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Oct 20, 2002, 3:10 AM
Post #51 of 143 (11913 views)

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Hey Ladies,

Decided I might as well join in on the fun... looks like you are having quite a bit of it over here

So what is your background (where do you live)? My name is Irina and I am originally from Kazakhstan (yes I grew up there), but I spent about 8 years in California and now I live in Pittsburgh working on my graduate degree. (lemme tell you , this grad school thing is really cutting into my climbing darnit

Favorite type of climbing? I love seconding trad and I really want to start leading it. Right now though I've been leading a lot of sport and love it! I prefer slabby climbs to overhangs but mainly because I have a bad shoulder.

Favorite places to climb and why? Yosemite Valley (I learned to climb there and I lived around there for two years... its home... )

Technical expertise? Ummm not been climbing too long and not a very strong climber (yet) I can lead sport up to a 10a/b or so but that's a struggle. Working hard though

Fears? my shoulder subluxing on lead (happened a couple of times and its always been terrifying and ultra painful), and falling... loosing belief in my ability to get things done...

Challenges overcome? I am not afraid of heights anymore and I am climbing and leading despite a screwed up shoulder! yay!

Accomplishments? Seconding the regular route on fairview dome clean! getting my friends into climbing successfully and... well... I am very very proud of my life in general, I think its my biggest accomplishment... where I am at right now and the road that I went through to get here. The fact that I really do not regret anything, in fact, I am very thankful for all the experiences that I have had and all the incredible people that I have had the privelege to meet.

Goals - to climb, and to be me for whatever that's worth oh yeah... and to change the world even if in some really really minor and small way ...


Nov 8, 2002, 10:53 PM
Post #52 of 143 (11913 views)

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First of all, this topic is awesome - great idea! I don't know why it took me so long to find it...

Anyway, here goes...

So what is your background (where do you live)?

I live outside Boston, but I'm originally from upstate NY, and have lived in Michigan, Cincinnati, and NYC.

Favorite type of climbing?

I love both sport and trad. I intend to try ice climbing this winter, and hopefully get in to some aid (at least to help with the trad leading)

Favorite places to climb and why?

Yosemite because its awesome
Rumney because its also great and its CLOSE
Anywhere outdoors on real rock (don't get me wrong - I'm in the gym twice a week)

Technical expertise?

Um....just did my first trad lead last week....other than that, the usual - top rope setup, sport leading, anchors, etc....


I'm too stupid to have fear. Actually, I am afraid of getting seriously hurt, or having one of my friends get hurt, but so far it hasn't translated into a fear while actually on the rock....yet....

Challenges overcome?

The biggest challenge I've had in my recent past is getting to know people in Boston. I live outside Boston, and work even further outside Boston so meeting people wasn't easy. But actually, once I got back in to climbing, I've had no problems meeting people


I climbed two Yosemite classics on my 30th birthday (Bishop's Terrace and Nutcracker) AND did my first trad lead. People thought I was crazy to fly out to Cali to climb for a day and a half, but I figured you only turn 30 once, right?

I also attempted to sport lead a 5.10a and took my first lead fall without getting freaked out - could have finished the route but I jammed my ankle


To climb as hard or harder than the guys I climb with now. Actually, right now my long term (greater than 2 yr) goal is to be a guide. I know its no money, but its doing something I love!


I'm hoping to head out to Potrero in Jan or Feb to climb - probably head down by myself but hopefully I can meet up with some of you and climb!!


[ This Message was edited by: ejlim on 2002-11-08 14:54 ]


Nov 10, 2002, 12:46 AM
Post #53 of 143 (11913 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?
San Francisco Bay area (Peninsula)

Favorite type of climbing?
long trad multipitch

Favorite places to climb and why?
gunks - learned to climb there
Tahoe - beautiful granite, beautiful Sierra, not as intimidating as Yosemite

Technical expertise?
trad lead
anchors and placing gear

lots and lots. I am battling serious climbing anxiety right now

Challenges overcome?
Took a lead fall and got hurt, could not walk for a week, in pain for 4 weeks, and did not heal for a year. Got back on the horse that threw me, and started leading again.
Breast cancer at a very young age (32, I am now 36, which stopped my from climbing for two years.

Getting back into climbing after cancer
Getting back into leading after falling and getting hurt.

manage my fear
do at least one big wall in my lifetime
fall again on gear and not get hurt this time

I would be interested to hear from other women who have come back to climbing after a serious injury or illness. PM me or post on

rock on


Nov 13, 2002, 10:27 PM
Post #54 of 143 (11913 views)

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Hello people,
I just registered today, so this topic is very a propos. I just started climbing regularly this past May. I've been training in the gym and trying to get outside on the weekends. I climb at Boston Rock Gym on Tues and Thurs (in case any of you do too).

My favorite type of climbing is technical face climbing. I hate crack climbs (ouch!) and suffer through the Gunks roofs merely because they are an impediment to getting to the top.

I've only been outside at the Gunks, Rumney, North Conway, and Quincy Quarries. Everytime I go to the Gunks, I'm amazed by the jugs and multitude of climbs. I really love it there, but Rumney is cool too because it's so quick to jump on and off Sport climbs. I just went to the Gunks this past weekend and did Modern Times, Directissima, and High E. My forearms were so pumped after pulling the Modern Times Roof!

I am so afraid of whippers- the ones on traverses are the worst. I also don't like the first 15 feet of any climb because if you fall you could go crashing onto the rocks at the base. It's just a mental thing.

My biggest accomplishment is getting comfortable rappelling, since I have a huge fear of heights. It's okay going up, though.

Right now, my goal is to start leading trad and following 5.11 trad by the end of next summer. I'm so tired of relying on the boys to lead! Fortunately, I'm training with 2 girls right now and we're gonna kick ass by next year.

Now, I just have to put together a rack...


Nov 19, 2002, 7:33 PM
Post #55 of 143 (11913 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I'm 30 and have been climbing for 1 year now. Growing up I never did anything athletic due to severe breathing problems. About 4 years ago my marriage fell apart. Because of that I decided to start hiking all over LA, AR, and TX. I was backpacking everywhere solo. Because of my love for nature and the desire to make a better life for my sons, I moved out to CO 2 years ago Last year took up climbing. My life has never been more enjoyable!

Favorite type of climbing?
Super long multipitch routes in the 5.6-5.9 range.

Favorite places to climb and why?
I have yet to climb in UT but that is about to change next week. My favorite so far has been Shelf Rd in CO and City of Rocks in ID. Shelf road because of the beautiful limestone and CoR because of the unique frictiony granite. I love the desert too but I haven't done a lot of climbing there.

Technical expertise? None

Fears? My greatest fear is failing to get over this 5.9 lead hump.

Challenges overcome? Getting my lead head right and becoming more balanced on the rock.

Accomplishments? To me, getting the nerve up to start leading. I'm not the most confident person in the world so starting off was hard. To some, its an everyday thing but to me it was a huge accomplishment.

Goals: To lead solid 10 by this summer. (Oh boy, now its in writing). And to turn my sons into total climbing junkies!

[ This Message was edited by: tracyroach on 2002-11-19 12:50 ]


Nov 26, 2002, 4:08 PM
Post #56 of 143 (11913 views)

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No one has posted here in awhile, but I'm new, so I thought I'd reply just to say hello.

So what is your background (where do you live)? I'm 22, originally from the northern suburbs of philly, but am living in maryland now because thats where my job is. I'm fresh out of college, and looking to move back to the philly area to be near my family. I've just started climbing in the last year, with my boyfriend (though I got him into it and not the other way around).

Favorite type of climbing? I'm still a gym rat and top-roping, so I guess thats my favorite type. I love slab climbing, because my teeny hands and feet are a big help with crimpers and jibs, and I don't have to worry about my lack of upperbody strength.

Favorite places to climb and why? Well, so far, I haven't been outside, but I climb at PRG (PA) and Earthtreks (MD), depending on which state I'm in. I like them both, but feel more wimpy at earthtreks, though I couldn't tell you why.

Technical expertise? None really, unless you count tieing in, belaying, and falling without any grace at all.

Fears? in climbing- breaking something when I take my not very graceful falls (and I only top-rope...someone should have an ambulance waiting when I start lead climbing). outside of climbing- I have a stupid fear of rats and sharks, don't ask me, I know its ridiculous.

Challenges overcome? Convincing my boyfriend that the walls aren't really that tall (he's afraid of heights), and convincing my dad that taking up climbing doesn't mean I've gone insane; he threatened to commit me if I try to climb Halfdome in Yosemite.

Accomplishments? None to speak of since I'm so new. I'm still happy when I get off the ground on a 5.7

Goals? I want to climb outside once spring returns, and I want to stop climbing with my arms so much.

So now you know. Hello all!


[ This Message was edited by: mwbtle on 2002-11-26 08:26 ]


Dec 16, 2002, 12:10 PM
Post #57 of 143 (11913 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?
My name is Penny,I am 19,I'm from Greece,live in Athens.Newbee in climbing...for almost 1 month and 30 days...Totally addicted in climbing since i was little...but i hadn't the opportunity to climb.But now i can't forget climbing at's in my mind all the time.
I'm a college student in the American College of Greece,studying probably management or computer systems,undecided...
First climb was in my college's indoor was great...

Favorite type of climbing?
Sport and like bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why?
Varibobi because it's near me...almost 1.30h from home.

Technical expertise?
the basic as i'm a beginer

Fear of not climbing etc.
I'm very pessimistic and that really don't helps in climbing...but i begin to be more optimistic...

Challenges overcome?
I was afraid of heights,but i overcame it...

to strength my arms more,i have a little bit weak right arm...hopefully it will get stronger!Oh,when i'll be very good in climbing,I want to go to United States for climbing and not only for that but also for studying...So California here i come...hopefully...!!!


[ This Message was edited by: josephine on 2002-12-16 04:17 ]


Dec 17, 2002, 3:25 AM
Post #58 of 143 (11913 views)

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>>So what is your background (where do you live)?

Born and raised in NY, same as the first post, very near the Gunks, but I have never climbed there! Did my undergrad in upstate NY and now I live in NC (chapel hill) doing graduate work in geology. I have done a lot of indoor climbing in NC, but only a tiny bit of outdoor stuff (Stone and Looking glass and bouldering at Umstead)

>>Favorite type of climbing?

Well, I have only top roped and followed trad. I don't think I am taking to bouldering although anytime I am hanging on rock I am happy!

>>Favorite places to climb and why?

Anywhere anyone will take me!

>>Technical expertise?

pretty much none. set up a top rope a few times under supervision, does that count!


uh, falling! hurting myself or someone else because I did something stupid!

>>Challenges overcome?

Well, I am 5'5" and 140lbs, not exactly a climbers body! so I have to work hard to overcome gravity!


Buying myself a new harness (I am cheap, plus I don't have anything impressive to write about!)


Getting my PhD! Moving out west! Climbing something better than a 5.7! gaining upper body strength!



Dec 27, 2002, 6:34 AM
Post #59 of 143 (11913 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)~
I am 25, live on Mexico-City, with my parents and i seek job, i study computational systems and i love climb.

Favorite type of climbing~
Sport climb and bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why~
Peña Bernal
Cerro Catedral
Las Mesas
why, i don't really know

Technical expertise~
Basic sport knowledge

Falling on lead.

Challenges overcome~


Would like to do routs in potrero chico


Dec 30, 2002, 6:36 AM
Post #60 of 143 (11913 views)

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Okay here we go

So what is your background (where do you live)? Right now I live in southern California, an hour north of LA [if any of you are from the area PM me...I'm always looking for people to climb with--Froggy, hopefully we'll get together soon!]. This summer I'll be working in Colorado. After that??????

Favorite type of climbing? sport for now. I'm working toward trad, slowly. I really love multipitch and want to get more experience there.

Favorite places to climb and why? I think my favorite places so far have been Alabama Hills, New Jack City and Echo Cliffs. Views of mountains and/or ocean while I climb or during the hike in inspire me and refresh me. I also like to go places where I don't have to wait in line to climb I honestly will climb anywhere though...however, the better the view, the better the memory. I feel like I earn the view by doing the climb....

Technical expertise? Confident belaying lead or toprope, setting up toprope and multipitch anchors, taking down climbs, following trad, leading sport, some self-rescue and rescue of others.... I can always learn more, for sure

Fears? Watching someone I know die or get badly hurt while climbing.

Challenges overcome? When I was in college I got really sick and was in the hospital for over a month. During the next 5 years I was in the hospital 2 more times, for over 2 wks both times. I had to quit school and wasn't sure I'd ever be able to do anything athletic again (the week before i was in the hospital I was training for a half marathon, the week after I could hardly walk around the block)...Now climbing and backpacking not only for fun but as a career is my biggest triumph ever.

Accomplishments? Running a marathon (3 years after the above event)

Goals Hike the Pacific Crest trail in its entirety. I WILL DO IT, I'm determined


Dec 31, 2002, 7:05 AM
Post #61 of 143 (11913 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)? I have lived in Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, Australia/New Zealand, and California. Have been mostly in Colorado for 15 years. I live on the western slope which is convienently located within numerous abundant climbing areas. I just finished a degree in History with minor in Art History working on a teaching licence and a second degree in English. Hope to teach Juvenile delinquents (ie special ed - resources). I have three daughters ages 8, 5, and 5, whom I share with my ex - all ofthe girls are learning to climb.

Favorite type of climbing? I love crack climbing (ie trad) Have been leading a few months now and am totally hooked although there are days when TR is more enjoyable still. Have definitely gotten hooked into the whole "check out my rack" thing.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Indian Creek, Utah - It's quiet, beautiful and loaded with potential climbs. Not to mention I can get there in less than 2 1/2 hours. Loved Yosemite last May and hope to go again this year.

Technical expertise? Leading 5.8 pretty comfortably, still falling on 5.9 but am game for anything. Can follow much better - the guarantee of that TR is confidence building.

Fears? I recently sprained an ankle at Redrocks and a very nice and incredibly strong future fireman named Noah Wheatley carried me out piggy back (Thanks Noah). There is no way I could have done that - my fear of my partner getting seriously hurt and not having the strength or knowledge for self rescue. Have subsequently picked up the book.

Challenges overcome? I had a ruptured disc (not climbing related) and back surgery two years ago. Have made a full recovery.

Accomplishments? Learning to lead. Giving birth to three children including twins, finishing college after 22 1/2 years as a professional college student, traveling the globe more than a few times, deciding to get a divorce!

Goals- To financially support my kids and I unaided, become a licenced teacher, continue traveling, lead 5.10 within 6 months (a bet with one of my climbing partners), meet as many really neat people as I can, climb all over the states.

Tell! Tell! Tell! Anything else? I run the "Over 25 Climbing Club" at Rock of Ages Climbing Gym in Grand Junction. The club is free and meets Wed. and Fri. evenings in the Autumn, Winter, and Spring. We're working on developing a really friendly community of climbers out here in Western Colorado. Stop in and see us.


Jan 1, 2003, 5:29 AM
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What is your background?
Rockclimbing about 5 years. Iceclimbing 3 seasons. Ski-touring and mountaineering about 7 years.
Favorite type of climbing?
It's all good. Favourites routes are long and adventurous. I like mileage.
Favorite places to climb
Squamish because it's home.
Technical expertise?
I'm self-sufficient.
I don't want anyone to ever say about me that I died doing something I love. Blech.
more alpine climbing, especially in winter.


Jan 2, 2003, 4:17 PM
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Trish here, from beautiful colorado...have only been climbing a few months and am loving it!
Fav. climbing: anything that is a challenge, no style preferance!
Places: i'm pretty limited, so i'd have to say the flatirons
tech: i've been climbing 5.9s lately, mostly top ropes, which leads to my goals..
goals: to learn everything i can and excel - and be able to share my love of climbing with others...(and to learn how to spell!!!)
accomplishments: sucking it up and begging others to climb with me as i don't really know many climbers in my area.

[ This Message was edited by: mtxstream on 2003-01-02 08:18 ]


Jan 21, 2003, 3:37 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I've lived in northwestern PA for all my the same the same house...of course I'm only 15 and my town is the smallest town in exsistence filled with the most narrow minded people.

Favorite type of climbing?

I love any type of climbing...primarily I toprope and boulder...of course I would climb at a gym but the closest one is 2hours away and I can't legally drive...and if you consider it in the climbing group I slackline...

Favorite places to climb and why?

The Mill...I'm kinda partial to it because that's where I first climbed...I like climbing anywhere and everywhere though...

Technical expertise?

ummm...I can settup a toprope...a slackline...and belay...that's about it...


kidding me of absolute with no sound what so ever...

Challenges overcome?

I'm working on coming to school instead of going out climbing...just for a note...I am an A student and accelerated in all my classes...the fact I can skip and still get A's should say something about the school system...


ummm...I climbed a 5.9 my third time out... does that count...


I know for a fact I want to continue climbing until it is physically impossible for me to climb anymore...and I want everyone to know someday I'm going up k2.

Just one more note about the entirty of my small town there might be five people that have been climbing...and because of us climbers being a minority...well I'm the_outsider for more than one reason...but let me tell you they don't know what they are missing...PEACE


Jan 24, 2003, 5:56 PM
Post #65 of 143 (11913 views)

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Background: I grew up in Alabama, one day left my job and decided the south wasn't for me, that night I packed my car and moved to the North Pole aka Ohio, where right now it is a whopping 18 degrees.

Preferred Climbing: Multi-pitch trad!! I love it more than Mountain Dew, I haven't lead it yet, I have only been the cleaner thus far....but leading will come with time and lots of practice. I also love bouldering, and crack climbing....lots and lots of crack!!

Place: Stone Mtn., NC.....though I am going to AZ and to Joshua Tree in February so I have a feeling that will definitely change.

Expertise: making pilsbury orange rolls and how to tape your hands for crack climbing.

Fears: Losing my teeth,(a illogical fear since childhood), having something happen where I could no longer climb, and small confined spaces with people who won't stop talking, rappelling

Challenges overcome: The fear of heights, part of why I started climbing was because I couldn't rationalize being afraid of heights, so I decided to go top-rope, topout and fall. It worked after a few falls.

Accomplishments: Learning that it doesn't matter what others whatever cranks your cheese-wheel. Finally sticking the flesh-pink colored problem at my local gym. Cranking it up the Block route at Stn. Mt., and rapping down when I was ready to cry because I HATE coming down that way.....hate it, hate it, hate it.

Goals: To lead a multi-pitch trad route 5.10 or higher. To clean my apartment and keep it clean. To be nicer to people off the cuff. To have a plant, that, once in my keeping, lives more than one week.



Jan 24, 2003, 6:50 PM
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Hello -
I'm new to the sport, but taking it in eagerly. Born/raised in California, always an outdoors type. I went to school in Chico - skinnydipping in Upper Bidwell and sitting on rocks was my favorite pastime.

I am pretty much a couch potato, but have been known to get exerted while skiing, playing softball, kayaking, hiking, and now - climbing.

It's amazing what a workout you can get bouldering for 20 min. I love using the rock to build strength.

Favorite type of climbing?
It's going to be trad, I think. I love getting roped up. no fear of heights - well, I haven't been up that high yet.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Castle Rock State Park above Skyline.
I'm a beginner, so I don't have a list yet.

Technical expertise?
I'm a good, attentive belayer, have a lot of knowledge about health and joint problems; take a lot of supplements and can recommend healthy treatments for ailments; have taken CPR and first aid; I can carry my own weight; not a whiner; try to keep up.

My fear is getting up somewhere and not being able to get down - the "cat up a tree"; afraid that I only have a couple more "good" years in me.

Challenges overcome?
I have a lot of joint problems and am working with a bad left wrist now, hurt back from a rollerblading fall, and a degenerated cervical disc. I'm amazed that I am as active as I am, with all the aches and pains, but I'm determined to get fit and stronger.

Raised two beautiful daughters who think their mom is a nut for rollerblading/ boating/ climbing at her age.

Learn safety/white water rescue; take an environmental studies class/ spent a couple of weeks on the Rogue River and really get to know the river; find more places to kayak/hike and climb and people to enjoy the outdoors; become more peaceful and serene/never ever let a climber fall.

[ This Message was edited by: watersprite on 2003-01-24 10:54 ]


Feb 6, 2003, 2:28 PM
Post #67 of 143 (11913 views)

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Let's see. I've been climbing for about 3 years now (on-and-off for a while but now i'm addicted). I recently moved from Colorado to DC for the job...but I cannot wait to get back out west--i miss the land so much!

Favorite type of climbing: crimpy slabs, long face climbs, aretes...actually, i like just about everything. I do more sport than trad these days but love doing both. I especially love multi-pitch routes.

Favorite places to climb: all in colorado...South Platte, Lumpy Ridge and Eldo (especially for the views), Shelf road, Ophir wall

Technical: I'm a good belayer/seconder... i lead occassionally and am working on forcing myself to do it more often.

Fears: Leading, leading, leading. I threw myself into leading (trad)when i was just learning to climb and had some scary falls. So now, when i get gripped, i have these flashback moments to those falls. I'm working on it. I know i gotta keep forcing myself to lead to get more comfortable with it. I also get sketched downclimbing.

Challenges overcome/Accomplishments:
I finally feel like i'm working through this plateau i'd been at for a while. Climbing my first 11s and having 10s get a bit easier. Not letting my fears about leading hold me back from doing it. Seeing my technique improve and feeling more graceful in my climbing.

Goals: Simple-to do more climbing. #1 priority is to get back out west (soon!) and spend much more time outdoors than in the gym (now i'm in the gym more often and it bugs me that i feel like i've forgotten about being on real rock!). I wanna keep working on 11s, do some more leading and more trad.

I spend way too much time on this site but it's a great place to learn new things and it constantly reminds me why i love this sport!


Feb 8, 2003, 11:04 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
My name is Aimee. I'm 27 and I live in Flagstaff, AZ with my husband and dog.

Favorite type of climbing?
I like it all, except ice climbing and mixed climbing (glorified chiseling in my opinion.)

Favorite places to climb and why?
Red rocks cause it's close to home and they have it all. Hueco cause it's the best bouldering ever. Maple Canyon cause there's always intermediates and that rock is so cool!

Technical expertise?
I can lead 5.9 on gear and I've done some aid climbing.

Having children

Challenges overcome?
Getting into Physical Therapy school.

Onsighting 5.12a, redpointing 5.12c, bouldering V7

To boulder V10, sport climb 5.13, and lead trad at solid 5.10 consistently. Also to do a big wall. I would love to do an all female trip up The Nose as a tribute to Lynn Hill.

[ This Message was edited by: aimeerose on 2003-02-08 15:14 ]

Partner costellobr

Feb 10, 2003, 9:54 PM
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Feb 11, 2003, 7:01 PM
Post #70 of 143 (11913 views)

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I live in Springfield, Missouri.
Learned to climb in the Uinta mountains on the border of Wyoming and Utah.
Like to boulder and top rope and gym climb. Haven't gotten to climb lately due to surgeries and weather.
Not what most people would call a "hard core" climber, just like to have fun and hike and camp as well. I also love rafting and canoeing. I'm more of an all-around outdoor person. If you're ever going to be around Springfield let me know. Sam's Throne is some good climbing (in Arkansas).


Feb 26, 2003, 7:26 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live/grew up in Beautiful San Diego on the North County Coastline minutes from the Del Mar Race Track. It's a great place to be (minus the expensiveness).
Favorite type of climbing?
I like all climbing...just recently got into bouldering. I enjoy more than anything climbing with my boyfriend and observing our completly differnt climbing styles. It just plain amazes me how we can both finish a route in two completly different ways!
Favorite places to climb and why?
So far he (boyfriend) has only taken me to Joshua Tree, Red Rocks, NV, and locally here in San Diego. I really enjoy climbing at Joshua Tree if you can get on routes. It's been so crowded there lately and the etiquette is going downhill. Other than that, I love those rocks!
Technical expertise?
I've only been climbing for a little over a year now, but feel that I have really progressed.
I found that I'm afraid of standin up after getting to the top of a climb...I guess that would be a heights thing. It's really frustrating! I mean come on! I work really hard to summit only to freak out on top! What's the point? Once I get on the ground, I feel better, but Man oh man...I'm just plain silly! :oops:
Just feeling comfortable with myself on the rock is an accomplishment in my eyes. I know I can do a lot more than I give myself credit for, but don't. I'm getting better with this though...I'm afraid I'll embarass myself.
I want to learn how to lead...not ready yet, but I can't wait!


Feb 26, 2003, 8:39 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Hey ya'll, am I the only female on these boards living in NYC?? Hard to believe...
I hesitated in posting because I'm an absolute beginner, but I think I've fallen in love with this sport so here I am. I'm a native New Yorker and get out of the city as much as possible, I love to hike & XC ski, like camping, skiing, wandering, star-gazing. Sitting on my butt all day at this desk job just gives me more reason to push myself to get up on that wall and climb.
Favorite type of climbing?
Ummm, well, at this point I'd have to say that climbing at a gym kicks ass! 'cause it's all I've done, a total of two times so far. #3 coming up tomorrow, and #4 on Saturday.
Favorite places to climb and why?
I've hiked in and around the Gunks enough to know that it must be one hell of a great place to climb. I hope to get out on real rock this spring/summer myself, if I can find an experienced partner or two with a rack and a car! Anyone want a newbie tagging along? I make great cookies...
Technical expertise?
I brew a mean cup of coffee, build a stylin' web site...oh, you mean climbing expertise? I'm a strong belayer and enjoy doing it. I can tie a figure-eight knot and work a gri-gri. Also a fantastic chalk-dipper. More expertise to follow.
Falling. Not afraid of heights, but I just have trouble belieiving I'll be ok when I totally wipe out.
Failure. Looking like a greenhorn. Not knowing the correct terminology or how to express a question, or what the questions even are.
But really, I'm not afraid of much. I just really like climbing!
So far, my big one is: climbing a wall that angles forward, idea what that's called...but I didn't think I had the strength for it. I am digging how confidence-building this sport is, how my body and my mind can figure out what to do in these interesting situations.


Feb 27, 2003, 12:40 AM
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Hi My name is Lynn. I live in Los Angeles with my climbing partner/boyfriend Ben and my dog Bowie.

What is your background?
I had climbed a few times a few years ago. Loved it but couldn't really get into it for stupid reasons. Been climbing somewhat consistently for 2 years in June.

Favorite type of climbing?
I love all kinds of climbing. In the beginning cracks and laybacks were my enemies but I have grown much more comfortable with both, 4 weekends in a row in Yosemite last summer helped my crack confidence enormously. I love sport and trad climbing. Granite!!! All the other rocks are wonderful also, but there is just something about granite... Technical face stuff. Trying to work on my weaknesses right now.

Favorite Places to Climb?
We road trip as much as possible and go to:
Red Rocks – Black Velvet Canyon and the sport climbing areas near the Visitor Center
Bishop & Mammoth – Owens River Gorge, Happy Boulders, Clark Canyon, Dike Wall, Bear Crag, etc….
Joshua Tree
Southern California - New Jack City, Williamson, Cemetery, Malibu, Echo, etc…

My favorite place? God that’s a hard one – I really love being up in Tahoe, Lover’s Leap is amazing! Fun climbing, granite, easy decent, and a beautiful view. But I really just love getting outside.

Technical expertise?
I'll TR anything. I can lead up to 11b, redpoint 10c sportclimbing. I have just started bouldering - I would never do it before, topping out and getting up high without a rope scared me. I usually down climb, never jump off from the top. I mainly do it for the workout to get stronger for all other forms of climbing - not to tick off high grades. I've followed up to mid 10 on trad and have led 5.8 - scared me silly! Did a wall, Prodigal Son, with my boyfriend last fall in Zion - so much work but one the most rewarding things I have ever done!

Getting really far above my last piece of gear if I'm on lead. I was terrified of climbing anything really overhanging, but have been forcing myself to get on them in the gym and ya know they aren't so bad! I'm getting used to the whole twisty body drop knee thing.

Challenges overcome and Accomplishments
I used to be terrified of heights so being able to sleep on a portaledge was a huge thing for me.

Every time I convince anyone to give climbing a try I feel like I’ve accomplished something grand.

Fun Fun Fun! To climb better. The best thing about climbing is that know matter how good you are there is always something just out of your reach that makes you really push yourself to achieve it.


Feb 27, 2003, 12:44 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I am from MO but now live in AZ
Favorite type of climbing?
Favorite places to climb and why?
Hueco Tanks and I don't know if I need to explain that
Technical expertise?
in what area? I am a chemist
Challenges overcome?
my dissertation defence in a couple of months, an always positive attitude would be nice
nothing important
oh, yeah, I like to outdo myself as often as I can... do it better than I did it the last time


Feb 27, 2003, 3:42 PM
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*34 YO, Austin, Texas. Bouldering only. Don't even try to touch me with them rope thangs. Nosiree.

*Don't know where I like to climb yet because I just started. Actually, I take that back. I like to climb anywhere I can do more than two moves before falling off. I do know that I hate the gym, but I do it because it's what I need to get strong.

*What's 'technical expertise'? *g*

*I'm not afraid of much, but I'm also very careful because I hate getting injured--I get so bored while waiting to recover from injury. So I go low n slow and let the process evolve organically.

*Challenges overcome--failed marriage, sexual assault and overall a helluva difficult life. proud to say it's all under control and I'm rockin'.

*accomplishments: my entire life, everything I do. Goals: to keep learning and growing up to and beyond the day I die.

*anything else? I'm a Feldenkrais teacher, choreographer with a dance company, artist and musician. And I just won a fellowship to a writing retreat. I stay busy!

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