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You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when...
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Mar 19, 2009, 1:59 PM
Post #151 of 168 (1508 views)

Registered: Feb 11, 2005
Posts: 1709

Re: [scienceguy288] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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scienceguy288 wrote:
boymeetsrock wrote:
scienceguy288 wrote:
boymeetsrock wrote:
dingus wrote:

But I didn't come here to talk about that. I came to talk about the draft.


You remember "climbing" this is a "thread" about "climbing.'

Not getting the joke?

Apparently YOU aren't getting the joke.Crazy Dingus did.

"Remember Alice? This is a song about Alice." (Altered only slightly to fit the thread.) Tongue

Ah, sorry 'bout that. Didn't quite get the connection at first.

Well here's one for ya:

When somebody says that you HAVE to fix the roof this weekend and can't go climbing you "wanna kill...Kill...KILL!"

Pleast note that this is NOT a threat. Listen to Alice's Restaurant by Arlo guthrie and then you will understand half of these posts.

And the Sargent came in, and we were all jumping up and down saying kill... Kill... KILL!!


Mar 19, 2009, 2:00 PM
Post #152 of 168 (1507 views)

Registered: Feb 11, 2005
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Re: [boymeetsrock] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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When you keep hanging around this thread even though you haven't climbed in so long that you really have nothing to add...Crazy


Mar 20, 2009, 4:55 AM
Post #153 of 168 (1486 views)

Registered: Mar 20, 2009
Posts: 102

Re: [rainman0915] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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rainman0915 wrote:
when your constantly plotting routes to the tops of all the buildings you visit

Guilty as charged.

Oh, and it seems that there is a bit of an inside, reoccuring joke on this thread.

You know you are obsessed with climbing when...

You take a half a ton of climbing gear, put it in the back of a red VW
microbus, take biners and chalk and implements of destruction and headed
on toward the local crag.

Well you got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across the
gate saying, "Closed on Thanksgiving." And you had never heard of a crag
closed on Thanksgiving before, and with tears in your eyes you drove off
into the sunset looking for another place to climb.

You didn't find one. Until you came to a side road, and off the side of the
side road there was another 50 foot cliff so you decide to climb there.


Mar 20, 2009, 8:04 PM
Post #154 of 168 (1459 views)

Registered: Mar 19, 2009
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Re: [amigo25zmy] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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amigo25zmy wrote:
petsfed wrote:
amigo25zmy wrote:
You are at the gym at least 15 minutes before its open on a regular basis.

As someone who works at a climbing wall, let me simply say that I hate you for arbitarily making me feel bad for showing up on time (which is to say, the same time you got there). You could've left 15 minutes later, but no, you had to be there first, and nothing makes a customer service rep feel worse than a customer they are not allowed to help yet.

Open sooner. Our gym doesn't open til 12 during the week, 10 on weekends. They need to open by 9 at least.

I work at a gym that opens at 6am and we have this problem too.

and you're not really obsessed with climbing until you quit your job and buy a van


Mar 20, 2009, 8:19 PM
Post #155 of 168 (1449 views)

Registered: Nov 17, 2005
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Re: [Varanuschris] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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5 more months and then I'm spend 1 year on the road!!!!


Mar 20, 2009, 8:25 PM
Post #156 of 168 (1447 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [Varanuschris] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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Varanuschris wrote:
amigo25zmy wrote:
petsfed wrote:
amigo25zmy wrote:
You are at the gym at least 15 minutes before its open on a regular basis.

As someone who works at a climbing wall, let me simply say that I hate you for arbitarily making me feel bad for showing up on time (which is to say, the same time you got there). You could've left 15 minutes later, but no, you had to be there first, and nothing makes a customer service rep feel worse than a customer they are not allowed to help yet.

Open sooner. Our gym doesn't open til 12 during the week, 10 on weekends. They need to open by 9 at least.

I work at a gym that opens at 6am and we have this problem too.

and you're not really obsessed with climbing until you quit your job and buy a van
What if you quit your job and don't buy a van since the van would cost precious climbing gear/food money?

Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.


Mar 20, 2009, 8:43 PM
Post #157 of 168 (1442 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2006
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Re: [sungam] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.
this would be any trad climber, obsessed or not! unless your pulling 6 figures a year who could afford a BMW, fillet Mignon and double sets of c4s?


Mar 20, 2009, 8:49 PM
Post #158 of 168 (1440 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [patmay81] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.
this would be any trad climber, obsessed or not! unless your pulling 6 figures a year who could afford a BMW, fillet Mignon and double sets of c4s?
Did I hear Curt come in?


Mar 20, 2009, 8:56 PM
Post #159 of 168 (1438 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2006
Posts: 1081

Re: [sungam] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.
this would be any trad climber, obsessed or not! unless your pulling 6 figures a year who could afford a BMW, fillet Mignon and double sets of c4s?
Did I hear Curt come in?
does he drive a beemer, eat $20 steak and climb exclusively on bd? If so, I'm not sure he qualifies as a trad climber.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:05 PM
Post #160 of 168 (1436 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [patmay81] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.
this would be any trad climber, obsessed or not! unless your pulling 6 figures a year who could afford a BMW, fillet Mignon and double sets of c4s?
Did I hear Curt come in?
does he drive a beemer, eat $20 steak and climb exclusively on bd? If so, I'm not sure he qualifies as a trad climber.
He drives a toyota hybrid, ate various foods, all of which were tasty, and climbed on a bunch of stuff.
I'd say that he's pretty much a badass, btw.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:25 PM
Post #161 of 168 (1435 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2006
Posts: 1081

Re: [sungam] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.
this would be any trad climber, obsessed or not! unless your pulling 6 figures a year who could afford a BMW, fillet Mignon and double sets of c4s?
Did I hear Curt come in?
does he drive a beemer, eat $20 steak and climb exclusively on bd? If so, I'm not sure he qualifies as a trad climber.
He drives a toyota hybrid, ate various foods, all of which were tasty, and climbed on a bunch of stuff.
I'd say that he's pretty much a badass, btw.
ok badassness pretty much trumps and fancy car/food one could aquire. with enough badassness a climber doesn't need expensive gear!


Mar 20, 2009, 9:30 PM
Post #162 of 168 (1432 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [sungam] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.
this would be any trad climber, obsessed or not! unless your pulling 6 figures a year who could afford a BMW, fillet Mignon and double sets of c4s?
Did I hear Curt come in?
does he drive a beemer, eat $20 steak and climb exclusively on bd? If so, I'm not sure he qualifies as a trad climber.
He drives a toyota hybrid, ate various foods, all of which were tasty, and climbed on a bunch of stuff.
I'd say that he's pretty much a badass, btw.

But he mostly boulders anymore. Boulders harder than me, when he forgets his shoes and has to buy a new pair.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:32 PM
Post #163 of 168 (1428 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2006
Posts: 1081

Re: [petsfed] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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petsfed wrote:
sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
patmay81 wrote:
sungam wrote:
Here's another - when you eat shit and drive a rust-mobile but insist on paying extra to have the best climbing gear.
this would be any trad climber, obsessed or not! unless your pulling 6 figures a year who could afford a BMW, fillet Mignon and double sets of c4s?
Did I hear Curt come in?
does he drive a beemer, eat $20 steak and climb exclusively on bd? If so, I'm not sure he qualifies as a trad climber.
He drives a toyota hybrid, ate various foods, all of which were tasty, and climbed on a bunch of stuff.
I'd say that he's pretty much a badass, btw.

But he mostly boulders anymore. Boulders harder than me, when he forgets his shoes and has to buy a new pair.
Well assuming he is as badass as has been implied, he would probably boulder barefoot... highball v12+. Sorry if I'm jumping to conclusions about your badassness Curt.


Mar 31, 2009, 10:08 PM
Post #164 of 168 (1350 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2006
Posts: 1081

Re: [Rocknovice] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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Rocknovice wrote:
You get distracted during movies with scenes that contain climbable rock. This also includes nature programs. You then annoy all your non climbing friends and family by speculating on the possible grades.
ok, an amusing story about climbing/movies. After a day of climbing at Smith my sister and I went to see Race to Witch Mountain. Horrible movie, but Smith Rock was witch mountain, which I didn't realize until about half way thought the movie. The hilarious thing was that it is supposed to be some kind of top secret military base, and in one scene they are standing in front of one of the gorge boulders covered in climbing chalk! Apparently climbing is not prohibited near top secret military installations!
Is there any good climbing around the Roswell area?!? Wink


Apr 1, 2009, 6:27 PM
Post #165 of 168 (1296 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [patmay81] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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This just in-
You know you're a dirtbag climber when roadbikers riding by comment on your filthyness.
When push-starting your friend's POS car (no offense, jmenzies, but it IS a POS) becomes a casual experiance.
When considering where to park and what shops you can go to, push-starting considerations must be made.
When you look foreward to "gourmet dinner night" all week, which consists of two tins of chef-boy-ardee ravioli and some parm.


Apr 1, 2009, 11:46 PM
Post #166 of 168 (1281 views)

Registered: Feb 3, 2009
Posts: 9

Re: [sungam] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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when all you can think of is knee bar when driving with no hands


Apr 2, 2009, 5:38 AM
Post #167 of 168 (1257 views)

Registered: Feb 9, 2009
Posts: 85

Re: [mounacheese] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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When during the break up argument with your was girlfriend one of your retorts is "oh yeah, well you're a shitty belayer and I'd rather solo than have you as my partner!"


Apr 2, 2009, 6:03 PM
Post #168 of 168 (1226 views)

Registered: Dec 11, 2008
Posts: 233

Re: [bothomsen] You Know youre obsessed with rock climbing when... [In reply to]
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bothomsen wrote:
--- when you have to think "do i use open hand, crimp or pinch" when about to open your underwear draw
every time!

when you go to your friends party and are more interested in climbing that piller with the good crimp then you have to campus up to the beam heel hook that other beam then top out on the first beam\/ \/ \/

(This post was edited by rainman0915 on Apr 3, 2009, 2:15 AM)
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