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Old Climbers ?
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Apr 17, 2008, 8:09 AM
Post #26 of 49 (1166 views)

Registered: Jan 29, 2008
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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. Take the flames in stride.
3. I started 3 months 40

Some advice, IMHO...
1. Take at least 20 minutes to warm up. Walk/Run, stretch (search the site, good exercises here)
2. Engage people where you are climbing. Don't offer tips on climbing a route, but talk to people. You'll find more people will talk back and less people who don't give a crap.
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys


Apr 17, 2008, 9:40 AM
Post #27 of 49 (1154 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2005
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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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46 now... climbed for 20 plus years... terrible arthritis... shoulder surgery... hip replacement in the near future... had a hang nail once...


Apr 17, 2008, 9:58 AM
Post #28 of 49 (1151 views)

Registered: Oct 26, 2007
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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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I know a guy who started climbing in his 60's..He went for the first time with his grandson on a family holiday. His wife thought they would spend their retirement together so she's a bit dissapointed. Now in his 80's he top ropes mainly..last time i saw him he was on a 5.11d.

30's is young! have fun.


Apr 17, 2008, 10:32 AM
Post #29 of 49 (1150 views)

Registered: Oct 19, 2007
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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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congratulations on the weight loss!

only advice i can give is my experience

climb outside as much as possible

climb because it is fun, and don`t let anyone say different it is about numbers or i would not climb

not directly the number but how the number grade challenges me to do better

it is a way of life not a hobby to be done with ease

go at it like you have never done anything so great before

it will humble u, spank u, cause u to curse, leave u wanting more and cause you to meet yourself like never before

i am 44 and feel that life is passing me by because i live in a shitty wet place, where ever u are climb with cool people who challenge u
and make it fun!

blessing on your new endeavor
be careful and always put knots in the ends of the rope when on rappel


Apr 17, 2008, 12:27 PM
Post #30 of 49 (1127 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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over thirty!!? Shocked watch it sonnyboy!
58 and still pullin down (among other things) Smile
albeit, still @ 5.9 Unsure hell, i think i popped ah pully, the other night, BOWLING! Crazy

Partner rrrADAM

Apr 17, 2008, 3:13 PM
Post #31 of 49 (1099 views)

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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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The guy on the left, Joe, giving Robert and I beta on this climb was 56 when this pic was taken. He was likely in better shape than both of us, and a better climber. He's over 60 now, and I'm 41.

Partner macherry

Apr 17, 2008, 3:24 PM
Post #32 of 49 (1093 views)

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Re: [rrrADAM] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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i started climbing in my 40's no big deal


Apr 17, 2008, 4:55 PM
Post #33 of 49 (1089 views)

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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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I started at 17; I'm 53 now and still climbing.

Here's a photo of Fred Beckey (by Eric Draper) from one of last year's Patagonia catalogs. He's in his mid-80's:

So you tell us - is 37 too old?


Apr 17, 2008, 11:34 PM
Post #34 of 49 (1057 views)

Registered: Sep 9, 2006
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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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Give it up fat boy ( just kidding ok ) Im 50 and hope to do more climbing then I have done in my whole life, before I croak ! When ever I read about guys who are in their 60- 80's and still at it, is a great inspiration for me. Go for it !! And congrats on the weight loss


Apr 18, 2008, 3:48 AM
Post #35 of 49 (1049 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [marc801] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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marc801 wrote:
I started at 17; I'm 53 now and still climbing.

Here's a photo of Fred Beckey (by Eric Draper) from one of last year's Patagonia catalogs. He's in his mid-80's [with more first ascents to his name than probably everyone who frequents this site COMBINED!]:

So you tell us - is 37 too old?

Uh, fixed that a bit for ya.

Ya know, Fred started climbing in the 30's, IIRC.

That's the 1930's, BTW.


Apr 18, 2008, 4:05 AM
Post #36 of 49 (1042 views)

Registered: Jan 2, 2003
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Re: [stymingersfink] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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Look on the bright side...You don't need to look back on what you used to be able to climb in your younger days and feel inadequate by comparison.

If you need to be the baddest dad at the crags, your age might be a hinderence. But your attitude might hone you faster than if you just don't give a scheiss.


Apr 20, 2008, 11:59 PM
Post #37 of 49 (991 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2004
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Re: [asiaclimber] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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a little off topic: has a new "ignore" feature. if 30 people vote that some nutjob is wasting everyone's time on the site, that individual is removed.

i think that would be a good feature for


Apr 21, 2008, 5:14 PM
Post #38 of 49 (967 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2006
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Re: [linejudge] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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linejudge wrote:
1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. stuff i erased
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys

definitely congrats on wait loss. dont take stfu n00b seriously.
and as to hittin on the young ladies...the reason the guys get mad is cause the chicks keep tellin them about the cree-pee old guy who cant keep his tongue in his mouth.


Apr 21, 2008, 5:17 PM
Post #39 of 49 (965 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2005
Posts: 2316

Re: [kyleshea] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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kyleshea wrote:
linejudge wrote:
1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. stuff i erased
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys

definitely congrats on wait loss. dont take stfu n00b seriously.
and as to hittin on the young ladies...the reason the guys get mad is cause the chicks keep tellin them about the cree-pee old guy who cant keep his tongue in his mouth.

How'd you get in the loop on that? usually chicks try to keep rumors behind the cree-pee old guy's back. Its funnier that way.


Apr 21, 2008, 6:37 PM
Post #40 of 49 (947 views)

Registered: Jan 29, 2008
Posts: 15

Re: [kyleshea] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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How to tell if you are the creepy old guy...

Can't find anyone? You're ITCool


Apr 21, 2008, 6:45 PM
Post #41 of 49 (939 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2006
Posts: 1716

Re: [bizarrodrinker] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
linejudge wrote:
1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. stuff i erased
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys

definitely congrats on wait loss. dont take stfu n00b seriously.
and as to hittin on the young ladies...the reason the guys get mad is cause the chicks keep tellin them about the cree-pee old guy who cant keep his tongue in his mouth.

How'd you get in the loop on that? usually chicks try to keep rumors behind the cree-pee old guy's back. Its funnier that way.

surprisingly enuff i was not the cree-pee old guy. i was at times the savior from the cree-pee old guy.
you know, the type of cree-pee old guy who feeds beerz to young girls and tells you that you owe him the next day cause you were talkin to that chick all night.
or the cree-pee old guy who only climbs with young n00b girls, and they rarely climb with him a second time.
or the cree-pee old guy who you think may be striking up a conversation with a girl at the bar, and you think, wow, good for him, maybe he kept his tongue in his face when he talks to her, only to look back a minute later to see her leap from her barstool and place it in between the two of them so he cant continue to grab her.
the type of cree-pee old guy that you thought was an ok guy at first, but then are embarrassed to admit you know cause of how he acts, thinkin people might consider that you condone or partake in the types of activities he does.
oh, wait, thats all the same cree-pee old guy.


Apr 21, 2008, 6:58 PM
Post #42 of 49 (932 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2005
Posts: 2316

Re: [kyleshea] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
linejudge wrote:
1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. stuff i erased
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys

definitely congrats on wait loss. dont take stfu n00b seriously.
and as to hittin on the young ladies...the reason the guys get mad is cause the chicks keep tellin them about the cree-pee old guy who cant keep his tongue in his mouth.

How'd you get in the loop on that? usually chicks try to keep rumors behind the cree-pee old guy's back. Its funnier that way.

surprisingly enuff i was not the cree-pee old guy. i was at times the savior from the cree-pee old guy.
you know, the type of cree-pee old guy who feeds beerz to young girls and tells you that you owe him the next day cause you were talkin to that chick all night.
or the cree-pee old guy who only climbs with young n00b girls, and they rarely climb with him a second time.
or the cree-pee old guy who you think may be striking up a conversation with a girl at the bar, and you think, wow, good for him, maybe he kept his tongue in his face when he talks to her, only to look back a minute later to see her leap from her barstool and place it in between the two of them so he cant continue to grab her.
the type of cree-pee old guy that you thought was an ok guy at first, but then are embarrassed to admit you know cause of how he acts, thinkin people might consider that you condone or partake in the types of activities he does.
oh, wait, thats all the same cree-pee old guy.

Oh THAT cree-pee old guy...yea you aren't that guy. At least that I know of.


Apr 21, 2008, 7:05 PM
Post #43 of 49 (926 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2006
Posts: 1716

Re: [bizarrodrinker] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
linejudge wrote:
1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. stuff i erased
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys

definitely congrats on wait loss. dont take stfu n00b seriously.
and as to hittin on the young ladies...the reason the guys get mad is cause the chicks keep tellin them about the cree-pee old guy who cant keep his tongue in his mouth.

How'd you get in the loop on that? usually chicks try to keep rumors behind the cree-pee old guy's back. Its funnier that way.

surprisingly enuff i was not the cree-pee old guy. i was at times the savior from the cree-pee old guy.
you know, the type of cree-pee old guy who feeds beerz to young girls and tells you that you owe him the next day cause you were talkin to that chick all night.
or the cree-pee old guy who only climbs with young n00b girls, and they rarely climb with him a second time.
or the cree-pee old guy who you think may be striking up a conversation with a girl at the bar, and you think, wow, good for him, maybe he kept his tongue in his face when he talks to her, only to look back a minute later to see her leap from her barstool and place it in between the two of them so he cant continue to grab her.
the type of cree-pee old guy that you thought was an ok guy at first, but then are embarrassed to admit you know cause of how he acts, thinkin people might consider that you condone or partake in the types of activities he does.
oh, wait, thats all the same cree-pee old guy.

Oh THAT cree-pee old guy...yea you aren't that guy. At least that I know of.

hehe, not yet!


Apr 21, 2008, 7:29 PM
Post #44 of 49 (919 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2005
Posts: 2316

Re: [kyleshea] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
linejudge wrote:
1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. stuff i erased
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys

definitely congrats on wait loss. dont take stfu n00b seriously.
and as to hittin on the young ladies...the reason the guys get mad is cause the chicks keep tellin them about the cree-pee old guy who cant keep his tongue in his mouth.

How'd you get in the loop on that? usually chicks try to keep rumors behind the cree-pee old guy's back. Its funnier that way.

surprisingly enuff i was not the cree-pee old guy. i was at times the savior from the cree-pee old guy.
you know, the type of cree-pee old guy who feeds beerz to young girls and tells you that you owe him the next day cause you were talkin to that chick all night.
or the cree-pee old guy who only climbs with young n00b girls, and they rarely climb with him a second time.
or the cree-pee old guy who you think may be striking up a conversation with a girl at the bar, and you think, wow, good for him, maybe he kept his tongue in his face when he talks to her, only to look back a minute later to see her leap from her barstool and place it in between the two of them so he cant continue to grab her.
the type of cree-pee old guy that you thought was an ok guy at first, but then are embarrassed to admit you know cause of how he acts, thinkin people might consider that you condone or partake in the types of activities he does.
oh, wait, thats all the same cree-pee old guy.

Oh THAT cree-pee old guy...yea you aren't that guy. At least that I know of.

hehe, not yet!

I was prepared to let you add that little caveat. hehe!Tongue


Apr 21, 2008, 7:34 PM
Post #45 of 49 (917 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2006
Posts: 1716

Re: [bizarrodrinker] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
linejudge wrote:
1. Congrats on losing the weight.
2. stuff i erased
3. Flirt with the young pisses off the college guys

definitely congrats on wait loss. dont take stfu n00b seriously.
and as to hittin on the young ladies...the reason the guys get mad is cause the chicks keep tellin them about the cree-pee old guy who cant keep his tongue in his mouth.

How'd you get in the loop on that? usually chicks try to keep rumors behind the cree-pee old guy's back. Its funnier that way.

surprisingly enuff i was not the cree-pee old guy. i was at times the savior from the cree-pee old guy.
you know, the type of cree-pee old guy who feeds beerz to young girls and tells you that you owe him the next day cause you were talkin to that chick all night.
or the cree-pee old guy who only climbs with young n00b girls, and they rarely climb with him a second time.
or the cree-pee old guy who you think may be striking up a conversation with a girl at the bar, and you think, wow, good for him, maybe he kept his tongue in his face when he talks to her, only to look back a minute later to see her leap from her barstool and place it in between the two of them so he cant continue to grab her.
the type of cree-pee old guy that you thought was an ok guy at first, but then are embarrassed to admit you know cause of how he acts, thinkin people might consider that you condone or partake in the types of activities he does.
oh, wait, thats all the same cree-pee old guy.

Oh THAT cree-pee old guy...yea you aren't that guy. At least that I know of.

hehe, not yet!

I was prepared to let you add that little caveat. hehe!Tongue

staying true to my future curmudgeoness, whether or not you were prepared for my posting that is of no relevance to me.Wink


Apr 21, 2008, 7:52 PM
Post #46 of 49 (907 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [pentapitch] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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pentapitch wrote:
a little off topic: has a new "ignore" feature. if 30 people vote that some nutjob is wasting everyone's time on the site, that individual is removed.

i think that would be a good feature for
second that. It'll probably get ignored though, just like all the other really good suggestions.


Apr 21, 2008, 7:57 PM
Post #47 of 49 (900 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2006
Posts: 1716

Re: [stymingersfink] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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stymingersfink wrote:
pentapitch wrote:
a little off topic: has a new "ignore" feature. if 30 people vote that some nutjob is wasting everyone's time on the site, that individual is removed.

i think that would be a good feature for
second that. It'll probably get ignored though, just like all the other really good suggestions. meets survivor or some shit? i think it would get rather ugly rather quick with a system like that hear. there would be nobody left.


Apr 22, 2008, 3:49 AM
Post #48 of 49 (878 views)

Registered: Dec 8, 2007
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Re: [PvtStash] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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Well glad to know starting at 40 is not too old. I just started in Dec. '07 and have since turned 41, but I am now in the best shape of my life. I love this sport!!!


Apr 22, 2008, 4:07 AM
Post #49 of 49 (875 views)

Registered: May 17, 2007
Posts: 96

Re: [majid_sabet] Old Climbers ? [In reply to]
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majid_sabet wrote:
Do not worry about these college boys insulting older people. As*holes have no respect but they always get their as8es kicked in the real rock by old timers.

I have to agree, even though I am in college I wouldn't classify myself as a frat boy or any of that BS but there are plenty of fakers out there trying to act all hard when in reality I have seen more than enough wrinkly old guys with solid stem cams out climbing me, my friends, and all the other 20 year olds. The trick is being cool to them because if you are they will be cool right back and usually you can learn something; if not about climbing then about life.

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