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critique my diet?
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Aug 5, 2010, 12:45 AM
Post #1 of 40 (10316 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2010
Posts: 47

critique my diet?
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hey guys, i'm getting conflicting information from a few sources, from the net and from this site and i thought this is the best place to confirm what i should be eating.

From what i can gather most people don't do protein shakes? But i was thinking it'd probably be beneficial if not overnight then at least straight after a workout?

i have read that climbers need to focus mainly on eating loads of carbs and this does make sense but people say to focus mainly on carbs and not on how much protein you're getting.. when it comes to muscle recovery anyway, i understand that you need the energy but surely you need plenty of protein as well, say 10-20g per meal?.. But perhaps you don't need to focus on protein as well, because there's less muscle tearing than what you'd get building muscle size/strength at the gym? Anyway this is my diet atm (i've always been skinny so a lil fat doesn't hurt.. currently @ 73kg's, 6 foot tall, was 61kg's 6 foot start of last year) Also i don't plan on doing the whole vege thing that alot of you guys do, am a fair carnivore

Breakfast drink (up n go)- 20g protein + 20 carbs
morning tea - musli bar (24g protein) and some fruit (should i add some protein here, cheese for example)
Lunch - few rolls with roast beef or salami etc + banana + apple + musli bar
afternoon tea - Easy mac + cheese (yeh i know not great for u but has 40g carbs and 10 protein)
dinner - usually chicken or red meat + salad + some pasta or bread
snack before bed - few pieces of toast + vegemite or another easy mac.. might start having a shake here?

Also on fish oil tablets, magnesium, iron and a multi vitamin, anything i'm forgetting


(This post was edited by codral on Aug 5, 2010, 12:48 AM)


Aug 5, 2010, 12:48 AM
Post #2 of 40 (10312 views)

Registered: Nov 11, 2003
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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I'd add some beer to your diet. I never heard of an Australian male who didn't consume beer.


Aug 5, 2010, 12:49 AM
Post #3 of 40 (10310 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [smallclimber] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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oh yeh the beer goes without saying, am on the tinnies every other night, am jogging to counteract that a bit though haha


Aug 5, 2010, 2:39 AM
Post #4 of 40 (10237 views)

Registered: Dec 8, 2009
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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codral wrote:
oh yeh the beer goes without saying, am on the tinnies every other night, am jogging to counteract that a bit though haha


Do you like the taste of beer with your aluminium?

I'm not saying go out and drink some fancy poofterish beer, but at least drink something out of a bottle, even if it's Carlton Cold (actually, in that case the aluminium taste might be an advantage)...


Aug 5, 2010, 2:50 AM
Post #5 of 40 (10227 views)

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Re: [davidnn5] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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well it depends on the beer, vb tastes better out of a can and draught does too i reckon.. cold they've dropped alcohol content on so it's almost light beer now, really light flavour too.. i just got into the habit of drinking tinnies cos they don't smash if they're in a car or ur out somewhere, i do prefer the taste of bottled stuff with any other beer


Aug 5, 2010, 3:36 AM
Post #6 of 40 (10213 views)

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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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Overthink much?


Aug 5, 2010, 3:47 AM
Post #7 of 40 (10206 views)

Registered: Jul 31, 2010
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Re: [TarHeelEMT] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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fuck your diet. just get on the piss as much as humanly possible, all day long.


Aug 5, 2010, 4:23 AM
Post #8 of 40 (10191 views)

Registered: Dec 8, 2009
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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codral wrote:
well it depends on the beer, vb tastes better out of a can and draught does too i reckon.. cold they've dropped alcohol content on so it's almost light beer now, really light flavour too.. i just got into the habit of drinking tinnies cos they don't smash if they're in a car or ur out somewhere, i do prefer the taste of bottled stuff with any other beer

You need to buy a shotgun, lose a few teeth, change your name to Buford, and move to Texas. Whatever you do, don't drive anywhere near where I walk please!



Aug 5, 2010, 5:23 AM
Post #9 of 40 (10164 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [davidnn5] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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haha did mean for snow and beach trips etc, not a big drink driver, fair not bogan at all just like my piss..

I am only thinking about my diet because it was the thing really holding me back when i was going to the gym a few years ago, barely got any progress for the first 6 months then when i started paying attention to my diet i started getting heaps bigger.. was assuming climbing was the same


Aug 5, 2010, 8:51 AM
Post #10 of 40 (10136 views)

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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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What exactly are you trying to do?

Did you just start climbing?

do you want to become a pro climber?

Or do you just want to become a tad stronger, so that you simply have a bigger number of routes to enjoy?

As far as i see it, 99% of climbers do not car much about their "diet". Just make sure that you are not eating overly bad and you are fine. I even know some people that go to burger king about 5 times per week (always after climbing) and they still pull hard.

Protein shakes? WTF man!



Aug 5, 2010, 9:00 AM
Post #11 of 40 (10133 views)

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Re: [qwert] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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Yeah but like, you don't even climb, because your profile says you have no ascents!

Anyhow, what's wrong with my protein shake?


Aug 5, 2010, 1:07 PM
Post #12 of 40 (10086 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [davidnn5] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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well i used to climb years ago (mainly indoor, fair bit of random outdoor stuff too)and have just started again.. basically i plan on getting really good at it, at the moment my first goal is deep water soloing in thailand at the end of the year.. and make it up some of the more difficult climbs

i only have bulking powder atm so i might ditch that , get some low calorie one and start gunning a shake after workout.. Just assumed people were more fullon about diet like alot of gym goers are.. guess it's not as vital, possibly because it's not all about size or something along those lines

(This post was edited by codral on Aug 5, 2010, 1:08 PM)


Aug 5, 2010, 1:48 PM
Post #13 of 40 (10064 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2001
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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I might be stating the obvious here, but yeah, I don't think most climbers focus on size. If anything, it leans in the opposite direction. Muscle is heavy. The more weight you are trying to drag up the wall, the harder it is.

If the gym where you climb is anything like the one where I climb, I see the skinny dudes and chicks with next to zero fat pulling the hard moves.

That might explain your experience with most of them focusing on carbs. They don't want to build muscle so much but they need the quick energy.


Aug 5, 2010, 2:01 PM
Post #14 of 40 (10061 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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codral wrote:
hey guys, i'm getting conflicting information from a few sources, from the net and from this site and i thought this is the best place to confirm what i should be eating.

From what i can gather most people don't do protein shakes? But i was thinking it'd probably be beneficial if not overnight then at least straight after a workout?

i have read that climbers need to focus mainly on eating loads of carbs and this does make sense but people say to focus mainly on carbs and not on how much protein you're getting.. when it comes to muscle recovery anyway, i understand that you need the energy but surely you need plenty of protein as well, say 10-20g per meal?.. But perhaps you don't need to focus on protein as well, because there's less muscle tearing than what you'd get building muscle size/strength at the gym? Anyway this is my diet atm (i've always been skinny so a lil fat doesn't hurt.. currently @ 73kg's, 6 foot tall, was 61kg's 6 foot start of last year) Also i don't plan on doing the whole vege thing that alot of you guys do, am a fair carnivore

Breakfast drink (up n go)- 20g protein + 20 carbs
morning tea - musli bar (24g protein) and some fruit (should i add some protein here, cheese for example)
Lunch - few rolls with roast beef or salami etc + banana + apple + musli bar
afternoon tea - Easy mac + cheese (yeh i know not great for u but has 40g carbs and 10 protein)
dinner - usually chicken or red meat + salad + some pasta or bread
snack before bed - few pieces of toast + vegemite or another easy mac.. might start having a shake here?

Also on fish oil tablets, magnesium, iron and a multi vitamin, anything i'm forgetting


Your diet is too high in saturated fat; protein; low-quality, refined carbohydrates; and probably total calories; and apparently devoid of fresh vegetables. In addition, if you are male, you should not take an iron supplement, except to treat physician-diagnosed anemia. For magnesium, try eating vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains, instead of macaroni and cheese and magnesium supplements.



Aug 5, 2010, 3:19 PM
Post #15 of 40 (10021 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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codral wrote:
hey guys, i'm getting conflicting information from a few sources, from the net and from this site and i thought this is the best place to confirm what i should be eating.

From what i can gather most people don't do protein shakes? But i was thinking it'd probably be beneficial if not overnight then at least straight after a workout?

i have read that climbers need to focus mainly on eating loads of carbs and this does make sense but people say to focus mainly on carbs and not on how much protein you're getting.. when it comes to muscle recovery anyway, i understand that you need the energy but surely you need plenty of protein as well, say 10-20g per meal?.. But perhaps you don't need to focus on protein as well, because there's less muscle tearing than what you'd get building muscle size/strength at the gym? Anyway this is my diet atm (i've always been skinny so a lil fat doesn't hurt.. currently @ 73kg's, 6 foot tall, was 61kg's 6 foot start of last year) Also i don't plan on doing the whole vege thing that alot of you guys do, am a fair carnivore

Breakfast drink (up n go)- 20g protein + 20 carbs
morning tea - musli bar (24g protein) and some fruit (should i add some protein here, cheese for example)
Lunch - few rolls with roast beef or salami etc + banana + apple + musli bar
afternoon tea - Easy mac + cheese (yeh i know not great for u but has 40g carbs and 10 protein)
dinner - usually chicken or red meat + salad + some pasta or bread
snack before bed - few pieces of toast + vegemite or another easy mac.. might start having a shake here?

Also on fish oil tablets, magnesium, iron and a multi vitamin, anything i'm forgetting


Wait, you gained 12 kg in a YEAR? (That's 26 lb, for the general audience here)

Sorry, dude, your diet sucks. And you won't be "skinny" very long if you continue with your mix of protein shakes, carbs, fat and beer.


Aug 5, 2010, 3:58 PM
Post #16 of 40 (9993 views)

Registered: Feb 24, 2009
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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codral wrote:
hey guys, i'm getting conflicting information from a few sources, from the net and from this site and i thought this is the best place to confirm what i should be eating.

From what i can gather most people don't do protein shakes? But i was thinking it'd probably be beneficial if not overnight then at least straight after a workout?

i have read that climbers need to focus mainly on eating loads of carbs and this does make sense but people say to focus mainly on carbs and not on how much protein you're getting.. when it comes to muscle recovery anyway, i understand that you need the energy but surely you need plenty of protein as well, say 10-20g per meal?.. But perhaps you don't need to focus on protein as well, because there's less muscle tearing than what you'd get building muscle size/strength at the gym? Anyway this is my diet atm (i've always been skinny so a lil fat doesn't hurt.. currently @ 73kg's, 6 foot tall, was 61kg's 6 foot start of last year) Also i don't plan on doing the whole vege thing that alot of you guys do, am a fair carnivore

Breakfast drink (up n go)- 20g protein + 20 carbs
morning tea - musli bar (24g protein) and some fruit (should i add some protein here, cheese for example)
Lunch - few rolls with roast beef or salami etc + banana + apple + musli bar
afternoon tea - Easy mac + cheese (yeh i know not great for u but has 40g carbs and 10 protein)
dinner - usually chicken or red meat + salad + some pasta or bread
snack before bed - few pieces of toast + vegemite or another easy mac.. might start having a shake here?

Also on fish oil tablets, magnesium, iron and a multi vitamin, anything i'm forgetting


So long as you get a bit of protein each day, you'll be fine; climbing is about staying lean, not getting big. Beyond that don't eat too much, and eat a balanced diet, and you'll be fine. At this stage you should be focusing on your technique and endurance, not your strength, so you don't need any super duper meal plan.


Aug 5, 2010, 9:17 PM
Post #17 of 40 (9948 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2006
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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skittles, velveta, mayonaise and cheap beer. if you really want to mix it up you can put it all together in a pot and call it stew. its just as good for breakfast as dinner.


Aug 5, 2010, 10:23 PM
Post #18 of 40 (9927 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [lena_chita] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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yeh i did, that was at the gym, and i was pushing pretty hard, eating a ton.. my diet was better there than it has ever been (now atm it's not great).. My diet doesn't have that much saturated fat at all.. has a little bit but fat isn't necessarily bad.. At 73kg's i'm still pretty skinny just not bordering on anorexic. I don't eat take away or drink coke or anything like that but even if i did that stuff won't really mess with your training.. even beer doesn't interfere with muscle growth on a large scale.

The last thing i'm worried about is putting on fat honestly, can never do that, at the moment the weight i have put on is all lean muscle (well, a lil bit of fat which i'm losing from running), body fat is at 9%.. Worked very hard to get to 73 kg's, wasn't easy at all, my entire family is skinny.. When i used to climb i was @ 31kg's, at about 16 years of age, ridiculously skinny, but i can see where you're coming from about not lifting more weight, was very easy back then

My diet i've listed is just average i'm not on an eating plan just been trying to eat extra carbs etc and it seems to be working (have gone from maximum 3 sets of 4 wide grip chinups on a grip board to 7 sets of 7 yesterday in about 10 weeks, just from climbing and using the board at the end of sessions)

I know alot of climbers are vegetarians and get their protein from lentils but yeh not really into that whole scene.. Just thought like any sport there'd be a set way of eating, i guess not! I'll stop eating as many carbs then i guess and protein, for a while, see if my recovery starts taking longer... Carbs and protein are both needed for muscle recovery (carbs are often overlooked too)

i've just moved home, have been living the bachelor life for ages and eating sketchy so that'll improve but.. I get leg cramps fairly often and magnesium helps a fair bit. Also am only on iron for the skin care benefits, which are noticeable in me, prob shouldn't have listed it

(This post was edited by codral on Aug 5, 2010, 10:30 PM)


Aug 9, 2010, 5:59 AM
Post #19 of 40 (9756 views)

Registered: Aug 9, 2010
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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Breakfast drink (up n go)- 20g protein + 20 carbs
morning tea - musli bar (24g protein) and some fruit (should i add some protein here, cheese for example)
Lunch - few rolls with roast beef or salami etc + banana + apple + musli bar
afternoon tea - Easy mac + cheese (yeh i know not great for u but has 40g carbs and 10 protein)
dinner - usually chicken or red meat + salad + some pasta or bread
snack before bed - few pieces of toast + vegemite or another easy mac.. might start having a shake here?
[url=]billig ed hardy kleidung
Also on fish oil tablets, magnesium, iron and a multi vitamin, anything i'm forgetting
[url=]billig ed hardy
Think this is very good
[url=]ed hardy perfume


Aug 9, 2010, 1:45 PM
Post #20 of 40 (9684 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2008
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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I use this to help me determine if my regular daily menu is at least on track.

Use the my pyramid tracker and you can follow your progress. It is not ideal but it is a good easy guide. Also I am not sure if vegemite will be on the list.


Aug 9, 2010, 10:43 PM
Post #21 of 40 (9600 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2008
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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Just food for thought.

One of my good friends eats ramen almost every meal and warms up of 5.12s...

After warm ups he moves up to 5.13ds.
all for like 5 bucks a week for food.


Aug 18, 2010, 5:42 AM
Post #22 of 40 (9399 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [chenhongjuan] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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is this guy a chinese shop bot or is he just calling me gay, bahaha


Aug 18, 2010, 10:10 AM
Post #23 of 40 (9361 views)

Registered: Jul 21, 2010
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Re: [codral] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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haha random, maybe go shopping for the latest skimpy fashion wear, so you can just 'look' bigger and trendier (gayer?) at the same time?
Don't be so pessimistic codral! Could be a quick fix, no?Tongue
BTW how goes the diet so far, found some balance yet?


Aug 18, 2010, 12:09 PM
Post #24 of 40 (9337 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [skyfurr] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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Haha yeh tempting as, not massive on male attention tho hey, but i mean can't possibly be gayer than the lycra some of the guys at my climbing gym wear hey haha

Um, been working interstate so steak and chips for most meals, beer in between for the last 10 days and managed to lose a bit of weight off my gut still so can't really complain.. Hate to see what my internal organs look like mind you, mind delay the diet until i get back haha

Partner camhead

Aug 18, 2010, 1:59 PM
Post #25 of 40 (9314 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
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Re: [jeepnphreak] critique my diet? [In reply to]
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jeepnphreak wrote:
Just food for thought.

One of my good friends eats ramen almost every meal and warms up of 5.12s...

After warm ups he moves up to 5.13ds.
all for like 5 bucks a week for food.

That's not food for thought. It's an anecdote. It tells us nothing.

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