around here is in Deleware Water Gap. All other places are pretty much traveling distance.

Favorite type of climbing

Right now is bouldering, I would love to try more. One thing I do know, I definetly perfer outdoor, not indoor.


Not being able to travel to great climbing places.


To improve my technique, and not to get discouraged.


Sep 25, 2002, 12:12 AM
Post #31 of 143 (11770 views)

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Alrighty, it's my first time posting here, so here goes.....

So what is your background (where do you live)? Portland, Oregon (originally from So Cal);have lived in Oregon for about six years.

Favorite type of climbing?
Sport, cuz it's the only one I've been exposed to, at this point.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Umm, two places...Smith Rock and Skaha;Smith for the nubbins and Skaha for the incuts and overhanging jugs.

Technical expertise?
Learned from some friends who climb hard.

Still trying to get over being sketched out on slabby and arete climbs. Also, if the bolts are a little run out, I'm definitely motivated to not hit the deck on slabby climbs.

Challenges overcome?
Feeling comfortable leading again after taking a twenty foot fall with the rope behind my leg and getting flipped upside down. Rope burns are ugly...

I've been climbing for about six months now, and recently, I onsighted my first 10c. I've been consistently leading 10's and top roping 11-12's.

Lead my first 11 by the end of the season. And to have fun and meet new people to climb with....


Sep 25, 2002, 1:08 AM
Post #32 of 143 (11770 views)

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I am new here(today) and was browsing around and saw this forum. My name is Jennifer and I am from Colorado. Problem is my boyfriend doesn't climb so I am going climbing with other guys all the time and it makes him jealous. I am a stewardess so I get to see a lot of different climbing areas on my layover days.


Sep 25, 2002, 4:28 AM
Post #33 of 143 (11770 views)

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Welcome to, Melee and Jennifer! THis is such a cool place, but please limit your time here. It has been proven to be addiciting.


Sep 25, 2002, 5:11 PM
Post #34 of 143 (11770 views)

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I'm 26 and originally from Windsor, Ontario -land of no topography and thus, no cliffs. I started climbing in a gym (blah.). My boyfriend (at the time) was a climbing instructor and I got hooked on competitive indoor bouldering through the ABS comps in Michigan.

Accomplishments - finding a hot young climber guy and quitting two jobs and selling my house to go climbing for two months with him. - and then doing it AGAIN the next year!

Goals - to get more confident with leading - so I don't rely on my boyfriend to put up climbs for me

Technical ability - I've worked as a technical climbing assistant for research rigging anchors for cliff face vegetation studies, I can lead 5.10, onsight 5.11 (if I've got a toprope), and redpoint nothing 'cause I get scared leading above 5.10 and my boyfriend hates running up top ropes on the same routes for me over and over again.

Fears? - injury, falling, not performing well in public (I know climbing's not about that, but I've always been very competitive and I hate sucking in public)

Last year I moved to Guelph, Ontario and now I can climb outdoors (at least in the summer and fall- damn winters) on the Niagara Escarpment. If there are any ladies wanting to climb on the escarpment, PM me!


Sep 25, 2002, 7:38 PM
Post #35 of 143 (11770 views)

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I love getting to read all of these. Thanks for the advice Erica. I'm in the process of branching out to get to meet people.


Sep 27, 2002, 12:24 AM
Post #36 of 143 (11770 views)

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Hello there...

My name is Emily.. (Elk) and I live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. I've been climbing for 6 years, and I'm addicted!...

I recently (this year) began competing and will be one of the 3 women representing my state in the Australian Onsight Nationals in November, and I am scared out of my brain! Although I dare say the adrenalin on the day will be enough to push me further.

My favourite style of climbing is delicate face climbing, where the holds are small and every move is exposed and scary! Love it! Although over the last year or so I've been getting into more overhung pumpy stuff, which has come with pushing my grades, mind, and body harder.

My fears are simply that I won't continue to push myself mentally as well as physically in this sport...

I live close (ish) to the Grampians and Mt. Arapiles and I regularly do the drive of four hours with my boyfriend and/or all my other buds!

Climb on chickadees.


Sep 28, 2002, 5:29 AM
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Hi, so you really wanted to know about me? Well if you are still reading then you must, so I will go on. To start I am 15 and addicted to climbing. Period. Flat out I love this sport. I have three main focuses in my life other then climbing, first and most important I am an honor student and if I want my dad to let me climb I have to get good grades. The second is I am a theater techie so I have a tendency to lurk backstage and do techie stuff. Third, but not the last and not the least, I am working on my 11th year of ballet and I have to say it might take time away from climbing nothing has been better for my balance, strength, endurance and flexibility. I also ride a Lemond road bike, have been cross country backpacking since I was four years old to the Sawtoothe Wilderness of Idaho with my dad and do competitive ballroom dancing.

Anyway, Climb on and rock on (or on rock ),


Oct 1, 2002, 9:53 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in Arlington, Virginia, about a 1/2 mile from the pentagon. I've lived in Virginia most of my life. I am an architect that does urban development.
Favorite type of climbing?
Trad and TR
Favorite places to climb and why?
The local scene in DC is great, and of course it's great sometimes to get to travel.
Technical expertise?
I can lead, but haven't in a while due to a combination fall, baby, and broken ankle. Mostly the baby.
Gear failing.
Challenges overcome?
Fear of gear failing, broken ankle.
Climbed in Yosemite up something rated 11a - a slab on Daff Dome. 10c at Seneca WVA.
Keep climbing!
Tell! Tell! Tell! Anything else?
I love climbing!


Oct 2, 2002, 5:59 PM
Post #39 of 143 (11770 views)

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Hello everyone! I'm so glad to learn about all of you girls out there. It's cool to know there are so many of you who love climbing. I don't find many girls around here that are into it, unfortunately.



I've lived in the Ogden, Utah area for my entire 21 years. I've enjoyed it but I would like to get out more to see new places. Alaska, Washington, Europe are a few to name. But I'm happy here for now.

Favorite Type of Climbing...

My passion is for the mountains and the ice. Every other type of climbing I do is to reach that goal. I love ice climbing. On the rock, I love trad. I haven't aid climbed yet. Not much of an interest for stuff like Yosemite, etc. Well, I guess I would like that sort of climbing because I could basejump off. Moab is really fun for that. But, I'm more interested in the peaks of Alaska, Himalayas, and Alps. However, I enjoy "sport" ice climbs as well.

Favorite Places to Climb...

Around here, I ice climb a lot in Provo Canyon, Santaquin Canyon, Maple Canyon, Mahlen's Waterfall. I love Ouray, CO for ice. They have their own ice park. I rock climb in Ogden Canyon, BCC, LCC, Moab, etc.

Technical Expertise...

Hmmm... good rope/gear handler. I'd like to consider myself a very aware and attentive belayer. I'm kind of a gearhead. I work at a sporting goods shop just for the swag. I like to keep up to date on my gear. However, having $$$ for everything is a different story.


Not too many really... I am afraid of letting myself get out of shape. I'm also afraid of having no partners to share my adventures with. My climbing "guru" recently was killed on the Devil's Thumb in Alaska. I'm sympathetic for anyone who has had to go through a loss of a partner/friend.

Challenges Overcome...

I suffered a knee injury/strain which causes a lot of irritation when I hike downhill. Quite annoying. We climbed the Grand Teton in July and let me tell you.. the hike out was horrendous. I just hope it doesn't hold me back.


Ice: I've done several multi-pitch climbs at least 4-5 pitches and usually WI4-5. I can lead WI4 and TR WI5.

Rock: Did Castleton Tower in Moab awhile ago.. not really a big fan of sandstone. I try to find multi-pitch trad around here. I can TR 5.10d and lead 5.11. However, I haven't been rockclimbing much lately because I've been training for the upcoming ice season.


To climb those high peaks that require ice and rock skills. I want to aim for alpine-style ascents. I love to be at higher altitudes.

Thanks everyone for sharing! I'd love to climb with any of you guys if you're ever around the area!



Oct 5, 2002, 10:15 PM
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Hi, I just found this site today while I was looking for information aobut the Grand Teton. So I read through all the posts, and thought I'd add myself for novelty's sake!
Background: I'm 51 years old, been married to a great person for 28 years, am a reading/art teacher, and just started climbing 2 years ago. Our son and a good friend got me into it at one of Seattle's gyms, Vertical World.

Climbing I prefer: I'm trying it all, kids! Not getting any younger...Bouldering for power and planning, moderate sport leading outside, harder inside, gear following, and just learning about gear placement.

Where I like to climb: I've been to Squamish, BC, which I liked because it has so many different kinds of routes - Only a day at Smith, which I would like to revisit - several local crags off I-90, as well as Leavenworth, WA. Heading for Grand Teton!

Technical expertise: Lead belaying, rapping, learning more about anchors and gear placement

Fears: Let's call them healthy respect, or caution... Want to be bolder outside, where sometimes things just aren't as the guidebooks describe them - that I'll run out of time so far as my strenght is concerned..

Goals: A friend of mine is an Exum guide at teh Grand Teton, and has talked me into doing the Complete Exum, 23 pithces of moderate gear climbing (5.7), starting at 11,400 feet.
So, I'm in full-on endurance training, and hope to do it at the end of July, 2003.

Let me say that I feel extraordinarily fortunate to be able to flash a 10d lead in the gym, or an 11 whatever TR at my age. I think it's keeping me young. Also, I have had some great experiences with my 21 year old son, who also thinks of Joshua Tree as an almost holy place.
Hope to hear more from you all - Betsy


Oct 7, 2002, 3:54 AM
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Great to share this information, although I'm happy to do so within the 'Ladies Room' only, otherwise, it might be considered as a dating profile. It's a treat to read others' postings -- thank you to all who have participated.

So what is your background (where do you live)? I've recently relocated from 8 years in Santa Monica, CA to Summit County, CO. Proud to say I've succesfully 'escaped' from Hollywood filmmaking in hopes of a new commercial photography career. First climbed on December 31, 2000, and have loved it wholeheartedly ever since.

Favorite type of climbing? Started with sport, then bouldering, then trad, then mountaineering, and will be learning ice this season. To date, high-altitude mountaineering is my focus, although any type of climbing is a treat!

Favorite places to climb and why? While in California, my favorite place to climb was Joshua Tree (sad to say I never made it to Bishop or Yosemite, but have hopes of climbing there in the future). As for Colorado, it's all so new, and there are still so many spots to visit.

Technical expertise? Just learning to lead trad, but I can also make a tasty mexican margarita.

Fears? Heights, of course, but I'm getting over it. I also have an intense fear of falling while leading... but that's what keeps you on your toes, isn't it?!

Challenges overcome? The biggest... changing careers and learning to deal with my hearing loss (I started to lose my hearing at age 21 and now wear hearing aids)... but in terms of climbing... I must say that I've overcome the thought of thinking... "no way...!" I've come to realize that it's all possible if you're educated, trust you have the skills, and just relax and enjoy the ride.

Accomplishments? To date, it has got to be the 21 hour, 18 (+/-) pitch of the NW Buttress of Capitol Peak (CO). There were many times I though about crying outloud, but as my lead climbing partner would attest to... I was a trooper. I had no idea what I was getting into, but surprisingly, my body and attitude survived. In retrospect (including the forced bivy at the summit (14,000+ ft) and the 5+ hour descent), I would do it again (with bells on!).

Goals -- What can I say... I have high hopes of climbing mountains like Aconcagua, Denali, Mt. Kenya, Ama Dalam, maybe even Everest. This has become a life-long passion of mine, and I hope my body and schedule keep up to my dreams. Although I must say... it's not about the goals, it's about the day to day experiences that keep me alive and enjoying each moment.

Cheers to you, my fellow female climbers! If you find yourself in Colorado, please look me up, as I'd be happy to share my playground with you.

[ This Message was edited by: kcrag on 2002-10-08 14:29 ]


Oct 9, 2002, 9:29 AM
Post #42 of 143 (11770 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in Melbourne, Australia, and have only just discovered climbing. I've been indoor climbing for less than a week.

Favorite type of climbing?
So far I've only done boldering - hope to start doing some indoors climbing next month.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Technical expertise?
Absolutly none at all!

Heights? I hope not, but I'll soon find out.

Challenges overcome?
Well - I finally convinced them to let me into the climbing gym! (the last two times they asked where my partner was, and when I said I didn't have one they turned me away ) I then discovered that you could bolder without a partner, so I told them I was boldering and they let me in

To find a climbing partner or two and start climbing some walls, then maybe even a rock (If I'm feeling brave). After that? Who knows! Maybe Conquer the world or something?

[ This Message was edited by: dangergirl on 2002-10-09 02:31 ]


Oct 9, 2002, 9:50 PM
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HI everyone.

I've been lurking around and finally felt like introducing myself. My name is Sarah. I'm 23 and I live in Southern CA.

Experience: Mostly Outward Bound and School trips and indoor gyms (beginner)

Fears: We'll talk about those some other time....

Goals: To Climb as much as humanly possible

Someone mentioned being a theatre techie...Me TOO!!!! (Well in high school and college.....ahh nothing like hanging upside down on a 35 foot scaffolding while hanging lights)

I'm wondering if there is anyone out there in the Southern CA area that would let me tag along when they go outdoor? I really want to get back into climbing and until the gym near me opens I'm stuck!

I thought I'd post to the ladies first.....

Soo anyway...HI!!!!!!!!!


Oct 10, 2002, 3:57 AM
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- 15 years old
- live in Calgary, AB
- love sport, (just started leading), multi-pitch, and bouldering!
- taking a big fall while leading, and your belayer isn't paying attention (I just read all those belaying horror stories!)
- want to climb everywhere when I go on my Round The World Trip
made the competitive team, and did an 11A, after a few weeks of hard core training from a 5.9
- looking forward to talking with all you... umm... ladies!


Oct 10, 2002, 5:09 AM
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It's soooo good to see all of the new faces! Welcome to the site and I hope you will keep up with the Ladies Forum. All of your input from beginners to experts, young to not-so-young is valued here.

If you have any issues, questions, etc. please feel free to start a new topic! Expect supportive feedback and you're sure to see some expert advice here and there.

Welcome, you climbing chicks, you!



Oct 11, 2002, 3:22 PM
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  Okay, ummm, let's see here. I'm livin' in the lower mainland of British Columbia, where I've been all my life. (Though desperately hoping to buy a house in Squamish in the not too distant future.) I love it here, and can't imagine calling any other place home.
I'm horrible at choosing a favorite anything. I try to find a balance of both alpine climbing, and the local stuff in Squamish. I really enjoy climbing on a nice crack above all else, but I can appriciate the sense of accomplishment from getting up a chunk of slab, on barely a nub. And although I keep trying I can find no love in my heart for the gym.
Technical expertise? I can bake the most kickass cheesecakes!
The entire mountainclimbing/rockclimbing experience has been one of constantly overcoming fears and obsticals, and forever creating new goals and accomplishing them. More than I can say for any other aspect of my life.


Oct 11, 2002, 4:27 PM
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Hi Everyone!
My name is Lindsey and I live in East Lansing, MI!!! Home of the MSU Spartans. I am finishing up my undergrad at Michigan State....hoping to go to grad school, but not really sure where yet.
I am a beginner and have not really climbed that much. Truth be told, my mom and younger sister are really more into the sport than I am. I enjoy climbing and hope to start to do it more often. I just bought a pair of shoes, after dropping that $$$ I have to use them....a lot! How come college makes you so POOR!!!!
MI is not that great of a spot for climbing, but what can I do? I also love to ride horses, ski and just about anything else outdoors!

[ This Message was edited by: whitenight on 2002-10-11 09:28 ]


Oct 17, 2002, 10:00 PM
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 Hi everyone im new to the site and new to climbing. So here it go's:

Bacground: I'm Robyn I'm 28yrs old. Raised as bascially a valley girl from Southern Ca. by a single mom. I never did much outdoors stuff, I was a dancer and cheerleader. I have the Most incrediable fiance named Geoff (climbingcowboy), he's got me totally hooked on camping, climbing, snow skiing, and site seeing. He is so patient with me.

Favorite Type: Even though I haven't done alot of climbing I like the cracks my boyfreind put me on alot more then face climbing.

Favorite Places: Anywhere thats got a great view. I've climbed in 4 places and the 2 most beatuiful were Sequias and Santa Barbara.

Expertise: None i'm new

Fears: Hieghts; not going up or rapping down but standing at the edge looking over.

Overcome: The feeling of being exposed.

Accomplishments: Climbing my first 5.6 crack at Gibaralter in Santa Barbara.

Goals: To be able to just go and keep up with my fiance.

Name: My boyfriend named me Tequilaclimber because in order to get me on my first toprope he gave me a shot of tequila to take the edge off, and it worked

Robyn ok-bye

[ This Message was edited by: tequilaclimber on 2002-10-17 15:11 ]


Oct 18, 2002, 4:29 PM
Post #49 of 143 (11770 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2002
Posts: 12

Introduce Yourselves! [In reply to]
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Hi, I am new to this site as well, but I am already in love with this forum, its an awesome place to go and relax and get in touch with a ton of cool people.
About me:
Background- I'm 21, a full time student seeking a finance degree, I like hiking, camping, backpacking, and trailrunning.
I am just getting into bouldering but I would like to eventually top rope, lead, etc.
I don't have much for accomplishments, just finding the time to get out and climb!


Oct 18, 2002, 4:46 PM
Post #50 of 143 (11776 views)

Registered: Oct 16, 2002
Posts: 21

Introduce Yourselves! [In reply to]
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My introductions always sound like dating game script, so bear with me

Background: I'm 32. Have always loved the outdoors. I do a lot of hiking, etc and rock climbing is just the next natural step isn't it I have JUST started climbing at a gym but am dying to get outside once I find some sucker to take me But am already addicted. It's amazing how even brick walls take on a whole new appearance to you once you are bitten by the climbing bug, isn't it?

Favorite type of climbing: So far I don't have one since I'm a beginner, beginner, beginner.

Favorite places to climb and why? See above answer

Technical expertise? Ditto

Fears? Injury. I tend to go a bit gung ho with everything and end up straining/spraining/breaking things so I'm trying to take my time and be patient with my progress (which is HARD) so I am sufficiently strong to climb without injury.

Challenges overcome? Too new yet to have met any worthy challenges

Accomplishments? Climbed a couple of routes at the gym and completed them before my boyfriend was able to (shhh! Don't tell him I told you )

Goals: At this point to continue to improve my confidence and grace while climbing. I want to achieve that beautiful fluidity that really good climbers all seem to possess

Can I come back and update this later? LOL

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