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Why is it called 'sandbagging'?
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Feb 12, 2003, 6:28 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'?
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there seem to be people on this site who literally know everything. i was told a while ago but have forgotton. why is it called sandbagging?

cheers for the answer oh wise sages.


Feb 12, 2003, 6:34 PM
Post #2 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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"Sandbagging" is a poker term, meaning to represent your hand as being weaker than it is. It's not much of a leap to apply the term to climbing; that is, to represent a route as being easier than it is. Now, where poker players got the term...I don't know.



Feb 12, 2003, 6:37 PM
Post #3 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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It's like in those old films when someone gets tricked into walking under a sandbag that holds up a curtain in a theater. The villain drops the sandbag on their head. Probably most used in Laurel and Hardy films or Three Stooges.


Feb 12, 2003, 6:51 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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Cool. So it originated in old movies, got picked up by poker players, and applied to rock climbing.



Feb 12, 2003, 6:54 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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Because teabagging was already taken.


Feb 12, 2003, 6:55 PM
Post #6 of 28 (3911 views)

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I'm not 100% sure if that's really how it originated but it sure sounds good.


Feb 12, 2003, 6:55 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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"sandbagging" in general means making something seem less than it is. I thought it came from when people put down sandbags to stop floodwaters. I'm not sure how it relates to climbing.


Feb 12, 2003, 7:07 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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Sandbagging from


Feb 12, 2003, 7:24 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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I just heard the term last week at a comp. They said no "sandbagging" , meaning you should'nt drop to a lower category just to clean up on the prizes.


Feb 12, 2003, 7:35 PM
Post #10 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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Look at a sandbag. It looks just like a nice, soft pillow, doesn't it? Now take your shoe off and kick it.


Feb 12, 2003, 7:48 PM
Post #11 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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I found this from word detective. See thud. BBCode u1 Start -->

[ This Message was edited by: bigo on 2003-02-12 11:51 ]


Feb 12, 2003, 7:51 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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I think it's origins are older than that, from the days when muggers would hit people with a sap - a sand filled bag. From there it migrated to poker...


Feb 12, 2003, 8:09 PM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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I heard it was from the earlier times during monsoon seasons in India, people tied sandbags to their feet in order to keep from being swept away by flood waters.


Feb 12, 2003, 8:12 PM
Post #14 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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bradhil you read the one above you and acted like you didnt shame on you

[ This Message was edited by: reborne on 2003-02-12 12:12 ]


Feb 12, 2003, 8:25 PM
Post #15 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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Surprised that every one has gotten this all wrong! Allusions to poker? Nonsense! Sand bags during a flood... don't make me lol!
Tieing bags of dirt to Indian feet? Don't swallow that! Soft / hard? Maybe your heads!

Here's the real scope (tm)...

Sandbagging started, as so many of our fine traditions, at the Gunks in the late 50's. It seems the Appies dissatisfaction with the Vulgarians rose to new heights, literally, in that some of these Appies tried to rise to the new level of climbing then being accomplished by the leading climbers like Gran and McCarthy.

The Vulgarians, upon seeing their old foes summoning the nerve to actually try some of their routes, invented this time honored practice out of desperation. Originally, it had a much more literal connotation. Gran I think, was perched atop Skytop one day and saw some Appie attempting to repeat one of his lines. Success was near, or so the story goes. Desperate, Gran filled an old sock he had at hand with some dirt and sand, and threw it at the climber.

It failed of couse. Gran was a much better climber than a baseball player. He missed. But the term stuck. We now use the concept euphemistically, to decribe attempts to thwart success on a climb we hold dear. Gran, to his credit, willingly talked about and demonstrated for any curious onlooker, his sandbagging attempt, with as much theatrics and hyperbole as he could summon. Thus, incidently, was born "The Move" too.

Sand bagging.



Feb 12, 2003, 11:08 PM
Post #16 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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I have no idea if that story is correct or not, but I'm such a fan of the Vulgarians that I'm willing to spray it as being so! Thanks for the story/info!


Feb 12, 2003, 11:42 PM
Post #17 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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I thought it went like this: You start up the climb that suposedly is 5.8, but someone laid a sandbag on you, so with the extra weight, it feels like 5.10


Feb 13, 2003, 1:01 AM
Post #18 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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here's something from wordwizard
This word was originally used as the name of a weapon - the poor man's version of a morning star.

In early use, a bag of sand attached by a string to the end of a staff; also, one similarly attached to the arm of a quintain. In recent use (chiefly U.S.), a weapon used by ruffians, consisting of a long cylindrical bag (sometimes an eelskin) filled with sand, by which a heavy blow may be struck without leaving a mark.

1594 1st Pt. Contention D 1 b, Enter at one doore the Armourer..with a drum before him, and his staffe with a sand~bag fastened to it, and at the other doore, his man with a drum and sand-bagge.

It doesn't appear in its verb form of hitting someone until quite recently.

To fell with a blow from a sandbag. Also fig., to bully or coerce; to criticize or lambaste.

1887 Courier-Jrnl. (Louisville, Kentucky) 2 Feb. 6/2 The next day Claytor turned up at Central Station with a fairy story that he had been sand-bagged on his way home.

Response from Doug Gilbert (Chai Yi - Taiwan


Feb 13, 2003, 1:14 AM
Post #19 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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Oh come on, guys! No one buys the Indian flood story?! That's what I'm sticking to. Or, maybe the mugger thing... I like that one, too.


Feb 13, 2003, 1:34 AM
Post #20 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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As per dingus...
" We now use the concept euphemistically, to decribe attempts to thwart success on a climb we hold dear."

So does giving a route a lower rating than it deserves thwart success? I suppose one might underestimate the difficulty based on the rating, only to fail at the crux due to insufficient planning. Is that the logic??

[ This Message was edited by: cookiecrumb on 2003-02-12 17:34 ]


Feb 13, 2003, 1:45 AM
Post #21 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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The version I've heard is a lot like micronut's- imagine doing the climb you're on but with sandbags tied to your wrists and ankles.


Feb 13, 2003, 2:30 AM
Post #22 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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The term ‘sandbagging’ is an old phrase used in sailboat racing. For trial runs, the crew would stow extra ballast on board -- like sandbags -- to slow the boat down a little. Then the night before the big race, they’d remove the sandbags, adding a critical knot or two in speed. Thus they 'sandbagged' the competition. This was an ideal way to hedge your wagers on race day. I hung with some sailboat racers years ago and they used the term and explained it this way. But maybe they were BS’ing me -- they did consume a lot of grog that night. This phrase is also used in poker, as jt512 pointed out. Same strategy: decieving the competition.

[ This Message was edited by: randonnee on 2003-02-12 18:33 ]

[ This Message was edited by: randonnee on 2003-02-12 18:41 ]

Partner one900johnnyk

Feb 13, 2003, 3:07 AM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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to sandbag is to misrepresent something (usually underrepresenting your abilities)... it is a word. it means something. i always thought that was all? maybe a climber once upon a time had a good command of the english language... is that possible?


Feb 13, 2003, 3:13 AM
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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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johnnyk: NO heheh


Feb 13, 2003, 3:42 AM
Post #25 of 28 (3911 views)

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Why is it called 'sandbagging'? [In reply to]
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I always thought "sandbagging" came from the sandbags used on stages, as someone has mentioned, but the sailing origin is intriguing.

What a pleasure to see Art Gran's name brought up! I knew Art in the later 1950s, and took a photo of him onetime demonstrating "The Move" on the porch of the Ranger's Cabin at Jenny Lake. What a character! Is he still around?

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